1 ///
2 /// Copyright (c) 2012-2017 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved.
3 /// Use of this file is governed by the BSD 3-clause license that
4 /// can be found in the LICENSE.txt file in the project root.
5 ///
8 public class LL1Analyzer {
9     ///
10     /// Special value added to the lookahead sets to indicate that we hit
11     /// a predicate during analysis if `seeThruPreds==false`.
12     ///
13     public let HIT_PRED: Int = CommonToken.INVALID_TYPE
15     public let atn: ATN
17     public init(_ atn: ATN) {
18         self.atn = atn
19     }
21     ///
22     /// Calculates the SLL(1) expected lookahead set for each outgoing transition
23     /// of an _org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATNState_. The returned array has one element for each
24     /// outgoing transition in `s`. If the closure from transition
25     /// __i__ leads to a semantic predicate before matching a symbol, the
26     /// element at index __i__ of the result will be `null`.
27     ///
28     /// - parameter s: the ATN state
29     /// - returns: the expected symbols for each outgoing transition of `s`.
30     ///
getDecisionLookaheadnull31     public func getDecisionLookahead(_ s: ATNState?) -> [IntervalSet?]? {
33         guard let s = s else {
34              return nil
35         }
36         let length = s.getNumberOfTransitions()
37         var look = [IntervalSet?](repeating: nil, count: length)
38         for alt in 0..<length {
39             look[alt] = IntervalSet()
40             var lookBusy = Set<ATNConfig>()
41             let seeThruPreds = false // fail to get lookahead upon pred
42             _LOOK(s.transition(alt).target, nil, PredictionContext.EMPTY,
43                     look[alt]!, &lookBusy, BitSet(), seeThruPreds, false)
44             // Wipe out lookahead for this alternative if we found nothing
45             // or we had a predicate when we !seeThruPreds
46             if look[alt]!.size() == 0 || look[alt]!.contains(HIT_PRED) {
47                 look[alt] = nil
48             }
49         }
50         return look
51     }
53     ///
54     /// Compute set of tokens that can follow `s` in the ATN in the
55     /// specified `ctx`.
56     ///
57     /// If `ctx` is `null` and the end of the rule containing
58     /// `s` is reached, _org.antlr.v4.runtime.Token#EPSILON_ is added to the result set.
59     /// If `ctx` is not `null` and the end of the outermost rule is
60     /// reached, _org.antlr.v4.runtime.Token#EOF_ is added to the result set.
61     ///
62     /// - parameter s: the ATN state
63     /// - parameter ctx: the complete parser context, or `null` if the context
64     /// should be ignored
65     ///
66     /// - returns: The set of tokens that can follow `s` in the ATN in the
67     /// specified `ctx`.
68     ///
LOOKnull69     public func LOOK(_ s: ATNState, _ ctx: RuleContext?) -> IntervalSet {
70         return LOOK(s, nil, ctx)
71     }
73     ///
74     /// Compute set of tokens that can follow `s` in the ATN in the
75     /// specified `ctx`.
76     ///
77     /// If `ctx` is `null` and the end of the rule containing
78     /// `s` is reached, _org.antlr.v4.runtime.Token#EPSILON_ is added to the result set.
79     /// If `ctx` is not `null` and the end of the outermost rule is
80     /// reached, _org.antlr.v4.runtime.Token#EOF_ is added to the result set.
81     ///
82     /// - parameter s: the ATN state
83     /// - parameter stopState: the ATN state to stop at. This can be a
84     /// _org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.BlockEndState_ to detect epsilon paths through a closure.
85     /// - parameter ctx: the complete parser context, or `null` if the context
86     /// should be ignored
87     ///
88     /// - returns: The set of tokens that can follow `s` in the ATN in the
89     /// specified `ctx`.
90     ///
LOOKnull92     public func LOOK(_ s: ATNState, _ stopState: ATNState?, _ ctx: RuleContext?) -> IntervalSet {
93         let r = IntervalSet()
94         let seeThruPreds = true // ignore preds; get all lookahead
95         let lookContext = ctx != nil ? PredictionContext.fromRuleContext(s.atn!, ctx) : nil
96         var config = Set<ATNConfig>()
97         _LOOK(s, stopState, lookContext, r, &config, BitSet(), seeThruPreds, true)
98         return r
99     }
101     ///
102     /// Compute set of tokens that can follow `s` in the ATN in the
103     /// specified `ctx`.
104     ///
105     /// If `ctx` is `null` and `stopState` or the end of the
106     /// rule containing `s` is reached, _org.antlr.v4.runtime.Token#EPSILON_ is added to
107     /// the result set. If `ctx` is not `null` and `addEOF` is
108     /// `true` and `stopState` or the end of the outermost rule is
109     /// reached, _org.antlr.v4.runtime.Token#EOF_ is added to the result set.
110     ///
111     /// - parameter s: the ATN state.
112     /// - parameter stopState: the ATN state to stop at. This can be a
113     /// _org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.BlockEndState_ to detect epsilon paths through a closure.
114     /// - parameter ctx: The outer context, or `null` if the outer context should
115     /// not be used.
116     /// - parameter look: The result lookahead set.
117     /// - parameter lookBusy: A set used for preventing epsilon closures in the ATN
118     /// from causing a stack overflow. Outside code should pass
119     /// `new HashSet<ATNConfig>` for this argument.
120     /// - parameter calledRuleStack: A set used for preventing left recursion in the
121     /// ATN from causing a stack overflow. Outside code should pass
122     /// `new BitSet()` for this argument.
123     /// - parameter seeThruPreds: `true` to true semantic predicates as
124     /// implicitly `true` and "see through them", otherwise `false`
125     /// to treat semantic predicates as opaque and add _#HIT_PRED_ to the
126     /// result if one is encountered.
127     /// - parameter addEOF: Add _org.antlr.v4.runtime.Token#EOF_ to the result if the end of the
128     /// outermost context is reached. This parameter has no effect if `ctx`
129     /// is `null`.
130     ///
131     internal func _LOOK(_ s: ATNState,
132                         _ stopState: ATNState?,
133                         _ ctx: PredictionContext?,
134                         _ look: IntervalSet,
135                         _ lookBusy: inout Set<ATNConfig>,
136                         _ calledRuleStack: BitSet,
137                         _ seeThruPreds: Bool,
138                         _ addEOF: Bool) {
139         // print ("_LOOK(\(s.stateNumber), ctx=\(ctx)");
140         let c = ATNConfig(s, 0, ctx)
141         if lookBusy.contains(c) {
142             return
143         } else {
144             lookBusy.insert(c)
145         }
147         if s == stopState {
148             guard let ctx = ctx else {
149                 try! look.add(CommonToken.EPSILON)
150                 return
151             }
153             if ctx.isEmpty() && addEOF {
154                 try! look.add(CommonToken.EOF)
155                 return
156             }
158         }
160         if s is RuleStopState {
161             guard let ctx = ctx else {
162                 try! look.add(CommonToken.EPSILON)
163                 return
164             }
166             if ctx.isEmpty() && addEOF {
167                 try! look.add(CommonToken.EOF)
168                 return
169             }
171             if ctx != PredictionContext.EMPTY {
172                 // run thru all possible stack tops in ctx
173                 let length = ctx.size()
174                 for i in 0..<length {
175                     let returnState = atn.states[(ctx.getReturnState(i))]!
176                     let removed = try! calledRuleStack.get(returnState.ruleIndex!)
177                     try! calledRuleStack.clear(returnState.ruleIndex!)
178                     _LOOK(returnState, stopState, ctx.getParent(i), look, &lookBusy, calledRuleStack, seeThruPreds, addEOF)
179                     if removed {
180                         try! calledRuleStack.set(returnState.ruleIndex!)
181                     }
182                 }
183                 return
184             }
185         }
187         let n = s.getNumberOfTransitions()
188         for i in 0..<n {
189             let t = s.transition(i)
190             if let rt = t as? RuleTransition {
191                 if try! calledRuleStack.get(rt.target.ruleIndex!) {
192                     continue
193                 }
195                 let newContext = SingletonPredictionContext.create(ctx, rt.followState.stateNumber)
196                 try! calledRuleStack.set(rt.target.ruleIndex!)
197                 _LOOK(t.target, stopState, newContext, look, &lookBusy, calledRuleStack, seeThruPreds, addEOF)
198                 try! calledRuleStack.clear(rt.target.ruleIndex!)
199             }
200             else if t is AbstractPredicateTransition {
201                 if seeThruPreds {
202                     _LOOK(t.target, stopState, ctx, look, &lookBusy, calledRuleStack, seeThruPreds, addEOF)
203                 } else {
204                     try! look.add(HIT_PRED)
205                 }
206             }
207             else if t.isEpsilon() {
208                 _LOOK(t.target, stopState, ctx, look, &lookBusy, calledRuleStack, seeThruPreds, addEOF)
209             }
210             else if t is WildcardTransition {
211                 try! look.addAll(IntervalSet.of(CommonToken.MIN_USER_TOKEN_TYPE, atn.maxTokenType))
212             }
213             else {
214                 var set = t.labelIntervalSet()
215                 if set != nil {
216                     if t is NotSetTransition {
217                         set = set!.complement(IntervalSet.of(CommonToken.MIN_USER_TOKEN_TYPE, atn.maxTokenType)) as? IntervalSet
218                     }
219                     try! look.addAll(set)
220                 }
221             }
222         }
223     }
224 }