2layout: "docs"
3page_title: "Transit - Secrets Engines"
4sidebar_title: "Transit"
5sidebar_current: "docs-secrets-transit"
6description: |-
7  The transit secrets engine for Vault encrypts/decrypts data in-transit. It doesn't store any secrets.
10# Transit Secrets Engine
12The transit secrets engine handles cryptographic functions on data in-transit.
13Vault doesn't store the data sent to the secrets engine. It can also be viewed
14as "cryptography as a service" or "encryption as a service". The transit secrets
15engine can also sign and verify data; generate hashes and HMACs of data; and act
16as a source of random bytes.
18The primary use case for `transit` is to encrypt data from applications while
19still storing that encrypted data in some primary data store. This relieves the
20burden of proper encryption/decryption from application developers and pushes
21the burden onto the operators of Vault.
23Key derivation is supported, which allows the same key to be used for multiple
24purposes by deriving a new key based on a user-supplied context value. In this
25mode, convergent encryption can optionally be supported, which allows the same
26input values to produce the same ciphertext.
28Datakey generation allows processes to request a high-entropy key of a given
29bit length be returned to them, encrypted with the named key. Normally this will
30also return the key in plaintext to allow for immediate use, but this can be
31disabled to accommodate auditing requirements.
33## Working Set Management
35This secrets engine does not currently delete keys. Keys that are out of the
36working set (earlier than a key's specified `min_decryption_version` are
37instead archived. This is a performance consideration to keep key loading fast,
38as well as a security consideration: by disallowing decryption of old versions
39of keys, found ciphertext corresponding to obsolete (but sensitive) data can
40not be decrypted by most users, but in an emergency the
41`min_decryption_version` can be moved back to allow for legitimate decryption.
43Currently this archive is stored in a single storage entry. With some storage
44backends, notably those using Raft or Paxos for HA capabilities, frequent
45rotation may lead to a storage entry size for the archive that is larger than
46the storage backend can handle. For frequent rotation needs, using named keys
47that correspond to time bounds (e.g. five-minute periods floored to the closest
48multiple of five) may provide a good alternative, allowing for several keys to
49be live at once and a deterministic way to decide which key to use at any given
52## Key Types
54As of now, the transit secrets engine supports the following key types (all key
55types also generate separate HMAC keys):
57* `aes256-gcm96`: AES-GCM with a 256-bit AES key and a 96-bit nonce; supports
58  encryption, decryption, key derivation, and convergent encryption
59* `chacha20-poly1305`: ChaCha20-Poly1305 with a 256-bit key; supports
60  encryption, decryption, key derivation, and convergent encryption
61* `ed25519`: Ed25519; supports signing, signature verification, and key
62  derivation
63* `ecdsa-p256`: ECDSA using curve P256; supports signing and signature
64  verification
65* `rsa-2048`: 2048-bit RSA key; supports encryption, decryption, signing, and
66  signature verification
67* `rsa-4096`: 4096-bit RSA key; supports encryption, decryption, signing, and
68  signature verification
70## Convergent Encryption
72Convergent encryption is a mode where the same set of plaintext+context always
73result in the same ciphertext. It does this by deriving a key using a key
74derivation function but also by deterministically deriving a nonce. Because
75these properties differ for any combination of plaintext and ciphertext over a
76keyspace the size of 2^256, the risk of nonce reuse is near zero.
78This has many practical uses. A key usage mode is to allow values to be stored
79encrypted in a database, but with limited lookup/query support, so that rows
80with the same value for a specific field can be returned from a query.
82To accommodate for any needed upgrades to the algorithm, different versions of
83convergent encryption have historically been supported:
85* Version 1 required the client to provide their own nonce, which is highly
86  flexible but if done incorrectly can be dangerous. This was only in Vault
87  0.6.1, and keys using this version cannot be upgraded.
88* Version 2 used an algorithmic approach to deriving the parameters. However,
89  the algorithm used was susceptible to offline plaintext-confirmation attacks,
90  which could allow attackers to brute force decryption if the plaintext size
91  was small. Keys using version 2 can be upgraded by simply performing a rotate
92  operation to a new key version; existing values can then be rewrapped against
93  the new key version and will use the version 3 algorithm.
94* Version 3 uses a different algorithm designed to be resistant to offline
95  plaintext-confirmation attacks. It is similar to AES-SIV in that it uses a
96  PRF to generate the nonce from the plaintext.
98## Setup
100Most secrets engines must be configured in advance before they can perform their
101functions. These steps are usually completed by an operator or configuration
102management tool.
1041. Enable the Transit secrets engine:
106    ```text
107    $ vault secrets enable transit
108    Success! Enabled the transit secrets engine at: transit/
109    ```
111    By default, the secrets engine will mount at the name of the engine. To
112    enable the secrets engine at a different path, use the `-path` argument.
1141. Create a named encryption key:
116    ```text
117    $ vault write -f transit/keys/my-key
118    Success! Data written to: transit/keys/my-key
119    ```
121    Usually each application has its own encryption key.
123## Usage
125After the secrets engine is configured and a user/machine has a Vault token with
126the proper permission, it can use this secrets engine.
1281. Encrypt some plaintext data using the `/encrypt` endpoint with a named key:
130    ```text
131    $ vault write transit/encrypt/my-key plaintext=$(base64 <<< "my secret data")
133    Key           Value
134    ---           -----
135    ciphertext    vault:v1:8SDd3WHDOjf7mq69CyCqYjBXAiQQAVZRkFM13ok481zoCmHnSeDX9vyf7w==
136    ```
138    All plaintext data **must be base64-encoded**. The reason for this
139    requirement is that Vault does not require that the plaintext is "text". It
140    could be a binary file such as a PDF or image. The easiest safe transport
141    mechanism for this data as part of a JSON payload is to base64-encode it.
143    Note that Vault does not _store_ any of this data. The caller is responsible
144    for storing the encrypted ciphertext. When the caller wants the plaintext,
145    it must provide the ciphertext back to Vault to decrypt the value.
147    !> Vault HTTP API imposes a maximum request size of 32MB to prevent a denial
148    of service attack. This can be tuned per [`listener`
149    block](/docs/configuration/listener/tcp.html) in the Vault server
150    configuration.
1521. Decrypt a piece of data using the `/decrypt` endpoint with a named key:
154    ```text
155    $ vault write transit/decrypt/my-key ciphertext=vault:v1:8SDd3WHDOjf7mq69CyCqYjBXAiQQAVZRkFM13ok481zoCmHnSeDX9vyf7w==
157    Key          Value
158    ---          -----
159    plaintext    bXkgc2VjcmV0IGRhdGEK
160    ```
162    The resulting data is base64-encoded (see the note above for details on
163    why). Decode it to get the raw plaintext:
165    ```text
166    $ base64 --decode <<< "bXkgc2VjcmV0IGRhdGEK"
167    my secret data
168    ```
170    It is also possible to script this decryption using some clever shell
171    scripting in one command:
173    ```text
174    $ vault write -field=plaintext transit/decrypt/my-key ciphertext=... | base64 --decode
175    my secret data
176    ```
178    Using ACLs, it is possible to restrict using the transit secrets engine such
179    that trusted operators can manage the named keys, and applications can only
180    encrypt or decrypt using the named keys they need access to.
1821. Rotate the underlying encryption key. This will generate a new encryption key
183and add it to the keyring for the named key:
185    ```text
186    $ vault write -f transit/keys/my-key/rotate
187    Success! Data written to: transit/keys/my-key/rotate
188    ```
190    Future encryptions will use this new key. Old data can still be decrypted
191    due to the use of a key ring.
1931. Upgrade already-encrypted data to a new key. Vault will decrypt the value
194using the appropriate key in the keyring and then encrypted the resulting
195plaintext with the newest key in the keyring.
197    ```text
198    $ vault write transit/rewrap/my-key ciphertext=vault:v1:8SDd3WHDOjf7mq69CyCqYjBXAiQQAVZRkFM13ok481zoCmHnSeDX9vyf7w==
200    Key           Value
201    ---           -----
202    ciphertext    vault:v2:0VHTTBb2EyyNYHsa3XiXsvXOQSLKulH+NqS4eRZdtc2TwQCxqJ7PUipvqQ==
203    ```
205    This process **does not** reveal the plaintext data. As such, a Vault policy
206    could grant almost an untrusted process the ability to "rewrap" encrypted
207    data, since the process would not be able to get access to the plaintext
208    data.
210## API
212The Transit secrets engine has a full HTTP API. Please see the
213[Transit secrets engine API](/api/secret/transit/index.html) for more