2Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors.
4Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6You may obtain a copy of the License at
8    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14limitations under the License.
17package bootstrap
19import (
20	"context"
21	"crypto"
22	"crypto/sha512"
23	"crypto/x509"
24	"crypto/x509/pkix"
25	"encoding/base64"
26	"errors"
27	"fmt"
28	"os"
29	"path/filepath"
30	"time"
32	"k8s.io/klog/v2"
34	certificatesv1 "k8s.io/api/certificates/v1"
35	"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/types"
36	utilruntime "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/runtime"
37	"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/wait"
38	clientset "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes"
39	"k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/scheme"
40	restclient "k8s.io/client-go/rest"
41	"k8s.io/client-go/tools/clientcmd"
42	clientcmdapi "k8s.io/client-go/tools/clientcmd/api"
43	"k8s.io/client-go/transport"
44	certutil "k8s.io/client-go/util/cert"
45	"k8s.io/client-go/util/certificate"
46	"k8s.io/client-go/util/certificate/csr"
47	"k8s.io/client-go/util/keyutil"
50const tmpPrivateKeyFile = "kubelet-client.key.tmp"
52// LoadClientConfig tries to load the appropriate client config for retrieving certs and for use by users.
53// If bootstrapPath is empty, only kubeconfigPath is checked. If bootstrap path is set and the contents
54// of kubeconfigPath are valid, both certConfig and userConfig will point to that file. Otherwise the
55// kubeconfigPath on disk is populated based on bootstrapPath but pointing to the location of the client cert
56// in certDir. This preserves the historical behavior of bootstrapping where on subsequent restarts the
57// most recent client cert is used to request new client certs instead of the initial token.
58func LoadClientConfig(kubeconfigPath, bootstrapPath, certDir string) (certConfig, userConfig *restclient.Config, err error) {
59	if len(bootstrapPath) == 0 {
60		clientConfig, err := loadRESTClientConfig(kubeconfigPath)
61		if err != nil {
62			return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to load kubeconfig: %v", err)
63		}
64		klog.V(2).InfoS("No bootstrapping requested, will use kubeconfig")
65		return clientConfig, restclient.CopyConfig(clientConfig), nil
66	}
68	store, err := certificate.NewFileStore("kubelet-client", certDir, certDir, "", "")
69	if err != nil {
70		return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to build bootstrap cert store")
71	}
73	ok, err := isClientConfigStillValid(kubeconfigPath)
74	if err != nil {
75		return nil, nil, err
76	}
78	// use the current client config
79	if ok {
80		clientConfig, err := loadRESTClientConfig(kubeconfigPath)
81		if err != nil {
82			return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to load kubeconfig: %v", err)
83		}
84		klog.V(2).InfoS("Current kubeconfig file contents are still valid, no bootstrap necessary")
85		return clientConfig, restclient.CopyConfig(clientConfig), nil
86	}
88	bootstrapClientConfig, err := loadRESTClientConfig(bootstrapPath)
89	if err != nil {
90		return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to load bootstrap kubeconfig: %v", err)
91	}
93	clientConfig := restclient.AnonymousClientConfig(bootstrapClientConfig)
94	pemPath := store.CurrentPath()
95	clientConfig.KeyFile = pemPath
96	clientConfig.CertFile = pemPath
97	if err := writeKubeconfigFromBootstrapping(clientConfig, kubeconfigPath, pemPath); err != nil {
98		return nil, nil, err
99	}
100	klog.V(2).InfoS("Use the bootstrap credentials to request a cert, and set kubeconfig to point to the certificate dir")
101	return bootstrapClientConfig, clientConfig, nil
104// LoadClientCert requests a client cert for kubelet if the kubeconfigPath file does not exist.
105// The kubeconfig at bootstrapPath is used to request a client certificate from the API server.
106// On success, a kubeconfig file referencing the generated key and obtained certificate is written to kubeconfigPath.
107// The certificate and key file are stored in certDir.
108func LoadClientCert(ctx context.Context, kubeconfigPath, bootstrapPath, certDir string, nodeName types.NodeName) error {
109	// Short-circuit if the kubeconfig file exists and is valid.
110	ok, err := isClientConfigStillValid(kubeconfigPath)
111	if err != nil {
112		return err
113	}
114	if ok {
115		klog.V(2).InfoS("Kubeconfig exists and is valid, skipping bootstrap", "path", kubeconfigPath)
116		return nil
117	}
119	klog.V(2).InfoS("Using bootstrap kubeconfig to generate TLS client cert, key and kubeconfig file")
121	bootstrapClientConfig, err := loadRESTClientConfig(bootstrapPath)
122	if err != nil {
123		return fmt.Errorf("unable to load bootstrap kubeconfig: %v", err)
124	}
126	bootstrapClient, err := clientset.NewForConfig(bootstrapClientConfig)
127	if err != nil {
128		return fmt.Errorf("unable to create certificates signing request client: %v", err)
129	}
131	store, err := certificate.NewFileStore("kubelet-client", certDir, certDir, "", "")
132	if err != nil {
133		return fmt.Errorf("unable to build bootstrap cert store")
134	}
136	var keyData []byte
137	if cert, err := store.Current(); err == nil {
138		if cert.PrivateKey != nil {
139			keyData, err = keyutil.MarshalPrivateKeyToPEM(cert.PrivateKey)
140			if err != nil {
141				keyData = nil
142			}
143		}
144	}
145	// Cache the private key in a separate file until CSR succeeds. This has to
146	// be a separate file because store.CurrentPath() points to a symlink
147	// managed by the store.
148	privKeyPath := filepath.Join(certDir, tmpPrivateKeyFile)
149	if !verifyKeyData(keyData) {
150		klog.V(2).InfoS("No valid private key and/or certificate found, reusing existing private key or creating a new one")
151		// Note: always call LoadOrGenerateKeyFile so that private key is
152		// reused on next startup if CSR request fails.
153		keyData, _, err = keyutil.LoadOrGenerateKeyFile(privKeyPath)
154		if err != nil {
155			return err
156		}
157	}
159	if err := waitForServer(ctx, *bootstrapClientConfig, 1*time.Minute); err != nil {
160		klog.InfoS("Error waiting for apiserver to come up", "err", err)
161	}
163	certData, err := requestNodeCertificate(ctx, bootstrapClient, keyData, nodeName)
164	if err != nil {
165		return err
166	}
167	if _, err := store.Update(certData, keyData); err != nil {
168		return err
169	}
170	if err := os.Remove(privKeyPath); err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
171		klog.V(2).InfoS("Failed cleaning up private key file", "path", privKeyPath, "err", err)
172	}
174	return writeKubeconfigFromBootstrapping(bootstrapClientConfig, kubeconfigPath, store.CurrentPath())
177func writeKubeconfigFromBootstrapping(bootstrapClientConfig *restclient.Config, kubeconfigPath, pemPath string) error {
178	// Get the CA data from the bootstrap client config.
179	caFile, caData := bootstrapClientConfig.CAFile, []byte{}
180	if len(caFile) == 0 {
181		caData = bootstrapClientConfig.CAData
182	}
184	// Build resulting kubeconfig.
185	kubeconfigData := clientcmdapi.Config{
186		// Define a cluster stanza based on the bootstrap kubeconfig.
187		Clusters: map[string]*clientcmdapi.Cluster{"default-cluster": {
188			Server:                   bootstrapClientConfig.Host,
189			InsecureSkipTLSVerify:    bootstrapClientConfig.Insecure,
190			CertificateAuthority:     caFile,
191			CertificateAuthorityData: caData,
192		}},
193		// Define auth based on the obtained client cert.
194		AuthInfos: map[string]*clientcmdapi.AuthInfo{"default-auth": {
195			ClientCertificate: pemPath,
196			ClientKey:         pemPath,
197		}},
198		// Define a context that connects the auth info and cluster, and set it as the default
199		Contexts: map[string]*clientcmdapi.Context{"default-context": {
200			Cluster:   "default-cluster",
201			AuthInfo:  "default-auth",
202			Namespace: "default",
203		}},
204		CurrentContext: "default-context",
205	}
207	// Marshal to disk
208	return clientcmd.WriteToFile(kubeconfigData, kubeconfigPath)
211func loadRESTClientConfig(kubeconfig string) (*restclient.Config, error) {
212	// Load structured kubeconfig data from the given path.
213	loader := &clientcmd.ClientConfigLoadingRules{ExplicitPath: kubeconfig}
214	loadedConfig, err := loader.Load()
215	if err != nil {
216		return nil, err
217	}
218	// Flatten the loaded data to a particular restclient.Config based on the current context.
219	return clientcmd.NewNonInteractiveClientConfig(
220		*loadedConfig,
221		loadedConfig.CurrentContext,
222		&clientcmd.ConfigOverrides{},
223		loader,
224	).ClientConfig()
227// isClientConfigStillValid checks the provided kubeconfig to see if it has a valid
228// client certificate. It returns true if the kubeconfig is valid, or an error if bootstrapping
229// should stop immediately.
230func isClientConfigStillValid(kubeconfigPath string) (bool, error) {
231	_, err := os.Stat(kubeconfigPath)
232	if os.IsNotExist(err) {
233		return false, nil
234	}
235	if err != nil {
236		return false, fmt.Errorf("error reading existing bootstrap kubeconfig %s: %v", kubeconfigPath, err)
237	}
238	bootstrapClientConfig, err := loadRESTClientConfig(kubeconfigPath)
239	if err != nil {
240		utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("unable to read existing bootstrap client config from %s: %v", kubeconfigPath, err))
241		return false, nil
242	}
243	transportConfig, err := bootstrapClientConfig.TransportConfig()
244	if err != nil {
245		utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("unable to load transport configuration from existing bootstrap client config read from %s: %v", kubeconfigPath, err))
246		return false, nil
247	}
248	// has side effect of populating transport config data fields
249	if _, err := transport.TLSConfigFor(transportConfig); err != nil {
250		utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("unable to load TLS configuration from existing bootstrap client config read from %s: %v", kubeconfigPath, err))
251		return false, nil
252	}
253	certs, err := certutil.ParseCertsPEM(transportConfig.TLS.CertData)
254	if err != nil {
255		utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("unable to load TLS certificates from existing bootstrap client config read from %s: %v", kubeconfigPath, err))
256		return false, nil
257	}
258	if len(certs) == 0 {
259		utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("unable to read TLS certificates from existing bootstrap client config read from %s: %v", kubeconfigPath, err))
260		return false, nil
261	}
262	now := time.Now()
263	for _, cert := range certs {
264		if now.After(cert.NotAfter) {
265			utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("part of the existing bootstrap client certificate in %s is expired: %v", kubeconfigPath, cert.NotAfter))
266			return false, nil
267		}
268	}
269	return true, nil
272// verifyKeyData returns true if the provided data appears to be a valid private key.
273func verifyKeyData(data []byte) bool {
274	if len(data) == 0 {
275		return false
276	}
277	_, err := keyutil.ParsePrivateKeyPEM(data)
278	return err == nil
281func waitForServer(ctx context.Context, cfg restclient.Config, deadline time.Duration) error {
282	cfg.NegotiatedSerializer = scheme.Codecs.WithoutConversion()
283	cfg.Timeout = 1 * time.Second
284	cli, err := restclient.UnversionedRESTClientFor(&cfg)
285	if err != nil {
286		return fmt.Errorf("couldn't create client: %v", err)
287	}
289	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, deadline)
290	defer cancel()
292	var connected bool
293	wait.JitterUntil(func() {
294		if _, err := cli.Get().AbsPath("/healthz").Do(ctx).Raw(); err != nil {
295			klog.InfoS("Failed to connect to apiserver", "err", err)
296			return
297		}
298		cancel()
299		connected = true
300	}, 2*time.Second, 0.2, true, ctx.Done())
302	if !connected {
303		return errors.New("timed out waiting to connect to apiserver")
304	}
305	return nil
308// requestNodeCertificate will create a certificate signing request for a node
309// (Organization and CommonName for the CSR will be set as expected for node
310// certificates) and send it to API server, then it will watch the object's
311// status, once approved by API server, it will return the API server's issued
312// certificate (pem-encoded). If there is any errors, or the watch timeouts, it
313// will return an error. This is intended for use on nodes (kubelet and
314// kubeadm).
315func requestNodeCertificate(ctx context.Context, client clientset.Interface, privateKeyData []byte, nodeName types.NodeName) (certData []byte, err error) {
316	subject := &pkix.Name{
317		Organization: []string{"system:nodes"},
318		CommonName:   "system:node:" + string(nodeName),
319	}
321	privateKey, err := keyutil.ParsePrivateKeyPEM(privateKeyData)
322	if err != nil {
323		return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid private key for certificate request: %v", err)
324	}
325	csrData, err := certutil.MakeCSR(privateKey, subject, nil, nil)
326	if err != nil {
327		return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to generate certificate request: %v", err)
328	}
330	usages := []certificatesv1.KeyUsage{
331		certificatesv1.UsageDigitalSignature,
332		certificatesv1.UsageKeyEncipherment,
333		certificatesv1.UsageClientAuth,
334	}
336	// The Signer interface contains the Public() method to get the public key.
337	signer, ok := privateKey.(crypto.Signer)
338	if !ok {
339		return nil, fmt.Errorf("private key does not implement crypto.Signer")
340	}
342	name, err := digestedName(signer.Public(), subject, usages)
343	if err != nil {
344		return nil, err
345	}
347	reqName, reqUID, err := csr.RequestCertificate(client, csrData, name, certificatesv1.KubeAPIServerClientKubeletSignerName, nil, usages, privateKey)
348	if err != nil {
349		return nil, err
350	}
352	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 3600*time.Second)
353	defer cancel()
355	klog.V(2).InfoS("Waiting for client certificate to be issued")
356	return csr.WaitForCertificate(ctx, client, reqName, reqUID)
359// This digest should include all the relevant pieces of the CSR we care about.
360// We can't directly hash the serialized CSR because of random padding that we
361// regenerate every loop and we include usages which are not contained in the
362// CSR. This needs to be kept up to date as we add new fields to the node
363// certificates and with ensureCompatible.
364func digestedName(publicKey interface{}, subject *pkix.Name, usages []certificatesv1.KeyUsage) (string, error) {
365	hash := sha512.New512_256()
367	// Here we make sure two different inputs can't write the same stream
368	// to the hash. This delimiter is not in the base64.URLEncoding
369	// alphabet so there is no way to have spill over collisions. Without
370	// it 'CN:foo,ORG:bar' hashes to the same value as 'CN:foob,ORG:ar'
371	const delimiter = '|'
372	encode := base64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString
374	write := func(data []byte) {
375		hash.Write([]byte(encode(data)))
376		hash.Write([]byte{delimiter})
377	}
379	publicKeyData, err := x509.MarshalPKIXPublicKey(publicKey)
380	if err != nil {
381		return "", err
382	}
383	write(publicKeyData)
385	write([]byte(subject.CommonName))
386	for _, v := range subject.Organization {
387		write([]byte(v))
388	}
389	for _, v := range usages {
390		write([]byte(v))
391	}
393	return fmt.Sprintf("node-csr-%s", encode(hash.Sum(nil))), nil