1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2021 Jakub Kruszona-Zawadzki, Core Technology Sp. z o.o.
3  *
4  * This file is part of MooseFS.
5  *
6  * MooseFS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  * the Free Software Foundation, version 2 (only).
9  *
10  * MooseFS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  * GNU General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16  * along with MooseFS; if not, write to the Free Software
17  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1301, USA
18  * or visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
19  */
21 #if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H)
22 #  include "config.h"
23 #endif
25 #if defined(__NetBSD__)
26 #  define _KMEMUSER
27 #endif
29 #include <sys/types.h>
30 #if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__)
31 #  include <sys/sysctl.h>
32 #endif
33 #if defined(__FreeBSD__)
34 #  include <sys/user.h>
35 #endif
37 #include <unistd.h>
38 #include <stdio.h>
39 #include <stdlib.h>
40 #include <string.h>
41 #include <inttypes.h>
42 #include <pthread.h>
44 #include "massert.h"
45 #include "getgroups.h"
46 #include "portable.h"
47 #include "clocks.h"
49 static pthread_t main_thread;
50 static int keep_alive;
get_groups(pid_t pid,gid_t gid,uint32_t ** gidtab)52 uint32_t get_groups(pid_t pid,gid_t gid,uint32_t **gidtab) {
53 #if defined(__linux__)
54 // Linux - supplementary groups are in file:
55 // /proc/<PID>/status
56 // line:
57 // Groups: <GID1>  <GID2> <GID3> ...
58 //
59 // NetBSD - supplementary groups are in file:
60 // /proc/<PID>/status
61 // as comma separated list of gids at end of (single) line.
62 	char proc_filename[50];
63 	char linebuff[4096];
64 	char *ptr;
65 	uint32_t gcount,n;
66 	gid_t g;
67 	FILE *fd;
69 	snprintf(proc_filename,50,"/proc/%d/status",pid);
71 	fd = fopen(proc_filename,"r");
72 	if (fd==NULL) {
73 		*gidtab = malloc(sizeof(uint32_t)*1);
74 		passert(*gidtab);
75 		(*gidtab)[0] = gid;
76 		return 1;
77 	}
78 	while (fgets(linebuff,4096,fd)) {
79 		if (strncmp(linebuff,"Groups:",7)==0) {
80 			gcount = 1;
81 			ptr = linebuff+7;
82 			do {
83 				while (*ptr==' ' || *ptr=='\t') {
84 					ptr++;
85 				}
86 				if (*ptr>='0' && *ptr<='9') {
87 					g = strtoul(ptr,&ptr,10);
88 					if (g!=gid) {
89 						gcount++;
90 					}
91 				}
92 			} while (*ptr==' ' || *ptr=='\t');
93 			*gidtab = malloc(sizeof(uint32_t)*gcount);
94 			passert(*gidtab);
95 			(*gidtab)[0] = gid;
96 			n = 1;
97 			ptr = linebuff+7;
98 			do {
99 				while (*ptr==' ' || *ptr=='\t') {
100 					ptr++;
101 				}
102 				if (*ptr>='0' && *ptr<='9') {
103 					g = strtoul(ptr,&ptr,10);
104 					if (g!=gid) {
105 						(*gidtab)[n] = g;
106 						n++;
107 					}
108 				}
109 			} while ((*ptr==' ' || *ptr=='\t') && n<gcount);
110 			fclose(fd);
111 			return n;
112 		}
113 	}
114 	fclose(fd);
115 #elif defined(__sun__) || defined(__sun)
116 // Solaris - supplementary groups are in file:
117 // /proc/<PID>/cred
118 // binary format:
119 // euid:32 ruid:32 suid:32 egid:32 rgid:32 sgid:32 groups:32 gid_1:32 gid_2:32 ...
120 //
121 // the only problem ... only root can access this files for all processes !!!
122 	char proc_filename[50];
123 	uint32_t credbuff[1024];
124 	uint32_t gcount,gids,n;
125 	FILE *fd;
127 	snprintf(proc_filename,50,"/proc/%d/proc",pid);
129 	fd = fopen(proc_filename,"rb");
130 	if (fd==NULL) {
131 		*gidtab = malloc(sizeof(uint32_t)*1);
132 		passert(*gidtab);
133 		(*gidtab)[0] = gid;
134 		return 1;
135 	}
137 	n = fread(credbuff,sizeof(uint32_t),1024,fd);
139 	fclose(fd);
141 	if (n<7) {
142 		*gidtab = malloc(sizeof(uint32_t)*1);
143 		passert(*gidtab);
144 		(*gidtab)[0] = gid;
145 		return 1;
146 	}
148 	gcount = credbuff[6];
149 	if (gcount==n-7 && gcount>0) {
150 		gids = 1;
151 		for (n=0 ; n<gcount ; n++) {
152 			if (credbuff[n+7]!=gid) {
153 				gids++;
154 			}
155 		}
157 		*gidtab = malloc(sizeof(uint32_t)*gids);
158 		passert(*gidtab);
159 		(*gidtab)[0] = gid;
160 		gids = 1;
161 		for (n=0 ; n<gcount ; n++) {
162 			if (credbuff[n+7]!=gid) {
163 				(*gidtab)[gids] = credbuff[n+7];
164 				gids++;
165 			}
166 		}
167 		return gids;
168 	}
169 #elif defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__)
170 // BSD-like - supplementary groups can be obtained from sysctl:
171 // kern.proc.pid.<PID>
172 	int mibpath[4];
173 	struct kinfo_proc kp;
174 	size_t kplen;
175 	uint32_t gcount,gids,n;
177 #if defined(CTL_KERN) && defined(KERN_PROC) && defined(KERN_PROC_PID)
178 	mibpath[0] = CTL_KERN;
179 	mibpath[1] = KERN_PROC;
180 	mibpath[2] = KERN_PROC_PID;
181 #else
182 	kplen = 4;
183 	sysctlnametomib("kern.proc.pid", mibpath, &kplen);
184 #endif
185 	mibpath[3] = pid;
187 	kplen = sizeof(kp);
188 	memset(&kp,0,sizeof(kp));
189 	if (sysctl(mibpath,4,&kp,&kplen,NULL,0) == 0) {
190 #if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__NetBSD__)
191 		gcount = kp.kp_eproc.e_ucred.cr_ngroups;
192 		gids = 1;
193 		for (n=0 ; n<gcount ; n++) {
194 			if (kp.kp_eproc.e_ucred.cr_groups[n]!=gid) {
195 				gids++;
196 			}
197 		}
198 		*gidtab = malloc(sizeof(uint32_t)*gids);
199 		passert(*gidtab);
200 		(*gidtab)[0] = gid;
201 		gids = 1;
202 		for (n=0 ; n<gcount ; n++) {
203 			if (kp.kp_eproc.e_ucred.cr_groups[n]!=gid) {
204 				(*gidtab)[gids] = kp.kp_eproc.e_ucred.cr_groups[n];
205 				gids++;
206 			}
207 		}
208 		return gids;
209 #else /* FreeBSD */
210 		gcount = kp.ki_ngroups;
211 		gids = 1;
212 		for (n=0 ; n<gcount ; n++) {
213 			if (kp.ki_groups[n]!=gid) {
214 				gids++;
215 			}
216 		}
217 		*gidtab = malloc(sizeof(uint32_t)*gids);
218 		passert(*gidtab);
219 		(*gidtab)[0] = gid;
220 		gids = 1;
221 		for (n=0 ; n<gcount ; n++) {
222 			if (kp.ki_groups[n]!=gid) {
223 				(*gidtab)[gids] = kp.ki_groups[n];
224 				gids++;
225 			}
226 		}
227 		return gids;
228 #endif
229 	}
230 #endif
231 	(void)pid;
232 	*gidtab = malloc(sizeof(uint32_t)*1);
233 	passert(*gidtab);
234 	(*gidtab)[0] = gid;
235 	return 1;
236 }
238 #define HASHSIZE 65536
239 #define HASHFN(pid,uid,gid) (((pid*0x74BF4863+uid)*0xB435C489+gid)%(HASHSIZE))
241 static groups** groups_hashtab;
242 static double to;
243 static pthread_mutex_t glock;
245 static int debug_mode;
groups_remove(groups * g)247 static inline void groups_remove(groups *g) {
248 	*(g->prev) = g->next;
249 	if (g->next) {
250 		g->next->prev = g->prev;
251 	}
252 	if (g->gidtab!=NULL) {
253 		free(g->gidtab);
254 	}
255 	free(g);
256 }
groups_get_x(pid_t pid,uid_t uid,gid_t gid,uint8_t lockmode)258 groups* groups_get_x(pid_t pid,uid_t uid,gid_t gid,uint8_t lockmode) {
259 	double t;
260 	uint32_t h;
261 	groups *g,*gn,*gf;
262 	if (debug_mode) {
263 		fprintf(stderr,"groups_get(pid=%"PRIu32",uid=%"PRIu32",gid=%"PRIu32")\n",(uint32_t)pid,(uint32_t)uid,(uint32_t)gid);
264 	}
265 	zassert(pthread_mutex_lock(&glock));
266 	t = monotonic_seconds();
267 	h = HASHFN(pid,uid,gid);
268 //	fprintf(stderr,"groups_get hash: %"PRIu32"\n",h);
269 	for (gf = NULL,g = groups_hashtab[h] ; g!=NULL ; g = gn) {
270 		gn = g->next;
271 		if (g->time + to < t && lockmode==0 && g->locked==0 && g->lcnt==0) {
272 //			fprintf(stderr,"groups_get remove node (%"PRIu32",%"PRIu32",%"PRIu32") insert_time: %.3lf ; current_time: %.3lf ; timeout: %.3lf\n",g->pid,g->uid,g->gid,g->time,t,to);
273 			groups_remove(g);
274 		} else {
275 //			fprintf(stderr,"groups_get check node (%"PRIu32",%"PRIu32",%"PRIu32")\n",g->pid,g->uid,g->gid);
276 			if (g->pid==pid && g->uid==uid && g->gid==gid) {
277 				gf = g;
278 			}
279 		}
280 	}
281 	g = gf;
282 	if (g) {
283 		if (debug_mode) {
284 			fprintf(stderr,"groups_get(pid=%"PRIu32",uid=%"PRIu32",gid=%"PRIu32") - found data in cache\n",(uint32_t)pid,(uint32_t)uid,(uint32_t)gid);
285 		}
286 		g->lcnt++;
287 		if (lockmode==1) {
288 			g->locked = 1;
289 			if (debug_mode) {
290 				fprintf(stderr,"groups_get(pid=%"PRIu32",uid=%"PRIu32",gid=%"PRIu32") - lock cache\n",(uint32_t)pid,(uint32_t)uid,(uint32_t)gid);
291 			}
292 		}
293 		if (g->lcnt==1 && g->locked==0 && g->uid==0) { // refresh groups for user 'root' - only root can change groups
294 			if (debug_mode) {
295 				fprintf(stderr,"groups_get(pid=%"PRIu32",uid=%"PRIu32",gid=%"PRIu32") - refresh cache\n",(uint32_t)pid,(uint32_t)uid,(uint32_t)gid);
296 			}
297 			if (g->gidtab) {
298 				free(g->gidtab);
299 			}
300 			g->gidcnt = get_groups(pid,gid,&(g->gidtab));
301 		}
302 		if (lockmode==2) {
303 			g->locked = 0;
304 			if (debug_mode) {
305 				fprintf(stderr,"groups_get(pid=%"PRIu32",uid=%"PRIu32",gid=%"PRIu32") - unlock cache\n",(uint32_t)pid,(uint32_t)uid,(uint32_t)gid);
306 			}
307 		}
308 	} else {
309 		g = malloc(sizeof(groups));
310 		g->time = t;
311 		g->pid = pid;
312 		g->uid = uid;
313 		g->gid = gid;
314 		g->lcnt = 1;
315 		if (lockmode==1) { // emergency case
316 			if (debug_mode) {
317 				fprintf(stderr,"groups_get(pid=%"PRIu32",uid=%"PRIu32",gid=%"PRIu32") - emergency mode\n",(uint32_t)pid,(uint32_t)uid,(uint32_t)gid);
318 			}
319 			g->gidtab = malloc(sizeof(uint32_t));
320 			g->gidtab[0] = gid;
321 			g->gidcnt = 1;
322 			g->locked = 1;
323 		} else {
324 			g->gidcnt = get_groups(pid,gid,&(g->gidtab));
325 			g->locked = 0;
326 		}
327 		g->next = groups_hashtab[h];
328 		if (g->next) {
329 			g->next->prev = &(g->next);
330 		}
331 		g->prev = groups_hashtab+h;
332 		groups_hashtab[h] = g;
333 //		fprintf(stderr,"groups_get insert node (%"PRIu32",%"PRIu32",%"PRIu32")\n",g->pid,g->uid,g->gid);
334 	}
335 	zassert(pthread_mutex_unlock(&glock));
336 	if (debug_mode) {
337 		fprintf(stderr,"groups_get(pid=%"PRIu32",uid=%"PRIu32",gid=%"PRIu32"):",(uint32_t)pid,(uint32_t)uid,(uint32_t)gid);
338 		for (h=0 ; h<g->gidcnt ; h++) {
339 			fprintf(stderr,"%c%"PRIu32,(h==0)?'(':',',g->gidtab[h]);
340 		}
341 		if (g->gidcnt==0) {
342 			fprintf(stderr,"EMPTY\n");
343 		} else {
344 			fprintf(stderr,")\n");
345 		}
346 	}
347 	return g;
348 }
groups_rel(groups * g)350 void groups_rel(groups* g) {
351 	zassert(pthread_mutex_lock(&glock));
352 	if (g->lcnt>0) {
353 		g->lcnt--;
354 	}
355 	zassert(pthread_mutex_unlock(&glock));
356 }
groups_cleanup_thread(void * arg)358 void* groups_cleanup_thread(void* arg) {
359 	static uint32_t h = 0;
360 	uint32_t i;
361 	double t;
362 	groups *g,*gn;
363 	int ka = 1;
364 	while (ka) {
365 		zassert(pthread_mutex_lock(&glock));
366 		t = monotonic_seconds();
367 		for (i=0 ; i<16 ; i++) {
368 			for (g = groups_hashtab[h] ; g!=NULL ; g = gn) {
369 				gn = g->next;
370 				if (g->time + to < t && g->locked==0 && g->lcnt==0) {
371 					groups_remove(g);
372 				}
373 			}
374 			h++;
375 			h%=HASHSIZE;
376 		}
377 		ka = keep_alive;
378 		zassert(pthread_mutex_unlock(&glock));
379 		portable_usleep(10000);
380 	}
381 	return arg;
382 }
384 /*
385 void* groups_debug_thread(void* arg) {
386 	uint32_t i,j,k;
387 	uint32_t l,u;
388 	groups *g;
389 	while (1) {
390 		zassert(pthread_mutex_lock(&glock));
391 		k = 0;
392 		l = 0;
393 		u = 0;
394 		for (i=0 ; i<HASHSIZE ; i++) {
395 			j = 0;
396 			if (groups_hashtab[i]!=NULL) {
397 				l++;
398 			}
399 			for (g = groups_hashtab[i] ; g!=NULL ; g = g->next) {
400 				j++;
401 				u++;
402 				fprintf(stderr,"hashpos: %"PRIu32" ; pid: %"PRIu32" ; uid: %"PRIu32" ; gid: %"PRIu32" ; time: %.6lf ; lcnt: %"PRIu32" ; locked: %"PRIu32" ; gidcnt: %"PRIu32"\n",i,g->pid,g->uid,g->gid,g->time,g->lcnt,g->locked,g->gidcnt);
403 			}
404 			if (j>k) {
405 				k=j;
406 			}
407 		}
408 		fprintf(stderr,"malloc cnt: %"PRIu32" ; free cnt: %"PRIu32" ; maxchain: %"PRIu32" ; used hashtab entries: %"PRIu32" ; data entries: %"PRIu32" ; avgchain: %.2lf / %.2lf\n",mallocs,frees,k,l,u,(double)(u)/(double)(HASHSIZE),(double)(u)/(double)(l));
409 		zassert(pthread_mutex_unlock(&glock));
410 		sleep(5);
411 	}
412 	return arg;
413 }
414 */
groups_term(void)416 void groups_term(void) {
417 	uint32_t i;
418 #ifdef __clang_analyzer__
419 	groups *gn;
420 #endif
421 	zassert(pthread_mutex_lock(&glock));
422 	keep_alive = 0;
423 	zassert(pthread_mutex_unlock(&glock));
424 	pthread_join(main_thread,NULL);
425 	zassert(pthread_mutex_lock(&glock));
426 	for (i=0 ; i<HASHSIZE ; i++) {
427 		while (groups_hashtab[i]) {
428 #ifdef __clang_analyzer__
429 			gn = groups_hashtab[i]->next;
430 #endif
431 			groups_remove(groups_hashtab[i]);
432 #ifdef __clang_analyzer__
433 			// groups_hashtab[i] is changed by using 'prev' pointer, so after groups_remove variable groups_hashtab[i] has different value and can be used in while !!!
434 			groups_hashtab[i] = gn;
435 #endif
436 		}
437 	}
438 	free(groups_hashtab);
439 	zassert(pthread_mutex_unlock(&glock));
440 	zassert(pthread_mutex_destroy(&glock));
441 }
groups_init(double _to,int dm)443 void groups_init(double _to,int dm) {
444 	uint32_t i;
445 	debug_mode = dm;
446 	zassert(pthread_mutex_init(&glock,NULL));
447 	groups_hashtab = malloc(sizeof(groups*)*HASHSIZE);
448 	passert(groups_hashtab);
449 	for (i=0 ; i<HASHSIZE ; i++) {
450 		groups_hashtab[i] = NULL;
451 	}
452 	to = _to;
453 	keep_alive = 1;
454 	pthread_create(&main_thread,NULL,groups_cleanup_thread,NULL);
455 //	pthread_create(&t,NULL,groups_debug_thread,NULL);
456 }
458 /*
459 #include <stdio.h>
460 #include "strerr.h"
462 int main(int argc,char *argv[]) {
463 	groups *g;
464 	pid_t pid;
465 	uid_t uid;
466 	gid_t gid;
467 	uint32_t n;
469 	strerr_init();
470 	if (argc==2) {
471 		pid = strtoul(argv[1],NULL,10);
472 		uid = getuid();
473 		gid = getgid();
474 	} else if (argc==4) {
475 		pid = strtoul(argv[1],NULL,10);
476 		uid = strtoul(argv[2],NULL,10);
477 		gid = strtoul(argv[3],NULL,10);
478 	} else {
479 		pid = getpid();
480 		uid = getuid();
481 		gid = getgid();
482 	}
484 	groups_init(1.0,0);
485 	printf("pid: %d ; uid: %d ; gid: %d\n",pid,uid,gid);
486 	g = groups_get(pid,uid,gid);
487 	for (n=0 ; n<g->gidcnt ; n++) {
488 		printf("gid_%"PRIu32": %d\n",n,g->gidtab[n]);
489 	}
490 	groups_rel(g);
491 	return 0;
492 }
493 */