1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2021 Jakub Kruszona-Zawadzki, Core Technology Sp. z o.o.
3  *
4  * This file is part of MooseFS.
5  *
6  * MooseFS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  * the Free Software Foundation, version 2 (only).
9  *
10  * MooseFS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  * GNU General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16  * along with MooseFS; if not, write to the Free Software
17  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1301, USA
18  * or visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
19  */
21 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
22 #include "config.h"
23 #endif
25 #include <stdio.h>
26 #include <stdarg.h>
27 #include <syslog.h>
28 #include <string.h>
29 #include <stdlib.h>
30 #include <unistd.h>
31 #include <fcntl.h>
32 #include <sys/stat.h>
34 #include "changelog.h"
35 #include "metadata.h"
36 #include "massert.h"
37 #include "bgsaver.h"
38 #include "main.h"
39 #include "slogger.h"
40 #include "matomlserv.h"
41 #include "cfg.h"
43 #define MAXLOGLINESIZE 200000U
44 #define MAXLOGNUMBER 1000U
45 static uint32_t BackLogsNumber;
46 static FILE *currentfd;
49 #define OLD_CHANGES_BLOCK_SIZE 5000
51 typedef struct old_changes_entry {
52 	uint64_t version;
53 	uint32_t length;
54 	uint8_t *data;
55 } old_changes_entry;
57 typedef struct old_changes_block {
58 	old_changes_entry old_changes_block [OLD_CHANGES_BLOCK_SIZE];
59 	uint32_t entries;
60 	uint32_t mintimestamp;
61 	uint64_t minversion;
62 	struct old_changes_block *next;
63 } old_changes_block;
65 static old_changes_block *old_changes_head=NULL;
66 static old_changes_block *old_changes_current=NULL;
68 static uint16_t ChangelogSecondsToRemember;
70 static uint8_t ChangelogSaveMode;
73 #define SAVEMODE_ASYNC 1
74 #define SAVEMODE_SYNC 2
changelog_old_changes_free_block(old_changes_block * oc)76 static inline void changelog_old_changes_free_block(old_changes_block *oc) {
77 	uint32_t i;
78 	for (i=0 ; i<oc->entries ; i++) {
79 		free(oc->old_changes_block[i].data);
80 	}
81 	free(oc);
82 }
changelog_store_logstring(uint64_t version,uint8_t * logstr,uint32_t logstrsize)84 static inline void changelog_store_logstring(uint64_t version,uint8_t *logstr,uint32_t logstrsize) {
85 	old_changes_block *oc;
86 	old_changes_entry *oce;
87 	uint32_t ts;
89 	matomlserv_broadcast_logstring(version,logstr,logstrsize);
90 //	matomaserv_broadcast_logstring(version,(uint8_t*)printbuff,leng);
92 	if (ChangelogSecondsToRemember==0) {
93 		while (old_changes_head) {
94 			oc = old_changes_head->next;
95 			changelog_old_changes_free_block(old_changes_head);
96 			old_changes_head = oc;
97 		}
98 		return;
99 	}
100 	if (old_changes_current==NULL || old_changes_head==NULL || old_changes_current->entries>=OLD_CHANGES_BLOCK_SIZE) {
101 		oc = malloc(sizeof(old_changes_block));
102 		passert(oc);
103 		ts = main_time();
104 		oc->entries = 0;
105 		oc->minversion = version;
106 		oc->mintimestamp = ts;
107 		oc->next = NULL;
108 		if (old_changes_current==NULL || old_changes_head==NULL) {
109 			old_changes_head = old_changes_current = oc;
110 		} else {
111 			old_changes_current->next = oc;
112 			old_changes_current = oc;
113 		}
114 		while (old_changes_head && old_changes_head->next && old_changes_head->next->mintimestamp+ChangelogSecondsToRemember<ts) {
115 			oc = old_changes_head->next;
116 			changelog_old_changes_free_block(old_changes_head);
117 			old_changes_head = oc;
118 		}
119 	}
120 	oc = old_changes_current;
121 	oce = oc->old_changes_block + oc->entries;
122 	oce->version = version;
123 	oce->length = logstrsize;
124 	oce->data = malloc(logstrsize);
125 	passert(oce->data);
126 	memcpy(oce->data,logstr,logstrsize);
127 	oc->entries++;
128 }
changelog_get_old_changes(uint64_t version,void (* sendfn)(void *,uint64_t,uint8_t *,uint32_t),void * userdata,uint32_t limit)130 uint32_t changelog_get_old_changes(uint64_t version,void (*sendfn)(void *,uint64_t,uint8_t *,uint32_t),void *userdata,uint32_t limit) {
131 	old_changes_block *oc;
132 	old_changes_entry *oce;
133 	uint8_t start=0;
134 	uint32_t i,j;
136 	j=0;
137 	for (oc=old_changes_head ; oc ; oc=oc->next) {
138 		if (oc->minversion<=version && (oc->next==NULL || oc->next->minversion>version)) {
139 			start=1;
140 		}
141 		if (start) {
142 			for (i=0 ; i<oc->entries ; i++) {
143 				oce = oc->old_changes_block + i;
144 				if (version<=oce->version) {
145 					if (j<limit) {
146 						sendfn(userdata,oce->version,oce->data,oce->length);
147 						j++;
148 					} else {
149 						return j;
150 					}
151 				}
152 			}
153 		}
154 	}
155 	return j;
156 }
changelog_get_minversion(void)158 uint64_t changelog_get_minversion(void) {
159 	if (old_changes_head==NULL) {
160 		return meta_version();
161 	}
162 	return old_changes_head->minversion;
163 }
changelog_rotate()165 void changelog_rotate() {
166 	if (ChangelogSaveMode==0) {
167 		bgsaver_rotatelog();
168 	} else {
169 		char logname1[100],logname2[100];
170 		uint32_t i;
171 		if (currentfd) {
172 			if (ChangelogSaveMode==2) {
173 				fsync(fileno(currentfd));
174 			}
175 			fclose(currentfd);
176 			currentfd=NULL;
177 		}
178 		if (BackLogsNumber>0) {
179 			for (i=BackLogsNumber ; i>0 ; i--) {
180 				snprintf(logname1,100,"changelog.%"PRIu32".mfs",i);
181 				snprintf(logname2,100,"changelog.%"PRIu32".mfs",i-1);
182 				rename(logname2,logname1);
183 			}
184 		} else {
185 			unlink("changelog.0.mfs");
186 		}
187 	}
188 	matomlserv_broadcast_logrotate();
189 }
changelog_mr(uint64_t version,const char * data)191 void changelog_mr(uint64_t version,const char *data) {
192 	if (ChangelogSaveMode==0) {
193 		bgsaver_changelog(version,data);
194 	} else {
195 		if (currentfd==NULL) {
196 			currentfd = fopen("changelog.0.mfs","a");
197 			if (!currentfd) {
198 				syslog(LOG_NOTICE,"lost MFS change %"PRIu64": %s",version,data);
199 			}
200 		}
202 		if (currentfd) {
203 			fprintf(currentfd,"%"PRIu64": %s\n",version,data);
204 			fflush(currentfd);
205 			if (ChangelogSaveMode==2) {
206 				fsync(fileno(currentfd));
207 			}
208 		}
209 	}
210 }
changelog(const char * format,...)212 void changelog(const char *format,...) {
213 	static char printbuff[MAXLOGLINESIZE];
214 	va_list ap;
215 	uint32_t leng;
217 	uint64_t version = meta_version_inc();
219 	va_start(ap,format);
220 	leng = vsnprintf(printbuff,MAXLOGLINESIZE,format,ap);
221 	va_end(ap);
222 	if (leng>=MAXLOGLINESIZE) {
223 		printbuff[MAXLOGLINESIZE-1]='\0';
225 	} else {
226 		leng++;
227 	}
229 	changelog_mr(version,printbuff);
230 	changelog_store_logstring(version,(uint8_t*)printbuff,leng);
231 }
changelog_generate_gids(uint32_t gids,uint32_t * gid)233 char* changelog_generate_gids(uint32_t gids,uint32_t *gid) {
234 	static char *gidstr = NULL;
235 	static uint32_t gidstr_size = 0;
236 	uint32_t i,l;
238 	i = ((gids/32)+1)*32;
239 	i *= 11;
240 	i += 10;
241 	if (i>gidstr_size || gidstr==NULL) {
242 		if (gidstr!=NULL) {
243 			free(gidstr);
244 		}
245 		gidstr = malloc(i);
246 		passert(gidstr);
247 		gidstr_size = i;
248 	}
249 	l = 0;
250 	gidstr[l++] = '[';
251 	for (i=0 ; i<gids ; i++) {
252 		if (l<gidstr_size) {
253 			l += snprintf(gidstr+l,gidstr_size-l,"%"PRIu32,gid[i]);
254 		}
255 		if (l<gidstr_size) {
256 			gidstr[l++] = (i+1<gids)?',':']';
257 		}
258 	}
259 	if (l<gidstr_size) {
260 		gidstr[l++]='\0';
261 	}
262 	return gidstr;
263 }
changelog_escape_name(uint32_t nleng,const uint8_t * name)265 char* changelog_escape_name(uint32_t nleng,const uint8_t *name) {
266 	static char *escname[2]={NULL,NULL};
267 	static uint32_t escnamesize[2]={0,0};
268 	static uint8_t buffid=0;
269 	char *currescname=NULL;
270 	uint32_t i;
271 	uint8_t c;
272 	buffid = 1-buffid;
273 	i = nleng;
274 	i = i*3+1;
275 	if (i>escnamesize[buffid] || i==0) {
276 		escnamesize[buffid] = ((i/1000)+1)*1000;
277 		if (escname[buffid]!=NULL) {
278 			free(escname[buffid]);
279 		}
280 		escname[buffid] = malloc(escnamesize[buffid]);
281 		passert(escname[buffid]);
282 	}
283 	i = 0;
284 	currescname = escname[buffid];
285 	passert(currescname);
286 	while (nleng>0) {
287 		c = *name;
288 		if (c<32 || c>=127 || c==',' || c=='%' || c=='(' || c==')') {
289 			currescname[i++]='%';
290 			currescname[i++]="0123456789ABCDEF"[(c>>4)&0xF];
291 			currescname[i++]="0123456789ABCDEF"[c&0xF];
292 		} else {
293 			currescname[i++]=c;
294 		}
295 		name++;
296 		nleng--;
297 	}
298 	currescname[i]=0;
299 	return currescname;
300 }
changelog_reload(void)303 void changelog_reload(void) {
304 	BackLogsNumber = cfg_getuint32("BACK_LOGS",50);
305 	if (BackLogsNumber>MAXLOGNUMBER) {
306 		mfs_syslog(LOG_WARNING,"BACK_LOGS value too big !!!");
307 		BackLogsNumber = MAXLOGNUMBER;
308 	}
309 	ChangelogSecondsToRemember = cfg_getuint16("CHANGELOG_PRESERVE_SECONDS",1800);
310 	if (ChangelogSecondsToRemember>15000) {
311 		mfs_arg_syslog(LOG_WARNING,"Number of seconds of change logs to be preserved in master is too big (%"PRIu16") - decreasing to 15000 seconds",ChangelogSecondsToRemember);
312 		ChangelogSecondsToRemember=15000;
313 	}
314 	ChangelogSaveMode = cfg_getuint8("CHANGELOG_SAVE_MODE",0);
315 	if (ChangelogSaveMode>2) {
316 		mfs_syslog(LOG_WARNING,"CHANGELOG_SAVE_MODE - wrong value - using 0 (write in background)");
317 		ChangelogSaveMode = 0;
318 	}
319 }
changelog_init(void)321 int changelog_init(void) {
322 	changelog_reload();
323 	main_reload_register(changelog_reload);
324 	currentfd = NULL;
325 	return 0;
326 }
changelog_findfirstversion(const char * fname)328 uint64_t changelog_findfirstversion(const char *fname) {
329 	uint8_t buff[50];
330 	int32_t s,p;
331 	uint64_t fv;
332 	int fd;
334 	fd = open(fname,O_RDONLY);
335 	if (fd<0) {
336 		return 0;
337 	}
338 	s = read(fd,buff,50);
339 	close(fd);
340 	if (s<=0) {
341 		return 0;
342 	}
343 	fv = 0;
344 	p = 0;
345 	while (p<s && buff[p]>='0' && buff[p]<='9') {
346 		fv *= 10;
347 		fv += buff[p]-'0';
348 		p++;
349 	}
350 	if (p>=s || buff[p]!=':') {
351 		return 0;
352 	}
353 	return fv;
354 }
changelog_findlastversion(const char * fname)356 uint64_t changelog_findlastversion(const char *fname) {
357 	struct stat st;
358 	uint8_t buff[32800]; // 32800 = 32768 + 32
359 	uint64_t size;
360 	uint32_t buffpos;
361 	uint64_t lastnewline,lv;
362 	int fd;
364 	fd = open(fname,O_RDONLY);
365 	if (fd<0) {
366 		return 0;
367 	}
368 	fstat(fd,&st);
369 	size = st.st_size;
370 	memset(buff,0,32);
371 	lastnewline = 0;
372 	while (size>0 && size+200000>(uint64_t)(st.st_size)) {
373 		if (size>32768) {
374 			memcpy(buff+32768,buff,32);
375 			size-=32768;
376 			lseek(fd,size,SEEK_SET);
377 			if (read(fd,buff,32768)!=32768) {
378 				close(fd);
379 				return 0;
380 			}
381 			buffpos = 32768;
382 		} else {
383 			memmove(buff+size,buff,32);
384 			lseek(fd,0,SEEK_SET);
385 			if (read(fd,buff,size)!=(ssize_t)size) {
386 				close(fd);
387 				return 0;
388 			}
389 			buffpos = size;
390 			size = 0;
391 		}
392 		// size = position in file of first byte in buff
393 		// buffpos = position of last byte in buff to search
394 		while (buffpos>0) {
395 			buffpos--;
396 			if (buff[buffpos]=='\n' || (size + buffpos)==0) {
397 				if (lastnewline==0) {
398 					lastnewline = size + buffpos;
399 				} else {
400 					if (lastnewline+1 != (uint64_t)(st.st_size)) { // garbage at the end of file
401 						close(fd);
402 						return 0;
403 					}
404 					if ((size + buffpos)>0) {
405 						buffpos++;
406 					}
407 					lv = 0;
408 					while (buffpos<32800 && buff[buffpos]>='0' && buff[buffpos]<='9') {
409 						lv *= 10;
410 						lv += buff[buffpos]-'0';
411 						buffpos++;
412 					}
413 					if (buffpos==32800 || buff[buffpos]!=':') {
414 						lv = 0;
415 					}
416 					close(fd);
417 					return lv;
418 				}
419 			}
420 		}
421 	}
422 	close(fd);
423 	return 0;
424 }
changelog_checkname(const char * fname)426 int changelog_checkname(const char *fname) {
427 	const char *ptr = fname;
428 	if (strncmp(ptr,"changelog.",10)==0) {
429 		ptr+=10;
430 		if (*ptr>='0' && *ptr<='9') {
431 			while (*ptr>='0' && *ptr<='9') {
432 				ptr++;
433 			}
434 			if (strcmp(ptr,".mfs")==0) {
435 				return 1;
436 			}
437 		}
438 	} else if (strncmp(ptr,"changelog_ml.",13)==0) {
439 		ptr+=13;
440 		if (*ptr>='0' && *ptr<='9') {
441 			while (*ptr>='0' && *ptr<='9') {
442 				ptr++;
443 			}
444 			if (strcmp(ptr,".mfs")==0) {
445 				return 1;
446 			}
447 		}
448 	} else if (strncmp(ptr,"changelog_ml_back.",18)==0) {
449 		ptr+=18;
450 		if (*ptr>='0' && *ptr<='9') {
451 			while (*ptr>='0' && *ptr<='9') {
452 				ptr++;
453 			}
454 			if (strcmp(ptr,".mfs")==0) {
455 				return 1;
456 			}
457 		}
458 	}
459 	return 0;
460 }