1 /*****************************************************************************\
2  *  $Id$
3  *****************************************************************************
4  *  $LSDId: hostlist.h 7428 2008-05-23 16:08:31Z grondo $
5  *****************************************************************************
6  *  Copyright (C) 2002 The Regents of the University of California.
7  *  Produced at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (cf, DISCLAIMER).
8  *  Written by Mark Grondona <mgrondona@llnl.gov>
9  *  UCRL-CODE-2002-040.
10  *
11  *  This file is part of SLURM, a resource management program.
12  *  For details, see <http://www.llnl.gov/linux/slurm/>.
13  *
14  *  SLURM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
15  *  the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
16  *  Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
17  *  any later version.
18  *
19  *  SLURM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
20  *  WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
21  *  FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
22  *  details.
23  *
24  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
25  *  with SLURM; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
26  *  59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA.
27 \*****************************************************************************/
29 #ifndef _HOSTLIST_H
30 #define _HOSTLIST_H
32 #include <unistd.h>
34 /* Notes:
35  *
36  * If WITH_LSD_FATAL_ERROR_FUNC is defined, the linker will expect to
37  * find and external lsd_fatal_error(file,line,mesg) function. By default,
38  * lsd_fatal_error(file,line,mesg) is a macro definition that outputs an
39  * error message to stderr. This macro may be redefined to invoke another
40  * routine instead. e.g.:
41  *
42  *    #define lsd_fatal_error(file,line,mesg)  \
43  *              error("%s:%s %s\n",file,line,mesg);
44  *
45  * If WITH_LSD_NOMEM_ERROR_FUNC is defined, the linker will expect to
46  * find an external lsd_nomem_error(file,line,mesg) function. By default,
47  * lsd_nomem_error(file,line,mesg) is a macro definition that returns NULL.
48  * This macro may be redefined to invoke another routine instead.
49  *
50  * If WITH_PTHREADS is defined, these routines will be thread-safe.
51  *
52  */
54 /* The hostlist opaque data type
55  *
56  * A hostlist is a list of hostnames optimized for a prefixXXXX style
57  * naming convention, where XXXX  is a decimal, numeric suffix.
58  */
59 typedef struct hostlist * hostlist_t;
61 /* A hostset is a special case of a hostlist. It:
62  *
63  * 1. never contains duplicates
64  * 2. is always sorted
65  *    (Note: sort occurs first on alphanumeric prefix -- where prefix
66  *     matches, numeric suffixes will be sorted *by value*)
67  */
68 typedef struct hostset * hostset_t;
70 /* The hostlist iterator type (may be used with a hostset as well)
71  * used for non-destructive access to hostlist members.
72  *
73  */
74 typedef struct hostlist_iterator * hostlist_iterator_t;
76 /* ----[ hostlist_t functions: ]---- */
78 /* ----[ hostlist creation and destruction ]---- */
80 /*
81  * hostlist_create():
82  *
83  * Create a new hostlist from a string representation.
84  *
85  * The string representation (str) may contain one or more hostnames or
86  * bracketed hostlists separated by either `,' or whitespace. A bracketed
87  * hostlist is denoted by a common prefix followed by a list of numeric
88  * ranges contained within brackets: e.g. "tux[0-5,12,20-25]"
89  *
90  * Note: if this module is compiled with WANT_RECKLESS_HOSTRANGE_EXPANSION
91  * defined, a much more loose interpretation of host ranges is used.
92  * Reckless hostrange expansion allows all of the following (in addition to
93  * bracketed hostlists):
94  *
95  *  o tux0-5,tux12,tux20-25
96  *  o tux0-tux5,tux12,tux20-tux25
97  *  o tux0-5,12,20-25
98  *
99  * If str is NULL, and empty hostlist is created and returned.
100  *
101  * If the create fails, hostlist_create() returns NULL.
102  *
103  * The returned hostlist must be freed with hostlist_destroy()
104  *
105  */
106 hostlist_t hostlist_create(const char *hostlist);
108 /* hostlist_copy():
109  *
110  * Allocate a copy of a hostlist object. Returned hostlist must be freed
111  * with hostlist_destroy.
112  */
113 hostlist_t hostlist_copy(const hostlist_t hl);
115 /* hostlist_destroy():
116  *
117  * Destroy a hostlist object. Frees all memory allocated to the hostlist.
118  */
119 void hostlist_destroy(hostlist_t hl);
122 /* ----[ hostlist list operations ]---- */
124 /* hostlist_push():
125  *
126  * push a string representation of hostnames onto a hostlist.
127  *
128  * The hosts argument may take the same form as in hostlist_create()
129  *
130  * Returns the number of hostnames inserted into the list,
131  * or 0 on failure.
132  */
133 int hostlist_push(hostlist_t hl, const char *hosts);
136 /* hostlist_push_host():
137  *
138  * Push a single host onto the hostlist hl.
139  * This function is more efficient than hostlist_push() for a single
140  * hostname, since the argument does not need to be checked for ranges.
141  *
142  * return value is 1 for success, 0 for failure.
143  */
144 int hostlist_push_host(hostlist_t hl, const char *host);
147 /* hostlist_push_list():
148  *
149  * Push a hostlist (hl2) onto another list (hl1)
150  *
151  * Returns 1 for success, 0 for failure.
152  *
153  */
154 int hostlist_push_list(hostlist_t hl1, hostlist_t hl2);
157 /* hostlist_pop():
158  *
159  * Returns the string representation of the last host pushed onto the list
160  * or NULL if hostlist is empty or there was an error allocating memory.
161  * The host is removed from the hostlist.
162  *
163  * Note: Caller is responsible for freeing the returned memory.
164  */
165 char * hostlist_pop(hostlist_t hl);
168 char * hostlist_nth(hostlist_t hl, int n);
170 /* hostlist_shift():
171  *
172  * Returns the string representation of the first host in the hostlist
173  * or NULL if the hostlist is empty or there was an error allocating memory.
174  * The host is removed from the hostlist.
175  *
176  * Note: Caller is responsible for freeing the returned memory.
177  */
178 char * hostlist_shift(hostlist_t hl);
181 /* hostlist_pop_range():
182  *
183  * Pop the last bracketed list of hosts of the hostlist hl.
184  * Returns the string representation in bracketed list form.
185  * All hosts associated with the returned list are removed
186  * from hl.
187  *
188  * Caller is responsible for freeing returned memory
189  */
190 char * hostlist_pop_range(hostlist_t hl);
192 /* hostlist_shift_range():
193  *
194  * Shift the first bracketed hostlist (improperly: range) off the
195  * hostlist hl. Returns the string representation in bracketed list
196  * form. All hosts associated with the list are removed from the
197  * hostlist.
198  *
199  * Caller is responsible for freeing returned memory.
200  */
201 char * hostlist_shift_range(hostlist_t hl);
204 /* hostlist_find():
205  *
206  * Searches hostlist hl for the first host matching hostname
207  * and returns position in list if found.
208  *
209  * Returns -1 if host is not found.
210  *
211  */
212 int hostlist_find(hostlist_t hl, const char *hostname);
214 /* hostlist_delete():
215  *
216  * Deletes all hosts in the list represented by `hosts'
217  *
218  * Returns the number of hosts successfully deleted
219  */
220 int hostlist_delete(hostlist_t hl, const char *hosts);
223 /* hostlist_delete_host():
224  *
225  * Deletes the first host that matches `hostname' from the hostlist hl.
226  * Note: "hostname" argument cannot contain a range of hosts
227  *       (see hostlist_delete() for this functionality.)
228  *
229  * Returns 1 if successful, 0 if hostname is not found in list.
230  */
231 int hostlist_delete_host(hostlist_t hl, const char *hostname);
234 /* hostlist_delete_nth():
235  *
236  * Deletes the host from position n in the hostlist.
237  *
238  * Returns 1 if successful 0 on error.
239  *
240  */
241 int hostlist_delete_nth(hostlist_t hl, int n);
244 /* hostlist_count():
245  *
246  * Return the number of hosts in hostlist hl.
247  */
248 int hostlist_count(hostlist_t hl);
250 /* hostlist_is_empty(): return true if hostlist is empty. */
251 #define hostlist_is_empty(__hl) ( hostlist_count(__hl) == 0 )
253 /* ----[ Other hostlist operations ]---- */
255 /* hostlist_sort():
256  *
257  * Sort the hostlist hl.
258  *
259  */
260 void hostlist_sort(hostlist_t hl);
262 /* hostlist_uniq():
263  *
264  * Sort the hostlist hl and remove duplicate entries.
265  *
266  */
267 void hostlist_uniq(hostlist_t hl);
270 /* ----[ hostlist print functions ]---- */
272 /* hostlist_ranged_string():
273  *
274  * Write the string representation of the hostlist hl into buf,
275  * writing at most n chars. Returns the number of bytes written,
276  * or -1 if truncation occurred.
277  *
278  * The result will be NULL terminated.
279  *
280  * hostlist_ranged_string() will write a bracketed hostlist representation
281  * where possible.
282  */
283 ssize_t hostlist_ranged_string(hostlist_t hl, size_t n, char *buf);
284 ssize_t hostset_ranged_string(hostset_t hs, size_t n, char *buf);
286 /* hostlist_deranged_string():
287  *
288  * Writes the string representation of the hostlist hl into buf,
289  * writing at most n chars. Returns the number of bytes written,
290  * or -1 if truncation occurred.
291  *
292  * hostlist_deranged_string() will not attempt to write a bracketed
293  * hostlist representation. Every hostname will be explicitly written.
294  */
295 ssize_t hostlist_deranged_string(hostlist_t hl, size_t n, char *buf);
296 ssize_t hostset_deranged_string(hostset_t hs, size_t n, char *buf);
299 /* ----[ hostlist utility functions ]---- */
302 /* hostlist_nranges():
303  *
304  * Return the number of ranges currently held in hostlist hl.
305  */
306 int hostlist_nranges(hostlist_t hl);
309 /* ----[ hostlist iterator functions ]---- */
311 /* hostlist_iterator_create():
312  *
313  * Creates and returns a hostlist iterator used for non destructive
314  * access to a hostlist or hostset. Returns NULL on failure.
315  */
316 hostlist_iterator_t hostlist_iterator_create(hostlist_t hl);
318 /* hostset_iterator_create():
319  *
320  * Same as hostlist_iterator_create(), but creates a hostlist_iterator
321  * from a hostset.
322  */
323 hostlist_iterator_t hostset_iterator_create(hostset_t set);
325 /* hostlist_iterator_destroy():
326  *
327  * Destroys a hostlist iterator.
328  */
329 void hostlist_iterator_destroy(hostlist_iterator_t i);
331 /* hostlist_iterator_reset():
332  *
333  * Reset an iterator to the beginning of the list.
334  */
335 void hostlist_iterator_reset(hostlist_iterator_t i);
337 /* hostlist_next():
338  *
339  * Returns a pointer to the  next hostname on the hostlist
340  * or NULL at the end of the list
341  *
342  * The caller is responsible for freeing the returned memory.
343  */
344 char * hostlist_next(hostlist_iterator_t i);
347 /* hostlist_next_range():
348  *
349  * Returns the next bracketed hostlist or NULL if the iterator i is
350  * at the end of the list.
351  *
352  * The caller is responsible for freeing the returned memory.
353  *
354  */
355 char * hostlist_next_range(hostlist_iterator_t i);
358 /* hostlist_remove():
359  * Removes the last host returned by hostlist iterator i
360  *
361  * Returns 1 for success, 0 for failure.
362  */
363 int hostlist_remove(hostlist_iterator_t i);
366 /* ----[ hostset operations ]---- */
368 /* hostset_create():
369  *
370  * Create a new hostset object from a string representation of a list of
371  * hosts. See hostlist_create() for valid hostlist forms.
372  */
373 hostset_t hostset_create(const char *hostlist);
375 /* hostset_copy():
376  *
377  * Copy a hostset object. Returned set must be freed with hostset_destroy().
378  */
379 hostset_t hostset_copy(hostset_t set);
381 /* hostset_destroy():
382  */
383 void hostset_destroy(hostset_t set);
385 /* hostset_insert():
386  * Add a host or list of hosts into hostset "set."
387  *
388  * Returns number of hosts successfully added to "set"
389  * (insertion of a duplicate is not considered successful)
390  */
391 int hostset_insert(hostset_t set, const char *hosts);
393 /* hostset_delete():
394  * Delete a host or list of hosts from hostset "set."
395  * Returns number of hosts deleted from set.
396  */
397 int hostset_delete(hostset_t set, const char *hosts);
399 /* hostset_within():
400  * Return 1 if all hosts specified by "hosts" are within the hostset "set"
401  * Retrun 0 if every host in "hosts" is not in the hostset "set"
402  */
403 int hostset_within(hostset_t set, const char *hosts);
405 /* hostset_shift():
406  * hostset equivalent to hostlist_shift()
407  */
408 char * hostset_shift(hostset_t set);
410 /* hostset_shift_range():
411  * hostset eqivalent to hostlist_shift_range()
412  */
413 char * hostset_shift_range(hostset_t set);
415 /* hostset_count():
416  * Count the number of hosts currently in hostset
417  */
418 int hostset_count(hostset_t set);
421 #endif /* !_HOSTLIST_H */