1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2<package packagerversion="1.9.0" version="2.0" xmlns="http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0" xmlns:tasks="http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0 http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0.xsd http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0 http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0.xsd">
3 <name>File_Fstab</name>
4 <channel>pear.php.net</channel>
5 <summary>Read and write fstab files</summary>
6 <description>File_Fstab is an easy-to-use package which can read &amp; write UNIX fstab files. It presents a pleasant object-oriented interface to the fstab.
8* Supports blockdev, label, and UUID specification of mount device.
9* Extendable to parse non-standard fstab formats by defining a new Entry class for that format.
10* Easily examine and set mount options for an entry.
11* Stable, functional interface.
12* Fully documented with PHPDoc.</description>
13 <lead>
14  <name>Ian Eure</name>
15  <user>ieure</user>
16  <email>ieure@php.net</email>
17  <active>yes</active>
18 </lead>
19 <date>2010-10-06</date>
20 <time>21:35:44</time>
21 <version>
22  <release>2.0.3</release>
23  <api>2.0.2</api>
24 </version>
25 <stability>
26  <release>stable</release>
27  <api>stable</api>
28 </stability>
29 <license>PHP License v3.0</license>
30 <notes>
31QA release
32Bug #4414 PEAR_ERROR_NOENT undefined
33Bug #17793 Avoid ereg, split
34Package 2.0
35SVN dir layout
36 </notes>
37 <contents>
38  <dir baseinstalldir="/" name="/">
39   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="84e61ab22e3b3d1d237de01a8c0b45fc" name="File/Fstab.php" role="php" />
40   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="3a88a4cd60a40cae0990e3429367845d" name="File/Fstab/Entry.php" role="php" />
41   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="fa40016167112dd1810650a30610fc04" name="example.php" role="php" />
42   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="e75bbc850f9e33ee8606c0c735867153" name="Makefile" role="data" />
43  </dir>
44 </contents>
45 <dependencies>
46  <required>
47   <php>
48    <min>4.0.0</min>
49   </php>
50   <pearinstaller>
51    <min>1.4.0b1</min>
52   </pearinstaller>
53   <package>
54    <name>PEAR</name>
55    <channel>pear.php.net</channel>
56   </package>
57  </required>
58 </dependencies>
59 <phprelease />
60 <changelog>
61  <release>
62   <version>
63    <release>0.9.1</release>
64    <api>0.9.1</api>
65   </version>
66   <stability>
67    <release>stable</release>
68    <api>stable</api>
69   </stability>
70   <date>2004-01-16</date>
71   <license uri="http://www.example.com">PHP License v2.02</license>
72   <notes>
73Initial PEARification.
74   </notes>
75  </release>
76  <release>
77   <version>
78    <release>1.0</release>
79    <api>1.0</api>
80   </version>
81   <stability>
82    <release>stable</release>
83    <api>stable</api>
84   </stability>
85   <date>2004-03-30</date>
86   <license uri="http://www.example.com">PHP License v3.0</license>
87   <notes>
88* Fix CS: remove stray tabs, if/then/else all have braces now.
89* Minor cleanups: update email addresses etc.
90* Automaticly parse on instantiation.
91* Ability to add entries &amp; manipulate mount options for current entries added.
92* Fixed an issue where mount options were not being set correctly when writing fstab.
93* Fixed an issue where mount options weren&apos;t correctly parsed.
94* Allow writing fstab to a different location, e.g. a temp file.
95* Added an example.
96   </notes>
97  </release>
98  <release>
99   <version>
100    <release>1.0.1</release>
101    <api>1.0.1</api>
102   </version>
103   <stability>
104    <release>stable</release>
105    <api>stable</api>
106   </stability>
107   <date>2004-04-20</date>
108   <license uri="http://www.example.com">PHP License v3.0</license>
109   <notes>
110* Split _Entry class into a seperate file.
111* Change function names: parse() -&gt; load() &amp; write() -&gt; save()
112* Don&apos;t depend on File, use standard PHP file i/o.
113* Update example.
114   </notes>
115  </release>
116  <release>
117   <version>
118    <release>1.0.2</release>
119    <api>1.0.2</api>
120   </version>
121   <stability>
122    <release>stable</release>
123    <api>stable</api>
124   </stability>
125   <date>2004-04-27</date>
126   <license uri="http://www.example.com">PHP License v3.0</license>
127   <notes>
128* Add description to package.xml.
129   </notes>
130  </release>
131  <release>
132   <version>
133    <release>1.0.3</release>
134    <api>1.0.3</api>
135   </version>
136   <stability>
137    <release>stable</release>
138    <api>stable</api>
139   </stability>
140   <date>2004-04-28</date>
141   <license uri="http://www.example.com">PHP License v3.0</license>
142   <notes>
143* update() was calling parse(), which no longer exists.
144   </notes>
145  </release>
146  <release>
147   <version>
148    <release>1.0.4</release>
149    <api>1.0.4</api>
150   </version>
151   <stability>
152    <release>stable</release>
153    <api>stable</api>
154   </stability>
155   <date>2004-05-04</date>
156   <license uri="http://www.example.com">PHP License v3.0</license>
157   <notes>
158* save() didn&apos;t add line breaks to the output, rendering it invalid.
159* Use @version@ instead of hard-coding it.
160* Remove redundant (commented) &apos;require_once.&apos;
161   </notes>
162  </release>
163  <release>
164   <version>
165    <release>2.0.0beta1</release>
166    <api>2.0.0beta1</api>
167   </version>
168   <stability>
169    <release>beta</release>
170    <api>beta</api>
171   </stability>
172   <date>2004-05-04</date>
173   <license uri="http://www.example.com">PHP License v3.0</license>
174   <notes>
175* Add get/set methods in Entry class, so that a descendent may overload them to provide additional checking or validation.
176* getEntryFor...() methods return PEAR_Error instead of false.
177* save() no longer checks to see if file is writable - fopen() will tell us if there&apos;s a problem.
178   </notes>
179  </release>
180  <release>
181   <version>
182    <release>2.0.0</release>
183    <api>2.0.0</api>
184   </version>
185   <stability>
186    <release>stable</release>
187    <api>stable</api>
188   </stability>
189   <date>2004-06-09</date>
190   <license uri="http://www.example.com">PHP License v3.0</license>
191   <notes>
192* Bump version.
193   </notes>
194  </release>
195  <release>
196   <version>
197    <release>2.0.1</release>
198    <api>2.0.1</api>
199   </version>
200   <stability>
201    <release>stable</release>
202    <api>stable</api>
203   </stability>
204   <date>2004-10-17</date>
205   <license uri="http://www.example.com">PHP License v3.0</license>
206   <notes>
207* Document setOptions()
208* Change @type to (correct) @var
209* Flip @param type/value, they were reversed.
210   </notes>
211  </release>
212  <release>
213   <version>
214    <release>2.0.3</release>
215    <api>2.0.2</api>
216   </version>
217   <stability>
218    <release>stable</release>
219    <api>stable</api>
220   </stability>
221   <date>2010-10-06</date>
222   <license>PHP License v3.0</license>
223   <notes>
224QA release
225Bug #4414 PEAR_ERROR_NOENT undefined
226Bug #17793 Avoid ereg, split
227Package 2.0
228SVN dir layout
229   </notes>
230  </release>
231 </changelog>