2- hosts: facthost1
3  gather_facts: no
4  tasks:
5    - name: check that smart gathering is enabled
6      fail:
7        msg: 'smart gathering must be enabled'
8      when: 'lookup("env", "ANSIBLE_GATHERING") != "smart"'
9    - name: install test local facts
10      copy:
11        src: uuid.fact
12        dest: /usr/local/etc/ansible/facts.d/
13        mode: 0755
15- hosts: facthost1,facthost2
16  gather_facts: yes
17  run_once: yes
18  tasks:
19    - block:
20        - name: 'Check the same host is used'
21          assert:
22            that: 'hostvars.facthost1.ansible_fqdn == hostvars.facthost2.ansible_fqdn'
23            msg: 'This test requires 2 inventory hosts referring to the same host.'
24        - name: "Check that run_once doesn't prevent fact gathering (#39453)"
25          assert:
26            that: 'hostvars.facthost1.ansible_local.uuid != hostvars.facthost2.ansible_local.uuid'
27            msg: "{{ 'Same value for ansible_local.uuid on both hosts: ' ~ hostvars.facthost1.ansible_local.uuid }}"
28      always:
29        - name: remove test local facts
30          file:
31            path: /usr/local/etc/ansible/facts.d/uuid.fact
32            state: absent