2# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
4# Copyright: (c) 2012, Dane Summers <dsummers@pinedesk.biz>
5# Copyright: (c) 2013, Mike Grozak  <mike.grozak@gmail.com>
6# Copyright: (c) 2013, Patrick Callahan <pmc@patrickcallahan.com>
7# Copyright: (c) 2015, Evan Kaufman <evan@digitalflophouse.com>
8# Copyright: (c) 2015, Luca Berruti <nadirio@gmail.com>
9# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
11from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
12__metaclass__ = type
17module: cron
18short_description: Manage cron.d and crontab entries
20  - Use this module to manage crontab and environment variables entries. This module allows
21    you to create environment variables and named crontab entries, update, or delete them.
22  - 'When crontab jobs are managed: the module includes one line with the description of the
23    crontab entry C("#Ansible: <name>") corresponding to the "name" passed to the module,
24    which is used by future ansible/module calls to find/check the state. The "name"
25    parameter should be unique, and changing the "name" value will result in a new cron
26    task being created (or a different one being removed).'
27  - When environment variables are managed, no comment line is added, but, when the module
28    needs to find/check the state, it uses the "name" parameter to find the environment
29    variable definition line.
30  - When using symbols such as %, they must be properly escaped.
31version_added: "0.9"
33  name:
34    description:
35      - Description of a crontab entry or, if env is set, the name of environment variable.
36      - Required if I(state=absent).
37      - Note that if name is not set and I(state=present), then a
38        new crontab entry will always be created, regardless of existing ones.
39      - This parameter will always be required in future releases.
40    type: str
41  user:
42    description:
43      - The specific user whose crontab should be modified.
44      - When unset, this parameter defaults to the current user.
45    type: str
46  job:
47    description:
48      - The command to execute or, if env is set, the value of environment variable.
49      - The command should not contain line breaks.
50      - Required if I(state=present).
51    type: str
52    aliases: [ value ]
53  state:
54    description:
55      - Whether to ensure the job or environment variable is present or absent.
56    type: str
57    choices: [ absent, present ]
58    default: present
59  cron_file:
60    description:
61      - If specified, uses this file instead of an individual user's crontab.
62      - If this is a relative path, it is interpreted with respect to I(/etc/cron.d).
63      - If it is absolute, it will typically be C(/etc/crontab).
64      - Many linux distros expect (and some require) the filename portion to consist solely
65        of upper- and lower-case letters, digits, underscores, and hyphens.
66      - To use the I(cron_file) parameter you must specify the I(user) as well.
67    type: str
68  backup:
69    description:
70      - If set, create a backup of the crontab before it is modified.
71        The location of the backup is returned in the C(backup_file) variable by this module.
72    type: bool
73    default: no
74  minute:
75    description:
76      - Minute when the job should run (C(0-59), C(*), C(*/2), and so on).
77    type: str
78    default: "*"
79  hour:
80    description:
81      - Hour when the job should run (C(0-23), C(*), C(*/2), and so on).
82    type: str
83    default: "*"
84  day:
85    description:
86      - Day of the month the job should run (C(1-31), C(*), C(*/2), and so on).
87    type: str
88    default: "*"
89    aliases: [ dom ]
90  month:
91    description:
92      - Month of the year the job should run (C(1-12), C(*), C(*/2), and so on).
93    type: str
94    default: "*"
95  weekday:
96    description:
97      - Day of the week that the job should run (C(0-6) for Sunday-Saturday, C(*), and so on).
98    type: str
99    default: "*"
100    aliases: [ dow ]
101  reboot:
102    description:
103      - If the job should be run at reboot. This option is deprecated. Users should use I(special_time).
104    version_added: "1.0"
105    type: bool
106    default: no
107  special_time:
108    description:
109      - Special time specification nickname.
110    type: str
111    choices: [ annually, daily, hourly, monthly, reboot, weekly, yearly ]
112    version_added: "1.3"
113  disabled:
114    description:
115      - If the job should be disabled (commented out) in the crontab.
116      - Only has effect if I(state=present).
117    type: bool
118    default: no
119    version_added: "2.0"
120  env:
121    description:
122      - If set, manages a crontab's environment variable.
123      - New variables are added on top of crontab.
124      - I(name) and I(value) parameters are the name and the value of environment variable.
125    type: bool
126    default: false
127    version_added: "2.1"
128  insertafter:
129    description:
130      - Used with I(state=present) and I(env).
131      - If specified, the environment variable will be inserted after the declaration of specified environment variable.
132    type: str
133    version_added: "2.1"
134  insertbefore:
135    description:
136      - Used with I(state=present) and I(env).
137      - If specified, the environment variable will be inserted before the declaration of specified environment variable.
138    type: str
139    version_added: "2.1"
141  - cron (or cronie on CentOS)
143  - Dane Summers (@dsummersl)
144  - Mike Grozak (@rhaido)
145  - Patrick Callahan (@dirtyharrycallahan)
146  - Evan Kaufman (@EvanK)
147  - Luca Berruti (@lberruti)
149  - Supports C(check_mode).
152EXAMPLES = r'''
153- name: Ensure a job that runs at 2 and 5 exists. Creates an entry like "0 5,2 * * ls -alh > /dev/null"
154  ansible.builtin.cron:
155    name: "check dirs"
156    minute: "0"
157    hour: "5,2"
158    job: "ls -alh > /dev/null"
160- name: 'Ensure an old job is no longer present. Removes any job that is prefixed by "#Ansible: an old job" from the crontab'
161  ansible.builtin.cron:
162    name: "an old job"
163    state: absent
165- name: Creates an entry like "@reboot /some/job.sh"
166  ansible.builtin.cron:
167    name: "a job for reboot"
168    special_time: reboot
169    job: "/some/job.sh"
171- name: Creates an entry like "PATH=/opt/bin" on top of crontab
172  ansible.builtin.cron:
173    name: PATH
174    env: yes
175    job: /opt/bin
177- name: Creates an entry like "APP_HOME=/srv/app" and insert it after PATH declaration
178  ansible.builtin.cron:
179    name: APP_HOME
180    env: yes
181    job: /srv/app
182    insertafter: PATH
184- name: Creates a cron file under /etc/cron.d
185  ansible.builtin.cron:
186    name: yum autoupdate
187    weekday: "2"
188    minute: "0"
189    hour: "12"
190    user: root
191    job: "YUMINTERACTIVE=0 /usr/sbin/yum-autoupdate"
192    cron_file: ansible_yum-autoupdate
194- name: Removes a cron file from under /etc/cron.d
195  ansible.builtin.cron:
196    name: "yum autoupdate"
197    cron_file: ansible_yum-autoupdate
198    state: absent
200- name: Removes "APP_HOME" environment variable from crontab
201  ansible.builtin.cron:
202    name: APP_HOME
203    env: yes
204    state: absent
207RETURN = r'''#'''
209import os
210import platform
211import pwd
212import re
213import sys
214import tempfile
216from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
217from ansible.module_utils.common.text.converters import to_bytes, to_native
218from ansible.module_utils.six.moves import shlex_quote
221class CronTabError(Exception):
222    pass
225class CronTab(object):
226    """
227        CronTab object to write time based crontab file
229        user      - the user of the crontab (defaults to current user)
230        cron_file - a cron file under /etc/cron.d, or an absolute path
231    """
233    def __init__(self, module, user=None, cron_file=None):
234        self.module = module
235        self.user = user
236        self.root = (os.getuid() == 0)
237        self.lines = None
238        self.ansible = "#Ansible: "
239        self.n_existing = ''
240        self.cron_cmd = self.module.get_bin_path('crontab', required=True)
242        if cron_file:
243            if os.path.isabs(cron_file):
244                self.cron_file = cron_file
245                self.b_cron_file = to_bytes(cron_file, errors='surrogate_or_strict')
246            else:
247                self.cron_file = os.path.join('/etc/cron.d', cron_file)
248                self.b_cron_file = os.path.join(b'/etc/cron.d', to_bytes(cron_file, errors='surrogate_or_strict'))
249        else:
250            self.cron_file = None
252        self.read()
254    def read(self):
255        # Read in the crontab from the system
256        self.lines = []
257        if self.cron_file:
258            # read the cronfile
259            try:
260                f = open(self.b_cron_file, 'rb')
261                self.n_existing = to_native(f.read(), errors='surrogate_or_strict')
262                self.lines = self.n_existing.splitlines()
263                f.close()
264            except IOError:
265                # cron file does not exist
266                return
267            except Exception:
268                raise CronTabError("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0])
269        else:
270            # using safely quoted shell for now, but this really should be two non-shell calls instead.  FIXME
271            (rc, out, err) = self.module.run_command(self._read_user_execute(), use_unsafe_shell=True)
273            if rc != 0 and rc != 1:  # 1 can mean that there are no jobs.
274                raise CronTabError("Unable to read crontab")
276            self.n_existing = out
278            lines = out.splitlines()
279            count = 0
280            for l in lines:
281                if count > 2 or (not re.match(r'# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - edit the master and reinstall.', l) and
282                                 not re.match(r'# \(/tmp/.*installed on.*\)', l) and
283                                 not re.match(r'# \(.*version.*\)', l)):
284                    self.lines.append(l)
285                else:
286                    pattern = re.escape(l) + '[\r\n]?'
287                    self.n_existing = re.sub(pattern, '', self.n_existing, 1)
288                count += 1
290    def is_empty(self):
291        if len(self.lines) == 0:
292            return True
293        else:
294            for line in self.lines:
295                if line.strip():
296                    return False
297            return True
299    def write(self, backup_file=None):
300        """
301        Write the crontab to the system. Saves all information.
302        """
303        if backup_file:
304            fileh = open(backup_file, 'wb')
305        elif self.cron_file:
306            fileh = open(self.b_cron_file, 'wb')
307        else:
308            filed, path = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='crontab')
309            os.chmod(path, int('0644', 8))
310            fileh = os.fdopen(filed, 'wb')
312        fileh.write(to_bytes(self.render()))
313        fileh.close()
315        # return if making a backup
316        if backup_file:
317            return
319        # Add the entire crontab back to the user crontab
320        if not self.cron_file:
321            # quoting shell args for now but really this should be two non-shell calls.  FIXME
322            (rc, out, err) = self.module.run_command(self._write_execute(path), use_unsafe_shell=True)
323            os.unlink(path)
325            if rc != 0:
326                self.module.fail_json(msg=err)
328        # set SELinux permissions
329        if self.module.selinux_enabled() and self.cron_file:
330            self.module.set_default_selinux_context(self.cron_file, False)
332    def do_comment(self, name):
333        return "%s%s" % (self.ansible, name)
335    def add_job(self, name, job):
336        # Add the comment
337        self.lines.append(self.do_comment(name))
339        # Add the job
340        self.lines.append("%s" % (job))
342    def update_job(self, name, job):
343        return self._update_job(name, job, self.do_add_job)
345    def do_add_job(self, lines, comment, job):
346        lines.append(comment)
348        lines.append("%s" % (job))
350    def remove_job(self, name):
351        return self._update_job(name, "", self.do_remove_job)
353    def do_remove_job(self, lines, comment, job):
354        return None
356    def add_env(self, decl, insertafter=None, insertbefore=None):
357        if not (insertafter or insertbefore):
358            self.lines.insert(0, decl)
359            return
361        if insertafter:
362            other_name = insertafter
363        elif insertbefore:
364            other_name = insertbefore
365        other_decl = self.find_env(other_name)
366        if len(other_decl) > 0:
367            if insertafter:
368                index = other_decl[0] + 1
369            elif insertbefore:
370                index = other_decl[0]
371            self.lines.insert(index, decl)
372            return
374        self.module.fail_json(msg="Variable named '%s' not found." % other_name)
376    def update_env(self, name, decl):
377        return self._update_env(name, decl, self.do_add_env)
379    def do_add_env(self, lines, decl):
380        lines.append(decl)
382    def remove_env(self, name):
383        return self._update_env(name, '', self.do_remove_env)
385    def do_remove_env(self, lines, decl):
386        return None
388    def remove_job_file(self):
389        try:
390            os.unlink(self.cron_file)
391            return True
392        except OSError:
393            # cron file does not exist
394            return False
395        except Exception:
396            raise CronTabError("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0])
398    def find_job(self, name, job=None):
399        # attempt to find job by 'Ansible:' header comment
400        comment = None
401        for l in self.lines:
402            if comment is not None:
403                if comment == name:
404                    return [comment, l]
405                else:
406                    comment = None
407            elif re.match(r'%s' % self.ansible, l):
408                comment = re.sub(r'%s' % self.ansible, '', l)
410        # failing that, attempt to find job by exact match
411        if job:
412            for i, l in enumerate(self.lines):
413                if l == job:
414                    # if no leading ansible header, insert one
415                    if not re.match(r'%s' % self.ansible, self.lines[i - 1]):
416                        self.lines.insert(i, self.do_comment(name))
417                        return [self.lines[i], l, True]
418                    # if a leading blank ansible header AND job has a name, update header
419                    elif name and self.lines[i - 1] == self.do_comment(None):
420                        self.lines[i - 1] = self.do_comment(name)
421                        return [self.lines[i - 1], l, True]
423        return []
425    def find_env(self, name):
426        for index, l in enumerate(self.lines):
427            if re.match(r'^%s=' % name, l):
428                return [index, l]
430        return []
432    def get_cron_job(self, minute, hour, day, month, weekday, job, special, disabled):
433        # normalize any leading/trailing newlines (ansible/ansible-modules-core#3791)
434        job = job.strip('\r\n')
436        if disabled:
437            disable_prefix = '#'
438        else:
439            disable_prefix = ''
441        if special:
442            if self.cron_file:
443                return "%s@%s %s %s" % (disable_prefix, special, self.user, job)
444            else:
445                return "%s@%s %s" % (disable_prefix, special, job)
446        else:
447            if self.cron_file:
448                return "%s%s %s %s %s %s %s %s" % (disable_prefix, minute, hour, day, month, weekday, self.user, job)
449            else:
450                return "%s%s %s %s %s %s %s" % (disable_prefix, minute, hour, day, month, weekday, job)
452    def get_jobnames(self):
453        jobnames = []
455        for l in self.lines:
456            if re.match(r'%s' % self.ansible, l):
457                jobnames.append(re.sub(r'%s' % self.ansible, '', l))
459        return jobnames
461    def get_envnames(self):
462        envnames = []
464        for l in self.lines:
465            if re.match(r'^\S+=', l):
466                envnames.append(l.split('=')[0])
468        return envnames
470    def _update_job(self, name, job, addlinesfunction):
471        ansiblename = self.do_comment(name)
472        newlines = []
473        comment = None
475        for l in self.lines:
476            if comment is not None:
477                addlinesfunction(newlines, comment, job)
478                comment = None
479            elif l == ansiblename:
480                comment = l
481            else:
482                newlines.append(l)
484        self.lines = newlines
486        if len(newlines) == 0:
487            return True
488        else:
489            return False  # TODO add some more error testing
491    def _update_env(self, name, decl, addenvfunction):
492        newlines = []
494        for l in self.lines:
495            if re.match(r'^%s=' % name, l):
496                addenvfunction(newlines, decl)
497            else:
498                newlines.append(l)
500        self.lines = newlines
502    def render(self):
503        """
504        Render this crontab as it would be in the crontab.
505        """
506        crons = []
507        for cron in self.lines:
508            crons.append(cron)
510        result = '\n'.join(crons)
511        if result:
512            result = result.rstrip('\r\n') + '\n'
513        return result
515    def _read_user_execute(self):
516        """
517        Returns the command line for reading a crontab
518        """
519        user = ''
520        if self.user:
521            if platform.system() == 'SunOS':
522                return "su %s -c '%s -l'" % (shlex_quote(self.user), shlex_quote(self.cron_cmd))
523            elif platform.system() == 'AIX':
524                return "%s -l %s" % (shlex_quote(self.cron_cmd), shlex_quote(self.user))
525            elif platform.system() == 'HP-UX':
526                return "%s %s %s" % (self.cron_cmd, '-l', shlex_quote(self.user))
527            elif pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0] != self.user:
528                user = '-u %s' % shlex_quote(self.user)
529        return "%s %s %s" % (self.cron_cmd, user, '-l')
531    def _write_execute(self, path):
532        """
533        Return the command line for writing a crontab
534        """
535        user = ''
536        if self.user:
537            if platform.system() in ['SunOS', 'HP-UX', 'AIX']:
538                return "chown %s %s ; su '%s' -c '%s %s'" % (
539                    shlex_quote(self.user), shlex_quote(path), shlex_quote(self.user), self.cron_cmd, shlex_quote(path))
540            elif pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0] != self.user:
541                user = '-u %s' % shlex_quote(self.user)
542        return "%s %s %s" % (self.cron_cmd, user, shlex_quote(path))
545def main():
546    # The following example playbooks:
547    #
548    # - cron: name="check dirs" hour="5,2" job="ls -alh > /dev/null"
549    #
550    # - name: do the job
551    #   cron: name="do the job" hour="5,2" job="/some/dir/job.sh"
552    #
553    # - name: no job
554    #   cron: name="an old job" state=absent
555    #
556    # - name: sets env
557    #   cron: name="PATH" env=yes value="/bin:/usr/bin"
558    #
559    # Would produce:
560    # PATH=/bin:/usr/bin
561    # # Ansible: check dirs
562    # * * 5,2 * * ls -alh > /dev/null
563    # # Ansible: do the job
564    # * * 5,2 * * /some/dir/job.sh
566    module = AnsibleModule(
567        argument_spec=dict(
568            name=dict(type='str'),
569            user=dict(type='str'),
570            job=dict(type='str', aliases=['value']),
571            cron_file=dict(type='str'),
572            state=dict(type='str', default='present', choices=['present', 'absent']),
573            backup=dict(type='bool', default=False),
574            minute=dict(type='str', default='*'),
575            hour=dict(type='str', default='*'),
576            day=dict(type='str', default='*', aliases=['dom']),
577            month=dict(type='str', default='*'),
578            weekday=dict(type='str', default='*', aliases=['dow']),
579            reboot=dict(type='bool', default=False),
580            special_time=dict(type='str', choices=["reboot", "yearly", "annually", "monthly", "weekly", "daily", "hourly"]),
581            disabled=dict(type='bool', default=False),
582            env=dict(type='bool', default=False),
583            insertafter=dict(type='str'),
584            insertbefore=dict(type='str'),
585        ),
586        supports_check_mode=True,
587        mutually_exclusive=[
588            ['reboot', 'special_time'],
589            ['insertafter', 'insertbefore'],
590        ],
591    )
593    name = module.params['name']
594    user = module.params['user']
595    job = module.params['job']
596    cron_file = module.params['cron_file']
597    state = module.params['state']
598    backup = module.params['backup']
599    minute = module.params['minute']
600    hour = module.params['hour']
601    day = module.params['day']
602    month = module.params['month']
603    weekday = module.params['weekday']
604    reboot = module.params['reboot']
605    special_time = module.params['special_time']
606    disabled = module.params['disabled']
607    env = module.params['env']
608    insertafter = module.params['insertafter']
609    insertbefore = module.params['insertbefore']
610    do_install = state == 'present'
612    changed = False
613    res_args = dict()
614    warnings = list()
616    if cron_file:
617        cron_file_basename = os.path.basename(cron_file)
618        if not re.search(r'^[A-Z0-9_-]+$', cron_file_basename, re.I):
619            warnings.append('Filename portion of cron_file ("%s") should consist' % cron_file_basename +
620                            ' solely of upper- and lower-case letters, digits, underscores, and hyphens')
622    # Ensure all files generated are only writable by the owning user.  Primarily relevant for the cron_file option.
623    os.umask(int('022', 8))
624    crontab = CronTab(module, user, cron_file)
626    module.debug('cron instantiated - name: "%s"' % name)
628    if not name:
629        module.deprecate(
630            msg="The 'name' parameter will be required in future releases.",
631            version='2.12', collection_name='ansible.builtin'
632        )
633    if reboot:
634        module.deprecate(
635            msg="The 'reboot' parameter will be removed in future releases. Use 'special_time' option instead.",
636            version='2.12', collection_name='ansible.builtin'
637        )
639    if module._diff:
640        diff = dict()
641        diff['before'] = crontab.n_existing
642        if crontab.cron_file:
643            diff['before_header'] = crontab.cron_file
644        else:
645            if crontab.user:
646                diff['before_header'] = 'crontab for user "%s"' % crontab.user
647            else:
648                diff['before_header'] = 'crontab'
650    # --- user input validation ---
652    if env and not name:
653        module.fail_json(msg="You must specify 'name' while working with environment variables (env=yes)")
655    if (special_time or reboot) and \
656       (True in [(x != '*') for x in [minute, hour, day, month, weekday]]):
657        module.fail_json(msg="You must specify time and date fields or special time.")
659    # cannot support special_time on solaris
660    if (special_time or reboot) and platform.system() == 'SunOS':
661        module.fail_json(msg="Solaris does not support special_time=... or @reboot")
663    if cron_file and do_install:
664        if not user:
665            module.fail_json(msg="To use cron_file=... parameter you must specify user=... as well")
667    if job is None and do_install:
668        module.fail_json(msg="You must specify 'job' to install a new cron job or variable")
670    if (insertafter or insertbefore) and not env and do_install:
671        module.fail_json(msg="Insertafter and insertbefore parameters are valid only with env=yes")
673    if reboot:
674        special_time = "reboot"
676    # if requested make a backup before making a change
677    if backup and not module.check_mode:
678        (backuph, backup_file) = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='crontab')
679        crontab.write(backup_file)
681    if env:
682        if ' ' in name:
683            module.fail_json(msg="Invalid name for environment variable")
684        decl = '%s="%s"' % (name, job)
685        old_decl = crontab.find_env(name)
687        if do_install:
688            if len(old_decl) == 0:
689                crontab.add_env(decl, insertafter, insertbefore)
690                changed = True
691            if len(old_decl) > 0 and old_decl[1] != decl:
692                crontab.update_env(name, decl)
693                changed = True
694        else:
695            if len(old_decl) > 0:
696                crontab.remove_env(name)
697                changed = True
698    else:
699        if do_install:
700            for char in ['\r', '\n']:
701                if char in job.strip('\r\n'):
702                    warnings.append('Job should not contain line breaks')
703                    break
705            job = crontab.get_cron_job(minute, hour, day, month, weekday, job, special_time, disabled)
706            old_job = crontab.find_job(name, job)
708            if len(old_job) == 0:
709                crontab.add_job(name, job)
710                changed = True
711            if len(old_job) > 0 and old_job[1] != job:
712                crontab.update_job(name, job)
713                changed = True
714            if len(old_job) > 2:
715                crontab.update_job(name, job)
716                changed = True
717        else:
718            old_job = crontab.find_job(name)
720            if len(old_job) > 0:
721                crontab.remove_job(name)
722                changed = True
723                if crontab.cron_file and crontab.is_empty():
724                    if module._diff:
725                        diff['after'] = ''
726                        diff['after_header'] = '/dev/null'
727                    else:
728                        diff = dict()
729                    if module.check_mode:
730                        changed = os.path.isfile(crontab.cron_file)
731                    else:
732                        changed = crontab.remove_job_file()
733                    module.exit_json(changed=changed, cron_file=cron_file, state=state, diff=diff)
735    # no changes to env/job, but existing crontab needs a terminating newline
736    if not changed and crontab.n_existing != '':
737        if not (crontab.n_existing.endswith('\r') or crontab.n_existing.endswith('\n')):
738            changed = True
740    res_args = dict(
741        jobs=crontab.get_jobnames(),
742        envs=crontab.get_envnames(),
743        warnings=warnings,
744        changed=changed
745    )
747    if changed:
748        if not module.check_mode:
749            crontab.write()
750        if module._diff:
751            diff['after'] = crontab.render()
752            if crontab.cron_file:
753                diff['after_header'] = crontab.cron_file
754            else:
755                if crontab.user:
756                    diff['after_header'] = 'crontab for user "%s"' % crontab.user
757                else:
758                    diff['after_header'] = 'crontab'
760            res_args['diff'] = diff
762    # retain the backup only if crontab or cron file have changed
763    if backup and not module.check_mode:
764        if changed:
765            res_args['backup_file'] = backup_file
766        else:
767            os.unlink(backup_file)
769    if cron_file:
770        res_args['cron_file'] = cron_file
772    module.exit_json(**res_args)
774    # --- should never get here
775    module.exit_json(msg="Unable to execute cron task.")
778if __name__ == '__main__':
779    main()