1# coding=utf-8
2# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
4# Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
5# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7from knack.help_files import helps  # pylint: disable=unused-import
8# pylint: disable=line-too-long, too-many-lines
10helps['appconfig'] = """
11type: group
12short-summary: Manage App Configurations.
15helps['appconfig create'] = """
16type: command
17short-summary: Create an App Configuration.
19  - name: Create an App Configuration with name, location, sku, tags and resource group.
20    text: az appconfig create -g MyResourceGroup -n MyAppConfiguration -l westus --sku Standard --tags key1=value1 key2=value2
21  - name: Create an App Configuration with name, location, sku and resource group with system assigned identity.
22    text: az appconfig create -g MyResourceGroup -n MyAppConfiguration -l westus --sku Standard --assign-identity
23  - name: Create an App Configuration with name, location, sku and resource group with user assigned identity.
24    text: az appconfig create -g MyResourceGroup -n MyAppConfiguration -l westus --sku Standard --assign-identity /subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTON ID>/resourcegroups/<RESOURCEGROUP>/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/myUserAssignedIdentity
25  - name: Create an App Configuration with name, location and resource group with public network access enabled and local auth disabled.
26    text: az appconfig create -g MyResourceGroup -n MyAppConfiguration -l westus --enable-public-network --disable-local-auth
29helps['appconfig identity'] = """
30type: group
31short-summary: Managed identities for App Configurations.
34helps['appconfig identity assign'] = """
35type: command
36short-summary: Update managed identities for an App Configuration.
38  - name: Enable the system-assigned identity for an existing App Configuration
39    text: az appconfig identity assign -g MyResourceGroup -n MyAppConfiguration
40  - name: Assign a user-assigned managed identity for an existing App Configuration
41    text: az appconfig identity assign -g MyResourceGroup -n MyAppConfiguration --identities "/subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTON ID>/resourcegroups/<RESOURCEGROUP>/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/myUserAssignedIdentity"
42  - name: Assign both system-assigned and user assigned identities for an existing App Configuration
43    text: az appconfig identity assign -g MyResourceGroup -n MyAppConfiguration --identities [system] "/subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTON ID>/resourcegroups/<RESOURCEGROUP>/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/myUserAssignedIdentity"
46helps['appconfig identity remove'] = """
47type: command
48short-summary: Remove managed identities for an App Configuration.
50  - name: Remove the system-assigned identity from a App Configuration.
51    text: az appconfig identity remove -g MyResourceGroup -n MyAppConfiguration
52  - name: Remove a user assigned identity from a App Configuration.
53    text: az appconfig identity remove -g MyResourceGroup -n MyAppConfiguration --identities "/subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTON ID>/resourcegroups/<RESOURCEGROUP>/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/myUserAssignedIdentity"
54  - name: Remove all identities from an App Configuration.
55    text: az appconfig identity remove -g MyResourceGroup -n MyAppConfiguration --identities [all]
58helps['appconfig identity show'] = """
59type: command
60short-summary: Display managed identities for an App Configuration.
62  - name: Display managed identities for a task.
63    text: az appconfig identity show -g MyResourceGroup -n MyAppConfiguration
66helps['appconfig credential'] = """
67type: group
68short-summary: Manage credentials for App Configurations.
71helps['appconfig credential list'] = """
72type: command
73short-summary: List access keys of an App Configuration.
75  - name: List access keys of an App Configuration
76    text: az appconfig credential list -g MyResourceGroup -n MyAppConfiguration
79helps['appconfig credential regenerate'] = """
80type: command
81short-summary: Regenerate an access key for an App Configuration.
83  - name: Regenerate a read only access key for an App Configuration
84    text: az appconfig credential regenerate -g MyResourceGroup -n MyAppConfiguration --id 0-l0-s0:8ldbreMVH+d7EjaSUg3H
87helps['appconfig delete'] = """
88type: command
89short-summary: Delete an App Configuration.
91  - name: Delete an App Configuration under resource group
92    text: az appconfig delete -g MyResourceGroup -n MyAppConfiguration
95helps['appconfig kv'] = """
96type: group
97short-summary: Manage key-values stored in an App Configuration.
100helps['appconfig kv delete'] = """
101type: command
102short-summary: Delete key-values.
104  - name: Delete a key using App Configuration name without confirmation.
105    text: az appconfig kv delete -n MyAppConfiguration --key color --label MyLabel --yes
106  - name: Delete a key using connection string.
107    text: az appconfig kv delete --connection-string Endpoint=https://contoso.azconfig.io;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --key color --label MyLabel
108  - name: Delete a key using your 'az login' credentials and App Configuration endpoint.
109    text: az appconfig kv delete --endpoint https://myappconfiguration.azconfig.io --key color --auth-mode login --yes
112helps['appconfig kv export'] = """
113type: command
114short-summary: Export configurations to another place from your App Configuration.
116  - name: Export all keys and feature flags with label test to a json file.
117    text: az appconfig kv export -n MyAppConfiguration --label test -d file --path D:/abc.json --format json
118  - name: Export all keys with null label to an App Service application.
119    text: az appconfig kv export -n MyAppConfiguration -d appservice --appservice-account MyAppService
120  - name: Export all keys with label test excluding feature flags to a json file.
121    text: az appconfig kv export -n MyAppConfiguration --label test -d file --path D:/abc.json --format json --skip-features
122  - name: Export all keys and feature flags with all labels to another App Configuration.
123    text: az appconfig kv export -n MyAppConfiguration -d appconfig --dest-name AnotherAppConfiguration --key * --label * --preserve-labels
124  - name: Export all keys and feature flags with all labels to another App Configuration and overwrite destination labels.
125    text: az appconfig kv export -n MyAppConfiguration -d appconfig --dest-name AnotherAppConfiguration --key * --label * --dest-label ExportedKeys
126  - name: Export all keys to another App Configuration using your 'az login' credentials.
127    text: az appconfig kv export -d appconfig --endpoint https://myappconfiguration.azconfig.io --auth-mode login --dest-endpoint https://anotherappconfiguration.azconfig.io --dest-auth-mode login --key * --label * --preserve-labels
130helps['appconfig kv import'] = """
131type: command
132short-summary: Import configurations into your App Configuration from another place.
134  - name: Import all keys and feature flags from a file and apply test label.
135    text: az appconfig kv import -n MyAppConfiguration --label test -s file --path D:/abc.json --format json
136  - name: Import all keys and feature flags with null label and apply new label from an App Configuration.
137    text: az appconfig kv import -n MyAppConfiguration -s appconfig --src-name AnotherAppConfiguration --label ImportedKeys
138  - name: Import all keys and apply null label from an App Service application.
139    text: az appconfig kv import -n MyAppConfiguration -s appservice --appservice-account MyAppService
140  - name: Import all keys with label test and apply test2 label excluding feature flags from an App Configuration.
141    text: az appconfig kv import -n MyAppConfiguration -s appconfig --src-label test --label test2 --src-name AnotherAppConfiguration --skip-features
142  - name: Import all keys and feature flags with all labels to another App Configuration.
143    text: az appconfig kv import -n MyAppConfiguration -s appconfig --src-name AnotherAppConfiguration --src-key * --src-label * --preserve-labels
144  - name: Import all keys and feature flags from a JSON file and apply JSON content type.
145    text: az appconfig kv import -n MyAppConfiguration -s file --path D:/abc.json --format json --separator . --content-type application/json
146  - name: Import all keys to another App Configuration using your 'az login' credentials.
147    text: az appconfig kv import -s appconfig --endpoint https://myappconfiguration.azconfig.io --auth-mode login --src-endpoint https://anotherappconfiguration.azconfig.io --src-auth-mode login --src-key * --src-label * --preserve-labels
151helps['appconfig kv list'] = """
152type: command
153short-summary: List key-values.
155  - name: List all key-values with null label.
156    text: az appconfig kv list -n MyAppConfiguration --label \\0
157  - name: List a specific key for any label start with v1. using connection string.
158    text: az appconfig kv list --key color --connection-string Endpoint=https://contoso.azconfig.io;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --label v1.*
159  - name: List all keys with any labels and query only key, value and tags.
160    text: az appconfig kv list --connection-string Endpoint=https://contoso.azconfig.io;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --fields key value tags --datetime "2019-05-01T11:24:12Z"
161  - name: List content of key vault reference with key prefix 'KVRef_' and only select key and value.
162    text: az appconfig kv list -n MyAppConfiguration --key "KVRef_*" --resolve-keyvault --query "[*].{key:key, value:value}"
163  - name: List key-values with multiple labels.
164    text: az appconfig kv list --label test,prod,\\0 -n MyAppConfiguration
165  - name: List all key-values with all labels using your 'az login' credentials.
166    text: az appconfig kv list --endpoint https://myappconfiguration.azconfig.io --auth-mode login
169helps['appconfig kv lock'] = """
170type: command
171short-summary: Lock a key-value to prohibit write operations.
173  - name: Lock a key-value using App Configuration name.
174    text: az appconfig kv lock -n MyAppConfiguration --key color --label test
175  - name: Force locking a key-value using connection string.
176    text: az appconfig kv lock --connection-string Endpoint=https://contoso.azconfig.io;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --key color --label test --yes
179helps['appconfig kv restore'] = """
180type: command
181short-summary: Restore key-values.
183  - name: Restore all key-values to a specific point in time.
184    text: az appconfig kv restore -n MyAppConfiguration --datetime "2019-05-01T11:24:12Z"
185  - name: Restore a specific key for any label start with v1. using connection string to a specific point in time.
186    text: az appconfig kv restore --key color --connection-string Endpoint=https://contoso.azconfig.io;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --label v1.* --datetime "2019-05-01T11:24:12Z"
189helps['appconfig kv set'] = """
190type: command
191short-summary: Set a key-value.
193  - name: Set a key-value with label MyLabel.
194    text: az appconfig kv set -n MyAppConfiguration --key color --label MyLabel --value red
195  - name: Set a key with null label using connection string.
196    text: az appconfig kv set --connection-string Endpoint=https://contoso.azconfig.io;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --key color --value red --tags key1=value1 key2=value2
197  - name: Set a key with string value and JSON content type.
198    text: az appconfig kv set -n MyAppConfiguration --key color --value \\"red\\" --content-type application/json
199  - name: Set a key with list value and JSON content type.
200    text: az appconfig kv set -n MyAppConfiguration --key options --value [1,2,3] --content-type application/activity+json;charset=utf-8
201  - name: Set a key with null value and JSON content type.
202    text: az appconfig kv set -n MyAppConfiguration --key foo --value null --content-type application/json
203  - name: Set a key-value using your 'az login' credentials.
204    text: az appconfig kv set --endpoint https://myappconfiguration.azconfig.io --key color --value red --auth-mode login
207helps['appconfig kv set-keyvault'] = """
208type: command
209short-summary: Set a keyvault reference.
211  - name: Set a keyvault reference with label MyLabel.
212    text: az appconfig kv set-keyvault -n MyAppConfiguration --key HostSecret --label MyLabel --secret-identifier https://contoso.vault.azure.net/Secrets/DummySecret/Dummyversion
213  - name: Set a keyvault reference with null label and multiple tags using connection string.
214    text: az appconfig kv set-keyvault --connection-string Endpoint=https://contoso.azconfig.io;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --key HostSecret --secret-identifier https://contoso.vault.azure.net/Secrets/DummySecret --tags tag1=value1 tag2=value2
217helps['appconfig kv show'] = """
218type: command
219short-summary: Show all attributes of a key-value.
221  - name: Show a key-value using App Configuration name with a specific label and datetime
222    text: az appconfig kv show -n MyAppConfiguration --key color --label MyLabel --datetime "2019-05-01T11:24:12Z"
223  - name: Show a key-value using connection string with label
224    text: az appconfig kv show --connection-string Endpoint=https://contoso.azconfig.io;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --key color --label MyLabel
225  - name: Show a key-value using your 'az login' credentials.
226    text: az appconfig kv show --key color --auth-mode login --endpoint https://myappconfiguration.azconfig.io
229helps['appconfig kv unlock'] = """
230type: command
231short-summary: Unlock a key-value to gain write operations.
233  - name: Unlock a key-value using App Configuration name.
234    text: az appconfig kv unlock -n MyAppConfiguration --key color --label test
235  - name: Force unlocking a key-value using connection string.
236    text: az appconfig kv unlock --connection-string Endpoint=https://contoso.azconfig.io;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --key color --label test --yes
239helps['appconfig list'] = """
240type: command
241short-summary: Lists all App Configurations under the current subscription.
243  - name: List all App Configurations under a resource group
244    text: az appconfig list -g MyResourceGroup
247helps['appconfig revision'] = """
248type: group
249short-summary: Manage revisions for key-values stored in an App Configuration.
252helps['appconfig revision list'] = """
253type: command
254short-summary: Lists revision history of key-values.
256  - name: List revision history of a key-value using App Configuration name.
257    text: az appconfig revision list -n MyAppConfiguration --key color --label test
258  - name: List revision history of a key-value with multiple labels.
259    text: az appconfig revision list -n MyAppConfiguration --key color --label test,prod,\\0
260  - name: List revision history for key "color" with any labels using connection string
261    text: az appconfig revision list --connection-string Endpoint=https://contoso.azconfig.io;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --key color --datetime "2019-05-01T11:24:12Z"
262  - name: List revision history for all items and query only key, value and last_modified.
263    text: az appconfig revision list --connection-string Endpoint=https://contoso.azconfig.io;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --fields key value last_modified
266helps['appconfig show'] = """
267type: command
268short-summary: Show properties of an App Configuration.
270  - name: Show properties of an App Configuration
271    text: az appconfig show -g MyResourceGroup -n MyAppConfiguration
274helps['appconfig update'] = """
275type: command
276short-summary: Update an App Configuration.
278  - name: Update tags of an App Configuration
279    text: az appconfig update -g MyResourceGroup -n MyAppConfiguration --tags key1=value1 key2=value2
280  - name: Upgrade sku of an App Configuration to standard
281    text: az appconfig update -g MyResourceGroup -n MyAppConfiguration --sku Standard
282  - name: Enable customer encryption key with system assigned identity
283    text: az appconfig update -g MyResourceGroup -n MyAppConfiguration --encryption-key-name myKey --encryption-key-version keyVersion --encryption-key-vault https://keyVaultName.vault.azure.net
284  - name: Remove customer encryption key
285    text: az appconfig update -g MyResourceGroup -n MyAppConfiguration --encryption-key-name ""
286  - name: Update an App Configuration to enable public network access and disable local auth.
287    text: az appconfig update -g MyResourceGroup -n MyAppConfiguration --enable-public-network true --disable-local-auth true
290helps['appconfig feature'] = """
291    type: group
292    short-summary: Manage feature flags stored in an App Configuration.
293    """
295helps['appconfig feature set'] = """
296    type: command
297    short-summary: Set a feature flag.
298    examples:
299        - name: Set a feature flag with label MyLabel.
300          text:
301            az appconfig feature set -n MyAppConfiguration --feature color --label MyLabel
302        - name: Set a feature flag with null label using connection string and set a description.
303          text:
304            az appconfig feature set --connection-string Endpoint=https://contoso.azconfig.io;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --feature color --description "This is a colorful feature"
305        - name: Set a feature flag using your 'az login' credentials.
306          text:
307            az appconfig feature set --endpoint https://myappconfiguration.azconfig.io --feature color --label MyLabel --auth-mode login
308        - name: Set a feature flag with name "Beta" and custom key ".appconfig.featureflag/MyApp1:Beta".
309          text:
310            az appconfig feature set -n MyAppConfiguration --feature Beta --key .appconfig.featureflag/MyApp1:Beta
311    """
313helps['appconfig feature delete'] = """
314    type: command
315    short-summary: Delete feature flag.
316    examples:
317        - name: Delete a feature using App Configuration name without confirmation.
318          text:
319            az appconfig feature delete -n MyAppConfiguration --feature color --label MyLabel --yes
320        - name: Delete a feature using connection string.
321          text:
322            az appconfig feature delete --connection-string Endpoint=https://contoso.azconfig.io;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --feature color --label MyLabel
323        - name: Delete a feature using App Configuration endpoint and your 'az login' credentials.
324          text:
325            az appconfig feature delete --endpoint https://myappconfiguration.azconfig.io --feature color --auth-mode login
326        - name: Delete a feature whose name is "Beta" but key is ".appconfig.featureflag/MyApp1:Beta".
327          text:
328            az appconfig feature delete -n MyAppConfiguration --key .appconfig.featureflag/MyApp1:Beta --yes
329    """
331helps['appconfig feature show'] = """
332    type: command
333    short-summary: Show all attributes of a feature flag.
334    examples:
335        - name: Show a feature flag using App Configuration name with a specific label
336          text:
337            az appconfig feature show -n MyAppConfiguration --feature color --label MyLabel
338        - name: Show a feature flag using connection string and field filters
339          text:
340            az appconfig feature show --connection-string Endpoint=https://contoso.azconfig.io;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --feature color --fields key locked conditions state
341        - name: Show a feature flag using App Configuration endpoint and your 'az login' credentials.
342          text:
343            az appconfig feature show --endpoint https://myappconfiguration.azconfig.io --feature color --auth-mode login
344        - name: Show a feature whose name is "Beta" but key is ".appconfig.featureflag/MyApp1:Beta".
345          text:
346            az appconfig feature show -n MyAppConfiguration --key .appconfig.featureflag/MyApp1:Beta
347    """
349helps['appconfig feature list'] = """
350    type: command
351    short-summary: List feature flags.
352    examples:
353        - name: List all feature flags.
354          text:
355            az appconfig feature list -n MyAppConfiguration
356        - name: List all feature flags with null labels.
357          text:
358            az appconfig feature list -n MyAppConfiguration --label \\0
359        - name: List a specific feature for any label start with v1. using connection string.
360          text:
361            az appconfig feature list --feature color --connection-string Endpoint=https://contoso.azconfig.io;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --label v1.*
362        - name: List all features with any labels and query only key, state and conditions.
363          text:
364            az appconfig feature list --connection-string Endpoint=https://contoso.azconfig.io;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --fields key state conditions
365        - name: List 150 feature flags with any labels.
366          text:
367            az appconfig feature list --connection-string Endpoint=https://contoso.azconfig.io;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx  --top 150
368        - name: List feature flags with multiple labels.
369          text:
370            az appconfig feature list --label test,prod,\\0 -n MyAppConfiguration
371        - name: List all features starting with "MyApp1".
372          text:
373            az appconfig feature list -n MyAppConfiguration --key .appconfig.featureflag/MyApp1*
374    """
376helps['appconfig feature lock'] = """
377    type: command
378    short-summary: Lock a feature flag to prohibit write operations.
379    examples:
380        - name: Lock a feature using App Configuration name.
381          text:
382            az appconfig feature lock -n MyAppConfiguration --feature color --label test
383        - name: Force locking a feature using connection string.
384          text:
385            az appconfig feature lock --connection-string Endpoint=https://contoso.azconfig.io;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --feature color --label test --yes
386        - name: Lock a feature whose name is "Beta" but key is ".appconfig.featureflag/MyApp1:Beta".
387          text:
388            az appconfig feature lock -n MyAppConfiguration --key .appconfig.featureflag/MyApp1:Beta
389    """
391helps['appconfig feature unlock'] = """
392    type: command
393    short-summary: Unlock a feature to gain write operations.
394    examples:
395        - name: Unlock a feature using App Configuration name.
396          text:
397            az appconfig feature unlock -n MyAppConfiguration --feature color --label test
398        - name: Force unlocking a feature using connection string.
399          text:
400            az appconfig feature unlock --connection-string Endpoint=https://contoso.azconfig.io;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --feature color --label test --yes
401        - name: Unlock a feature whose name is "Beta" but key is ".appconfig.featureflag/MyApp1:Beta".
402          text:
403            az appconfig feature unlock -n MyAppConfiguration --key .appconfig.featureflag/MyApp1:Beta
404    """
406helps['appconfig feature enable'] = """
407    type: command
408    short-summary: Enable a feature flag to turn it ON for use.
409    examples:
410        - name: enable a feature using App Configuration name.
411          text:
412            az appconfig feature enable -n MyAppConfiguration --feature color --label test
413        - name: Force enabling a feature using connection string.
414          text:
415            az appconfig feature enable --connection-string Endpoint=https://contoso.azconfig.io;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --feature color --label test --yes
416        - name: Enable a feature whose name is "Beta" but key is ".appconfig.featureflag/MyApp1:Beta".
417          text:
418            az appconfig feature enable -n MyAppConfiguration --key .appconfig.featureflag/MyApp1:Beta
419    """
421helps['appconfig feature disable'] = """
422    type: command
423    short-summary: Disable a feature flag to turn it OFF for use.
424    examples:
425        - name: disable a feature using App Configuration name.
426          text:
427            az appconfig feature disable -n MyAppConfiguration --feature color --label test
428        - name: Force disabling a feature using connection string.
429          text:
430            az appconfig feature disable --connection-string Endpoint=https://contoso.azconfig.io;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --feature color --label test --yes
431        - name: Disable a feature whose name is "Beta" but key is ".appconfig.featureflag/MyApp1:Beta".
432          text:
433            az appconfig feature disable -n MyAppConfiguration --key .appconfig.featureflag/MyApp1:Beta
434    """
436helps['appconfig feature filter'] = """
437    type: group
438    short-summary: Manage filters associated with feature flags stored in an App Configuration.
439    """
441helps['appconfig feature filter add'] = """
442    type: command
443    short-summary: Add a filter to a feature flag.
444    examples:
445        - name: Add a filter for feature 'color' with label MyLabel with name 'MyFilter' and 2 parameters.
446          text:
447            az appconfig feature filter add -n MyAppConfiguration --feature color --label MyLabel --filter-name MyFilter --filter-parameters Name=\\"Value\\" Name2=\\"Value2\\"
448        - name: Insert a filter at index 2 (zero-based index) for feature 'color' with label MyLabel and filter name 'MyFilter' with no parameters
449          text:
450            az appconfig feature filter add -n MyAppConfiguration --feature color --label MyLabel --filter-name MyFilter --index 2
451        - name: Add a filter with name 'MyFilter' using connection string.
452          text:
453            az appconfig feature filter add --connection-string Endpoint=https://contoso.azconfig.io;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --feature color --filter-name MyFilter
454        - name: Add a filter with name 'MyFilter' using App Configuration endpoint and your 'az login' credentials.
455          text:
456            az appconfig feature filter add --endpoint=https://contoso.azconfig.io --feature color --filter-name MyFilter --auth-mode login
457        - name: Add a filter for feature 'color' with label MyLabel with name 'MyFilter' and array parameters.
458          text:
459            az appconfig feature filter add -n MyAppConfiguration --feature color --label MyLabel --filter-name MyFilter --filter-parameters ArrayParam=[1,2,3]
460    """
462helps['appconfig feature filter delete'] = """
463    type: command
464    short-summary: Delete a filter from a feature flag.
465    examples:
466        - name: Delete a filter from a feature using App Configuration name without confirmation.
467          text:
468            az appconfig feature filter delete -n MyAppConfiguration --feature color --filter-name MyFilter --yes
469        - name: Delete a filter from a feature when you have multiple filters with that same name.
470          text:
471            az appconfig feature filter delete --feature color --filter-name MyFilter --index 2 --connection-string Endpoint=https://contoso.azconfig.io;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx
472        - name: Delete all filters of a feature using App Configuration name without confirmation.
473          text:
474            az appconfig feature filter delete -n MyAppConfiguration --feature color --label MyLabel --all --yes
475    """
477helps['appconfig feature filter show'] = """
478    type: command
479    short-summary: Show filters of a feature flag.
480    examples:
481        - name: Show one unique feature filter when you have multiple filters with that same name.
482          text:
483            az appconfig feature filter show -n MyAppConfiguration --feature color --filter-name MyFilter --index 2
484        - name: Show all instances of a feature filter when you have multiple filters with that same name.
485          text:
486            az appconfig feature filter show --connection-string Endpoint=https://contoso.azconfig.io;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --feature color --filter-name MyFilter
487    """
489helps['appconfig feature filter list'] = """
490    type: command
491    short-summary: List all filters for a feature flag.
492    examples:
493        - name: List all filters for feature flag 'color'.
494          text:
495            az appconfig feature filter list -n MyAppConfiguration --feature color --all
496        - name: List 150 filters for feature flag 'color'
497          text:
498            az appconfig feature filter list --connection-string Endpoint=https://contoso.azconfig.io;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx  --feature color --top 150
499        - name: List all filters for feature flag 'color' using your 'az login' credentials.
500          text:
501            az appconfig feature filter list --endpoint https://myappconfiguration.azconfig.io --feature color --all --auth-mode login
502    """