1# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
3# Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
4# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6def build_dns_zone(domain_name, dependencies=None):
7    dependencies = dependencies or []
8    dns_zone_resource = {
9        "type": "Microsoft.Network/dnszones",
10        "name": domain_name,
11        "apiVersion": "2018-05-01",
12        "location": "global",
13        "dependsOn": dependencies,
14        "properties": {
15            "zoneType": "Public"
16        }
17    }
18    return dns_zone_resource
21def build_domain(domain_name, local_ip_address, current_time, address1, address2, city,
22                 country, postal_code, state, email, fax, job_title, name_first,
23                 name_last, name_middle, organization, phone, dns_zone_id, privacy,
24                 auto_renew, agreement_keys, tags, dependencies=None):
25    dependencies = dependencies or []
27    contact_info = {
28        'AddressMailing': {
29            'Address1': address1,
30            'Address2': address2,
31            'City': city,
32            'Country': country,
33            'PostalCode': postal_code,
34            'State': state
35        },
36        'Email': email,
37        'Fax': fax,
38        'JobTitle': job_title,
39        'NameFirst': name_first,
40        'NameLast': name_last,
41        'NameMiddle': name_middle,
42        'Organization': organization,
43        'Phone': phone
44    }
46    domain_resource = {
47        "type": "Microsoft.DomainRegistration/domains",
48        "name": domain_name,
49        "apiVersion": "2018-02-01",
50        "location": "global",
51        "dependsOn": dependencies,
52        "tags": tags,
53        "properties": {
54            "consent": {
55                "agreementKeys": agreement_keys,
56                "agreedBy": local_ip_address,
57                "agreedAt": current_time
58            },
59            "ContactAdmin": contact_info,
60            "ContactBilling": contact_info,
61            "ContactRegistrant": contact_info,
62            "ContactTech": contact_info,
63            "privacy": privacy,
64            "autoRenew": auto_renew,
65            "dnsType": "AzureDns",
66            "targetDnsType": "AzureDns",
67            "dnsZoneId": dns_zone_id
68        },
69        "resources": []
70    }
71    return domain_resource