1# This file is part of ranger, the console file manager.
2# License: GNU GPL version 3, see the file "AUTHORS" for details.
4"""The Console widget implements a vim-like console"""
6from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
8import curses
9import os
10import re
11from collections import deque
13from ranger.gui.widgets import Widget
14from ranger.ext.direction import Direction
15from ranger.ext.widestring import uwid, WideString
16from ranger.container.history import History, HistoryEmptyException
17import ranger
20class Console(Widget):  # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes,too-many-public-methods
21    visible = False
22    last_cursor_mode = None
23    history_search_pattern = None
24    prompt = ':'
25    copy = ''
26    tab_deque = None
27    original_line = None
28    history = None
29    history_backup = None
30    override = None
31    allow_close = False
32    historypath = None
33    wait_for_command_input = False
34    unicode_buffer = ""
36    def __init__(self, win):
37        Widget.__init__(self, win)
38        self.pos = 0
39        self.line = ''
40        self.history = History(self.settings.max_console_history_size)
41        # load history from files
42        if not ranger.args.clean:
43            self.historypath = self.fm.datapath('history')
44            if os.path.exists(self.historypath):
45                try:
46                    fobj = open(self.historypath, 'r')
47                except OSError as ex:
48                    self.fm.notify('Failed to read history file', bad=True, exception=ex)
49                else:
50                    try:
51                        for line in fobj:
52                            self.history.add(line[:-1])
53                    except UnicodeDecodeError as ex:
54                        self.fm.notify('Failed to parse corrupt history file',
55                                       bad=True, exception=ex)
56                    fobj.close()
57        self.history_backup = History(self.history)
59        # NOTE: the console is considered in the "question mode" when the
60        # question_queue is non-empty.  In that case, the console will draw the
61        # question instead of the regular console, and the input you give is
62        # used to answer the question instead of typing in commands.
63        #
64        # A question is a tuple of (question_string, callback_func,
65        # tuple_of_choices).  callback_func is a function that is called when
66        # the question is answered which gets the answer as an argument.
67        # tuple_of_choices looks like ('y', 'n').  Only one-letter-answers are
68        # currently supported.  Pressing enter uses the first choice whereas
69        # pressing ESC uses the second choice.
70        self.question_queue = []
72    def destroy(self):
73        # save history to files
74        if ranger.args.clean or not self.settings.save_console_history:
75            return
76        if self.historypath:
77            try:
78                fobj = open(self.historypath, 'w')
79            except OSError as ex:
80                self.fm.notify('Failed to write history file', bad=True, exception=ex)
81            else:
82                for entry in self.history_backup:
83                    try:
84                        fobj.write(entry + '\n')
85                    except UnicodeEncodeError:
86                        pass
87                fobj.close()
88        Widget.destroy(self)
90    def _calculate_offset(self):
91        wid = self.wid - 2
92        whalf = wid // 2
93        if self.pos < whalf or len(self.line) < wid:
94            return 0
95        if self.pos > len(self.line) - (wid - whalf):
96            return len(self.line) - wid
97        return self.pos - whalf
99    def draw(self):
100        self.win.erase()
101        if self.question_queue:
102            assert isinstance(self.question_queue[0], tuple)
103            assert len(self.question_queue[0]) == 3
104            self.addstr(0, 0, self.question_queue[0][0][self.pos:])
105            return
107        self.addstr(0, 0, self.prompt)
108        line = WideString(self.line)
109        if line:
110            x = self._calculate_offset()
111            self.addstr(0, len(self.prompt), str(line[x:]))
113    def finalize(self):
114        move = self.fm.ui.win.move
115        if self.question_queue:
116            try:
117                move(self.y, len(self.question_queue[0][0]))
118            except curses.error:
119                pass
120        else:
121            try:
122                x = self._calculate_offset()
123                pos = uwid(self.line[x:self.pos]) + len(self.prompt)
124                move(self.y, self.x + min(self.wid - 1, pos))
125            except curses.error:
126                pass
128    def open(self, string='', prompt=None, position=None):
129        if prompt is not None:
130            assert isinstance(prompt, str)
131            self.prompt = prompt
132        elif 'prompt' in self.__dict__:
133            del self.prompt
135        if self.last_cursor_mode is None:
136            try:
137                self.last_cursor_mode = curses.curs_set(1)
138            except curses.error:
139                pass
140        self.allow_close = False
141        self.tab_deque = None
142        self.unicode_buffer = ""
143        self.line = string
144        self.history_search_pattern = self.line
145        self.pos = len(string)
146        if position is not None:
147            self.pos = min(self.pos, position)
148        self.history_backup.fast_forward()
149        self.history = History(self.history_backup)
150        self.history.add('')
151        self.wait_for_command_input = True
152        return True
154    def close(self, trigger_cancel_function=True):
155        if self.question_queue:
156            question = self.question_queue[0]
157            answers = question[2]
158            if len(answers) >= 2:
159                self._answer_question(answers[1])
160        else:
161            self._close_command_prompt(trigger_cancel_function)
163    def _close_command_prompt(self, trigger_cancel_function=True):
164        if trigger_cancel_function:
165            cmd = self._get_cmd(quiet=True)
166            if cmd:
167                cmd.cancel()
168        if self.last_cursor_mode is not None:
169            try:
170                curses.curs_set(self.last_cursor_mode)
171            except curses.error:
172                pass
173            self.last_cursor_mode = None
174        self.fm.hide_console_info()
175        self.add_to_history()
176        self.tab_deque = None
177        self.clear()
178        self.__class__ = Console
179        self.wait_for_command_input = False
181    def clear(self):
182        self.pos = 0
183        self.line = ''
185    def press(self, key):
186        self.fm.ui.keymaps.use_keymap('console')
187        if not self.fm.ui.press(key):
188            self.type_key(key)
190    def _answer_question(self, answer):
191        if not self.question_queue:
192            return False
193        question = self.question_queue[0]
194        _, callback, answers = question
195        if answer in answers:
196            self.question_queue.pop(0)
197            callback(answer)
198            return True
199        return False
201    def type_key(self, key):
202        self.tab_deque = None
204        line = "" if self.question_queue else self.line
205        result = self._add_character(key, self.unicode_buffer, line, self.pos)
206        if result[1] == line:
207            # line didn't change, so we don't need to do anything, just update
208            # the unicode _buffer.
209            self.unicode_buffer = result[0]
210            return
212        if self.question_queue:
213            self.unicode_buffer, answer, _ = result
214            self._answer_question(answer)
215        else:
216            self.unicode_buffer, self.line, self.pos = result
217            self.on_line_change()
219    def _add_character(self, key, unicode_buffer, line, pos):
220        # Takes the pressed key, a string "unicode_buffer" containing a
221        # potentially incomplete unicode character, the current line and the
222        # position of the cursor inside the line.
223        # This function returns the new unicode buffer, the modified line and
224        # position.
225        if isinstance(key, int):
226            try:
227                key = chr(key)
228            except ValueError:
229                return unicode_buffer, line, pos
231        if self.fm.py3:
232            if len(unicode_buffer) >= 4:
233                unicode_buffer = ""
234            if ord(key) in range(0, 256):
235                unicode_buffer += key
236                try:
237                    decoded = unicode_buffer.encode("latin-1").decode("utf-8")
238                except UnicodeDecodeError:
239                    return unicode_buffer, line, pos
240                except UnicodeEncodeError:
241                    return unicode_buffer, line, pos
242                else:
243                    unicode_buffer = ""
244                    if pos == len(line):
245                        line += decoded
246                    else:
247                        line = line[:pos] + decoded + line[pos:]
248                    pos += len(decoded)
249        else:
250            if pos == len(line):
251                line += key
252            else:
253                line = line[:pos] + key + line[pos:]
254            pos += len(key)
255        return unicode_buffer, line, pos
257    def history_move(self, n):
258        try:
259            current = self.history.current()
260        except HistoryEmptyException:
261            pass
262        else:
263            if self.line != current and self.line != self.history.top():
264                self.history.modify(self.line)
265            if self.history_search_pattern:
266                self.history.search(self.history_search_pattern, n)
267            else:
268                self.history.move(n)
269            current = self.history.current()
270            if self.line != current:
271                self.line = self.history.current()
272                self.pos = len(self.line)
274    def add_to_history(self):
275        self.history_backup.fast_forward()
276        self.history_backup.add(self.line)
277        self.history = History(self.history_backup)
279    def move(self, **keywords):
280        direction = Direction(keywords)
281        if direction.horizontal():
282            # Ensure that the pointer is moved utf-char-wise
283            if self.fm.py3:
284                if self.question_queue:
285                    umax = len(self.question_queue[0][0]) + 1 - self.wid
286                else:
287                    umax = len(self.line) + 1
288                self.pos = direction.move(
289                    direction=direction.right(),
290                    minimum=0,
291                    maximum=umax,
292                    current=self.pos)
293            else:
294                if self.question_queue:
295                    uchar = list(self.question_queue[0][0].decode('utf-8', 'ignore'))
296                    upos = len(self.question_queue[0][0][:self.pos].decode('utf-8', 'ignore'))
297                    umax = len(uchar) + 1 - self.wid
298                else:
299                    uchar = list(self.line.decode('utf-8', 'ignore'))
300                    upos = len(self.line[:self.pos].decode('utf-8', 'ignore'))
301                    umax = len(uchar) + 1
302                newupos = direction.move(
303                    direction=direction.right(),
304                    minimum=0,
305                    maximum=umax,
306                    current=upos)
307                self.pos = len(''.join(uchar[:newupos]).encode('utf-8', 'ignore'))
309    def move_word(self, **keywords):
310        direction = Direction(keywords)
311        if direction.horizontal():
312            self.pos = self.move_by_word(self.line, self.pos, direction.right())
313            self.on_line_change()
315    @staticmethod
316    def move_by_word(line, position, direction):
317        """
318        Returns a new position by moving word-wise in the line
320        >>> import sys
321        >>> if sys.version_info < (3, ):
322        ...     # Didn't get the unicode test to work on python2, even though
323        ...     # it works fine in ranger, even with unicode input...
324        ...     line = "ohai world,  this is dog"
325        ... else:
326        ...     line = "\\u30AA\\u30CF\\u30E8\\u30A6 world,  this is dog"
327        >>> Console.move_by_word(line, 0, -1)
328        0
329        >>> Console.move_by_word(line, 0, 1)
330        5
331        >>> Console.move_by_word(line, 2, -1)
332        0
333        >>> Console.move_by_word(line, 2, 1)
334        5
335        >>> Console.move_by_word(line, 15, -2)
336        5
337        >>> Console.move_by_word(line, 15, 2)
338        21
339        >>> Console.move_by_word(line, 24, -1)
340        21
341        >>> Console.move_by_word(line, 24, 1)
342        24
343        """
344        word_beginnings = []
345        seen_whitespace = True
346        current_word = None
347        cursor_inside_word = False
349        # Scan the line for word boundaries and determine position of cursor
350        for i, char in enumerate(line):
351            if i == position:
352                current_word = len(word_beginnings)
353                if not seen_whitespace:
354                    cursor_inside_word = True
355            if char == " ":
356                seen_whitespace = True
357            elif seen_whitespace:
358                seen_whitespace = False
359                word_beginnings.append(i)
360        word_beginnings.append(len(line))
362        # Handle corner cases:
363        if current_word is None:
364            current_word = len(word_beginnings)
365        if direction > 0 and cursor_inside_word:
366            current_word -= 1
367        if direction < 0 and position == len(line):
368            current_word -= 1
370        new_word = current_word + direction
371        new_word = max(0, min(len(word_beginnings) - 1, new_word))
373        return word_beginnings[new_word]
375    def delete_rest(self, direction):
376        self.tab_deque = None
377        if direction > 0:
378            self.copy = self.line[self.pos:]
379            self.line = self.line[:self.pos]
380        else:
381            self.copy = self.line[:self.pos]
382            self.line = self.line[self.pos:]
383            self.pos = 0
384        self.on_line_change()
386    def paste(self):
387        if self.pos == len(self.line):
388            self.line += self.copy
389        else:
390            self.line = self.line[:self.pos] + self.copy + self.line[self.pos:]
391        self.pos += len(self.copy)
392        self.on_line_change()
394    def delete_word(self, backward=True):
395        if self.line:
396            self.tab_deque = None
397            if backward:
398                right_part = self.line[self.pos:]
399                i = self.pos - 2
400                while i >= 0 and re.match(
401                        r'[\w\d]', self.line[i], re.UNICODE):  # pylint: disable=no-member
402                    i -= 1
403                self.copy = self.line[i + 1:self.pos]
404                self.line = self.line[:i + 1] + right_part
405                self.pos = i + 1
406            else:
407                left_part = self.line[:self.pos]
408                i = self.pos + 1
409                while i < len(self.line) and re.match(
410                        r'[\w\d]', self.line[i], re.UNICODE):  # pylint: disable=no-member
411                    i += 1
412                self.copy = self.line[self.pos:i]
413                if i >= len(self.line):
414                    self.line = left_part
415                    self.pos = len(self.line)
416                else:
417                    self.line = left_part + self.line[i:]
418                    self.pos = len(left_part)
419            self.on_line_change()
421    def delete(self, mod):
422        self.tab_deque = None
423        if mod == -1 and self.pos == 0:
424            if not self.line:
425                self.close(trigger_cancel_function=False)
426            return
427        # Delete utf-char-wise
428        if self.fm.py3:
429            left_part = self.line[:self.pos + mod]
430            self.pos = len(left_part)
431            self.line = left_part + self.line[self.pos + 1:]
432        else:
433            uchar = list(self.line.decode('utf-8', 'ignore'))
434            upos = len(self.line[:self.pos].decode('utf-8', 'ignore')) + mod
435            left_part = ''.join(uchar[:upos]).encode('utf-8', 'ignore')
436            self.pos = len(left_part)
437            self.line = left_part + ''.join(uchar[upos + 1:]).encode('utf-8', 'ignore')
438        self.on_line_change()
440    def execute(self, cmd=None):
441        if self.question_queue and cmd is None:
442            question = self.question_queue[0]
443            answers = question[2]
444            if len(answers) >= 1:
445                self._answer_question(answers[0])
446            else:
447                self.question_queue.pop(0)
448            return
450        self.allow_close = True
451        if cmd:
452            cmd.execute()
453        else:
454            self.fm.execute_console(self.line)
456        if self.allow_close:
457            self._close_command_prompt(trigger_cancel_function=False)
459    def _get_cmd(self, quiet=False):
460        try:
461            command_class = self.get_cmd_class()
462        except IndexError:
463            return None
464        except KeyError:
465            if not quiet:
466                self.fm.notify("Command not found: `%s'" % self.line.split()[0], bad=True)
467            return None
468        return command_class(self.line)
470    def get_cmd_class(self):
471        return self.fm.commands.get_command(self.line.split()[0], abbrev=True)
473    def _get_tab(self, tabnum):
474        if ' ' in self.line:
475            cmd = self._get_cmd()
476            if cmd:
477                return cmd.tab(tabnum)
478            return None
480        return self.fm.commands.command_generator(self.line)
482    def tab(self, tabnum=1):
483        if self.tab_deque is None:
484            tab_result = self._get_tab(tabnum)
486            if tab_result is None:
487                pass
488            elif isinstance(tab_result, str):
489                self.line = tab_result
490                self.pos = len(tab_result)
491                self.on_line_change()
492            elif hasattr(tab_result, '__iter__'):
493                self.tab_deque = deque(tab_result)
494                self.tab_deque.appendleft(self.line)
496        if self.tab_deque is not None:
497            self.tab_deque.rotate(-tabnum)
498            self.line = self.tab_deque[0]
499            self.pos = len(self.line)
500            self.on_line_change()
502    def on_line_change(self):
503        self.history_search_pattern = self.line
504        try:
505            cls = self.get_cmd_class()
506        except (KeyError, ValueError, IndexError):
507            pass
508        else:
509            cmd = cls(self.line)
510            if cmd and cmd.quick():
511                cmd.quickly_executed = True
512                self.execute(cmd)
514    def ask(self, text, callback, choices=None):
515        """Open a question prompt with predefined choices
517        The "text" is displayed as the question text and should include a list
518        of possible keys that the user can type.  The "callback" is a function
519        that is called when the question is answered.  It only gets the answer
520        as an argument.  "choices" is a tuple of one-letter strings that can be
521        typed in by the user.  Every other input gets ignored, except <Enter>
522        and <ESC>.
524        The first choice is used when the user presses <Enter>, the second
525        choice is used when the user presses <ESC>.
526        """
527        self.question_queue.append(
528            (text, callback, choices if choices is not None else ['y', 'n']))
531if __name__ == '__main__':
532    import doctest
533    import sys
534    sys.exit(doctest.testmod()[0])