2Outputter for displaying results of state runs
5The return data from the Highstate command is a standard data structure
6which is parsed by the highstate outputter to deliver a clean and readable
7set of information about the HighState run on minions.
9Two configurations can be set to modify the highstate outputter. These values
10can be set in the master config to change the output of the ``salt`` command or
11set in the minion config to change the output of the ``salt-call`` command.
14    By default `state_verbose` is set to `True`, setting this to `False` will
15    instruct the highstate outputter to omit displaying anything in green, this
16    means that nothing with a result of True and no changes will not be printed
18    The highstate outputter has six output modes,
19    ``full``, ``terse``, ``mixed``, ``changes`` and ``filter``
21    * The default is set to ``full``, which will display many lines of detailed
22      information for each executed chunk.
24    * If ``terse`` is used, then the output is greatly simplified and shown in
25      only one line.
27    * If ``mixed`` is used, then terse output will be used unless a state
28      failed, in which case full output will be used.
30    * If ``changes`` is used, then terse output will be used if there was no
31      error and no changes, otherwise full output will be used.
33    * If ``filter`` is used, then either or both of two different filters can be
34      used: ``exclude`` or ``terse``.
36        * for ``exclude``, state.highstate expects a list of states to be excluded (or ``None``)
37          followed by ``True`` for terse output or ``False`` for regular output.
38          Because of parsing nuances, if only one of these is used, it must still
39          contain a comma. For instance: `exclude=True,`.
41        * for ``terse``, state.highstate expects simply ``True`` or ``False``.
43      These can be set as such from the command line, or in the Salt config as
44      `state_output_exclude` or `state_output_terse`, respectively.
46    The output modes have one modifier:
48    ``full_id``, ``terse_id``, ``mixed_id``, ``changes_id`` and ``filter_id``
49    If ``_id`` is used, then the corresponding form will be used, but the value for ``name``
50    will be drawn from the state ID. This is useful for cases where the name
51    value might be very long and hard to read.
54    If `state_output` uses the terse output, set this to `True` for an aligned
55    output format.  If you wish to use a custom format, this can be set to a
56    string.
58Example usage:
60If ``state_output: filter`` is set in the configuration file:
62.. code-block:: bash
64    salt '*' state.highstate exclude=None,True
67means to exclude no states from the highstate and turn on terse output.
69.. code-block:: bash
71    salt twd state.highstate exclude=problemstate1,problemstate2,False
74means to exclude states ``problemstate1`` and ``problemstate2``
75from the highstate, and use regular output.
77Example output for the above highstate call when ``top.sls`` defines only
78one other state to apply to minion ``twd``:
80.. code-block:: text
82    twd:
84    Summary for twd
85    ------------
86    Succeeded: 1 (changed=1)
87    Failed:    0
88    ------------
89    Total states run:     1
92Example output with no special settings in configuration files:
94.. code-block:: text
96    myminion:
97    ----------
98              ID: test.ping
99        Function: module.run
100          Result: True
101         Comment: Module function test.ping executed
102         Changes:
103                  ----------
104                  ret:
105                      True
107    Summary for myminion
108    ------------
109    Succeeded: 1
110    Failed:    0
111    ------------
112    Total:     0
116import logging
117import pprint
118import re
119import textwrap
121import salt.output
122import salt.utils.color
123import salt.utils.data
124import salt.utils.stringutils
126log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
129def output(data, **kwargs):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
130    """
131    The HighState Outputter is only meant to be used with the state.highstate
132    function, or a function that returns highstate return data.
133    """
134    # If additional information is passed through via the "data" dictionary to
135    # the highstate outputter, such as "outputter" or "retcode", discard it.
136    # We only want the state data that was passed through, if it is wrapped up
137    # in the "data" key, as the orchestrate runner does. See Issue #31330,
138    # pull request #27838, and pull request #27175 for more information.
139    # account for envelope data if being passed lookup_jid ret
140    if isinstance(data, dict) and "return" in data:
141        data = data["return"]
143    if isinstance(data, dict) and "data" in data:
144        data = data["data"]
146    # account for envelope data if being passed lookup_jid ret
147    if isinstance(data, dict) and len(data.keys()) == 1:
148        _data = next(iter(data.values()))
150        if isinstance(_data, dict):
151            if "jid" in _data and "fun" in _data:
152                data = _data.get("return", {}).get("data", data)
154    # output() is recursive, if we aren't passed a dict just return it
155    if isinstance(data, int) or isinstance(data, str):
156        return data
158    if data is None:
159        return "None"
161    # Discard retcode in dictionary as present in orchestrate data
162    local_masters = [key for key in data.keys() if key.endswith("_master")]
163    orchestrator_output = "retcode" in data.keys() and len(local_masters) == 1
165    if orchestrator_output:
166        del data["retcode"]
168    indent_level = kwargs.get("indent_level", 1)
169    ret = [
170        _format_host(host, hostdata, indent_level=indent_level)[0]
171        for host, hostdata in data.items()
172    ]
173    if ret:
174        return "\n".join(ret)
175    log.error(
176        "Data passed to highstate outputter is not a valid highstate return: %s", data
177    )
178    # We should not reach here, but if we do return empty string
179    return ""
182def _format_host(host, data, indent_level=1):
183    """
184    Main highstate formatter. can be called recursively if a nested highstate
185    contains other highstates (ie in an orchestration)
186    """
187    host = salt.utils.data.decode(host)
189    colors = salt.utils.color.get_colors(
190        __opts__.get("color"), __opts__.get("color_theme")
191    )
192    tabular = __opts__.get("state_tabular", False)
193    rcounts = {}
194    rdurations = []
195    hcolor = colors["GREEN"]
196    hstrs = []
197    nchanges = 0
198    strip_colors = __opts__.get("strip_colors", True)
200    if isinstance(data, int):
201        nchanges = 1
202        hstrs.append("{0}    {1}{2[ENDC]}".format(hcolor, data, colors))
203        hcolor = colors["CYAN"]  # Print the minion name in cyan
204    elif isinstance(data, str):
205        # Data in this format is from saltmod.function,
206        # so it is always a 'change'
207        nchanges = 1
208        for data in data.splitlines():
209            hstrs.append("{0}    {1}{2[ENDC]}".format(hcolor, data, colors))
210        hcolor = colors["CYAN"]  # Print the minion name in cyan
211    elif isinstance(data, list):
212        # Errors have been detected, list them in RED!
213        hcolor = colors["LIGHT_RED"]
214        hstrs.append("    {0}Data failed to compile:{1[ENDC]}".format(hcolor, colors))
215        for err in data:
216            if strip_colors:
217                err = salt.output.strip_esc_sequence(salt.utils.data.decode(err))
218            hstrs.append("{0}----------\n    {1}{2[ENDC]}".format(hcolor, err, colors))
219    elif isinstance(data, dict):
220        # Verify that the needed data is present
221        data_tmp = {}
222        for tname, info in data.items():
223            if (
224                isinstance(info, dict)
225                and tname != "changes"
226                and info
227                and "__run_num__" not in info
228            ):
229                err = (
230                    "The State execution failed to record the order "
231                    "in which all states were executed. The state "
232                    "return missing data is:"
233                )
234                hstrs.insert(0, pprint.pformat(info))
235                hstrs.insert(0, err)
236            if isinstance(info, dict) and "result" in info:
237                data_tmp[tname] = info
238        data = data_tmp
239        # Everything rendered as it should display the output
240        for tname in sorted(data, key=lambda k: data[k].get("__run_num__", 0)):
241            ret = data[tname]
242            # Increment result counts
243            rcounts.setdefault(ret["result"], 0)
244            rcounts[ret["result"]] += 1
245            rduration = ret.get("duration", 0)
246            try:
247                rdurations.append(float(rduration))
248            except ValueError:
249                rduration, _, _ = rduration.partition(" ms")
250                try:
251                    rdurations.append(float(rduration))
252                except ValueError:
253                    log.error(
254                        "Cannot parse a float from duration %s", ret.get("duration", 0)
255                    )
257            tcolor = colors["GREEN"]
258            if ret.get("name") in ["state.orch", "state.orchestrate", "state.sls"]:
259                nested = output(ret["changes"], indent_level=indent_level + 1)
260                ctext = re.sub(
261                    "^", " " * 14 * indent_level, "\n" + nested, flags=re.MULTILINE
262                )
263                schanged = True
264                nchanges += 1
265            else:
266                schanged, ctext = _format_changes(ret["changes"])
267                nchanges += 1 if schanged else 0
269            # Skip this state if it was successful & diff output was requested
270            if (
271                __opts__.get("state_output_diff", False)
272                and ret["result"]
273                and not schanged
274            ):
275                continue
277            # Skip this state if state_verbose is False, the result is True and
278            # there were no changes made
279            if (
280                not __opts__.get("state_verbose", False)
281                and ret["result"]
282                and not schanged
283            ):
284                continue
286            if schanged:
287                tcolor = colors["CYAN"]
288            if ret["result"] is False:
289                hcolor = colors["RED"]
290                tcolor = colors["RED"]
291            if ret["result"] is None:
292                hcolor = colors["LIGHT_YELLOW"]
293                tcolor = colors["LIGHT_YELLOW"]
295            state_output = __opts__.get("state_output", "full").lower()
296            comps = tname.split("_|-")
298            if state_output.endswith("_id"):
299                # Swap in the ID for the name. Refs #35137
300                comps[2] = comps[1]
302            if state_output.startswith("filter"):
303                # By default, full data is shown for all types. However, return
304                # data may be excluded by setting state_output_exclude to a
305                # comma-separated list of True, False or None, or including the
306                # same list with the exclude option on the command line. For
307                # now, this option must include a comma. For example:
308                #     exclude=True,
309                # The same functionality is also available for making return
310                # data terse, instead of excluding it.
311                cliargs = __opts__.get("arg", [])
312                clikwargs = {}
313                for item in cliargs:
314                    if isinstance(item, dict) and "__kwarg__" in item:
315                        clikwargs = item.copy()
317                exclude = clikwargs.get(
318                    "exclude", __opts__.get("state_output_exclude", [])
319                )
320                if isinstance(exclude, str):
321                    exclude = str(exclude).split(",")
323                terse = clikwargs.get("terse", __opts__.get("state_output_terse", []))
324                if isinstance(terse, str):
325                    terse = str(terse).split(",")
327                if str(ret["result"]) in terse:
328                    msg = _format_terse(tcolor, comps, ret, colors, tabular)
329                    hstrs.append(msg)
330                    continue
331                if str(ret["result"]) in exclude:
332                    continue
334            elif any(
335                (
336                    state_output.startswith("terse"),
337                    state_output.startswith("mixed")
338                    and ret["result"] is not False,  # only non-error'd
339                    state_output.startswith("changes")
340                    and ret["result"]
341                    and not schanged,  # non-error'd non-changed
342                )
343            ):
344                # Print this chunk in a terse way and continue in the loop
345                msg = _format_terse(tcolor, comps, ret, colors, tabular)
346                hstrs.append(msg)
347                continue
349            state_lines = [
350                "{tcolor}----------{colors[ENDC]}",
351                "    {tcolor}      ID: {comps[1]}{colors[ENDC]}",
352                "    {tcolor}Function: {comps[0]}.{comps[3]}{colors[ENDC]}",
353                "    {tcolor}  Result: {ret[result]!s}{colors[ENDC]}",
354                "    {tcolor} Comment: {comment}{colors[ENDC]}",
355            ]
356            if __opts__.get("state_output_profile") and "start_time" in ret:
357                state_lines.extend(
358                    [
359                        "    {tcolor} Started: {ret[start_time]!s}{colors[ENDC]}",
360                        "    {tcolor}Duration: {ret[duration]!s}{colors[ENDC]}",
361                    ]
362                )
363            # This isn't the prettiest way of doing this, but it's readable.
364            if comps[1] != comps[2]:
365                state_lines.insert(3, "    {tcolor}    Name: {comps[2]}{colors[ENDC]}")
366            # be sure that ret['comment'] is utf-8 friendly
367            try:
368                if not isinstance(ret["comment"], str):
369                    ret["comment"] = str(ret["comment"])
370            except UnicodeDecodeError:
371                # If we got here, we're on Python 2 and ret['comment'] somehow
372                # contained a str type with unicode content.
373                ret["comment"] = salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode(ret["comment"])
374            try:
375                comment = salt.utils.data.decode(ret["comment"])
376                comment = comment.strip().replace("\n", "\n" + " " * 14)
377            except AttributeError:  # Assume comment is a list
378                try:
379                    comment = ret["comment"].join(" ").replace("\n", "\n" + " " * 13)
380                except AttributeError:
381                    # Comment isn't a list either, just convert to string
382                    comment = str(ret["comment"])
383                    comment = comment.strip().replace("\n", "\n" + " " * 14)
384            # If there is a data attribute, append it to the comment
385            if "data" in ret:
386                if isinstance(ret["data"], list):
387                    for item in ret["data"]:
388                        comment = "{} {}".format(comment, item)
389                elif isinstance(ret["data"], dict):
390                    for key, value in ret["data"].items():
391                        comment = "{}\n\t\t{}: {}".format(comment, key, value)
392                else:
393                    comment = "{} {}".format(comment, ret["data"])
394            for detail in ["start_time", "duration"]:
395                ret.setdefault(detail, "")
396            if ret["duration"] != "":
397                ret["duration"] = "{} ms".format(ret["duration"])
398            svars = {
399                "tcolor": tcolor,
400                "comps": comps,
401                "ret": ret,
402                "comment": salt.utils.data.decode(comment),
403                # This nukes any trailing \n and indents the others.
404                "colors": colors,
405            }
406            hstrs.extend([sline.format(**svars) for sline in state_lines])
407            changes = "     Changes:   " + ctext
408            hstrs.append("{0}{1}{2[ENDC]}".format(tcolor, changes, colors))
410            if "warnings" in ret:
411                rcounts.setdefault("warnings", 0)
412                rcounts["warnings"] += 1
413                wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(
414                    width=80, initial_indent=" " * 14, subsequent_indent=" " * 14
415                )
416                hstrs.append(
417                    "   {colors[LIGHT_RED]} Warnings: {0}{colors[ENDC]}".format(
418                        wrapper.fill("\n".join(ret["warnings"])).lstrip(), colors=colors
419                    )
420                )
422        # Append result counts to end of output
423        colorfmt = "{0}{1}{2[ENDC]}"
424        rlabel = {
425            True: "Succeeded",
426            False: "Failed",
427            None: "Not Run",
428            "warnings": "Warnings",
429        }
430        count_max_len = max([len(str(x)) for x in rcounts.values()] or [0])
431        label_max_len = max([len(x) for x in rlabel.values()] or [0])
432        line_max_len = label_max_len + count_max_len + 2  # +2 for ': '
433        hstrs.append(
434            colorfmt.format(
435                colors["CYAN"],
436                "\nSummary for {}\n{}".format(host, "-" * line_max_len),
437                colors,
438            )
439        )
441        def _counts(label, count):
442            return "{0}: {1:>{2}}".format(label, count, line_max_len - (len(label) + 2))
444        # Successful states
445        changestats = []
446        if None in rcounts and rcounts.get(None, 0) > 0:
447            # test=True states
448            changestats.append(
449                colorfmt.format(
450                    colors["LIGHT_YELLOW"],
451                    "unchanged={}".format(rcounts.get(None, 0)),
452                    colors,
453                )
454            )
455        if nchanges > 0:
456            changestats.append(
457                colorfmt.format(colors["GREEN"], "changed={}".format(nchanges), colors)
458            )
459        if changestats:
460            changestats = " ({})".format(", ".join(changestats))
461        else:
462            changestats = ""
463        hstrs.append(
464            colorfmt.format(
465                colors["GREEN"],
466                _counts(rlabel[True], rcounts.get(True, 0) + rcounts.get(None, 0)),
467                colors,
468            )
469            + changestats
470        )
472        # Failed states
473        num_failed = rcounts.get(False, 0)
474        hstrs.append(
475            colorfmt.format(
476                colors["RED"] if num_failed else colors["CYAN"],
477                _counts(rlabel[False], num_failed),
478                colors,
479            )
480        )
482        num_warnings = rcounts.get("warnings", 0)
483        if num_warnings:
484            hstrs.append(
485                colorfmt.format(
486                    colors["LIGHT_RED"],
487                    _counts(rlabel["warnings"], num_warnings),
488                    colors,
489                )
490            )
491        totals = "{0}\nTotal states run: {1:>{2}}".format(
492            "-" * line_max_len,
493            sum(rcounts.values()) - rcounts.get("warnings", 0),
494            line_max_len - 7,
495        )
496        hstrs.append(colorfmt.format(colors["CYAN"], totals, colors))
498        if __opts__.get("state_output_profile"):
499            sum_duration = sum(rdurations)
500            duration_unit = "ms"
501            # convert to seconds if duration is 1000ms or more
502            if sum_duration > 999:
503                sum_duration /= 1000
504                duration_unit = "s"
505            total_duration = "Total run time: {} {}".format(
506                "{:.3f}".format(sum_duration).rjust(line_max_len - 5), duration_unit
507            )
508            hstrs.append(colorfmt.format(colors["CYAN"], total_duration, colors))
510    if strip_colors:
511        host = salt.output.strip_esc_sequence(host)
512    hstrs.insert(0, "{0}{1}:{2[ENDC]}".format(hcolor, host, colors))
513    return "\n".join(hstrs), nchanges > 0
516def _nested_changes(changes):
517    """
518    Print the changes data using the nested outputter
519    """
520    ret = "\n"
521    ret += salt.output.out_format(changes, "nested", __opts__, nested_indent=14)
522    return ret
525def _format_changes(changes, orchestration=False):
526    """
527    Format the changes dict based on what the data is
528    """
529    if not changes:
530        return False, ""
532    if orchestration:
533        return True, _nested_changes(changes)
535    if not isinstance(changes, dict):
536        return True, "Invalid Changes data: {}".format(changes)
538    ret = changes.get("ret")
539    if ret is not None and changes.get("out") == "highstate":
540        ctext = ""
541        changed = False
542        for host, hostdata in ret.items():
543            s, c = _format_host(host, hostdata)
544            ctext += "\n" + "\n".join((" " * 14 + l) for l in s.splitlines())
545            changed = changed or c
546    else:
547        changed = True
548        ctext = _nested_changes(changes)
549    return changed, ctext
552def _format_terse(tcolor, comps, ret, colors, tabular):
553    """
554    Terse formatting of a message.
555    """
556    result = "Clean"
557    if ret["changes"]:
558        result = "Changed"
559    if ret["result"] is False:
560        result = "Failed"
561    elif ret["result"] is None:
562        result = "Differs"
563    if tabular is True:
564        fmt_string = ""
565        if "warnings" in ret:
566            fmt_string += "{c[LIGHT_RED]}Warnings:\n{w}{c[ENDC]}\n".format(
567                c=colors, w="\n".join(ret["warnings"])
568            )
569        fmt_string += "{0}"
570        if __opts__.get("state_output_profile") and "start_time" in ret:
571            fmt_string += "{6[start_time]!s} [{6[duration]!s:>7} ms] "
572        fmt_string += "{2:>10}.{3:<10} {4:7}   Name: {1}{5}"
573    elif isinstance(tabular, str):
574        fmt_string = tabular
575    else:
576        fmt_string = ""
577        if "warnings" in ret:
578            fmt_string += "{c[LIGHT_RED]}Warnings:\n{w}{c[ENDC]}".format(
579                c=colors, w="\n".join(ret["warnings"])
580            )
581        fmt_string += " {0} Name: {1} - Function: {2}.{3} - Result: {4}"
582        if __opts__.get("state_output_profile") and "start_time" in ret:
583            fmt_string += " Started: - {6[start_time]!s} Duration: {6[duration]!s} ms"
584        fmt_string += "{5}"
586    msg = fmt_string.format(
587        tcolor, comps[2], comps[0], comps[-1], result, colors["ENDC"], ret
588    )
589    return msg