2Functions used for CLI argument handling
5import copy
6import fnmatch
7import inspect
8import logging
9import re
10import shlex
11from collections import namedtuple
13import salt.utils.data
14import salt.utils.jid
15import salt.utils.versions
16import salt.utils.yaml
17from salt.exceptions import SaltInvocationError
19log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
22KWARG_REGEX = re.compile(r"^([^\d\W][\w.-]*)=(?!=)(.*)$", re.UNICODE)
25def _getargspec(func):
26    """
27    Python 3 wrapper for inspect.getargsspec
29    inspect.getargsspec is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.6.
30    """
31    _ArgSpec = namedtuple("ArgSpec", "args varargs keywords defaults")
33    args, varargs, varkw, defaults, kwonlyargs, _, ann = inspect.getfullargspec(
34        func
35    )  # pylint: disable=no-member
36    if kwonlyargs or ann:
37        raise ValueError(
38            "Function has keyword-only arguments or annotations"
39            ", use getfullargspec() API which can support them"
40        )
41    return _ArgSpec(args, varargs, varkw, defaults)
44def clean_kwargs(**kwargs):
45    """
46    Return a dict without any of the __pub* keys (or any other keys starting
47    with a dunder) from the kwargs dict passed into the execution module
48    functions. These keys are useful for tracking what was used to invoke
49    the function call, but they may not be desirable to have if passing the
50    kwargs forward wholesale.
52    Usage example:
54    .. code-block:: python
56        kwargs = __utils__['args.clean_kwargs'](**kwargs)
57    """
58    ret = {}
59    for key, val in kwargs.items():
60        if not key.startswith("__"):
61            ret[key] = val
62    return ret
65def invalid_kwargs(invalid_kwargs, raise_exc=True):
66    """
67    Raise a SaltInvocationError if invalid_kwargs is non-empty
68    """
69    if invalid_kwargs:
70        if isinstance(invalid_kwargs, dict):
71            new_invalid = ["{}={}".format(x, y) for x, y in invalid_kwargs.items()]
72            invalid_kwargs = new_invalid
73    msg = "The following keyword arguments are not valid: {}".format(
74        ", ".join(invalid_kwargs)
75    )
76    if raise_exc:
77        raise SaltInvocationError(msg)
78    else:
79        return msg
82def condition_input(args, kwargs):
83    """
84    Return a single arg structure for the publisher to safely use
85    """
86    ret = []
87    for arg in args:
88        if isinstance(arg, int) and salt.utils.jid.is_jid(str(arg)):
89            ret.append(str(arg))
90        else:
91            ret.append(arg)
92    if isinstance(kwargs, dict) and kwargs:
93        kw_ = {"__kwarg__": True}
94        for key, val in kwargs.items():
95            kw_[key] = val
96        return ret + [kw_]
97    return ret
100def parse_input(args, condition=True, no_parse=None):
101    """
102    Parse out the args and kwargs from a list of input values. Optionally,
103    return the args and kwargs without passing them to condition_input().
105    Don't pull args with key=val apart if it has a newline in it.
106    """
107    if no_parse is None:
108        no_parse = ()
109    _args = []
110    _kwargs = {}
111    for arg in args:
112        if isinstance(arg, str):
113            arg_name, arg_value = parse_kwarg(arg)
114            if arg_name:
115                _kwargs[arg_name] = (
116                    yamlify_arg(arg_value) if arg_name not in no_parse else arg_value
117                )
118            else:
119                _args.append(yamlify_arg(arg))
120        elif isinstance(arg, dict):
121            # Yes, we're popping this key off and adding it back if
122            # condition_input is called below, but this is the only way to
123            # gracefully handle both CLI and API input.
124            if arg.pop("__kwarg__", False) is True:
125                _kwargs.update(arg)
126            else:
127                _args.append(arg)
128        else:
129            _args.append(arg)
130    if condition:
131        return condition_input(_args, _kwargs)
132    return _args, _kwargs
135def parse_kwarg(string_):
136    """
137    Parses the string and looks for the following kwarg format:
139    "{argument name}={argument value}"
141    For example: "my_message=Hello world"
143    Returns the kwarg name and value, or (None, None) if the regex was not
144    matched.
145    """
146    try:
147        return KWARG_REGEX.match(string_).groups()
148    except AttributeError:
149        return None, None
152def yamlify_arg(arg):
153    """
154    yaml.safe_load the arg
155    """
156    if not isinstance(arg, str):
157        return arg
159    # YAML loads empty (or all whitespace) strings as None:
160    #
161    # >>> import yaml
162    # >>> yaml.load('') is None
163    # True
164    # >>> yaml.load('      ') is None
165    # True
166    #
167    # Similarly, YAML document start/end markers would not load properly if
168    # passed through PyYAML, as loading '---' results in None and '...' raises
169    # an exception.
170    #
171    # Therefore, skip YAML loading for these cases and just return the string
172    # that was passed in.
173    if arg.strip() in ("", "---", "..."):
174        return arg
176    elif "_" in arg and all([x in "0123456789_" for x in arg.strip()]):
177        # When the stripped string includes just digits and underscores, the
178        # underscores are ignored and the digits are combined together and
179        # loaded as an int. We don't want that, so return the original value.
180        return arg
182    else:
183        if any(np_char in arg for np_char in ("\t", "\r", "\n")):
184            # Don't mess with this CLI arg, since it has one or more
185            # non-printable whitespace char. Since the CSafeLoader will
186            # sanitize these chars rather than raise an exception, just
187            # skip YAML loading of this argument and keep the argument as
188            # passed on the CLI.
189            return arg
191    try:
192        # Explicit late import to avoid circular import. DO NOT MOVE THIS.
193        import salt.utils.yaml
195        original_arg = arg
196        if "#" in arg:
197            # Only yamlify if it parses into a non-string type, to prevent
198            # loss of content due to # as comment character
199            parsed_arg = salt.utils.yaml.safe_load(arg)
200            if isinstance(parsed_arg, str) or parsed_arg is None:
201                return arg
202            return parsed_arg
203        if arg == "None":
204            arg = None
205        else:
206            arg = salt.utils.yaml.safe_load(arg)
208        if isinstance(arg, dict):
209            # dicts must be wrapped in curly braces
210            if isinstance(original_arg, str) and not original_arg.startswith("{"):
211                return original_arg
212            else:
213                return arg
215        elif isinstance(arg, list):
216            # lists must be wrapped in brackets
217            if isinstance(original_arg, str) and not original_arg.startswith("["):
218                return original_arg
219            else:
220                return arg
222        elif arg is None or isinstance(arg, (list, float, int, str)):
223            # yaml.safe_load will load '|' and '!' as '', don't let it do that.
224            if arg == "" and original_arg in ("|", "!"):
225                return original_arg
226            # yaml.safe_load will treat '#' as a comment, so a value of '#'
227            # will become None. Keep this value from being stomped as well.
228            elif arg is None and original_arg.strip().startswith("#"):
229                return original_arg
230            # Other times, yaml.safe_load will load '!' as None. Prevent that.
231            elif arg is None and original_arg == "!":
232                return original_arg
233            else:
234                return arg
235        else:
236            # we don't support this type
237            return original_arg
238    except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
239        # In case anything goes wrong...
240        return original_arg
243def get_function_argspec(func, is_class_method=None):
244    """
245    A small wrapper around getargspec that also supports callable classes and wrapped functions
247    If the given function is a wrapper around another function (i.e. has a
248    ``__wrapped__`` attribute), return the functions specification of the underlying
249    function.
251    :param is_class_method: Pass True if you are sure that the function being passed
252                            is a class method. The reason for this is that on Python 3
253                            ``inspect.ismethod`` only returns ``True`` for bound methods,
254                            while on Python 2, it returns ``True`` for bound and unbound
255                            methods. So, on Python 3, in case of a class method, you'd
256                            need the class to which the function belongs to be instantiated
257                            and this is not always wanted.
258    """
259    if not callable(func):
260        raise TypeError("{} is not a callable".format(func))
262    while hasattr(func, "__wrapped__"):
263        func = func.__wrapped__
265    if is_class_method is True:
266        aspec = _getargspec(func)
267        del aspec.args[0]  # self
268    elif inspect.isfunction(func):
269        aspec = _getargspec(func)
270    elif inspect.ismethod(func):
271        aspec = _getargspec(func)
272        del aspec.args[0]  # self
273    elif isinstance(func, object):
274        aspec = _getargspec(func.__call__)
275        del aspec.args[0]  # self
276    else:
277        try:
278            sig = inspect.signature(func)
279        except TypeError:
280            raise TypeError("Cannot inspect argument list for '{}'".format(func))
281        else:
282            # argspec-related functions are deprecated in Python 3 in favor of
283            # the new inspect.Signature class, and will be removed at some
284            # point in the Python 3 lifecycle. So, build a namedtuple which
285            # looks like the result of a Python 2 argspec.
286            _ArgSpec = namedtuple("ArgSpec", "args varargs keywords defaults")
287            args = []
288            defaults = []
289            varargs = keywords = None
290            for param in sig.parameters.values():
291                if param.kind == param.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD:
292                    args.append(param.name)
293                    if param.default is not inspect._empty:
294                        defaults.append(param.default)
295                elif param.kind == param.VAR_POSITIONAL:
296                    varargs = param.name
297                elif param.kind == param.VAR_KEYWORD:
298                    keywords = param.name
299            if is_class_method:
300                del args[0]
301            aspec = _ArgSpec(args, varargs, keywords, tuple(defaults) or None)
303    return aspec
306def shlex_split(s, **kwargs):
307    """
308    Only split if variable is a string
309    """
310    if isinstance(s, str):
311        # On PY2, shlex.split will fail with unicode types if there are
312        # non-ascii characters in the string. So, we need to make sure we
313        # invoke it with a str type, and then decode the resulting string back
314        # to unicode to return it.
315        return salt.utils.data.decode(
316            shlex.split(salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(s), **kwargs)
317        )
318    else:
319        return s
322def arg_lookup(fun, aspec=None):
323    """
324    Return a dict containing the arguments and default arguments to the
325    function.
326    """
327    ret = {"kwargs": {}}
328    if aspec is None:
329        aspec = get_function_argspec(fun)
330    if aspec.defaults:
331        ret["kwargs"] = dict(zip(aspec.args[::-1], aspec.defaults[::-1]))
332    ret["args"] = [arg for arg in aspec.args if arg not in ret["kwargs"]]
333    return ret
336def argspec_report(functions, module=""):
337    """
338    Pass in a functions dict as it is returned from the loader and return the
339    argspec function signatures
340    """
341    ret = {}
342    if "*" in module or "." in module:
343        for fun in fnmatch.filter(functions, module):
344            try:
345                aspec = get_function_argspec(functions[fun])
346            except TypeError:
347                # this happens if not callable
348                continue
350            args, varargs, kwargs, defaults = aspec
352            ret[fun] = {}
353            ret[fun]["args"] = args if args else None
354            ret[fun]["defaults"] = defaults if defaults else None
355            ret[fun]["varargs"] = True if varargs else None
356            ret[fun]["kwargs"] = True if kwargs else None
358    else:
359        # "sys" should just match sys without also matching sysctl
360        module_dot = module + "."
362        for fun in functions:
363            if fun.startswith(module_dot):
364                try:
365                    aspec = get_function_argspec(functions[fun])
366                except TypeError:
367                    # this happens if not callable
368                    continue
370                args, varargs, kwargs, defaults = aspec
372                ret[fun] = {}
373                ret[fun]["args"] = args if args else None
374                ret[fun]["defaults"] = defaults if defaults else None
375                ret[fun]["varargs"] = True if varargs else None
376                ret[fun]["kwargs"] = True if kwargs else None
378    return ret
381def split_input(val, mapper=None):
382    """
383    Take an input value and split it into a list, returning the resulting list
384    """
385    if mapper is None:
386        mapper = lambda x: x
387    if isinstance(val, list):
388        return list(map(mapper, val))
389    try:
390        return list(map(mapper, [x.strip() for x in val.split(",")]))
391    except AttributeError:
392        return list(map(mapper, [x.strip() for x in str(val).split(",")]))
395def test_mode(**kwargs):
396    """
397    Examines the kwargs passed and returns True if any kwarg which matching
398    "Test" in any variation on capitalization (i.e. "TEST", "Test", "TeSt",
399    etc) contains a True value (as determined by salt.utils.data.is_true).
400    """
401    # Once is_true is moved, remove this import and fix the ref below
402    import salt.utils
404    for arg, value in kwargs.items():
405        try:
406            if arg.lower() == "test" and salt.utils.data.is_true(value):
407                return True
408        except AttributeError:
409            continue
410    return False
413def format_call(
414    fun, data, initial_ret=None, expected_extra_kws=(), is_class_method=None
416    """
417    Build the required arguments and keyword arguments required for the passed
418    function.
420    :param fun: The function to get the argspec from
421    :param data: A dictionary containing the required data to build the
422                 arguments and keyword arguments.
423    :param initial_ret: The initial return data pre-populated as dictionary or
424                        None
425    :param expected_extra_kws: Any expected extra keyword argument names which
426                               should not trigger a :ref:`SaltInvocationError`
427    :param is_class_method: Pass True if you are sure that the function being passed
428                            is a class method. The reason for this is that on Python 3
429                            ``inspect.ismethod`` only returns ``True`` for bound methods,
430                            while on Python 2, it returns ``True`` for bound and unbound
431                            methods. So, on Python 3, in case of a class method, you'd
432                            need the class to which the function belongs to be instantiated
433                            and this is not always wanted.
434    :returns: A dictionary with the function required arguments and keyword
435              arguments.
436    """
437    ret = initial_ret is not None and initial_ret or {}
439    ret["args"] = []
440    ret["kwargs"] = {}
442    aspec = get_function_argspec(fun, is_class_method=is_class_method)
444    arg_data = arg_lookup(fun, aspec)
445    args = arg_data["args"]
446    kwargs = arg_data["kwargs"]
448    # Since we WILL be changing the data dictionary, let's change a copy of it
449    data = data.copy()
451    missing_args = []
453    for key in kwargs:
454        try:
455            kwargs[key] = data.pop(key)
456        except KeyError:
457            # Let's leave the default value in place
458            pass
460    while args:
461        arg = args.pop(0)
462        try:
463            ret["args"].append(data.pop(arg))
464        except KeyError:
465            missing_args.append(arg)
467    if missing_args:
468        used_args_count = len(ret["args"]) + len(args)
469        args_count = used_args_count + len(missing_args)
470        raise SaltInvocationError(
471            "{} takes at least {} argument{} ({} given)".format(
472                fun.__name__, args_count, args_count > 1 and "s" or "", used_args_count
473            )
474        )
476    ret["kwargs"].update(kwargs)
478    if aspec.keywords:
479        # The function accepts **kwargs, any non expected extra keyword
480        # arguments will made available.
481        for key, value in data.items():
482            if key in expected_extra_kws:
483                continue
484            ret["kwargs"][key] = value
486        # No need to check for extra keyword arguments since they are all
487        # **kwargs now. Return
488        return ret
490    # Did not return yet? Lets gather any remaining and unexpected keyword
491    # arguments
492    extra = {}
493    for key, value in data.items():
494        if key in expected_extra_kws:
495            continue
496        extra[key] = copy.deepcopy(value)
498    if extra:
499        # Found unexpected keyword arguments, raise an error to the user
500        if len(extra) == 1:
501            msg = "'{0[0]}' is an invalid keyword argument for '{1}'".format(
502                list(extra.keys()),
503                ret.get(
504                    # In case this is being called for a state module
505                    "full",
506                    # Not a state module, build the name
507                    "{}.{}".format(fun.__module__, fun.__name__),
508                ),
509            )
510        else:
511            msg = "{} and '{}' are invalid keyword arguments for '{}'".format(
512                ", ".join(["'{}'".format(e) for e in extra][:-1]),
513                list(extra.keys())[-1],
514                ret.get(
515                    # In case this is being called for a state module
516                    "full",
517                    # Not a state module, build the name
518                    "{}.{}".format(fun.__module__, fun.__name__),
519                ),
520            )
522        raise SaltInvocationError(msg)
523    return ret
526def parse_function(s):
527    """
528    Parse a python-like function call syntax.
530    For example: module.function(arg, arg, kw=arg, kw=arg)
532    This function takes care only about the function name and arguments list carying on quoting
533    and bracketing. It doesn't perform identifiers and other syntax validity check.
535    Returns a tuple of three values: function name string, arguments list and keyword arguments
536    dictionary.
537    """
538    sh = shlex.shlex(s, posix=True)
539    sh.escapedquotes = "\"'"
540    word = []
541    args = []
542    kwargs = {}
543    brackets = []
544    key = None
545    token = None
546    for token in sh:
547        if token == "(":
548            break
549        word.append(token)
550    if not word or token != "(":
551        return None, None, None
552    fname = "".join(word)
553    word = []
554    good = False
555    for token in sh:
556        if token in "[{(":
557            word.append(token)
558            brackets.append(token)
559        elif (token == "," or token == ")") and not brackets:
560            if key:
561                kwargs[key] = "".join(word)
562            elif word:
563                args.append("".join(word))
564            if token == ")":
565                good = True
566                break
567            key = None
568            word = []
569        elif token in "]})":
570            if not brackets or token != {"[": "]", "{": "}", "(": ")"}[brackets.pop()]:
571                break
572            word.append(token)
573        elif token == "=" and not brackets:
574            key = "".join(word)
575            word = []
576            continue
577        else:
578            word.append(token)
579    if good:
580        return fname, args, kwargs
581    else:
582        return None, None, None
585def prepare_kwargs(all_kwargs, class_init_kwargs):
586    """
587    Filter out the kwargs used for the init of the class and the kwargs used to
588    invoke the command required.
590    all_kwargs
591        All the kwargs the Execution Function has been invoked.
593    class_init_kwargs
594        The kwargs of the ``__init__`` of the class.
595    """
596    fun_kwargs = {}
597    init_kwargs = {}
598    for karg, warg in all_kwargs.items():
599        if karg not in class_init_kwargs:
600            if warg is not None:
601                fun_kwargs[karg] = warg
602            continue
603        if warg is not None:
604            init_kwargs[karg] = warg
605    return init_kwargs, fun_kwargs