2Functions for working with files
6import codecs
7import contextlib
8import errno
9import logging
10import os
11import re
12import shutil
13import stat
14import subprocess
15import tempfile
16import time
17import urllib.parse
19import salt.modules.selinux
20import salt.utils.path
21import salt.utils.platform
22import salt.utils.stringutils
23from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError, FileLockError, MinionError
24from salt.utils.decorators.jinja import jinja_filter
27    import fcntl
29    HAS_FCNTL = True
30except ImportError:
31    # fcntl is not available on windows
32    HAS_FCNTL = False
34log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
36LOCAL_PROTOS = ("", "file")
37REMOTE_PROTOS = ("http", "https", "ftp", "swift", "s3")
38VALID_PROTOS = ("salt", "file") + REMOTE_PROTOS
39TEMPFILE_PREFIX = "__salt.tmp."
41HASHES = {
42    "sha512": 128,
43    "sha384": 96,
44    "sha256": 64,
45    "sha224": 56,
46    "sha1": 40,
47    "md5": 32,
49HASHES_REVMAP = {y: x for x, y in HASHES.items()}
52def __clean_tmp(tmp):
53    """
54    Remove temporary files
55    """
56    try:
57        rm_rf(tmp)
58    except Exception as exc:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
59        log.error(
60            "Exception while removing temp directory: %s",
61            exc,
62            exc_info_on_loglevel=logging.DEBUG,
63        )
66def guess_archive_type(name):
67    """
68    Guess an archive type (tar, zip, or rar) by its file extension
69    """
70    name = name.lower()
71    for ending in (
72        "tar",
73        "tar.gz",
74        "tgz",
75        "tar.bz2",
76        "tbz2",
77        "tbz",
78        "tar.xz",
79        "txz",
80        "tar.lzma",
81        "tlz",
82    ):
83        if name.endswith("." + ending):
84            return "tar"
85    for ending in ("zip", "rar"):
86        if name.endswith("." + ending):
87            return ending
88    return None
91def mkstemp(*args, **kwargs):
92    """
93    Helper function which does exactly what ``tempfile.mkstemp()`` does but
94    accepts another argument, ``close_fd``, which, by default, is true and closes
95    the fd before returning the file path. Something commonly done throughout
96    Salt's code.
97    """
98    if "prefix" not in kwargs:
99        kwargs["prefix"] = "__salt.tmp."
100    close_fd = kwargs.pop("close_fd", True)
101    fd_, f_path = tempfile.mkstemp(*args, **kwargs)
102    if close_fd is False:
103        return fd_, f_path
104    os.close(fd_)
105    del fd_
106    return f_path
109def recursive_copy(source, dest):
110    """
111    Recursively copy the source directory to the destination,
112    leaving files with the source does not explicitly overwrite.
114    (identical to cp -r on a unix machine)
115    """
116    for root, _, files in salt.utils.path.os_walk(source):
117        path_from_source = root.replace(source, "").lstrip(os.sep)
118        target_directory = os.path.join(dest, path_from_source)
119        if not os.path.exists(target_directory):
120            os.makedirs(target_directory)
121        for name in files:
122            file_path_from_source = os.path.join(source, path_from_source, name)
123            target_path = os.path.join(target_directory, name)
124            shutil.copyfile(file_path_from_source, target_path)
127def copyfile(source, dest, backup_mode="", cachedir=""):
128    """
129    Copy files from a source to a destination in an atomic way, and if
130    specified cache the file.
131    """
132    if not os.path.isfile(source):
133        raise OSError("[Errno 2] No such file or directory: {}".format(source))
134    if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(dest)):
135        raise OSError("[Errno 2] No such file or directory: {}".format(dest))
136    bname = os.path.basename(dest)
137    dname = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(dest))
138    tgt = mkstemp(prefix=bname, dir=dname)
139    shutil.copyfile(source, tgt)
140    bkroot = ""
141    if cachedir:
142        bkroot = os.path.join(cachedir, "file_backup")
143    if backup_mode == "minion" or backup_mode == "both" and bkroot:
144        if os.path.exists(dest):
145            backup_minion(dest, bkroot)
146    if backup_mode == "master" or backup_mode == "both" and bkroot:
147        # TODO, backup to master
148        pass
149    # Get current file stats to they can be replicated after the new file is
150    # moved to the destination path.
151    fstat = None
152    if not salt.utils.platform.is_windows():
153        try:
154            fstat = os.stat(dest)
155        except OSError:
156            pass
158    # The move could fail if the dest has xattr protections, so delete the
159    # temp file in this case
160    try:
161        shutil.move(tgt, dest)
162    except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
163        __clean_tmp(tgt)
164        raise
166    if fstat is not None:
167        os.chown(dest, fstat.st_uid, fstat.st_gid)
168        os.chmod(dest, fstat.st_mode)
169    # If SELINUX is available run a restorecon on the file
170    rcon = salt.utils.path.which("restorecon")
171    if rcon:
172        policy = False
173        try:
174            policy = salt.modules.selinux.getenforce()
175        except (ImportError, CommandExecutionError):
176            pass
177        if policy == "Enforcing":
178            with fopen(os.devnull, "w") as dev_null:
179                cmd = [rcon, dest]
180                subprocess.call(cmd, stdout=dev_null, stderr=dev_null)
181    if os.path.isfile(tgt):
182        # The temp file failed to move
183        __clean_tmp(tgt)
186def rename(src, dst):
187    """
188    On Windows, os.rename() will fail with a WindowsError exception if a file
189    exists at the destination path. This function checks for this error and if
190    found, it deletes the destination path first.
191    """
192    try:
193        os.rename(src, dst)
194    except OSError as exc:
195        if exc.errno != errno.EEXIST:
196            raise
197        try:
198            os.remove(dst)
199        except OSError as exc:
200            if exc.errno != errno.ENOENT:
201                raise MinionError(
202                    "Error: Unable to remove {}: {}".format(dst, exc.strerror)
203                )
204        os.rename(src, dst)
207def process_read_exception(exc, path, ignore=None):
208    """
209    Common code for raising exceptions when reading a file fails
211    The ignore argument can be an iterable of integer error codes (or a single
212    integer error code) that should be ignored.
213    """
214    if ignore is not None:
215        if isinstance(ignore, int):
216            ignore = (ignore,)
217    else:
218        ignore = ()
220    if exc.errno in ignore:
221        return
223    if exc.errno == errno.ENOENT:
224        raise CommandExecutionError("{} does not exist".format(path))
225    elif exc.errno == errno.EACCES:
226        raise CommandExecutionError("Permission denied reading from {}".format(path))
227    else:
228        raise CommandExecutionError(
229            "Error {} encountered reading from {}: {}".format(
230                exc.errno, path, exc.strerror
231            )
232        )
236def wait_lock(path, lock_fn=None, timeout=5, sleep=0.1, time_start=None):
237    """
238    Obtain a write lock. If one exists, wait for it to release first
239    """
240    if not isinstance(path, str):
241        raise FileLockError("path must be a string")
242    if lock_fn is None:
243        lock_fn = path + ".w"
244    if time_start is None:
245        time_start = time.time()
246    obtained_lock = False
248    def _raise_error(msg, race=False):
249        """
250        Raise a FileLockError
251        """
252        raise FileLockError(msg, time_start=time_start)
254    try:
255        if os.path.exists(lock_fn) and not os.path.isfile(lock_fn):
256            _raise_error("lock_fn {} exists and is not a file".format(lock_fn))
258        open_flags = os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL | os.O_WRONLY
259        while time.time() - time_start < timeout:
260            try:
261                # Use os.open() to obtain filehandle so that we can force an
262                # exception if the file already exists. Concept found here:
263                # http://stackoverflow.com/a/10979569
264                fh_ = os.open(lock_fn, open_flags)
265            except OSError as exc:
266                if exc.errno != errno.EEXIST:
267                    _raise_error(
268                        "Error {} encountered obtaining file lock {}: {}".format(
269                            exc.errno, lock_fn, exc.strerror
270                        )
271                    )
272                log.trace("Lock file %s exists, sleeping %f seconds", lock_fn, sleep)
273                time.sleep(sleep)
274            else:
275                # Write the lock file
276                with os.fdopen(fh_, "w"):
277                    pass
278                # Lock successfully acquired
279                log.trace("Write lock %s obtained", lock_fn)
280                obtained_lock = True
281                # Transfer control back to the code inside the with block
282                yield
283                # Exit the loop
284                break
286        else:
287            _raise_error(
288                "Timeout of {} seconds exceeded waiting for lock_fn {} "
289                "to be released".format(timeout, lock_fn)
290            )
292    except FileLockError:
293        raise
295    except Exception as exc:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
296        _raise_error(
297            "Error encountered obtaining file lock {}: {}".format(lock_fn, exc)
298        )
300    finally:
301        if obtained_lock:
302            os.remove(lock_fn)
303            log.trace("Write lock for %s (%s) released", path, lock_fn)
306def get_umask():
307    """
308    Returns the current umask
309    """
310    ret = os.umask(0)  # pylint: disable=blacklisted-function
311    os.umask(ret)  # pylint: disable=blacklisted-function
312    return ret
316def set_umask(mask):
317    """
318    Temporarily set the umask and restore once the contextmanager exits
319    """
320    if mask is None or salt.utils.platform.is_windows():
321        # Don't attempt on Windows, or if no mask was passed
322        yield
323    else:
324        try:
325            orig_mask = os.umask(mask)  # pylint: disable=blacklisted-function
326            yield
327        finally:
328            os.umask(orig_mask)  # pylint: disable=blacklisted-function
331def fopen(*args, **kwargs):
332    """
333    Wrapper around open() built-in to set CLOEXEC on the fd.
335    This flag specifies that the file descriptor should be closed when an exec
336    function is invoked;
338    When a file descriptor is allocated (as with open or dup), this bit is
339    initially cleared on the new file descriptor, meaning that descriptor will
340    survive into the new program after exec.
342    NB! We still have small race condition between open and fcntl.
343    """
344    try:
345        # Don't permit stdin/stdout/stderr to be opened. The boolean False
346        # and True are treated by Python 3's open() as file descriptors 0
347        # and 1, respectively.
348        if args[0] in (0, 1, 2):
349            raise TypeError("{} is not a permitted file descriptor".format(args[0]))
350    except IndexError:
351        pass
352    binary = None
353    if kwargs.pop("binary", None):
354        if len(args) > 1:
355            args = list(args)
356            if "b" not in args[1]:
357                args[1] = args[1].replace("t", "b")
358                if "b" not in args[1]:
359                    args[1] += "b"
360        elif kwargs.get("mode"):
361            if "b" not in kwargs["mode"]:
362                kwargs["mode"] = kwargs["mode"].replace("t", "b")
363                if "b" not in kwargs["mode"]:
364                    kwargs["mode"] += "b"
365        else:
366            # the default is to read
367            kwargs["mode"] = "rb"
368    if "encoding" not in kwargs:
369        # In Python 3, if text mode is used and the encoding
370        # is not specified, set the encoding to 'utf-8'.
371        binary = False
372        if len(args) > 1:
373            args = list(args)
374            if "b" in args[1]:
375                binary = True
376        if kwargs.get("mode", None):
377            if "b" in kwargs["mode"]:
378                binary = True
379        if not binary:
380            kwargs["encoding"] = __salt_system_encoding__
382    if not binary and not kwargs.get("newline", None):
383        kwargs["newline"] = ""
385    f_handle = open(*args, **kwargs)  # pylint: disable=resource-leakage
387    if is_fcntl_available():
388        # modify the file descriptor on systems with fcntl
389        # unix and unix-like systems only
390        try:
391            FD_CLOEXEC = fcntl.FD_CLOEXEC  # pylint: disable=C0103
392        except AttributeError:
393            FD_CLOEXEC = 1  # pylint: disable=C0103
394        old_flags = fcntl.fcntl(f_handle.fileno(), fcntl.F_GETFD)
395        fcntl.fcntl(f_handle.fileno(), fcntl.F_SETFD, old_flags | FD_CLOEXEC)
397    return f_handle
401def flopen(*args, **kwargs):
402    """
403    Shortcut for fopen with lock and context manager.
404    """
405    filename, args = args[0], args[1:]
406    writing = "wa"
407    with fopen(filename, *args, **kwargs) as f_handle:
408        try:
409            if is_fcntl_available(check_sunos=True):
410                lock_type = fcntl.LOCK_SH
411                if args and any([write in args[0] for write in writing]):
412                    lock_type = fcntl.LOCK_EX
413                fcntl.flock(f_handle.fileno(), lock_type)
414            yield f_handle
415        finally:
416            if is_fcntl_available(check_sunos=True):
417                fcntl.flock(f_handle.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_UN)
421def fpopen(*args, **kwargs):
422    """
423    Shortcut for fopen with extra uid, gid, and mode options.
425    Supported optional Keyword Arguments:
427    mode
428        Explicit mode to set. Mode is anything os.chmod would accept
429        as input for mode. Works only on unix/unix-like systems.
431    uid
432        The uid to set, if not set, or it is None or -1 no changes are
433        made. Same applies if the path is already owned by this uid.
434        Must be int. Works only on unix/unix-like systems.
436    gid
437        The gid to set, if not set, or it is None or -1 no changes are
438        made. Same applies if the path is already owned by this gid.
439        Must be int. Works only on unix/unix-like systems.
441    """
442    # Remove uid, gid and mode from kwargs if present
443    uid = kwargs.pop("uid", -1)  # -1 means no change to current uid
444    gid = kwargs.pop("gid", -1)  # -1 means no change to current gid
445    mode = kwargs.pop("mode", None)
446    with fopen(*args, **kwargs) as f_handle:
447        path = args[0]
448        d_stat = os.stat(path)
450        if hasattr(os, "chown"):
451            # if uid and gid are both -1 then go ahead with
452            # no changes at all
453            if (d_stat.st_uid != uid or d_stat.st_gid != gid) and [
454                i for i in (uid, gid) if i != -1
455            ]:
456                os.chown(path, uid, gid)
458        if mode is not None:
459            mode_part = stat.S_IMODE(d_stat.st_mode)
460            if mode_part != mode:
461                os.chmod(path, (d_stat.st_mode ^ mode_part) | mode)
463        yield f_handle
466def safe_walk(top, topdown=True, onerror=None, followlinks=True, _seen=None):
467    """
468    A clone of the python os.walk function with some checks for recursive
469    symlinks. Unlike os.walk this follows symlinks by default.
470    """
471    if _seen is None:
472        _seen = set()
474    # We may not have read permission for top, in which case we can't
475    # get a list of the files the directory contains.  os.path.walk
476    # always suppressed the exception then, rather than blow up for a
477    # minor reason when (say) a thousand readable directories are still
478    # left to visit.  That logic is copied here.
479    try:
480        # Note that listdir and error are globals in this module due
481        # to earlier import-*.
482        names = os.listdir(top)
483    except os.error as err:
484        if onerror is not None:
485            onerror(err)
486        return
488    if followlinks:
489        status = os.stat(top)
490        # st_ino is always 0 on some filesystems (FAT, NTFS); ignore them
491        if status.st_ino != 0:
492            node = (status.st_dev, status.st_ino)
493            if node in _seen:
494                return
495            _seen.add(node)
497    dirs, nondirs = [], []
498    for name in names:
499        full_path = os.path.join(top, name)
500        if os.path.isdir(full_path):
501            dirs.append(name)
502        else:
503            nondirs.append(name)
505    if topdown:
506        yield top, dirs, nondirs
507    for name in dirs:
508        new_path = os.path.join(top, name)
509        if followlinks or not os.path.islink(new_path):
510            yield from safe_walk(new_path, topdown, onerror, followlinks, _seen)
511    if not topdown:
512        yield top, dirs, nondirs
515def safe_rm(tgt):
516    """
517    Safely remove a file
518    """
519    try:
520        os.remove(tgt)
521    except OSError:
522        pass
525def rm_rf(path):
526    """
527    Platform-independent recursive delete. Includes code from
528    http://stackoverflow.com/a/2656405
529    """
531    def _onerror(func, path, exc_info):
532        """
533        Error handler for `shutil.rmtree`.
535        If the error is due to an access error (read only file)
536        it attempts to add write permission and then retries.
538        If the error is for another reason it re-raises the error.
540        Usage : `shutil.rmtree(path, onerror=onerror)`
541        """
542        if salt.utils.platform.is_windows() and not os.access(path, os.W_OK):
543            # Is the error an access error ?
544            os.chmod(path, stat.S_IWUSR)
545            func(path)
546        else:
547            raise  # pylint: disable=E0704
549    if os.path.islink(path) or not os.path.isdir(path):
550        os.remove(path)
551    else:
552        if salt.utils.platform.is_windows():
553            try:
554                path = salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode(path)
555            except TypeError:
556                pass
557        shutil.rmtree(path, onerror=_onerror)
561def is_empty(filename):
562    """
563    Is a file empty?
564    """
565    try:
566        return os.stat(filename).st_size == 0
567    except OSError:
568        # Non-existent file or permission denied to the parent dir
569        return False
572def is_fcntl_available(check_sunos=False):
573    """
574    Simple function to check if the ``fcntl`` module is available or not.
576    If ``check_sunos`` is passed as ``True`` an additional check to see if host is
577    SunOS is also made. For additional information see: http://goo.gl/159FF8
578    """
579    if check_sunos and salt.utils.platform.is_sunos():
580        return False
581    return HAS_FCNTL
584def safe_filename_leaf(file_basename):
585    """
586    Input the basename of a file, without the directory tree, and returns a safe name to use
587    i.e. only the required characters are converted by urllib.parse.quote
588    If the input is a PY2 String, output a PY2 String. If input is Unicode output Unicode.
589    For consistency all platforms are treated the same. Hard coded to utf8 as its ascii compatible
590    windows is \\ / : * ? " < > | posix is /
592    .. versionadded:: 2017.7.2
594    :codeauthor: Damon Atkins <https://github.com/damon-atkins>
595    """
597    def _replace(re_obj):
598        return urllib.parse.quote(re_obj.group(0), safe="")
600    if not isinstance(file_basename, str):
601        # the following string is not prefixed with u
602        return re.sub(
603            '[\\\\:/*?"<>|]',
604            _replace,
605            str(file_basename, "utf8").encode("ascii", "backslashreplace"),
606        )
607    # the following string is prefixed with u
608    return re.sub('[\\\\:/*?"<>|]', _replace, file_basename, flags=re.UNICODE)
611def safe_filepath(file_path_name, dir_sep=None):
612    """
613    Input the full path and filename, splits on directory separator and calls safe_filename_leaf for
614    each part of the path. dir_sep allows coder to force a directory separate to a particular character
616    .. versionadded:: 2017.7.2
618    :codeauthor: Damon Atkins <https://github.com/damon-atkins>
619    """
620    if not dir_sep:
621        dir_sep = os.sep
622    # Normally if file_path_name or dir_sep is Unicode then the output will be Unicode
623    # This code ensure the output type is the same as file_path_name
624    if not isinstance(file_path_name, str) and isinstance(dir_sep, str):
625        dir_sep = dir_sep.encode("ascii")  # This should not be executed under PY3
626    # splitdrive only set drive on windows platform
627    (drive, path) = os.path.splitdrive(file_path_name)
628    path = dir_sep.join(
629        [safe_filename_leaf(file_section) for file_section in path.rsplit(dir_sep)]
630    )
631    if drive:
632        path = dir_sep.join([drive, path])
633    return path
637def is_text(fp_, blocksize=512):
638    """
639    Uses heuristics to guess whether the given file is text or binary,
640    by reading a single block of bytes from the file.
641    If more than 30% of the chars in the block are non-text, or there
642    are NUL ('\x00') bytes in the block, assume this is a binary file.
643    """
644    int2byte = lambda x: bytes((x,))
645    text_characters = b"".join(int2byte(i) for i in range(32, 127)) + b"\n\r\t\f\b"
646    try:
647        block = fp_.read(blocksize)
648    except AttributeError:
649        # This wasn't an open filehandle, so treat it as a file path and try to
650        # open the file
651        try:
652            with fopen(fp_, "rb") as fp2_:
653                block = fp2_.read(blocksize)
654        except OSError:
655            # Unable to open file, bail out and return false
656            return False
657    if b"\x00" in block:
658        # Files with null bytes are binary
659        return False
660    elif not block:
661        # An empty file is considered a valid text file
662        return True
663    try:
664        block.decode("utf-8")
665        return True
666    except UnicodeDecodeError:
667        pass
669    nontext = block.translate(None, text_characters)
670    return float(len(nontext)) / len(block) <= 0.30
674def is_binary(path):
675    """
676    Detects if the file is a binary, returns bool. Returns True if the file is
677    a bin, False if the file is not and None if the file is not available.
678    """
679    if not os.path.isfile(path):
680        return False
681    try:
682        with fopen(path, "rb") as fp_:
683            try:
684                data = fp_.read(2048)
685                data = data.decode(__salt_system_encoding__)
686                return salt.utils.stringutils.is_binary(data)
687            except UnicodeDecodeError:
688                return True
689    except os.error:
690        return False
693def remove(path):
694    """
695    Runs os.remove(path) and suppresses the OSError if the file doesn't exist
696    """
697    try:
698        os.remove(path)
699    except OSError as exc:
700        if exc.errno != errno.ENOENT:
701            raise
705def list_files(directory):
706    """
707    Return a list of all files found under directory (and its subdirectories)
708    """
709    ret = set()
710    ret.add(directory)
711    for root, dirs, files in safe_walk(directory):
712        for name in files:
713            ret.add(os.path.join(root, name))
714        for name in dirs:
715            ret.add(os.path.join(root, name))
717    return list(ret)
720def st_mode_to_octal(mode):
721    """
722    Convert the st_mode value from a stat(2) call (as returned from os.stat())
723    to an octal mode.
724    """
725    try:
726        return oct(mode)[-4:]
727    except (TypeError, IndexError):
728        return ""
731def normalize_mode(mode):
732    """
733    Return a mode value, normalized to a string and containing a leading zero
734    if it does not have one.
736    Allow "keep" as a valid mode (used by file state/module to preserve mode
737    from the Salt fileserver in file states).
738    """
739    if mode is None:
740        return None
741    if not isinstance(mode, str):
742        mode = str(mode)
743    mode = mode.replace("0o", "0")
744    # Strip any quotes any initial zeroes, then though zero-pad it up to 4.
745    # This ensures that somethign like '00644' is normalized to '0644'
746    return mode.strip('"').strip("'").lstrip("0").zfill(4)
749def human_size_to_bytes(human_size):
750    """
751    Convert human-readable units to bytes
752    """
753    size_exp_map = {"K": 1, "M": 2, "G": 3, "T": 4, "P": 5}
754    human_size_str = str(human_size)
755    match = re.match(r"^(\d+)([KMGTP])?$", human_size_str)
756    if not match:
757        raise ValueError(
758            "Size must be all digits, with an optional unit type (K, M, G, T, or P)"
759        )
760    size_num = int(match.group(1))
761    unit_multiplier = 1024 ** size_exp_map.get(match.group(2), 0)
762    return size_num * unit_multiplier
765def backup_minion(path, bkroot):
766    """
767    Backup a file on the minion
768    """
769    dname, bname = os.path.split(path)
770    if salt.utils.platform.is_windows():
771        src_dir = dname.replace(":", "_")
772    else:
773        src_dir = dname[1:]
774    if not salt.utils.platform.is_windows():
775        fstat = os.stat(path)
776    msecs = str(int(time.time() * 1000000))[-6:]
777    if salt.utils.platform.is_windows():
778        # ':' is an illegal filesystem path character on Windows
779        stamp = time.strftime("%a_%b_%d_%H-%M-%S_%Y")
780    else:
781        stamp = time.strftime("%a_%b_%d_%H:%M:%S_%Y")
782    stamp = "{}{}_{}".format(stamp[:-4], msecs, stamp[-4:])
783    bkpath = os.path.join(bkroot, src_dir, "{}_{}".format(bname, stamp))
784    if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(bkpath)):
785        os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(bkpath))
786    shutil.copyfile(path, bkpath)
787    if not salt.utils.platform.is_windows():
788        os.chown(bkpath, fstat.st_uid, fstat.st_gid)
789        os.chmod(bkpath, fstat.st_mode)
792def case_insensitive_filesystem(path=None):
793    """
794    Detect case insensitivity on a system.
796    Returns:
797        bool: Flag to indicate case insensitivity
799    .. versionadded:: 3004
801    """
802    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="TmP", dir=path, delete=True) as tmp_file:
803        return os.path.exists(tmp_file.name.lower())
806def get_encoding(path):
807    """
808    Detect a file's encoding using the following:
809    - Check for Byte Order Marks (BOM)
810    - Check for UTF-8 Markers
811    - Check System Encoding
812    - Check for ascii
814    Args:
816        path (str): The path to the file to check
818    Returns:
819        str: The encoding of the file
821    Raises:
822        CommandExecutionError: If the encoding cannot be detected
823    """
825    def check_ascii(_data):
826        # If all characters can be decoded to ASCII, then it's ASCII
827        try:
828            _data.decode("ASCII")
829            log.debug("Found ASCII")
830        except UnicodeDecodeError:
831            return False
832        else:
833            return True
835    def check_bom(_data):
836        # Supported Python Codecs
837        # https://docs.python.org/2/library/codecs.html
838        # https://docs.python.org/3/library/codecs.html
839        boms = [
840            ("UTF-32-BE", salt.utils.stringutils.to_bytes(codecs.BOM_UTF32_BE)),
841            ("UTF-32-LE", salt.utils.stringutils.to_bytes(codecs.BOM_UTF32_LE)),
842            ("UTF-16-BE", salt.utils.stringutils.to_bytes(codecs.BOM_UTF16_BE)),
843            ("UTF-16-LE", salt.utils.stringutils.to_bytes(codecs.BOM_UTF16_LE)),
844            ("UTF-8", salt.utils.stringutils.to_bytes(codecs.BOM_UTF8)),
845            ("UTF-7", salt.utils.stringutils.to_bytes("\x2b\x2f\x76\x38\x2D")),
846            ("UTF-7", salt.utils.stringutils.to_bytes("\x2b\x2f\x76\x38")),
847            ("UTF-7", salt.utils.stringutils.to_bytes("\x2b\x2f\x76\x39")),
848            ("UTF-7", salt.utils.stringutils.to_bytes("\x2b\x2f\x76\x2b")),
849            ("UTF-7", salt.utils.stringutils.to_bytes("\x2b\x2f\x76\x2f")),
850        ]
851        for _encoding, bom in boms:
852            if _data.startswith(bom):
853                log.debug("Found BOM for %s", _encoding)
854                return _encoding
855        return False
857    def check_utf8_markers(_data):
858        try:
859            decoded = _data.decode("UTF-8")
860        except UnicodeDecodeError:
861            return False
862        else:
863            return True
865    def check_system_encoding(_data):
866        try:
867            _data.decode(__salt_system_encoding__)
868        except UnicodeDecodeError:
869            return False
870        else:
871            return True
873    if not os.path.isfile(path):
874        raise CommandExecutionError("Not a file")
875    try:
876        with fopen(path, "rb") as fp_:
877            data = fp_.read(2048)
878    except os.error:
879        raise CommandExecutionError("Failed to open file")
881    # Check for Unicode BOM
882    encoding = check_bom(data)
883    if encoding:
884        return encoding
886    # Check for UTF-8 markers
887    if check_utf8_markers(data):
888        return "UTF-8"
890    # Check system encoding
891    if check_system_encoding(data):
892        return __salt_system_encoding__
894    # Check for ASCII first
895    if check_ascii(data):
896        return "ASCII"
898    raise CommandExecutionError("Could not detect file encoding")