2Compare lists of dictionaries by a specified key.
4The following can be retrieved:
5    (1) List of added, removed, intersect elements
6    (2) List of diffs having the following format:
7        <key_val>: {<elem_key: {'old': <old_value>, 'new': <new_value>}}
8        A recursive diff is done between the values (dicts) with the same
9        key
10    (3) List with the new values for each key
11    (4) List with the old values for each key
12    (5) List of changed items in the format
13        ('<key_val>.<elem_key>', {'old': <old_value>, 'new': <new_value>})
14    (5) String representations of the list diff
16Note: All dictionaries keys are expected to be strings
19from salt.utils.dictdiffer import recursive_diff
22def list_diff(list_a, list_b, key):
23    return ListDictDiffer(list_a, list_b, key)
26class ListDictDiffer:
27    """
28    Calculates the differences between two lists of dictionaries.
30    It matches the items based on a given key and uses the recursive_diff to
31    diff the two values.
32    """
34    def __init__(self, current_list, next_list, key):
35        self._intersect = []
36        self._removed = []
37        self._added = []
38        self._new = next_list
39        self._current = current_list
40        self._key = key
41        for current_item in current_list:
42            if key not in current_item:
43                raise ValueError(
44                    "The supplied key '{}' does not "
45                    "exist in item, the available keys are: {}"
46                    "".format(key, current_item.keys())
47                )
48            for next_item in next_list:
49                if key not in next_item:
50                    raise ValueError(
51                        "The supplied key '{}' does not "
52                        "exist in item, the available keys are: "
53                        "{}".format(key, next_item.keys())
54                    )
55                if next_item[key] == current_item[key]:
56                    item = {key: next_item[key], "old": current_item, "new": next_item}
57                    self._intersect.append(item)
58                    break
59            else:
60                self._removed.append(current_item)
62        for next_item in next_list:
63            for current_item in current_list:
64                if next_item[key] == current_item[key]:
65                    break
66            else:
67                self._added.append(next_item)
69    def _get_recursive_difference(self, type):
70        """Returns the recursive diff between dict values"""
71        if type == "intersect":
72            return [
73                recursive_diff(item["old"], item["new"]) for item in self._intersect
74            ]
75        elif type == "added":
76            return [recursive_diff({}, item) for item in self._added]
77        elif type == "removed":
78            return [
79                recursive_diff(item, {}, ignore_missing_keys=False)
80                for item in self._removed
81            ]
82        elif type == "all":
83            recursive_list = []
84            recursive_list.extend(
85                [recursive_diff(item["old"], item["new"]) for item in self._intersect]
86            )
87            recursive_list.extend([recursive_diff({}, item) for item in self._added])
88            recursive_list.extend(
89                [
90                    recursive_diff(item, {}, ignore_missing_keys=False)
91                    for item in self._removed
92                ]
93            )
94            return recursive_list
95        else:
96            raise ValueError(
97                "The given type for recursive list matching is not supported."
98            )
100    @property
101    def removed(self):
102        """Returns the objects which are removed from the list"""
103        return self._removed
105    @property
106    def added(self):
107        """Returns the objects which are added to the list"""
108        return self._added
110    @property
111    def intersect(self):
112        """Returns the intersect objects"""
113        return self._intersect
115    def remove_diff(self, diff_key=None, diff_list="intersect"):
116        """Deletes an attribute from all of the intersect objects"""
117        if diff_list == "intersect":
118            for item in self._intersect:
119                item["old"].pop(diff_key, None)
120                item["new"].pop(diff_key, None)
121        if diff_list == "removed":
122            for item in self._removed:
123                item.pop(diff_key, None)
125    @property
126    def diffs(self):
127        """
128        Returns a list of dictionaries with key value pairs.
129        The values are the differences between the items identified by the key.
130        """
131        differences = []
132        for item in self._get_recursive_difference(type="all"):
133            if item.diffs:
134                if item.past_dict:
135                    differences.append({item.past_dict[self._key]: item.diffs})
136                elif item.current_dict:
137                    differences.append({item.current_dict[self._key]: item.diffs})
138        return differences
140    @property
141    def changes_str(self):
142        """Returns a string describing the changes"""
143        changes = ""
144        for item in self._get_recursive_difference(type="intersect"):
145            if item.diffs:
146                changes = "".join(
147                    [
148                        changes,
149                        # Tabulate comment deeper, show the key attribute and the value
150                        # Next line should be tabulated even deeper,
151                        #  every change should be tabulated 1 deeper
152                        "\tidentified by {} {}:\n\t{}\n".format(
153                            self._key,
154                            item.past_dict[self._key],
155                            item.changes_str.replace("\n", "\n\t"),
156                        ),
157                    ]
158                )
159        for item in self._get_recursive_difference(type="removed"):
160            if item.past_dict:
161                changes = "".join(
162                    [
163                        changes,
164                        # Tabulate comment deeper, show the key attribute and the value
165                        "\tidentified by {} {}:\n\twill be removed\n".format(
166                            self._key, item.past_dict[self._key]
167                        ),
168                    ]
169                )
170        for item in self._get_recursive_difference(type="added"):
171            if item.current_dict:
172                changes = "".join(
173                    [
174                        changes,
175                        # Tabulate comment deeper, show the key attribute and the value
176                        "\tidentified by {} {}:\n\twill be added\n".format(
177                            self._key, item.current_dict[self._key]
178                        ),
179                    ]
180                )
181        return changes
183    @property
184    def changes_str2(self, tab_string="  "):
185        """
186        Returns a string in a more compact format describing the changes.
188        The output better alligns with the one in recursive_diff.
189        """
190        changes = []
191        for item in self._get_recursive_difference(type="intersect"):
192            if item.diffs:
193                changes.append(
194                    "{tab}{0}={1} (updated):\n{tab}{tab}{2}".format(
195                        self._key,
196                        item.past_dict[self._key],
197                        item.changes_str.replace("\n", "\n{0}{0}".format(tab_string)),
198                        tab=tab_string,
199                    )
200                )
201        for item in self._get_recursive_difference(type="removed"):
202            if item.past_dict:
203                changes.append(
204                    "{tab}{0}={1} (removed)".format(
205                        self._key, item.past_dict[self._key], tab=tab_string
206                    )
207                )
208        for item in self._get_recursive_difference(type="added"):
209            if item.current_dict:
210                changes.append(
211                    "{tab}{0}={1} (added): {2}".format(
212                        self._key,
213                        item.current_dict[self._key],
214                        dict(item.current_dict),
215                        tab=tab_string,
216                    )
217                )
218        return "\n".join(changes)
220    @property
221    def new_values(self):
222        """Returns the new values from the diff"""
224        def get_new_values_and_key(item):
225            values = item.new_values
226            if item.past_dict:
227                values.update({self._key: item.past_dict[self._key]})
228            else:
229                # This is a new item as it has no past_dict
230                values.update({self._key: item.current_dict[self._key]})
231            return values
233        return [
234            get_new_values_and_key(el)
235            for el in self._get_recursive_difference("all")
236            if el.diffs and el.current_dict
237        ]
239    @property
240    def old_values(self):
241        """Returns the old values from the diff"""
243        def get_old_values_and_key(item):
244            values = item.old_values
245            values.update({self._key: item.past_dict[self._key]})
246            return values
248        return [
249            get_old_values_and_key(el)
250            for el in self._get_recursive_difference("all")
251            if el.diffs and el.past_dict
252        ]
254    def changed(self, selection="all"):
255        """
256        Returns the list of changed values.
257        The key is added to each item.
259        selection
260            Specifies the desired changes.
261            Supported values are
262                ``all`` - all changed items are included in the output
263                ``intersect`` - changed items present in both lists are included
264        """
265        changed = []
266        if selection == "all":
267            for recursive_item in self._get_recursive_difference(type="all"):
268                # We want the unset values as well
269                recursive_item.ignore_unset_values = False
270                key_val = (
271                    str(recursive_item.past_dict[self._key])
272                    if self._key in recursive_item.past_dict
273                    else str(recursive_item.current_dict[self._key])
274                )
276                for change in recursive_item.changed():
277                    if change != self._key:
278                        changed.append(".".join([self._key, key_val, change]))
279            return changed
280        elif selection == "intersect":
281            # We want the unset values as well
282            for recursive_item in self._get_recursive_difference(type="intersect"):
283                recursive_item.ignore_unset_values = False
284                key_val = (
285                    str(recursive_item.past_dict[self._key])
286                    if self._key in recursive_item.past_dict
287                    else str(recursive_item.current_dict[self._key])
288                )
290                for change in recursive_item.changed():
291                    if change != self._key:
292                        changed.append(".".join([self._key, key_val, change]))
293            return changed
295    @property
296    def current_list(self):
297        return self._current
299    @property
300    def new_list(self):
301        return self._new