2Utility functions for minions
6import logging
7import os
8import threading
10import salt.payload
11import salt.utils.files
12import salt.utils.platform
13import salt.utils.process
15log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
18def running(opts):
19    """
20    Return the running jobs on this minion
21    """
23    ret = []
24    proc_dir = os.path.join(opts["cachedir"], "proc")
25    if not os.path.isdir(proc_dir):
26        return ret
27    for fn_ in os.listdir(proc_dir):
28        path = os.path.join(proc_dir, fn_)
29        try:
30            data = _read_proc_file(path, opts)
31            if data is not None:
32                ret.append(data)
33        except OSError:
34            # proc files may be removed at any time during this process by
35            # the minion process that is executing the JID in question, so
36            # we must ignore ENOENT during this process
37            pass
38    return ret
41def cache_jobs(opts, jid, ret):
42    """
43    Write job information to cache
44    """
45    fn_ = os.path.join(opts["cachedir"], "minion_jobs", jid, "return.p")
46    jdir = os.path.dirname(fn_)
47    if not os.path.isdir(jdir):
48        os.makedirs(jdir)
49    with salt.utils.files.fopen(fn_, "w+b") as fp_:
50        fp_.write(salt.payload.dumps(ret))
53def _read_proc_file(path, opts):
54    """
55    Return a dict of JID metadata, or None
56    """
57    current_thread = threading.currentThread().name
58    pid = os.getpid()
59    with salt.utils.files.fopen(path, "rb") as fp_:
60        buf = fp_.read()
61        fp_.close()
62        if buf:
63            data = salt.payload.loads(buf)
64        else:
65            # Proc file is empty, remove
66            try:
67                os.remove(path)
68            except OSError:
69                log.debug("Unable to remove proc file %s.", path)
70            return None
71    if not isinstance(data, dict):
72        # Invalid serial object
73        return None
74    if not salt.utils.process.os_is_running(data["pid"]):
75        # The process is no longer running, clear out the file and
76        # continue
77        try:
78            os.remove(path)
79        except OSError:
80            log.debug("Unable to remove proc file %s.", path)
81        return None
82    if opts.get("multiprocessing"):
83        if data.get("pid") == pid:
84            return None
85    else:
86        if data.get("pid") != pid:
87            try:
88                os.remove(path)
89            except OSError:
90                log.debug("Unable to remove proc file %s.", path)
91            return None
92        thread_name = "{}-Job-{}".format(data.get("jid"), data.get("jid"))
93        if data.get("jid") == current_thread or thread_name == current_thread:
94            return None
95        found = data.get("jid") in [
96            x.name for x in threading.enumerate()
97        ] or thread_name in [x.name for x in threading.enumerate()]
98        if not found:
99            found = thread_name in [x.name for x in threading.enumerate()]
100        if not found:
101            try:
102                os.remove(path)
103            except OSError:
104                log.debug("Unable to remove proc file %s.", path)
105            return None
107    if not _check_cmdline(data):
108        pid = data.get("pid")
109        if pid:
110            log.warning("PID %s exists but does not appear to be a salt process.", pid)
111        try:
112            os.remove(path)
113        except OSError:
114            log.debug("Unable to remove proc file %s.", path)
115        return None
116    return data
119def _check_cmdline(data):
120    """
121    In some cases where there are an insane number of processes being created
122    on a system a PID can get recycled or assigned to a non-Salt process.
123    On Linux this fn checks to make sure the PID we are checking on is actually
124    a Salt process.
126    For non-Linux systems we punt and just return True
127    """
128    if not salt.utils.platform.is_linux():
129        return True
130    pid = data.get("pid")
131    if not pid:
132        return False
133    if not os.path.isdir("/proc"):
134        return True
135    path = os.path.join("/proc/{}/cmdline".format(pid))
136    if not os.path.isfile(path):
137        return False
138    try:
139        with salt.utils.files.fopen(path, "rb") as fp_:
140            if b"salt" in fp_.read():
141                return True
142    except OSError:
143        return False