2Generate the salt thin tarball from the installed python files
5import contextvars as py_contextvars
6import copy
7import importlib.util
8import logging
9import os
10import shutil
11import site
12import subprocess
13import sys
14import tarfile
15import tempfile
16import zipfile
18import distro
19import jinja2
20import msgpack
21import salt
22import salt.exceptions
23import salt.ext.tornado as tornado
24import salt.utils.files
25import salt.utils.hashutils
26import salt.utils.json
27import salt.utils.path
28import salt.utils.stringutils
29import salt.version
30import yaml
32# This is needed until we drop support for python 3.6
33has_immutables = False
35    import immutables
37    has_immutables = True
38except ImportError:
39    pass
43    import zlib
44except ImportError:
45    zlib = None
47# pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module
49    import certifi
50except ImportError:
51    certifi = None
54    import singledispatch
55except ImportError:
56    singledispatch = None
59    import singledispatch_helpers
60except ImportError:
61    singledispatch_helpers = None
64    import backports_abc
65except ImportError:
66    import salt.ext.backports_abc as backports_abc
69    # New Jinja only
70    import markupsafe
71except ImportError:
72    markupsafe = None
76    # Older python where the backport from pypi is installed
77    from backports import ssl_match_hostname
78except ImportError:
79    # Other older python we use our bundled copy
80    try:
81        from salt.ext import ssl_match_hostname
82    except ImportError:
83        ssl_match_hostname = None
85concurrent = None
88log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
91def import_module(name, path):
92    """
93    Import a module from a specific path. Path can be a full or relative path
94    to a .py file.
96    :name: The name of the module to import
97    :path: The path of the module to import
98    """
99    try:
100        spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(name, path)
101    except ValueError:
102        spec = None
103    if spec is not None:
104        lib = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
105        try:
106            spec.loader.exec_module(lib)
107        except OSError:
108            pass
109        else:
110            return lib
113def getsitepackages():
114    """
115    Some versions of Virtualenv ship a site.py without getsitepackages. This
116    method will first try and return sitepackages from the default site module
117    if no method exists we will try importing the site module from every other
118    path in sys.paths until we find a getsitepackages method to return the
119    results from. If for some reason no gesitepackages method can be found a
120    RuntimeError will be raised
122    :return: A list containing all global site-packages directories.
123    """
124    if hasattr(site, "getsitepackages"):
125        return site.getsitepackages()
126    for path in sys.path:
127        lib = import_module("site", os.path.join(path, "site.py"))
128        if hasattr(lib, "getsitepackages"):
129            return lib.getsitepackages()
130    raise RuntimeError("Unable to locate a getsitepackages method")
133def find_site_modules(name):
134    """
135    Finds and imports a module from site packages directories.
137    :name: The name of the module to import
138    :return: A list of imported modules, if no modules are imported an empty
139             list is returned.
140    """
141    libs = []
142    site_paths = []
143    try:
144        site_paths = getsitepackages()
145    except RuntimeError:
146        log.debug("No site package directories found")
147    for site_path in site_paths:
148        path = os.path.join(site_path, "{}.py".format(name))
149        lib = import_module(name, path)
150        if lib:
151            libs.append(lib)
152        path = os.path.join(site_path, name, "__init__.py")
153        lib = import_module(name, path)
154        if lib:
155            libs.append(lib)
156    return libs
159def _get_salt_call(*dirs, **namespaces):
160    """
161    Return salt-call source, based on configuration.
162    This will include additional namespaces for another versions of Salt,
163    if needed (e.g. older interpreters etc).
165    :dirs: List of directories to include in the system path
166    :namespaces: Dictionary of namespace
167    :return:
168    """
169    template = """# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
170import os
171import sys
173# Namespaces is a map: {namespace: major/minor version}, like {'2016.11.4': [2, 6]}
174# Appears only when configured in Master configuration.
175namespaces = %namespaces%
177# Default system paths alongside the namespaces
178syspaths = %dirs%
181curr_ver = (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1],)
183namespace = ''
184for ns in namespaces:
185    if curr_ver == tuple(namespaces[ns]):
186        namespace = ns
187        break
189for base in syspaths:
190    sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
191                                    namespace and os.path.join(namespace, base) or base))
193if __name__ == '__main__':
194    from salt.scripts import salt_call
195    salt_call()
198    for tgt, cnt in [("%dirs%", dirs), ("%namespaces%", namespaces)]:
199        template = template.replace(tgt, salt.utils.json.dumps(cnt))
201    return salt.utils.stringutils.to_bytes(template)
204def thin_path(cachedir):
205    """
206    Return the path to the thin tarball
207    """
208    return os.path.join(cachedir, "thin", "thin.tgz")
211def _is_shareable(mod):
212    """
213    Return True if module is share-able between major Python versions.
215    :param mod:
216    :return:
217    """
218    # This list is subject to change
219    shareable = ["salt", "jinja2", "msgpack", "certifi"]
221    return os.path.basename(mod) in shareable
224def _add_dependency(container, obj):
225    """
226    Add a dependency to the top list.
228    :param obj:
229    :param is_file:
230    :return:
231    """
232    if os.path.basename(obj.__file__).split(".")[0] == "__init__":
233        container.append(os.path.dirname(obj.__file__))
234    else:
235        container.append(obj.__file__.replace(".pyc", ".py"))
238def gte():
239    """
240    This function is called externally from the alternative
241    Python interpreter from within _get_tops function.
243    :param extra_mods:
244    :param so_mods:
245    :return:
246    """
247    extra = salt.utils.json.loads(sys.argv[1])
248    tops = get_tops(**extra)
250    return salt.utils.json.dumps(tops, ensure_ascii=False)
253def get_tops_python(py_ver, exclude=None, ext_py_ver=None):
254    """
255    Get top directories for the ssh_ext_alternatives dependencies
256    automatically for the given python version. This allows
257    the user to add the dependency paths automatically.
259    :param py_ver:
260        python binary to use to detect binaries
262    :param exclude:
263        list of modules not to auto detect
265    :param ext_py_ver:
266        the py-version from the ssh_ext_alternatives config
267    """
268    files = {}
269    mods = [
270        "jinja2",
271        "yaml",
272        "tornado",
273        "msgpack",
274        "certifi",
275        "singledispatch",
276        "concurrent",
277        "singledispatch_helpers",
278        "ssl_match_hostname",
279        "markupsafe",
280        "backports_abc",
281    ]
282    if ext_py_ver and tuple(ext_py_ver) >= (3, 0):
283        mods.append("distro")
285    for mod in mods:
286        if exclude and mod in exclude:
287            continue
289        if not salt.utils.path.which(py_ver):
290            log.error("%s does not exist. Could not auto detect dependencies", py_ver)
291            return {}
292        py_shell_cmd = [py_ver, "-c", "import {0}; print({0}.__file__)".format(mod)]
293        cmd = subprocess.Popen(py_shell_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
294        stdout, _ = cmd.communicate()
295        mod_file = os.path.abspath(salt.utils.data.decode(stdout).rstrip("\n"))
297        if not stdout or not os.path.exists(mod_file):
298            log.error(
299                "Could not auto detect file location for module %s for python version %s",
300                mod,
301                py_ver,
302            )
303            continue
305        if os.path.basename(mod_file).split(".")[0] == "__init__":
306            mod_file = os.path.dirname(mod_file)
307        else:
308            mod_file = mod_file.replace("pyc", "py")
310        files[mod] = mod_file
311    return files
314def get_ext_tops(config):
315    """
316    Get top directories for the dependencies, based on external configuration.
318    :return:
319    """
320    config = copy.deepcopy(config) or {}
321    alternatives = {}
322    required = ["jinja2", "yaml", "tornado", "msgpack"]
323    tops = []
324    for ns, cfg in config.items():
325        alternatives[ns] = cfg
326        locked_py_version = cfg.get("py-version")
327        err_msg = None
328        if not locked_py_version:
329            err_msg = "Alternative Salt library: missing specific locked Python version"
330        elif not isinstance(locked_py_version, (tuple, list)):
331            err_msg = (
332                "Alternative Salt library: specific locked Python version "
333                "should be a list of major/minor version"
334            )
335        if err_msg:
336            raise salt.exceptions.SaltSystemExit(err_msg)
338        if tuple(locked_py_version) >= (3, 0) and "distro" not in required:
339            required.append("distro")
341        if cfg.get("dependencies") == "inherit":
342            # TODO: implement inheritance of the modules from _here_
343            raise NotImplementedError("This feature is not yet implemented")
344        else:
345            for dep in cfg.get("dependencies"):
346                mod = cfg["dependencies"][dep] or ""
347                if not mod:
348                    log.warning("Module %s has missing configuration", dep)
349                    continue
350                elif mod.endswith(".py") and not os.path.isfile(mod):
351                    log.warning(
352                        "Module %s configured with not a file or does not exist: %s",
353                        dep,
354                        mod,
355                    )
356                    continue
357                elif not mod.endswith(".py") and not os.path.isfile(
358                    os.path.join(mod, "__init__.py")
359                ):
360                    log.warning(
361                        "Module %s is not a Python importable module with %s", dep, mod
362                    )
363                    continue
364                tops.append(mod)
366                if dep in required:
367                    required.pop(required.index(dep))
369            required = ", ".join(required)
370            if required:
371                msg = (
372                    "Missing dependencies for the alternative version"
373                    " in the external configuration: {}".format(required)
374                )
375                log.error(msg)
376                raise salt.exceptions.SaltSystemExit(msg=msg)
377        alternatives[ns]["dependencies"] = tops
378    return alternatives
381def _get_ext_namespaces(config):
382    """
383    Get namespaces from the existing configuration.
385    :param config:
386    :return:
387    """
388    namespaces = {}
389    if not config:
390        return namespaces
392    for ns in config:
393        constraint_version = tuple(config[ns].get("py-version", []))
394        if not constraint_version:
395            raise salt.exceptions.SaltSystemExit(
396                "An alternative version is configured, but not defined "
397                "to what Python's major/minor version it should be constrained."
398            )
399        else:
400            namespaces[ns] = constraint_version
402    return namespaces
405def get_tops(extra_mods="", so_mods=""):
406    """
407    Get top directories for the dependencies, based on Python interpreter.
409    :param extra_mods:
410    :param so_mods:
411    :return:
412    """
413    tops = []
414    mods = [
415        salt,
416        distro,
417        jinja2,
418        yaml,
419        tornado,
420        msgpack,
421        certifi,
422        singledispatch,
423        concurrent,
424        singledispatch_helpers,
425        ssl_match_hostname,
426        markupsafe,
427        backports_abc,
428    ]
429    modules = find_site_modules("contextvars")
430    if modules:
431        contextvars = modules[0]
432    else:
433        contextvars = py_contextvars
434    log.debug("Using contextvars %r", contextvars)
435    mods.append(contextvars)
436    if has_immutables:
437        mods.append(immutables)
438    for mod in mods:
439        if mod:
440            log.debug('Adding module to the tops: "%s"', mod.__name__)
441            _add_dependency(tops, mod)
443    for mod in [m for m in extra_mods.split(",") if m]:
444        if mod not in locals() and mod not in globals():
445            try:
446                locals()[mod] = __import__(mod)
447                moddir, modname = os.path.split(locals()[mod].__file__)
448                base, _ = os.path.splitext(modname)
449                if base == "__init__":
450                    tops.append(moddir)
451                else:
452                    tops.append(os.path.join(moddir, base + ".py"))
453            except ImportError as err:
454                log.error(
455                    'Unable to import extra-module "%s": %s', mod, err, exc_info=True
456                )
458    for mod in [m for m in so_mods.split(",") if m]:
459        try:
460            locals()[mod] = __import__(mod)
461            tops.append(locals()[mod].__file__)
462        except ImportError as err:
463            log.error('Unable to import so-module "%s"', mod, exc_info=True)
465    return tops
468def _get_supported_py_config(tops, extended_cfg):
469    """
470    Based on the Salt SSH configuration, create a YAML configuration
471    for the supported Python interpreter versions. This is then written into the thin.tgz
472    archive and then verified by salt.client.ssh.ssh_py_shim.get_executable()
474    Note: Current versions of Salt only Support Python 3, but the versions of Python
475    (2.7,3.0) remain to include support for ssh_ext_alternatives if user is targeting an
476    older version of Salt.
477    :return:
478    """
479    pymap = []
480    for py_ver, tops in copy.deepcopy(tops).items():
481        py_ver = int(py_ver)
482        if py_ver == 2:
483            pymap.append("py2:2:7")
484        elif py_ver == 3:
485            pymap.append("py3:3:0")
486    cfg_copy = copy.deepcopy(extended_cfg) or {}
487    for ns, cfg in cfg_copy.items():
488        pymap.append("{}:{}:{}".format(ns, *cfg.get("py-version")))
489    pymap.append("")
491    return salt.utils.stringutils.to_bytes(os.linesep.join(pymap))
494def _get_thintar_prefix(tarname):
495    """
496    Make sure thintar temporary name is concurrent and secure.
498    :param tarname: name of the chosen tarball
499    :return: prefixed tarname
500    """
501    tfd, tmp_tarname = tempfile.mkstemp(
502        dir=os.path.dirname(tarname),
503        prefix=".thin-",
504        suffix=os.path.splitext(tarname)[1],
505    )
506    os.close(tfd)
508    return tmp_tarname
511def _pack_alternative(extended_cfg, digest_collector, tfp):
512    # Pack alternative data
513    config = copy.deepcopy(extended_cfg)
514    # Check if auto_detect is enabled and update dependencies
515    for ns, cfg in config.items():
516        if cfg.get("auto_detect"):
517            py_ver = "python" + str(cfg.get("py-version", [""])[0])
518            if cfg.get("py_bin"):
519                py_ver = cfg["py_bin"]
521            exclude = []
522            # get any manually set deps
523            deps = config[ns].get("dependencies")
524            if deps:
525                for dep in deps.keys():
526                    exclude.append(dep)
527            else:
528                config[ns]["dependencies"] = {}
530            # get auto deps
531            auto_deps = get_tops_python(
532                py_ver, exclude=exclude, ext_py_ver=cfg["py-version"]
533            )
534            for dep in auto_deps:
535                config[ns]["dependencies"][dep] = auto_deps[dep]
537    for ns, cfg in get_ext_tops(config).items():
538        tops = [cfg.get("path")] + cfg.get("dependencies")
539        py_ver_major, py_ver_minor = cfg.get("py-version")
541        for top in tops:
542            top = os.path.normpath(top)
543            base, top_dirname = os.path.basename(top), os.path.dirname(top)
544            os.chdir(top_dirname)
545            site_pkg_dir = (
546                _is_shareable(base) and "pyall" or "py{}".format(py_ver_major)
547            )
548            log.debug(
549                'Packing alternative "%s" to "%s/%s" destination',
550                base,
551                ns,
552                site_pkg_dir,
553            )
554            if not os.path.exists(top):
555                log.error(
556                    "File path %s does not exist. Unable to add to salt-ssh thin", top
557                )
558                continue
559            if not os.path.isdir(top):
560                # top is a single file module
561                if os.path.exists(os.path.join(top_dirname, base)):
562                    tfp.add(base, arcname=os.path.join(ns, site_pkg_dir, base))
563                continue
564            for root, dirs, files in salt.utils.path.os_walk(base, followlinks=True):
565                for name in files:
566                    if not name.endswith((".pyc", ".pyo")):
567                        digest_collector.add(os.path.join(root, name))
568                        arcname = os.path.join(ns, site_pkg_dir, root, name)
569                        if hasattr(tfp, "getinfo"):
570                            try:
571                                tfp.getinfo(os.path.join(site_pkg_dir, root, name))
572                                arcname = None
573                            except KeyError:
574                                log.debug(
575                                    'ZIP: Unable to add "%s" with "getinfo"', arcname
576                                )
577                        if arcname:
578                            tfp.add(os.path.join(root, name), arcname=arcname)
581def gen_thin(
582    cachedir,
583    extra_mods="",
584    overwrite=False,
585    so_mods="",
586    absonly=True,
587    compress="gzip",
588    extended_cfg=None,
590    """
591    Generate the salt-thin tarball and print the location of the tarball
592    Optional additional mods to include (e.g. mako) can be supplied as a comma
593    delimited string.  Permits forcing an overwrite of the output file as well.
595    CLI Example:
597    .. code-block:: bash
599        salt-run thin.generate
600        salt-run thin.generate mako
601        salt-run thin.generate mako,wempy 1
602        salt-run thin.generate overwrite=1
603    """
604    if sys.version_info < (3,):
605        raise salt.exceptions.SaltSystemExit(
606            'The minimum required python version to run salt-ssh is "3".'
607        )
608    if compress not in ["gzip", "zip"]:
609        log.warning(
610            'Unknown compression type: "%s". Falling back to "gzip" compression.',
611            compress,
612        )
613        compress = "gzip"
615    thindir = os.path.join(cachedir, "thin")
616    if not os.path.isdir(thindir):
617        os.makedirs(thindir)
618    thintar = os.path.join(thindir, "thin." + (compress == "gzip" and "tgz" or "zip"))
619    thinver = os.path.join(thindir, "version")
620    pythinver = os.path.join(thindir, ".thin-gen-py-version")
621    salt_call = os.path.join(thindir, "salt-call")
622    pymap_cfg = os.path.join(thindir, "supported-versions")
623    code_checksum = os.path.join(thindir, "code-checksum")
624    digest_collector = salt.utils.hashutils.DigestCollector()
626    with salt.utils.files.fopen(salt_call, "wb") as fp_:
627        fp_.write(_get_salt_call("pyall", **_get_ext_namespaces(extended_cfg)))
629    if os.path.isfile(thintar):
630        if not overwrite:
631            if os.path.isfile(thinver):
632                with salt.utils.files.fopen(thinver) as fh_:
633                    overwrite = fh_.read() != salt.version.__version__
634                if overwrite is False and os.path.isfile(pythinver):
635                    with salt.utils.files.fopen(pythinver) as fh_:
636                        overwrite = fh_.read() != str(sys.version_info[0])
637            else:
638                overwrite = True
640        if overwrite:
641            try:
642                log.debug("Removing %s archive file", thintar)
643                os.remove(thintar)
644            except OSError as exc:
645                log.error("Error while removing %s file: %s", thintar, exc)
646                if os.path.exists(thintar):
647                    raise salt.exceptions.SaltSystemExit(
648                        "Unable to remove {} file. See logs for details.".format(
649                            thintar
650                        )
651                    )
652        else:
653            return thintar
655    tops_failure_msg = "Failed %s tops for Python binary %s."
656    tops_py_version_mapping = {}
657    tops = get_tops(extra_mods=extra_mods, so_mods=so_mods)
658    tops_py_version_mapping[sys.version_info.major] = tops
660    with salt.utils.files.fopen(pymap_cfg, "wb") as fp_:
661        fp_.write(
662            _get_supported_py_config(
663                tops=tops_py_version_mapping, extended_cfg=extended_cfg
664            )
665        )
667    tmp_thintar = _get_thintar_prefix(thintar)
668    if compress == "gzip":
669        tfp = tarfile.open(tmp_thintar, "w:gz", dereference=True)
670    elif compress == "zip":
671        tfp = zipfile.ZipFile(
672            tmp_thintar,
673            "w",
674            compression=zlib and zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED or zipfile.ZIP_STORED,
675        )
676        tfp.add = tfp.write
677    try:  # cwd may not exist if it was removed but salt was run from it
678        start_dir = os.getcwd()
679    except OSError:
680        start_dir = None
681    tempdir = None
683    # Pack default data
684    log.debug("Packing default libraries based on current Salt version")
685    for py_ver, tops in tops_py_version_mapping.items():
686        for top in tops:
687            if absonly and not os.path.isabs(top):
688                continue
689            base = os.path.basename(top)
690            top_dirname = os.path.dirname(top)
691            if os.path.isdir(top_dirname):
692                os.chdir(top_dirname)
693            else:
694                # This is likely a compressed python .egg
695                tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
696                egg = zipfile.ZipFile(top_dirname)
697                egg.extractall(tempdir)
698                top = os.path.join(tempdir, base)
699                os.chdir(tempdir)
701            site_pkg_dir = _is_shareable(base) and "pyall" or "py{}".format(py_ver)
703            log.debug('Packing "%s" to "%s" destination', base, site_pkg_dir)
704            if not os.path.isdir(top):
705                # top is a single file module
706                if os.path.exists(os.path.join(top_dirname, base)):
707                    tfp.add(base, arcname=os.path.join(site_pkg_dir, base))
708                continue
709            for root, dirs, files in salt.utils.path.os_walk(base, followlinks=True):
710                for name in files:
711                    if not name.endswith((".pyc", ".pyo")):
712                        digest_collector.add(os.path.join(root, name))
713                        arcname = os.path.join(site_pkg_dir, root, name)
714                        if hasattr(tfp, "getinfo"):
715                            try:
716                                # This is a little slow but there's no clear way to detect duplicates
717                                tfp.getinfo(os.path.join(site_pkg_dir, root, name))
718                                arcname = None
719                            except KeyError:
720                                log.debug(
721                                    'ZIP: Unable to add "%s" with "getinfo"', arcname
722                                )
723                        if arcname:
724                            tfp.add(os.path.join(root, name), arcname=arcname)
726            if tempdir is not None:
727                shutil.rmtree(tempdir)
728                tempdir = None
730    if extended_cfg:
731        log.debug("Packing libraries based on alternative Salt versions")
732        _pack_alternative(extended_cfg, digest_collector, tfp)
734    os.chdir(thindir)
735    with salt.utils.files.fopen(thinver, "w+") as fp_:
736        fp_.write(salt.version.__version__)
737    with salt.utils.files.fopen(pythinver, "w+") as fp_:
738        fp_.write(str(sys.version_info.major))
739    with salt.utils.files.fopen(code_checksum, "w+") as fp_:
740        fp_.write(digest_collector.digest())
741    os.chdir(os.path.dirname(thinver))
743    for fname in [
744        "version",
745        ".thin-gen-py-version",
746        "salt-call",
747        "supported-versions",
748        "code-checksum",
749    ]:
750        tfp.add(fname)
752    if start_dir and os.access(start_dir, os.R_OK) and os.access(start_dir, os.X_OK):
753        os.chdir(start_dir)
754    tfp.close()
756    shutil.move(tmp_thintar, thintar)
758    return thintar
761def thin_sum(cachedir, form="sha1"):
762    """
763    Return the checksum of the current thin tarball
764    """
765    thintar = gen_thin(cachedir)
766    code_checksum_path = os.path.join(cachedir, "thin", "code-checksum")
767    if os.path.isfile(code_checksum_path):
768        with salt.utils.files.fopen(code_checksum_path, "r") as fh:
769            code_checksum = "'{}'".format(fh.read().strip())
770    else:
771        code_checksum = "'0'"
773    return code_checksum, salt.utils.hashutils.get_hash(thintar, form)
776def gen_min(
777    cachedir,
778    extra_mods="",
779    overwrite=False,
780    so_mods="",
782    """
783    Generate the salt-min tarball and print the location of the tarball
784    Optional additional mods to include (e.g. mako) can be supplied as a comma
785    delimited string.  Permits forcing an overwrite of the output file as well.
787    CLI Example:
789    .. code-block:: bash
791        salt-run min.generate
792        salt-run min.generate mako
793        salt-run min.generate mako,wempy 1
794        salt-run min.generate overwrite=1
795    """
796    mindir = os.path.join(cachedir, "min")
797    if not os.path.isdir(mindir):
798        os.makedirs(mindir)
799    mintar = os.path.join(mindir, "min.tgz")
800    minver = os.path.join(mindir, "version")
801    pyminver = os.path.join(mindir, ".min-gen-py-version")
802    salt_call = os.path.join(mindir, "salt-call")
803    with salt.utils.files.fopen(salt_call, "wb") as fp_:
804        fp_.write(_get_salt_call())
805    if os.path.isfile(mintar):
806        if not overwrite:
807            if os.path.isfile(minver):
808                with salt.utils.files.fopen(minver) as fh_:
809                    overwrite = fh_.read() != salt.version.__version__
810                if overwrite is False and os.path.isfile(pyminver):
811                    with salt.utils.files.fopen(pyminver) as fh_:
812                        overwrite = fh_.read() != str(sys.version_info[0])
813            else:
814                overwrite = True
816        if overwrite:
817            try:
818                os.remove(mintar)
819            except OSError:
820                pass
821        else:
822            return mintar
824    tops_py_version_mapping = {}
825    tops = get_tops(extra_mods=extra_mods, so_mods=so_mods)
826    tops_py_version_mapping["3"] = tops
828    tfp = tarfile.open(mintar, "w:gz", dereference=True)
829    try:  # cwd may not exist if it was removed but salt was run from it
830        start_dir = os.getcwd()
831    except OSError:
832        start_dir = None
833    tempdir = None
835    # This is the absolute minimum set of files required to run salt-call
836    min_files = (
837        "salt/__init__.py",
838        "salt/utils",
839        "salt/utils/__init__.py",
840        "salt/utils/atomicfile.py",
841        "salt/utils/validate",
842        "salt/utils/validate/__init__.py",
843        "salt/utils/validate/path.py",
844        "salt/utils/decorators",
845        "salt/utils/decorators/__init__.py",
846        "salt/utils/cache.py",
847        "salt/utils/xdg.py",
848        "salt/utils/odict.py",
849        "salt/utils/minions.py",
850        "salt/utils/dicttrim.py",
851        "salt/utils/sdb.py",
852        "salt/utils/migrations.py",
853        "salt/utils/files.py",
854        "salt/utils/parsers.py",
855        "salt/utils/locales.py",
856        "salt/utils/lazy.py",
857        "salt/utils/s3.py",
858        "salt/utils/dictupdate.py",
859        "salt/utils/verify.py",
860        "salt/utils/args.py",
861        "salt/utils/kinds.py",
862        "salt/utils/xmlutil.py",
863        "salt/utils/debug.py",
864        "salt/utils/jid.py",
865        "salt/utils/openstack",
866        "salt/utils/openstack/__init__.py",
867        "salt/utils/openstack/swift.py",
868        "salt/utils/asynchronous.py",
869        "salt/utils/process.py",
870        "salt/utils/jinja.py",
871        "salt/utils/rsax931.py",
872        "salt/utils/context.py",
873        "salt/utils/minion.py",
874        "salt/utils/error.py",
875        "salt/utils/aws.py",
876        "salt/utils/timed_subprocess.py",
877        "salt/utils/zeromq.py",
878        "salt/utils/schedule.py",
879        "salt/utils/url.py",
880        "salt/utils/yamlencoding.py",
881        "salt/utils/network.py",
882        "salt/utils/http.py",
883        "salt/utils/gzip_util.py",
884        "salt/utils/vt.py",
885        "salt/utils/templates.py",
886        "salt/utils/aggregation.py",
887        "salt/utils/yaml.py",
888        "salt/utils/yamldumper.py",
889        "salt/utils/yamlloader.py",
890        "salt/utils/event.py",
891        "salt/utils/state.py",
892        "salt/serializers",
893        "salt/serializers/__init__.py",
894        "salt/serializers/yamlex.py",
895        "salt/template.py",
896        "salt/_compat.py",
897        "salt/loader.py",
898        "salt/client",
899        "salt/client/__init__.py",
900        "salt/ext",
901        "salt/ext/__init__.py",
902        "salt/ext/six.py",
903        "salt/ext/ipaddress.py",
904        "salt/version.py",
905        "salt/syspaths.py",
906        "salt/defaults",
907        "salt/defaults/__init__.py",
908        "salt/defaults/exitcodes.py",
909        "salt/renderers",
910        "salt/renderers/__init__.py",
911        "salt/renderers/jinja.py",
912        "salt/renderers/yaml.py",
913        "salt/modules",
914        "salt/modules/__init__.py",
915        "salt/modules/test.py",
916        "salt/modules/selinux.py",
917        "salt/modules/cmdmod.py",
918        "salt/modules/saltutil.py",
919        "salt/minion.py",
920        "salt/pillar",
921        "salt/pillar/__init__.py",
922        "salt/utils/textformat.py",
923        "salt/log",
924        "salt/log/__init__.py",
925        "salt/log/handlers",
926        "salt/log/handlers/__init__.py",
927        "salt/log/mixins.py",
928        "salt/log/setup.py",
929        "salt/cli",
930        "salt/cli/__init__.py",
931        "salt/cli/caller.py",
932        "salt/cli/daemons.py",
933        "salt/cli/salt.py",
934        "salt/cli/call.py",
935        "salt/fileserver",
936        "salt/fileserver/__init__.py",
937        "salt/transport",
938        "salt/transport/__init__.py",
939        "salt/transport/client.py",
940        "salt/exceptions.py",
941        "salt/grains",
942        "salt/grains/__init__.py",
943        "salt/grains/extra.py",
944        "salt/scripts.py",
945        "salt/state.py",
946        "salt/fileclient.py",
947        "salt/crypt.py",
948        "salt/config.py",
949        "salt/beacons",
950        "salt/beacons/__init__.py",
951        "salt/payload.py",
952        "salt/output",
953        "salt/output/__init__.py",
954        "salt/output/nested.py",
955    )
957    for py_ver, tops in tops_py_version_mapping.items():
958        for top in tops:
959            base = os.path.basename(top)
960            top_dirname = os.path.dirname(top)
961            if os.path.isdir(top_dirname):
962                os.chdir(top_dirname)
963            else:
964                # This is likely a compressed python .egg
965                tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
966                egg = zipfile.ZipFile(top_dirname)
967                egg.extractall(tempdir)
968                top = os.path.join(tempdir, base)
969                os.chdir(tempdir)
970            if not os.path.isdir(top):
971                # top is a single file module
972                tfp.add(base, arcname=os.path.join("py{}".format(py_ver), base))
973                continue
974            for root, dirs, files in salt.utils.path.os_walk(base, followlinks=True):
975                for name in files:
976                    if name.endswith((".pyc", ".pyo")):
977                        continue
978                    if (
979                        root.startswith("salt")
980                        and os.path.join(root, name) not in min_files
981                    ):
982                        continue
983                    tfp.add(
984                        os.path.join(root, name),
985                        arcname=os.path.join("py{}".format(py_ver), root, name),
986                    )
987            if tempdir is not None:
988                shutil.rmtree(tempdir)
989                tempdir = None
991    os.chdir(mindir)
992    tfp.add("salt-call")
993    with salt.utils.files.fopen(minver, "w+") as fp_:
994        fp_.write(salt.version.__version__)
995    with salt.utils.files.fopen(pyminver, "w+") as fp_:
996        fp_.write(str(sys.version_info[0]))
997    os.chdir(os.path.dirname(minver))
998    tfp.add("version")
999    tfp.add(".min-gen-py-version")
1000    if start_dir:
1001        os.chdir(start_dir)
1002    tfp.close()
1003    return mintar
1006def min_sum(cachedir, form="sha1"):
1007    """
1008    Return the checksum of the current thin tarball
1009    """
1010    mintar = gen_min(cachedir)
1011    return salt.utils.hashutils.get_hash(mintar, form)