1import logging
2import os
3import shutil
4import subprocess
5import tempfile
6import urllib.error
7import urllib.request
9import pytest
10import salt.modules.cmdmod as cmd
11import salt.modules.virtualenv_mod
12import salt.modules.zcbuildout as buildout
13import salt.utils.files
14import salt.utils.path
15import salt.utils.platform
16from tests.support.helpers import patched_environ
17from tests.support.mixins import LoaderModuleMockMixin
18from tests.support.runtests import RUNTIME_VARS
19from tests.support.unit import TestCase, skipIf
22    "virtualenv",
23    "virtualenv2",
24    "virtualenv-2.6",
25    "virtualenv-2.7",
29    1: ["var/ver/1/bootstrap/bootstrap.py"],
30    2: ["var/ver/2/bootstrap/bootstrap.py", "b/bootstrap.py"],
33log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
36def download_to(url, dest):
37    req = urllib.request.Request(url)
38    req.add_header(
39        "User-Agent",
40        "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/57.0.2987.133 Safari/537.36",
41    )
42    with salt.utils.files.fopen(dest, "wb") as fic:
43        fic.write(urllib.request.urlopen(req, timeout=10).read())
46class Base(TestCase, LoaderModuleMockMixin):
47    def setup_loader_modules(self):
48        return {
49            buildout: {
50                "__salt__": {
51                    "cmd.run_all": cmd.run_all,
52                    "cmd.run": cmd.run,
53                    "cmd.retcode": cmd.retcode,
54                }
55            }
56        }
58    @classmethod
59    def setUpClass(cls):
60        if not os.path.isdir(RUNTIME_VARS.TMP):
61            os.makedirs(RUNTIME_VARS.TMP)
63        cls.root = os.path.join(RUNTIME_VARS.BASE_FILES, "buildout")
64        cls.rdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=RUNTIME_VARS.TMP)
65        cls.tdir = os.path.join(cls.rdir, "test")
66        for idx, url in buildout._URL_VERSIONS.items():
67            log.debug("Downloading bootstrap from %s", url)
68            dest = os.path.join(cls.rdir, "{}_bootstrap.py".format(idx))
69            try:
70                download_to(url, dest)
71            except urllib.error.URLError as exc:
72                log.debug("Failed to download %s: %s", url, exc)
73        # creating a new setuptools install
74        cls.ppy_st = os.path.join(cls.rdir, "psetuptools")
75        if salt.utils.platform.is_windows():
76            cls.bin_st = os.path.join(cls.ppy_st, "Scripts")
77            cls.py_st = os.path.join(cls.bin_st, "python")
78        else:
79            cls.bin_st = os.path.join(cls.ppy_st, "bin")
80            cls.py_st = os.path.join(cls.bin_st, "python")
81        # `--no-site-packages` has been deprecated
82        # https://virtualenv.pypa.io/en/stable/reference/#cmdoption-no-site-packages
83        subprocess.check_call(
84            [salt.utils.path.which_bin(KNOWN_VIRTUALENV_BINARY_NAMES), cls.ppy_st]
85        )
86        # Setuptools >=53.0.0 no longer has easy_install
87        # Between 50.0.0 and 53.0.0 it has problems with salt, use an older version
88        subprocess.check_call(
89            [os.path.join(cls.bin_st, "pip"), "install", "-U", "setuptools<50.0.0"]
90        )
91        # distribute has been merged back in to setuptools as of v0.7. So, no
92        # need to upgrade distribute, but this seems to be the only way to get
93        # the binary in the right place
94        # https://packaging.python.org/key_projects/#setuptools
95        # Additionally, this part may fail if the certificate store is outdated
96        # on Windows, as it would be in a fresh installation for example. The
97        # following commands will fix that. This should be part of the golden
98        # images. (https://github.com/saltstack/salt-jenkins/pull/1479)
99        # certutil -generateSSTFromWU roots.sst
100        # powershell "(Get-ChildItem -Path .\roots.sst) | Import-Certificate -CertStoreLocation Cert:\LocalMachine\Root"
101        subprocess.check_call(
102            [os.path.join(cls.bin_st, "easy_install"), "-U", "distribute"]
103        )
105    def setUp(self):
106        if salt.utils.platform.is_darwin():
107            self.patched_environ = patched_environ(__cleanup__=["__PYVENV_LAUNCHER__"])
108            self.patched_environ.__enter__()
109            self.addCleanup(self.patched_environ.__exit__)
111        super().setUp()
112        self._remove_dir()
113        shutil.copytree(self.root, self.tdir)
115        for idx in BOOT_INIT:
116            path = os.path.join(self.rdir, "{}_bootstrap.py".format(idx))
117            for fname in BOOT_INIT[idx]:
118                shutil.copy2(path, os.path.join(self.tdir, fname))
120    def tearDown(self):
121        super().tearDown()
122        self._remove_dir()
124    def _remove_dir(self):
125        if os.path.isdir(self.tdir):
126            shutil.rmtree(self.tdir)
130    salt.utils.path.which_bin(KNOWN_VIRTUALENV_BINARY_NAMES) is None,
131    "The 'virtualenv' packaged needs to be installed",
134class BuildoutTestCase(Base):
135    @pytest.mark.slow_test
136    def test_onlyif_unless(self):
137        b_dir = os.path.join(self.tdir, "b")
138        ret = buildout.buildout(b_dir, onlyif=RUNTIME_VARS.SHELL_FALSE_PATH)
139        self.assertTrue(ret["comment"] == "onlyif condition is false")
140        self.assertTrue(ret["status"] is True)
141        ret = buildout.buildout(b_dir, unless=RUNTIME_VARS.SHELL_TRUE_PATH)
142        self.assertTrue(ret["comment"] == "unless condition is true")
143        self.assertTrue(ret["status"] is True)
145    @pytest.mark.slow_test
146    def test_salt_callback(self):
147        @buildout._salt_callback
148        def callback1(a, b=1):
149            for i in buildout.LOG.levels:
150                getattr(buildout.LOG, i)("{}bar".format(i[0]))
151            return "foo"
153        def callback2(a, b=1):
154            raise Exception("foo")
156        # pylint: disable=invalid-sequence-index
157        ret1 = callback1(1, b=3)
158        # These lines are throwing pylint errors - disabling for now since we are skipping
159        # these tests
160        # self.assertEqual(ret1['status'], True)
161        # self.assertEqual(ret1['logs_by_level']['warn'], ['wbar'])
162        # self.assertEqual(ret1['comment'], '')
163        # These lines are throwing pylint errors - disabling for now since we are skipping
164        # these tests
165        # self.assertTrue(
166        #     u''
167        #     u'OUTPUT:\n'
168        #     u'foo\n'
169        #     u''
170        #    in ret1['outlog']
171        # )
173        # These lines are throwing pylint errors - disabling for now since we are skipping
174        # these tests
175        # self.assertTrue(u'Log summary:\n' in ret1['outlog'])
176        # These lines are throwing pylint errors - disabling for now since we are skipping
177        # these tests
178        # self.assertTrue(
179        #     u'INFO: ibar\n'
180        #     u'WARN: wbar\n'
181        #     u'DEBUG: dbar\n'
182        #     u'ERROR: ebar\n'
183        #    in ret1['outlog']
184        # )
185        # These lines are throwing pylint errors - disabling for now since we are skipping
186        # these tests
187        # self.assertTrue('by level' in ret1['outlog_by_level'])
188        # self.assertEqual(ret1['out'], 'foo')
189        ret2 = buildout._salt_callback(callback2)(2, b=6)
190        self.assertEqual(ret2["status"], False)
191        self.assertTrue(ret2["logs_by_level"]["error"][0].startswith("Traceback"))
192        self.assertTrue("Unexpected response from buildout" in ret2["comment"])
193        self.assertEqual(ret2["out"], None)
194        for l in buildout.LOG.levels:
195            self.assertTrue(0 == len(buildout.LOG.by_level[l]))
196        # pylint: enable=invalid-sequence-index
198    @pytest.mark.slow_test
199    def test_get_bootstrap_url(self):
200        for path in [
201            os.path.join(self.tdir, "var/ver/1/dumppicked"),
202            os.path.join(self.tdir, "var/ver/1/bootstrap"),
203            os.path.join(self.tdir, "var/ver/1/versions"),
204        ]:
205            self.assertEqual(
206                buildout._URL_VERSIONS[1],
207                buildout._get_bootstrap_url(path),
208                "b1 url for {}".format(path),
209            )
210        for path in [
211            os.path.join(self.tdir, "/non/existing"),
212            os.path.join(self.tdir, "var/ver/2/versions"),
213            os.path.join(self.tdir, "var/ver/2/bootstrap"),
214            os.path.join(self.tdir, "var/ver/2/default"),
215        ]:
216            self.assertEqual(
217                buildout._URL_VERSIONS[2],
218                buildout._get_bootstrap_url(path),
219                "b2 url for {}".format(path),
220            )
222    @pytest.mark.slow_test
223    def test_get_buildout_ver(self):
224        for path in [
225            os.path.join(self.tdir, "var/ver/1/dumppicked"),
226            os.path.join(self.tdir, "var/ver/1/bootstrap"),
227            os.path.join(self.tdir, "var/ver/1/versions"),
228        ]:
229            self.assertEqual(
230                1, buildout._get_buildout_ver(path), "1 for {}".format(path)
231            )
232        for path in [
233            os.path.join(self.tdir, "/non/existing"),
234            os.path.join(self.tdir, "var/ver/2/versions"),
235            os.path.join(self.tdir, "var/ver/2/bootstrap"),
236            os.path.join(self.tdir, "var/ver/2/default"),
237        ]:
238            self.assertEqual(
239                2, buildout._get_buildout_ver(path), "2 for {}".format(path)
240            )
242    @pytest.mark.slow_test
243    def test_get_bootstrap_content(self):
244        self.assertEqual(
245            "",
246            buildout._get_bootstrap_content(os.path.join(self.tdir, "non", "existing")),
247        )
248        self.assertEqual(
249            "",
250            buildout._get_bootstrap_content(os.path.join(self.tdir, "var", "tb", "1")),
251        )
252        self.assertEqual(
253            "foo{}".format(os.linesep),
254            buildout._get_bootstrap_content(os.path.join(self.tdir, "var", "tb", "2")),
255        )
257    @pytest.mark.slow_test
258    def test_logger_clean(self):
259        buildout.LOG.clear()
260        # nothing in there
261        self.assertTrue(
262            True
263            not in [len(buildout.LOG.by_level[a]) > 0 for a in buildout.LOG.by_level]
264        )
265        buildout.LOG.info("foo")
266        self.assertTrue(
267            True in [len(buildout.LOG.by_level[a]) > 0 for a in buildout.LOG.by_level]
268        )
269        buildout.LOG.clear()
270        self.assertTrue(
271            True
272            not in [len(buildout.LOG.by_level[a]) > 0 for a in buildout.LOG.by_level]
273        )
275    @pytest.mark.slow_test
276    def test_logger_loggers(self):
277        buildout.LOG.clear()
278        # nothing in there
279        for i in buildout.LOG.levels:
280            getattr(buildout.LOG, i)("foo")
281            getattr(buildout.LOG, i)("bar")
282            getattr(buildout.LOG, i)("moo")
283            self.assertTrue(len(buildout.LOG.by_level[i]) == 3)
284            self.assertEqual(buildout.LOG.by_level[i][0], "foo")
285            self.assertEqual(buildout.LOG.by_level[i][-1], "moo")
287    @pytest.mark.slow_test
288    def test__find_cfgs(self):
289        result = sorted(
290            [a.replace(self.root, "") for a in buildout._find_cfgs(self.root)]
291        )
292        assertlist = sorted(
293            [
294                os.path.join(os.sep, "buildout.cfg"),
295                os.path.join(os.sep, "c", "buildout.cfg"),
296                os.path.join(os.sep, "etc", "buildout.cfg"),
297                os.path.join(os.sep, "e", "buildout.cfg"),
298                os.path.join(os.sep, "b", "buildout.cfg"),
299                os.path.join(os.sep, "b", "bdistribute", "buildout.cfg"),
300                os.path.join(os.sep, "b", "b2", "buildout.cfg"),
301                os.path.join(os.sep, "foo", "buildout.cfg"),
302            ]
303        )
304        self.assertEqual(result, assertlist)
306    def skip_test_upgrade_bootstrap(self):
307        b_dir = os.path.join(self.tdir, "b")
308        bpy = os.path.join(b_dir, "bootstrap.py")
309        buildout.upgrade_bootstrap(b_dir)
310        time1 = os.stat(bpy).st_mtime
311        with salt.utils.files.fopen(bpy) as fic:
312            data = fic.read()
313        self.assertTrue("setdefaulttimeout(2)" in data)
314        flag = os.path.join(b_dir, ".buildout", "2.updated_bootstrap")
315        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(flag))
316        buildout.upgrade_bootstrap(b_dir, buildout_ver=1)
317        time2 = os.stat(bpy).st_mtime
318        with salt.utils.files.fopen(bpy) as fic:
319            data = fic.read()
320        self.assertTrue("setdefaulttimeout(2)" in data)
321        flag = os.path.join(b_dir, ".buildout", "1.updated_bootstrap")
322        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(flag))
323        buildout.upgrade_bootstrap(b_dir, buildout_ver=1)
324        time3 = os.stat(bpy).st_mtime
325        self.assertNotEqual(time2, time1)
326        self.assertEqual(time2, time3)
330    salt.utils.path.which_bin(KNOWN_VIRTUALENV_BINARY_NAMES) is None,
331    "The 'virtualenv' packaged needs to be installed",
334class BuildoutOnlineTestCase(Base):
335    @classmethod
336    def setUpClass(cls):
337        super().setUpClass()
338        cls.ppy_dis = os.path.join(cls.rdir, "pdistribute")
339        cls.ppy_blank = os.path.join(cls.rdir, "pblank")
340        cls.py_dis = os.path.join(cls.ppy_dis, "bin", "python")
341        cls.py_blank = os.path.join(cls.ppy_blank, "bin", "python")
342        # creating a distribute based install
343        try:
344            # `--no-site-packages` has been deprecated
345            # https://virtualenv.pypa.io/en/stable/reference/#cmdoption-no-site-packages
346            subprocess.check_call(
347                [
348                    salt.utils.path.which_bin(KNOWN_VIRTUALENV_BINARY_NAMES),
349                    "--no-setuptools",
350                    "--no-pip",
351                    cls.ppy_dis,
352                ]
353            )
354        except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
355            subprocess.check_call(
356                [salt.utils.path.which_bin(KNOWN_VIRTUALENV_BINARY_NAMES), cls.ppy.dis]
357            )
359            url = (
360                "https://pypi.python.org/packages/source"
361                "/d/distribute/distribute-0.6.43.tar.gz"
362            )
363            download_to(
364                url,
365                os.path.join(cls.ppy_dis, "distribute-0.6.43.tar.gz"),
366            )
368            subprocess.check_call(
369                [
370                    "tar",
371                    "-C",
372                    cls.ppy_dis,
373                    "-xzvf",
374                    "{}/distribute-0.6.43.tar.gz".format(cls.ppy_dis),
375                ]
376            )
378            subprocess.check_call(
379                [
380                    "{}/bin/python".format(cls.ppy_dis),
381                    "{}/distribute-0.6.43/setup.py".format(cls.ppy_dis),
382                    "install",
383                ]
384            )
386        # creating a blank based install
387        try:
388            subprocess.check_call(
389                [
390                    salt.utils.path.which_bin(KNOWN_VIRTUALENV_BINARY_NAMES),
391                    "--no-setuptools",
392                    "--no-pip",
393                    cls.ppy_blank,
394                ]
395            )
396        except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
397            subprocess.check_call(
398                [
399                    salt.utils.path.which_bin(KNOWN_VIRTUALENV_BINARY_NAMES),
400                    cls.ppy_blank,
401                ]
402            )
404    @skipIf(True, "TODO this test should probably be fixed")
405    def test_buildout_bootstrap(self):
406        b_dir = os.path.join(self.tdir, "b")
407        bd_dir = os.path.join(self.tdir, "b", "bdistribute")
408        b2_dir = os.path.join(self.tdir, "b", "b2")
409        self.assertTrue(buildout._has_old_distribute(self.py_dis))
410        # this is too hard to check as on debian & other where old
411        # packages are present (virtualenv), we can't have
412        # a clean site-packages
413        # self.assertFalse(buildout._has_old_distribute(self.py_blank))
414        self.assertFalse(buildout._has_old_distribute(self.py_st))
415        self.assertFalse(buildout._has_setuptools7(self.py_dis))
416        self.assertTrue(buildout._has_setuptools7(self.py_st))
417        self.assertFalse(buildout._has_setuptools7(self.py_blank))
419        ret = buildout.bootstrap(bd_dir, buildout_ver=1, python=self.py_dis)
420        comment = ret["outlog"]
421        self.assertTrue("--distribute" in comment)
422        self.assertTrue("Generated script" in comment)
424        ret = buildout.bootstrap(b_dir, buildout_ver=1, python=self.py_blank)
425        comment = ret["outlog"]
426        # as we may have old packages, this test the two
427        # behaviors (failure with old setuptools/distribute)
428        self.assertTrue(
429            ("Got " in comment and "Generated script" in comment)
430            or ("setuptools>=0.7" in comment)
431        )
433        ret = buildout.bootstrap(b_dir, buildout_ver=2, python=self.py_blank)
434        comment = ret["outlog"]
435        self.assertTrue(
436            ("setuptools" in comment and "Generated script" in comment)
437            or ("setuptools>=0.7" in comment)
438        )
440        ret = buildout.bootstrap(b_dir, buildout_ver=2, python=self.py_st)
441        comment = ret["outlog"]
442        self.assertTrue(
443            ("setuptools" in comment and "Generated script" in comment)
444            or ("setuptools>=0.7" in comment)
445        )
447        ret = buildout.bootstrap(b2_dir, buildout_ver=2, python=self.py_st)
448        comment = ret["outlog"]
449        self.assertTrue(
450            ("setuptools" in comment and "Creating directory" in comment)
451            or ("setuptools>=0.7" in comment)
452        )
454    @pytest.mark.slow_test
455    def test_run_buildout(self):
456        if salt.modules.virtualenv_mod.virtualenv_ver(self.ppy_st) >= (20, 0, 0):
457            self.skipTest(
458                "Skiping until upstream resolved"
459                " https://github.com/pypa/virtualenv/issues/1715"
460            )
462        b_dir = os.path.join(self.tdir, "b")
463        ret = buildout.bootstrap(b_dir, buildout_ver=2, python=self.py_st)
464        self.assertTrue(ret["status"])
465        ret = buildout.run_buildout(b_dir, parts=["a", "b"])
466        out = ret["out"]
467        self.assertTrue("Installing a" in out)
468        self.assertTrue("Installing b" in out)
470    @pytest.mark.slow_test
471    def test_buildout(self):
472        if salt.modules.virtualenv_mod.virtualenv_ver(self.ppy_st) >= (20, 0, 0):
473            self.skipTest(
474                "Skiping until upstream resolved"
475                " https://github.com/pypa/virtualenv/issues/1715"
476            )
478        b_dir = os.path.join(self.tdir, "b")
479        ret = buildout.buildout(b_dir, buildout_ver=2, python=self.py_st)
480        self.assertTrue(ret["status"])
481        out = ret["out"]
482        comment = ret["comment"]
483        self.assertTrue(ret["status"])
484        self.assertTrue("Creating directory" in out)
485        self.assertTrue("Installing a." in out)
486        self.assertTrue("{} bootstrap.py".format(self.py_st) in comment)
487        self.assertTrue("buildout -c buildout.cfg" in comment)
488        ret = buildout.buildout(
489            b_dir, parts=["a", "b", "c"], buildout_ver=2, python=self.py_st
490        )
491        outlog = ret["outlog"]
492        out = ret["out"]
493        comment = ret["comment"]
494        self.assertTrue("Installing single part: a" in outlog)
495        self.assertTrue("buildout -c buildout.cfg -N install a" in comment)
496        self.assertTrue("Installing b." in out)
497        self.assertTrue("Installing c." in out)
498        ret = buildout.buildout(
499            b_dir, parts=["a", "b", "c"], buildout_ver=2, newest=True, python=self.py_st
500        )
501        outlog = ret["outlog"]
502        out = ret["out"]
503        comment = ret["comment"]
504        self.assertTrue("buildout -c buildout.cfg -n install a" in comment)
507# TODO: Is this test even still needed?
508class BuildoutAPITestCase(TestCase):
509    def test_merge(self):
510        buildout.LOG.clear()
511        buildout.LOG.info("àé")
512        buildout.LOG.info("àé")
513        buildout.LOG.error("àé")
514        buildout.LOG.error("àé")
515        ret1 = buildout._set_status({}, out="éà")
516        uret1 = buildout._set_status({}, out="éà")
517        buildout.LOG.clear()
518        buildout.LOG.info("ççàé")
519        buildout.LOG.info("ççàé")
520        buildout.LOG.error("ççàé")
521        buildout.LOG.error("ççàé")
522        ret2 = buildout._set_status({}, out="çéà")
523        uret2 = buildout._set_status({}, out="çéà")
524        uretm = buildout._merge_statuses([ret1, uret1, ret2, uret2])
525        for ret in ret1, uret1, ret2, uret2:
526            out = ret["out"]
527            if not isinstance(ret["out"], str):
528                out = ret["out"].decode("utf-8")
530        for out in ["àé", "ççàé"]:
531            self.assertTrue(out in uretm["logs_by_level"]["info"])
532            self.assertTrue(out in uretm["outlog_by_level"])
534    def test_setup(self):
535        buildout.LOG.clear()
536        buildout.LOG.info("àé")
537        buildout.LOG.info("àé")
538        buildout.LOG.error("àé")
539        buildout.LOG.error("àé")
540        ret = buildout._set_status({}, out="éà")
541        uret = buildout._set_status({}, out="éà")
542        self.assertTrue(ret["outlog"] == uret["outlog"])
543        self.assertTrue("àé" in uret["outlog_by_level"])