2The query root of Sensu's GraphQL interface.
4type Query {
5  """
6  Current viewer.
7  """
8  viewer: Viewer
10  "Namespace fetches the namespace object associated with the given name."
11  namespace(name: String!): Namespace
13  """
14  Event fetches the event associated with the given set of arguments.
15  """
16  event(namespace: String!, entity: String!, check: String): Event
18  """
19  Entity fetches the entity associated with the given set of arguments.
20  """
21  entity(namespace: String!, name: String!): Entity
23  """
24  Mutator fetch the mutator associated with the given set of arguments.
25  """
26  mutator(namespace: String!, name: String!): Mutator
28  """
29  check fetches the check config associated with the given set of arguments.
30  """
31  check(namespace: String!, name: String!): CheckConfig
33  """
34  eventFilter fetches the event filter associated with the given set of arguments.
35  """
36  eventFilter(namespace: String!, name: String!): EventFilter
38  """
39  handler fetch the handler associated with the given set of arguments.
40  """
41  handler(namespace: String!, name: String!): Handler
43  """
44  Given a ref, field and a namespace returns a set of suggested values.
46  As an example if you would like a list of check names you might use:
47  `suggest(ref: "core/v2/check_config/metadata/name", namespace: "default")`
49  Or, if you would like a list of subscriptions...
50  `suggest(ref: "core/v2/entity/subscriptions", namespace: "default")`
52  You may filter the results with the `q` argument, for example:
53  `suggest(ref: "core/v2/check_config/metadata/name", namespace: "default", q: "disk")`
55  By default the results are ordered by the frequency in which the result occurs in the set. The `order` argument allow you to tweak this behaviour, for example:
56  `suggest(ref: "core/v2/check_config/metadata/name", namespace: "default", order: ALPHA_DESC)`
57  """
58  suggest(
59    """
60    If the value of a field does not contain the value of this argument it will
61    be omitted from the response. Operation is case-insensitive.
62    """
63    q: String = "",
64    """
65    Ref is used to uniquely identify a resource in the system as well as a field
66    on said resource. Refs take the form: :group/:version/:type/:field. The
67    field segment may be a path in and of it's own, eg. metadata/name would
68    refer to the name field nested inside a resource's metadata.
70    The following are valid example values for this argument:
72        `core/v2/asset/metadata/name`
73        `core/v2/asset/metadata/labels`
74        `core/v2/asset/metadata/labels/region`
75        `core/v2/check_config/subscriptions`
76        `core/v2/check_config/command`
77        `core/v2/check_config/timeout`
78        `core/v2/entity/system/os`
79        `core/v2/entity/system/platform`
80        `core/v2/filter/metadata/name`
81        `core/v2/handler/command`
82        `core/v2/hook_config/command`
83        `core/v2/mutator/command`
84        `core/v2/mutator/timeout`
85        `core/v2/silenced/creator`
87    """
88    ref: String!,
89    namespace: String!,
90    limit: Int = 10,
91    order: SuggestionOrder = FREQUENCY,
92  ): SuggestionResultSet
94  """
95  Node fetches an object given its ID.
96  """
97  node(
98    "The ID of an object."
99    id: ID!
100  ): Node
102  """
103  Node fetches an object given its ID and returns it as wrapped resource.
104  """
105  wrappedNode(
106    "The ID of an object."
107    id: ID!
108  ): JSON