1// +build go1.7
3package virtualmachine
5// Copyright 2017 Microsoft Corporation
7//    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
8//    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9//    You may obtain a copy of the License at
11//        http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
13//    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14//    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
15//    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
16//    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
17//    limitations under the License.
19import (
20	"encoding/xml"
22	"github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/classic/management"
23	vmdisk "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/classic/management/virtualmachinedisk"
26// VirtualMachineClient is used to perform operations on Azure Virtual Machines
27type VirtualMachineClient struct {
28	client management.Client
31// DeploymentRequest is the type for creating a deployment and Virtual Machine
32// in the deployment based on the specified configuration. See
33// https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/jj157194.aspx
34type DeploymentRequest struct {
35	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://schemas.microsoft.com/windowsazure Deployment"`
36	// Required parameters:
37	Name           string ``            // Specifies a name for the deployment. The deployment name must be unique among other deployments for the cloud service.
38	DeploymentSlot string ``            // Specifies the environment in which the Virtual Machine is to be deployed. The only allowable value is Production.
39	Label          string ``            // Specifies an identifier for the deployment. The label can be up to 100 characters long. The label can be used for tracking purposes.
40	RoleList       []Role `xml:">Role"` // Contains information about the Virtual Machines that are to be deployed.
41	// Optional parameters:
42	VirtualNetworkName string         `xml:",omitempty"`                         // Specifies the name of an existing virtual network to which the deployment will belong.
43	DNSServers         []DNSServer    `xml:"Dns>DnsServers>DnsServer,omitempty"` // Contains a list of DNS servers to associate with the Virtual Machine.
44	LoadBalancers      []LoadBalancer `xml:">LoadBalancer,omitempty"`            // Contains a list of internal load balancers that can be assigned to input endpoints.
45	ReservedIPName     string         `xml:",omitempty"`                         // Specifies the name of a reserved IP address that is to be assigned to the deployment.
48// DeploymentResponse is the type for receiving deployment information
49// See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/ee460804.aspx
50type DeploymentResponse struct {
51	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://schemas.microsoft.com/windowsazure Deployment"`
53	Name                   string
54	DeploymentSlot         string
55	PrivateID              string
56	Status                 DeploymentStatus
57	Label                  string
58	URL                    string `xml:"Url"`
59	Configuration          string
60	RoleInstanceList       []RoleInstance `xml:">RoleInstance"`
61	UpgradeStatus          UpgradeStatus
62	UpgradeDomainCount     int
63	RoleList               []Role `xml:">Role"`
64	SdkVersion             string
65	Locked                 bool
66	RollbackAllowed        bool
67	CreatedTime            string
68	LastModifiedTime       string
69	VirtualNetworkName     string
70	DNSServers             []DNSServer        `xml:"Dns>DnsServers>DnsServer"`
71	LoadBalancers          []LoadBalancer     `xml:">LoadBalancer"`
72	ExtendedProperties     []ExtendedProperty `xml:">ExtendedProperty"`
73	PersistentVMDowntime   PersistentVMDowntime
74	VirtualIPs             []VirtualIP `xml:">VirtualIP"`
75	ExtensionConfiguration ExtensionConfiguration
76	ReservedIPName         string
77	InternalDNSSuffix      string `xml:"InternalDnsSuffix"`
80type DeploymentStatus string
82const (
83	DeploymentStatusRunning                DeploymentStatus = "Running"
84	DeploymentStatusSuspended              DeploymentStatus = "Suspended"
85	DeploymentStatusRunningTransitioning   DeploymentStatus = "RunningTransitioning"
86	DeploymentStatusSuspendedTransitioning DeploymentStatus = "SuspendedTransitioning"
87	DeploymentStatusStarting               DeploymentStatus = "Starting"
88	DeploymentStatusSuspending             DeploymentStatus = "Suspending"
89	DeploymentStatusDeploying              DeploymentStatus = "Deploying"
90	DeploymentStatusDeleting               DeploymentStatus = "Deleting"
93// DeploymentSlot for cloud services are either Production or Staging Slots
94type DeploymentSlot string
96const (
97	// DeploymentSlotProduction represents the Production slot of a cloud service
98	DeploymentSlotProduction DeploymentSlot = "Production"
99	// DeploymentSlotStaging represents the Staging slot of a cloud service
100	DeploymentSlotStaging DeploymentSlot = "Staging"
103type RoleInstance struct {
104	RoleName                          string
105	InstanceName                      string
106	InstanceStatus                    InstanceStatus
107	ExtendedInstanceStatus            string
108	InstanceUpgradeDomain             int
109	InstanceFaultDomain               int
110	InstanceSize                      string
111	InstanceStateDetails              string
112	InstanceErrorCode                 string
113	IPAddress                         string             `xml:"IpAddress"`
114	InstanceEndpoints                 []InstanceEndpoint `xml:">InstanceEndpoint"`
115	PowerState                        PowerState
116	HostName                          string
117	RemoteAccessCertificateThumbprint string
118	GuestAgentStatus                  string                    // todo: implement
119	ResourceExtensionStatusList       []ResourceExtensionStatus `xml:">ResourceExtensionStatus"`
120	PublicIPs                         []PublicIP                `xml:">PublicIP"`
123type InstanceStatus string
125const (
126	InstanceStatusUnknown            = "Unknown"
127	InstanceStatusCreatingVM         = "CreatingVM"
128	InstanceStatusStartingVM         = "StartingVM"
129	InstanceStatusCreatingRole       = "CreatingRole"
130	InstanceStatusStartingRole       = "StartingRole"
131	InstanceStatusReadyRole          = "ReadyRole"
132	InstanceStatusBusyRole           = "BusyRole"
133	InstanceStatusStoppingRole       = "StoppingRole"
134	InstanceStatusStoppingVM         = "StoppingVM"
135	InstanceStatusDeletingVM         = "DeletingVM"
136	InstanceStatusStoppedVM          = "StoppedVM"
137	InstanceStatusRestartingRole     = "RestartingRole"
138	InstanceStatusCyclingRole        = "CyclingRole"
139	InstanceStatusFailedStartingRole = "FailedStartingRole"
140	InstanceStatusFailedStartingVM   = "FailedStartingVM"
141	InstanceStatusUnresponsiveRole   = "UnresponsiveRole"
142	InstanceStatusStoppedDeallocated = "StoppedDeallocated"
143	InstanceStatusPreparing          = "Preparing"
146type InstanceEndpoint struct {
147	Name       string
148	Vip        string
149	PublicPort int
150	LocalPort  int
151	Protocol   InputEndpointProtocol
154type PowerState string
156const (
157	PowerStateStarting PowerState = "Starting"
158	PowerStateStarted  PowerState = "Started"
159	PowerStateStopping PowerState = "Stopping"
160	PowerStateStopped  PowerState = "Stopped"
161	PowerStateUnknown  PowerState = "Unknown"
164type ResourceExtensionStatus struct {
165	HandlerName            string
166	Version                string
167	Status                 ResourceExtensionState
168	Code                   string
169	FormattedMessage       FormattedMessage
170	ExtensionSettingStatus ExtensionSettingStatus
173type ResourceExtensionState string
175const (
176	ResourceExtensionStateInstalling   ResourceExtensionState = "Installing"
177	ResourceExtensionStateReady        ResourceExtensionState = "Ready"
178	ResourceExtensionStateNotReady     ResourceExtensionState = "NotReady"
179	ResourceExtensionStateUnresponsive ResourceExtensionState = "Unresponsive"
182type FormattedMessage struct {
183	Language string
184	Message  string
187type ExtensionSettingStatus struct {
188	Timestamp        string
189	Name             string
190	Operation        string
191	Status           ExtensionSettingState
192	Code             string
193	FormattedMessage FormattedMessage
194	SubStatusList    []SubStatus `xml:">SubStatus"`
197type ExtensionSettingState string
199const (
200	ExtensionSettingStateTransitioning ExtensionSettingState = "transitioning"
201	ExtensionSettingStateError         ExtensionSettingState = "error"
202	ExtensionSettingStateSuccess       ExtensionSettingState = "success"
203	ExtensionSettingStateWarning       ExtensionSettingState = "warning"
206type SubStatus struct {
207	Name             string
208	Status           ExtensionSettingState
209	FormattedMessage FormattedMessage
212type UpgradeStatus struct {
213	UpgradeType               UpgradeType
214	CurrentUpgradeDomainState CurrentUpgradeDomainState
215	CurrentUpgradeDomain      int
218type UpgradeType string
220const (
221	UpgradeTypeAuto         UpgradeType = "Auto"
222	UpgradeTypeManual       UpgradeType = "Manual"
223	UpgradeTypeSimultaneous UpgradeType = "Simultaneous"
226type CurrentUpgradeDomainState string
228const (
229	CurrentUpgradeDomainStateBefore CurrentUpgradeDomainState = "Before"
230	CurrentUpgradeDomainStateDuring CurrentUpgradeDomainState = "During"
233type ExtendedProperty struct {
234	Name  string
235	Value string
238type PersistentVMDowntime struct {
239	StartTime string
240	EndTime   string
241	Status    string
244type VirtualIP struct {
245	Address        string
246	IsReserved     bool
247	ReservedIPName string
248	Type           IPAddressType
251// Role contains the configuration sets that are used to create virtual
252// machines.
253type Role struct {
254	RoleName                    string                        `xml:",omitempty"` // Specifies the name for the Virtual Machine.
255	RoleType                    string                        `xml:",omitempty"` // Specifies the type of role to use. For Virtual Machines, this must be PersistentVMRole.
256	ConfigurationSets           []ConfigurationSet            `xml:"ConfigurationSets>ConfigurationSet,omitempty"`
257	ResourceExtensionReferences *[]ResourceExtensionReference `xml:"ResourceExtensionReferences>ResourceExtensionReference,omitempty"`
258	VMImageName                 string                        `xml:",omitempty"`                                         // Specifies the name of the VM Image that is to be used to create the Virtual Machine. If this element is used, the ConfigurationSets element is not used.
259	MediaLocation               string                        `xml:",omitempty"`                                         // Required if the Virtual Machine is being created from a published VM Image. Specifies the location of the VHD file that is created when VMImageName specifies a published VM Image.
260	AvailabilitySetName         string                        `xml:",omitempty"`                                         // Specifies the name of a collection of Virtual Machines. Virtual Machines specified in the same availability set are allocated to different nodes to maximize availability.
261	DataVirtualHardDisks        []DataVirtualHardDisk         `xml:"DataVirtualHardDisks>DataVirtualHardDisk,omitempty"` // Contains the parameters that are used to add a data disk to a Virtual Machine. If you are creating a Virtual Machine by using a VM Image, this element is not used.
262	OSVirtualHardDisk           *OSVirtualHardDisk            `xml:",omitempty"`                                         // Contains the parameters that are used to create the operating system disk for a Virtual Machine. If you are creating a Virtual Machine by using a VM Image, this element is not used.
263	RoleSize                    string                        `xml:",omitempty"`                                         // Specifies the size of the Virtual Machine. The default size is Small.
264	ProvisionGuestAgent         bool                          `xml:",omitempty"`                                         // Indicates whether the VM Agent is installed on the Virtual Machine. To run a resource extension in a Virtual Machine, this service must be installed.
265	VMImageInput                *VMImageInput                 `xml:",omitempty"`                                         // When a VM Image is used to create a new PersistentVMRole, the DiskConfigurations in the VM Image are used to create new Disks for the new VM. This parameter can be used to resize the newly created Disks to a larger size than the underlying DiskConfigurations in the VM Image.
267	UseCertAuth bool   `xml:"-"`
268	CertPath    string `xml:"-"`
271// VMImageInput is for when a VM Image is used to create a new PersistantVMRole,
272// the DiskConfigurations in the VM Image are used to create new Disks for the
273// new VM. This parameter can be used to resize the newly created Disks to a
274// larger size than the underlying DiskConfigurations in the VM Image.
275type VMImageInput struct {
276	OSDiskConfiguration    *OSDiskConfiguration    `xml:",omitempty"`                       // This corresponds to the OSDiskConfiguration of the VM Image used to create a new role. The OSDiskConfiguration element is only available using version 2014-10-01 or higher.
277	DataDiskConfigurations []DataDiskConfiguration `xml:">DataDiskConfiguration,omitempty"` // This corresponds to the DataDiskConfigurations of the VM Image used to create a new role. The DataDiskConfigurations element is only available using version 2014-10-01 or higher.
280// OSDiskConfiguration is used to resize the OS disk of a new VM created from a
281// previously saved VM image.
282type OSDiskConfiguration struct {
283	ResizedSizeInGB int
286// DataDiskConfiguration is used to resize the data disks of a new VM created
287// from a previously saved VM image.
288type DataDiskConfiguration struct {
289	OSDiskConfiguration
290	Name string // The Name of the DataDiskConfiguration being referenced to.
294// ExtensionConfiguration Contains extensions that are added to the cloud service.
295// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/compute/cloudservices/rest-get-deployment#bk_extensionconfig
296type ExtensionConfiguration struct {
297	NamedRoles []NamedRole `xml:"NamedRoles>Role,omitempty"`
300// NamedRole specifies a list of extensions that are applied to specific roles in a deployment.
301// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/compute/cloudservices/rest-get-deployment#bk_namedroles
302type NamedRole struct {
303	RoleName   string      `xml:",omitempty"`
304	Extensions []Extension `xml:"Extensions>Extension,omitempty"`
307// Extension Specifies an extension that is to be deployed to a role in a cloud service.
308// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/compute/cloudservices/rest-get-deployment#bk_extension
309type Extension struct {
310	ID    string `xml:"Id"`
311	State string
314// ResourceExtensionReference contains a collection of resource extensions that
315// are to be installed on the Virtual Machine. The VM Agent must be installed on
316// the Virtual Machine to install resource extensions. For more information, see
317// Manage Extensions:
319// https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn606311.aspx.
320type ResourceExtensionReference struct {
321	ReferenceName   string
322	Publisher       string
323	Name            string
324	Version         string
325	ParameterValues []ResourceExtensionParameter `xml:"ResourceExtensionParameterValues>ResourceExtensionParameterValue,omitempty"`
326	State           string
329// ResourceExtensionParameter specifies the key, value, and type of a parameter that is passed to the
330// resource extension when it is installed.
331type ResourceExtensionParameter struct {
332	Key   string
333	Value string
334	Type  ResourceExtensionParameterType // If this value is set to Private, the parameter will not be returned by Get Deployment ().
337type ResourceExtensionParameterType string
339// Enum values for ResourceExtensionParameterType
340const (
341	ResourceExtensionParameterTypePublic  ResourceExtensionParameterType = "Public"
342	ResourceExtensionParameterTypePrivate ResourceExtensionParameterType = "Private"
345// DataVirtualHardDisk specifies the properties that are used to create a data
346// disk.
347type DataVirtualHardDisk struct {
348	HostCaching         vmdisk.HostCachingType `xml:",omitempty"` // Specifies the caching mode of the data disk. The default value is None.
349	DiskLabel           string                 `xml:",omitempty"` // If the disk that is being added is already registered in the subscription, this element is ignored. If a new disk is being created, this element is used to provide a description of the disk. The value of this element is only obtained programmatically and does not appear in the Management Portal.
350	DiskName            string                 `xml:",omitempty"` // If the disk that is being added is already registered in the subscription, this element is used to identify the disk to add. If a new disk and the associated VHD are being created by Azure, this element is not used and Azure assigns a unique name that is a combination of the deployment name, role name, and identifying number. The name of the disk must contain only alphanumeric characters, underscores, periods, or dashes. The name must not be longer than 256 characters. The name must not end with period or dash.
351	Lun                 int                    `xml:",omitempty"` // Specifies the Logical Unit Number (LUN) for the data disk. If the disk is the first disk that is added, this element is optional and the default value of 0 is used. If more than one disk is being added, this element is required. Valid LUN values are 0 through 31.
352	LogicalDiskSizeInGB int                    `xml:",omitempty"` // Specifies the size, in GB, of an empty disk to be attached to the Virtual Machine. If the disk that is being added is already registered in the subscription, this element is ignored. If the disk and VHD is being created by Azure as it is added, this element defines the size of the new disk.
353	MediaLink           string                 `xml:",omitempty"` // If the disk that is being added is already registered in the subscription or the VHD for the disk already exists in blob storage, this element is ignored. If a VHD file does not exist in blob storage, this element defines the location of the new VHD that is created when the new disk is added.
354	SourceMediaLink     string                 `xml:",omitempty"` // If the disk that is being added is already registered in the subscription or the VHD for the disk does not exist in blob storage, this element is ignored. If the VHD file exists in blob storage, this element defines the path to the VHD and a disk is registered from it and attached to the virtual machine.
357// OSVirtualHardDisk specifies the properties that are used to create an OS
358// disk.
359type OSVirtualHardDisk struct {
360	HostCaching           vmdisk.HostCachingType `xml:",omitempty"` // Specifies the caching mode of the data disk. The default value is None.
361	DiskLabel             string                 `xml:",omitempty"` // If the disk that is being added is already registered in the subscription, this element is ignored. If a new disk is being created, this element is used to provide a description of the disk. The value of this element is only obtained programmatically and does not appear in the Management Portal.
362	DiskName              string                 `xml:",omitempty"` // If the disk that is being added is already registered in the subscription, this element is used to identify the disk to add. If a new disk and the associated VHD are being created by Azure, this element is not used and Azure assigns a unique name that is a combination of the deployment name, role name, and identifying number. The name of the disk must contain only alphanumeric characters, underscores, periods, or dashes. The name must not be longer than 256 characters. The name must not end with period or dash.
363	MediaLink             string                 `xml:",omitempty"` // If the disk that is being added is already registered in the subscription or the VHD for the disk already exists in blob storage, this element is ignored. If a VHD file does not exist in blob storage, this element defines the location of the new VHD that is created when the new disk is added.
364	SourceImageName       string                 `xml:",omitempty"`
365	OS                    string                 `xml:",omitempty"`
366	RemoteSourceImageLink string                 `xml:",omitempty"` // Specifies a publicly accessible URI or a SAS URI to the location where an OS image is stored that is used to create the Virtual Machine. This location can be a different location than the user or platform image repositories in Azure. An image is always associated with a VHD, which is a .vhd file stored as a page blob in a storage account in Azure. If you specify the path to an image with this element, an associated VHD is created and you must use the MediaLink element to specify the location in storage where the VHD will be located. If this element is used, SourceImageName is not used.
367	ResizedSizeInGB       int                    `xml:",omitempty"`
370// ConfigurationSet specifies the configuration elements of the Virtual Machine.
371// The type attribute is required to prevent the administrator password from
372// being written to the operation history file.
373type ConfigurationSet struct {
374	ConfigurationSetType ConfigurationSetType
376	// Windows provisioning:
377	ComputerName              string               `xml:",omitempty"`                          // Optional. Specifies the computer name for the Virtual Machine. If you do not specify a computer name, one is assigned that is a combination of the deployment name, role name, and identifying number. Computer names must be 1 to 15 characters long.
378	AdminPassword             string               `xml:",omitempty"`                          // Optional. Specifies the password to use for an administrator account on the Virtual Machine that is being created. If you are creating a Virtual Machine using an image, you must specify a name of an administrator account to be created on the machine using the AdminUsername element. You must use the AdminPassword element to specify the password of the administrator account that is being created. If you are creating a Virtual Machine using an existing specialized disk, this element is not used because the account should already exist on the disk.
379	EnableAutomaticUpdates    bool                 `xml:",omitempty"`                          // Optional. Specifies whether automatic updates are enabled for the Virtual Machine. The default value is true.
380	TimeZone                  string               `xml:",omitempty"`                          // Optional. Specifies the time zone for the Virtual Machine.
381	DomainJoin                *DomainJoin          `xml:",omitempty"`                          // Optional. Contains properties that define a domain to which the Virtual Machine will be joined.
382	StoredCertificateSettings []CertificateSetting `xml:">StoredCertificateSetting,omitempty"` // Optional. Contains a list of service certificates with which to provision to the new Virtual Machine.
383	WinRMListeners            *[]WinRMListener     `xml:"WinRM>Listeners>Listener,omitempty"`  // Optional. Contains configuration settings for the Windows Remote Management service on the Virtual Machine. This enables remote Windows PowerShell.
384	AdminUsername             string               `xml:",omitempty"`                          // Optional. Specifies the name of the administrator account that is created to access the Virtual Machine. If you are creating a Virtual Machine using an image, you must specify a name of an administrator account to be created by using this element. You must use the AdminPassword element to specify the password of the administrator account that is being created. If you are creating a Virtual Machine using an existing specialized disk, this element is not used because the account should already exist on the disk.
385	AdditionalUnattendContent string               `xml:",omitempty"`                          // Specifies additional base-64 encoded XML formatted information that can be included in the Unattend.xml file, which is used by Windows Setup.
387	// Linux provisioning:
388	HostName                         string `xml:",omitempty"`                                 // Required. Specifies the host name for the Virtual Machine. Host names must be 1 to 64 characters long.
389	UserName                         string `xml:",omitempty"`                                 // Required. Specifies the name of a user account to be created in the sudoer group of the Virtual Machine. User account names must be 1 to 32 characters long.
390	UserPassword                     string `xml:",omitempty"`                                 // Required. Specifies the password for the user account. Passwords must be 6 to 72 characters long.
391	DisableSSHPasswordAuthentication string `xml:"DisableSshPasswordAuthentication,omitempty"` // Optional. Specifies whether SSH password authentication is disabled. By default this value is set to true.
392	SSH                              *SSH   `xml:",omitempty"`                                 // Optional. Specifies the SSH public keys and key pairs to use with the Virtual Machine.
394	// In WindowsProvisioningConfiguration: The base-64 encoded string is decoded to a binary array that is saved as a file on the Virtual Machine. The maximum length of the binary array is 65535 bytes. The file is saved to %SYSTEMDRIVE%\AzureData\CustomData.bin. If the file exists, it is overwritten. The security on directory is set to System:Full Control and Administrators:Full Control.
395	// In LinuxProvisioningConfiguration: The base-64 encoded string is located in the ovf-env.xml file on the ISO of the Virtual Machine. The file is copied to /var/lib/waagent/ovf-env.xml by the Azure Linux Agent. The Azure Linux Agent will also place the base-64 encoded data in /var/lib/waagent/CustomData during provisioning. The maximum length of the binary array is 65535 bytes.
396	CustomData string `xml:",omitempty"` // Specifies a base-64 encoded string of custom data.
398	// Network configuration:
399	InputEndpoints                []InputEndpoint `xml:">InputEndpoint,omitempty"` // Optional in NetworkConfiguration. Contains a collection of external endpoints for the Virtual Machine.
400	SubnetNames                   []string        `xml:">SubnetName,omitempty"`    // Required if StaticVirtualNetworkIPAddress is specified; otherwise, optional in NetworkConfiguration. Contains a list of subnets to which the Virtual Machine will belong.
401	StaticVirtualNetworkIPAddress string          `xml:",omitempty"`               // Specifies the internal IP address for the Virtual Machine in a Virtual Network. If you specify this element, you must also specify the SubnetNames element with only one subnet defined. The IP address specified in this element must belong to the subnet that is defined in SubnetNames and it should not be the one of the first four IP addresses or the last IP address in the subnet. Deploying web roles or worker roles into a subnet that has Virtual Machines with StaticVirtualNetworkIPAddress defined is not supported.
402	NetworkSecurityGroup          string          `xml:",omitempty"`               // Optional in NetworkConfiguration. Represents the name of the Network Security Group that will be associated with the Virtual Machine. Network Security Group must exist in the context of subscription and be created in same region to which the virtual machine will be deployed.
403	PublicIPs                     []PublicIP      `xml:">PublicIP,omitempty"`      // Contains a public IP address that can be used in addition to the default virtual IP address for the Virtual Machine.
406type ConfigurationSetType string
408// Enum values for ConfigurationSetType
409const (
410	ConfigurationSetTypeWindowsProvisioning ConfigurationSetType = "WindowsProvisioningConfiguration"
411	ConfigurationSetTypeLinuxProvisioning   ConfigurationSetType = "LinuxProvisioningConfiguration"
412	ConfigurationSetTypeNetwork             ConfigurationSetType = "NetworkConfiguration"
415// DomainJoin contains properties that define a domain to which the Virtual
416// Machine will be joined.
417type DomainJoin struct {
418	Credentials     Credentials `xml:",omitempty"` // Specifies the credentials to use to join the Virtual Machine to the domain.
419	JoinDomain      string      `xml:",omitempty"` // Specifies the domain to join.
420	MachineObjectOU string      `xml:",omitempty"` // Specifies the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) X 500-distinguished name of the organizational unit (OU) in which the computer account is created. This account is in Active Directory on a domain controller in the domain to which the computer is being joined.
423// Credentials specifies the credentials to use to join the Virtual Machine to
424// the domain. If Domain is not specified, Username must specify the user
425// principal name (UPN) format (user@fully-qualified-DNS-domain) or the fully-
426// qualified-DNS-domain\username format.
427type Credentials struct {
428	Domain   string // Specifies the name of the domain used to authenticate an account. The value is a fully qualified DNS domain.
429	Username string // Specifies a user name in the domain that can be used to join the domain.
430	Password string // Specifies the password to use to join the domain.
433// CertificateSetting specifies the parameters for the certificate which to
434// provision to the new Virtual Machine.
435type CertificateSetting struct {
436	StoreLocation string // Required. Specifies the certificate store location on the Virtual Machine. The only supported value is "LocalMachine".
437	StoreName     string // Required. Specifies the name of the certificate store from which the certificate is retrieved. For example, "My".
438	Thumbprint    string // Required. Specifies the thumbprint of the certificate. The thumbprint must specify an existing service certificate.
441// WinRMListener specifies the protocol and certificate information for a WinRM
442// listener.
443type WinRMListener struct {
444	Protocol              WinRMProtocol // Specifies the protocol of listener.
445	CertificateThumbprint string        `xml:",omitempty"` // Specifies the certificate thumbprint for the secure connection. If this value is not specified, a self-signed certificate is generated and used for the Virtual Machine.
448type WinRMProtocol string
450// Enum values for WinRMProtocol
451const (
452	WinRMProtocolHTTP  WinRMProtocol = "Http"
453	WinRMProtocolHTTPS WinRMProtocol = "Https"
456// SSH specifies the SSH public keys and key pairs to use with the Virtual Machine.
457type SSH struct {
458	PublicKeys []PublicKey `xml:">PublicKey"`
459	KeyPairs   []KeyPair   `xml:">KeyPair"`
462// PublicKey specifies a public SSH key.
463type PublicKey struct {
464	Fingerprint string // Specifies the SHA1 fingerprint of an X509 certificate associated with the cloud service and includes the SSH public key.
465	// Specifies the full path of a file, on the Virtual Machine, where the SSH public key is stored. If
466	// the file already exists, the specified key is appended to the file.
467	Path string // Usually /home/username/.ssh/authorized_keys
470// KeyPair specifies an SSH keypair.
471type KeyPair struct {
472	Fingerprint string // Specifies the SHA1 fingerprint of an X509 certificate that is associated with the cloud service and includes the SSH keypair.
473	// Specifies the full path of a file, on the virtual machine, which stores the SSH private key. The
474	// file is overwritten when multiple keys are written to it. The SSH public key is stored in the same
475	// directory and has the same name as the private key file with .pub suffix.
476	Path string // Usually /home/username/.ssh/id_rsa
479// InputEndpoint specifies the properties that define an external endpoint for
480// the Virtual Machine.
481type InputEndpoint struct {
482	LocalPort int                   // Specifies the internal port on which the Virtual Machine is listening.
483	Name      string                // Specifies the name of the external endpoint.
484	Port      int                   // Specifies the external port to use for the endpoint.
485	Protocol  InputEndpointProtocol //Specifies the transport protocol for the endpoint.
486	Vip       string                `xml:",omitempty"`
489type InputEndpointProtocol string
491// Enum values for InputEndpointProtocol
492const (
493	InputEndpointProtocolTCP InputEndpointProtocol = "TCP"
494	InputEndpointProtocolUDP InputEndpointProtocol = "UDP"
497// PublicIP contains a public IP address that can be used in addition to default
498// virtual IP address for the Virtual Machine.
499type PublicIP struct {
500	Name                 string // Specifies the name of the public IP address.
501	Address              string // Specifies the IP address.
502	IdleTimeoutInMinutes int    `xml:",omitempty"` // Specifies the timeout for the TCP idle connection. The value can be set between 4 and 30 minutes. The default value is 4 minutes. This element is only used when the protocol is set to TCP.
505// ServiceCertificate contains a certificate for adding it to a hosted service
506type ServiceCertificate struct {
507	XMLName           xml.Name `xml:"CertificateFile"`
508	Data              string
509	CertificateFormat string
510	Password          string `xml:",omitempty"`
513// StartRoleOperation contains the information for starting a Role.
514type StartRoleOperation struct {
515	XMLName       xml.Name `xml:"http://schemas.microsoft.com/windowsazure StartRoleOperation"`
516	OperationType string
519type PostShutdownAction string
521// Enum values for PostShutdownAction
522const (
523	PostShutdownActionStopped            PostShutdownAction = "Stopped"
524	PostShutdownActionStoppedDeallocated PostShutdownAction = "StoppedDeallocated"
527// ShutdownRoleOperation contains the information for shutting down a Role.
528type ShutdownRoleOperation struct {
529	XMLName            xml.Name `xml:"http://schemas.microsoft.com/windowsazure ShutdownRoleOperation"`
530	OperationType      string
531	PostShutdownAction PostShutdownAction
534// RestartRoleOperation contains the information for restarting a Role.
535type RestartRoleOperation struct {
536	XMLName       xml.Name `xml:"http://schemas.microsoft.com/windowsazure RestartRoleOperation"`
537	OperationType string
540// CaptureRoleOperation contains the information for capturing a Role
541type CaptureRoleOperation struct {
542	XMLName                   xml.Name `xml:"http://schemas.microsoft.com/windowsazure CaptureRoleOperation"`
543	OperationType             string
544	PostCaptureAction         PostCaptureAction
545	ProvisioningConfiguration *ConfigurationSet `xml:",omitempty"`
546	TargetImageLabel          string
547	TargetImageName           string
550type PostCaptureAction string
552// Enum values for PostCaptureAction
553const (
554	PostCaptureActionDelete      PostCaptureAction = "Delete"
555	PostCaptureActionReprovision PostCaptureAction = "Reprovision"
558// RoleSizeList contains a list of the available role sizes
559type RoleSizeList struct {
560	XMLName   xml.Name   `xml:"RoleSizes"`
561	RoleSizes []RoleSize `xml:"RoleSize"`
564// RoleSize contains a detailed explanation of a role size
565type RoleSize struct {
566	Name                               string
567	Label                              string
568	Cores                              int
569	MemoryInMb                         int
570	SupportedByWebWorkerRoles          bool
571	SupportedByVirtualMachines         bool
572	MaxDataDiskCount                   int
573	WebWorkerResourceDiskSizeInMb      int
574	VirtualMachineResourceDiskSizeInMb int
577// DNSServer contains the definition of a DNS server for virtual machine deployment
578type DNSServer struct {
579	Name    string
580	Address string
583// LoadBalancer contains the definition of a load balancer for virtual machine deployment
584type LoadBalancer struct {
585	Name                          string        // Specifies the name of the internal load balancer.
586	Type                          IPAddressType `xml:"FrontendIpConfiguration>Type"`                                    // Specifies the type of virtual IP address that is provided by the load balancer. The only allowable value is Private.
587	SubnetName                    string        `xml:"FrontendIpConfiguration>SubnetName,omitempty"`                    // Required if the deployment exists in a virtual network and a StaticVirtualNetworkIPAddress is assigned. Specifies the subnet of the virtual network that the load balancer uses. The virtual IP address that is managed by the load balancer is contained in this subnet.
588	StaticVirtualNetworkIPAddress string        `xml:"FrontendIpConfiguration>StaticVirtualNetworkIPAddress,omitempty"` // Specifies a specific virtual IP address that the load balancer uses from the subnet in the virtual network.
591type IPAddressType string
593// Enum values for IPAddressType
594const (
595	IPAddressTypePrivate IPAddressType = "Private" // Only allowed value (currently) for IPAddressType
598type ResourceExtensions struct {
599	List []ResourceExtension `xml:"ResourceExtension"`
602type ResourceExtension struct {
603	Publisher                   string
604	Name                        string
605	Version                     string
606	Label                       string
607	Description                 string
608	PublicConfigurationSchema   string
609	PrivateConfigurationSchema  string
610	SampleConfig                string
611	ReplicationCompleted        string
612	Eula                        string
613	PrivacyURI                  string `xml:"PrivacyUri"`
614	HomepageURI                 string `xml:"HomepageUri"`
615	IsJSONExtension             bool   `xml:"IsJsonExtension"`
616	IsInternalExtension         bool
617	DisallowMajorVersionUpgrade bool
618	CompanyName                 string
619	SupportedOS                 string
620	PublishedDate               string
623type PersistentVMRole struct {
624	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://schemas.microsoft.com/windowsazure PersistentVMRole"`
625	Role