1 //! Pass timing.
2 //!
3 //! This modules provides facilities for timing the execution of individual compilation passes.
5 use core::fmt;
7 pub use self::details::{add_to_current, take_current, PassTimes, TimingToken};
9 // Each pass that can be timed is predefined with the `define_passes!` macro. Each pass has a
10 // snake_case name and a plain text description used when printing out the timing report.
11 //
12 // This macro defines:
13 //
14 // - A C-style enum containing all the pass names and a `None` variant.
15 // - A usize constant with the number of defined passes.
16 // - A const array of pass descriptions.
17 // - A public function per pass used to start the timing of that pass.
18 macro_rules! define_passes {
19     { $enum:ident, $num_passes:ident, $descriptions:ident;
20       $($pass:ident: $desc:expr,)+
21     } => {
22         #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
23         #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
24         enum $enum { $($pass,)+ None}
26         const $num_passes: usize = $enum::None as usize;
28         const $descriptions: [&str; $num_passes] = [ $($desc),+ ];
30         $(
31             #[doc=$desc]
32             pub fn $pass() -> TimingToken {
33                 details::start_pass($enum::$pass)
34             }
35         )+
36     }
37 }
39 // Pass definitions.
40 define_passes! {
43     process_file: "Processing test file",
44     parse_text: "Parsing textual Cranelift IR",
45     wasm_translate_module: "Translate WASM module",
46     wasm_translate_function: "Translate WASM function",
48     verifier: "Verify Cranelift IR",
49     verify_cssa: "Verify CSSA",
50     verify_liveness: "Verify live ranges",
51     verify_locations: "Verify value locations",
52     verify_flags: "Verify CPU flags",
54     compile: "Compilation passes",
55     flowgraph: "Control flow graph",
56     domtree: "Dominator tree",
57     loop_analysis: "Loop analysis",
58     postopt: "Post-legalization rewriting",
59     preopt: "Pre-legalization rewriting",
60     dce: "Dead code elimination",
61     legalize: "Legalization",
62     gvn: "Global value numbering",
63     licm: "Loop invariant code motion",
64     unreachable_code: "Remove unreachable blocks",
65     remove_constant_phis: "Remove constant phi-nodes",
67     regalloc: "Register allocation",
68     ra_liveness: "RA liveness analysis",
69     ra_cssa: "RA coalescing CSSA",
70     ra_spilling: "RA spilling",
71     ra_reload: "RA reloading",
72     ra_coloring: "RA coloring",
74     prologue_epilogue: "Prologue/epilogue insertion",
75     shrink_instructions: "Instruction encoding shrinking",
76     relax_branches: "Branch relaxation",
77     binemit: "Binary machine code emission",
78     layout_renumber: "Layout full renumbering",
80     canonicalize_nans: "Canonicalization of NaNs",
81 }
83 impl Pass {
idx(self) -> usize84     pub fn idx(self) -> usize {
85         self as usize
86     }
87 }
89 impl fmt::Display for Pass {
fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result90     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
91         match DESCRIPTIONS.get(self.idx()) {
92             Some(s) => f.write_str(s),
93             None => f.write_str("<no pass>"),
94         }
95     }
96 }
98 /// Implementation details.
99 ///
100 /// This whole module can be gated on a `cfg` feature to provide a dummy implementation for
101 /// performance-sensitive builds or restricted environments. The dummy implementation must provide
102 /// `TimingToken` and `PassTimes` types and `take_current`, `add_to_current`, and `start_pass` funcs
103 #[cfg(feature = "std")]
104 mod details {
105     use super::{Pass, DESCRIPTIONS, NUM_PASSES};
106     use log::debug;
107     use std::cell::{Cell, RefCell};
108     use std::fmt;
109     use std::mem;
110     use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
112     /// A timing token is responsible for timing the currently running pass. Timing starts when it
113     /// is created and ends when it is dropped.
114     ///
115     /// Multiple passes can be active at the same time, but they must be started and stopped in a
116     /// LIFO fashion.
117     pub struct TimingToken {
118         /// Start time for this pass.
119         start: Instant,
121         // Pass being timed by this token.
122         pass: Pass,
124         // The previously active pass which will be restored when this token is dropped.
125         prev: Pass,
126     }
128     /// Accumulated timing information for a single pass.
129     #[derive(Default, Copy, Clone)]
130     struct PassTime {
131         /// Total time spent running this pass including children.
132         total: Duration,
134         /// Time spent running in child passes.
135         child: Duration,
136     }
138     /// Accumulated timing for all passes.
139     pub struct PassTimes {
140         pass: [PassTime; NUM_PASSES],
141     }
143     impl Default for PassTimes {
default() -> Self144         fn default() -> Self {
145             Self {
146                 pass: [Default::default(); NUM_PASSES],
147             }
148         }
149     }
151     impl fmt::Display for PassTimes {
fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result152         fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
153             writeln!(f, "======== ========  ==================================")?;
154             writeln!(f, "   Total     Self  Pass")?;
155             writeln!(f, "-------- --------  ----------------------------------")?;
156             for (time, desc) in self.pass.iter().zip(&DESCRIPTIONS[..]) {
157                 // Omit passes that haven't run.
158                 if time.total == Duration::default() {
159                     continue;
160                 }
162                 // Write a duration as secs.millis, trailing space.
163                 fn fmtdur(mut dur: Duration, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
164                     // Round to nearest ms by adding 500us.
165                     dur += Duration::new(0, 500_000);
166                     let ms = dur.subsec_millis();
167                     write!(f, "{:4}.{:03} ", dur.as_secs(), ms)
168                 }
170                 fmtdur(time.total, f)?;
171                 if let Some(s) = time.total.checked_sub(time.child) {
172                     fmtdur(s, f)?;
173                 }
174                 writeln!(f, " {}", desc)?;
175             }
176             writeln!(f, "======== ========  ==================================")
177         }
178     }
180     // Information about passes in a single thread.
181     thread_local! {
182         static CURRENT_PASS: Cell<Pass> = Cell::new(Pass::None);
183         static PASS_TIME: RefCell<PassTimes> = RefCell::new(Default::default());
184     }
186     /// Start timing `pass` as a child of the currently running pass, if any.
187     ///
188     /// This function is called by the publicly exposed pass functions.
start_pass(pass: Pass) -> TimingToken189     pub(super) fn start_pass(pass: Pass) -> TimingToken {
190         let prev = CURRENT_PASS.with(|p| p.replace(pass));
191         debug!("timing: Starting {}, (during {})", pass, prev);
192         TimingToken {
193             start: Instant::now(),
194             pass,
195             prev,
196         }
197     }
199     /// Dropping a timing token indicated the end of the pass.
200     impl Drop for TimingToken {
drop(&mut self)201         fn drop(&mut self) {
202             let duration = self.start.elapsed();
203             debug!("timing: Ending {}", self.pass);
204             let old_cur = CURRENT_PASS.with(|p| p.replace(self.prev));
205             debug_assert_eq!(self.pass, old_cur, "Timing tokens dropped out of order");
206             PASS_TIME.with(|rc| {
207                 let mut table = rc.borrow_mut();
208                 table.pass[self.pass.idx()].total += duration;
209                 if let Some(parent) = table.pass.get_mut(self.prev.idx()) {
210                     parent.child += duration;
211                 }
212             })
213         }
214     }
216     /// Take the current accumulated pass timings and reset the timings for the current thread.
take_current() -> PassTimes217     pub fn take_current() -> PassTimes {
218         PASS_TIME.with(|rc| mem::replace(&mut *rc.borrow_mut(), Default::default()))
219     }
221     /// Add `timings` to the accumulated timings for the current thread.
add_to_current(times: &PassTimes)222     pub fn add_to_current(times: &PassTimes) {
223         PASS_TIME.with(|rc| {
224             for (a, b) in rc.borrow_mut().pass.iter_mut().zip(&times.pass[..]) {
225                 a.total += b.total;
226                 a.child += b.child;
227             }
228         })
229     }
230 }
232 /// Dummy `debug` implementation
233 #[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
234 mod details {
235     use super::Pass;
236     /// Dummy `TimingToken`
237     pub struct TimingToken;
238     /// Dummy `PassTimes`
239     pub struct PassTimes;
240     /// Returns dummy `PassTimes`
take_current() -> PassTimes241     pub fn take_current() -> PassTimes {
242         PassTimes
243     }
244     /// does nothing
add_to_current(_times: PassTimes)245     pub fn add_to_current(_times: PassTimes) {}
247     /// does nothing
start_pass(_pass: Pass) -> TimingToken248     pub(super) fn start_pass(_pass: Pass) -> TimingToken {
249         TimingToken
250     }
251 }
253 #[cfg(test)]
254 mod tests {
255     use super::*;
256     use alloc::string::ToString;
258     #[test]
display()259     fn display() {
260         assert_eq!(Pass::None.to_string(), "<no pass>");
261         assert_eq!(Pass::regalloc.to_string(), "Register allocation");
262     }
263 }