1from k5test import *
2import time
4# Run kdbtest against the non-LDAP KDB modules.
5for realm in multidb_realms(create_kdb=False):
6    realm.run(['./kdbtest'])
8# Set up an OpenLDAP test server if we can.
10if (not os.path.exists(os.path.join(plugins, 'kdb', 'kldap.so')) and
11    not os.path.exists(os.path.join(buildtop, 'lib', 'libkdb_ldap.a'))):
12    skip_rest('LDAP KDB tests', 'LDAP KDB module not built')
14if 'SLAPD' not in os.environ and not which('slapd'):
15    skip_rest('LDAP KDB tests', 'slapd not found')
17slapadd = which('slapadd')
18if not slapadd:
19    skip_rest('LDAP KDB tests', 'slapadd not found')
21ldapdir = os.path.abspath('ldap')
22dbdir = os.path.join(ldapdir, 'ldap')
23slapd_conf = os.path.join(ldapdir, 'slapd.d')
24slapd_out = os.path.join(ldapdir, 'slapd.out')
25slapd_pidfile = os.path.join(ldapdir, 'pid')
26ldap_pwfile = os.path.join(ldapdir, 'pw')
27ldap_sock = os.path.join(ldapdir, 'sock')
28ldap_uri = 'ldapi://%s/' % ldap_sock.replace(os.path.sep, '%2F')
29schema = os.path.join(srctop, 'plugins', 'kdb', 'ldap', 'libkdb_ldap',
30                      'kerberos.openldap.ldif')
31top_dn = 'cn=krb5'
32admin_dn = 'cn=admin,cn=krb5'
33admin_pw = 'admin'
35shutil.rmtree(ldapdir, True)
40if 'SLAPD' in os.environ:
41    slapd = os.environ['SLAPD']
43    # Some Linux installations have AppArmor or similar restrictions
44    # on the slapd binary, which would prevent it from accessing the
45    # build directory.  Try to defeat this by copying the binary.
46    system_slapd = which('slapd')
47    slapd = os.path.join(ldapdir, 'slapd')
48    shutil.copy(system_slapd, slapd)
50def slap_add(ldif):
51    proc = subprocess.Popen([slapadd, '-b', 'cn=config', '-F', slapd_conf],
52                            stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
53                            stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True)
54    (out, dummy) = proc.communicate(ldif)
55    output(out)
56    return proc.wait()
59# Configure the pid file and some authorization rules we will need for
60# SASL testing.
61if slap_add('dn: cn=config\n'
62            'objectClass: olcGlobal\n'
63            'olcPidFile: %s\n'
64            'olcAuthzRegexp: '
65            '".*uidNumber=%d,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth" "%s"\n'
66            'olcAuthzRegexp: "uid=digestuser,cn=digest-md5,cn=auth" "%s"\n' %
67            (slapd_pidfile, os.geteuid(), admin_dn, admin_dn)) != 0:
68    skip_rest('LDAP KDB tests', 'slapd basic configuration failed')
70# Find a working writable database type, trying mdb (added in OpenLDAP
71# 2.4.27) and bdb (deprecated and sometimes not built due to licensing
72# incompatibilities).
73for dbtype in ('mdb', 'bdb'):
74    # Try to load the module.  This could fail if OpenLDAP is built
75    # without module support, so ignore errors.
76    slap_add('dn: cn=module,cn=config\n'
77             'objectClass: olcModuleList\n'
78             'olcModuleLoad: back_%s\n' % dbtype)
80    dbclass = 'olc%sConfig' % dbtype.capitalize()
81    if slap_add('dn: olcDatabase=%s,cn=config\n'
82                'objectClass: olcDatabaseConfig\n'
83                'objectClass: %s\n'
84                'olcSuffix: %s\n'
85                'olcRootDN: %s\n'
86                'olcRootPW: %s\n'
87                'olcDbDirectory: %s\n' %
88                (dbtype, dbclass, top_dn, admin_dn, admin_pw, dbdir)) == 0:
89        break
91    skip_rest('LDAP KDB tests', 'could not find working slapd db type')
93if slap_add('include: file://%s\n' % schema) != 0:
94    skip_rest('LDAP KDB tests', 'failed to load Kerberos schema')
96# Load the core schema if we can.
97ldap_homes = ['/etc/ldap', '/etc/openldap', '/usr/local/etc/openldap',
98              '/usr/local/etc/ldap']
99local_schema_path = '/schema/core.ldif'
100core_schema = next((i for i in map(lambda x:x+local_schema_path, ldap_homes)
101                    if os.path.isfile(i)), None)
102if core_schema:
103    if slap_add('include: file://%s\n' % core_schema) != 0:
104        core_schema = None
106slapd_pid = -1
107def kill_slapd():
108    global slapd_pid
109    if slapd_pid != -1:
110        os.kill(slapd_pid, signal.SIGTERM)
111        slapd_pid = -1
114out = open(slapd_out, 'w')
115subprocess.call([slapd, '-h', ldap_uri, '-F', slapd_conf], stdout=out,
116                stderr=out, universal_newlines=True)
118pidf = open(slapd_pidfile, 'r')
119slapd_pid = int(pidf.read())
121output('*** Started slapd (pid %d, output in %s)\n' % (slapd_pid, slapd_out))
123# slapd detaches before it finishes setting up its listener sockets
124# (they are bound but listen() has not been called).  Give it a second
125# to finish.
128# Run kdbtest against the LDAP module.
129conf = {'realms': {'$realm': {'database_module': 'ldap'}},
130        'dbmodules': {'ldap': {'db_library': 'kldap',
131                               'ldap_kerberos_container_dn': top_dn,
132                               'ldap_kdc_dn': admin_dn,
133                               'ldap_kadmind_dn': admin_dn,
134                               'ldap_service_password_file': ldap_pwfile,
135                               'ldap_servers': ldap_uri}}}
136realm = K5Realm(create_kdb=False, kdc_conf=conf)
137input = admin_pw + '\n' + admin_pw + '\n'
138realm.run([kdb5_ldap_util, 'stashsrvpw', admin_dn], input=input)
141# Run a kdb5_ldap_util command using the test server's admin DN and password.
142def kldaputil(args, **kw):
143    return realm.run([kdb5_ldap_util, '-D', admin_dn, '-w', admin_pw] + args,
144                     **kw)
146# kdbtest can't currently clean up after itself since the LDAP module
147# doesn't support krb5_db_destroy.  So clean up after it with
148# kdb5_ldap_util before proceeding.
149kldaputil(['destroy', '-f'])
151ldapmodify = which('ldapmodify')
152ldapsearch = which('ldapsearch')
153if not ldapmodify or not ldapsearch:
154    skip_rest('some LDAP KDB tests', 'ldapmodify or ldapsearch not found')
156def ldap_search(args):
157    proc = subprocess.Popen([ldapsearch, '-H', ldap_uri, '-b', top_dn,
158                             '-D', admin_dn, '-w', admin_pw, args],
159                            stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
160                            stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True)
161    (out, dummy) = proc.communicate()
162    return out
164def ldap_modify(ldif, args=[]):
165    proc = subprocess.Popen([ldapmodify, '-H', ldap_uri, '-D', admin_dn,
166                             '-x', '-w', admin_pw] + args,
167                            stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
168                            stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True)
169    (out, dummy) = proc.communicate(ldif)
170    output(out)
172def ldap_add(dn, objectclass, attrs=[]):
173    in_data = 'dn: %s\nobjectclass: %s\n' % (dn, objectclass)
174    in_data += '\n'.join(attrs) + '\n'
175    ldap_modify(in_data, ['-a'])
177# Create krbContainer objects for use as subtrees.
178ldap_add('cn=t1,cn=krb5', 'krbContainer')
179ldap_add('cn=t2,cn=krb5', 'krbContainer')
180ldap_add('cn=x,cn=t1,cn=krb5', 'krbContainer')
181ldap_add('cn=y,cn=t2,cn=krb5', 'krbContainer')
183# Create a realm, exercising all of the realm options.
184kldaputil(['create', '-s', '-P', 'master', '-subtrees', 'cn=t2,cn=krb5',
185           '-containerref', 'cn=t2,cn=krb5', '-sscope', 'one',
186           '-maxtktlife', '5min', '-maxrenewlife', '10min', '-allow_svr'])
188# Modify the realm, exercising overlapping subtree pruning.
189kldaputil(['modify', '-subtrees',
190           'cn=x,cn=t1,cn=krb5:cn=t1,cn=krb5:cn=t2,cn=krb5:cn=y,cn=t2,cn=krb5',
191           '-containerref', 'cn=t1,cn=krb5', '-sscope', 'sub',
192           '-maxtktlife', '5hour', '-maxrenewlife', '10hour', '+allow_svr'])
194out = kldaputil(['list'])
195if out != 'KRBTEST.COM\n':
196    fail('Unexpected kdb5_ldap_util list output')
198# Create a principal at a specified DN.  This is a little dodgy
199# because we're sticking a krbPrincipalAux objectclass onto a subtree
200# krbContainer, but it works and it avoids having to load core.schema
201# in the test LDAP server.
202mark('LDAP specified dn')
203realm.run([kadminl, 'ank', '-randkey', '-x', 'dn=cn=krb5', 'princ1'],
204          expected_code=1, expected_msg='DN is out of the realm subtree')
205# Check that the DN container check is a hierarchy test, not a simple
206# suffix match (CVE-2018-5730).  We expect this operation to fail
207# either way (because "xcn" isn't a valid DN tag) but the container
208# check should happen before the DN is parsed.
209realm.run([kadminl, 'ank', '-randkey', '-x', 'dn=xcn=t1,cn=krb5', 'princ1'],
210          expected_code=1, expected_msg='DN is out of the realm subtree')
211realm.run([kadminl, 'ank', '-randkey', '-x', 'dn=cn=t2,cn=krb5', 'princ1'])
212realm.run([kadminl, 'getprinc', 'princ1'], expected_msg='Principal: princ1')
213realm.run([kadminl, 'ank', '-randkey', '-x', 'dn=cn=t2,cn=krb5', 'again'],
214          expected_code=1, expected_msg='ldap object is already kerberized')
215# Check that we can't set linkdn on a non-standalone object.
216realm.run([kadminl, 'modprinc', '-x', 'linkdn=cn=t1,cn=krb5', 'princ1'],
217          expected_code=1, expected_msg='link information can not be set')
219# Create a principal with a specified linkdn.
220mark('LDAP specified linkdn')
221realm.run([kadminl, 'ank', '-randkey', '-x', 'linkdn=cn=krb5', 'princ2'],
222          expected_code=1, expected_msg='DN is out of the realm subtree')
223realm.run([kadminl, 'ank', '-randkey', '-x', 'linkdn=cn=t1,cn=krb5', 'princ2'])
224# Check that we can't reset linkdn.
225realm.run([kadminl, 'modprinc', '-x', 'linkdn=cn=t2,cn=krb5', 'princ2'],
226          expected_code=1, expected_msg='kerberos principal is already linked')
228# Create a principal with a specified containerdn.
229mark('LDAP specified containerdn')
230realm.run([kadminl, 'ank', '-randkey', '-x', 'containerdn=cn=krb5', 'princ3'],
231          expected_code=1, expected_msg='DN is out of the realm subtree')
232realm.run([kadminl, 'ank', '-randkey', '-x', 'containerdn=cn=t1,cn=krb5',
233           'princ3'])
234realm.run([kadminl, 'modprinc', '-x', 'containerdn=cn=t2,cn=krb5', 'princ3'],
235          expected_code=1, expected_msg='containerdn option not supported')
236# Verify that containerdn is checked when linkdn is also supplied
237# (CVE-2018-5730).
238realm.run([kadminl, 'ank', '-randkey', '-x', 'containerdn=cn=krb5',
239           '-x', 'linkdn=cn=t2,cn=krb5', 'princ4'], expected_code=1,
240          expected_msg='DN is out of the realm subtree')
242mark('LDAP ticket policy')
244# Create and modify a ticket policy.
245kldaputil(['create_policy', '-maxtktlife', '3hour', '-maxrenewlife', '6hour',
246           '-allow_forwardable', 'tktpol'])
247kldaputil(['modify_policy', '-maxtktlife', '4hour', '-maxrenewlife', '8hour',
248           '+requires_preauth', 'tktpol'])
249out = kldaputil(['view_policy', 'tktpol'])
250if ('Ticket policy: tktpol\n' not in out or
251    'Maximum ticket life: 0 days 04:00:00\n' not in out or
252    'Maximum renewable life: 0 days 08:00:00\n' not in out or
253    'Ticket flags: DISALLOW_FORWARDABLE REQUIRES_PRE_AUTH' not in out):
254    fail('Unexpected kdb5_ldap_util view_policy output')
256out = kldaputil(['list_policy'])
257if out != 'tktpol\n':
258    fail('Unexpected kdb5_ldap_util list_policy output')
260# Associate the ticket policy to a principal.
261realm.run([kadminl, 'ank', '-randkey', '-x', 'tktpolicy=tktpol', 'princ4'])
262out = realm.run([kadminl, 'getprinc', 'princ4'])
263if ('Maximum ticket life: 0 days 04:00:00\n' not in out or
264    'Maximum renewable life: 0 days 08:00:00\n' not in out or
265    'Attributes: DISALLOW_FORWARDABLE REQUIRES_PRE_AUTH\n' not in out):
266    fail('Unexpected getprinc output with ticket policy')
268# Destroying the policy should fail while a principal references it.
269kldaputil(['destroy_policy', '-force', 'tktpol'], expected_code=1)
271# Dissociate the ticket policy from the principal.
272realm.run([kadminl, 'modprinc', '-x', 'tktpolicy=', 'princ4'])
273out = realm.run([kadminl, 'getprinc', 'princ4'])
274if ('Maximum ticket life: 0 days 05:00:00\n' not in out or
275    'Maximum renewable life: 0 days 10:00:00\n' not in out or
276    'Attributes:\n' not in out):
277    fail('Unexpected getprinc output without ticket policy')
279# Destroy the ticket policy.
280kldaputil(['destroy_policy', '-force', 'tktpol'])
281kldaputil(['view_policy', 'tktpol'], expected_code=1)
282out = kldaputil(['list_policy'])
283if out:
284    fail('Unexpected kdb5_ldap_util list_policy output after destroy')
286# Create another ticket policy to be destroyed with the realm.
287kldaputil(['create_policy', 'tktpol2'])
289# Try to create a password policy conflicting with a ticket policy.
290realm.run([kadminl, 'addpol', 'tktpol2'], expected_code=1,
291          expected_msg='Already exists while creating policy "tktpol2"')
293# Try to create a ticket policy conflicting with a password policy.
294realm.run([kadminl, 'addpol', 'pwpol'])
295out = kldaputil(['create_policy', 'pwpol'], expected_code=1)
296if 'Already exists while creating policy object' not in out:
297    fail('Expected error not seen in kdb5_ldap_util output')
299# Try to use a password policy as a ticket policy.
300realm.run([kadminl, 'modprinc', '-x', 'tktpolicy=pwpol', 'princ4'],
301          expected_code=1, expected_msg='Object class violation')
303# Use a ticket policy as a password policy (CVE-2014-5353).  This
304# works with a warning; use kadmin.local -q so the warning is shown.
305realm.run([kadminl, '-q', 'modprinc -policy tktpol2 princ4'],
306          expected_msg='WARNING: policy "tktpol2" does not exist')
308# Do some basic tests with a KDC against the LDAP module, exercising the
309# db_args processing code.
310mark('LDAP KDC operation')
311realm.start_kdc(['-x', 'nconns=3', '-x', 'host=' + ldap_uri,
312                 '-x', 'binddn=' + admin_dn, '-x', 'bindpwd=' + admin_pw])
313realm.addprinc(realm.user_princ, password('user'))
315realm.extract_keytab(realm.host_princ, realm.keytab)
316realm.kinit(realm.user_princ, password('user'))
317realm.run([kvno, realm.host_princ])
318realm.klist(realm.user_princ, realm.host_princ)
320mark('LDAP auth indicator')
322# Test require_auth normalization.
323realm.addprinc('authind', password('authind'))
324realm.run([kadminl, 'setstr', 'authind', 'require_auth', 'otp radius'])
326# Check that krbPrincipalAuthInd attributes are set when the string
327# attribute it set.
328out = ldap_search('(krbPrincipalName=authind*)')
329if 'krbPrincipalAuthInd: otp' not in out:
330    fail('Expected krbPrincipalAuthInd value not in output')
331if 'krbPrincipalAuthInd: radius' not in out:
332    fail('Expected krbPrincipalAuthInd value not in output')
334# Check that the string attribute still appears when the principal is
335# loaded.
336realm.run([kadminl, 'getstrs', 'authind'],
337          expected_msg='require_auth: otp radius')
339# Modify the LDAP attributes and check that the change is reflected in
340# the string attribute.
341ldap_modify('dn: krbPrincipalName=authind@KRBTEST.COM,cn=t1,cn=krb5\n'
342            'changetype: modify\n'
343            'replace: krbPrincipalAuthInd\n'
344            'krbPrincipalAuthInd: radius\n'
345            'krbPrincipalAuthInd: pkinit\n')
346realm.run([kadminl, 'getstrs', 'authind'],
347           expected_msg='require_auth: radius pkinit')
349# Regression test for #8877: remove the string attribute and check
350# that it is reflected in the LDAP attributes and by getstrs.
351realm.run([kadminl, 'delstr', 'authind', 'require_auth'])
352out = ldap_search('(krbPrincipalName=authind*)')
353if 'krbPrincipalAuthInd' in out:
354    fail('krbPrincipalAuthInd attribute still present after delstr')
355out = realm.run([kadminl, 'getstrs', 'authind'])
356if 'require_auth' in out:
357    fail('require_auth string attribute still visible after delstr')
359mark('LDAP service principal aliases')
361# Test service principal aliases.
362realm.addprinc('canon', password('canon'))
363ldap_modify('dn: krbPrincipalName=canon@KRBTEST.COM,cn=t1,cn=krb5\n'
364            'changetype: modify\n'
365            'add: krbPrincipalName\n'
366            'krbPrincipalName: alias@KRBTEST.COM\n'
367            'krbPrincipalName: ent@abc@KRBTEST.COM\n'
368            '-\n'
369            'add: krbCanonicalName\n'
370            'krbCanonicalName: canon@KRBTEST.COM\n')
371realm.run([kadminl, 'getprinc', 'alias'],
372          expected_msg='Principal: canon@KRBTEST.COM\n')
373realm.run([kadminl, 'getprinc', 'ent\@abc'],
374          expected_msg='Principal: canon@KRBTEST.COM\n')
375realm.run([kadminl, 'getprinc', 'canon'],
376          expected_msg='Principal: canon@KRBTEST.COM\n')
377realm.run([kvno, 'alias', 'canon'])
378out = realm.run([klist])
379if 'alias@KRBTEST.COM\n' not in out or 'canon@KRBTEST.COM' not in out:
380    fail('After fetching alias and canon, klist is missing one or both')
381realm.kinit(realm.user_princ, password('user'), ['-S', 'alias'])
382realm.klist(realm.user_princ, 'alias@KRBTEST.COM')
384# Make sure an alias to the local TGS is still treated like an alias.
385ldap_modify('dn: krbPrincipalName=krbtgt/KRBTEST.COM@KRBTEST.COM,'
386            'cn=KRBTEST.COM,cn=krb5\n'
387            'changetype: modify\n'
388            'add:krbPrincipalName\n'
389            'krbPrincipalName: tgtalias@KRBTEST.COM\n'
390            '-\n'
391            'add: krbCanonicalName\n'
392            'krbCanonicalName: krbtgt/KRBTEST.COM@KRBTEST.COM\n')
393realm.run([kadminl, 'getprinc', 'tgtalias'],
394          expected_msg='Principal: krbtgt/KRBTEST.COM@KRBTEST.COM')
395realm.kinit(realm.user_princ, password('user'))
396realm.run([kvno, 'tgtalias'])
397realm.klist(realm.user_princ, 'tgtalias@KRBTEST.COM')
399# Make sure aliases work in header tickets.
400realm.run([kadminl, 'modprinc', '-maxrenewlife', '3 hours', 'user'])
401realm.run([kadminl, 'modprinc', '-maxrenewlife', '3 hours',
402           'krbtgt/KRBTEST.COM'])
403realm.kinit(realm.user_princ, password('user'), ['-l', '1h', '-r', '2h'])
404realm.run([kvno, 'alias'])
405realm.kinit(realm.user_princ, flags=['-R', '-S', 'alias'])
406realm.klist(realm.user_princ, 'alias@KRBTEST.COM')
408# Test client principal aliases, with and without preauth.
409realm.kinit('canon', password('canon'))
410realm.kinit('alias', password('canon'))
411realm.run([kvno, 'alias'])
412realm.klist('alias@KRBTEST.COM', 'alias@KRBTEST.COM')
413realm.kinit('alias', password('canon'), ['-C'])
414realm.run([kvno, 'alias'])
415realm.klist('canon@KRBTEST.COM', 'alias@KRBTEST.COM')
416realm.run([kadminl, 'modprinc', '+requires_preauth', 'canon'])
417realm.kinit('canon', password('canon'))
418realm.kinit('alias', password('canon'), ['-C'])
420# Test enterprise alias with and without canonicalization.
421realm.kinit('ent@abc', password('canon'), ['-E', '-C'])
422realm.run([kvno, 'alias'])
423realm.klist('canon@KRBTEST.COM', 'alias@KRBTEST.COM')
425realm.kinit('ent@abc', password('canon'), ['-E'])
426realm.run([kvno, 'alias'])
427realm.klist('ent\@abc@KRBTEST.COM', 'alias@KRBTEST.COM')
429# Test client name canonicalization in non-krbtgt AS reply
430realm.kinit('alias', password('canon'), ['-C', '-S', 'kadmin/changepw'])
432mark('LDAP password history')
434# Test password history.
435def test_pwhist(nhist):
436    def cpw(n, **kwargs):
437        realm.run([kadminl, 'cpw', '-pw', str(n), princ], **kwargs)
438    def cpw_fail(n):
439        cpw(n, expected_code=1)
440    output('*** Testing password history of size %d\n' % nhist)
441    princ = 'pwhistprinc' + str(nhist)
442    pol = 'pwhistpol' + str(nhist)
443    realm.run([kadminl, 'addpol', '-history', str(nhist), pol])
444    realm.run([kadminl, 'addprinc', '-policy', pol, '-nokey', princ])
445    for i in range(nhist):
446        # Set a password, then check that all previous passwords fail.
447        cpw(i)
448        for j in range(i + 1):
449            cpw_fail(j)
450    # Set one more new password, and make sure the oldest key is
451    # rotated out.
452    cpw(nhist)
453    cpw_fail(1)
454    cpw(0)
456for n in (1, 2, 3, 4, 5):
457    test_pwhist(n)
459# Regression test for #8193: test password character class requirements.
460princ = 'charclassprinc'
461pol = 'charclasspol'
462realm.run([kadminl, 'addpol', '-minclasses', '3', pol])
463realm.run([kadminl, 'addprinc', '-policy', pol, '-nokey', princ])
464realm.run([kadminl, 'cpw', '-pw', 'abcdef', princ], expected_code=1)
465realm.run([kadminl, 'cpw', '-pw', 'Abcdef', princ], expected_code=1)
466realm.run([kadminl, 'cpw', '-pw', 'Abcdef1', princ])
468# Test principal renaming and make sure last modified is changed
469def get_princ(princ):
470    out = realm.run([kadminl, 'getprinc', princ])
471    return dict(map(str.strip, x.split(":", 1)) for x in out.splitlines())
473mark('LDAP principal renaming')
474realm.addprinc("rename", password('rename'))
475renameprinc = get_princ("rename")
476realm.run([kadminl, '-p', 'fake@KRBTEST.COM', 'renprinc', 'rename', 'renamed'])
477renamedprinc = get_princ("renamed")
478if renameprinc['Last modified'] == renamedprinc['Last modified']:
479    fail('Last modified data not updated when principal was renamed')
481# Regression test for #7980 (fencepost when dividing keys up by kvno).
482mark('#7980 regression test')
483realm.run([kadminl, 'addprinc', '-randkey', '-e', 'aes256-cts,aes128-cts',
484           'kvnoprinc'])
485realm.run([kadminl, 'cpw', '-randkey', '-keepold', '-e',
486           'aes256-cts,aes128-cts', 'kvnoprinc'])
487realm.run([kadminl, 'getprinc', 'kvnoprinc'], expected_msg='Number of keys: 4')
488realm.run([kadminl, 'cpw', '-randkey', '-keepold', '-e',
489           'aes256-cts,aes128-cts', 'kvnoprinc'])
490realm.run([kadminl, 'getprinc', 'kvnoprinc'], expected_msg='Number of keys: 6')
492# Regression test for #8041 (NULL dereference on keyless principals).
493mark('#8041 regression test')
494realm.run([kadminl, 'addprinc', '-nokey', 'keylessprinc'])
495realm.run([kadminl, 'getprinc', 'keylessprinc'],
496          expected_msg='Number of keys: 0')
497realm.run([kadminl, 'cpw', '-randkey', '-e', 'aes256-cts,aes128-cts',
498           'keylessprinc'])
499realm.run([kadminl, 'cpw', '-randkey', '-keepold', '-e',
500           'aes256-cts,aes128-cts', 'keylessprinc'])
501realm.run([kadminl, 'getprinc', 'keylessprinc'],
502          expected_msg='Number of keys: 4')
503realm.run([kadminl, 'purgekeys', '-all', 'keylessprinc'])
504realm.run([kadminl, 'getprinc', 'keylessprinc'],
505          expected_msg='Number of keys: 0')
507# Test for 8354 (old password history entries when -keepold is used)
508mark('#8354 regression test')
509realm.run([kadminl, 'addpol', '-history', '2', 'keepoldpasspol'])
510realm.run([kadminl, 'addprinc', '-policy', 'keepoldpasspol', '-pw', 'aaaa',
511           'keepoldpassprinc'])
512for p in ('bbbb', 'cccc', 'aaaa'):
513    realm.run([kadminl, 'cpw', '-keepold', '-pw', p, 'keepoldpassprinc'])
515if runenv.sizeof_time_t <= 4:
516    skipped('y2038 LDAP test', 'platform has 32-bit time_t')
518    # Test storage of timestamps after y2038.
519    realm.run([kadminl, 'modprinc', '-pwexpire', '2040-02-03', 'user'])
520    realm.run([kadminl, 'getprinc', 'user'], expected_msg=' 2040\n')
522# Regression test for #8861 (pw_expiration policy enforcement).
523mark('pw_expiration propogation')
524# Create a policy with a max life and verify its application.
525realm.run([kadminl, 'addpol', '-maxlife', '1s', 'pw_e'])
526realm.run([kadminl, 'addprinc', '-policy', 'pw_e', '-pw', 'password',
527           'pwuser'])
528out = realm.run([kadminl, 'getprinc', 'pwuser'],
529                expected_msg='Password expiration date: ')
530if 'Password expiration date: [never]' in out:
531    fail('pw_expiration not applied at principal creation')
532# Unset the policy max life and verify its application during password
533# change.
534realm.run([kadminl, 'modpol', '-maxlife', '0', 'pw_e'])
535realm.run([kadminl, 'cpw', '-pw', 'password_', 'pwuser'])
536realm.run([kadminl, 'getprinc', 'pwuser'],
537          expected_msg='Password expiration date: [never]')
541# Briefly test dump and load.
542mark('LDAP dump and load')
543dumpfile = os.path.join(realm.testdir, 'dump')
544realm.run([kdb5_util, 'dump', dumpfile])
545realm.run([kdb5_util, 'load', dumpfile], expected_code=1,
546          expected_msg='KDB module requires -update argument')
547realm.run([kdb5_util, 'load', '-update', dumpfile])
549# Destroy the realm.
550kldaputil(['destroy', '-f'])
551out = kldaputil(['list'])
552if out:
553    fail('Unexpected kdb5_ldap_util list output after destroy')
555if not core_schema:
556    skip_rest('LDAP SASL tests', 'core schema not found')
558if runenv.have_sasl != 'yes':
559    skip_rest('LDAP SASL tests', 'SASL support not built')
561# Test SASL EXTERNAL auth.  Remove the DNs and service password file
562# from the DB module config.
563mark('LDAP SASL EXTERNAL auth')
565dbmod = conf['dbmodules']['ldap']
566dbmod['ldap_kdc_sasl_mech'] = dbmod['ldap_kadmind_sasl_mech'] = 'EXTERNAL'
567del dbmod['ldap_service_password_file']
568del dbmod['ldap_kdc_dn'], dbmod['ldap_kadmind_dn']
569realm = K5Realm(create_kdb=False, kdc_conf=conf)
570realm.run([kdb5_ldap_util, 'create', '-s', '-P', 'master'])
572realm.addprinc(realm.user_princ, password('user'))
573realm.kinit(realm.user_princ, password('user'))
575realm.run([kdb5_ldap_util, 'destroy', '-f'])
577# Test SASL DIGEST-MD5 auth.  We need to set a clear-text password for
578# the admin DN, so create a person entry (requires the core schema).
579# Restore the service password file in the config and set authcids.
580mark('LDAP SASL DIGEST-MD5 auth')
581ldap_add('cn=admin,cn=krb5', 'person',
582         ['sn: dummy', 'userPassword: admin'])
583dbmod['ldap_kdc_sasl_mech'] = dbmod['ldap_kadmind_sasl_mech'] = 'DIGEST-MD5'
584dbmod['ldap_kdc_sasl_authcid'] = 'digestuser'
585dbmod['ldap_kadmind_sasl_authcid'] = 'digestuser'
586dbmod['ldap_service_password_file'] = ldap_pwfile
587realm = K5Realm(create_kdb=False, kdc_conf=conf)
588input = admin_pw + '\n' + admin_pw + '\n'
589realm.run([kdb5_ldap_util, 'stashsrvpw', 'digestuser'], input=input)
590realm.run([kdb5_ldap_util, 'create', '-s', '-P', 'master'])
592realm.addprinc(realm.user_princ, password('user'))
593realm.kinit(realm.user_princ, password('user'))
595# Exercise DB options, which should cause binding to fail.
596realm.run([kadminl, '-x', 'sasl_authcid=ab', 'getprinc', 'user'],
597          expected_code=1, expected_msg='Cannot bind to LDAP server')
598realm.run([kadminl, '-x', 'bindpwd=wrong', 'getprinc', 'user'],
599          expected_code=1, expected_msg='Cannot bind to LDAP server')
600realm.run([kdb5_ldap_util, 'destroy', '-f'])
602# We could still use tests to exercise:
603# * DB arg handling in krb5_ldap_create
604# * krbAllowedToDelegateTo attribute processing
605# * A load operation overwriting a standalone principal entry which
606#   already exists but doesn't have a krbPrincipalName attribute
607#   matching the principal name.
608# * A bunch of invalid-input error conditions
610# There is no coverage for the following because it would be difficult:
611# * Out-of-memory error conditions
612# * Handling of failures from slapd (including krb5_retry_get_ldap_handle)
613# * Handling of servers which don't support mod-increment
614# * krb5_ldap_delete_krbcontainer (only happens if krb5_ldap_create fails)
616success('LDAP and DB2 KDB tests')