1 //! `petgraph` is a graph data structure library.
2 //!
3 //! Graphs are collections of nodes, and edges between nodes. `petgraph`
4 //! provides several [graph types](index.html#graph-types) (each differing in the
5 //! tradeoffs taken in their internal representation),
6 //! [algorithms](./algo/index.html#functions) on those graphs, and functionality to
7 //! [output graphs](./doc/petgraph/dot/struct.Dot.html) in
8 //! [`graphviz`](https://www.graphviz.org/) format. Both nodes and edges
9 //! can have arbitrary associated data, and edges may be either directed or undirected.
10 //!
11 //! # Example
12 //!
13 //! ```rust
14 //! use petgraph::graph::{NodeIndex, UnGraph};
15 //! use petgraph::algo::{dijkstra, min_spanning_tree};
16 //! use petgraph::data::FromElements;
17 //! use petgraph::dot::{Dot, Config};
18 //!
19 //! // Create an undirected graph with `i32` nodes and edges with `()` associated data.
20 //! let g = UnGraph::<i32, ()>::from_edges(&[
21 //!     (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4),
22 //!     (1, 4)]);
23 //!
24 //! // Find the shortest path from `1` to `4` using `1` as the cost for every edge.
25 //! let node_map = dijkstra(&g, 1.into(), Some(4.into()), |_| 1);
26 //! assert_eq!(&1i32, node_map.get(&NodeIndex::new(4)).unwrap());
27 //!
28 //! // Get the minimum spanning tree of the graph as a new graph, and check that
29 //! // one edge was trimmed.
30 //! let mst = UnGraph::<_, _>::from_elements(min_spanning_tree(&g));
31 //! assert_eq!(g.raw_edges().len() - 1, mst.raw_edges().len());
32 //!
33 //! // Output the tree to `graphviz` `DOT` format
34 //! println!("{:?}", Dot::with_config(&mst, &[Config::EdgeNoLabel]));
35 //! // graph {
36 //! //     0 [label="\"0\""]
37 //! //     1 [label="\"0\""]
38 //! //     2 [label="\"0\""]
39 //! //     3 [label="\"0\""]
40 //! //     1 -- 2
41 //! //     3 -- 4
42 //! //     2 -- 3
43 //! // }
44 //! ```
45 //!
46 //! # Graph types
47 //!
48 //! * [`Graph`](./graph/struct.Graph.html) -
49 //!   An adjacency list graph with arbitrary associated data.
50 //! * [`StableGraph`](./stable_graph/struct.StableGraph.html) -
51 //!   Similar to `Graph`, but it keeps indices stable across removals.
52 //! * [`GraphMap`](./graphmap/struct.GraphMap.html) -
53 //!   An adjacency list graph backed by a hash table. The node identifiers are the keys
54 //!   into the table.
55 //! * [`MatrixGraph`](./matrix_graph/struct.MatrixGraph.html) -
56 //!   An adjacency matrix graph.
57 //! * [`CSR`](./csr/struct.Csr.html) -
58 //!   A sparse adjacency matrix graph with arbitrary associated data.
59 //!
60 //! ### Generic parameters
61 //!
62 //! Each graph type is generic over a handful of parameters. All graphs share 3 common
63 //! parameters, `N`, `E`, and `Ty`. This is a broad overview of what those are. Each
64 //! type's documentation will have finer detail on these parameters.
65 //!
66 //! `N` & `E` are called *weights* in this implementation, and are associated with
67 //! nodes and edges respectively. They can generally be of arbitrary type, and don't have to
68 //! be what you might conventionally consider weight-like. For example, using `&str` for `N`
69 //! will work. Many algorithms that require costs let you provide a cost function that
70 //! translates your `N` and `E` weights into costs appropriate to the algorithm. Some graph
71 //! types and choices do impose bounds on `N` or `E`.
72 //! [`min_spanning_tree`](./algo/fn.min_spanning_tree.html) for example requires edge weights that
73 //! implement [`PartialOrd`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/core/cmp/trait.PartialOrd.html).
74 //! [`GraphMap`](./graphmap/struct.GraphMap.html) requires node weights that can serve as hash
75 //! map keys, since that graph type does not create standalone node indices.
76 //!
77 //! `Ty` controls whether edges are [`Directed`](./petgraph/enum.Directed.html) or
78 //! [`Undirected`](./petgraph/enum.Unirected.html).
79 //!
80 //! `Ix` appears on graph types that use indices. It is exposed so you can control
81 //! the size of node and edge indices, and therefore the memory footprint of your graphs.
82 //! Allowed values are `u8`, `u16`, `u32`, and `usize`, with `u32` being the default.
83 //!
84 //! ### Shorthand types
85 //!
86 //! Each graph type vends a few shorthand type definitions that name some specific
87 //! generic choices. For example, [`DiGraph<_, _>`](./graph/type.DiGraph.html) is shorthand
88 //! for [`Graph<_, _, Directed>`](graph/struct.Graph.html).
89 //! [`UnMatrix<_, _>`](./matrix_graph/type.UnMatrix.html) is shorthand for
90 //! [`MatrixGraph<_, _, Undirected>`](./matrix_graph/struct.MatrixGraph.html). Each graph type's
91 //! module documentation lists the available shorthand types.
92 //!
93 //! # Crate features
94 //!
95 //! * **serde-1** -
96 //!   Defaults off. Enables serialization for ``Graph, StableGraph`` using
97 //!   [`serde 1.0`](https://crates.io/crates/serde). May require a more recent version
98 //!   of Rust than petgraph alone.
99 //! * **graphmap** -
100 //!   Defaults on. Enables [`GraphMap`](./graphmap/struct.GraphMap.html).
101 //! * **stable_graph** -
102 //!   Defaults on. Enables [`StableGraph`](./stable_graph/struct.StableGraph.html).
103 //! * **matrix_graph** -
104 //!   Defaults on. Enables [`MatrixGraph`](./matrix_graph/struct.MatrixGraph.html).
105 //!
106 #![doc(html_root_url = "https://docs.rs/petgraph/0.4/")]
108 extern crate fixedbitset;
109 #[cfg(feature = "graphmap")]
110 extern crate indexmap;
112 #[cfg(feature = "serde-1")]
113 extern crate serde;
114 #[cfg(feature = "serde-1")]
115 #[macro_use]
116 extern crate serde_derive;
118 #[cfg(all(feature = "serde-1", test))]
119 extern crate itertools;
121 #[doc(no_inline)]
122 pub use crate::graph::Graph;
124 pub use crate::Direction::{Incoming, Outgoing};
126 #[macro_use]
127 mod macros;
128 mod scored;
130 // these modules define trait-implementing macros
131 #[macro_use]
132 pub mod visit;
133 #[macro_use]
134 pub mod data;
136 pub mod algo;
137 mod astar;
138 pub mod csr;
139 mod dijkstra;
140 pub mod dot;
141 #[cfg(feature = "generate")]
142 pub mod generate;
143 mod graph_impl;
144 #[cfg(feature = "graphmap")]
145 pub mod graphmap;
146 mod isomorphism;
147 mod iter_format;
148 mod iter_utils;
149 #[cfg(feature = "matrix_graph")]
150 pub mod matrix_graph;
151 #[cfg(feature = "quickcheck")]
152 mod quickcheck;
153 #[cfg(feature = "serde-1")]
154 mod serde_utils;
155 mod simple_paths;
156 mod traits_graph;
157 pub mod unionfind;
158 mod util;
160 pub mod prelude;
162 /// `Graph<N, E, Ty, Ix>` is a graph datastructure using an adjacency list representation.
163 pub mod graph {
164     pub use crate::graph_impl::{
165         edge_index, node_index, DefaultIx, DiGraph, Edge, EdgeIndex, EdgeIndices, EdgeReference,
166         EdgeReferences, EdgeWeightsMut, Edges, EdgesConnecting, Externals, Frozen, Graph,
167         GraphIndex, IndexType, Neighbors, Node, NodeIndex, NodeIndices, NodeReferences,
168         NodeWeightsMut, UnGraph, WalkNeighbors,
169     };
170 }
172 #[cfg(feature = "stable_graph")]
173 pub use crate::graph_impl::stable_graph;
175 macro_rules! copyclone {
176     ($name:ident) => {
177         impl Clone for $name {
178             #[inline]
179             fn clone(&self) -> Self {
180                 *self
181             }
182         }
183     };
184 }
186 // Index into the NodeIndex and EdgeIndex arrays
187 /// Edge direction.
188 #[derive(Copy, Debug, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord, Eq, Hash)]
189 #[repr(usize)]
190 pub enum Direction {
191     /// An `Outgoing` edge is an outward edge *from* the current node.
192     Outgoing = 0,
193     /// An `Incoming` edge is an inbound edge *to* the current node.
194     Incoming = 1,
195 }
197 copyclone!(Direction);
199 impl Direction {
200     /// Return the opposite `Direction`.
201     #[inline]
opposite(self) -> Direction202     pub fn opposite(self) -> Direction {
203         match self {
204             Outgoing => Incoming,
205             Incoming => Outgoing,
206         }
207     }
209     /// Return `0` for `Outgoing` and `1` for `Incoming`.
210     #[inline]
index(self) -> usize211     pub fn index(self) -> usize {
212         (self as usize) & 0x1
213     }
214 }
216 #[doc(hidden)]
217 pub use crate::Direction as EdgeDirection;
219 /// Marker type for a directed graph.
220 #[derive(Copy, Debug)]
221 pub enum Directed {}
222 copyclone!(Directed);
224 /// Marker type for an undirected graph.
225 #[derive(Copy, Debug)]
226 pub enum Undirected {}
227 copyclone!(Undirected);
229 /// A graph's edge type determines whether it has directed edges or not.
230 pub trait EdgeType {
is_directed() -> bool231     fn is_directed() -> bool;
232 }
234 impl EdgeType for Directed {
235     #[inline]
is_directed() -> bool236     fn is_directed() -> bool {
237         true
238     }
239 }
241 impl EdgeType for Undirected {
242     #[inline]
is_directed() -> bool243     fn is_directed() -> bool {
244         false
245     }
246 }
248 /// Convert an element like `(i, j)` or `(i, j, w)` into
249 /// a triple of source, target, edge weight.
250 ///
251 /// For `Graph::from_edges` and `GraphMap::from_edges`.
252 pub trait IntoWeightedEdge<E> {
253     type NodeId;
into_weighted_edge(self) -> (Self::NodeId, Self::NodeId, E)254     fn into_weighted_edge(self) -> (Self::NodeId, Self::NodeId, E);
255 }
257 impl<Ix, E> IntoWeightedEdge<E> for (Ix, Ix)
258 where
259     E: Default,
260 {
261     type NodeId = Ix;
into_weighted_edge(self) -> (Ix, Ix, E)263     fn into_weighted_edge(self) -> (Ix, Ix, E) {
264         let (s, t) = self;
265         (s, t, E::default())
266     }
267 }
269 impl<Ix, E> IntoWeightedEdge<E> for (Ix, Ix, E) {
270     type NodeId = Ix;
into_weighted_edge(self) -> (Ix, Ix, E)271     fn into_weighted_edge(self) -> (Ix, Ix, E) {
272         self
273     }
274 }
276 impl<'a, Ix, E> IntoWeightedEdge<E> for (Ix, Ix, &'a E)
277 where
278     E: Clone,
279 {
280     type NodeId = Ix;
into_weighted_edge(self) -> (Ix, Ix, E)281     fn into_weighted_edge(self) -> (Ix, Ix, E) {
282         let (a, b, c) = self;
283         (a, b, c.clone())
284     }
285 }
287 impl<'a, Ix, E> IntoWeightedEdge<E> for &'a (Ix, Ix)
288 where
289     Ix: Copy,
290     E: Default,
291 {
292     type NodeId = Ix;
into_weighted_edge(self) -> (Ix, Ix, E)293     fn into_weighted_edge(self) -> (Ix, Ix, E) {
294         let (s, t) = *self;
295         (s, t, E::default())
296     }
297 }
299 impl<'a, Ix, E> IntoWeightedEdge<E> for &'a (Ix, Ix, E)
300 where
301     Ix: Copy,
302     E: Clone,
303 {
304     type NodeId = Ix;
into_weighted_edge(self) -> (Ix, Ix, E)305     fn into_weighted_edge(self) -> (Ix, Ix, E) {
306         self.clone()
307     }
308 }