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READMEH A D28-Aug-20211.2 KiB3221

backup_config.plH A D03-May-2022646 4425

configH A D03-May-2022120 65

config-cobalt-linuxH A D28-Aug-2021194 87

config-coherent-linuxH A D28-Aug-2021194 87

config-freebsdH A D03-May-2022220 87

config-mandrake-linuxH A D28-Aug-2021176 87

config-msc-linuxH A D28-Aug-2021194 87

config-open-linuxH A D28-Aug-2021194 87

config-openmamba-linuxH A D28-Aug-2021194 87

config-pardus-linuxH A D28-Aug-2021120 65

config-redhat-linuxH A D28-Aug-2021194 87

config-suse-linuxH A D28-Aug-2021194 87

config-syno-linuxH A D28-Aug-2021120 65

config-trustix-linuxH A D28-Aug-2021194 87

config-turbo-linuxH A D28-Aug-2021194 87

config-united-linuxH A D28-Aug-2021184 87

config.infoH A D28-Aug-2021336 98

config.info.caH A D28-Aug-2021394 98

config.info.csH A D28-Aug-2021383 98

config.info.deH A D28-Aug-2021370 98

config.info.msH A D28-Aug-2021349 98

config.info.nlH A D28-Aug-2021379 98

config.info.noH A D28-Aug-2021352 98

config.info.ruH A D28-Aug-2021519 98

config.info.ukH A D28-Aug-2021546 98

edit_dacfg.cgiH A D03-May-20221.5 KiB4323

edit_log.cgiH A D03-May-20222.7 KiB8460

edit_netcfg.cgiH A D03-May-20228.4 KiB251218

edit_snda.cgiH A D03-May-20222 KiB6544

index.cgiH A D03-May-20222.2 KiB6845

install_check.plH A D03-May-2022323 156

module.infoH A D28-Aug-2021174 98

module.info.afH A D28-Aug-20210

module.info.af.autoH A D28-Aug-2021100 43

module.info.arH A D28-Aug-20210

module.info.ar.autoH A D28-Aug-2021113 43

module.info.beH A D28-Aug-20210

module.info.be.autoH A D28-Aug-2021139 43

module.info.bgH A D28-Aug-20210

module.info.bg.autoH A D28-Aug-2021182 43

module.info.caH A D28-Aug-2021102 32

module.info.ca.autoH A D28-Aug-202116 21

module.info.csH A D28-Aug-202123 21

module.info.cs.autoH A D28-Aug-202181 32

module.info.daH A D28-Aug-20210

module.info.da.autoH A D28-Aug-2021100 43

module.info.deH A D28-Aug-202186 32

module.info.de.autoH A D28-Aug-202116 21

module.info.elH A D28-Aug-20210 10

module.info.el.autoH A D28-Aug-2021165 43

module.info.esH A D28-Aug-20210

module.info.es.autoH A D28-Aug-2021117 43

module.info.euH A D28-Aug-20210

module.info.eu.autoH A D28-Aug-2021116 43

module.info.faH A D28-Aug-20210

module.info.fa.autoH A D28-Aug-2021125 43

module.info.fiH A D28-Aug-20210

module.info.fi.autoH A D28-Aug-2021101 43

module.info.frH A D28-Aug-20210

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module.info.lt.autoH A D28-Aug-2021116 43

module.info.lvH A D28-Aug-20210

module.info.lv.autoH A D28-Aug-2021118 43

module.info.msH A D28-Aug-202184 32

module.info.ms.autoH A D28-Aug-202116 21

module.info.mtH A D28-Aug-20210

module.info.mt.autoH A D28-Aug-2021114 43

module.info.nlH A D28-Aug-202123 21

module.info.nl.autoH A D28-Aug-202173 32

module.info.noH A D28-Aug-202123 21

module.info.no.autoH A D28-Aug-202177 32

module.info.plH A D03-May-20220 10

module.info.pl.autoH A D28-Aug-2021102 43

module.info.ptH A D28-Aug-20210

module.info.pt.autoH A D28-Aug-2021117 43

module.info.pt_BRH A D28-Aug-20210

module.info.pt_BR.autoH A D28-Aug-2021126 43

module.info.roH A D28-Aug-20210

module.info.ro.autoH A D28-Aug-2021114 43

module.info.ruH A D28-Aug-202129 21

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module.info.sk.autoH A D28-Aug-2021104 43

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module.info.sl.autoH A D28-Aug-2021108 43

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module.info.tr.autoH A D28-Aug-2021104 43

module.info.ukH A D28-Aug-20210

module.info.uk.autoH A D28-Aug-2021149 43

module.info.urH A D28-Aug-20210

module.info.ur.autoH A D28-Aug-2021161 43

module.info.viH A D28-Aug-20210

module.info.vi.autoH A D28-Aug-2021113 43

module.info.zhH A D28-Aug-20210

module.info.zh.autoH A D28-Aug-202190 43

module.info.zh_TWH A D28-Aug-20210

module.info.zh_TW.autoH A D28-Aug-202199 43

save_dacfg.cgiH A D03-May-2022686 2910

save_log.cgiH A D03-May-20221,021 4828

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save_snda.cgiH A D03-May-20221 KiB4726

slp-lib.plH A D03-May-202210.2 KiB311269

start.cgiH A D03-May-2022414 2216

stop.cgiH A D03-May-2022336 2014


1This is the README file for the  OpenSLP webmin
2module by Monty Charlton <monty@caldera.com>.
4Installation is easy.
6Just use the 'Webmin Modules' applet under 'Webmin Configuration'.
7Use the '...' box to find openslp.tar.wbm and it should install fine.
9Worst case, just copy the tar file to your webmin directory
10(usually /usr/libexec/webmin) and extract it:
11tar xvf openslp.tar.wbm
13You may notice there are a number of config-some-system files in
14the openslp directory.  You may have to edit the file that pertains
15to your particular system.  If you do, please send me (monty@caldera.com)
16the change you had to make to get things to work.
18To make your module appear in the main list, you may have to edit
19/etc/webmin/webmin.acl.  Just add openslp to the list somewhere and it
20should magically appear.  But you probably won't have to do this.
24This OpenSLP module is Copyright (c) 2000 Caldera Systems
26Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
27documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby
28granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software
29for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
30See the GNU General Public License for more details.