1 //! HTTP Server
2 //!
3 //! A `Server` is created to listen on a port, parse HTTP requests, and hand
4 //! them off to a `Service`.
5 //!
6 //! There are two levels of APIs provide for constructing HTTP servers:
7 //!
8 //! - The higher-level [`Server`](Server) type.
9 //! - The lower-level [`conn`](conn) module.
10 //!
11 //! # Server
12 //!
13 //! The [`Server`](Server) is main way to start listening for HTTP requests.
14 //! It wraps a listener with a [`MakeService`](crate::service), and then should
15 //! be executed to start serving requests.
16 //!
17 //! [`Server`](Server) accepts connections in both HTTP1 and HTTP2 by default.
18 //!
19 //! ## Example
20 //!
21 //! ```no_run
22 //! use std::convert::Infallible;
23 //! use std::net::SocketAddr;
24 //! use hyper::{Body, Request, Response, Server};
25 //! use hyper::service::{make_service_fn, service_fn};
26 //!
27 //! async fn handle(_req: Request<Body>) -> Result<Response<Body>, Infallible> {
28 //!     Ok(Response::new(Body::from("Hello World")))
29 //! }
30 //!
31 //! # #[cfg(feature = "runtime")]
32 //! #[tokio::main]
33 //! async fn main() {
34 //!     // Construct our SocketAddr to listen on...
35 //!     let addr = SocketAddr::from(([127, 0, 0, 1], 3000));
36 //!
37 //!     // And a MakeService to handle each connection...
38 //!     let make_service = make_service_fn(|_conn| async {
39 //!         Ok::<_, Infallible>(service_fn(handle))
40 //!     });
41 //!
42 //!     // Then bind and serve...
43 //!     let server = Server::bind(&addr).serve(make_service);
44 //!
45 //!     // And run forever...
46 //!     if let Err(e) = server.await {
47 //!         eprintln!("server error: {}", e);
48 //!     }
49 //! }
50 //! # #[cfg(not(feature = "runtime"))]
51 //! # fn main() {}
52 //! ```
54 pub mod accept;
55 pub mod conn;
56 mod shutdown;
57 #[cfg(feature = "tcp")]
58 mod tcp;
60 use std::error::Error as StdError;
61 use std::fmt;
62 #[cfg(feature = "tcp")]
63 use std::net::{SocketAddr, TcpListener as StdTcpListener};
65 #[cfg(feature = "tcp")]
66 use std::time::Duration;
68 use pin_project::pin_project;
69 use tokio::io::{AsyncRead, AsyncWrite};
71 use self::accept::Accept;
72 use crate::body::{Body, HttpBody};
73 use crate::common::exec::{Exec, H2Exec, NewSvcExec};
74 use crate::common::{task, Future, Pin, Poll, Unpin};
75 use crate::service::{HttpService, MakeServiceRef};
76 // Renamed `Http` as `Http_` for now so that people upgrading don't see an
77 // error that `hyper::server::Http` is private...
78 use self::conn::{Http as Http_, NoopWatcher, SpawnAll};
79 use self::shutdown::{Graceful, GracefulWatcher};
80 #[cfg(feature = "tcp")]
81 use self::tcp::AddrIncoming;
83 /// A listening HTTP server that accepts connections in both HTTP1 and HTTP2 by default.
84 ///
85 /// `Server` is a `Future` mapping a bound listener with a set of service
86 /// handlers. It is built using the [`Builder`](Builder), and the future
87 /// completes when the server has been shutdown. It should be run by an
88 /// `Executor`.
89 #[pin_project]
90 pub struct Server<I, S, E = Exec> {
91     #[pin]
92     spawn_all: SpawnAll<I, S, E>,
93 }
95 /// A builder for a [`Server`](Server).
96 #[derive(Debug)]
97 pub struct Builder<I, E = Exec> {
98     incoming: I,
99     protocol: Http_<E>,
100 }
102 // ===== impl Server =====
104 impl<I> Server<I, ()> {
105     /// Starts a [`Builder`](Builder) with the provided incoming stream.
builder(incoming: I) -> Builder<I>106     pub fn builder(incoming: I) -> Builder<I> {
107         Builder {
108             incoming,
109             protocol: Http_::new(),
110         }
111     }
112 }
114 #[cfg(feature = "tcp")]
115 impl Server<AddrIncoming, ()> {
116     /// Binds to the provided address, and returns a [`Builder`](Builder).
117     ///
118     /// # Panics
119     ///
120     /// This method will panic if binding to the address fails. For a method
121     /// to bind to an address and return a `Result`, see `Server::try_bind`.
bind(addr: &SocketAddr) -> Builder<AddrIncoming>122     pub fn bind(addr: &SocketAddr) -> Builder<AddrIncoming> {
123         let incoming = AddrIncoming::new(addr).unwrap_or_else(|e| {
124             panic!("error binding to {}: {}", addr, e);
125         });
126         Server::builder(incoming)
127     }
129     /// Tries to bind to the provided address, and returns a [`Builder`](Builder).
try_bind(addr: &SocketAddr) -> crate::Result<Builder<AddrIncoming>>130     pub fn try_bind(addr: &SocketAddr) -> crate::Result<Builder<AddrIncoming>> {
131         AddrIncoming::new(addr).map(Server::builder)
132     }
134     /// Create a new instance from a `std::net::TcpListener` instance.
from_tcp(listener: StdTcpListener) -> Result<Builder<AddrIncoming>, crate::Error>135     pub fn from_tcp(listener: StdTcpListener) -> Result<Builder<AddrIncoming>, crate::Error> {
136         AddrIncoming::from_std(listener).map(Server::builder)
137     }
138 }
140 #[cfg(feature = "tcp")]
141 impl<S, E> Server<AddrIncoming, S, E> {
142     /// Returns the local address that this server is bound to.
local_addr(&self) -> SocketAddr143     pub fn local_addr(&self) -> SocketAddr {
144         self.spawn_all.local_addr()
145     }
146 }
148 impl<I, IO, IE, S, E, B> Server<I, S, E>
149 where
150     I: Accept<Conn = IO, Error = IE>,
151     IE: Into<Box<dyn StdError + Send + Sync>>,
152     IO: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin + Send + 'static,
153     S: MakeServiceRef<IO, Body, ResBody = B>,
154     S::Error: Into<Box<dyn StdError + Send + Sync>>,
155     B: HttpBody + Send + Sync + 'static,
156     B::Error: Into<Box<dyn StdError + Send + Sync>>,
157     E: H2Exec<<S::Service as HttpService<Body>>::Future, B>,
158     E: NewSvcExec<IO, S::Future, S::Service, E, GracefulWatcher>,
159 {
160     /// Prepares a server to handle graceful shutdown when the provided future
161     /// completes.
162     ///
163     /// # Example
164     ///
165     /// ```
166     /// # fn main() {}
167     /// # #[cfg(feature = "tcp")]
168     /// # async fn run() {
169     /// # use hyper::{Body, Response, Server, Error};
170     /// # use hyper::service::{make_service_fn, service_fn};
171     /// # let make_service = make_service_fn(|_| async {
172     /// #     Ok::<_, Error>(service_fn(|_req| async {
173     /// #         Ok::<_, Error>(Response::new(Body::from("Hello World")))
174     /// #     }))
175     /// # });
176     /// // Make a server from the previous examples...
177     /// let server = Server::bind(&([127, 0, 0, 1], 3000).into())
178     ///     .serve(make_service);
179     ///
180     /// // Prepare some signal for when the server should start shutting down...
181     /// let (tx, rx) = tokio::sync::oneshot::channel::<()>();
182     /// let graceful = server
183     ///     .with_graceful_shutdown(async {
184     ///         rx.await.ok();
185     ///     });
186     ///
187     /// // Await the `server` receiving the signal...
188     /// if let Err(e) = graceful.await {
189     ///     eprintln!("server error: {}", e);
190     /// }
191     ///
192     /// // And later, trigger the signal by calling `tx.send(())`.
193     /// let _ = tx.send(());
194     /// # }
195     /// ```
with_graceful_shutdown<F>(self, signal: F) -> Graceful<I, S, F, E> where F: Future<Output = ()>,196     pub fn with_graceful_shutdown<F>(self, signal: F) -> Graceful<I, S, F, E>
197     where
198         F: Future<Output = ()>,
199     {
200         Graceful::new(self.spawn_all, signal)
201     }
202 }
204 impl<I, IO, IE, S, B, E> Future for Server<I, S, E>
205 where
206     I: Accept<Conn = IO, Error = IE>,
207     IE: Into<Box<dyn StdError + Send + Sync>>,
208     IO: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin + Send + 'static,
209     S: MakeServiceRef<IO, Body, ResBody = B>,
210     S::Error: Into<Box<dyn StdError + Send + Sync>>,
211     B: HttpBody + 'static,
212     B::Error: Into<Box<dyn StdError + Send + Sync>>,
213     E: H2Exec<<S::Service as HttpService<Body>>::Future, B>,
214     E: NewSvcExec<IO, S::Future, S::Service, E, NoopWatcher>,
215 {
216     type Output = crate::Result<()>;
poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut task::Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output>218     fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut task::Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
219         self.project().spawn_all.poll_watch(cx, &NoopWatcher)
220     }
221 }
223 impl<I: fmt::Debug, S: fmt::Debug> fmt::Debug for Server<I, S> {
fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result224     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
225         f.debug_struct("Server")
226             .field("listener", &self.spawn_all.incoming_ref())
227             .finish()
228     }
229 }
231 // ===== impl Builder =====
233 impl<I, E> Builder<I, E> {
234     /// Start a new builder, wrapping an incoming stream and low-level options.
235     ///
236     /// For a more convenient constructor, see [`Server::bind`](Server::bind).
new(incoming: I, protocol: Http_<E>) -> Self237     pub fn new(incoming: I, protocol: Http_<E>) -> Self {
238         Builder { incoming, protocol }
239     }
241     /// Sets whether to use keep-alive for HTTP/1 connections.
242     ///
243     /// Default is `true`.
http1_keepalive(mut self, val: bool) -> Self244     pub fn http1_keepalive(mut self, val: bool) -> Self {
245         self.protocol.http1_keep_alive(val);
246         self
247     }
249     /// Set whether HTTP/1 connections should support half-closures.
250     ///
251     /// Clients can chose to shutdown their write-side while waiting
252     /// for the server to respond. Setting this to `true` will
253     /// prevent closing the connection immediately if `read`
254     /// detects an EOF in the middle of a request.
255     ///
256     /// Default is `false`.
http1_half_close(mut self, val: bool) -> Self257     pub fn http1_half_close(mut self, val: bool) -> Self {
258         self.protocol.http1_half_close(val);
259         self
260     }
262     /// Set the maximum buffer size.
263     ///
264     /// Default is ~ 400kb.
http1_max_buf_size(mut self, val: usize) -> Self265     pub fn http1_max_buf_size(mut self, val: usize) -> Self {
266         self.protocol.max_buf_size(val);
267         self
268     }
270     // Sets whether to bunch up HTTP/1 writes until the read buffer is empty.
271     //
272     // This isn't really desirable in most cases, only really being useful in
273     // silly pipeline benchmarks.
274     #[doc(hidden)]
http1_pipeline_flush(mut self, val: bool) -> Self275     pub fn http1_pipeline_flush(mut self, val: bool) -> Self {
276         self.protocol.pipeline_flush(val);
277         self
278     }
280     /// Set whether HTTP/1 connections should try to use vectored writes,
281     /// or always flatten into a single buffer.
282     ///
283     /// # Note
284     ///
285     /// Setting this to `false` may mean more copies of body data,
286     /// but may also improve performance when an IO transport doesn't
287     /// support vectored writes well, such as most TLS implementations.
288     ///
289     /// Setting this to true will force hyper to use queued strategy
290     /// which may eliminate unnecessary cloning on some TLS backends
291     ///
292     /// Default is `auto`. In this mode hyper will try to guess which
293     /// mode to use
http1_writev(mut self, val: bool) -> Self294     pub fn http1_writev(mut self, val: bool) -> Self {
295         self.protocol.http1_writev(val);
296         self
297     }
299     /// Sets whether HTTP/1 is required.
300     ///
301     /// Default is `false`.
http1_only(mut self, val: bool) -> Self302     pub fn http1_only(mut self, val: bool) -> Self {
303         self.protocol.http1_only(val);
304         self
305     }
307     /// Sets whether HTTP/2 is required.
308     ///
309     /// Default is `false`.
http2_only(mut self, val: bool) -> Self310     pub fn http2_only(mut self, val: bool) -> Self {
311         self.protocol.http2_only(val);
312         self
313     }
315     /// Sets the [`SETTINGS_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE`][spec] option for HTTP2
316     /// stream-level flow control.
317     ///
318     /// Passing `None` will do nothing.
319     ///
320     /// If not set, hyper will use a default.
321     ///
322     /// [spec]: https://http2.github.io/http2-spec/#SETTINGS_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE
http2_initial_stream_window_size(mut self, sz: impl Into<Option<u32>>) -> Self323     pub fn http2_initial_stream_window_size(mut self, sz: impl Into<Option<u32>>) -> Self {
324         self.protocol.http2_initial_stream_window_size(sz.into());
325         self
326     }
328     /// Sets the max connection-level flow control for HTTP2
329     ///
330     /// Passing `None` will do nothing.
331     ///
332     /// If not set, hyper will use a default.
http2_initial_connection_window_size(mut self, sz: impl Into<Option<u32>>) -> Self333     pub fn http2_initial_connection_window_size(mut self, sz: impl Into<Option<u32>>) -> Self {
334         self.protocol
335             .http2_initial_connection_window_size(sz.into());
336         self
337     }
339     /// Sets whether to use an adaptive flow control.
340     ///
341     /// Enabling this will override the limits set in
342     /// `http2_initial_stream_window_size` and
343     /// `http2_initial_connection_window_size`.
http2_adaptive_window(mut self, enabled: bool) -> Self344     pub fn http2_adaptive_window(mut self, enabled: bool) -> Self {
345         self.protocol.http2_adaptive_window(enabled);
346         self
347     }
349     /// Sets the maximum frame size to use for HTTP2.
350     ///
351     /// Passing `None` will do nothing.
352     ///
353     /// If not set, hyper will use a default.
http2_max_frame_size(mut self, sz: impl Into<Option<u32>>) -> Self354     pub fn http2_max_frame_size(mut self, sz: impl Into<Option<u32>>) -> Self {
355         self.protocol.http2_max_frame_size(sz);
356         self
357     }
359     /// Sets the [`SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS`][spec] option for HTTP2
360     /// connections.
361     ///
362     /// Default is no limit (`std::u32::MAX`). Passing `None` will do nothing.
363     ///
364     /// [spec]: https://http2.github.io/http2-spec/#SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS
http2_max_concurrent_streams(mut self, max: impl Into<Option<u32>>) -> Self365     pub fn http2_max_concurrent_streams(mut self, max: impl Into<Option<u32>>) -> Self {
366         self.protocol.http2_max_concurrent_streams(max.into());
367         self
368     }
370     /// Sets an interval for HTTP2 Ping frames should be sent to keep a
371     /// connection alive.
372     ///
373     /// Pass `None` to disable HTTP2 keep-alive.
374     ///
375     /// Default is currently disabled.
376     ///
377     /// # Cargo Feature
378     ///
379     /// Requires the `runtime` cargo feature to be enabled.
380     #[cfg(feature = "runtime")]
http2_keep_alive_interval(mut self, interval: impl Into<Option<Duration>>) -> Self381     pub fn http2_keep_alive_interval(mut self, interval: impl Into<Option<Duration>>) -> Self {
382         self.protocol.http2_keep_alive_interval(interval);
383         self
384     }
386     /// Sets a timeout for receiving an acknowledgement of the keep-alive ping.
387     ///
388     /// If the ping is not acknowledged within the timeout, the connection will
389     /// be closed. Does nothing if `http2_keep_alive_interval` is disabled.
390     ///
391     /// Default is 20 seconds.
392     ///
393     /// # Cargo Feature
394     ///
395     /// Requires the `runtime` cargo feature to be enabled.
396     #[cfg(feature = "runtime")]
http2_keep_alive_timeout(mut self, timeout: Duration) -> Self397     pub fn http2_keep_alive_timeout(mut self, timeout: Duration) -> Self {
398         self.protocol.http2_keep_alive_timeout(timeout);
399         self
400     }
402     /// Sets the `Executor` to deal with connection tasks.
403     ///
404     /// Default is `tokio::spawn`.
executor<E2>(self, executor: E2) -> Builder<I, E2>405     pub fn executor<E2>(self, executor: E2) -> Builder<I, E2> {
406         Builder {
407             incoming: self.incoming,
408             protocol: self.protocol.with_executor(executor),
409         }
410     }
412     /// Consume this `Builder`, creating a [`Server`](Server).
413     ///
414     /// # Example
415     ///
416     /// ```
417     /// # #[cfg(feature = "tcp")]
418     /// # async fn run() {
419     /// use hyper::{Body, Error, Response, Server};
420     /// use hyper::service::{make_service_fn, service_fn};
421     ///
422     /// // Construct our SocketAddr to listen on...
423     /// let addr = ([127, 0, 0, 1], 3000).into();
424     ///
425     /// // And a MakeService to handle each connection...
426     /// let make_svc = make_service_fn(|_| async {
427     ///     Ok::<_, Error>(service_fn(|_req| async {
428     ///         Ok::<_, Error>(Response::new(Body::from("Hello World")))
429     ///     }))
430     /// });
431     ///
432     /// // Then bind and serve...
433     /// let server = Server::bind(&addr)
434     ///     .serve(make_svc);
435     ///
436     /// // Run forever-ish...
437     /// if let Err(err) = server.await {
438     ///     eprintln!("server error: {}", err);
439     /// }
440     /// # }
441     /// ```
serve<S, B>(self, new_service: S) -> Server<I, S, E> where I: Accept, I::Error: Into<Box<dyn StdError + Send + Sync>>, I::Conn: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin + Send + 'static, S: MakeServiceRef<I::Conn, Body, ResBody = B>, S::Error: Into<Box<dyn StdError + Send + Sync>>, B: HttpBody + 'static, B::Error: Into<Box<dyn StdError + Send + Sync>>, E: NewSvcExec<I::Conn, S::Future, S::Service, E, NoopWatcher>, E: H2Exec<<S::Service as HttpService<Body>>::Future, B>,442     pub fn serve<S, B>(self, new_service: S) -> Server<I, S, E>
443     where
444         I: Accept,
445         I::Error: Into<Box<dyn StdError + Send + Sync>>,
446         I::Conn: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin + Send + 'static,
447         S: MakeServiceRef<I::Conn, Body, ResBody = B>,
448         S::Error: Into<Box<dyn StdError + Send + Sync>>,
449         B: HttpBody + 'static,
450         B::Error: Into<Box<dyn StdError + Send + Sync>>,
451         E: NewSvcExec<I::Conn, S::Future, S::Service, E, NoopWatcher>,
452         E: H2Exec<<S::Service as HttpService<Body>>::Future, B>,
453     {
454         let serve = self.protocol.serve(self.incoming, new_service);
455         let spawn_all = serve.spawn_all();
456         Server { spawn_all }
457     }
458 }
460 #[cfg(feature = "tcp")]
461 impl<E> Builder<AddrIncoming, E> {
462     /// Set whether TCP keepalive messages are enabled on accepted connections.
463     ///
464     /// If `None` is specified, keepalive is disabled, otherwise the duration
465     /// specified will be the time to remain idle before sending TCP keepalive
466     /// probes.
tcp_keepalive(mut self, keepalive: Option<Duration>) -> Self467     pub fn tcp_keepalive(mut self, keepalive: Option<Duration>) -> Self {
468         self.incoming.set_keepalive(keepalive);
469         self
470     }
472     /// Set the value of `TCP_NODELAY` option for accepted connections.
tcp_nodelay(mut self, enabled: bool) -> Self473     pub fn tcp_nodelay(mut self, enabled: bool) -> Self {
474         self.incoming.set_nodelay(enabled);
475         self
476     }
478     /// Set whether to sleep on accept errors.
479     ///
480     /// A possible scenario is that the process has hit the max open files
481     /// allowed, and so trying to accept a new connection will fail with
482     /// EMFILE. In some cases, it's preferable to just wait for some time, if
483     /// the application will likely close some files (or connections), and try
484     /// to accept the connection again. If this option is true, the error will
485     /// be logged at the error level, since it is still a big deal, and then
486     /// the listener will sleep for 1 second.
487     ///
488     /// In other cases, hitting the max open files should be treat similarly
489     /// to being out-of-memory, and simply error (and shutdown). Setting this
490     /// option to false will allow that.
491     ///
492     /// For more details see [`AddrIncoming::set_sleep_on_errors`]
tcp_sleep_on_accept_errors(mut self, val: bool) -> Self493     pub fn tcp_sleep_on_accept_errors(mut self, val: bool) -> Self {
494         self.incoming.set_sleep_on_errors(val);
495         self
496     }
497 }