1 // The code that is related to float number handling
find_minimal_repr(n: f64, eps: f64) -> (f64, usize)2 fn find_minimal_repr(n: f64, eps: f64) -> (f64, usize) {
3     if eps >= 1.0 {
4         return (n, 0);
5     }
6     if n - n.floor() < eps {
7         (n.floor(), 0)
8     } else if n.ceil() - n < eps {
9         (n.ceil(), 0)
10     } else {
11         let (rem, pre) = find_minimal_repr((n - n.floor()) * 10.0, eps * 10.0);
12         (n.floor() + rem / 10.0, pre + 1)
13     }
14 }
float_to_string(n: f64, max_precision: usize, min_decimal: usize) -> String16 fn float_to_string(n: f64, max_precision: usize, min_decimal: usize) -> String {
17     let (mut result, mut count) = loop {
18         let (sign, n) = if n < 0.0 { ("-", -n) } else { ("", n) };
19         let int_part = n.floor();
21         let dec_part =
22             ((n.abs() - int_part.abs()) * (10.0f64).powi(max_precision as i32)).round() as u64;
24         if dec_part == 0 || max_precision == 0 {
25             break (format!("{}{:.0}", sign, int_part), 0);
26         }
28         let mut leading = "".to_string();
29         let mut dec_result = format!("{}", dec_part);
31         for _ in 0..(max_precision - dec_result.len()) {
32             leading.push('0');
33         }
35         while let Some(c) = dec_result.pop() {
36             if c != '0' {
37                 dec_result.push(c);
38                 break;
39             }
40         }
42         break (
43             format!("{}{:.0}.{}{}", sign, int_part, leading, dec_result),
44             leading.len() + dec_result.len(),
45         );
46     };
48     if count == 0 && min_decimal > 0 {
49         result.push('.');
50     }
52     while count < min_decimal {
53         result.push('0');
54         count += 1;
55     }
56     result
57 }
59 pub struct FloatPrettyPrinter {
60     pub allow_scientific: bool,
61     pub min_decimal: i32,
62     pub max_decimal: i32,
63 }
65 impl FloatPrettyPrinter {
print(&self, n: f64) -> String66     pub fn print(&self, n: f64) -> String {
67         let (n, p) = find_minimal_repr(n, (10f64).powi(-self.max_decimal));
68         let d_repr = float_to_string(n, p, self.min_decimal as usize);
69         if !self.allow_scientific {
70             d_repr
71         } else {
72             if n == 0.0 {
73                 return "0".to_string();
74             }
76             let mut idx = n.abs().log10().floor();
77             let mut exp = (10.0f64).powf(idx);
79             if n.abs() / exp + 1e-5 >= 10.0 {
80                 idx += 1.0;
81                 exp *= 10.0;
82             }
84             if idx.abs() < 3.0 {
85                 return d_repr;
86             }
88             let (sn, sp) = find_minimal_repr(n / exp, 1e-5);
89             let s_repr = format!(
90                 "{}e{}",
91                 float_to_string(sn, sp, self.min_decimal as usize),
92                 float_to_string(idx, 0, 0)
93             );
94             if s_repr.len() + 1 < d_repr.len() {
95                 s_repr
96             } else {
97                 d_repr
98             }
99         }
100     }
101 }
103 /// The function that pretty prints the floating number
104 /// Since rust doesn't have anything that can format a float with out appearance, so we just
105 /// implemnet a float pretty printing function, which finds the shortest representation of a
106 /// floating point number within the allowed error range.
107 ///
108 /// - `n`: The float number to pretty-print
109 /// - `allow_sn`: Should we use scientific notation when possible
110 /// - **returns**: The pretty printed string
pretty_print_float(n: f64, allow_sn: bool) -> String111 pub fn pretty_print_float(n: f64, allow_sn: bool) -> String {
112     (FloatPrettyPrinter {
113         allow_scientific: allow_sn,
114         min_decimal: 0,
115         max_decimal: 10,
116     })
117     .print(n)
118 }
120 #[cfg(test)]
121 mod test {
122     use super::*;
123     #[test]
test_pretty_printing()124     fn test_pretty_printing() {
125         assert_eq!(pretty_print_float(0.99999999999999999999, false), "1");
126         assert_eq!(pretty_print_float(0.9999, false), "0.9999");
127         assert_eq!(
128             pretty_print_float(-1e-5 - 0.00000000000000001, true),
129             "-1e-5"
130         );
131         assert_eq!(
132             pretty_print_float(-1e-5 - 0.00000000000000001, false),
133             "-0.00001"
134         );
135         assert_eq!(pretty_print_float(1e100, true), "1e100");
136         assert_eq!(pretty_print_float(1234567890f64, true), "1234567890");
137         assert_eq!(pretty_print_float(1000000001f64, true), "1e9");
138     }
139 }