1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
2<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.4//EN"
4 <chapter id="sec-custom">
5  <title>Customization</title>
6 <para>
7  The transformation process (and thus the output rendering) can be heavily customized by:
8 </para>
9 <itemizedlist>
10  <listitem>
11  <para>
12  using some <link linkend="sec-param">configuration parameters</link> either in
13  a <link linkend="sec-param-stylesheet">configuration stylesheet</link> or directly
14  from the <link linkend="sec-param-value">command line</link>,
15  </para>
16 </listitem>
17  <listitem>
18    <para>using <link linkend="sec-pi-usage">Processing Instructions</link>
19    to create some instructions very specific to dblatex,</para>
20  </listitem>
21  <listitem>
22  <para>
23  using some <link linkend="sec-custom-stylesheet">customized stylesheets</link>,
24  </para>
25 </listitem>
26  <listitem>
27  <para>
28  using a <link linkend="sec-custom-latex">customized LaTeX style package</link>.
29  </para>
30 </listitem>
31  <listitem>
32  <para>
33  using a <link linkend="sec-texpost">LaTeX post process script or plugin</link>.
34  </para>
35 </listitem>
36 </itemizedlist>
37 <para>
38  All these customization methods can be used independently and in exceptional cases, but it can also be combined and registered in a master configuration file, called a specification file (cf. <xref linkend="sec-specs"/>) to create a new tool dedicated to your needs.
39 </para>
40<section id="sec-param">
41  <title>Using XSL Parameters</title>
42  <para>
43   The PDF rendering can be customised by using some XSL configuration
44   parameters.
45   <xref linkend="sec-params"/> contains the reference documentation of
46   the available user-configurable parameters.
47  </para>
50<section id="sec-param-value"><title>Setting Command line Parameters</title>
51  <para>You can set some XSL parameters directly from the command
52  line without creating a configuration parameter stylesheet, with the
53  <option>-P <replaceable>parameter=value</replaceable></option> option.</para>
54  <para>The following example set the latex.hyperparam parameter value:
55   <programlisting>
56<![CDATA[  dblatex -P latex.hyperparam=colorlinks,linkcolor=blue myfile.xml
58  </para>
61<section id="sec-pi-usage">
62  <title>Using Processing Instructions</title>
64  <para>Dblatex has Processing Instructions (PI) which can modify the default
65  document formatting. Usually these instructions alter the
66  output formatting of specific DocBook elements, like table cells.
69  <para>To alter formatting globally it is better to set an
70  appropriate <link linkend="sec-param">stylesheet
71  parameter</link>.</para>
73  <para>Processing instructions are written
74  <literal>&lt;?</literal><replaceable>name</replaceable>
75  <replaceable>content</replaceable> <literal>?&gt;</literal>.  Most
76  often <replaceable>content</replaceable> will have the form of one or more
77  XML attributes with a value, as follows:
78  <literal>&lt;?</literal><replaceable>name</replaceable>
79  <replaceable>attribute</replaceable><literal>="</literal><replaceable>value</replaceable><literal>" ?&gt;</literal>.</para>
81  <para>The list of the available Processing Instructions are given in <xref
82  linkend="sec-pis"/>.</para>
84  <para>Here is an example of a PI used in a table:</para>
85  <example>
86    <title>Table width specified with a Processing Instruction</title>
87    <!--
88    <xi:include href="../tables/table.xml"
89                xpointer="xpointer(id('lst-table-autowidth'))"
90                xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" />
91                -->
92    <xi:include href="../tables/table.xml"
93                xpointer="lst-table-autowidth"
94                xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" />
95  </example>
100<title>XSL User Stylesheet</title>
101  <para>You can provide your own XSL stylesheet to set some of the XSL parameters,
102  and/or to override some of the dblatex XSL templates. The user stylesheet is
103  specified by using the option
104  <option>-p <replaceable>custom.xsl</replaceable></option>.</para>
106<section id="sec-param-stylesheet">
107<title>Changing the XSL parameter values</title>
108  <para>
109   The parameters can be stored in a user defined XSL stylesheet. An example of
110   configuration stylesheet is given with this manual:
111  </para>
112  <programlisting language="XML"><xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
113                   parse="text" href="../manual.xsl"/></programlisting>
114  </section>
115  <section id="sec-custom-stylesheet">
116   <title>Overriding some templates</title>
117  <para>
118   You can directly put the overriding templates in your XSL stylesheet, but do not
119   try to import the default dblatex stylesheets in it: it is automatically done by
120   the tool. So, just focus on the template to override and dblatex will ensure
121   that your definitions will get precedence over the dblatex ones.
122  </para>
123  <para>
124  You can of course split your templates in several files, and import each of
125  them in the main user stylesheet by calling <literal>xsl:import</literal>.
126  </para>
127<example><title>Overriding templates</title>
128  <programlisting language="XML">
129<![CDATA[<?xml version='1.0' encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
130<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version='1.0'>
132<!-- Let's import our own XSL to override the default behaviour. -->
133<xsl:import href="mystyle.xsl"/>
135<!-- Let's patch directly a template here -->
136<xsl:template match="article" mode="docinfo">
137  <xsl:apply-imports/>
138  <xsl:text>\let\mymacro=\DBKrelease</xsl:text>
142]]>  </programlisting>
144  </section>
145  </section>
146  <section id="sec-custom-latex">
147   <title>Customized LaTeX style</title>
148  <para>
149   The actual output rendering is done by the latex style package used, and not by the XSL stylesheets whose role is only to translate to latex. Users can provide their own LaTeX style file, in respect of some rules:
150  </para>
151  <itemizedlist>
152   <listitem>
153   <para>
154   The LaTeX style package preamble must support all the options that the XSL stylesheets can pass to the package.
155   </para>
156  </listitem>
157   <listitem>
158   <para>
159   Some packages must be used to make all the thing work.
160   </para>
161  </listitem>
162   <listitem>
163   <para>
164   The docbook interface must be defined: the XSL stylesheets register some elements information in LaTeX commands. These commands or macro are the only ones specific to DocBook that are explicitely used by the XSL stylesheets. Other specific macros are used but are not intended to be changed by the user. These hidden macros are defined in the dbk_core latex package.
165   </para>
166  </listitem>
167  </itemizedlist>
168  <para>
169   The latex style file to use is specified by using the option <option>--texstyle <replaceable>latex_style</replaceable></option>. An example of a simple LaTeX DocBook style is provided in the package.
170  </para>
171  <para>
172   The <option>--texstyle <replaceable>latex_style</replaceable></option> option
173   accepts a package name (no path and no <filename>.sty</filename> extension)
174   or a full style file path. If a full path is used,
175   the filename must ends with <filename>.sty</filename>.
176   </para>
177   <programlisting>
178# Give a package name and assume its path is already in TEXINPUTS
179dblatex --texstyle=mystyle file.xml
181# Give the full package path. The TEXINPUTS is then updated by dblatex
182dblatex --texstyle=./mystyle.sty file.xml
184<section><title>Reusing an existing LaTeX style</title>
185<para>You can either create your latex style from scratch, in respect of the
186interfaces described in the following sections, or you can simply reuse an
187already existing style and override what you want. The latter method is easier
188for small things to change.</para>
189<para>Here is an example of a style package reusing the default docbook
191<example><title>Reused LaTeX style</title>
192<programlisting language="tex">
193<xi:include href="mystyle.sty" xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
194            parse="text" encoding="ISO-8859-1"/>
198   <section>
199    <title>Package options</title>
200   <para>A compliant LaTeX style package supports the following options. The options are
201   provided by the XSL stylesheets according to the document attributes.</para>
202<xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" href="styoption.xml"/>
203   </section>
204   <section>
205    <title>Needed packages</title>
206   <para>A LaTeX style package must at least include the following packages.</para>
207<xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" href="stypackage.xml"/>
208   </section>
209   <section>
210    <title>DocBook interface</title>
211   <para>
212    All the latex commands beginning with DBK are related to elements under <sgmltag>bookinfo</sgmltag> or <sgmltag>articleinfo</sgmltag>.
213   </para>
214<xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" href="stycommand.xml"/>
215   </section>
216<xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" href="stydebug.xml"/>
217  </section>
218  <section id="sec-texpost">
219   <title>Latex post process script</title>
220  <para>
221   Extra user actions can be processed on the latex file produced by the XSL stylesheets or on its temporary working files produced by the latex compilation.
222  </para>
223  <para>
224   For instance, in the documents I write the cover page must display the number of pages of the document, but written in full letters (e.g. 23 is written &ldquo;twenty three&rdquo;). The latex post process script is then helpfull, and in this particular case it patches the .aux file.
225  </para>
226  <para>
227   The post process script is called just before the last latex compilation, and takes one parameter, the latex file compiled by the tool.
228  </para>
229  <section><title>Post latex compilations</title>
230  <para>
231   The latex compilations done once the script is called depend on the return code
232   of the script:
233  <itemizedlist>
234   <listitem>
235   <para>
236   When the return code is 0, <command>dblatex</command> continues the
237   compilation as many times as necessary.
238   </para>
239  </listitem>
240   <listitem>
241   <para>
242   When the return code is 1, no more compilation is done by dblatex.
243   This case is useful
244   if the script needs to control precisely the number of compilation to apply.
245   It is up to the script to perform the expected compilations.</para>
246   <para>To do so, the script can retrieve in the <envar>LATEX</envar> environment
247   variable the actual compiler used by <command>dblatex</command>.
248   </para>
249  </listitem>
250   <listitem>
251   <para>
252   When the return code is another value, an error is raised to signal
253   a failed post process script execution.
254   </para>
255  </listitem>
256  </itemizedlist>
257  </para>
258  </section>
259  <section id="sec-texpost-py"><title>Post processing with a Python Plugin</title>
260   <para>You can use a python plugin instead of a script by prefixing
261   the plugin name with the string <literal>"plugin:"</literal>. When using a
262   plugin you must not put the python suffix in the plugin name. If the plugin
263   is in one of the Python system directories, or in the current directory where
264   you call dblatex, or in one of the directories of the
265   <envar>PYTHONPATH</envar>
266   environment variable, you don't need to specify a directory location.
267   Otherwise put the plugin directory path before the plugin name.
268   </para>
269   <para>Here are several plugin call examples:
270   <programlisting><![CDATA[# The texpost.py module is in one of the python paths
271dblatex -r plugin:texpost file.xml
273# The texpost.py module location is specified with an absolute path
274dblatex -r plugin:/path/to/texpost file.xml
276# The texpost.py module is specified through a relative path from current dir
277dblatex -r plugin:relative/path/from/current/dir/texpost file.xml
279  </para>
280  <para>The plugin must contain a <function>main</function> entry point. <command>Dblatex</command> will pass the following parameters to the entry point: <parameter>latex_file</parameter> to specify the latex file to post process, and <parameter>stdout</parameter> to specify the output stream to use to be consistent with the dblatex verbosity.</para>
281<example><title>Texpost Python Plugin Example</title>
282<programlisting language="python"><![CDATA[
283import sys
284import os
286def main(latex_file, stdout):
287    """
288    Texpost Plugin Entry point
289    """
290    # Let's find out the backend used
291    tex_engine = os.environ["LATEX"]
293    # Let's log something
294    print >>stdout, "Plugin called on '%s' file" % (latex_file)
296    # Open the latex file and parse it
297    texfile = open(latex_file)
298    ...
300    # Now decide if a new compilation must occur
301    if has_changed:
302      sys.exit(0)
303    else:
304      sys.exit(1)
309  </section>
310  </section>
311  <section id="sec-specs">
312  <title>Dblatex Configuration File</title>
313  <para>
314   A configuration file, also called a specification file, can be used
315   to list all the customizations and options to apply. Such a file is passed
316   by using the
317   option <option>-S <replaceable>config_file</replaceable></option>. Several
318   configuration files can be specified if needed; it can be usefull to have a
319   default setup and additional setup for specific needs that override or
320   complete the default configuration.
321  </para>
322  <section id="sec-xml-config">
323  <title>XML Configuration File Format</title>
324  <para>
325   You should use the XML format to configure dblatex. It contains more
326   features than the text format used up to the 0.3.7 release that is now
327   deprecated. The principle remains the same, that is, most of the
328   configuration parameters correspond to a command line option.
329  </para>
330  <para>
331  Here is a full example of a configuration file. In the next sections the
332  meaning and use of the configuration tags are detailed.
333  <programlisting language="XML"><xi:include
334      xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" href="dblatex.xconf"
335      parse="text"/></programlisting>
336  </para>
337  <para>
338   Another example, much simpler, is the configuration file used for
339   this manual.
340  </para>
341<example><title>User Manual Configuration File</title>
342<programlisting language="XML"><xi:include
343    xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
344    parse="text" href="../manual.conf"/></programlisting>
346  <para>The following sections detail the meaning of each tag. Note that
347  dblatex provides some schema that you can use to validate your configuration
348  file.</para>
350  <section id="sec-xconf-config" label="" xreflabel="config">
351  <title><sgmltag>&lt;config&gt;</sgmltag></title>
352  <para>It is the root element of a configuration file. A valid configuration
353  file must have a <sgmltag>config</sgmltag> root element.</para>
354  <para>Attributes:
355  <variablelist>
356    <varlistentry>
357      <term>xmlns</term>
358      <listitem><para>The namespace to use for a dblatex configuration file is:
359      <literal>http://dblatex.sourceforge.net/config</literal>.</para></listitem>
360    </varlistentry>
361  </variablelist>
362  </para>
363  <para>
364  The following elements occur in <sgmltag>config</sgmltag>:
365  <xref linkend="sec-xconf-latex"/>, <xref linkend="sec-xconf-xslt"/>,
366  <xref linkend="sec-xconf-imagedata"/>, <xref linkend="sec-xconf-options"/>.
367  </para>
368  </section>
369  <section id="sec-xconf-latex" label="" xreflabel="latex">
370  <title><sgmltag>&lt;latex&gt;</sgmltag></title>
371  <para>The latex element contains the configuration data related to the latex
372  processing.</para>
373  <para>Attributes: none</para>
374  <para>
375  The following elements occur in <sgmltag>latex</sgmltag>:
376  <variablelist>
377    <varlistentry>
378      <term><sgmltag>backend</sgmltag></term>
379      <listitem><para>It defines the latex engine to use, like the option
380      <option>--backend</option> does. The backend name is specified through the
381      <sgmltag>use</sgmltag> attribute.</para></listitem>
382    </varlistentry>
383    <varlistentry>
384      <term><sgmltag>texstyle</sgmltag></term>
385      <listitem><para>It defines the docbook latex style to use, like the option
386      <option>--texstyle</option> does. The latex package is specified through the
387      <sgmltag>use</sgmltag> attribute.</para></listitem>
388    </varlistentry>
389    <varlistentry>
390      <term><sgmltag>texpost</sgmltag></term>
391      <listitem><para>It defines the latex post-processing script to use, like the
392      option <option>--texpost</option> does. The script name is specified through the
393      <sgmltag>use</sgmltag> attribute or the <sgmltag>fileref</sgmltag>
394      attribute.</para></listitem>
395    </varlistentry>
396    <varlistentry>
397      <term><sgmltag>indexstyle</sgmltag></term>
398      <listitem><para>It defines index style file (.ist) to use, like the
399      option <option>--indexstyle</option> does. The filename is
400      specified through the <sgmltag>fileref</sgmltag>
401      attribute.</para></listitem>
402    </varlistentry>
403    <varlistentry>
404      <term><sgmltag>texinputs</sgmltag></term>
405      <listitem><para>The element text defines the extra paths to add to TEXINPUTS,
406      like the option <option>--texinputs</option> does.</para></listitem>
407    </varlistentry>
408    <varlistentry>
409      <term><sgmltag>bibinputs</sgmltag></term>
410      <listitem><para>The element text defines the lookup paths of BIBINPUTS,
411      like you would do by successive use of the option <option>--bib-path</option>.
412      </para></listitem>
413    </varlistentry>
414    <varlistentry>
415      <term><sgmltag>bstinputs</sgmltag></term>
416      <listitem><para>The element text defines the lookup paths of BSTINPUTS,
417      like you would do by successive use of the option <option>--bst-path</option>.
418      </para></listitem>
419    </varlistentry>
420  </variablelist>
421  </para>
422  </section>
423  <section id="sec-xconf-xslt" label="" xreflabel="xslt">
424  <title><sgmltag>&lt;xslt&gt;</sgmltag></title>
425  <para>The xslt element contains the configuration data related to the XSL
426  processing.</para>
427  <para>Attributes: none</para>
428  <para>
429  The following elements occur in <sgmltag>xslt</sgmltag>:
430  <variablelist>
431    <varlistentry>
432      <term><sgmltag>stylesheet</sgmltag></term>
433      <listitem><para>It defines a user stylesheet to use, like the option
434      <option>--xsl-user</option> does. The stylesheet name is specified through the
435      <sgmltag>fileref</sgmltag> attribute. If several
436      <sgmltag>stylesheet</sgmltag> elements are set, the precedence is the same
437      like using the option <option>--xsl-user</option> several times.</para></listitem>
438    </varlistentry>
439    <varlistentry>
440      <term><sgmltag>engine</sgmltag></term>
441      <listitem><para>See <xref linkend="sec-xconf-engine"/>.</para></listitem>
442    </varlistentry>
443  </variablelist>
444  </para>
445  </section>
446  <section id="sec-xconf-engine" label="" xreflabel="engine">
447  <title><sgmltag>&lt;engine&gt;</sgmltag></title>
448  <para>It defines the XSLT processor to use; it can be either a predefined
449  engine, or a user-defined command to run.</para>
450  <para>When the attribute
451  <sgmltag>use</sgmltag> is used, it works like the option
452  <option>--xslt</option>. The engine name is specified through the
453  <sgmltag>use</sgmltag> attribute.</para>
454  <para>
455  When the element contains the <sgmltag>command</sgmltag> or
456  <sgmltag>commandchain</sgmltag> child element it defines the command(s)
457  to run to perform the XSLT processing. The core keywords defined in
458  <xref linkend="sec-xconf-command"/> apply. The additional keywords of an XSLT
459  engine command are the following:
460  <variablelist>
461    <varlistentry>
462      <term><literal>%(xmlfile)s</literal></term>
463      <listitem><para>Replaced by the XML source file to
464      process.</para></listitem>
465    </varlistentry>
466    <varlistentry>
467      <term><literal>%(stylesheet)s</literal></term>
468      <listitem><para>Replaced by the stylesheet to use to process the
469      XML file <literal>xmlfile</literal>.</para></listitem>
470    </varlistentry>
471    <varlistentry>
472      <term><literal>%(param_list)s</literal></term>
473      <listitem><para>Replaced by the list of the XSL parameters to set.
474      The parameter pair formatting (the parameter name and its value) is
475      specified through the <sgmltag>param-format</sgmltag> attribute
476      given to the <sgmltag>engine</sgmltag> element.</para></listitem>
477    </varlistentry>
478  </variablelist>
479  </para>
481  <para>Attributes:
482  <variablelist>
483    <varlistentry>
484      <term>param-format</term>
485      <listitem><para>This attribute is mandatory when the engine is specified
486      through a <sgmltag>command</sgmltag>. It tells how a parameter name and
487      value pair shall be formatted when added to the XSLT engine command.
488      The formatting is given by a string containing the keywords replaced by
489      the name or value of the parameter to set:
491      <variablelist>
492        <varlistentry>
493          <term><literal>%(param_name)s</literal></term>
494          <listitem><para>Replaced by the name of the
495          parameter to set.</para></listitem>
496        </varlistentry>
497        <varlistentry>
498          <term><literal>%(param_value)s</literal></term>
499          <listitem><para>Replaced by the value to set to the
500          parameter.</para></listitem>
501        </varlistentry>
502      </variablelist>
503      </para></listitem>
504    </varlistentry>
505  </variablelist></para>
506  <para>
507  The following example re-writes with a user-defined command the Saxon engine
508  with an additional <option>-T</option> option:
509  <programlisting language="XML">
511  <engine param-format="%(param_name)s=%(param_value)s">
512    <command>
513    saxon-xslt -T -o %(output)s %(xmlfile)s
514                                %(stylesheet)s %(param_list)s</command>
515  </engine>
517  </para>
518  </section>
519  <section id="sec-xconf-imagedata" label="" xreflabel="imagedata">
520  <title><sgmltag>&lt;imagedata&gt;</sgmltag></title>
521  <para>The imagedata element contains the rules and commands to convert
522  on the fly the images included in the docbook document.</para>
523  <para>Attributes: none</para>
524  <para>
525  The following elements occur in <sgmltag>imagedata</sgmltag>:
526  <variablelist>
527    <varlistentry>
528      <term><sgmltag>figpath</sgmltag></term>
529      <listitem><para>It defines a path where to find the images, like the
530      option <option>--fig-path</option> does.</para></listitem>
531    </varlistentry>
532    <varlistentry>
533      <term><sgmltag>figformat</sgmltag></term>
534      <listitem><para>It defines the default image format when no suffix is
535      available to deduce the actual format, like
536      <option>--fig-format</option> does.</para></listitem>
537    </varlistentry>
538    <varlistentry>
539      <term><sgmltag>formatrule</sgmltag></term>
540      <listitem><para>It specifies in which format an image must be
541      converted, depending on the context, given by some attributes:
542      <variablelist>
543        <varlistentry>
544          <term><sgmltag>docformat</sgmltag></term>
545          <listitem><para>The output document for which the rule
546          applies. When not set the rule applies for any format</para></listitem>
547        </varlistentry>
548        <varlistentry>
549          <term><sgmltag>backend</sgmltag></term>
550          <listitem><para>The rule applies only when this backend is
551          used</para></listitem>
552        </varlistentry>
553        <varlistentry>
554          <term><sgmltag>dst</sgmltag></term>
555          <listitem><para>When the conditions are met the image shall be
556          converted to this format.</para>
557          </listitem>
558        </varlistentry>
559      </variablelist>
560      </para><para>The following example:
561      <programlisting><![CDATA[<formatrule docformat="pdf" backend="xetex" dst="pdf"/>]]></programlisting>
562      tells that when a PDF document is built with the xetex backend, the
563      graphics not natively supported shall be converted to PDF.
564      </para>
565      </listitem>
566    </varlistentry>
567    <varlistentry>
568      <term><sgmltag>converter</sgmltag></term>
569      <listitem><para>It defines an image transformation rule. See
570      <xref linkend="sec-xconf-converter"/> for more
571      details.</para></listitem>
572    </varlistentry>
573  </variablelist>
574  </para>
575  </section>
576  <section id="sec-xconf-converter" label="" xreflabel="converter">
577  <title><sgmltag>&lt;converter&gt;</sgmltag></title>
578  <para>The converter element defines a rule about how to convert on the fly
579  an image in a docbook document to the corresponding image used in the built
580  latex file. The
581  goal is to have an image format compatible with the latex engine, whatever the
582  original format is. <command>Dblatex</command> has a default set of rules, but
583  one can overwrite or add some rules.</para>
585  <para>Attributes:
586  <variablelist>
587    <varlistentry>
588      <term>src</term>
589      <listitem><para>Format of the original image referenced in the XML
590      document. The converter only applies to the images matching this format.
591      </para></listitem>
592    </varlistentry>
593    <varlistentry>
594      <term>dst</term>
595      <listitem><para>Target format once converted. The converter only applies
596      to the original images having the format <literal>src</literal> and that
597      need to be converted to the format <literal>dst</literal>.
598      <literal>dst</literal> can take the special value "<literal>*</literal>"
599      meaning that the rule applies for all
600      the possible target formats (e.g. eps, pdf, png).</para></listitem>
601    </varlistentry>
602    <varlistentry>
603      <term>docformat</term>
604      <listitem><para>Specify for which document output format the converter
605      applies. For example, if <literal>docformat</literal> is set to "pdf",
606      it means that
607      the converter applies only if the document output format is PDF. The
608      converter will not apply if you want to build a PostScript or DVI
609      document.</para></listitem>
610    </varlistentry>
611    <varlistentry>
612      <term>backend</term>
613      <listitem><para>The converter applies only if it is this latex engine that
614      is used. For example, it is usefull if you want to convert an image in a
615      specific way only when xetex is used.</para></listitem>
616    </varlistentry>
617  </variablelist>
618  </para>
620  <para>The following elements occur in <sgmltag>converter</sgmltag>:
621  <variablelist>
622    <varlistentry>
623      <term><sgmltag>commandchain</sgmltag></term>
624      <listitem><para>List of the commands to run. A
625      <sgmltag>commandchain</sgmltag> contains one or more
626      <sgmltag>command</sgmltag> elements.
627      </para></listitem>
628    </varlistentry>
629    <varlistentry>
630      <term><sgmltag>command</sgmltag></term>
631      <listitem><para>command to execute to perform the conversion, or a part of
632      the conversion if several commands are chained. See
633      <xref linkend="sec-xconf-command"/>.
634      </para></listitem>
635    </varlistentry>
636  </variablelist>
637  </para>
638  </section>
639  <section id="sec-xconf-command" label="" xreflabel="command">
640  <title><sgmltag>&lt;command&gt;</sgmltag></title>
641  <para>The command element contains the arguments of the command to run.
642  The arguments can contain some predefined keywords that are replaced by the
643  actual values when the command is executed. The known core keywords
644  are:</para>
645  <variablelist>
646    <varlistentry>
647      <term><literal>%(src)s</literal></term>
648      <listitem><para>Replaced by the <literal>src</literal> value (original
649      image format).</para></listitem>
650    </varlistentry>
651    <varlistentry>
652      <term><literal>%(dst)s</literal></term>
653      <listitem><para>Replaced by the <literal>dst</literal> value (target
654      image format).</para></listitem>
655    </varlistentry>
656    <varlistentry>
657      <term><literal>%(input)s</literal></term>
658      <listitem><para>Replaced by the input file required by the command. In the
659      case of an image conversion, it is the filename of the original image to
660      convert.</para></listitem>
661    </varlistentry>
662    <varlistentry>
663      <term><literal>%(output)s</literal></term>
664      <listitem><para>Replaced by the name of the ouput file required by the
665      command. In the case of an image conversion, it is the filename of the
666      output image once converted.</para></listitem>
667    </varlistentry>
668  </variablelist>
670  <para>Attributes:
671  <variablelist>
672    <varlistentry>
673      <term>input</term>
674      <listitem><para>Standard input of the command to run. It can specify a
675      file or it can specify to use the output of the preceding command if the
676      keyword "PIPE" is used.</para></listitem>
677    </varlistentry>
678    <varlistentry>
679      <term>output</term>
680      <listitem><para>Standard output of the command to run. It can specify a
681      file or it can specify that the output shall be redirected to the next
682      command if the keyword "PIPE" is used.</para></listitem>
683    </varlistentry>
684    <varlistentry>
685      <term>shell</term>
686      <listitem><para>When set to "1" or "true", the command is run in a shell
687      environment.</para></listitem>
688    </varlistentry>
689  </variablelist>
690  </para>
691  </section>
692  <section id="sec-xconf-options" label="" xreflabel="options">
693  <title><sgmltag>&lt;options&gt;</sgmltag></title>
694  <para>The options element lists the extra arguments to pass to
695  <command>dblatex</command>.</para>
696  </section>
698  </section>
699  <section><title>Deprecated Text Configuration File Format</title>
700  <para>
701   The format of the file is the following:
702  </para>
703  <itemizedlist>
704   <listitem>
705   <para>
706   Every comment starts with a &ldquo;&num;&rdquo;, and is ignored.
707   </para>
708  </listitem>
709   <listitem>
710   <para>
711   The file must contain one parameter by line.
712   </para>
713  </listitem>
714   <listitem>
715   <para>
716   The format of a parameter is the following:
717   </para>
718   <programlisting>
719<![CDATA[<keyword>: <value>
720]]>   </programlisting>
721  </listitem>
722   <listitem>
723   <para>
724   Every parameter is mapped to an option that can be passed to <command>dblatex</command>.
725   </para>
726  </listitem>
727   <listitem>
728   <para>
729   An unknown parameter is silently ignored (the whole line is dropped).
730   </para>
731  </listitem>
732   <listitem>
733   <para>
734   The parameters defining a path (a file or a directory) can take absolute or relative paths. A relative path must be defined from the specification file itself. For instance, a specification file under <filename>/the/spec/directory/</filename> with a parameter describing the file <filename>../where/this/file/is/myfile</filename> points to <filename>/the/spec/where/this/file/is/myfile</filename>.
735   </para>
736  </listitem>
737  </itemizedlist>
738  <para>
739   The following table lists the supported parameters and the corresponding command line option.
740  </para>
741<xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" href="specparam.xml"/>
742  </section>
743  <section id="sec-conf-path"><title>Style Paths</title>
744  <para>By default <command>dblatex</command> tries to find the configuration
745  files related to a style (specified with option <option>-T</option>) in the
746  following paths, in respect of the order:</para>
747  <orderedlist>
748  <listitem><para>The current directory</para></listitem>
749  <listitem><para><filename>$HOME/.dblatex</filename></para></listitem>
750  <listitem><para><filename>/etc/dblatex</filename></para></listitem>
751  <listitem><para>The dblatex package configuration directories.</para></listitem>
752  </orderedlist>
753  <para>You can add some extra paths where to look for by setting the
754  <envar>DBLATEX_CONFIG_FILES</envar> environment variable. The paths are
755  separated by ":" in Unix like systems, and by ";" on Windows. These paths
756  are used only when nothing is found in the default paths.</para>
757  </section>
758  </section>
759  <section>
760   <title>Customization Precedence</title>
761  <para>
762   All the customization queries are translated to the corresponding command line options. Thus, using several customization methods can be unconsistent because each of them override the same option with another value.
763  </para>
764  <para>
765   For instance, you can specify the use of a specification file in which it is said to use a latex style (parameter TexStyle) and explicitely use the <option>--texstyle</option> command line option. So, what is the behaviour?
766  </para>
767  <para>
768   The options order is the following:
769  </para>
770  <itemizedlist>
771   <listitem>
772   <para>
773   If a specification file is used (<option>-S</option> option), the options are set to the specification file parameters.
774   </para>
775  </listitem>
776   <listitem>
777   <para>
778   If several specification files are used (<option>-S</option> option), the
779   precedence is given to the last specified files.
780   </para>
781  </listitem>
782   <listitem>
783   <para>
784   The options explicitely passed override the specification file setting, whatever is the position of the options (i.e. before or after the <option>-S</option> option).
785   </para>
786  </listitem>
787   <listitem>
788   <para>
789   If an option is passed several times, this is the last occurence that is used.
790   </para>
791  </listitem>
792  </itemizedlist>
793<example><title>Customization Precedence</title>
794  <para>
795   Let's consider the specification file containing the following parameters:
796  </para>
797  <programlisting language="XML"><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0" ?>
798<config xmlns="http://dblatex.sourceforge.net/config">
799  <xslt><stylesheet fileref="file3.xsl"/></xslt>
800  <options>-b pdftex</options>
801  <latex><texstyle use="mystyle1"/></latex>
803  <para>
804   And now the command line:
805  </para>
806  <programlisting>
807<![CDATA[dblatex -b dvips -p file1.xsl -p file2.xsl -S file.specs -s mystyle2 mydoc.xml
808]]>  </programlisting>
809  <para>
810   The setting used is the following:
811  </para>
812  <itemizedlist>
813   <listitem>
814   <para>
815   &ldquo;-b dvips&rdquo; overrides &ldquo;-b pdftex&rdquo; set by the spec file.
816   </para>
817  </listitem>
818   <listitem>
819   <para>
820   &ldquo;-p file2.xsl&rdquo; overrides &ldquo;-p file1.xsl&rdquo; since it is defined after, and overrides &ldquo;file3.xsl&rdquo; set by the spec file.
821   </para>
822  </listitem>
823   <listitem>
824   <para>
825   &ldquo;-s mystyle2&rdquo; override &ldquo;mystyle1&rdquo; set by the spec file.
826   </para>
827  </listitem>
828  </itemizedlist>
830  </section>
831 </chapter>