1 /*************************************************************************************************
2  * The GDBM-compatible API of QDBM
3  *                                                      Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Mikio Hirabayashi
4  * This file is part of QDBM, Quick Database Manager.
5  * QDBM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
6  * Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
7  * 2.1 of the License or any later version.  QDBM is distributed in the hope that it will be
8  * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
9  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
10  * details.
11  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with QDBM; if
12  * not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
13  * 02111-1307 USA.
14  *************************************************************************************************/
17 #ifndef _HOVEL_H                         /* duplication check */
18 #define _HOVEL_H
20 #if defined(__cplusplus)                 /* export for C++ */
21 extern "C" {
22 #endif
25 #include <depot.h>
26 #include <curia.h>
27 #include <stdlib.h>
28 #include <sys/types.h>
29 #include <sys/stat.h>
32 #if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(QDBM_INTERNAL) && !defined(QDBM_STATIC)
33 #define MYEXTERN extern __declspec(dllimport)
34 #else
35 #define MYEXTERN extern
36 #endif
40 /*************************************************************************************************
41  * API
42  *************************************************************************************************/
45 enum {                                   /* enumeration for error codes */
46   GDBM_NO_ERROR,                         /* no error */
47   GDBM_MALLOC_ERROR,                     /* malloc error */
48   GDBM_BLOCK_SIZE_ERROR,                 /* block size error */
49   GDBM_FILE_OPEN_ERROR,                  /* file open error */
50   GDBM_FILE_WRITE_ERROR,                 /* file write error */
51   GDBM_FILE_SEEK_ERROR,                  /* file seek error */
52   GDBM_FILE_READ_ERROR,                  /* file read error */
53   GDBM_BAD_MAGIC_NUMBER,                 /* bad magic number */
54   GDBM_EMPTY_DATABASE,                   /* empty database */
55   GDBM_CANT_BE_READER,                   /* can't be reader */
56   GDBM_CANT_BE_WRITER,                   /* can't be writer */
57   GDBM_READER_CANT_DELETE,               /* reader can't delete */
58   GDBM_READER_CANT_STORE,                /* reader can't store */
59   GDBM_READER_CANT_REORGANIZE,           /* reader can't reorganize */
60   GDBM_UNKNOWN_UPDATE,                   /* unknown update */
61   GDBM_ITEM_NOT_FOUND,                   /* item not found */
62   GDBM_REORGANIZE_FAILED,                /* reorganize failed */
63   GDBM_CANNOT_REPLACE,                   /* cannot replace */
64   GDBM_ILLEGAL_DATA,                     /* illegal data */
65   GDBM_OPT_ALREADY_SET,                  /* option already set */
66   GDBM_OPT_ILLEGAL                       /* option illegal */
67 };
69 typedef int gdbm_error;                  /* type of error codes */
71 typedef struct {                         /* type of structure for a database handle */
72   DEPOT *depot;                          /* internal database handle of Depot */
73   CURIA *curia;                          /* internal database handle of Curia */
74   int syncmode;                          /* whether to be besyncronous mode */
75 } GDBM;
77 typedef GDBM *GDBM_FILE;                 /* type of pointer to a database handle */
79 typedef struct {                         /* type of structure for a key or a value */
80   char *dptr;                            /* pointer to the region */
81   size_t dsize;                          /* size of the region */
82 } datum;
84 enum {                                   /* enumeration for open modes */
85   GDBM_READER = 1 << 0,                  /* open as a reader */
86   GDBM_WRITER = 1 << 1,                  /* open as a writer */
87   GDBM_WRCREAT = 1 << 2,                 /* a writer creating */
88   GDBM_NEWDB = 1 << 3,                   /* a writer creating and truncating */
89   GDBM_SYNC = 1 << 4,                    /* syncronous mode */
90   GDBM_NOLOCK = 1 << 5,                  /* no lock mode */
91   GDBM_LOCKNB = 1 << 6,                  /* non-blocking lock mode */
92   GDBM_FAST = 1 << 7,                    /* fast mode */
93   GDBM_SPARSE = 1 << 8                   /* create as sparse file */
94 };
96 enum {                                   /* enumeration for write modes */
97   GDBM_INSERT,                           /* keep an existing value */
98   GDBM_REPLACE                           /* overwrite an existing value */
99 };
101 enum {                                   /* enumeration for options */
102   GDBM_CACHESIZE,                        /* set cache size */
103   GDBM_FASTMODE,                         /* set fast mode */
104   GDBM_SYNCMODE,                         /* set syncronous mode */
105   GDBM_CENTFREE,                         /* set free block pool */
106   GDBM_COALESCEBLKS                      /* set free block marging */
107 };
110 /* String containing the version information. */
111 MYEXTERN char *gdbm_version;
114 /* Last happened error code. */
115 #define gdbm_errno     (*gdbm_errnoptr())
118 /* Get a message string corresponding to an error code.
119    `gdbmerrno' specifies an error code.
120    The return value is the message string of the error code.  The region of the return value
121    is not writable. */
122 char *gdbm_strerror(gdbm_error gdbmerrno);
125 /* Get a database handle after the fashion of GDBM.
126    `name' specifies a name of a database.
127    `read_write' specifies the connection mode: `GDBM_READER' as a reader, `GDBM_WRITER',
128    `GDBM_WRCREAT' and `GDBM_NEWDB' as a writer.  `GDBM_WRCREAT' makes a database file or
129    directory if it does not exist.  `GDBM_NEWDB' makes a new database even if it exists.
130    You can add the following to writer modes by bitwise or: `GDBM_SYNC', `GDBM_NOLOCK',
131    `GDBM_LCKNB', `GDBM_FAST', and `GDBM_SPARSE'.  `GDBM_SYNC' means a database is synchronized
132    after every updating method.  `GDBM_NOLOCK' means a database is opened without file locking.
133    `GDBM_LOCKNB' means file locking is performed without blocking.  `GDBM_FAST' is ignored.
134    `GDBM_SPARSE' is an original mode of QDBM and makes database a sparse file.
135    `mode' specifies a mode of a database file or a database directory as the one of `open'
136    or `mkdir' call does.
137    `bnum' specifies the number of elements of each bucket array.  If it is not more than 0,
138    the default value is specified.
139    `dnum' specifies the number of division of the database.  If it is not more than 0, the
140    returning handle is created as a wrapper of Depot, else, it is as a wrapper of Curia.
141    The return value is the database handle or `NULL' if it is not successful.
142    If the database already exists, whether it is one of Depot or Curia is measured
143    automatically. */
144 GDBM_FILE gdbm_open(char *name, int block_size, int read_write, int mode,
145                     void (*fatal_func)(void));
148 /* Get a database handle after the fashion of QDBM.
149    `name' specifies a name of a database.
150    `read_write' specifies the connection mode: `GDBM_READER' as a reader, `GDBM_WRITER',
151    `GDBM_WRCREAT' and `GDBM_NEWDB' as a writer.  `GDBM_WRCREAT' makes a database file or
152    directory if it does not exist.  `GDBM_NEWDB' makes a new database even if it exists.
153    You can add the following to writer modes by bitwise or: `GDBM_SYNC', `GDBM_NOLOCK',
154    `GDBM_LOCKNB', `GDBM_FAST', and `GDBM_SPARSE'.  `GDBM_SYNC' means a database is synchronized
155    after every updating method.  `GDBM_NOLOCK' means a database is opened without file locking.
156    `GDBM_LOCKNB' means file locking is performed without blocking.  `GDBM_FAST' is ignored.
157    `GDBM_SPARSE' is an original mode of QDBM and makes database sparse files.
158    `mode' specifies a mode of a database file as the one of `open' or `mkdir' call does.
159    `bnum' specifies the number of elements of each bucket array.  If it is not more than 0,
160    the default value is specified.
161    `dnum' specifies the number of division of the database.  If it is not more than 0, the
162    returning handle is created as a wrapper of Depot, else, it is as a wrapper of Curia.
163    `align' specifies the basic size of alignment.
164    The return value is the database handle or `NULL' if it is not successful. */
165 GDBM_FILE gdbm_open2(char *name, int read_write, int mode, int bnum, int dnum, int align);
168 /* Close a database handle.
169    `dbf' specifies a database handle.
170    Because the region of the closed handle is released, it becomes impossible to use the
171    handle. */
172 void gdbm_close(GDBM_FILE dbf);
175 /* Store a record.
176    `dbf' specifies a database handle connected as a writer.
177    `key' specifies a structure of a key.  `content' specifies a structure of a value.
178    `flag' specifies behavior when the key overlaps, by the following values: `GDBM_REPLACE',
179    which means the specified value overwrites the existing one, `GDBM_INSERT', which means
180    the existing value is kept.
181    The return value is 0 if it is successful, 1 if it gives up because of overlaps of the key,
182    -1 if other error occurs. */
183 int gdbm_store(GDBM_FILE dbf, datum key, datum content, int flag);
186 /* Delete a record.
187    `dbf' specifies a database handle connected as a writer.
188    `key' specifies a structure of a key.
189    The return value is 0 if it is successful, -1 if some errors occur. */
190 int gdbm_delete(GDBM_FILE dbf, datum key);
193 /* Retrieve a record.
194    `dbf' specifies a database handle.
195    `key' specifies a structure of a key.
196    The return value is a structure of the result.
197    If a record corresponds, the member `dptr' of the structure is the pointer to the region
198    of the value.  If no record corresponds or some errors occur, `dptr' is `NULL'.  Because
199    the region pointed to by `dptr' is allocated with the `malloc' call, it should be
200    released with the `free' call if it is no longer in use. */
201 datum gdbm_fetch(GDBM_FILE dbf, datum key);
204 /* Check whether a record exists or not.
205    `dbf' specifies a database handle.
206    `key' specifies a structure of a key.
207    The return value is true if a record corresponds and no error occurs, or false, else,
208    it is false. */
209 int gdbm_exists(GDBM_FILE dbf, datum key);
212 /* Get the first key of a database.
213    `dbf' specifies a database handle.
214    The return value is a structure of the result.
215    If a record corresponds, the member `dptr' of the structure is the pointer to the region
216    of the first key.  If no record corresponds or some errors occur, `dptr' is `NULL'.
217    Because the region pointed to by `dptr' is allocated with the `malloc' call, it should
218    be released with the `free' call if it is no longer in use. */
219 datum gdbm_firstkey(GDBM_FILE dbf);
222 /* Get the next key of a database.
223    `dbf' specifies a database handle.
224    The return value is a structure of the result.
225    If a record corresponds, the member `dptr' of the structure is the pointer to the region
226    of the next key.  If no record corresponds or some errors occur, `dptr' is `NULL'.
227    Because the region pointed to by `dptr' is allocated with the `malloc' call, it should
228    be released with the `free' call if it is no longer in use. */
229 datum gdbm_nextkey(GDBM_FILE dbf, datum key);
232 /* Synchronize updating contents with the file and the device.
233    `dbf' specifies a database handle connected as a writer. */
234 void gdbm_sync(GDBM_FILE dbf);
237 /* Reorganize a database.
238    `dbf' specifies a database handle connected as a writer.
239    If successful, the return value is 0, else -1. */
240 int gdbm_reorganize(GDBM_FILE dbf);
243 /* Get the file descriptor of a database file.
244    `dbf' specifies a database handle connected as a writer.
245    The return value is the file descriptor of the database file.
246    If the database is a directory the return value is -1. */
247 int gdbm_fdesc(GDBM_FILE dbf);
250 /* No effect.
251    `dbf' specifies a database handle.
252    `option' is ignored.  `size' is ignored.
253    The return value is 0.
254    The function is only for compatibility. */
255 int gdbm_setopt(GDBM_FILE dbf, int option, int *value, int size);
259 /*************************************************************************************************
260  * features for experts
261  *************************************************************************************************/
264 /* Get the pointer of the last happened error code. */
265 int *gdbm_errnoptr(void);
269 #undef MYEXTERN
271 #if defined(__cplusplus)                 /* export for C++ */
272 }
273 #endif
275 #endif                                   /* duplication check */
278 /* END OF FILE */