2{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
3{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
4{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
5{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
6{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
7{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
8#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
9-- a) THQ works on cross-compilers and unregisterised GHCs
10-- b) may make compilation faster as no dynamic loading is ever needed (not sure about this)
11-- c) removes one hindrance to have code inferred as SafeHaskell safe
12{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskellQuotes #-}
14{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
17-- |
18-- Module:      Data.Aeson.Types.Internal
19-- Copyright:   (c) 2011-2016 Bryan O'Sullivan
20--              (c) 2011 MailRank, Inc.
21-- License:     BSD3
22-- Maintainer:  Bryan O'Sullivan <bos@serpentine.com>
23-- Stability:   experimental
24-- Portability: portable
26-- Types for working with JSON data.
28module Data.Aeson.Types.Internal
29    (
30    -- * Core JSON types
31      Value(..)
32    , Array
33    , emptyArray, isEmptyArray
34    , Pair
35    , Object
36    , emptyObject
38    -- * Type conversion
39    , Parser
40    , Result(..)
41    , IResult(..)
42    , JSONPathElement(..)
43    , JSONPath
44    , iparse
45    , parse
46    , parseEither
47    , parseMaybe
48    , parseFail
49    , modifyFailure
50    , prependFailure
51    , parserThrowError
52    , parserCatchError
53    , formatError
54    , formatPath
55    , formatRelativePath
56    , (<?>)
57    -- * Constructors and accessors
58    , object
60    -- * Generic and TH encoding configuration
61    , Options(
62          fieldLabelModifier
63        , constructorTagModifier
64        , allNullaryToStringTag
65        , omitNothingFields
66        , sumEncoding
67        , unwrapUnaryRecords
68        , tagSingleConstructors
69        , rejectUnknownFields
70        )
72    , SumEncoding(..)
73    , JSONKeyOptions(keyModifier)
74    , defaultOptions
75    , defaultTaggedObject
76    , defaultJSONKeyOptions
78    -- * Used for changing CamelCase names into something else.
79    , camelTo
80    , camelTo2
82    -- * Other types
83    , DotNetTime(..)
84    ) where
86import Prelude.Compat
88import Control.Applicative (Alternative(..))
89import Control.Arrow (first)
90import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(..))
91import Control.Monad (MonadPlus(..), ap)
92import Data.Char (isLower, isUpper, toLower, isAlpha, isAlphaNum)
93import Data.Data (Data)
94import Data.Foldable (foldl')
95import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
96import Data.Hashable (Hashable(..))
97import Data.List (intercalate, sortBy)
98import Data.Ord (comparing)
99import Data.Scientific (Scientific)
100import Data.String (IsString(..))
101import Data.Text (Text, pack, unpack)
102import Data.Time (UTCTime)
103import Data.Time.Format (FormatTime)
104import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
105import Data.Vector (Vector)
106import GHC.Generics (Generic)
107import qualified Control.Monad as Monad
108import qualified Control.Monad.Fail as Fail
109import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as H
110import qualified Data.Scientific as S
111import qualified Data.Vector as V
112import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH
114-- | Elements of a JSON path used to describe the location of an
115-- error.
116data JSONPathElement = Key Text
117                       -- ^ JSON path element of a key into an object,
118                       -- \"object.key\".
119                     | Index {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
120                       -- ^ JSON path element of an index into an
121                       -- array, \"array[index]\".
122                       deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable, Ord)
123type JSONPath = [JSONPathElement]
125-- | The internal result of running a 'Parser'.
126data IResult a = IError JSONPath String
127               | ISuccess a
128               deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)
130-- | The result of running a 'Parser'.
131data Result a = Error String
132              | Success a
133                deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)
135instance NFData JSONPathElement where
136  rnf (Key t)   = rnf t
137  rnf (Index i) = rnf i
139instance (NFData a) => NFData (IResult a) where
140    rnf (ISuccess a)      = rnf a
141    rnf (IError path err) = rnf path `seq` rnf err
143instance (NFData a) => NFData (Result a) where
144    rnf (Success a) = rnf a
145    rnf (Error err) = rnf err
147instance Functor IResult where
148    fmap f (ISuccess a)      = ISuccess (f a)
149    fmap _ (IError path err) = IError path err
150    {-# INLINE fmap #-}
152instance Functor Result where
153    fmap f (Success a) = Success (f a)
154    fmap _ (Error err) = Error err
155    {-# INLINE fmap #-}
157instance Monad.Monad IResult where
158    return = pure
159    {-# INLINE return #-}
161    ISuccess a      >>= k = k a
162    IError path err >>= _ = IError path err
163    {-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
165#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,13,0))
166    fail = Fail.fail
167    {-# INLINE fail #-}
170instance Fail.MonadFail IResult where
171    fail err = IError [] err
172    {-# INLINE fail #-}
174instance Monad.Monad Result where
175    return = pure
176    {-# INLINE return #-}
178    Success a >>= k = k a
179    Error err >>= _ = Error err
180    {-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
182#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,13,0))
183    fail = Fail.fail
184    {-# INLINE fail #-}
187instance Fail.MonadFail Result where
188    fail err = Error err
189    {-# INLINE fail #-}
191instance Applicative IResult where
192    pure  = ISuccess
193    {-# INLINE pure #-}
194    (<*>) = ap
195    {-# INLINE (<*>) #-}
197instance Applicative Result where
198    pure  = Success
199    {-# INLINE pure #-}
200    (<*>) = ap
201    {-# INLINE (<*>) #-}
203instance MonadPlus IResult where
204    mzero = fail "mzero"
205    {-# INLINE mzero #-}
206    mplus a@(ISuccess _) _ = a
207    mplus _ b             = b
208    {-# INLINE mplus #-}
210instance MonadPlus Result where
211    mzero = fail "mzero"
212    {-# INLINE mzero #-}
213    mplus a@(Success _) _ = a
214    mplus _ b             = b
215    {-# INLINE mplus #-}
217instance Alternative IResult where
218    empty = mzero
219    {-# INLINE empty #-}
220    (<|>) = mplus
221    {-# INLINE (<|>) #-}
223instance Alternative Result where
224    empty = mzero
225    {-# INLINE empty #-}
226    (<|>) = mplus
227    {-# INLINE (<|>) #-}
229instance Semigroup (IResult a) where
230    (<>) = mplus
231    {-# INLINE (<>) #-}
233instance Monoid (IResult a) where
234    mempty  = fail "mempty"
235    {-# INLINE mempty #-}
236    mappend = (<>)
237    {-# INLINE mappend #-}
239instance Semigroup (Result a) where
240    (<>) = mplus
241    {-# INLINE (<>) #-}
243instance Monoid (Result a) where
244    mempty  = fail "mempty"
245    {-# INLINE mempty #-}
246    mappend = (<>)
247    {-# INLINE mappend #-}
249instance Foldable IResult where
250    foldMap _ (IError _ _) = mempty
251    foldMap f (ISuccess y) = f y
252    {-# INLINE foldMap #-}
254    foldr _ z (IError _ _) = z
255    foldr f z (ISuccess y) = f y z
256    {-# INLINE foldr #-}
258instance Foldable Result where
259    foldMap _ (Error _)   = mempty
260    foldMap f (Success y) = f y
261    {-# INLINE foldMap #-}
263    foldr _ z (Error _)   = z
264    foldr f z (Success y) = f y z
265    {-# INLINE foldr #-}
267instance Traversable IResult where
268    traverse _ (IError path err) = pure (IError path err)
269    traverse f (ISuccess a)      = ISuccess <$> f a
270    {-# INLINE traverse #-}
272instance Traversable Result where
273    traverse _ (Error err) = pure (Error err)
274    traverse f (Success a) = Success <$> f a
275    {-# INLINE traverse #-}
277-- | Failure continuation.
278type Failure f r   = JSONPath -> String -> f r
279-- | Success continuation.
280type Success a f r = a -> f r
282-- | A JSON parser.  N.B. This might not fit your usual understanding of
283--  "parser".  Instead you might like to think of 'Parser' as a "parse result",
284-- i.e. a parser to which the input has already been applied.
285newtype Parser a = Parser {
286      runParser :: forall f r.
287                   JSONPath
288                -> Failure f r
289                -> Success a f r
290                -> f r
291    }
293instance Monad.Monad Parser where
294    m >>= g = Parser $ \path kf ks -> let ks' a = runParser (g a) path kf ks
295                                       in runParser m path kf ks'
296    {-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
297    return = pure
298    {-# INLINE return #-}
300#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,13,0))
301    fail = Fail.fail
302    {-# INLINE fail #-}
305instance Fail.MonadFail Parser where
306    fail msg = Parser $ \path kf _ks -> kf (reverse path) msg
307    {-# INLINE fail #-}
309instance Functor Parser where
310    fmap f m = Parser $ \path kf ks -> let ks' a = ks (f a)
311                                        in runParser m path kf ks'
312    {-# INLINE fmap #-}
314instance Applicative Parser where
315    pure a = Parser $ \_path _kf ks -> ks a
316    {-# INLINE pure #-}
317    (<*>) = apP
318    {-# INLINE (<*>) #-}
320instance Alternative Parser where
321    empty = fail "empty"
322    {-# INLINE empty #-}
323    (<|>) = mplus
324    {-# INLINE (<|>) #-}
326instance MonadPlus Parser where
327    mzero = fail "mzero"
328    {-# INLINE mzero #-}
329    mplus a b = Parser $ \path kf ks -> let kf' _ _ = runParser b path kf ks
330                                         in runParser a path kf' ks
331    {-# INLINE mplus #-}
333instance Semigroup (Parser a) where
334    (<>) = mplus
335    {-# INLINE (<>) #-}
337instance Monoid (Parser a) where
338    mempty  = fail "mempty"
339    {-# INLINE mempty #-}
340    mappend = (<>)
341    {-# INLINE mappend #-}
343-- | Raise a parsing failure with some custom message.
344parseFail :: String -> Parser a
345parseFail = fail
347apP :: Parser (a -> b) -> Parser a -> Parser b
348apP d e = do
349  b <- d
350  b <$> e
351{-# INLINE apP #-}
353-- | A JSON \"object\" (key\/value map).
354type Object = HashMap Text Value
356-- | A JSON \"array\" (sequence).
357type Array = Vector Value
359-- | A JSON value represented as a Haskell value.
360data Value = Object !Object
361           | Array !Array
362           | String !Text
363           | Number !Scientific
364           | Bool !Bool
365           | Null
366             deriving (Eq, Read, Typeable, Data, Generic)
368-- | Since version version object values are printed in lexicographic key order
370-- >>> toJSON $ H.fromList [("a", True), ("z", False)]
371-- Object (fromList [("a",Bool True),("z",Bool False)])
373-- >>> toJSON $ H.fromList [("z", False), ("a", True)]
374-- Object (fromList [("a",Bool True),("z",Bool False)])
376instance Show Value where
377    showsPrec _ Null = showString "Null"
378    showsPrec d (Bool b) = showParen (d > 10)
379        $ showString "Bool " . showsPrec 11 b
380    showsPrec d (Number s) = showParen (d > 10)
381        $ showString "Number " . showsPrec 11 s
382    showsPrec d (String s) = showParen (d > 10)
383        $ showString "String " . showsPrec 11 s
384    showsPrec d (Array xs) = showParen (d > 10)
385        $ showString "Array " . showsPrec 11 xs
386    showsPrec d (Object xs) = showParen (d > 10)
387        $ showString "Object (fromList "
388        . showsPrec 11 (sortBy (comparing fst) (H.toList xs))
389        . showChar ')'
391-- |
393-- The ordering is total, consistent with 'Eq' instance.
394-- However, nothing else about the ordering is specified,
395-- and it may change from environment to environment and version to version
396-- of either this package or its dependencies ('hashable' and 'unordered-containers').
398-- @since
399deriving instance Ord Value
400-- standalone deriving to attach since annotation.
402-- | A newtype wrapper for 'UTCTime' that uses the same non-standard
403-- serialization format as Microsoft .NET, whose
404-- <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.datetime(v=vs.110).aspx System.DateTime>
405-- type is by default serialized to JSON as in the following example:
407-- > /Date(1302547608878)/
409-- The number represents milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
410newtype DotNetTime = DotNetTime {
411      fromDotNetTime :: UTCTime
412      -- ^ Acquire the underlying value.
413    } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Typeable, FormatTime)
415instance NFData Value where
416    rnf (Object o) = rnf o
417    rnf (Array a)  = foldl' (\x y -> rnf y `seq` x) () a
418    rnf (String s) = rnf s
419    rnf (Number n) = rnf n
420    rnf (Bool b)   = rnf b
421    rnf Null       = ()
423instance IsString Value where
424    fromString = String . pack
425    {-# INLINE fromString #-}
427hashValue :: Int -> Value -> Int
428hashValue s (Object o)   = s `hashWithSalt` (0::Int) `hashWithSalt` o
429hashValue s (Array a)    = foldl' hashWithSalt
430                              (s `hashWithSalt` (1::Int)) a
431hashValue s (String str) = s `hashWithSalt` (2::Int) `hashWithSalt` str
432hashValue s (Number n)   = s `hashWithSalt` (3::Int) `hashWithSalt` n
433hashValue s (Bool b)     = s `hashWithSalt` (4::Int) `hashWithSalt` b
434hashValue s Null         = s `hashWithSalt` (5::Int)
436instance Hashable Value where
437    hashWithSalt = hashValue
439-- @since
440instance TH.Lift Value where
441    lift Null = [| Null |]
442    lift (Bool b) = [| Bool b |]
443    lift (Number n) = [| Number (S.scientific c e) |]
444      where
445        c = S.coefficient n
446        e = S.base10Exponent n
447    lift (String t) = [| String (pack s) |]
448      where s = unpack t
449    lift (Array a) = [| Array (V.fromList a') |]
450      where a' = V.toList a
451    lift (Object o) = [| Object (H.fromList . map (first pack) $ o') |]
452      where o' = map (first unpack) . H.toList $ o
453#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,17,0)
454    liftTyped = TH.unsafeCodeCoerce . TH.lift
455#elif MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,16,0)
456    liftTyped = TH.unsafeTExpCoerce . TH.lift
459-- | The empty array.
460emptyArray :: Value
461emptyArray = Array V.empty
463-- | Determines if the 'Value' is an empty 'Array'.
464-- Note that: @isEmptyArray 'emptyArray'@.
465isEmptyArray :: Value -> Bool
466isEmptyArray (Array arr) = V.null arr
467isEmptyArray _ = False
469-- | The empty object.
470emptyObject :: Value
471emptyObject = Object H.empty
473-- | Run a 'Parser'.
474parse :: (a -> Parser b) -> a -> Result b
475parse m v = runParser (m v) [] (const Error) Success
476{-# INLINE parse #-}
478-- | Run a 'Parser'.
479iparse :: (a -> Parser b) -> a -> IResult b
480iparse m v = runParser (m v) [] IError ISuccess
481{-# INLINE iparse #-}
483-- | Run a 'Parser' with a 'Maybe' result type.
484parseMaybe :: (a -> Parser b) -> a -> Maybe b
485parseMaybe m v = runParser (m v) [] (\_ _ -> Nothing) Just
486{-# INLINE parseMaybe #-}
488-- | Run a 'Parser' with an 'Either' result type.  If the parse fails,
489-- the 'Left' payload will contain an error message.
490parseEither :: (a -> Parser b) -> a -> Either String b
491parseEither m v = runParser (m v) [] onError Right
492  where onError path msg = Left (formatError path msg)
493{-# INLINE parseEither #-}
495-- | Annotate an error message with a
496-- <http://goessner.net/articles/JsonPath/ JSONPath> error location.
497formatError :: JSONPath -> String -> String
498formatError path msg = "Error in " ++ formatPath path ++ ": " ++ msg
500-- | Format a <http://goessner.net/articles/JsonPath/ JSONPath> as a 'String',
501-- representing the root object as @$@.
502formatPath :: JSONPath -> String
503formatPath path = "$" ++ formatRelativePath path
505-- | Format a <http://goessner.net/articles/JsonPath/ JSONPath> as a 'String'
506-- which represents the path relative to some root object.
507formatRelativePath :: JSONPath -> String
508formatRelativePath path = format "" path
509  where
510    format :: String -> JSONPath -> String
511    format pfx []                = pfx
512    format pfx (Index idx:parts) = format (pfx ++ "[" ++ show idx ++ "]") parts
513    format pfx (Key key:parts)   = format (pfx ++ formatKey key) parts
515    formatKey :: Text -> String
516    formatKey key
517       | isIdentifierKey strKey = "." ++ strKey
518       | otherwise              = "['" ++ escapeKey strKey ++ "']"
519      where strKey = unpack key
521    isIdentifierKey :: String -> Bool
522    isIdentifierKey []     = False
523    isIdentifierKey (x:xs) = isAlpha x && all isAlphaNum xs
525    escapeKey :: String -> String
526    escapeKey = concatMap escapeChar
528    escapeChar :: Char -> String
529    escapeChar '\'' = "\\'"
530    escapeChar '\\' = "\\\\"
531    escapeChar c    = [c]
533-- | A key\/value pair for an 'Object'.
534type Pair = (Text, Value)
536-- | Create a 'Value' from a list of name\/value 'Pair's.  If duplicate
537-- keys arise, earlier keys and their associated values win.
538object :: [Pair] -> Value
539object = Object . H.fromList
540{-# INLINE object #-}
542-- | Add JSON Path context to a parser
544-- When parsing a complex structure, it helps to annotate (sub)parsers
545-- with context, so that if an error occurs, you can find its location.
547-- > withObject "Person" $ \o ->
548-- >   Person
549-- >     <$> o .: "name" <?> Key "name"
550-- >     <*> o .: "age"  <?> Key "age"
552-- (Standard methods like '(.:)' already do this.)
554-- With such annotations, if an error occurs, you will get a JSON Path
555-- location of that error.
557-- Since 0.10
558(<?>) :: Parser a -> JSONPathElement -> Parser a
559p <?> pathElem = Parser $ \path kf ks -> runParser p (pathElem:path) kf ks
561-- | If the inner @Parser@ failed, modify the failure message using the
562-- provided function. This allows you to create more descriptive error messages.
563-- For example:
565-- > parseJSON (Object o) = modifyFailure
566-- >     ("Parsing of the Foo value failed: " ++)
567-- >     (Foo <$> o .: "someField")
569-- Since
570modifyFailure :: (String -> String) -> Parser a -> Parser a
571modifyFailure f (Parser p) = Parser $ \path kf ks ->
572    p path (\p' m -> kf p' (f m)) ks
574-- | If the inner 'Parser' failed, prepend the given string to the failure
575-- message.
577-- @
578-- 'prependFailure' s = 'modifyFailure' (s '++')
579-- @
580prependFailure :: String -> Parser a -> Parser a
581prependFailure = modifyFailure . (++)
583-- | Throw a parser error with an additional path.
585-- @since
586parserThrowError :: JSONPath -> String -> Parser a
587parserThrowError path' msg = Parser $ \path kf _ks ->
588    kf (reverse path ++ path') msg
590-- | A handler function to handle previous errors and return to normal execution.
592-- @since
593parserCatchError :: Parser a -> (JSONPath -> String -> Parser a) -> Parser a
594parserCatchError (Parser p) handler = Parser $ \path kf ks ->
595    p path (\e msg -> runParser (handler e msg) path kf ks) ks
598-- Generic and TH encoding configuration
601-- | Options that specify how to encode\/decode your datatype to\/from JSON.
603-- Options can be set using record syntax on 'defaultOptions' with the fields
604-- below.
605data Options = Options
606    { fieldLabelModifier :: String -> String
607      -- ^ Function applied to field labels.
608      -- Handy for removing common record prefixes for example.
609    , constructorTagModifier :: String -> String
610      -- ^ Function applied to constructor tags which could be handy
611      -- for lower-casing them for example.
612    , allNullaryToStringTag :: Bool
613      -- ^ If 'True' the constructors of a datatype, with /all/
614      -- nullary constructors, will be encoded to just a string with
615      -- the constructor tag. If 'False' the encoding will always
616      -- follow the `sumEncoding`.
617    , omitNothingFields :: Bool
618      -- ^ If 'True', record fields with a 'Nothing' value will be
619      -- omitted from the resulting object. If 'False', the resulting
620      -- object will include those fields mapping to @null@.
621      --
622      -- Note that this /does not/ affect parsing: 'Maybe' fields are
623      -- optional regardless of the value of 'omitNothingFields', subject
624      -- to the note below.
625      --
626      -- === Note
627      --
628      -- Setting 'omitNothingFields' to 'True' only affects fields which are of
629      -- type 'Maybe' /uniformly/ in the 'ToJSON' instance.
630      -- In particular, if the type of a field is declared as a type variable, it
631      -- will not be omitted from the JSON object, unless the field is
632      -- specialized upfront in the instance.
633      --
634      -- The same holds for 'Maybe' fields being optional in the 'FromJSON' instance.
635      --
636      -- ==== __Example__
637      --
638      -- The generic instance for the following type @Fruit@ depends on whether
639      -- the instance head is @Fruit a@ or @Fruit (Maybe a)@.
640      --
641      -- @
642      -- data Fruit a = Fruit
643      --   { apples :: a  -- A field whose type is a type variable.
644      --   , oranges :: 'Maybe' Int
645      --   } deriving 'Generic'
646      --
647      -- -- apples required, oranges optional
648      -- -- Even if 'Data.Aeson.fromJSON' is then specialized to (Fruit ('Maybe' a)).
649      -- instance 'Data.Aeson.FromJSON' a => 'Data.Aeson.FromJSON' (Fruit a)
650      --
651      -- -- apples optional, oranges optional
652      -- -- In this instance, the field apples is uniformly of type ('Maybe' a).
653      -- instance 'Data.Aeson.FromJSON' a => 'Data.Aeson.FromJSON' (Fruit ('Maybe' a))
654      --
655      -- options :: 'Options'
656      -- options = 'defaultOptions' { 'omitNothingFields' = 'True' }
657      --
658      -- -- apples always present in the output, oranges is omitted if 'Nothing'
659      -- instance 'Data.Aeson.ToJSON' a => 'Data.Aeson.ToJSON' (Fruit a) where
660      --   'Data.Aeson.toJSON' = 'Data.Aeson.genericToJSON' options
661      --
662      -- -- both apples and oranges are omitted if 'Nothing'
663      -- instance 'Data.Aeson.ToJSON' a => 'Data.Aeson.ToJSON' (Fruit ('Maybe' a)) where
664      --   'Data.Aeson.toJSON' = 'Data.Aeson.genericToJSON' options
665      -- @
666    , sumEncoding :: SumEncoding
667      -- ^ Specifies how to encode constructors of a sum datatype.
668    , unwrapUnaryRecords :: Bool
669      -- ^ Hide the field name when a record constructor has only one
670      -- field, like a newtype.
671    , tagSingleConstructors :: Bool
672      -- ^ Encode types with a single constructor as sums,
673      -- so that `allNullaryToStringTag` and `sumEncoding` apply.
674    , rejectUnknownFields :: Bool
675      -- ^ Applies only to 'Data.Aeson.FromJSON' instances. If a field appears in
676      -- the parsed object map, but does not appear in the target object, parsing
677      -- will fail, with an error message indicating which fields were unknown.
678    }
680instance Show Options where
681  show (Options f c a o s u t r) =
682       "Options {"
683    ++ intercalate ", "
684      [ "fieldLabelModifier =~ " ++ show (f "exampleField")
685      , "constructorTagModifier =~ " ++ show (c "ExampleConstructor")
686      , "allNullaryToStringTag = " ++ show a
687      , "omitNothingFields = " ++ show o
688      , "sumEncoding = " ++ show s
689      , "unwrapUnaryRecords = " ++ show u
690      , "tagSingleConstructors = " ++ show t
691      , "rejectUnknownFields = " ++ show r
692      ]
693    ++ "}"
695-- | Specifies how to encode constructors of a sum datatype.
696data SumEncoding =
697    TaggedObject { tagFieldName      :: String
698                 , contentsFieldName :: String
699                 }
700    -- ^ A constructor will be encoded to an object with a field
701    -- 'tagFieldName' which specifies the constructor tag (modified by
702    -- the 'constructorTagModifier'). If the constructor is a record
703    -- the encoded record fields will be unpacked into this object. So
704    -- make sure that your record doesn't have a field with the same
705    -- label as the 'tagFieldName'. Otherwise the tag gets overwritten
706    -- by the encoded value of that field! If the constructor is not a
707    -- record the encoded constructor contents will be stored under
708    -- the 'contentsFieldName' field.
709  | UntaggedValue
710    -- ^ Constructor names won't be encoded. Instead only the contents of the
711    -- constructor will be encoded as if the type had a single constructor. JSON
712    -- encodings have to be disjoint for decoding to work properly.
713    --
714    -- When decoding, constructors are tried in the order of definition. If some
715    -- encodings overlap, the first one defined will succeed.
716    --
717    -- /Note:/ Nullary constructors are encoded as strings (using
718    -- 'constructorTagModifier'). Having a nullary constructor alongside a
719    -- single field constructor that encodes to a string leads to ambiguity.
720    --
721    -- /Note:/ Only the last error is kept when decoding, so in the case of
722    -- malformed JSON, only an error for the last constructor will be reported.
723  | ObjectWithSingleField
724    -- ^ A constructor will be encoded to an object with a single
725    -- field named after the constructor tag (modified by the
726    -- 'constructorTagModifier') which maps to the encoded contents of
727    -- the constructor.
728  | TwoElemArray
729    -- ^ A constructor will be encoded to a 2-element array where the
730    -- first element is the tag of the constructor (modified by the
731    -- 'constructorTagModifier') and the second element the encoded
732    -- contents of the constructor.
733    deriving (Eq, Show)
735-- | Options for encoding keys with 'Data.Aeson.Types.genericFromJSONKey' and
736-- 'Data.Aeson.Types.genericToJSONKey'.
737data JSONKeyOptions = JSONKeyOptions
738    { keyModifier :: String -> String
739      -- ^ Function applied to keys. Its result is what goes into the encoded
740      -- 'Value'.
741      --
742      -- === __Example__
743      --
744      -- The following instances encode the constructor @Bar@ to lower-case keys
745      -- @\"bar\"@.
746      --
747      -- @
748      -- data Foo = Bar
749      --   deriving 'Generic'
750      --
751      -- opts :: 'JSONKeyOptions'
752      -- opts = 'defaultJSONKeyOptions' { 'keyModifier' = 'toLower' }
753      --
754      -- instance 'ToJSONKey' Foo where
755      --   'toJSONKey' = 'genericToJSONKey' opts
756      --
757      -- instance 'FromJSONKey' Foo where
758      --   'fromJSONKey' = 'genericFromJSONKey' opts
759      -- @
760    }
762-- | Default encoding 'Options':
764-- @
765-- 'Options'
766-- { 'fieldLabelModifier'      = id
767-- , 'constructorTagModifier'  = id
768-- , 'allNullaryToStringTag'   = True
769-- , 'omitNothingFields'       = False
770-- , 'sumEncoding'             = 'defaultTaggedObject'
771-- , 'unwrapUnaryRecords'      = False
772-- , 'tagSingleConstructors'   = False
773-- , 'rejectUnknownFields'     = False
774-- }
775-- @
776defaultOptions :: Options
777defaultOptions = Options
778                 { fieldLabelModifier      = id
779                 , constructorTagModifier  = id
780                 , allNullaryToStringTag   = True
781                 , omitNothingFields       = False
782                 , sumEncoding             = defaultTaggedObject
783                 , unwrapUnaryRecords      = False
784                 , tagSingleConstructors   = False
785                 , rejectUnknownFields     = False
786                 }
788-- | Default 'TaggedObject' 'SumEncoding' options:
790-- @
791-- defaultTaggedObject = 'TaggedObject'
792--                       { 'tagFieldName'      = \"tag\"
793--                       , 'contentsFieldName' = \"contents\"
794--                       }
795-- @
796defaultTaggedObject :: SumEncoding
797defaultTaggedObject = TaggedObject
798                      { tagFieldName      = "tag"
799                      , contentsFieldName = "contents"
800                      }
802-- | Default 'JSONKeyOptions':
804-- @
805-- defaultJSONKeyOptions = 'JSONKeyOptions'
806--                         { 'keyModifier' = 'id'
807--                         }
808-- @
809defaultJSONKeyOptions :: JSONKeyOptions
810defaultJSONKeyOptions = JSONKeyOptions id
812-- | Converts from CamelCase to another lower case, interspersing
813--   the character between all capital letters and their previous
814--   entries, except those capital letters that appear together,
815--   like 'API'.
817--   For use by Aeson template haskell calls.
819--   > camelTo '_' 'CamelCaseAPI' == "camel_case_api"
820camelTo :: Char -> String -> String
821{-# DEPRECATED camelTo "Use camelTo2 for better results" #-}
822camelTo c = lastWasCap True
823  where
824    lastWasCap :: Bool    -- ^ Previous was a capital letter
825              -> String  -- ^ The remaining string
826              -> String
827    lastWasCap _    []           = []
828    lastWasCap prev (x : xs)     = if isUpper x
829                                      then if prev
830                                             then toLower x : lastWasCap True xs
831                                             else c : toLower x : lastWasCap True xs
832                                      else x : lastWasCap False xs
834-- | Better version of 'camelTo'. Example where it works better:
836--   > camelTo '_' 'CamelAPICase' == "camel_apicase"
837--   > camelTo2 '_' 'CamelAPICase' == "camel_api_case"
838camelTo2 :: Char -> String -> String
839camelTo2 c = map toLower . go2 . go1
840    where go1 "" = ""
841          go1 (x:u:l:xs) | isUpper u && isLower l = x : c : u : l : go1 xs
842          go1 (x:xs) = x : go1 xs
843          go2 "" = ""
844          go2 (l:u:xs) | isLower l && isUpper u = l : c : u : go2 xs
845          go2 (x:xs) = x : go2 xs