1{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
2{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
4Copyright (C) 2014 Matthew Pickering <matthewtpickering@gmail.com>
6This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9(at your option) any later version.
11This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14GNU General Public License for more details.
16You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
20{- |
22Parses MathML in conformance with the MathML3 specification.
24Unimplemented features:
26  - menclose
27  - mpadded
28  - mmultiscripts (etc)
29  - malignmark
30  - maligngroup
31  - Elementary Math
33To Improve:
35  - Handling of menclose
36  - Handling of mstyle
39module Text.TeXMath.Readers.MathML (readMathML) where
41import Text.XML.Light hiding (onlyText)
42import Text.TeXMath.Types
43import Text.TeXMath.Readers.MathML.MMLDict (getMathMLOperator)
44import Text.TeXMath.Readers.MathML.EntityMap (getUnicode)
45import Text.TeXMath.Shared (getTextType, readLength, getOperator, fixTree,
46                            getSpaceWidth, isEmpty, empty)
47import Text.TeXMath.Unicode.ToTeX (getSymbolType)
48import Text.TeXMath.Unicode.ToUnicode (fromUnicode)
49import Text.TeXMath.Compat (throwError, Except, runExcept, MonadError)
50import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<|>), (<*>))
51import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
52import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, listToMaybe, isJust)
53import Data.Monoid (mconcat, First(..), getFirst)
54import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
55import Data.List (transpose)
56import qualified Data.Text as T
57import Control.Monad (filterM, guard)
58import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT, runReaderT, asks, local)
59import Data.Either (rights)
61-- | Parse a MathML expression to a list of 'Exp'.
62readMathML :: T.Text -> Either T.Text [Exp]
63readMathML inp = map fixTree <$>
64  (runExcept (flip runReaderT defaultState (i >>= parseMathML)))
65  where
66    i = maybeToEither "Invalid XML" (parseXMLDoc inp)
68data MMLState = MMLState { attrs :: [Attr]
69                         , position :: Maybe FormType
70                         , inAccent :: Bool
71                         , curStyle :: TextType }
73type MML = ReaderT MMLState (Except T.Text)
75data SupOrSub = Sub | Sup deriving (Show, Eq)
77data IR a = Stretchy TeXSymbolType (T.Text -> Exp) T.Text
78          | Trailing (Exp -> Exp -> Exp) Exp
79          | E a
81instance Show a => Show (IR a) where
82  show (Stretchy t _ s) = "Stretchy " ++ show t ++ " " ++ show s
83  show (Trailing _ s) = "Trailing " ++ show s
84  show (E s) = "E " ++ show s
86parseMathML :: Element -> MML [Exp]
87parseMathML e@(name -> "math") = do
88  e' <- row e
89  return $
90    case e' of
91      EGrouped es -> es
92      _ -> [e']
93parseMathML _ = throwError "Root must be math element"
95expr :: Element -> MML [IR Exp]
96expr e = local (addAttrs (elAttribs e)) (expr' e)
98expr' :: Element -> MML [IR Exp]
99expr' e =
100  case name e of
101    "mi" -> mkE <$> ident e
102    "mn" -> mkE <$> number e
103    "mo" -> (:[]) <$> op e
104    "mtext" -> mkE <$> text e
105    "ms" -> mkE <$> literal e
106    "mspace" -> mkE <$> space e
107    "mrow" -> mkE <$> row e
108    "mstyle" -> mkE <$> style e
109    "mfrac" -> mkE <$> frac e
110    "msqrt" -> mkE <$> msqrt e
111    "mroot" -> mkE <$> kroot e
112    "merror" -> return (mkE empty)
113    "mpadded" -> mkE <$> row e
114    "mphantom" -> mkE <$> phantom e
115    "mfenced" -> mkE <$> fenced e
116    "menclose" -> mkE <$> enclosed e
117    "msub" ->  sub e
118    "msup" ->  sup e
119    "msubsup" -> mkE <$> subsup e
120    "munder" -> mkE <$> under e
121    "mover" -> mkE <$> over e
122    "munderover" -> mkE <$> underover e
123    "mtable" -> mkE <$> table e
124    "maction" -> mkE <$> action e
125    "semantics" -> mkE <$> semantics e
126    "maligngroup" -> return $ mkE empty
127    "malignmark" -> return $ mkE empty
128    _ -> throwError $ "Unexpected element " <> err e
129  where
130    mkE :: Exp -> [IR Exp]
131    mkE = (:[]) . E
134-- Tokens
136ident :: Element -> MML Exp
137ident e =  do
138  s <- getString e
139  let base = case getOperator (EMathOperator s) of
140                   Just _   -> EMathOperator s
141                   Nothing  -> EIdentifier s
142  mbVariant <- findAttrQ "mathvariant" e
143  curstyle <- asks curStyle
144  case mbVariant of
145       Nothing  -> return base
146       Just v
147         | curstyle == getTextType v -> return base
148         | otherwise  -> return $ EStyled (getTextType v) [base]
150number :: Element -> MML Exp
151number e = ENumber <$> getString e
153op :: Element -> MML (IR Exp)
154op e = do
155  mInferredPosition <- (<|>) <$> (getFormType <$> findAttrQ "form" e)
156                            <*> asks position
157  inferredPosition <- case mInferredPosition of
158    Just inferredPosition -> pure inferredPosition
159    Nothing               -> throwError "Did not find an inferred position"
160  opString <- getString e
161  let dummy = Operator opString "" inferredPosition 0 0 0 []
162  let opLookup = getMathMLOperator opString inferredPosition
163  let opDict = fromMaybe dummy opLookup
164  props <- filterM (checkAttr (properties opDict))
165            ["fence", "accent", "stretchy"]
166  let objectPosition = getPosition $ form opDict
167  inScript <- asks inAccent
168  let ts =  [("accent", ESymbol Accent), ("fence", ESymbol objectPosition)]
169  let fallback = case T.unpack opString of
170                   [t] -> ESymbol (getSymbolType t)
171                   _   -> if isJust opLookup
172                          then ESymbol Ord
173                          else EMathOperator
174  let constructor =
175        fromMaybe fallback
176          (getFirst . mconcat $ map (First . flip lookup ts) props)
177  if ("stretchy" `elem` props) && not inScript
178    then return $ Stretchy objectPosition constructor opString
179    else do
180      return $ (E . constructor) opString
181  where
182    checkAttr ps v = maybe (v `elem` ps) (=="true") <$> findAttrQ (T.unpack v) e
184text :: Element -> MML Exp
185text e = do
186  textStyle <- maybe TextNormal getTextType
187                <$> (findAttrQ "mathvariant" e)
188  s <- getString e
189  -- mathml seems to use mtext for spacing often; we get
190  -- more idiomatic math if we replace these with ESpace:
191  return $ case (textStyle, T.unpack s) of
192       (TextNormal, [c]) ->
193         case getSpaceWidth c of
194              Just w  -> ESpace w
195              Nothing -> EText textStyle s
196       _ -> EText textStyle s
198literal :: Element -> MML Exp
199literal e = do
200  lquote <- fromMaybe "\x201C" <$> findAttrQ "lquote" e
201  rquote <- fromMaybe "\x201D" <$> findAttrQ "rquote" e
202  textStyle <- maybe TextNormal getTextType
203                <$> (findAttrQ "mathvariant" e)
204  s <- getString e
205  return $ EText textStyle $ lquote <> s <> rquote
207space :: Element -> MML Exp
208space e = do
209  width <- fromMaybe "0.0em" <$> (findAttrQ "width" e)
210  return $ ESpace (widthToNum width)
212-- Layout
214style :: Element -> MML Exp
215style e = do
216  tt <- maybe TextNormal getTextType <$> findAttrQ "mathvariant" e
217  curstyle <- asks curStyle
218  -- We do not want to propagate the mathvariant else
219  -- we end up with nested EStyled applying the same
220  -- style
221  result <- local (filterMathVariant . enterStyled tt) (row e)
222  return $ if curstyle == tt
223              then result
224              else EStyled tt [result]
226row :: Element -> MML Exp
227row e = mkExp <$> group e
229-- 1. matchNesting strips all additional IR
230-- 2. toEDelim
231-- 3. toExp makes sure that no additional nesting happens
232mkExp :: [IR Exp] -> Exp
233mkExp = toExp . toEDelim . matchNesting
235toExp :: [InEDelimited] -> Exp
236toExp [] = empty
237toExp xs =
238  if any isStretchy xs
239    then case xs of
240              [x] -> either (ESymbol Ord) id x
241              _ -> EDelimited "" "" xs
242    else
243      case xs of
244        [Right x] -> x
245        _ -> EGrouped (rights xs)
248toEDelim :: [IR InEDelimited] -> [InEDelimited]
249toEDelim [] = []
250toEDelim [Stretchy _ con s] = [Right $ con s]
251toEDelim (xs) = map removeIR xs
253-- Strips internal representation from processed list
254removeIR :: IR a -> a
255removeIR (E e) = e
256removeIR _ = error "removeIR, should only be ever called on processed lists"
258-- Convers stretch to InEDelimited element
259removeStretch :: [IR Exp] -> [IR InEDelimited]
260removeStretch [Stretchy _ constructor s] = [E $ Right (constructor s)]
261removeStretch xs = map f xs
262  where
263    f (Stretchy _ _ s) = E $ Left s
264    f (E e) = E $ Right e
265    f (Trailing a b) = Trailing a b
267isStretchy :: InEDelimited -> Bool
268isStretchy (Left _) = True
269isStretchy (Right _) = False
271-- If at the end of a delimiter we need to apply the script to the whole
272-- expression. We only insert Trailing when reordering Stretchy
273trailingSup :: Maybe (T.Text, T.Text -> Exp)  -> Maybe (T.Text, T.Text -> Exp)  -> [IR InEDelimited] -> Exp
274trailingSup open close es = go es
275  where
276    go [] = case (open, close) of
277              (Nothing, Nothing) -> empty
278              (Just (openFence, conOpen), Nothing) -> conOpen openFence
279              (Nothing, Just (closeFence, conClose)) -> conClose closeFence
280              (Just (openFence, conOpen), Just (closeFence, conClose))  ->
281                EGrouped [conOpen openFence, conClose closeFence]
282    go es'@(last -> Trailing constructor e) = (constructor (go (init es')) e)
283    go es' = EDelimited (getFence open) (getFence close) (toEDelim es')
284    getFence = fromMaybe "" . fmap fst
286-- TODO: Break this into two functions
287-- Matches open and closing brackets
288-- The result of this function is a list with only E elements.
289matchNesting :: [IR Exp] -> [IR InEDelimited]
290matchNesting ((break isFence) -> (inis, rest)) =
291  let inis' = removeStretch inis in
292  case rest of
293    [] -> inis'
294    ((Stretchy Open conOpen opens): rs) ->
295      let jOpen = Just (opens, conOpen)
296          (body, rems) = go rs 0 []
297          body' = matchNesting body in
298        case rems of
299          [] -> inis' ++ [E $ Right $ trailingSup jOpen Nothing body']
300          (Stretchy Close conClose closes : rs') ->
301            let jClose = Just (closes, conClose) in
302            inis' ++ (E $ Right $ trailingSup jOpen jClose body') : matchNesting rs'
303          _ -> (error "matchNesting: Logical error 1")
304    ((Stretchy Close conClose closes): rs) ->
305      let jClose = Just (closes, conClose) in
306      (E $ Right $ trailingSup Nothing jClose (matchNesting inis)) : matchNesting rs
307    _ -> error "matchNesting: Logical error 2"
308  where
309    isOpen (Stretchy Open _ _) = True
310    isOpen _ = False
311    isClose (Stretchy Close _ _) = True
312    isClose _ = False
313    go :: [IR a] -> Int -> [IR a] -> ([IR a], [IR a])
314    go (x:xs) 0 a | isClose x = (reverse a, x:xs)
315    go (x:xs) n a | isOpen x  = go xs (n + 1) (x:a)
316    go (x:xs) n a | isClose x = go xs (n - 1) (x:a)
317    go (x:xs) n a = go xs n (x:a)
318    go [] _ a = (reverse a, [])
320isFence :: IR a -> Bool
321isFence (Stretchy Open _ _) = True
322isFence (Stretchy Close _ _) = True
323isFence _ = False
325group :: Element -> MML [IR Exp]
326group e = do
327  front <- concat <$> mapM expr frontSpaces
328  middle <- local resetPosition (row' body)
329  end <- concat <$> local resetPosition (mapM expr endSpaces)
330  return $ (front ++ middle ++ end)
331  where
332    cs = elChildren e
333    (frontSpaces, noFront)  = span spacelike cs
334    (endSpaces, body) = let (as, bs) = span spacelike (reverse noFront) in
335                          (reverse as, reverse bs)
337row' :: [Element] -> MML [IR Exp]
338row' [] = return []
339row' [x] = do
340              pos <- maybe FInfix (const FPostfix) <$> asks position
341              local (setPosition pos) (expr x)
342row' (x:xs) =
343  do
344    pos <- maybe FPrefix (const FInfix) <$> asks position
345    e  <- local (setPosition pos) (expr x)
346    es <- local (setPosition pos) (row' xs)
347    return (e ++ es)
349-- Indicates the closure of scope
350safeExpr :: Element -> MML Exp
351safeExpr e = mkExp <$> expr e
353frac :: Element -> MML Exp
354frac e = do
355  (num, denom) <- mapPairM safeExpr =<< (checkArgs2 e)
356  rawThick <- findAttrQ "linethickness" e
357  return $
358    if thicknessZero rawThick
359       then EFraction NoLineFrac num denom
360       else EFraction NormalFrac num denom
362msqrt :: Element -> MML Exp
363msqrt e = ESqrt <$> (row e)
365kroot :: Element -> MML Exp
366kroot e = do
367  (base, index) <- mapPairM safeExpr =<< (checkArgs2 e)
368  return $ ERoot index base
370phantom :: Element -> MML Exp
371phantom e = EPhantom <$> row e
373fenced :: Element -> MML Exp
374fenced e = do
375  open  <- fromMaybe "(" <$> (findAttrQ "open" e)
376  close <- fromMaybe ")" <$> (findAttrQ "close" e)
377  sep  <- fromMaybe "," <$> (findAttrQ "separators" e)
378  let expanded =
379        case sep of
380          "" -> elChildren e
381          _  ->
382            let seps = map (\x -> unode "mo" [x]) $ T.unpack sep
383                sepsList = seps ++ repeat (last seps) in
384                fInterleave (elChildren e) (sepsList)
385  safeExpr $ unode "mrow"
386              ([tunode "mo" open | not $ T.null open] ++
387               [unode "mrow" expanded] ++
388               [tunode "mo" close | not $ T.null close])
390-- This could approximate the variants
391enclosed :: Element -> MML Exp
392enclosed e = do
393  mbNotation <- findAttrQ "notation" e
394  case mbNotation of
395       Just "box" -> EBoxed <$> row e
396       _ -> row e
398action :: Element -> MML Exp
399action e = do
400  selection <-  maybe 1 (read . T.unpack) <$> (findAttrQ "selection" e)  -- 1-indexing
401  safeExpr =<< maybeToEither ("Selection out of range")
402            (listToMaybe $ drop (selection - 1) (elChildren e))
404-- Scripts and Limits
406sub :: Element -> MML [IR Exp]
407sub e =  do
408  (base, subs) <- checkArgs2 e
409  reorderScripts base subs ESub
411-- Handles case with strethy elements in the base of sub/sup
412reorderScripts :: Element -> Element -> (Exp -> Exp -> Exp) -> MML [IR Exp]
413reorderScripts e subs c = do
414  baseExpr <- expr e
415  subExpr <- postfixExpr subs
416  return $
417    case baseExpr of
418      [s@(Stretchy Open _ _)] -> [s, E $ c empty subExpr]  -- Open
419      [s@(Stretchy Close _ _)] -> [Trailing c subExpr, s] -- Close
420      [s@(Stretchy _ _ _)] -> [s, E $ ESub empty subExpr] -- Middle
421      _ -> [E $ c (mkExp baseExpr) subExpr] -- No stretch
423sup :: Element -> MML [IR Exp]
424sup e = do
425  (base, sups) <- checkArgs2 e
426  reorderScripts base sups ESuper
428subsup :: Element -> MML Exp
429subsup e = do
430  (base, subs, sups) <- checkArgs3 e
431  ESubsup <$> safeExpr base <*> (postfixExpr subs)
432                         <*> (postfixExpr sups)
434under :: Element -> MML Exp
435under e = do
436  (base, below) <- checkArgs2 e
437  EUnder False <$> safeExpr base <*> postfixExpr below
439over :: Element -> MML Exp
440over e = do
441  (base, above) <- checkArgs2 e
442  EOver False <$> safeExpr base <*> postfixExpr above
444underover :: Element -> MML Exp
445underover e = do
446  (base, below, above) <- checkArgs3 e
447  EUnderover False <$> safeExpr base  <*> (postfixExpr below)
448                                      <*> (postfixExpr above)
450-- Other
452semantics :: Element -> MML Exp
453semantics e = do
454  guard (not $ null cs)
455  first <- safeExpr (head cs)
456  if isEmpty first
457    then fromMaybe empty . getFirst . mconcat <$> mapM annotation (tail cs)
458    else return first
459  where
460    cs = elChildren e
462annotation :: Element -> MML (First Exp)
463annotation e = do
464  encoding <- findAttrQ "encoding" e
465  case encoding of
466    Just "application/mathml-presentation+xml" ->
467      First . Just <$> row e
468    Just "MathML-Presentation" ->
469      First . Just <$> row e
470    _ -> return (First Nothing)
472-- Table
474table :: Element -> MML Exp
475table e = do
476  defAlign <- maybe AlignCenter toAlignment <$> (findAttrQ "columnalign" e)
477  rs <- mapM (tableRow defAlign) (elChildren e)
478  let (onlyAligns, exprs) = (map .map) fst &&& (map . map) snd $ rs
479  let rs' = map (pad (maximum (map length rs))) exprs
480  let aligns = map findAlign (transpose onlyAligns)
481  return $ EArray aligns rs'
482  where
483    findAlign xs = if null xs then AlignCenter
484                    else foldl1 combine xs
485    combine x y = if x == y then x else AlignCenter
487tableRow :: Alignment -> Element -> MML [(Alignment, [Exp])]
488tableRow a e = do
489  align <- maybe a toAlignment <$> (findAttrQ "columnalign" e)
490  case name e of
491    "mtr" -> mapM (tableCell align) (elChildren e)
492    "mlabeledtr" -> mapM (tableCell align) (tail $ elChildren e)
493    _ -> throwError $ "Invalid Element: Only expecting mtr elements " <> err e
495tableCell :: Alignment -> Element -> MML (Alignment, [Exp])
496tableCell a e = do
497  align <- maybe a toAlignment <$> (findAttrQ "columnalign" e)
498  case name e of
499    "mtd" -> (,) align . (:[]) <$> row e
500    _ -> throwError $ "Invalid Element: Only expecting mtd elements " <> err e
502-- Fixup
504-- Library Functions
506maybeToEither :: (MonadError e m) => e -> Maybe a -> m a
507maybeToEither = flip maybe return . throwError
509--interleave up to end of shorter list
510fInterleave :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
511fInterleave [] _ = []
512fInterleave _ [] = []
513fInterleave (x:xs) ys = x : fInterleave ys xs
515-- MMLState helper functions
517defaultState :: MMLState
518defaultState = MMLState [] Nothing False TextNormal
520addAttrs :: [Attr] -> MMLState -> MMLState
521addAttrs as s = s {attrs = (map renameAttr as) ++ attrs s }
523renameAttr :: Attr -> Attr
524renameAttr v@(qName . attrKey -> "accentunder") =
525  Attr (unqual "accent") (attrVal v)
526renameAttr a = a
528filterMathVariant :: MMLState -> MMLState
529filterMathVariant s@(attrs -> as) =
530  s{attrs = filter ((/= unqual "mathvariant") . attrKey) as}
532setPosition :: FormType -> MMLState -> MMLState
533setPosition p s = s {position = Just p}
535resetPosition :: MMLState -> MMLState
536resetPosition s = s {position = Nothing}
538enterAccent :: MMLState -> MMLState
539enterAccent s = s{ inAccent = True }
541enterStyled :: TextType -> MMLState -> MMLState
542enterStyled tt s = s{ curStyle = tt }
544-- Utility
546getString :: Element -> MML T.Text
547getString e = do
548  tt <- asks curStyle
549  return $ fromUnicode tt $ stripSpaces $ T.pack $ concatMap cdData
550         $ onlyText $ elContent $ e
552-- Finds only text data and replaces entity references with corresponding
553-- characters
554onlyText :: [Content] -> [CData]
555onlyText [] = []
556onlyText ((Text c):xs) = c : onlyText xs
557onlyText (CRef s : xs)  = (CData CDataText (fromMaybe s $ getUnicode' s) Nothing) : onlyText xs
558  where getUnicode' = fmap T.unpack . getUnicode . T.pack
559onlyText (_:xs) = onlyText xs
561checkArgs2 :: Element -> MML (Element, Element)
562checkArgs2 e = case elChildren e of
563  [a, b] -> return (a, b)
564  _      -> throwError ("Incorrect number of arguments for " <> err e)
566checkArgs3 :: Element -> MML (Element, Element, Element)
567checkArgs3 e = case elChildren e of
568  [a, b, c] -> return (a, b, c)
569  _         -> throwError ("Incorrect number of arguments for " <> err e)
571mapPairM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> (a, a) -> m (b, b)
572mapPairM f (a, b) = (,) <$> (f a) <*> (f b)
574err :: Element -> T.Text
575err e = name e <> maybe "" (\x -> " line " <> T.pack (show x)) (elLine e)
577-- Kept as String for Text.XML.Light
578findAttrQ :: String -> Element -> MML (Maybe T.Text)
579findAttrQ s e = do
580  inherit <- asks (lookupAttrQ s . attrs)
581  return $ fmap T.pack $
582    findAttr (QName s Nothing Nothing) e
583      <|> inherit
585-- Kept as String for Text.XML.Light
586lookupAttrQ :: String -> [Attr] -> Maybe String
587lookupAttrQ s = lookupAttr (QName s Nothing Nothing)
589name :: Element -> T.Text
590name (elName -> (QName n _ _)) = T.pack n
592-- Kept as String for Text.XML.Light
593tunode :: String -> T.Text -> Element
594tunode s = unode s . T.unpack
596stripSpaces :: T.Text -> T.Text
597stripSpaces = T.dropAround isSpace
599toAlignment :: T.Text -> Alignment
600toAlignment "left" = AlignLeft
601toAlignment "center" = AlignCenter
602toAlignment "right" = AlignRight
603toAlignment _ = AlignCenter
605getPosition :: FormType -> TeXSymbolType
606getPosition (FPrefix) = Open
607getPosition (FPostfix) = Close
608getPosition (FInfix) = Op
610getFormType :: Maybe T.Text -> Maybe FormType
611getFormType (Just "infix") = (Just FInfix)
612getFormType (Just "prefix") = (Just FPrefix)
613getFormType (Just "postfix") = (Just FPostfix)
614getFormType _ = Nothing
616pad :: Int -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
617pad n xs = xs ++ (replicate (n - len) [])
618  where
619    len = length xs
621isSpace :: Char -> Bool
622isSpace ' '  = True
623isSpace '\t' = True
624isSpace '\n' = True
625isSpace _    = False
627spacelikeElems, cSpacelikeElems :: [T.Text]
628spacelikeElems = ["mtext", "mspace", "maligngroup", "malignmark"]
629cSpacelikeElems = ["mrow", "mstyle", "mphantom", "mpadded"]
631spacelike :: Element -> Bool
632spacelike e@(name -> uid) =
633  uid `elem` spacelikeElems || uid `elem` cSpacelikeElems &&
634    and (map spacelike (elChildren e))
636thicknessZero :: Maybe T.Text -> Bool
637thicknessZero (Just s) = thicknessToNum s == 0.0
638thicknessZero Nothing  = False
640widthToNum :: T.Text -> Rational
641widthToNum s =
642  case s of
643       "veryverythinmathspace"  -> 1/18
644       "verythinmathspace"      -> 2/18
645       "thinmathspace"          -> 3/18
646       "mediummathspace"        -> 4/18
647       "thickmathspace"         -> 5/18
648       "verythickmathspace"     -> 6/18
649       "veryverythickmathspace" -> 7/18
650       "negativeveryverythinmathspace"  -> -1/18
651       "negativeverythinmathspace"      -> -2/18
652       "negativethinmathspace"          -> -3/18
653       "negativemediummathspace"        -> -4/18
654       "negativethickmathspace"         -> -5/18
655       "negativeverythickmathspace"     -> -6/18
656       "negativeveryverythickmathspace" -> -7/18
657       _ -> fromMaybe 0 (readLength s)
659thicknessToNum :: T.Text -> Rational
660thicknessToNum s =
661  case s of
662       "thin" -> (3/18)
663       "medium" -> (1/2)
664       "thick" -> 1
665       v -> fromMaybe 0.5 (readLength v)
667postfixExpr :: Element -> MML Exp
668postfixExpr e = local (setPosition FPostfix . enterAccent) (safeExpr e)