2{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
3{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
4{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
5{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
6{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
7{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
8{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
9{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
11-- For Data.Aeson.Types.camelTo
12{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-deprecations #-}
14#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
15{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-top-binds #-}
18module UnitTests
19    (
20      ioTests
21    , tests
22    , withEmbeddedJSONTest
23    ) where
25import Prelude.Compat
27import Control.Monad (forM, forM_)
28import Data.Aeson ((.=), (.:), (.:?), (.:!), FromJSON(..), FromJSONKeyFunction(..), FromJSONKey(..), ToJSON1(..), decode, eitherDecode, encode, fromJSON, genericParseJSON, genericToEncoding, genericToJSON, object, withObject, withEmbeddedJSON)
29import Data.Aeson.Internal (JSONPathElement(..), formatError)
30import Data.Aeson.QQ.Simple (aesonQQ)
31import Data.Aeson.TH (deriveJSON, deriveToJSON, deriveToJSON1)
32import Data.Aeson.Text (encodeToTextBuilder)
33import Data.Aeson.Parser
34  ( json, jsonLast, jsonAccum, jsonNoDup
35  , json', jsonLast', jsonAccum', jsonNoDup')
36import Data.Aeson.Types
37  ( Options(..), Result(Success, Error), ToJSON(..)
38  , Value(Array, Bool, Null, Number, Object, String), camelTo, camelTo2
39  , defaultOptions, formatPath, formatRelativePath, omitNothingFields, parse)
40import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString (Parser, parseOnly)
41import Data.Char (toUpper)
42import Data.Either.Compat (isLeft, isRight)
43import Data.Hashable (hash)
44import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
45import Data.List (sort, isSuffixOf)
46import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
47import Data.Scientific (Scientific, scientific)
48import Data.Tagged (Tagged(..))
49import Data.Text (Text)
50import Data.Time (UTCTime)
51import Data.Time.Format.Compat (parseTimeM, defaultTimeLocale)
52import GHC.Generics (Generic)
53import Instances ()
54import Numeric.Natural (Natural)
55import System.Directory (getDirectoryContents)
56import System.FilePath ((</>), takeExtension, takeFileName)
57import Test.Tasty (TestTree, testGroup)
58import Test.Tasty.HUnit (Assertion, assertBool, assertFailure, assertEqual, testCase, (@?=))
59import Text.Printf (printf)
60import UnitTests.NullaryConstructors (nullaryConstructors)
61import qualified Data.ByteString as S
62import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16.Lazy as LBase16
63import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L
64import qualified Data.HashSet as HashSet
65import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as HashMap
66import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT
67import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TLB
68import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as LT
69import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TLE
70import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
71import qualified ErrorMessages
72import qualified SerializationFormatSpec
74-- Asserts that we can use both modules at once in the test suite.
75import Data.Aeson.Parser.UnescapeFFI ()
76import Data.Aeson.Parser.UnescapePure ()
78tests :: TestTree
79tests = testGroup "unit" [
80    testGroup "SerializationFormatSpec" SerializationFormatSpec.tests
81  , testGroup "ErrorMessages" ErrorMessages.tests
82  , testGroup "camelCase" [
83      testCase "camelTo" $ roundTripCamel "aName"
84    , testCase "camelTo" $ roundTripCamel "another"
85    , testCase "camelTo" $ roundTripCamel "someOtherName"
86    , testCase "camelTo" $
87        assertEqual "" "camel_apicase" (camelTo '_' "CamelAPICase")
88    , testCase "camelTo2" $ roundTripCamel2 "aName"
89    , testCase "camelTo2" $ roundTripCamel2 "another"
90    , testCase "camelTo2" $ roundTripCamel2 "someOtherName"
91    , testCase "camelTo2" $
92        assertEqual "" "camel_api_case" (camelTo2 '_' "CamelAPICase")
93    ]
94  , testGroup "encoding" [
95      testCase "goodProducer" goodProducer
96    ]
97  , testGroup "utctime" [
98      testCase "good" utcTimeGood
99    , testCase "bad"  utcTimeBad
100    ]
101  , testGroup "formatError" [
102      testCase "example 1" formatErrorExample
103    ]
104  , testGroup ".:, .:?, .:!" $ fmap (testCase "-") dotColonMark
105  , testGroup "Hashable laws" $ fmap (testCase "-") hashableLaws
106  , testGroup "Object construction" $ fmap (testCase "-") objectConstruction
107  , testGroup "Issue #351" $ fmap (testCase "-") issue351
108  , testGroup "Nullary constructors" $ fmap (testCase "-") nullaryConstructors
109  , testGroup "FromJSONKey" $ fmap (testCase "-") fromJSONKeyAssertions
110  , testCase "PR #455" pr455
111  , testCase "Unescape string (PR #477)" unescapeString
112  , testCase "Show Options" showOptions
113  , testGroup "SingleMaybeField" singleMaybeField
114  , testCase "withEmbeddedJSON" withEmbeddedJSONTest
115  , testCase "SingleFieldCon" singleFieldCon
116  , testGroup "UnknownFields" unknownFields
117  , testGroup "Ordering of object keys" keyOrdering
118  , testCase "Ratio with denominator 0" ratioDenominator0
119  , testCase "Rational parses number"   rationalNumber
120  , testCase "Big rational"             bigRationalDecoding
121  , testCase "Small rational"           smallRationalDecoding
122  , testCase "Big scientific exponent" bigScientificExponent
123  , testCase "Big integer decoding" bigIntegerDecoding
124  , testCase "Big natural decading" bigNaturalDecoding
125  , testCase "Big integer key decoding" bigIntegerKeyDecoding
126  , testGroup "QQ.Simple"
127    [ testCase "example" $
128      assertEqual "" (object ["foo" .= True]) [aesonQQ| {"foo": true } |]
129    ]
130  ]
132roundTripCamel :: String -> Assertion
133roundTripCamel name = assertEqual "" name (camelFrom '_' $ camelTo '_' name)
135roundTripCamel2 :: String -> Assertion
136roundTripCamel2 name = assertEqual "" name (camelFrom '_' $ camelTo2 '_' name)
138camelFrom :: Char -> String -> String
139camelFrom c s = let (p:ps) = split c s
140                in concat $ p : map capitalize ps
141  where
142    split c' s' = map L.unpack $ L.split c' $ L.pack s'
143    capitalize t = toUpper (head t) : tail t
146data Wibble = Wibble {
147    wibbleString :: String
148  , wibbleInt :: Int
149  } deriving (Generic, Show, Eq)
151instance FromJSON Wibble
153instance ToJSON Wibble where
154    toJSON     = genericToJSON defaultOptions
155    toEncoding = genericToEncoding defaultOptions
157-- Test that if we put a bomb in a data structure, but only demand
158-- part of it via lazy encoding, we do not unexpectedly fail.
159goodProducer :: Assertion
160goodProducer = assertEqual "partial encoding should not explode on undefined"
161                           '{' (L.head (encode wibble))
162  where
163    wibble = Wibble {
164                 wibbleString = replicate k 'a'
165               , wibbleInt = 1
166               }
167    k | arch32bit = 4047
168      | otherwise = 4030
169    arch32bit     = (maxBound :: Int) == 2147483647
171-- Test decoding various UTC time formats
173-- Note: the incomplete pattern matches for UTCTimes are completely
174-- intentional.  The test expects these parses to succeed.  If the
175-- pattern matches fails, there's a bug in either the test or in aeson
176-- and needs to be investigated.
177utcTimeGood :: Assertion
178utcTimeGood = do
179  let ts1 = "2015-01-01T12:13:00.00Z" :: LT.Text
180  let ts2 = "2015-01-01T12:13:00Z" :: LT.Text
181  -- 'T' between date and time is not required, can be space
182  let ts3 = "2015-01-03 12:13:00.00Z" :: LT.Text
183  let ts4 = "2015-01-03 12:13:00.125Z" :: LT.Text
184  let (Just (t1 ::  UTCTime)) = parseWithAeson ts1
185  let (Just (t2 ::  UTCTime)) = parseWithAeson ts2
186  let (Just (t3 ::  UTCTime)) = parseWithAeson ts3
187  let (Just (t4 ::  UTCTime)) = parseWithAeson ts4
188  assertEqual "utctime" (parseWithRead "%FT%T%QZ" ts1) t1
189  assertEqual "utctime" (parseWithRead "%FT%T%QZ" ts2) t2
190  assertEqual "utctime" (parseWithRead "%F %T%QZ" ts3) t3
191  assertEqual "utctime" (parseWithRead "%F %T%QZ" ts4) t4
192  -- Time zones.  Both +HHMM and +HH:MM are allowed for timezone
193  -- offset, and MM may be omitted.
194  let ts5 = "2015-01-01T12:30:00.00+00" :: LT.Text
195  let ts6 = "2015-01-01T12:30:00.00+01:15" :: LT.Text
196  let ts7 = "2015-01-01T12:30:00.00-02" :: LT.Text
197  let ts8 = "2015-01-01T22:00:00.00-03" :: LT.Text
198  let ts9 = "2015-01-01T22:00:00.00-04:30" :: LT.Text
199  let (Just (t5 ::  UTCTime)) = parseWithAeson ts5
200  let (Just (t6 ::  UTCTime)) = parseWithAeson ts6
201  let (Just (t7 ::  UTCTime)) = parseWithAeson ts7
202  let (Just (t8 ::  UTCTime)) = parseWithAeson ts8
203  let (Just (t9 ::  UTCTime)) = parseWithAeson ts9
204  assertEqual "utctime" (parseWithRead "%FT%T%QZ" "2015-01-01T12:30:00.00Z") t5
205  assertEqual "utctime" (parseWithRead "%FT%T%QZ" "2015-01-01T11:15:00.00Z") t6
206  assertEqual "utctime" (parseWithRead "%FT%T%QZ" "2015-01-01T14:30:00Z") t7
207  -- ts8 wraps around to the next day in UTC
208  assertEqual "utctime" (parseWithRead "%FT%T%QZ" "2015-01-02T01:00:00Z") t8
209  assertEqual "utctime" (parseWithRead "%FT%T%QZ" "2015-01-02T02:30:00Z") t9
211  -- Seconds in Time can be omitted
212  let ts10 = "2015-01-03T12:13Z" :: LT.Text
213  let ts11 = "2015-01-03 12:13Z" :: LT.Text
214  let ts12 = "2015-01-01T12:30-02" :: LT.Text
215  let (Just (t10 ::  UTCTime)) = parseWithAeson ts10
216  let (Just (t11 ::  UTCTime)) = parseWithAeson ts11
217  let (Just (t12 ::  UTCTime)) = parseWithAeson ts12
218  assertEqual "utctime" (parseWithRead "%FT%H:%MZ" ts10) t10
219  assertEqual "utctime" (parseWithRead "%F %H:%MZ" ts11) t11
220  assertEqual "utctime" (parseWithRead "%FT%T%QZ" "2015-01-01T14:30:00Z") t12
222  -- leap seconds are included correctly
223  let ts13 = "2015-08-23T23:59:60.128+00" :: LT.Text
224  let (Just (t13 ::  UTCTime)) = parseWithAeson ts13
225  assertEqual "utctime" (parseWithRead "%FT%T%QZ" "2015-08-23T23:59:60.128Z") t13
226  let ts14 = "2015-08-23T23:59:60.999999999999+00" :: LT.Text
227  let (Just (t14 ::  UTCTime)) = parseWithAeson ts14
228  assertEqual "utctime" (parseWithRead "%FT%T%QZ" "2015-08-23T23:59:60.999999999999Z") t14
230  where
231    parseWithRead :: String -> LT.Text -> UTCTime
232    parseWithRead f s =
233      fromMaybe (error "parseTime input malformed") . parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale f . LT.unpack $ s
234    parseWithAeson :: LT.Text -> Maybe UTCTime
235    parseWithAeson s = decode . LT.encodeUtf8 $ LT.concat ["\"", s, "\""]
237-- Test that a few non-timezone qualified timestamp formats get
238-- rejected if decoding to UTCTime.
239utcTimeBad :: Assertion
240utcTimeBad = do
241  verifyFailParse "2000-01-01T12:13:00" -- missing Zulu time not allowed (some TZ required)
242  verifyFailParse "2000-01-01 12:13:00" -- missing Zulu time not allowed (some TZ required)
243  verifyFailParse "2000-01-01"          -- date only not OK
244  verifyFailParse "2000-01-01Z"         -- date only not OK
245  verifyFailParse "2015-01-01T12:30:00.00+00Z" -- no Zulu if offset given
246  verifyFailParse "2015-01-01T12:30:00.00+00:00Z" -- no Zulu if offset given
247  verifyFailParse "2015-01-03 12:13:00.Z" -- decimal at the end but no digits
248  verifyFailParse "2015-01-03 12:13.000Z" -- decimal at the end, but no seconds
249  verifyFailParse "2015-01-03 23:59:61Z"  -- exceeds allowed seconds per day
250  where
251    verifyFailParse (s :: LT.Text) =
252      let (dec :: Maybe UTCTime) = decode . LT.encodeUtf8 $ LT.concat ["\"", s, "\""] in
253      assertEqual "verify failure" Nothing dec
255-- Non identifier keys should be escaped & enclosed in brackets
256formatErrorExample :: Assertion
257formatErrorExample =
258  let rhs = formatError [Index 0, Key "foo", Key "bar", Key "a.b.c", Key "", Key "'\\", Key "end"] "error msg"
259      lhs = "Error in $[0].foo.bar['a.b.c']['']['\\'\\\\'].end: error msg"
260  in assertEqual "formatError example" lhs rhs
262formatPathExample :: Assertion
263formatPathExample =
264  let rhs = formatPath [Key "x", Index 0]
265      lhs = "$.x[0]"
266  in assertEqual "formatPath example" lhs rhs
268formatRelativePathExample :: Assertion
269formatRelativePathExample =
270  let rhs = formatPath [Key "x", Index 0]
271      lhs = ".x[0]"
272  in assertEqual "formatRelativePath example" lhs rhs
275-- Comparison (.:?) and (.:!)
278newtype T1 = T1 (Maybe Int) deriving (Eq, Show)
279newtype T2 = T2 (Maybe Int) deriving (Eq, Show)
280newtype T3 = T3 (Maybe Int) deriving (Eq, Show)
282instance FromJSON T1 where parseJSON = fmap T1 . withObject "T1" (.: "value")
283instance FromJSON T2 where parseJSON = fmap T2 . withObject "T2" (.:? "value")
284instance FromJSON T3 where parseJSON = fmap T3 . withObject "T3" (.:! "value")
286dotColonMark :: [Assertion]
287dotColonMark = [
288    assertEqual ".:  not-present" Nothing               (decode ex1 :: Maybe T1)
289  , assertEqual ".:  42"          (Just (T1 (Just 42))) (decode ex2 :: Maybe T1)
290  , assertEqual ".:  null"        (Just (T1 Nothing))   (decode ex3 :: Maybe T1)
292  , assertEqual ".:? not-present" (Just (T2 Nothing))   (decode ex1 :: Maybe T2)
293  , assertEqual ".:? 42"          (Just (T2 (Just 42))) (decode ex2 :: Maybe T2)
294  , assertEqual ".:? null"        (Just (T2 Nothing))   (decode ex3 :: Maybe T2)
296  , assertEqual ".:! not-present" (Just (T3 Nothing))   (decode ex1 :: Maybe T3)
297  , assertEqual ".:! 42"          (Just (T3 (Just 42))) (decode ex2 :: Maybe T3)
298  , assertEqual ".:! null"        Nothing               (decode ex3 :: Maybe T3)
299  ]
300  where ex1 = "{}"
301        ex2 = "{\"value\": 42 }"
302        ex3 = "{\"value\": null }"
305-- Check that the hashes of two equal Value are the same
308hashableLaws :: [Assertion]
309hashableLaws = [
310    assertEqual "Hashable Object" (hash a) (hash b)
311  ]
312  where
313  a = object ["223" .= False, "807882556" .= True]
314  b = object ["807882556" .= True, "223" .= False]
317-- Check that an alternative way to construct objects works
320objectConstruction :: [Assertion]
321objectConstruction = [
322    assertEqual "Equal objects constructed differently" recommended notRecommended
323  ]
324  where
325    recommended = object ["foo" .= True, "bar" .= (-1 :: Int)]
326    notRecommended = Object (mconcat ["foo" .= True, "bar" .= (-1 :: Int)])
329-- ToJSONKey
332newtype MyText = MyText Text
333    deriving (FromJSONKey)
335newtype MyText' = MyText' Text
337instance FromJSONKey MyText' where
338    fromJSONKey = fmap MyText' fromJSONKey
339    fromJSONKeyList = error "not used"
341fromJSONKeyAssertions :: [Assertion]
342fromJSONKeyAssertions =
343    [ assertIsCoerce  "Text"            (fromJSONKey :: FromJSONKeyFunction Text)
344    , assertIsCoerce  "Tagged Int Text" (fromJSONKey :: FromJSONKeyFunction (Tagged Int Text))
345    , assertIsCoerce  "MyText"          (fromJSONKey :: FromJSONKeyFunction MyText)
347#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 710
348    , assertIsCoerce' "MyText'"         (fromJSONKey :: FromJSONKeyFunction MyText')
350    ]
351  where
352    assertIsCoerce _ (FromJSONKeyCoerce _) = pure ()
353    assertIsCoerce n _                     = assertFailure n
355#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 710
356    assertIsCoerce' _ (FromJSONKeyCoerce _) = pure ()
357    assertIsCoerce' n _                     = pickWithRules (assertFailure n) (pure ())
359-- | Pick the first when RULES are enabled, e.g. optimisations are on
361    :: a -- ^ Pick this when RULES are on
362    -> a -- ^ use this otherwise
363    -> a
364pickWithRules _ = id
365{-# NOINLINE pickWithRules #-}
366{-# RULES "pickWithRules/rule" [0] forall x. pickWithRules x = const x #-}
370-- Regressions
373-- A regression test for: https://github.com/bos/aeson/issues/351
374overlappingRegression :: FromJSON a => L.ByteString -> [a]
375overlappingRegression bs = fromMaybe [] $ decode bs
377issue351 :: [Assertion]
378issue351 = [
379    assertEqual "Int"  ([1, 2, 3] :: [Int])  $ overlappingRegression "[1, 2, 3]"
380  , assertEqual "Char" ("abc"     :: String) $ overlappingRegression "\"abc\""
381  , assertEqual "Char" (""        :: String) $ overlappingRegression "[\"a\", \"b\", \"c\"]"
382  ]
385-- Comparison between bytestring and text encoders
388ioTests :: IO [TestTree]
389ioTests = do
390  enc <- encoderComparisonTests
391  js <- jsonTestSuite
392  return [enc, js]
394encoderComparisonTests :: IO TestTree
395encoderComparisonTests = do
396  encoderTests <- forM testFiles $ \file0 -> do
397      let file = "benchmarks/json-data/" ++ file0
398      return $ testCase file $ do
399          inp <- L.readFile file
400          case eitherDecode inp of
401            Left  err -> assertFailure $ "Decoding failure: " ++ err
402            Right val -> assertEqual "" (encode val) (encodeViaText val)
403  return $ testGroup "encoders" encoderTests
404 where
405  encodeViaText :: Value -> L.ByteString
406  encodeViaText =
407      TLE.encodeUtf8 . TLB.toLazyText . encodeToTextBuilder . toJSON
409  testFiles =
410    [ "example.json"
411    , "integers.json"
412    , "jp100.json"
413    , "numbers.json"
414    , "twitter10.json"
415    , "twitter20.json"
416    , "geometry.json"
417    , "jp10.json"
418    , "jp50.json"
419    , "twitter1.json"
420    , "twitter100.json"
421    , "twitter50.json"
422    ]
424-- A regression test for: https://github.com/bos/aeson/issues/293
425data MyRecord = MyRecord {_field1 :: Maybe Int, _field2 :: Maybe Bool}
427data MyRecord2 = MyRecord2 {_field3 :: Maybe Int, _field4 :: Maybe Bool}
428  deriving Generic
430instance ToJSON   MyRecord2
431instance FromJSON MyRecord2
433-- A regression test for: https://github.com/bos/aeson/pull/477
434unescapeString :: Assertion
435unescapeString = do
436  assertEqual "Basic escaping"
437     (Right ("\" / \\ \b \f \n \r \t" :: String))
438     (eitherDecode "\"\\\" \\/ \\\\ \\b \\f \\n \\r \\t\"")
440  forM_ [minBound .. maxBound :: Char] $ \ c ->
441    let s = LT.pack [c] in
442    assertEqual (printf "UTF-16 encoded '\\x%X'" c)
443      (Right s) (eitherDecode $ utf16Char s)
444  where
445    utf16Char = formatString . LBase16.encode . LT.encodeUtf16BE
446    formatString s
447      | L.length s == 4 = L.concat ["\"\\u", s, "\""]
448      | L.length s == 8 =
449          L.concat ["\"\\u", L.take 4 s, "\\u", L.drop 4 s, "\""]
450      | otherwise = error "unescapeString: can't happen"
452-- JSONTestSuite
454jsonTestSuiteTest :: FilePath -> TestTree
455jsonTestSuiteTest path = testCase fileName $ do
456    payload <- L.readFile path
457    let result = eitherDecode payload :: Either String Value
458    assertBool fileName $ case take 2 fileName of
459      "i_" -> isRight result
460      "n_" -> isLeft result
461      "y_" -> isRight result
462      _    -> isRight result -- test_transform tests have inconsistent names
463  where
464    fileName = takeFileName path
466-- Build a collection of tests based on the current contents of the
467-- JSONTestSuite test directories.
469jsonTestSuite :: IO TestTree
470jsonTestSuite = do
471  let suitePath = "tests/JSONTestSuite"
472  let suites = ["test_parsing", "test_transform"]
473  testPaths <- fmap (sort . concat) . forM suites $ \suite -> do
474    let dir = suitePath </> suite
475    entries <- getDirectoryContents dir
476    let ok name = takeExtension name == ".json" &&
477                  not (name `HashSet.member` blacklist)
478    return . map (dir </>) . filter ok $ entries
479  return $ testGroup "JSONTestSuite" $ map jsonTestSuiteTest testPaths
481-- The set expected-to-be-failing JSONTestSuite tests.
482-- Not all of these failures are genuine bugs.
483-- Of those that are bugs, not all are worth fixing.
485blacklist :: HashSet.HashSet String
486-- blacklist = HashSet.empty
487blacklist = _blacklist
489_blacklist :: HashSet.HashSet String
490_blacklist = HashSet.fromList [
491    "i_object_key_lone_2nd_surrogate.json"
492  , "i_string_1st_surrogate_but_2nd_missing.json"
493  , "i_string_1st_valid_surrogate_2nd_invalid.json"
494  , "i_string_UTF-16LE_with_BOM.json"
495  , "i_string_UTF-16_invalid_lonely_surrogate.json"
496  , "i_string_UTF-16_invalid_surrogate.json"
497  , "i_string_UTF-8_invalid_sequence.json"
498  , "i_string_incomplete_surrogate_and_escape_valid.json"
499  , "i_string_incomplete_surrogate_pair.json"
500  , "i_string_incomplete_surrogates_escape_valid.json"
501  , "i_string_invalid_lonely_surrogate.json"
502  , "i_string_invalid_surrogate.json"
503  , "i_string_inverted_surrogates_U+1D11E.json"
504  , "i_string_lone_second_surrogate.json"
505  , "i_string_not_in_unicode_range.json"
506  , "i_string_truncated-utf-8.json"
507  , "i_structure_UTF-8_BOM_empty_object.json"
508  , "n_string_unescaped_crtl_char.json"
509  , "n_string_unescaped_newline.json"
510  , "n_string_unescaped_tab.json"
511  , "string_1_escaped_invalid_codepoint.json"
512  , "string_1_invalid_codepoint.json"
513  , "string_1_invalid_codepoints.json"
514  , "string_2_escaped_invalid_codepoints.json"
515  , "string_2_invalid_codepoints.json"
516  , "string_3_escaped_invalid_codepoints.json"
517  , "string_3_invalid_codepoints.json"
518  , "y_string_utf16BE_no_BOM.json"
519  , "y_string_utf16LE_no_BOM.json"
520  ]
522-- A regression test for: https://github.com/bos/aeson/pull/455
523data Foo a = FooNil | FooCons (Foo Int)
525pr455 :: Assertion
526pr455 = assertEqual "FooCons FooNil"
527          (toJSON foo) (liftToJSON undefined undefined foo)
528  where
529    foo :: Foo Int
530    foo = FooCons FooNil
532showOptions :: Assertion
533showOptions =
534    assertEqual
535        "Show Options"
536        (  "Options {"
537        ++   "fieldLabelModifier =~ \"exampleField\""
538        ++ ", constructorTagModifier =~ \"ExampleConstructor\""
539        ++ ", allNullaryToStringTag = True"
540        ++ ", omitNothingFields = False"
541        ++ ", sumEncoding = TaggedObject {tagFieldName = \"tag\", contentsFieldName = \"contents\"}"
542        ++ ", unwrapUnaryRecords = False"
543        ++ ", tagSingleConstructors = False"
544        ++ ", rejectUnknownFields = False"
545        ++ "}")
546        (show defaultOptions)
548newtype SingleMaybeField = SingleMaybeField { smf :: Maybe Int }
549  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
551singleMaybeField :: [TestTree]
552singleMaybeField = do
553  (gName, gToJSON, gToEncoding, gFromJSON) <-
554    [ ("generic", genericToJSON opts, genericToEncoding opts, parse (genericParseJSON opts))
555    , ("th", toJSON, toEncoding, fromJSON) ]
556  return $
557    testCase gName $ do
558      assertEqual "toJSON"     Null (gToJSON v)
559      assertEqual "toEncoding" (toEncoding (gToJSON v)) (gToEncoding v)
560      assertEqual "fromJSON"   (Success v) (gFromJSON Null)
561  where
562    v = SingleMaybeField Nothing
563    opts = defaultOptions{omitNothingFields=True,unwrapUnaryRecords=True}
566newtype EmbeddedJSONTest = EmbeddedJSONTest Int
567  deriving (Eq, Show)
569instance FromJSON EmbeddedJSONTest where
570  parseJSON =
571    withObject "Object" $ \o ->
572      EmbeddedJSONTest <$> (o .: "prop" >>= withEmbeddedJSON "Quoted Int" parseJSON)
574withEmbeddedJSONTest :: Assertion
575withEmbeddedJSONTest =
576  assertEqual "Unquote embedded JSON" (Right $ EmbeddedJSONTest 1) (eitherDecode "{\"prop\":\"1\"}")
578-- Regression test for https://github.com/bos/aeson/issues/627
579newtype SingleFieldCon = SingleFieldCon Int deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
581instance FromJSON SingleFieldCon where
582  parseJSON = genericParseJSON defaultOptions{unwrapUnaryRecords=True}
583  -- This option should have no effect on this type
585singleFieldCon :: Assertion
586singleFieldCon =
587  assertEqual "fromJSON" (Right (SingleFieldCon 0)) (eitherDecode "0")
589newtype UnknownFields = UnknownFields { knownField :: Int }
590  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
591newtype UnknownFieldsTag = UnknownFieldsTag { tag :: Int }
592  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
593newtype UnknownFieldsUnaryTagged = UnknownFieldsUnaryTagged { knownFieldUnaryTagged :: Int }
594  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
595data UnknownFieldsSum
596  = UnknownFields1 { knownField1 :: Int }
597  | UnknownFields2 { knownField2 :: Int }
598  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
600unknownFields :: [TestTree]
601unknownFields = concat
602    [ testsUnary
603        "unary-unknown"
604        (object [("knownField", Number 1), ("unknownField", Number 1)])
605        (Error "nknown fields: [\"unknownField\"]" :: Result UnknownFields)
606    , testsUnary
607        "unary-unknown-tag"
608        (object [("knownField", Number 1), ("tag", String "UnknownFields")])
609        (Error "nknown fields: [\"tag\"]" :: Result UnknownFields)
610    , testsUnaryTag
611        "unary-explicit-tag"
612        (object [("tag", Number 1)])
613        (Success $ UnknownFieldsTag 1)
614    , testsSum
615        "sum-tag"
616        (object [("knownField1", Number 1), ("tag", String "UnknownFields1")])
617        (Success $ UnknownFields1 1)
618    , testsSum
619        "sum-unknown-in-branch"
620        (object [("knownField1", Number 1), ("knownField2", Number 1), ("tag", String "UnknownFields1")])
621        (Error "nknown fields: [\"knownField2\"]" :: Result UnknownFieldsSum)
622    , testsSum
623        "sum-unknown"
624        (object [("knownField1", Number 1), ("unknownField", Number 1), ("tag", String "UnknownFields1")])
625        (Error "nknown fields: [\"unknownField\"]" :: Result UnknownFieldsSum)
626    , testsTagged
627        "unary-tagged"
628        (object [("knownFieldUnaryTagged", Number 1), ("tag", String "UnknownFieldsUnaryTagged")])
629        (Success $ UnknownFieldsUnaryTagged 1)
630    , -- Just a case to verify that the tag isn't optional, this is likely already tested by other unit tests
631      testsTagged
632        "unary-tagged-notag"
633        (object [("knownFieldUnaryTagged", Number 1)])
634        (Error "key \"tag\" not found" :: Result UnknownFieldsUnaryTagged)
635    , testsTagged
636        "unary-tagged-unknown"
637        (object [ ("knownFieldUnaryTagged", Number 1), ("unknownField", Number 1)
638                , ("tag", String "UnknownFieldsUnaryTagged")])
639        (Error "nknown fields: [\"unknownField\"]" :: Result UnknownFieldsUnaryTagged)
640    ]
641    where
642        opts = defaultOptions{rejectUnknownFields=True}
643        taggedOpts = opts{tagSingleConstructors=True}
644        assertApprox :: (Show a, Eq a) => Result a -> Result a -> IO ()
645        assertApprox (Error expected) (Error actual) | expected `isSuffixOf` actual = return ()
646        assertApprox expected actual = assertEqual "fromJSON" expected actual
647        testsBase :: (Show a, Eq a) => (Value -> Result a) -> (Value -> Result a)
648                                    -> String -> Value -> Result a -> [TestTree]
649        testsBase th g name value expected =
650            [ testCase (name ++ "-th") $ assertApprox expected (th value)
651            , testCase (name ++ "-generic") $ assertApprox expected (g value)
652            ]
653        testsUnary :: String -> Value -> Result UnknownFields -> [TestTree]
654        testsUnary = testsBase fromJSON (parse (genericParseJSON opts))
655        testsUnaryTag :: String -> Value -> Result UnknownFieldsTag -> [TestTree]
656        testsUnaryTag = testsBase fromJSON (parse (genericParseJSON opts))
657        testsSum :: String -> Value -> Result UnknownFieldsSum -> [TestTree]
658        testsSum = testsBase fromJSON (parse (genericParseJSON opts))
659        testsTagged :: String -> Value -> Result UnknownFieldsUnaryTagged -> [TestTree]
660        testsTagged = testsBase fromJSON (parse (genericParseJSON taggedOpts))
662testParser :: (Eq a, Show a)
663           => String -> Parser a -> S.ByteString -> Either String a -> TestTree
664testParser name json_ s expected =
665  testCase name (parseOnly json_ s @?= expected)
667keyOrdering :: [TestTree]
668keyOrdering =
669  [ testParser "json" json
670      "{\"k\":true,\"k\":false}" $
671      Right (Object (HashMap.fromList [("k", Bool True)]))
672  , testParser "jsonLast" jsonLast
673      "{\"k\":true,\"k\":false}" $
674      Right (Object (HashMap.fromList [("k", Bool False)]))
675  , testParser "jsonAccum" jsonAccum
676      "{\"k\":true,\"k\":false}" $
677      Right (Object (HashMap.fromList [("k", Array (Vector.fromList [Bool True, Bool False]))]))
678  , testParser "jsonNoDup" jsonNoDup
679      "{\"k\":true,\"k\":false}" $
680      Left "Failed reading: found duplicate key: \"k\""
682  , testParser "json'" json'
683      "{\"k\":true,\"k\":false}" $
684      Right (Object (HashMap.fromList [("k", Bool True)]))
685  , testParser "jsonLast'" jsonLast'
686      "{\"k\":true,\"k\":false}" $
687      Right (Object (HashMap.fromList [("k", Bool False)]))
688  , testParser "jsonAccum'" jsonAccum'
689      "{\"k\":true,\"k\":false}" $
690      Right (Object (HashMap.fromList [("k", Array (Vector.fromList [Bool True, Bool False]))]))
691  , testParser "jsonNoDup'" jsonNoDup'
692      "{\"k\":true,\"k\":false}" $
693      Left "Failed reading: found duplicate key: \"k\""
694  ]
696ratioDenominator0 :: Assertion
697ratioDenominator0 =
698  assertEqual "Ratio with denominator 0"
699    (Left "Error in $: Ratio denominator was 0")
700    (eitherDecode "{ \"numerator\": 1, \"denominator\": 0 }" :: Either String Rational)
702rationalNumber :: Assertion
703rationalNumber =
704  assertEqual "Ratio with denominator 0"
705    (Right 1.37)
706    (eitherDecode "1.37" :: Either String Rational)
708bigRationalDecoding :: Assertion
709bigRationalDecoding =
710  assertEqual "Decoding an Integer with a large exponent should fail"
711    (Left "Error in $: parsing Ratio failed, found a number with exponent 2000, but it must not be greater than 1024 or less than -1024")
712    ((eitherDecode :: L.ByteString -> Either String Rational) "1e2000")
714smallRationalDecoding :: Assertion
715smallRationalDecoding =
716  assertEqual "Decoding an Integer with a large exponent should fail"
717    (Left "Error in $: parsing Ratio failed, found a number with exponent -2000, but it must not be greater than 1024 or less than -1024")
718    ((eitherDecode :: L.ByteString -> Either String Rational) "1e-2000")
721bigScientificExponent :: Assertion
722bigScientificExponent =
723  assertEqual "Encoding an integral scientific with a large exponent should normalize it"
724    "1.0e2000"
725    (encode (scientific 1 2000 :: Scientific))
727bigIntegerDecoding :: Assertion
728bigIntegerDecoding =
729  assertEqual "Decoding an Integer with a large exponent should fail"
730    (Left "Error in $: parsing Integer failed, found a number with exponent 2000, but it must not be greater than 1024")
731    ((eitherDecode :: L.ByteString -> Either String Integer) "1e2000")
733bigNaturalDecoding :: Assertion
734bigNaturalDecoding =
735  assertEqual "Decoding a Natural with a large exponent should fail"
736    (Left "Error in $: parsing Natural failed, found a number with exponent 2000, but it must not be greater than 1024")
737    ((eitherDecode :: L.ByteString -> Either String Natural) "1e2000")
739bigIntegerKeyDecoding :: Assertion
740bigIntegerKeyDecoding =
741  assertEqual "Decoding an Integer key with a large exponent should fail"
742    (Left "Error in $['1e2000']: parsing Integer failed, found a number with exponent 2000, but it must not be greater than 1024")
743    ((eitherDecode :: L.ByteString -> Either String (HashMap Integer Value)) "{ \"1e2000\": null }")
745bigNaturalKeyDecoding :: Assertion
746bigNaturalKeyDecoding =
747  assertEqual "Decoding an Integer key with a large exponent should fail"
748    (Left "Error in $['1e2000']: found a number with exponent 2000, but it must not be greater than 1024")
749    ((eitherDecode :: L.ByteString -> Either String (HashMap Natural Value)) "{ \"1e2000\": null }")
751-- A regression test for: https://github.com/bos/aeson/issues/757
752type family Fam757 :: * -> *
753type instance Fam757 = Maybe
754newtype Newtype757 a = MkNewtype757 (Fam757 a)
756deriveJSON defaultOptions{omitNothingFields=True} ''MyRecord
758deriveToJSON  defaultOptions ''Foo
759deriveToJSON1 defaultOptions ''Foo
761deriveJSON defaultOptions{omitNothingFields=True,unwrapUnaryRecords=True} ''SingleMaybeField
763deriveJSON defaultOptions{rejectUnknownFields=True} ''UnknownFields
764deriveJSON defaultOptions{rejectUnknownFields=True} ''UnknownFieldsTag
765deriveJSON defaultOptions{tagSingleConstructors=True,rejectUnknownFields=True} ''UnknownFieldsUnaryTagged
766deriveJSON defaultOptions{rejectUnknownFields=True} ''UnknownFieldsSum
768deriveToJSON1 defaultOptions ''Newtype757