1 #ifndef YY_HTMLParser_h_included
2 #define YY_HTMLParser_h_included
4 #line 1 "/usr/local/lib/bison.h"
5 /* before anything */
6 #ifdef c_plusplus
7 #ifndef __cplusplus
8 #define __cplusplus
9 #endif
10 #endif
11 #ifdef __cplusplus
12 #ifndef YY_USE_CLASS
13 #define YY_USE_CLASS
14 #endif
15 #else
16 #endif
17 #include <stdio.h>
19 /* #line 14 "/usr/local/lib/bison.h" */
20 #define YY_HTMLParser_PURE
21 #define YY_HTMLParser_DEBUG  1
22 #define YY_HTMLParser_LEX_BODY  = 0
23 #define YY_HTMLParser_ERROR_BODY  = 0
24 #define YY_HTMLParser_MEMBERS \
25   virtual ~HTMLParser(); \
26   virtual void process(const Document &) = 0;\
27   virtual bool read_cdata(const char *terminal, string *) = 0;\
28   int list_nesting;
29 #define YY_HTMLParser_CONSTRUCTOR_INIT  : list_nesting(0)
31 #line 69 "HTMLParser.y"
32 typedef union {
33   Document                   *document;
34   Element                    *element;
35   list<auto_ptr<Element> >   *element_list;
36   PCData                     *pcdata;
37   string                     *strinG;
38   list<TagAttribute>         *tag_attributes;
39   int                        inT;
40   list<auto_ptr<TableRow> >  *table_rows;
41   list<auto_ptr<TableCell> > *table_cells;
42   ListItem                   *list_item;
43   list<auto_ptr<ListItem> >  *list_items;
44   Caption                    *caption;
45   Heading                    *heading;
46   list<auto_ptr<Option> >    *option_list;
47   Option                     *option;
48   DefinitionList             *definition_list;
49   list<auto_ptr<DefinitionListItem> > *definition_list_item_list;
50   TermName                   *term_name;
51   TermDefinition             *term_definition;
52   Preformatted               *preformatted;
53   Address                    *address;
54   list<auto_ptr<list<TagAttribute> > > *tag_attributes_list;
55 } yy_HTMLParser_stype;
56 #define YY_HTMLParser_STYPE yy_HTMLParser_stype
58 #line 14 "/usr/local/lib/bison.h"
59  /* %{ and %header{ and %union, during decl */
61 #ifndef YY_USE_CLASS
62 #define  YY_HTMLParser_COMPATIBILITY 1
63 #else
64 #define  YY_HTMLParser_COMPATIBILITY 0
65 #endif
66 #endif
69 /* backward compatibility */
70 #ifdef YYLTYPE
71 #ifndef YY_HTMLParser_LTYPE
72 #define YY_HTMLParser_LTYPE YYLTYPE
73 /* WARNING obsolete !!! user defined YYLTYPE not reported into generated header */
74 /* use %define LTYPE */
75 #endif
76 #endif
77 #ifdef YYSTYPE
78 #ifndef YY_HTMLParser_STYPE
79 #define YY_HTMLParser_STYPE YYSTYPE
80 /* WARNING obsolete !!! user defined YYSTYPE not reported into generated header */
81 /* use %define STYPE */
82 #endif
83 #endif
84 #ifdef YYDEBUG
85 #ifndef YY_HTMLParser_DEBUG
86 #define  YY_HTMLParser_DEBUG YYDEBUG
87 /* WARNING obsolete !!! user defined YYDEBUG not reported into generated header */
88 /* use %define DEBUG */
89 #endif
90 #endif
91 #ifdef YY_HTMLParser_STYPE
92 #ifndef yystype
93 #define yystype YY_HTMLParser_STYPE
94 #endif
95 #endif
96 #endif
98 #ifndef YY_HTMLParser_PURE
100 /* #line 54 "/usr/local/lib/bison.h" */
102 #line 54 "/usr/local/lib/bison.h"
103 /* YY_HTMLParser_PURE */
104 #endif
106 /* #line 56 "/usr/local/lib/bison.h" */
108 #line 56 "/usr/local/lib/bison.h"
109 /* prefix */
110 #ifndef YY_HTMLParser_DEBUG
112 /* #line 58 "/usr/local/lib/bison.h" */
114 #line 58 "/usr/local/lib/bison.h"
115 /* YY_HTMLParser_DEBUG */
116 #endif
117 #ifndef YY_HTMLParser_LSP_NEEDED
119 /* #line 61 "/usr/local/lib/bison.h" */
121 #line 61 "/usr/local/lib/bison.h"
122  /* YY_HTMLParser_LSP_NEEDED*/
123 #endif
125 #ifdef YY_HTMLParser_LSP_NEEDED
126 #ifndef YY_HTMLParser_LTYPE
127 typedef
128   struct yyltype
129     {
130       int timestamp;
131       int first_line;
132       int first_column;
133       int last_line;
134       int last_column;
135       char *text;
136    }
137   yyltype;
139 #define YY_HTMLParser_LTYPE yyltype
140 #endif
141 #endif
143 #ifndef YY_HTMLParser_STYPE
144 #define YY_HTMLParser_STYPE int
145 #endif
147 #ifndef YY_HTMLParser_PARSE
148 #define YY_HTMLParser_PARSE yyparse
149 #endif
150 #ifndef YY_HTMLParser_LEX
151 #define YY_HTMLParser_LEX yylex
152 #endif
153 #ifndef YY_HTMLParser_LVAL
154 #define YY_HTMLParser_LVAL yylval
155 #endif
156 #ifndef YY_HTMLParser_LLOC
157 #define YY_HTMLParser_LLOC yylloc
158 #endif
159 #ifndef YY_HTMLParser_CHAR
160 #define YY_HTMLParser_CHAR yychar
161 #endif
162 #ifndef YY_HTMLParser_NERRS
163 #define YY_HTMLParser_NERRS yynerrs
164 #endif
165 #ifndef YY_HTMLParser_DEBUG_FLAG
166 #define YY_HTMLParser_DEBUG_FLAG yydebug
167 #endif
168 #ifndef YY_HTMLParser_ERROR
169 #define YY_HTMLParser_ERROR yyerror
170 #endif
172 #ifndef YY_HTMLParser_PARSE_PARAM
173 #ifndef __STDC__
174 #ifndef __cplusplus
175 #ifndef YY_USE_CLASS
176 #define YY_HTMLParser_PARSE_PARAM
177 #ifndef YY_HTMLParser_PARSE_PARAM_DEF
178 #define YY_HTMLParser_PARSE_PARAM_DEF
179 #endif
180 #endif
181 #endif
182 #endif
183 #ifndef YY_HTMLParser_PARSE_PARAM
184 #define YY_HTMLParser_PARSE_PARAM void
185 #endif
186 #endif
188 /* TOKEN C */
189 #ifndef YY_USE_CLASS
191 #ifndef YY_HTMLParser_PURE
192 extern YY_HTMLParser_STYPE YY_HTMLParser_LVAL;
193 #endif
196 /* #line 134 "/usr/local/lib/bison.h" */
197 #define	DOCTYPE	258
198 #define	PCDATA	259
199 #define	SCAN_ERROR	260
200 #define	A	261
201 #define	ADDRESS	262
202 #define	APPLET	263
203 #define	AREA	264
204 #define	B	265
205 #define	BASE	266
206 #define	BASEFONT	267
207 #define	BIG	268
208 #define	BLOCKQUOTE	269
209 #define	BODY	270
210 #define	BR	271
211 #define	CAPTION	272
212 #define	CENTER	273
213 #define	CITE	274
214 #define	CODE	275
215 #define	DD	276
216 #define	DFN	277
217 #define	DIR	278
218 #define	DIV	279
219 #define	DL	280
220 #define	DT	281
221 #define	EM	282
222 #define	FONT	283
223 #define	FORM	284
224 #define	H1	285
225 #define	H2	286
226 #define	H3	287
227 #define	H4	288
228 #define	H5	289
229 #define	H6	290
230 #define	HEAD	291
231 #define	HR	292
232 #define	HTML	293
233 #define	I	294
234 #define	IMG	295
235 #define	INPUT	296
236 #define	ISINDEX	297
237 #define	KBD	298
238 #define	LI	299
239 #define	LINK	300
240 #define	MAP	301
241 #define	MENU	302
242 #define	META	303
243 #define	NOBR	304
244 #define	OL	305
245 #define	OPTION	306
246 #define	P	307
247 #define	PARAM	308
248 #define	PRE	309
249 #define	SAMP	310
250 #define	SCRIPT	311
251 #define	SELECT	312
252 #define	SMALL	313
253 #define	STRIKE	314
254 #define	STRONG	315
255 #define	STYLE	316
256 #define	SUB	317
257 #define	SUP	318
258 #define	TABLE	319
259 #define	TD	320
260 #define	TEXTAREA	321
261 #define	TH	322
262 #define	TITLE	323
263 #define	TR	324
264 #define	TT	325
265 #define	U	326
266 #define	UL	327
267 #define	VAR	328
268 #define	END_A	329
269 #define	END_ADDRESS	330
270 #define	END_APPLET	331
271 #define	END_B	332
272 #define	END_BIG	333
273 #define	END_BLOCKQUOTE	334
274 #define	END_BODY	335
275 #define	END_CAPTION	336
276 #define	END_CENTER	337
277 #define	END_CITE	338
278 #define	END_CODE	339
279 #define	END_DD	340
280 #define	END_DFN	341
281 #define	END_DIR	342
282 #define	END_DIV	343
283 #define	END_DL	344
284 #define	END_DT	345
285 #define	END_EM	346
286 #define	END_FONT	347
287 #define	END_FORM	348
288 #define	END_H1	349
289 #define	END_H2	350
290 #define	END_H3	351
291 #define	END_H4	352
292 #define	END_H5	353
293 #define	END_H6	354
294 #define	END_HEAD	355
295 #define	END_HTML	356
296 #define	END_I	357
297 #define	END_KBD	358
298 #define	END_LI	359
299 #define	END_MAP	360
300 #define	END_MENU	361
301 #define	END_NOBR	362
302 #define	END_OL	363
303 #define	END_OPTION	364
304 #define	END_P	365
305 #define	END_PRE	366
306 #define	END_SAMP	367
307 #define	END_SCRIPT	368
308 #define	END_SELECT	369
309 #define	END_SMALL	370
310 #define	END_STRIKE	371
311 #define	END_STRONG	372
312 #define	END_STYLE	373
313 #define	END_SUB	374
314 #define	END_SUP	375
315 #define	END_TABLE	376
316 #define	END_TD	377
317 #define	END_TEXTAREA	378
318 #define	END_TH	379
319 #define	END_TITLE	380
320 #define	END_TR	381
321 #define	END_TT	382
322 #define	END_U	383
323 #define	END_UL	384
324 #define	END_VAR	385
327 #line 134 "/usr/local/lib/bison.h"
328  /* #defines token */
329 /* after #define tokens, before const tokens S5*/
330 #else
331 #ifndef YY_HTMLParser_CLASS
332 #define YY_HTMLParser_CLASS HTMLParser
333 #endif
335 #ifndef YY_HTMLParser_INHERIT
336 #define YY_HTMLParser_INHERIT
337 #endif
338 #ifndef YY_HTMLParser_MEMBERS
339 #define YY_HTMLParser_MEMBERS
340 #endif
341 #ifndef YY_HTMLParser_LEX_BODY
342 #define YY_HTMLParser_LEX_BODY
343 #endif
344 #ifndef YY_HTMLParser_ERROR_BODY
345 #define YY_HTMLParser_ERROR_BODY
346 #endif
349 #endif
352 {
353 public: /* static const int token ... */
355 /* #line 160 "/usr/local/lib/bison.h" */
356 static const int DOCTYPE;
357 static const int PCDATA;
358 static const int SCAN_ERROR;
359 static const int A;
360 static const int ADDRESS;
361 static const int APPLET;
362 static const int AREA;
363 static const int B;
364 static const int BASE;
365 static const int BASEFONT;
366 static const int BIG;
367 static const int BLOCKQUOTE;
368 static const int BODY;
369 static const int BR;
370 static const int CAPTION;
371 static const int CENTER;
372 static const int CITE;
373 static const int CODE;
374 static const int DD;
375 static const int DFN;
376 static const int DIR;
377 static const int DIV;
378 static const int DL;
379 static const int DT;
380 static const int EM;
381 static const int FONT;
382 static const int FORM;
383 static const int H1;
384 static const int H2;
385 static const int H3;
386 static const int H4;
387 static const int H5;
388 static const int H6;
389 static const int HEAD;
390 static const int HR;
391 static const int HTML;
392 static const int I;
393 static const int IMG;
394 static const int INPUT;
395 static const int ISINDEX;
396 static const int KBD;
397 static const int LI;
398 static const int LINK;
399 static const int MAP;
400 static const int MENU;
401 static const int META;
402 static const int NOBR;
403 static const int OL;
404 static const int OPTION;
405 static const int P;
406 static const int PARAM;
407 static const int PRE;
408 static const int SAMP;
409 static const int SCRIPT;
410 static const int SELECT;
411 static const int SMALL;
412 static const int STRIKE;
413 static const int STRONG;
414 static const int STYLE;
415 static const int SUB;
416 static const int SUP;
417 static const int TABLE;
418 static const int TD;
419 static const int TEXTAREA;
420 static const int TH;
421 static const int TITLE;
422 static const int TR;
423 static const int TT;
424 static const int U;
425 static const int UL;
426 static const int VAR;
427 static const int END_A;
428 static const int END_ADDRESS;
429 static const int END_APPLET;
430 static const int END_B;
431 static const int END_BIG;
432 static const int END_BLOCKQUOTE;
433 static const int END_BODY;
434 static const int END_CAPTION;
435 static const int END_CENTER;
436 static const int END_CITE;
437 static const int END_CODE;
438 static const int END_DD;
439 static const int END_DFN;
440 static const int END_DIR;
441 static const int END_DIV;
442 static const int END_DL;
443 static const int END_DT;
444 static const int END_EM;
445 static const int END_FONT;
446 static const int END_FORM;
447 static const int END_H1;
448 static const int END_H2;
449 static const int END_H3;
450 static const int END_H4;
451 static const int END_H5;
452 static const int END_H6;
453 static const int END_HEAD;
454 static const int END_HTML;
455 static const int END_I;
456 static const int END_KBD;
457 static const int END_LI;
458 static const int END_MAP;
459 static const int END_MENU;
460 static const int END_NOBR;
461 static const int END_OL;
462 static const int END_OPTION;
463 static const int END_P;
464 static const int END_PRE;
465 static const int END_SAMP;
466 static const int END_SCRIPT;
467 static const int END_SELECT;
468 static const int END_SMALL;
469 static const int END_STRIKE;
470 static const int END_STRONG;
471 static const int END_STYLE;
472 static const int END_SUB;
473 static const int END_SUP;
474 static const int END_TABLE;
475 static const int END_TD;
476 static const int END_TEXTAREA;
477 static const int END_TH;
478 static const int END_TITLE;
479 static const int END_TR;
480 static const int END_TT;
481 static const int END_U;
482 static const int END_UL;
483 static const int END_VAR;
486 #line 160 "/usr/local/lib/bison.h"
487  /* decl const */
488 public:
490  virtual void YY_HTMLParser_ERROR(char *) YY_HTMLParser_ERROR_BODY;
491 #ifdef YY_HTMLParser_PURE
492 #ifdef YY_HTMLParser_LSP_NEEDED
493  virtual int  YY_HTMLParser_LEX(YY_HTMLParser_STYPE *YY_HTMLParser_LVAL,YY_HTMLParser_LTYPE *YY_HTMLParser_LLOC) YY_HTMLParser_LEX_BODY;
494 #else
495  virtual int  YY_HTMLParser_LEX(YY_HTMLParser_STYPE *YY_HTMLParser_LVAL) YY_HTMLParser_LEX_BODY;
496 #endif
497 #else
498  virtual int YY_HTMLParser_LEX() YY_HTMLParser_LEX_BODY;
500 #ifdef YY_HTMLParser_LSP_NEEDED
502 #endif
503  int YY_HTMLParser_NERRS;
504  int YY_HTMLParser_CHAR;
505 #endif
506 #if YY_HTMLParser_DEBUG != 0
507 public:
508  int YY_HTMLParser_DEBUG_FLAG;	/*  nonzero means print parse trace	*/
509 #endif
510 public:
512 public:
514 };
515 /* other declare folow */
516 #endif
519 #if YY_HTMLParser_COMPATIBILITY != 0
520 /* backward compatibility */
521 #ifndef YYSTYPE
522 #define YYSTYPE YY_HTMLParser_STYPE
523 #endif
525 #ifndef YYLTYPE
526 #define YYLTYPE YY_HTMLParser_LTYPE
527 #endif
528 #ifndef YYDEBUG
529 #ifdef YY_HTMLParser_DEBUG
530 #define YYDEBUG YY_HTMLParser_DEBUG
531 #endif
532 #endif
534 #endif
535 /* END */
537 /* #line 209 "/usr/local/lib/bison.h" */
538 #endif