1/* Stan Highlighting Example
3  This file contains a syntatically correct but nonsensical Stan program that
4  includes almost every feature of the language needed to validate syntax
5  highlighters. It will compile (as of Stan 2.17.1), but it does nothing
6  useful.
8  Author: Jeffrey Arnold <jeffrey.anold@gmail.com>
9  Copyright: Jeffrey Arnold (2018)
10  License: MIT
13// line comment
14# deprecated line comment
15functions {
16  #include stuff.stan
17  #include "morestuff.stan"
18  #include 'moststuff.stan'
19  #include <evenmorestuff.stan>
21  // declarations
22  void oof(real x);
24  // definitions
25  // return types
26  void oof(real x) {
27    print("print ", x);
28  }
29  /*
30    @param x A number
31    @return x + 1
32  */
33  real foo(real x) {
34    return x;
35  }
36  int bar(int x) {
37    return x;
38  }
39  vector baz(vector x) {
40    return x;
41  }
42  row_vector qux(row_vector x) {
43    return x;
44  }
45  matrix quux(matrix x) {
46    return x;
47  }
48  // numbers of arguments
49  void corge() {
50    print("no parameters");
51  }
52  void grault(int a, real b, vector c, row_vector d, matrix f) {
53    print("many parameters");
54  }
55  void garply(real a, real[] b, real[,] c, real[,,] d) {
56    print("array arguments");
57  }
58  // array return types
59  int[] waldo(int[] x) {
60    return x;
61  }
62  int[,] fred(int[,] x) {
63    return x;
64  }
65  int[,,] plough(int[,,] x) {
66    return x;
67  }
68  // data only function argument
69  real plugh(data real x) {
70    return x;
71  }
72  // ode function
73  real[] ode_func(real a, real[] b, real[] c, real[] d, int[] e) {
74    return b;
75  }
77data {
78  // non-int variable types
79  int x_int;
80  real x_real;
81  real y_real;
82  vector[1] x_vector;
83  ordered[1] x_ordered;
84  positive_ordered[1] x_positive_ordered;
85  simplex[1] x_simplex;
86  unit_vector[1] x_unit_vector;
87  row_vector[1] x_row_vector;
88  matrix[1, 1] x_matrix;
89  cholesky_factor_corr[2] x_cholesky_factor_corr;
90  cholesky_factor_cov[2] x_cholesky_factor_cov;
91  cholesky_factor_cov[2, 3] x_cholesky_factor_cov_2;
92  corr_matrix[2] x_corr_matrix;
93  cov_matrix[2] x_cov_matrix;
95  // range constraints
96  real<lower = 0., upper = 1.> alpha;
97  real<lower = 0.> bravo;
98  real<upper = 1.> charlie;
100  // arrays
101  int echo[1];
102  int foxtrot[1, 1];
103  int golf[1, 1, 1];
105  // identifier with all valid letters
106  real abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_0123456789;
108  // hard pattern
109  real<lower = (bravo < charlie), upper = (bravo > charlie)> ranger;
111  // identifier patterns
112  real a;
113  real a3;
114  real a_3;
115  real Sigma;
116  real my_cpp_style_variable;
117  real myCamelCaseVariable;
118  real abcdefghijklmnojk;
119  // names beginning with keywords
120  real iffffff;
121  real whilest;
122  // name ending with truncation
123  real fooT;
125transformed data {
126  // declaration and assignment
127  int india = 1;
128  real romeo = 1.0;
129  row_vector[2] victor = [1, 2];
130  matrix[2, 2] mike = [[1, 2], [3, 4]];
131  real sierra[2] = {1., 2.};
133parameters {
134  real hotel;
136transformed parameters {
137  real juliette;
138  juliette = hotel * 2.;
140model {
141  real x;
142  int k;
143  vector[2] y = [1., 1.]';
144  matrix[2, 2] A = [[1., 1.], [1., 1.]];
145  real odeout[2, 2];
146  real algout[2, 2];
148  // if else statements
149  if (x_real < 0) x = 0.;
151  if (x_real < 0) {
152    x = 0.;
153  }
155  if (x_real < 0) x = 0.;
156  else x = 1.;
158  if (x_real < 0) {
159    x = 0.;
160  } else {
161    x = 1.;
162  }
164  if (x_real < 0) x = 0.;
165  else if (x_real > 1) x = 1.;
166  else x = 0.5;
168  if (x_real < 0) {
169    x = 0.;
170  } else if (x_real > 1) {
171    x = 1.;
172  } else {
173    x = 0.5;
174  }
176  // for loops
177  for (i in 1:5) {
178    print("i = ", i);
179  }
180  // for (j in echo) {
181  //   print("j = ", j);
182  // }
183  // while loop
184  while (1) {
185    break;
186    continue;
187  }
189  // reject statement
190  reject("reject statment ", x_real);
192  // print statement
193  print("print statement ", x_real);
194  print("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_~@#$%^&*`'-+={}[].,;: ");
196  // increment log probability statements;
197  target += 1.;
199  // valid integer literals
200  k = 0;
201  k = 1;
202  k = -1;
203  k = 256;
204  k = -127098;
205  k = 007;
207  // valid real literals
208  x = 0.0;
209  x = 1.0;
210  x = 3.14;
211  x = 003.14;
212  x = -217.9387;
213  x = 0.123;
214  x = .123;
215  x = 1.;
216  x = -0.123;
217  x = -.123;
218  x = -1.;
219  x = 12e34;
220  x = 12E34;
221  x = 12.e34;
222  x = 12.E34;
223  x = 12.0e34;
224  x = 12.0E34;
225  x = .1e34;
226  x = .1E34;
227  x = -12e34;
228  x = -12E34;
229  x = -12.e34;
230  x = -12.E34;
231  x = -12.0e34;
232  x = -12.0E34;
233  x = -.1e34;
234  x = -.1E34;
235  x = 12e-34;
236  x = 12E-34;
237  x = 12.e-34;
238  x = 12.E-34;
239  x = 12.0e-34;
240  x = 12.0E-34;
241  x = .1e-34;
242  x = .1E-34;
243  x = -12e-34;
244  x = -12E-34;
245  x = -12.e-34;
246  x = -12.E-34;
247  x = -12.0e-34;
248  x = -12.0E-34;
249  x = -.1e-34;
250  x = -.1E-34;
251  x = 12e+34;
252  x = 12E+34;
253  x = 12.e+34;
254  x = 12.E+34;
255  x = 12.0e+34;
256  x = 12.0E+34;
257  x = .1e+34;
258  x = .1E+34;
259  x = -12e+34;
260  x = -12E+34;
261  x = -12.e+34;
262  x = -12.E+34;
263  x = -12.0e+34;
264  x = -12.0E+34;
265  x = -.1e+34;
266  x = -.1E+34;
268  // assignment statements
269  x = 1;
270  x += 1.;
271  x -= 1.;
272  x *= 1.;
273  x /= 1.;
274  y .*= x_vector;
275  y ./= x_vector;
277  // operators
278  x = x_real && 1;
279  x = x_real || 1;
280  x = x_real < 1.;
281  x = x_real <= 1.;
282  x = x_real > 1.;
283  x = x_real >= 1.;
284  x = x_real + 1.;
285  x = x_real - 1.;
286  x = x_real * 1.;
287  x = x_real / 1.;
288  x = x_real ^ 2.;
289  x = x_real % 2;
290  x = !x_real;
291  x = +x_real;
292  x = -x_real;
293  x = x_int ? x_real : 0.;
295  y = x_row_vector';
296  y = x_matrix \ x_vector;
297  y = x_vector .* x_vector;
298  y = x_vector ./ x_vector;
300  // parenthized expression
301  x = (x_real + x_real);
303  // block statement
304  {
305    real z;
306    z = 1.;
307  }
309  // built-in functions
310  x = log(1.);
311  x = exp(1.);
313  // non-built-in function
314  x = foo(1.);
316  // constants and nullary functions
317  x = machine_precision();
318  x = pi();
319  x = e();
320  x = sqrt2();
321  x = log2();
322  x = log10();
323  // special values
324  x = not_a_number();
325  x = positive_infinity();
326  x = negative_infinity();
327  x = machine_precision();
328  // log probability
329  x = target();
331  // sampling statement
332  x_real ~ normal(0., 1.);
334  // truncation
335  x_real ~ normal(0., 1.) T[-1., 1.];
336  x_real ~ normal(0., 1.) T[, 1.];
337  x_real ~ normal(0., 1.) T[-1., ];
338  x_real ~ normal(0., 1.) T[ , ];
340  // transformation on lhs of sampling
341  log(x_real) ~ normal(0., 1.);
343  // lhs indexes
344  y[1] = 1.;
345  A[1, 2] = 1.;
346  A[1][2] = 1.;
348  // special functions
349  odeout = integrate_ode(ode_func, {1.}, x_real, {1.}, {1.}, {1.}, {0});
350  odeout = integrate_ode_bdf(ode_func, {1.}, x_real, {1.}, {1.}, {1.}, {0},
351                             x_real, x_real, x_int);
352  odeout = integrate_ode_rk45(ode_func, {1.}, x_real, {1.}, {1.}, {1.}, {0},
353                              x_real, x_real, x_int);
354  // algout = algebra_solver(algebra_func, x_vector, x_vector, {1.}, {0});
356  // distribution functions
357  x = normal_lpdf(0.5 | 0., 1.);
358  x = normal_cdf(0.5, 0., 1.);
359  x = normal_lcdf(0.5 | 0., 1.);
360  x = normal_lccdf(0.5 | 0., 1.);
361  x = binomial_lpmf(1 | 2, 0.5);
363  // deprecated features
364  foo <- 1;
365  increment_log_prob(0.0);
366  y_hat = integrate_ode(sho, y0, t0, ts, theta, x_r, x_i);
367  x = get_lp();
368  x = multiply_log(1.0, 1.0);
369  x = binomial_coefficient_log(1.0, 1.0);
370  // deprecated distribution functions versions
371  x = normal_log(0.5, 0.0, 1.0);
372  x = normal_cdf_log(0.5, 0.0, 1.0);
373  x = normal_ccdf_log(0.5, 0.0, 1.0);
376generated quantities {
377  real Y;
378  // rng function
379  Y = normal_rng(0., 1.);