2  "author": [
3    "Elastic"
4  ],
5  "description": "Identifies the password log file from the default Mimikatz memssp module.",
6  "from": "now-9m",
7  "index": [
8    "winlogbeat-*",
9    "logs-endpoint.events.*",
10    "logs-windows.*"
11  ],
12  "language": "eql",
13  "license": "Elastic License v2",
14  "name": "Mimikatz Memssp Log File Detected",
15  "query": "file where file.name : \"mimilsa.log\" and process.name : \"lsass.exe\"\n",
16  "risk_score": 73,
17  "rule_id": "ebb200e8-adf0-43f8-a0bb-4ee5b5d852c6",
18  "severity": "high",
19  "tags": [
20    "Elastic",
21    "Host",
22    "Windows",
23    "Threat Detection",
24    "Credential Access"
25  ],
26  "threat": [
27    {
28      "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
29      "tactic": {
30        "id": "TA0006",
31        "name": "Credential Access",
32        "reference": "https://attack.mitre.org/tactics/TA0006/"
33      },
34      "technique": [
35        {
36          "id": "T1003",
37          "name": "OS Credential Dumping",
38          "reference": "https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1003/"
39        }
40      ]
41    }
42  ],
43  "timestamp_override": "event.ingested",
44  "type": "eql",
45  "version": 4