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READMEH A D29-Sep-2013500 77

example.xmlH A D29-Sep-20131.5 KiB2523

main.ccH A D28-Oct-20152.2 KiB8142

svgdocument.ccH A D28-Oct-20151 KiB347

svgdocument.hH A D28-Oct-20151.2 KiB4212

svgelement.ccH A D29-Sep-20131.2 KiB4716

svgelement.hH A D24-Jul-20151.3 KiB5417

svggroup.hH A D29-Sep-20131.1 KiB4314

svgparser.ccH A D28-Oct-20156.1 KiB193116

svgparser.hH A D24-Jul-20151.9 KiB6329

svgpath.hH A D29-Sep-20131.2 KiB4919


1This example demonstrates how to use a SAX parser to build a custom DOM
2inherited from libxml++ nodes. If an application document is sufficiently
3complex, it will have an object hierarchy structure. libxml++ provides a
4generic tree structure with serialization and parsing facilities builtin.
5By making classes inherit from libxml++, it is easy to leverage these
6facilities. Classic examples of a custom DOM are the W3C HTML and SVG DOM.
7This example barely scratches the surface of a SVG DOM ;-)