1 /*************************************************************************/
2 /* Copyright (c) 2004                                                    */
3 /* Daniel Sleator, David Temperley, and John Lafferty                    */
4 /* Copyright 2013 Linas Vepstas                                          */
5 /* All rights reserved                                                   */
6 /*                                                                       */
7 /* Use of the link grammar parsing system is subject to the terms of the */
8 /* license set forth in the LICENSE file included with this software.    */
9 /* This license allows free redistribution and use in source and binary  */
10 /* forms, with or without modification, subject to certain conditions.   */
11 /*                                                                       */
12 /*************************************************************************/
13 #ifndef _LINKINCLUDESH_
14 #define _LINKINCLUDESH_
16 #ifndef SWIG
17 #include <stdbool.h> /* Needed for bool typedef */
18 #include <stdio.h>   /* Needed for FILE* below */
19 #include <link-grammar/link-features.h>
23 #ifndef __bool_true_false_are_defined
24 	#ifdef _Bool
25 		#define bool                        _Bool
26 	#else
27 		#define bool                        int
28 	#endif
29 	#define true                            1
30 	#define false                           0
31 	#define __bool_true_false_are_defined   1
32 #endif
33 #endif /* !SWIG */
35 /**********************************************************************
36  *
37  * System initialization
38  *
39  ***********************************************************************/
41 typedef struct Dictionary_s * Dictionary;
43 link_public_api(const char *)
44 	linkgrammar_get_version(void);
46 link_public_api(const char *)
47 	linkgrammar_get_dict_version(Dictionary);
49 link_public_api(const char *)
50 	linkgrammar_get_configuration(void);
52 link_public_api(const char *)
53 	linkgrammar_get_dict_locale(Dictionary);
55 /**********************************************************************
56  *
57  * Functions and definitions for the error handler.
58  *
59  ***********************************************************************/
60 typedef enum
61 {
62 	lg_Fatal = 1,
63 	lg_Error,
64 	lg_Warn,
65 	lg_Info,
66 	lg_Debug,
67 	lg_Trace,
68 	lg_None
69 } lg_error_severity;
71 /* Raw error message. */
72 typedef struct
73 {
74 	/* err_ctxt ec; */
75 	lg_error_severity severity;
76 	const char *severity_label;
77 	const char *text;
78 } lg_errinfo;
80 /* Error handler callback function. */
81 typedef void (*lg_error_handler)(lg_errinfo *, void *);
83 link_public_api(lg_error_handler)
84      lg_error_set_handler(lg_error_handler, void *data);
85 link_public_api(const void *)
86      lg_error_set_handler_data(void * data);
87 link_public_api(char *)
88      lg_error_formatmsg(lg_errinfo *lge);
89 link_public_api(int)
90      lg_error_printall(lg_error_handler, void *data);
91 link_public_api(int)
92      lg_error_clearall(void);
93 link_public_api(bool)
94      lg_error_flush(void);
96 /**********************************************************************
97  *
98  * Functions to manipulate Dictionaries
99  *
100  ***********************************************************************/
102 link_public_api(Dictionary)
103      dictionary_create_lang(const char * lang);
104 link_public_api(Dictionary)
105      dictionary_create_default_lang(void);
106 link_public_api(const char *)
107      dictionary_get_lang(Dictionary);
109 link_public_api(void)
110      dictionary_delete(Dictionary);
112 link_public_api(void)
113      dictionary_set_data_dir(const char * path);
114 link_public_api(char *)
115      dictionary_get_data_dir(void);
116 link_public_api(FILE *)
117 	  linkgrammar_open_data_file(const char *);
119 /**********************************************************************
120  *
121  * Functions to manipulate Parse Options
122  *
123  ***********************************************************************/
125 typedef enum
126 {
127 	VDAL=1, /* Sort by Violations, Disjunct cost, Link cost */
128 } Cost_Model_type;
130 typedef struct Parse_Options_s * Parse_Options;
132 link_public_api(Parse_Options)
133      parse_options_create(void);
134 link_public_api(int)
135      parse_options_delete(Parse_Options opts);
136 link_public_api(void)
137      parse_options_set_verbosity(Parse_Options opts, int verbosity);
138 link_public_api(int)
139      parse_options_get_verbosity(Parse_Options opts);
140 link_public_api(void)
141      parse_options_set_debug(Parse_Options opts, const char * debug);
142 link_public_api(char *)
143      parse_options_get_debug(Parse_Options opts);
144 link_public_api(void)
145      parse_options_set_test(Parse_Options opts, const char * test);
146 link_public_api(char *)
147      parse_options_get_test(Parse_Options opts);
148 link_public_api(void)
149      parse_options_set_linkage_limit(Parse_Options opts, int linkage_limit);
150 link_public_api(int)
151      parse_options_get_linkage_limit(Parse_Options opts);
152 link_public_api(void)
153      parse_options_set_disjunct_cost(Parse_Options opts, double disjunct_cost);
154 link_public_api(double)
155      parse_options_get_disjunct_cost(Parse_Options opts);
156 link_public_api(void)
157      parse_options_set_min_null_count(Parse_Options opts, int null_count);
158 link_public_api(int)
159      parse_options_get_min_null_count(Parse_Options opts);
160 link_public_api(void)
161      parse_options_set_max_null_count(Parse_Options opts, int null_count);
162 link_public_api(int)
163      parse_options_get_max_null_count(Parse_Options opts);
164 link_public_api(void)
165      parse_options_set_islands_ok(Parse_Options opts, bool islands_ok);
166 link_public_api(bool)
167      parse_options_get_islands_ok(Parse_Options opts);
168 link_public_api(void)
169      parse_options_set_spell_guess(Parse_Options opts, int spell_guess);
170 link_public_api(int)
171      parse_options_get_spell_guess(Parse_Options opts);
172 link_public_api(void)
173      parse_options_set_short_length(Parse_Options opts, int short_length);
174 link_public_api(int)
175      parse_options_get_short_length(Parse_Options opts);
176 link_public_api(void)
177      parse_options_set_max_memory(Parse_Options  opts, int mem);
178 link_public_api(int)
179      parse_options_get_max_memory(Parse_Options opts);
180 link_public_api(void)
181      parse_options_set_max_parse_time(Parse_Options  opts, int secs);
182 link_public_api(int)
183      parse_options_get_max_parse_time(Parse_Options opts);
184 link_public_api(void)
185      parse_options_set_cost_model_type(Parse_Options opts, Cost_Model_type cm);
186 link_public_api(Cost_Model_type)
187      parse_options_get_cost_model_type(Parse_Options opts);
188 link_public_api(void)
189      parse_options_set_perform_pp_prune(Parse_Options opts, bool pp_prune);
190 link_public_api(bool)
191      parse_options_get_perform_pp_prune(Parse_Options opts);
192 link_public_api(void)
193      parse_options_set_use_sat_parser(Parse_Options opts, bool use_sat_solver);
194 link_public_api(bool)
195      parse_options_get_use_sat_parser(Parse_Options opts);
196 link_public_api(bool)
197      parse_options_timer_expired(Parse_Options opts);
198 link_public_api(bool)
199      parse_options_memory_exhausted(Parse_Options opts);
200 link_public_api(bool)
201      parse_options_resources_exhausted(Parse_Options opts);
202 link_public_api(void)
203      parse_options_set_all_short_connectors(Parse_Options opts, bool val);
204 link_public_api(bool)
205      parse_options_get_all_short_connectors(Parse_Options opts);
206 link_public_api(void)
207      parse_options_set_repeatable_rand(Parse_Options opts, bool val);
208 link_public_api(bool)
209      parse_options_get_repeatable_rand(Parse_Options opts);
210 link_public_api(void)
211      parse_options_reset_resources(Parse_Options opts);
213 link_public_api(char *)
214 	  parse_options_get_dialect(Parse_Options opts);
215 link_public_api(void)
216 	  parse_options_set_dialect(Parse_Options opts, const char *dialect);
218 /**********************************************************************
219  *
220  * The following Parse_Options functions do not directly affect the
221  * operation of the parser, but they can be useful for organizing the
222  * search, or displaying the results.  They were included as switches for
223  * convenience in implementing the "standard" version of the link parser
224  * using the API.
225  *
226  ***********************************************************************/
228 typedef enum
229 {
230 	NO_DISPLAY = 0,        /** Display is disabled */
231 	MULTILINE = 1,         /** multi-line, indented display */
232 	BRACKET_TREE = 2,      /** single-line, bracketed tree */
233 	SINGLE_LINE = 3,       /** single line, round parenthesis */
234    MAX_STYLES = 3         /* this must always be last, largest */
235 } ConstituentDisplayStyle;
238 link_public_api(void)
239      parse_options_set_display_morphology(Parse_Options opts, int val);
240 link_public_api(int)
241      parse_options_get_display_morphology(Parse_Options opts);
243 /**********************************************************************
244  *
245  * Functions to manipulate Sentences
246  *
247  ***********************************************************************/
249 typedef struct Sentence_s * Sentence;
250 typedef size_t LinkageIdx;
252 link_public_api(Sentence)
253      sentence_create(const char *input_string, Dictionary dict);
254 link_public_api(void)
255      sentence_delete(Sentence sent);
256 link_public_api(int)
257      sentence_split(Sentence sent, Parse_Options opts);
258 link_public_api(int)
259      sentence_parse(Sentence sent, Parse_Options opts);
260 link_public_api(int)
261      sentence_length(Sentence sent);
262 link_public_api(int)
263      sentence_null_count(Sentence sent);
264 link_public_api(int)
265      sentence_num_linkages_found(Sentence sent);
266 link_public_api(int)
267      sentence_num_valid_linkages(Sentence sent);
268 link_public_api(int)
269      sentence_num_linkages_post_processed(Sentence sent);
270 link_public_api(int)
271      sentence_num_violations(Sentence sent, LinkageIdx linkage_num);
272 link_public_api(double)
273      sentence_disjunct_cost(Sentence sent, LinkageIdx linkage_num);
274 link_public_api(int)
275      sentence_link_cost(Sentence sent, LinkageIdx linkage_num);
276 link_public_api(bool)
277      sentence_display_wordgraph(Sentence sent, const char *modestr);
279 /**********************************************************************
280  *
281  * Functions that create and manipulate Linkages.
282  * When a Linkage is requested, the user is given a
283  * copy of all of the necessary information, and is responsible
284  * for freeing up the storage when he/she is finished, using
285  * the routines provided below.
286  *
287  ***********************************************************************/
289 typedef struct Linkage_s * Linkage;
290 typedef size_t WordIdx;
291 typedef size_t LinkIdx;
293 link_public_api(Linkage)
294      linkage_create(LinkageIdx linkage_num, Sentence sent, Parse_Options opts);
295 link_public_api(void)
296      linkage_delete(Linkage linkage);
297 link_public_api(size_t)
298      linkage_get_num_words(const Linkage linkage);
299 link_public_api(size_t)
300      linkage_get_num_links(const Linkage linkage);
301 link_public_api(WordIdx)
302      linkage_get_link_lword(const Linkage linkage, LinkIdx index);
303 link_public_api(WordIdx)
304      linkage_get_link_rword(const Linkage linkage, LinkIdx index);
305 link_public_api(int)
306      linkage_get_link_length(const Linkage linkage, LinkIdx index);
307 link_public_api(const char *)
308      linkage_get_link_label(const Linkage linkage, LinkIdx index);
309 link_public_api(const char *)
310      linkage_get_link_llabel(const Linkage linkage, LinkIdx index);
311 link_public_api(const char *)
312      linkage_get_link_rlabel(const Linkage linkage, LinkIdx index);
313 link_public_api(int)
314      linkage_get_link_num_domains(const Linkage linkage, LinkIdx index);
315 link_public_api(const char **)
316      linkage_get_link_domain_names(const Linkage linkage, LinkIdx index);
317 link_public_api(const char **)
318      linkage_get_words(const Linkage linkage);
319 link_public_api(const char *)
320      linkage_get_disjunct_str(const Linkage linkage, WordIdx word_num);
321 link_public_api(double)
322      linkage_get_disjunct_cost(const Linkage linkage, WordIdx word_num);
323 link_public_api(const char *)
324      linkage_get_word(const Linkage linkage, WordIdx word_num);
325 link_public_api(char *)
326      linkage_print_constituent_tree(Linkage linkage, ConstituentDisplayStyle mode);
327 link_public_api(void)
328      linkage_free_constituent_tree_str(char *str);
329 link_public_api(char *)
330      linkage_print_diagram(const Linkage linkage, bool display_walls, size_t screen_width);
331 link_public_api(void)
332      linkage_free_diagram(char * str);
333 link_public_api(char *)
334      linkage_print_postscript(const Linkage linkage, bool display_walls, bool print_ps_header);
335 link_public_api(void)
336      linkage_free_postscript(char * str);
337 link_public_api(char *)
338      linkage_print_disjuncts(const Linkage linkage);
339 link_public_api(void)
340      linkage_free_disjuncts(char *str);
341 link_public_api(char *)
342      linkage_print_links_and_domains(const Linkage linkage);
343 link_public_api(void)
344      linkage_free_links_and_domains(char *str);
345 link_public_api(char *)
346      linkage_print_pp_msgs(Linkage linkage);
347 link_public_api(void)
348      linkage_free_pp_msgs(char * str);
349 link_public_api(int)
350      linkage_unused_word_cost(const Linkage linkage);
351 link_public_api(double)
352      linkage_disjunct_cost(const Linkage linkage);
353 link_public_api(int)
354      linkage_link_cost(const Linkage linkage);
355 link_public_api(const char *)
356      linkage_get_violation_name(const Linkage linkage);
358 /* Experimental API - subject to changes. */
359 link_public_api(WordIdx)
360      linkage_get_word_byte_start(const Linkage linkage, WordIdx w);
361 link_public_api(WordIdx)
362      linkage_get_word_byte_end(const Linkage linkage, WordIdx w);
363 link_public_api(WordIdx)
364      linkage_get_word_char_start(const Linkage linkage, WordIdx w);
365 link_public_api(WordIdx)
366      linkage_get_word_char_end(const Linkage linkage, WordIdx w);
368 /**********************************************************************
369  *
370  * Internal functions -- do not use these in new code!
371  * They are used in the link-parser code (which needs their signature to
372  * compile), but are not intended for general public use.
373  *
374  ***********************************************************************/
376 link_public_api(size_t)
377      utf8_strwidth(const char *);
379 link_public_api(char *)
380      dict_display_word_expr(Dictionary dict, const char *, Parse_Options opts);
381 link_public_api(char *)
382      dict_display_word_info(Dictionary dict, const char *, Parse_Options opts);
384 /**********************************************************************
385  *
386  * Internal functions -- do not use these in new code!
387  * These are not intended for general public use, but are required to
388  * work around certain Microsoft Windows linking oddities
389  * (specifically, to be callable from the JNI bindings library.)
390  *
391  ***********************************************************************/
393 link_public_api(void)
394      parse_options_print_total_time(Parse_Options opts);
396 #if     __GNUC__ > 2 || (__GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ > 4)
397 #define GNUC_PRINTF( format_idx, arg_idx )    \
398   __attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, format_idx, arg_idx)))
399 #else
400 #define GNUC_PRINTF( format_idx, arg_idx )
401 #endif
403 link_public_api(int)
404      prt_error(const char *fmt, ...) GNUC_PRINTF(1,2);
406 /*******************************************************
407  *
408  * Macros for marking obsolete functions -- but there aren't any,
409  * just right now.
410  *
411  ********************************************************/
413 #if  __GNUC__ > 2
414 #define GNUC_DEPRECATED __attribute__((deprecated))
415 #else
417 #endif
419 #if defined(_MSC_VER)
420  #define MS_DEPRECATED __declspec(deprecated)
421 #else
422  #define MS_DEPRECATED
423 #endif
425 #ifndef SWIG
427 #endif /* !SWIG */
429 #endif