1import type { InternalSerializeQueryArgs } from '../defaultSerializeQueryArgs';
2import type { Api, ApiContext } from '../apiTypes';
3import type { BaseQueryFn, BaseQueryError } from '../baseQueryTypes';
4import type { RootState, QueryKeys, QuerySubstateIdentifier } from './apiState';
5import { CombinedState } from './apiState';
6import type { StartQueryActionCreatorOptions } from './buildInitiate';
7import type { AssertTagTypes, EndpointDefinition, EndpointDefinitions, MutationDefinition, QueryArgFrom, QueryDefinition, ResultTypeFrom } from '../endpointDefinitions';
8import { FullTagDescription } from '../endpointDefinitions';
9import type { Draft } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
10import type { Patch } from 'immer';
11import type { AnyAction, ThunkAction, AsyncThunk } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
12import type { PrefetchOptions } from './module';
13import type { UnwrapPromise } from '../tsHelpers';
14declare module './module' {
15    interface ApiEndpointQuery<Definition extends QueryDefinition<any, any, any, any, any>, Definitions extends EndpointDefinitions> extends Matchers<QueryThunk, Definition> {
16    }
17    interface ApiEndpointMutation<Definition extends MutationDefinition<any, any, any, any, any>, Definitions extends EndpointDefinitions> extends Matchers<MutationThunk, Definition> {
18    }
20declare type EndpointThunk<Thunk extends QueryThunk | MutationThunk, Definition extends EndpointDefinition<any, any, any, any>> = Definition extends EndpointDefinition<infer QueryArg, infer BaseQueryFn, any, infer ResultType> ? Thunk extends AsyncThunk<unknown, infer ATArg, infer ATConfig> ? AsyncThunk<ResultType, ATArg & {
21    originalArgs: QueryArg;
22}, ATConfig & {
23    rejectValue: BaseQueryError<BaseQueryFn>;
24}> : never : never;
25export declare type PendingAction<Thunk extends QueryThunk | MutationThunk, Definition extends EndpointDefinition<any, any, any, any>> = ReturnType<EndpointThunk<Thunk, Definition>['pending']>;
26export declare type FulfilledAction<Thunk extends QueryThunk | MutationThunk, Definition extends EndpointDefinition<any, any, any, any>> = ReturnType<EndpointThunk<Thunk, Definition>['fulfilled']>;
27export declare type RejectedAction<Thunk extends QueryThunk | MutationThunk, Definition extends EndpointDefinition<any, any, any, any>> = ReturnType<EndpointThunk<Thunk, Definition>['rejected']>;
28export declare type Matcher<M> = (value: any) => value is M;
29export interface Matchers<Thunk extends QueryThunk | MutationThunk, Definition extends EndpointDefinition<any, any, any, any>> {
30    matchPending: Matcher<PendingAction<Thunk, Definition>>;
31    matchFulfilled: Matcher<FulfilledAction<Thunk, Definition>>;
32    matchRejected: Matcher<RejectedAction<Thunk, Definition>>;
34export interface QueryThunkArg extends QuerySubstateIdentifier, StartQueryActionCreatorOptions {
35    originalArgs: unknown;
36    endpointName: string;
38export interface MutationThunkArg {
39    originalArgs: unknown;
40    endpointName: string;
41    track?: boolean;
43export declare type ThunkResult = unknown;
44export declare type ThunkApiMetaConfig = {
45    pendingMeta: {
46        startedTimeStamp: number;
47    };
48    fulfilledMeta: {
49        fulfilledTimeStamp: number;
50        baseQueryMeta: unknown;
51    };
52    rejectedMeta: {
53        baseQueryMeta: unknown;
54    };
56export declare type QueryThunk = AsyncThunk<ThunkResult, QueryThunkArg, ThunkApiMetaConfig>;
57export declare type MutationThunk = AsyncThunk<ThunkResult, MutationThunkArg, ThunkApiMetaConfig>;
58export declare type MaybeDrafted<T> = T | Draft<T>;
59export declare type Recipe<T> = (data: MaybeDrafted<T>) => void | MaybeDrafted<T>;
60export declare type PatchQueryDataThunk<Definitions extends EndpointDefinitions, PartialState> = <EndpointName extends QueryKeys<Definitions>>(endpointName: EndpointName, args: QueryArgFrom<Definitions[EndpointName]>, patches: readonly Patch[]) => ThunkAction<void, PartialState, any, AnyAction>;
61export declare type UpdateQueryDataThunk<Definitions extends EndpointDefinitions, PartialState> = <EndpointName extends QueryKeys<Definitions>>(endpointName: EndpointName, args: QueryArgFrom<Definitions[EndpointName]>, updateRecipe: Recipe<ResultTypeFrom<Definitions[EndpointName]>>) => ThunkAction<PatchCollection, PartialState, any, AnyAction>;
63 * An object returned from dispatching a `api.util.updateQueryData` call.
64 */
65export declare type PatchCollection = {
66    /**
67     * An `immer` Patch describing the cache update.
68     */
69    patches: Patch[];
70    /**
71     * An `immer` Patch to revert the cache update.
72     */
73    inversePatches: Patch[];
74    /**
75     * A function that will undo the cache update.
76     */
77    undo: () => void;
79export declare function buildThunks<BaseQuery extends BaseQueryFn, ReducerPath extends string, Definitions extends EndpointDefinitions>({ reducerPath, baseQuery, context: { endpointDefinitions }, serializeQueryArgs, api, }: {
80    baseQuery: BaseQuery;
81    reducerPath: ReducerPath;
82    context: ApiContext<Definitions>;
83    serializeQueryArgs: InternalSerializeQueryArgs;
84    api: Api<BaseQuery, Definitions, ReducerPath, any>;
85}): {
86    queryThunk: AsyncThunk<unknown, QueryThunkArg, ThunkApiMetaConfig & {
87        state: RootState<any, string, ReducerPath>;
88    }>;
89    mutationThunk: AsyncThunk<unknown, MutationThunkArg, ThunkApiMetaConfig & {
90        state: RootState<any, string, ReducerPath>;
91    }>;
92    prefetch: <EndpointName extends QueryKeys<Definitions>>(endpointName: EndpointName, arg: any, options: PrefetchOptions) => ThunkAction<void, any, any, AnyAction>;
93    updateQueryData: UpdateQueryDataThunk<EndpointDefinitions, { [P in ReducerPath]: CombinedState<any, string, P>; }>;
94    patchQueryData: PatchQueryDataThunk<EndpointDefinitions, { [P in ReducerPath]: CombinedState<any, string, P>; }>;
95    buildMatchThunkActions: <Thunk extends AsyncThunk<any, QueryThunkArg, ThunkApiMetaConfig> | AsyncThunk<any, MutationThunkArg, ThunkApiMetaConfig>>(thunk: Thunk, endpointName: string) => Matchers<Thunk, any>;
97export declare function calculateProvidedByThunk(action: UnwrapPromise<ReturnType<ReturnType<QueryThunk>> | ReturnType<ReturnType<MutationThunk>>>, type: 'providesTags' | 'invalidatesTags', endpointDefinitions: EndpointDefinitions, assertTagType: AssertTagTypes): readonly FullTagDescription<string>[];
98export {};