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Name Date Size #Lines LOC


READMEH A D11-Jan-20105.7 KiB10998

a_simple.plH A D03-May-20221.1 KiB4213

autofilter.plH A D03-May-20226.6 KiB271141

autofit.plH A D03-May-20225.7 KiB18154

bigfile.plH A D03-May-2022727 3011

bug_report.plH A D03-May-20223.6 KiB14383

cgi.plH A D03-May-20221.4 KiB5315

chart_area.plH A D03-May-20223.3 KiB12355

chart_bar.plH A D03-May-20223.3 KiB12355

chart_column.plH A D03-May-20223.4 KiB12355

chart_line.plH A D03-May-20223.3 KiB12355

chart_pie.plH A D03-May-20222.8 KiB11043

chart_scatter.plH A D03-May-20223.4 KiB12355

chart_stock.plH A D03-May-20224.3 KiB16284

chess.plH A D03-May-20224.8 KiB14794

colors.plH A D03-May-20223.1 KiB10862

comments1.plH A D03-May-2022665 277

comments2.plH A D03-May-202210 KiB384185

convertA1.plH A D03-May-20225 KiB22096

copyformat.plH A D03-May-20221.5 KiB5322

csv2xls.plH A D03-May-20221.7 KiB6426

data_validate.plH A D03-May-20227.1 KiB283171

date_time.plH A D03-May-20222.2 KiB9150

datecalc1.plH A D03-May-20227.1 KiB21760

datecalc2.plH A D03-May-20222.8 KiB10542

defined_name.plH A D03-May-20221 KiB3815

demo.plH A D03-May-20223.5 KiB11752

diag_border.plH A D03-May-20221.1 KiB4117

easter_egg.plH A D03-May-2022863 3014

filehandle.plH A D03-May-20222.8 KiB11537

formats.plH A D03-May-202216.6 KiB487334

formula_result.plH A D03-May-2022927 3011

function_locale.plH A D03-May-202274.9 KiB362280

gen_examples_pod.plH A D03-May-20228.1 KiB349214

headers.plH A D03-May-20223.9 KiB14444

hide_sheet.plH A D03-May-2022704 2711

hyperlink1.plH A D03-May-20221.1 KiB4116

hyperlink2.plH A D03-May-20224.1 KiB12645

images.plH A D03-May-20221.4 KiB4720

indent.plH A D03-May-2022730 3010

lecxe.plH A D03-May-202211.5 KiB355168

merge1.plH A D03-May-20221.1 KiB3710

merge2.plH A D03-May-20221.7 KiB4619

merge3.plH A D03-May-20222.1 KiB6624

merge4.plH A D03-May-20222.8 KiB9138

merge5.plH A D03-May-20222.4 KiB7633

merge6.plH A D03-May-20222.1 KiB8329

mod_perl1.plH A D03-May-20222.8 KiB9324

mod_perl2.plH A D03-May-20223 KiB9423

outline.plH A D03-May-20229.1 KiB256110

outline_collapsed.plH A D03-May-20227.2 KiB213104

panes.plH A D03-May-20222.8 KiB13366

properties.plH A D03-May-2022913 3417

protection.plH A D03-May-20221.2 KiB4318

regions.plH A D03-May-20221.1 KiB4720

repeat.plH A D03-May-2022958 4714

right_to_left.plH A D03-May-2022656 268

row_wrap.plH A D03-May-20221.5 KiB5516

sales.plH A D03-May-20223.1 KiB10761

sendmail.plH A D03-May-2022989 4619

stats.plH A D03-May-20221.8 KiB7140

stats_ext.plH A D03-May-20222.3 KiB7942

stocks.plH A D03-May-20222.4 KiB7834

tab2xls.plH A D03-May-20221.3 KiB5719

tab_colors.plH A D03-May-2022670 2510

textwrap.plH A D03-May-20222.3 KiB8135

unicode_2022_jp.plH A D03-May-20221.1 KiB4615

unicode_8859_11.plH A D03-May-20221.1 KiB4615

unicode_8859_7.plH A D03-May-20221 KiB4615

unicode_big5.plH A D03-May-20221 KiB4615

unicode_cp1251.plH A D03-May-20221 KiB4615

unicode_cp1256.plH A D03-May-20221 KiB4615

unicode_cyrillic.plH A D03-May-20221.3 KiB4913

unicode_koi8r.plH A D03-May-20221 KiB4615

unicode_list.plH A D03-May-20221.1 KiB5021

unicode_polish_utf8.plH A D03-May-20221 KiB4615

unicode_shift_jis.plH A D03-May-20221.1 KiB4615

unicode_utf16.plH A D03-May-20221 KiB4412

unicode_utf16_japan.plH A D03-May-20221.2 KiB5015

win32ole.plH A D03-May-20221.3 KiB4524

writeA1.plH A D03-May-20222.2 KiB8835

write_arrays.plH A D03-May-20222.2 KiB7126

write_handler1.plH A D03-May-20221.8 KiB6519

write_handler2.plH A D03-May-20221.9 KiB7221

write_handler3.plH A D03-May-20221.7 KiB6519

write_handler4.plH A D03-May-20222.8 KiB10146

write_to_scalar.plH A D03-May-20221.1 KiB4713


1The following is a description of the example files that are provided
2with Spreadsheet::WriteExcel. They are intended to demonstrate the
3different features and options of the module.
6Getting started
8a_simple.pl             A get started example with some basic features.
9demo.pl                 A demo of some of the available features.
10regions.pl              A simple example of multiple worksheets.
11stats.pl                Basic formulas and functions.
12formats.pl              All the available formatting on several worksheets.
13bug_report.pl           A template for submitting bug reports.
18autofilter.pl           Examples of worksheet autofilters.
19autofit.pl              Simulate Excel's autofit for column widths.
20bigfile.pl              Write past the 7MB limit with OLE::Storage_Lite.
21cgi.pl                  A simple CGI program.
22chart_area.pl           A demo of area style charts.
23chart_bar.pl            A demo of bar (vertical histogram) style charts.
24chart_column.pl         A demo of column (histogram) style charts.
25chart_line.pl           A demo of line style charts.
26chart_pie.pl            A demo of pie style charts.
27chart_scatter.pl        A demo of scatter style charts.
28chart_stock.pl          A demo of stock style charts.
29chess.pl                An example of reusing formatting via properties.
30colors.pl               A demo of the colour palette and named colours.
31comments1.pl            Add comments to worksheet cells.
32comments2.pl            Add comments with advanced options.
33copyformat.pl           Example of copying a cell format.
34data_validate.pl        An example of data validation and dropdown lists.
35date_time.pl            Write dates and times with write_date_time().
36defined_name.pl         Example of how to create defined names.
37diag_border.pl          A simple example of diagonal cell borders.
38easter_egg.pl           Expose the Excel97 flight simulator.
39filehandle.pl           Examples of working with filehandles.
40formula_result.pl       Formulas with user specified results.
41headers.pl              Examples of worksheet headers and footers.
42hide_sheet.pl           Simple example of hiding a worksheet.
43hyperlink1.pl           Shows how to create web hyperlinks.
44hyperlink2.pl           Examples of internal and external hyperlinks.
45images.pl               Adding images to worksheets.
46indent.pl               An example of cell indentation.
47merge1.pl               A simple example of cell merging.
48merge2.pl               A simple example of cell merging with formatting.
49merge3.pl               Add hyperlinks to merged cells.
50merge4.pl               An advanced example of merging with formatting.
51merge5.pl               An advanced example of merging with formatting.
52merge6.pl               An example of merging with Unicode strings.
53mod_perl1.pl            A simple mod_perl 1 program.
54mod_perl2.pl            A simple mod_perl 2 program.
55outline.pl              An example of outlines and grouping.
56outline_collapsed.pl    An example of collapsed outlines.
57panes.pl                An examples of how to create panes.
58properties.pl           Add document properties to a workbook.
59protection.pl           Example of cell locking and formula hiding.
60repeat.pl               Example of writing repeated formulas.
61right_to_left.pl        Change default sheet direction to right to left.
62row_wrap.pl             How to wrap data from one worksheet onto another.
63sales.pl                An example of a simple sales spreadsheet.
64sendmail.pl             Send an Excel email attachment using Mail::Sender.
65stats_ext.pl            Same as stats.pl with external references.
66stocks.pl               Demonstrates conditional formatting.
67tab_colors.pl           Example of how to set worksheet tab colours.
68textwrap.pl             Demonstrates text wrapping options.
69win32ole.pl             A sample Win32::OLE example for comparison.
70write_arrays.pl         Example of writing 1D or 2D arrays of data.
71write_handler1.pl       Example of extending the write() method. Step 1.
72write_handler2.pl       Example of extending the write() method. Step 2.
73write_handler3.pl       Example of extending the write() method. Step 3.
74write_handler4.pl       Example of extending the write() method. Step 4.
75write_to_scalar.pl      Example of writing an Excel file to a Perl scalar.
80unicode_utf16.pl        Simple example of using Unicode UTF16 strings.
81unicode_utf16_japan.pl  Write Japanese Unicode strings using UTF-16.
82unicode_cyrillic.pl     Write Russian Cyrillic strings using UTF-8.
83unicode_list.pl         List the chars in a Unicode font.
84unicode_2022_jp.pl      Japanese: ISO-2022-JP to utf8 in perl 5.8.
85unicode_8859_11.pl      Thai:     ISO-8859_11 to utf8 in perl 5.8.
86unicode_8859_7.pl       Greek:    ISO-8859_7  to utf8 in perl 5.8.
87unicode_big5.pl         Chinese:  BIG5        to utf8 in perl 5.8.
88unicode_cp1251.pl       Russian:  CP1251      to utf8 in perl 5.8.
89unicode_cp1256.pl       Arabic:   CP1256      to utf8 in perl 5.8.
90unicode_koi8r.pl        Russian:  KOI8-R      to utf8 in perl 5.8.
91unicode_polish_utf8.pl  Polish :  UTF8        to utf8 in perl 5.8.
92unicode_shift_jis.pl    Japanese: Shift JIS   to utf8 in perl 5.8.
97csv2xls.pl              Program to convert a CSV file to an Excel file.
98tab2xls.pl              Program to convert a tab separated file to xls.
99datecalc1.pl            Convert Unix/Perl time to Excel time.
100datecalc2.pl            Calculate an Excel date using Date::Calc.
101lecxe.pl                Convert Excel to WriteExcel using Win32::OLE.
106convertA1.pl            Helper functions for dealing with A1 notation.
107function_locale.pl      Add non-English function names to Formula.pm.
108writeA1.pl              Example of how to extend the module.