1# Copyright (c) 2005 - 2006 Hans Jeuken. All rights reserved.
2# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
3# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
5# This file was generated from the 'ilerpg.xml' file of the syntax highlight
6# engine of the kate text editor (http://www.kate-editor.org
8#kate xml version 1.03
9#kate version 2.1
10#generated: Sun Feb  3 22:02:05 2008, localtime
12package Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::ILERPG;
14our $VERSION = '0.14';
16use strict;
17use warnings;
18use base('Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Template');
20sub new {
21   my $proto = shift;
22   my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
23   my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
24   $self->attributes({
25      'Base-N' => 'BaseN',
26      'Biff' => 'Keyword',
27      'BoldComment' => 'Alert',
28      'Char' => 'Char',
29      'Comment' => 'Comment',
30      'Constant' => 'DataType',
31      'Decimal' => 'DecVal',
32      'Directive' => 'Others',
33      'DivideComment' => 'Alert',
34      'Fill' => 'Reserved',
35      'Float' => 'Float',
36      'Hex' => 'BaseN',
37      'Keyword' => 'Keyword',
38      'Normal Text' => 'Normal',
39      'Octal' => 'BaseN',
40      'RegExpr' => 'BaseN',
41      'Symbol' => 'Normal',
42   });
43   $self->listAdd('biffs',
44      'ABS',
45      'ADDR',
46      'CHAR',
47      'DEC',
48      'DECH',
49      'DECPOS',
50      'EDITC',
51      'EDITFLT',
52      'EDITW',
53      'ELEM',
54      'EOF',
55      'EQUAL',
56      'ERROR',
57      'FLOAT',
58      'FOUND',
59      'INT',
60      'INTH',
61      'LEN',
62      'NULLIND',
63      'OPEN',
64      'PADDR',
65      'PARMS',
66      'REPLACE',
67      'SCAN',
68      'SIZE',
69      'STATUS',
70      'STR',
71      'SUBST',
72      'TRIM',
73      'TRIML',
74      'TRIMR',
75      'UNS',
76      'UNSH',
77   );
78   $self->listAdd('opcodes',
79      '*BLANKS',
80      'ACQ',
81      'ADD',
82      'ADDDUR',
83      'ALLOC',
84      'AND',
85      'ANDEQ',
86      'ANDGE',
87      'ANDGT',
88      'ANDLE',
89      'ANDLT',
90      'ANDNE',
91      'BEGSR',
92      'BITOFF',
93      'BITON',
94      'CAB',
95      'CABEQ',
96      'CABGE',
97      'CABGT',
98      'CABLE',
99      'CABLT',
100      'CABNE',
101      'CALL',
102      'CALLB',
103      'CALLP',
104      'CAS',
105      'CASEQ',
106      'CASGE',
107      'CASGT',
108      'CASLE',
109      'CASLT',
110      'CASNE',
111      'CAT',
112      'CHAIN',
113      'CHECK',
114      'CHECKR',
115      'CLEAR',
116      'CLOSE',
117      'COMMIT',
118      'COMP',
119      'DEALLOC',
120      'DEFINE',
121      'DELETE',
122      'DIV',
123      'DO',
124      'DOU',
125      'DOUEQ',
126      'DOUGE',
127      'DOUGT',
128      'DOULE',
129      'DOULT',
130      'DOUNE',
131      'DOW',
132      'DOWEQ',
133      'DOWGE',
134      'DOWGT',
135      'DOWLE',
136      'DOWLT',
137      'DOWNE',
138      'DSPLY',
139      'DUMP',
140      'ELSE',
141      'END',
142      'ENDCS',
143      'ENDDO',
144      'ENDIF',
145      'ENDSL',
146      'ENDSR',
147      'EVAL',
148      'EXCEPT',
149      'EXFMT',
150      'EXSR',
151      'EXTRCT',
152      'FEOD',
153      'FORCE',
154      'GOTO',
155      'IF',
156      'IFEQ',
157      'IFGE',
158      'IFGT',
159      'IFLE',
160      'IFLT',
161      'IFNE',
162      'IN',
163      'ITER',
164      'KFLD',
165      'KLIST',
166      'LEAVE',
167      'LOOKUP',
168      'MHHZO',
169      'MHLZO',
170      'MLHZO',
171      'MLLZO',
172      'MOVE',
173      'MOVEA',
174      'MOVEL',
175      'MULT',
176      'MVR',
177      'NEXT',
178      'OCCUR',
179      'OPEN',
180      'OR',
181      'OREQ',
182      'ORGE',
183      'ORGT',
184      'ORLE',
185      'ORLT',
186      'ORNE',
187      'OTHER',
188      'OUT',
189      'PARM',
190      'PLIST',
191      'POST',
192      'READ',
193      'READC',
194      'READE',
195      'READP',
196      'READPE',
197      'REALLOC',
198      'REL',
199      'RESET',
200      'RETURN',
201      'ROLBK',
202      'SCAN',
203      'SELECT',
204      'SETGT',
205      'SETLL',
206      'SETOFF',
207      'SETON',
208      'SHTDN',
209      'SORTA',
210      'SQRT',
211      'SUB',
212      'SUBDUR',
213      'SUBST',
214      'TAG',
215      'TEST',
216      'TESTB',
217      'TESTN',
218      'TESTZ',
219      'TIME',
220      'UNLOCK',
221      'UPDATE',
222      'WHEN',
223      'WHENEQ',
224      'WHENGE',
225      'WHENGT',
226      'WHENLE',
227      'WHENLT',
228      'WHENNR',
229      'WRITE',
230      'XFOOT',
231      'XLATE',
232      'Z-ADD',
233      'Z-SUB',
234   );
235   $self->contextdata({
236      'Default' => {
237         callback => \&parseDefault,
238         attribute => 'Normal Text',
239      },
240      'context1' => {
241         callback => \&parsecontext1,
242         attribute => 'Normal Text',
243         lineending => '#pop',
244      },
245      'context3' => {
246         callback => \&parsecontext3,
247         attribute => 'Comment',
248         lineending => '#pop',
249      },
250      'context4' => {
251         callback => \&parsecontext4,
252         attribute => 'Constant',
253      },
254      'context5' => {
255         callback => \&parsecontext5,
256         attribute => 'Constant',
257      },
258      'context6' => {
259         callback => \&parsecontext6,
260         attribute => 'Keyword',
261         lineending => '#pop#pop',
262      },
263      'context7' => {
264         callback => \&parsecontext7,
265         attribute => 'BoldComment',
266         lineending => 'Default',
267      },
268      'context8' => {
269         callback => \&parsecontext8,
270         attribute => 'Biff',
271         lineending => '#pop#pop#pop',
272      },
273   });
274   $self->deliminators('\\s||\\.|\\(|\\)|:|\\!|\\+|,|-|<|=|>|\\%|\\&|\\*|\\/|;|\\?|\\[|\\]|\\^|\\{|\\||\\}|\\~|\\\\');
275   $self->basecontext('Default');
276   $self->keywordscase(0);
277   $self->initialize;
278   bless ($self, $class);
279   return $self;
282sub language {
283   return 'ILERPG';
286sub parseDefault {
287   my ($self, $text) = @_;
288   # String => '[POIHFDC ]?\*'
289   # attribute => 'Comment'
290   # context => 'context3'
291   # type => 'RegExpr'
292   if ($self->testRegExpr($text, '[POIHFDC ]?\\*', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, 'context3', 'Comment')) {
293      return 1
294   }
295   # String => 'POIHFDC'
296   # attribute => 'Keyword'
297   # context => 'context1'
298   # type => 'AnyChar'
299   if ($self->testAnyChar($text, 'POIHFDC', 0, 0, undef, 0, 'context1', 'Keyword')) {
300      return 1
301   }
302   return 0;
305sub parsecontext1 {
306   my ($self, $text) = @_;
307   # String => 'opcodes'
308   # attribute => 'Keyword'
309   # context => '#stay'
310   # type => 'keyword'
311   if ($self->testKeyword($text, 'opcodes', 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Keyword')) {
312      return 1
313   }
314   # attribute => 'Biff'
315   # char => '%'
316   # context => 'context7'
317   # type => 'DetectChar'
318   if ($self->testDetectChar($text, '%', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, 'context7', 'Biff')) {
319      return 1
320   }
321   # attribute => 'Constant'
322   # char => '''
323   # context => 'context3'
324   # type => 'DetectChar'
325   if ($self->testDetectChar($text, '\'', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, 'context3', 'Constant')) {
326      return 1
327   }
328   # attribute => 'Float'
329   # context => '#stay'
330   # type => 'Float'
331   if ($self->testFloat($text, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Float')) {
332      return 1
333   }
334   # String => '[Xx]'[0-9a-fA-F]{2,}''
335   # attribute => 'Hex'
336   # context => '#stay'
337   # type => 'RegExpr'
338   if ($self->testRegExpr($text, '[Xx]\'[0-9a-fA-F]{2,}\'', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Hex')) {
339      return 1
340   }
341   # attribute => 'Decimal'
342   # context => '#stay'
343   # items => 'ARRAY(0x1190f00)'
344   # type => 'Int'
345   if ($self->testInt($text, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Decimal')) {
346      # String => 'ULL'
347      # attribute => 'Decimal'
348      # context => '#stay'
349      # insensitive => 'TRUE'
350      # type => 'StringDetect'
351      if ($self->testStringDetect($text, 'ULL', 1, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Decimal')) {
352         return 1
353      }
354      # String => 'LUL'
355      # attribute => 'Decimal'
356      # context => '#stay'
357      # insensitive => 'TRUE'
358      # type => 'StringDetect'
359      if ($self->testStringDetect($text, 'LUL', 1, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Decimal')) {
360         return 1
361      }
362      # String => 'LLU'
363      # attribute => 'Decimal'
364      # context => '#stay'
365      # insensitive => 'TRUE'
366      # type => 'StringDetect'
367      if ($self->testStringDetect($text, 'LLU', 1, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Decimal')) {
368         return 1
369      }
370      # String => 'UL'
371      # attribute => 'Decimal'
372      # context => '#stay'
373      # insensitive => 'TRUE'
374      # type => 'StringDetect'
375      if ($self->testStringDetect($text, 'UL', 1, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Decimal')) {
376         return 1
377      }
378      # String => 'LU'
379      # attribute => 'Decimal'
380      # context => '#stay'
381      # insensitive => 'TRUE'
382      # type => 'StringDetect'
383      if ($self->testStringDetect($text, 'LU', 1, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Decimal')) {
384         return 1
385      }
386      # String => 'LL'
387      # attribute => 'Decimal'
388      # context => '#stay'
389      # insensitive => 'TRUE'
390      # type => 'StringDetect'
391      if ($self->testStringDetect($text, 'LL', 1, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Decimal')) {
392         return 1
393      }
394      # String => 'U'
395      # attribute => 'Decimal'
396      # context => '#stay'
397      # insensitive => 'TRUE'
398      # type => 'StringDetect'
399      if ($self->testStringDetect($text, 'U', 1, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Decimal')) {
400         return 1
401      }
402      # String => 'L'
403      # attribute => 'Decimal'
404      # context => '#stay'
405      # insensitive => 'TRUE'
406      # type => 'StringDetect'
407      if ($self->testStringDetect($text, 'L', 1, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Decimal')) {
408         return 1
409      }
410   }
411   return 0;
414sub parsecontext3 {
415   my ($self, $text) = @_;
416   # String => '\(*(FIXME|TODO)\)*'
417   # attribute => 'BoldComment'
418   # context => '#stay'
419   # type => 'RegExpr'
420   if ($self->testRegExpr($text, '\\(*(FIXME|TODO)\\)*', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'BoldComment')) {
421      return 1
422   }
423   # String => '\(*(NOTE:)\)*'
424   # attribute => 'BoldComment'
425   # context => '#stay'
426   # type => 'RegExpr'
427   if ($self->testRegExpr($text, '\\(*(NOTE:)\\)*', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'BoldComment')) {
428      return 1
429   }
430   # attribute => 'BoldComment'
431   # char => '!'
432   # context => 'context6'
433   # type => 'DetectChar'
434   if ($self->testDetectChar($text, '!', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, 'context6', 'BoldComment')) {
435      return 1
436   }
437   # String => '-|='
438   # attribute => 'DivideComment'
439   # context => '#stay'
440   # type => 'RegExpr'
441   if ($self->testRegExpr($text, '-|=', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'DivideComment')) {
442      return 1
443   }
444   return 0;
447sub parsecontext4 {
448   my ($self, $text) = @_;
449   # attribute => 'Constant'
450   # char => '''
451   # context => '#pop'
452   # type => 'DetectChar'
453   if ($self->testDetectChar($text, '\'', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#pop', 'Constant')) {
454      return 1
455   }
456   return 0;
459sub parsecontext5 {
460   my ($self, $text) = @_;
461   # String => 'FHDICO'
462   # attribute => 'Normal Text'
463   # context => '#stay'
464   # type => 'AnyChar'
465   if ($self->testAnyChar($text, 'FHDICO', 0, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Normal Text')) {
466      return 1
467   }
468   # attribute => 'Constant'
469   # char => ' '
470   # context => '#pop'
471   # type => 'DetectChar'
472   if ($self->testDetectChar($text, ' ', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#pop', 'Constant')) {
473      return 1
474   }
475   return 0;
478sub parsecontext6 {
479   my ($self, $text) = @_;
480   return 0;
483sub parsecontext7 {
484   my ($self, $text) = @_;
485   # attribute => 'BoldComment'
486   # char => '!'
487   # context => 'context3'
488   # type => 'DetectChar'
489   if ($self->testDetectChar($text, '!', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, 'context3', 'BoldComment')) {
490      return 1
491   }
492   return 0;
495sub parsecontext8 {
496   my ($self, $text) = @_;
497   # String => 'biffs'
498   # attribute => 'Biff'
499   # context => '#pop#pop'
500   # type => 'keyword'
501   if ($self->testKeyword($text, 'biffs', 0, undef, 0, '#pop#pop', 'Biff')) {
502      return 1
503   }
504   # attribute => 'Biff'
505   # char => ' '
506   # context => '#pop#pop'
507   # type => 'DetectChar'
508   if ($self->testDetectChar($text, ' ', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#pop#pop', 'Biff')) {
509      return 1
510   }
511   return 0;
519=head1 NAME
521Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::ILERPG - a Plugin for ILERPG syntax highlighting
523=head1 SYNOPSIS
525 require Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::ILERPG;
526 my $sh = new Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::ILERPG([
527 ]);
531Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::ILERPG is a  plugin module that provides syntax highlighting
532for ILERPG to the Syntax::Haghlight::Engine::Kate highlighting engine.
534This code is generated from the syntax definition files used
535by the Kate project.
536It works quite fine, but can use refinement and optimization.
538It inherits Syntax::Higlight::Engine::Kate::Template. See also there.
540=head1 AUTHOR
542Hans Jeuken (haje <at> toneel <dot> demon <dot> nl)
544=head1 BUGS
546Unknown. If you find any, please contact the author