1* Interpolated includes can not be used with monolith. It does not seem to be
2  possible to use shared variables in interpolated includes. An error message
3  is returned instead at the moment. Options:
4     o Remove monolith from the API
5     o Leave it as-is. i.e.: an error message will be returned
6     o Find a new way to implement interpolated includes (if possible at all!).
7* Implement a way to find out the name of the top level file which included the
8  sub-template.
9* Fix line numbering. It's probably badly broken (chomp, code/comment blocks, etc.)
10    o Implement a unit test related to this.
11* A more flexible BLOCK implementation. Which:
12    o Can have code in it
13    o Can be used later (like a function)
14* Map file path to digest hash to prevent re-reads upon cache hits
15* Test if some parts can use do {} instead of sub{} for capture.
16* ***LOW*** Partial output instead of collecting everything at once? Not sure if possible at all.
17* ***LOW*** Consider trying PPI. Resume?
18* ***LOW*** Implement TTS plugins for major frameworks.