1{Languages = {FirstValue = English; SecondValue = German; }; Notes = ""; Schedule = ({Time = 5; Title = "Five Minutes"; }, {Time = 25; Title = "Twenty-Five Minutes"; }, {Time = 125; Title = "Two Hours"; }, {Time = 625; Title = "Ten Hours, Thirty Minutes"; }, {Time = 3125; Title = "Two Days, Four Hours"; }, {Time = 15625; Title = "About Eleven Days"; }, {Time = 78125; Title = "About Fifty-Four Days"; }, {Time = 390625; Title = "About Nine Months"; }, {Time = 1953125; Title = "About Three Years, Nine Months"; }); State = ({Cards = 7820; Slot = "-1"; Title = "All Cards"; }); Words = ({FirstValue = withdrawal; History = (); SecondValue = Abhebung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "run on a bank"; History = (); SecondValue = "Ansturm auf eine Bank"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "bank clerk"; History = (); SecondValue = Bankangestellter; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "bank crash"; History = (); SecondValue = Bankenkrach; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "bank charges"; History = (); SecondValue = "Bankgeb\U00FChren"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "banker's duty of secrecy"; History = (); SecondValue = Bankgeheimnis; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "banking operations"; History = (); SecondValue = "Bankgesch\U00E4fte"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = banker; History = (); SecondValue = Bankier; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "banker's commission"; History = (); SecondValue = Bankprovision; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = counter; History = (); SecondValue = Bankschalter; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = banking; History = (); SecondValue = Bankwesen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "cash credit"; History = (); SecondValue = Barkredit; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = loan; History = (); SecondValue = Darlehen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "standing order"; History = (); SecondValue = Dauerauftrag; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "foreign exchange business"; History = (); SecondValue = "Devisengesch\U00E4ft"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "discount credit"; History = (); SecondValue = Diskontkredit; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to raise a loan"; History = (); SecondValue = "ein Darlehen aufnehmen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to apply for a loan"; History = (); SecondValue = "ein Darlehen beantragen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to repay a loan before it is due"; History = (); SecondValue = "ein Darlehen vorzeitig zur\U00FCckzahlen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to open an account"; History = (); SecondValue = "ein Konto er\U00F6ffnen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to overdraw an account"; History = (); SecondValue = "ein Konto \U00FCberziehen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to record a mortgage"; History = (); SecondValue = "eine Hypothek eintragen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to curtail a credit"; History = (); SecondValue = "einen Kredit k\U00FCrzen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = deposit; History = (); SecondValue = Einlage; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "deposit slip"; History = (); SecondValue = Einzahlungsschein; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "bank manager"; History = (); SecondValue = "Filialleiter // Bankdirektor"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to withdraw money"; History = (); SecondValue = "Geld abheben"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to have money in the bank"; History = (); SecondValue = "Geld auf der Bank haben"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to make a deposit"; History = (); SecondValue = "Geld einzahlen / auf das Konto bringen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "commercial bank"; History = (); SecondValue = "Gesch\U00E4ftsbank"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = creditor; History = (); SecondValue = "Gl\U00E4ubiger"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "credit balance"; History = (); SecondValue = Guthaben; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "deposit rate"; History = (); SecondValue = "Habenzins / Passivzins"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "mortgage loan"; History = (); SecondValue = "Hypothekendarlehen / Hypothekenkredit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = insolvent; History = (); SecondValue = illiquide; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = insolvency; History = (); SecondValue = "Illiquidit\U00E4t"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to operate in the red"; History = (); SecondValue = "in den roten Zahlen stecken"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to plunge into the red"; History = (); SecondValue = "in die roten Zahlen geraten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "investment credit"; History = (); SecondValue = Investitionskredit; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to grant s.b. a loan"; History = (); SecondValue = "jmdm. ein Darlehen gew\U00E4hren"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to be short of funds"; History = (); SecondValue = "knapp bei Kasse sein"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "municipal bank"; History = (); SecondValue = Kommunalbank; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "bank statement"; History = (); SecondValue = Kontoauszug; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "overdraft on current account"; History = (); SecondValue = Kontokorrentkredit; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = borrower; History = (); SecondValue = Kreditnehmer; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = creditworthy; History = (); SecondValue = "kreditw\U00FCrdig"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "short-term deposit"; History = (); SecondValue = "kurzfristige Einlage"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "short-term credit"; History = (); SecondValue = "kurzfristiger Kredit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to give notice for"; History = (); SecondValue = "k\U00FCndigen zum"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "30 days' advance notice"; History = (); SecondValue = "K\U00FCndigungsfrist von 30 Tagen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "term of a loan"; History = (); SecondValue = "Laufzeit eines Darlehens"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = pawnshop; History = (); SecondValue = Leihhaus; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "collateral loan"; History = (); SecondValue = Lombardkredit; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to encumber with a mortgage"; History = (); SecondValue = "mit einer Hypothek belasten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = pledge; History = (); SecondValue = Pfand; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = pawnbroker; History = (); SecondValue = Pfandleiher; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = repayment; History = (); SecondValue = "R\U00FCckzahlung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to pay off debts"; History = (); SecondValue = "Schulden abzahlen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to make debts"; History = (); SecondValue = "Schulden machen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = clear; History = (); SecondValue = schuldenfrei; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = debtor; History = (); SecondValue = Schuldner; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = security; History = (); SecondValue = "Sicherheit (f\U00FCr ein Darlehen)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to provide security"; History = (); SecondValue = "Sicherheit leisten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "current accounts"; History = (); SecondValue = Sichteinlagen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "debit interest"; History = (); SecondValue = "Sollzins / Aktivzins"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "savings bank"; History = (); SecondValue = Sparkasse; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "government bank"; History = (); SecondValue = Staatsbank; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "strong room"; History = (); SecondValue = "Tresor (in Form einer eigenen Kammer)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = safe; History = (); SecondValue = "Tresor (kleinerer Bauart)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "uncallable loan"; History = (); SecondValue = "unk\U00FCndbares Darlehen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "tide-over credit"; History = (); SecondValue = "\U00DCberbr\U00FCckungskredit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "consumer credit"; History = (); SecondValue = Verbraucherkredit; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to pledge"; History = (); SecondValue = "verpf\U00E4nden"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = indebtedness; History = (); SecondValue = Verschuldung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "interest on arrears"; History = (); SecondValue = Verzugszinsen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = solvency; History = (); SecondValue = "Zahlungsf\U00E4higkeit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "central bank"; History = (); SecondValue = Zentralbank; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to charge interest"; History = (); SecondValue = "Zinsen berechnen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to carry interest"; History = (); SecondValue = "Zinsen einbringen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "compound interest"; History = (); SecondValue = Zinseszinsen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "interest-free"; History = (); SecondValue = zinslos; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "interest rate"; History = (); SecondValue = "Zinssatz / Zinsfu\U00DF"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "interim financing"; History = (); SecondValue = Zwischenfinanzierung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "interim credit"; History = (); SecondValue = Zwischenkredit; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "adjustment letter"; History = (); SecondValue = "Antwort auf einen Beschwerdebrief"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "due to circumstances beyond our control"; History = (); SecondValue = "aufgrund unvorhergesehener Umst\U00E4nde"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "for reasons beyond our control"; History = (); SecondValue = "aus von uns nicht zu vertretenden Gr\U00FCnden"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "on checking your order we noticed"; History = (); SecondValue = "bei der \U00DCberpr\U00FCfung Ihres Auftrags bemerkten wir"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "legitimate complaint"; History = (); SecondValue = "berechtigte Beschwerde"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = complaint; History = (); SecondValue = "Beschwerde / Beanstandung / Reklamation / M\U00E4ngelr\U00FCge"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "letter of complaint"; History = (); SecondValue = Beschwerdebrief; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = complainant; History = (); SecondValue = "Beschwerdef\U00FChrer"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "intended use"; History = (); SecondValue = "bestimmungsgem\U00E4\U00DFer Gebrauch"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "the damage is due to inadequate packing"; History = (); SecondValue = "der Schaden ist auf unsachgem\U00E4\U00DFe Verpackung zur\U00FCckzuf\U00FChren"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "we were promised delivery by"; History = (); SecondValue = "die Lieferung wurde uns zugesagt bis"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "the quality does not correspond with that of the sample"; History = (); SecondValue = "die Qualit\U00E4t entspricht nicht der des Musters"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to refuse a claim"; History = (); SecondValue = "eine Beschwerde ablehnen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to grant a claim"; History = (); SecondValue = "eine Beschwerde anerkennen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to file a claim with a company"; History = (); SecondValue = "eine Beschwerde bei einer Firma einreichen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to make a complaint"; History = (); SecondValue = "eine Beschwerde vorbringen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "a new consignment will be sent off to you tomorrow"; History = (); SecondValue = "eine neue Lieferung geht morgen an Sie ab"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to look into a matter"; History = (); SecondValue = "eine Sache pr\U00FCfen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to make an allowance"; History = (); SecondValue = "einen Preisnachlass / Beanstandungsabzug gew\U00E4hren"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = substitute; History = (); SecondValue = "Ersatzlieferung (\U00E4hnlicher Ware)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = replacement; History = (); SecondValue = "Ersatzlieferung (gleicher Ware)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "I am terribly sorry to hear this"; History = (); SecondValue = "es tut mir sehr leid, das zu h\U00F6ren"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to take s.th. back"; History = (); SecondValue = "etw. zur\U00FCcknehmen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "faulty workmanship"; History = (); SecondValue = Fabrikationsfehler; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to be defective"; History = (); SecondValue = "fehlerhaft sein / M\U00E4ngel aufweisen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "faulty material"; History = (); SecondValue = "fehlerhaftes Material"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to refund money"; History = (); SecondValue = "Geld zur\U00FCckerstatten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "design defect"; History = (); SecondValue = Konstruktionsfehler; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "we regret to inform you that we cannot assume any liability"; History = (); SecondValue = "leider m\U00FCssen wir Ihnen mitteilen, keinerlei Haftung \U00FCbernehmen zu k\U00F6nnen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "defect in material"; History = (); SecondValue = Materialfehler; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "notice of defect in quality"; History = (); SecondValue = "M\U00E4ngelr\U00FCge"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "non-conformity with the sample"; History = (); SecondValue = "Nicht\U00FCbereinstimmung mit dem Muster"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "obvious defect"; History = (); SecondValue = "offener Mangel"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "manufacturing defect"; History = (); SecondValue = Produktionsfehler; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "claims will only be considered if raised within 10 days"; History = (); SecondValue = "Reklamationen werden nur innerhalb von 10 Tagen angenommen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to claim damages"; History = (); SecondValue = "Schadenersatz verlangen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to complain about"; History = (); SecondValue = "sich beschweren \U00FCber"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = unfounded; History = (); SecondValue = "unbegr\U00FCndet / grundlos / ungerechtfertigt"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "hidden defect"; History = (); SecondValue = "verborgener Fehler"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = delay; History = (); SecondValue = "Verz\U00F6gerung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to exchange goods"; History = (); SecondValue = "Waren umtauschen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "please accept our sincere apologies"; History = (); SecondValue = "wir bitten vielmals um Entschuldigung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "we had a lot of trouble with"; History = (); SecondValue = "wir hatte eine Menge Probleme mit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "we are sorry to inform you"; History = (); SecondValue = "wir m\U00FCssen Ihnen leider mitteilen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "we will return the goods at your expense"; History = (); SecondValue = "wir senden die Waren auf Ihre Kosten zur\U00FCck"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "we are not quite satisfied with"; History = (); SecondValue = "wir sind nicht recht zufrieden mit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "we are very annoyed about"; History = (); SecondValue = "wir sind sehr ver\U00E4rgert \U00FCber"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "we are placing the defective goods at your disposal"; History = (); SecondValue = "wir stellen Ihnen die mangelhaften Waren zur Verf\U00FCgung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = depreciations; History = (); SecondValue = Abschreibungen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = assets; History = (); SecondValue = Aktiva; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "asset accounts"; History = (); SecondValue = Aktivkonten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "opening stock"; History = (); SecondValue = Anfangsbestand; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "fixed assets"; History = (); SecondValue = "Anlageverm\U00F6gen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "expense accounts"; History = (); SecondValue = Aufwandskonten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = records; History = (); SecondValue = "Aufzeichnungen / Gesch\U00E4ftsb\U00FCcher"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = expenditure; History = (); SecondValue = Ausgaben; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "cash in bank"; History = (); SecondValue = Bankguthaben; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = voucher; History = (); SecondValue = Beleg; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "year under review"; History = (); SecondValue = Berichtsjahr; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "inventory taking"; History = (); SecondValue = Bestandsaufnahme; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "change of inventories"; History = (); SecondValue = "Bestands\U00E4nderung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "real accounts"; History = (); SecondValue = Bestandskonten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "operating expense and income"; History = (); SecondValue = "betrieblicher Aufwand und Ertrag"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "company assets"; History = (); SecondValue = "Betriebsverm\U00F6gen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "balance sheet"; History = (); SecondValue = Bilanz; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = accountant; History = (); SecondValue = "Bilanzbuchhalter (mit abgeschlossenem Studium)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "net profit for the year"; History = (); SecondValue = Bilanzgewinn; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "reporting period"; History = (); SecondValue = "Bilanzierungszeitraum // Berichtszeitraum"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "balance sheet item"; History = (); SecondValue = Bilanzposten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "balance sheet date"; History = (); SecondValue = Bilanzstichtag; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "net loss for the year"; History = (); SecondValue = Bilanzverlust; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = bookkeeper; History = (); SecondValue = Buchhalter; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "book value"; History = (); SecondValue = Buchwert; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = loan; History = (); SecondValue = Darlehen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to give the entries"; History = (); SecondValue = "den Buchungssatz angeben"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to doctor books"; History = (); SecondValue = "die B\U00FCcher f\U00E4lschen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "double-entry bookkeeping"; History = (); SecondValue = "doppelte Buchf\U00FChrung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "two accounts were affected by this transaction"; History = (); SecondValue = "durch den Gesch\U00E4ftsvorfall wurden zwei Konten ber\U00FChrt"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "equity capital"; History = (); SecondValue = Eigenkapital; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to close and rule an account"; History = (); SecondValue = "ein Konto abschlie\U00DFen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to balance an account"; History = (); SecondValue = "ein Konto ausgleichen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to open an account"; History = (); SecondValue = "ein Konto er\U00F6ffnen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to close an account"; History = (); SecondValue = "ein Konto schlie\U00DFen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to draw up a balance sheet"; History = (); SecondValue = "eine Bilanz aufstellen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to make an entry"; History = (); SecondValue = "eine Buchung vornehmen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = receipts; History = (); SecondValue = Einnahmen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "income accounts"; History = (); SecondValue = Ertragskonten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = stockout; History = (); SecondValue = Fehlbestand; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = deficit; History = (); SecondValue = Fehlbetrag; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "finished goods"; History = (); SecondValue = "fertige Erzeugnisse"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = receivables; History = (); SecondValue = Forderungen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "borrowed capital"; History = (); SecondValue = Fremdkapital; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "window dressing"; History = (); SecondValue = "Frisieren einer Bilanz"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "annual report"; History = (); SecondValue = "Gesch\U00E4ftsbericht (j\U00E4hrlich)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "development of business"; History = (); SecondValue = "Gesch\U00E4ftsentwicklung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "business year"; History = (); SecondValue = "Gesch\U00E4ftsjahr"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "business transaction"; History = (); SecondValue = "Gesch\U00E4ftsvorfall / Gesch\U00E4ftsvorgang"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "after-tax profit"; History = (); SecondValue = "Gewinn nach Steuern"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "pre-tax profit"; History = (); SecondValue = "Gewinn vor Steuern"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "profit and loss account"; History = (); SecondValue = "Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung / GuV // Gewinn- und Verlustkonto"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to book in conformity"; History = (); SecondValue = "gleichlautend buchen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "stated capital"; History = (); SecondValue = Grundkapital; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "generally accepted accounting principles"; History = (); SecondValue = "Grunds\U00E4tze ordnungsgem\U00E4\U00DFer Buchf\U00FChrung / GoB"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "credit entry"; History = (); SecondValue = Habenbuchung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "credit side"; History = (); SecondValue = "Habenseite (eines Kontos)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = ledger; History = (); SecondValue = Hauptbuch; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to take inventory"; History = (); SecondValue = "Inventur machen / Bestandsaufnahme machen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "annual financial statement"; History = (); SecondValue = "Jahresabschlu\U00DF"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = journal; History = (); SecondValue = Journal; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = cash; History = (); SecondValue = "Kasse / Bargeld"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "chart of accounts"; History = (); SecondValue = Kontenplan; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = Cr.; History = (); SecondValue = "kurz f\U00FCr: 'Haben'"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = Dr.; History = (); SecondValue = "kurz f\U00FCr: 'Soll'"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "liquid funds"; History = (); SecondValue = "liquide Mittel"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = liquidity; History = (); SecondValue = "Liquidit\U00E4t"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "net sales"; History = (); SecondValue = Nettoumsatz; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = liabilities; History = (); SecondValue = "Passiva / Verbindlichkeiten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "liability accounts"; History = (); SecondValue = Passivkonten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "on balance"; History = (); SecondValue = "per Saldo"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "raw materials and supplies"; History = (); SecondValue = "Roh-, Hilfs- und Betriebsstoffe / RHB"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to build up reserves"; History = (); SecondValue = "R\U00FCcklagen bilden"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = accruals; History = (); SecondValue = "R\U00FCckstellungen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = balance; History = (); SecondValue = Saldo; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "closing stock"; History = (); SecondValue = "Schlu\U00DFbestand"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "scrap value"; History = (); SecondValue = Schrottwert; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "debit entry"; History = (); SecondValue = Sollbuchung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "debit side"; History = (); SecondValue = "Sollseite (eines Kontos)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "hidden reserves"; History = (); SecondValue = "stille Reserven"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to cancel"; History = (); SecondValue = stornieren; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "skeleton account"; History = (); SecondValue = "T-Konto"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "book transfer"; History = (); SecondValue = Umbuchung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "current assets"; History = (); SecondValue = "Umlaufverm\U00F6gen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = sales; History = (); SecondValue = "Umsatzerl\U00F6se"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "bad debts"; History = (); SecondValue = "uneinbringliche Forderungen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "work in progress"; History = (); SecondValue = "unfertige Erzeugnisse"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "trade payables"; History = (); SecondValue = "Verbindlichkeiten aus Lieferung und Leistung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to set off against"; History = (); SecondValue = "verrechnen gegen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = inventories; History = (); SecondValue = "Vorr\U00E4te"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to carry forward"; History = (); SecondValue = "vortragen (Saldo)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "doubtful debts"; History = (); SecondValue = "zweifelhafte Forderungen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "making-up price"; History = (); SecondValue = "Abrechnungskurs / Liquidationskurs"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to issue shares"; History = (); SecondValue = "Aktien emittieren"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "share market"; History = (); SecondValue = Aktienmarkt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "majority of shares"; History = (); SecondValue = Aktienmehrheit; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = shareholder; History = (); SecondValue = "Aktion\U00E4r"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "shareholders' meeting"; History = (); SecondValue = "Aktion\U00E4rsversammlung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "official quotation"; History = (); SecondValue = "amtlicher Kurs / Notierung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to trade on the stock exchange"; History = (); SecondValue = "an der B\U00F6rse handeln"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "readiness to invest"; History = (); SecondValue = Anlagebereitschaft; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "share certificate"; History = (); SecondValue = Anteilschein; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "bear market"; History = (); SecondValue = Baisse; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = bear; History = (); SecondValue = "Baissier / Baissespekulant"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to sell short"; History = (); SecondValue = "bei fallendem Kurs verkaufen / fixen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to sell at best"; History = (); SecondValue = "bestens verkaufen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "daily list"; History = (); SecondValue = "B\U00F6rsenbericht"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "stock prices and yields"; History = (); SecondValue = "B\U00F6rsenkurse und Ertr\U00E4ge"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "stock broker"; History = (); SecondValue = "B\U00F6rsenmakler"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "transfer tax"; History = (); SecondValue = "B\U00F6rsenumsatzsteuer (AE)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "stamp duty"; History = (); SecondValue = "B\U00F6rsenumsatzsteuer (BE)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "stock list"; History = (); SecondValue = "B\U00F6rsenzettel"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "admission to quotation"; History = (); SecondValue = "B\U00F6rsenzulassung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = chemicals; History = (); SecondValue = Chemiewerte; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "covering purchase"; History = (); SecondValue = Deckungskauf; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "exchange transactions"; History = (); SecondValue = "Devisengesch\U00E4fte"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "foreign exchange market"; History = (); SecondValue = Devisenmarkt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "prices begin to slip"; History = (); SecondValue = "die Kurse fangen an, abzubr\U00F6ckeln"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = equities; History = (); SecondValue = Dividendenpapiere; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = jobber; History = (); SecondValue = "Effektenh\U00E4ndler"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "yield to redemption"; History = (); SecondValue = Effektivverzinsung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to make a fortune"; History = (); SecondValue = "ein Verm\U00F6gen machen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to launch an issue"; History = (); SecondValue = "eine Anleihe auflegen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to expect a rise in share prices"; History = (); SecondValue = "einen Anstieg der Aktienkurse erwarten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = issuer; History = (); SecondValue = Emittent; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to plough back profits"; History = (); SecondValue = "Ertr\U00E4ge wieder anlegen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = firm; History = (); SecondValue = "fest / stabil"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to pay a fixed rate of interest"; History = (); SecondValue = "feste Zinsen abwerfen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "time money"; History = (); SecondValue = Festgeld; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "fixed interest securities"; History = (); SecondValue = "festverzinsliche Wertpapiere"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = underwriter; History = (); SecondValue = "Garant einer Effektenemission"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "jobber's turn"; History = (); SecondValue = "Gewinn des Effektenh\U00E4ndlers"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "large-scale investor"; History = (); SecondValue = "Gro\U00DFanleger"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to acquire large blocks of shares"; History = (); SecondValue = "gro\U00DFe Aktienpakete erwerben"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "bull market"; History = (); SecondValue = Hausse; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = bull; History = (); SecondValue = "Haussier / Haussespekulant"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "real estate investment"; History = (); SecondValue = Immobilienanlage; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "industrial bonds"; History = (); SecondValue = Industrieobligationen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "bearer bonds"; History = (); SecondValue = Inhaberobligationen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "investment shares"; History = (); SecondValue = Investmentanteile; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "cash transaction"; History = (); SecondValue = "Kassagesch\U00E4ft"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "baby bonds"; History = (); SecondValue = Kleinobligationen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "market price"; History = (); SecondValue = Kurswert; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = lively; History = (); SecondValue = lebhaft; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = dull; History = (); SecondValue = lustlos; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "par value"; History = (); SecondValue = Nennwert; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "nominal value"; History = (); SecondValue = Nominalwert; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to apply for quotation"; History = (); SecondValue = "Notierung beantragen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "without dividend"; History = (); SecondValue = "ohne Dividendenaussch\U00FCttung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "mortgage bond"; History = (); SecondValue = Pfandbrief; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "bond market"; History = (); SecondValue = Rentenmarkt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "treasury bond"; History = (); SecondValue = Schatzwechsel; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to be easier than"; History = (); SecondValue = "schlechter liegen als"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = debentures; History = (); SecondValue = "Schuldverschreibungen / Obligationen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to hold up well"; History = (); SecondValue = "sich gut halten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "safe investment"; History = (); SecondValue = "sichere Anlage"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = passbook; History = (); SecondValue = Sparbuch; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "savings deposit"; History = (); SecondValue = Spareinlage; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "savings account"; History = (); SecondValue = Sparkonto; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = speculator; History = (); SecondValue = Spekulant; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "speculative transaction"; History = (); SecondValue = "Spekulationsgesch\U00E4ft"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "blue chips"; History = (); SecondValue = Spitzenwerte; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "government bonds"; History = (); SecondValue = Staatsanleihen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = steels; History = (); SecondValue = Stahlwerte; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "ordinary shares"; History = (); SecondValue = Stammaktien; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to be in great demand"; History = (); SecondValue = "stark gefragt sein"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = trend; History = (); SecondValue = Tendenz; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = futures; History = (); SecondValue = "Termingesch\U00E4fte"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = patchy; History = (); SecondValue = uneinheitlich; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "take-over bid"; History = (); SecondValue = "\U00DCbernahmeangebot"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "sell in booms and buy in slumps"; History = (); SecondValue = "verkaufe bei steigenden und kaufe bei fallenden Kursen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "auction sale"; History = (); SecondValue = Versteigerung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "preference shares"; History = (); SecondValue = Vorzugsaktien; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "convertible bond"; History = (); SecondValue = Wandelanleihe; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "commodity exchange"; History = (); SecondValue = "Warenb\U00F6rse"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "stock exchange"; History = (); SecondValue = "Wertpapierb\U00F6rse"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "filing cabinet"; History = (); SecondValue = Aktenschrank; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "waste paper"; History = (); SecondValue = "Altpapier / Papierabfall"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = blueprint; History = (); SecondValue = Blaupause; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = pencil; History = (); SecondValue = Bleistift; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "pencil sharpener"; History = (); SecondValue = Bleistiftspitzer; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "paper weight"; History = (); SecondValue = Briefbeschwerer; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "desk tray"; History = (); SecondValue = "Briefkorb / Postkorb"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "letter file"; History = (); SecondValue = Briefordner; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "letter opener"; History = (); SecondValue = "Brief\U00F6ffner"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = stationery; History = (); SecondValue = "Briefpapier / Schreibbedarf"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "letter scales"; History = (); SecondValue = Briefwaage; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "book ends"; History = (); SecondValue = "Buchst\U00FCtzen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "office equipment"; History = (); SecondValue = "B\U00FCroausstattung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "office supplies"; History = (); SecondValue = "B\U00FCrobedarf"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "paper clip"; History = (); SecondValue = "B\U00FCroklammer"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "date stamp"; History = (); SecondValue = "Datumsstempel // Eingangsstempel"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "dictating machine"; History = (); SecondValue = "Diktierger\U00E4t"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "revolving chair"; History = (); SecondValue = Drehstuhl; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "push pencil"; History = (); SecondValue = Druckbleistift; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "retractable ball pen"; History = (); SecondValue = Druckkugelschreiber; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = copy; History = (); SecondValue = "Durchschlag / Kopie"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "flimsy paper"; History = (); SecondValue = Durchschlagpapier; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "coloured pencil"; History = (); SecondValue = Farbstift; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "fax machine"; History = (); SecondValue = "Faxger\U00E4t"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "window envelope"; History = (); SecondValue = Fensterumschlag; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = transparency; History = (); SecondValue = "Folie (f\U00FCr Projektoren)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "fountain pen"; History = (); SecondValue = "F\U00FCllfederhalter / F\U00FCller"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "rubber bands"; History = (); SecondValue = "Gummiringe / Gummis"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = stapler; History = (); SecondValue = "Hefter / Heftapparat"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = staples; History = (); SecondValue = Heftklammern; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "card index"; History = (); SecondValue = Kartei; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "index card"; History = (); SecondValue = Karteikarte; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "card-index cabinet"; History = (); SecondValue = Karteischrank; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = cardboard; History = (); SecondValue = "Karton (als Material)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "cardboard box"; History = (); SecondValue = "Karton (als Schachtel)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "adhesive tape"; History = (); SecondValue = Klebeband; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "carbon paper"; History = (); SecondValue = Kohlepapier; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "copying machine"; History = (); SecondValue = "Kopierger\U00E4t"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "ball pen"; History = (); SecondValue = Kugelschreiber; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = curve; History = (); SecondValue = Kurvenlineal; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = glue; History = (); SecondValue = Leim; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = ruler; History = (); SecondValue = Lineal; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = punch; History = (); SecondValue = Locher; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "paper reinforcements"; History = (); SecondValue = "Lochverst\U00E4rker / Verst\U00E4rkungsringe"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "blotting paper"; History = (); SecondValue = "L\U00F6schpapier"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "airmail envelope"; History = (); SecondValue = Luftpostumschlag; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = clipboard; History = (); SecondValue = Manuskripthalter; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = lead; History = (); SecondValue = Mine; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "refill cartridge"; History = (); SecondValue = "Nachf\U00FCllmine / Ersatzmine"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "note pad"; History = (); SecondValue = Notizblock; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "note book"; History = (); SecondValue = Notizbuch; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = wastebasket; History = (); SecondValue = Papierkorb; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = eraser; History = (); SecondValue = Radiergummi; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = rack; History = (); SecondValue = Regal; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "drawing board"; History = (); SecondValue = "Rei\U00DFbrett / Zeichenbrett"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "drawing pin"; History = (); SecondValue = "Rei\U00DFnagel / Rei\U00DFzwecke"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "ring binder"; History = (); SecondValue = Ringbuch; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "scratch paper"; History = (); SecondValue = Schmierpapier; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "flat file"; History = (); SecondValue = Schnellhefter; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = string; History = (); SecondValue = Schnur; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = typewriter; History = (); SecondValue = Schreibmaschine; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = desk; History = (); SecondValue = Schreibtisch; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "desk lamp"; History = (); SecondValue = Schreibtischlampe; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "desk pad"; History = (); SecondValue = Schreibtischunterlage; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "dust cover"; History = (); SecondValue = "Staubschutz / Staubh\U00FClle"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "stamp pad"; History = (); SecondValue = Stempelkissen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "stamp rack"; History = (); SecondValue = "Stempelst\U00E4nder"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = pen; History = (); SecondValue = "Stift (allg.)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "pocket calendar"; History = (); SecondValue = Taschenkalender; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = calculator; History = (); SecondValue = Taschenrechner; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "phone directory"; History = (); SecondValue = Telefonregister; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = diary; History = (); SecondValue = Terminkalender; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "Indian ink"; History = (); SecondValue = Tusche; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "mailing carton"; History = (); SecondValue = Versandkarton; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "mailing tube"; History = (); SecondValue = Versandrolle; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = protractor; History = (); SecondValue = Winkelmesser; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "pair of compasses"; History = (); SecondValue = Zirkel; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "ABC analysis"; History = (); SecondValue = "ABC-Analyse"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "letter of intent"; History = (); SecondValue = "Absichtserkl\U00E4rung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = file; History = (); SecondValue = Akte; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "reference code"; History = (); SecondValue = Aktenzeichen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = enclosure; History = (); SecondValue = "Anlage (zu einem Schreiben)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = contact; History = (); SecondValue = Ansprechpartner; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "labour intensity"; History = (); SecondValue = "Arbeitsintensit\U00E4t"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "labour intensive"; History = (); SecondValue = arbeitsintensiv; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "labour productivity"; History = (); SecondValue = "Arbeitsproduktivit\U00E4t"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to adjourn indefinitely"; History = (); SecondValue = "auf unbestimmte Zeit vertagen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to add up"; History = (); SecondValue = "aufaddieren // sich aufsummieren"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "supervisory board"; History = (); SecondValue = Aufsichtsrat; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "autocratic managerial style"; History = (); SecondValue = "autokratischer F\U00FChrungsstil"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "directive style of leadership"; History = (); SecondValue = "autorit\U00E4rer F\U00FChrungsstil"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "demand oriented"; History = (); SecondValue = bedarfsorientiert; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to inscribe"; History = (); SecondValue = beschriften; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = inscription; History = (); SecondValue = "Beschriftung / Aufschrift"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to bribe"; History = (); SecondValue = bestechen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = bribery; History = (); SecondValue = Bestechung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "bribe money"; History = (); SecondValue = "Bestechungsgeld / Schmiergeld"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "plant visit"; History = (); SecondValue = Betriebsbesichtigung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "blunted by habit"; History = (); SecondValue = betriebsblind; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "operating resources"; History = (); SecondValue = Betriebsmittel; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "line of business"; History = (); SecondValue = Branche; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "the yellow pages"; History = (); SecondValue = "Branchenverzeichnis / Branchenbuch"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "wide range of products"; History = (); SecondValue = "breites Sortiment / breite Produktpalette"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = correspondence; History = (); SecondValue = "Briefwechsel / Schriftwechsel"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "office hours"; History = (); SecondValue = "B\U00FCrozeit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "chief negotiator"; History = (); SecondValue = "Chefunterh\U00E4ndler"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to date"; History = (); SecondValue = datieren; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to bear date of"; History = (); SecondValue = "datiert sein vom"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "date as postmark"; History = (); SecondValue = "Datum des Poststempels"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = management; History = (); SecondValue = "die Gesch\U00E4ftsf\U00FChrung (Personen)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "feasibility study"; History = (); SecondValue = "Durchf\U00FChrbarkeitsstudie"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to fill in a form"; History = (); SecondValue = "ein Formblatt ausf\U00FCllen / ein Formular ausf\U00FCllen / einen Vordruck ausf\U00FCllen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to run a business"; History = (); SecondValue = "ein Gesch\U00E4ft betreiben"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to hold a meeting"; History = (); SecondValue = "eine Sitzung abhalten / eine Tagung abhalten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to call a meeting"; History = (); SecondValue = "eine Sitzung einberufen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to chair a meeting"; History = (); SecondValue = "eine Sitzung leiten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to present a report"; History = (); SecondValue = "einen Bericht vorlegen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to make a profit"; History = (); SecondValue = "einen Gewinn erzielen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to consult an expert"; History = (); SecondValue = "einen Gutachter heranziehen // einen Fachmann befragen // einen Sachverst\U00E4ndigen konsultieren"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to suffer a setback"; History = (); SecondValue = "einen R\U00FCckschlag erleiden"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to negotiate a contract"; History = (); SecondValue = "einen Vertrag aushandeln"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "simple majority"; History = (); SecondValue = "einfache Mehrheit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "unanimous resolution"; History = (); SecondValue = "einstimmiger Beschlu\U00DF"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = retailer; History = (); SecondValue = "Einzelh\U00E4ndler"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "experience curve"; History = (); SecondValue = Erfahrungskurve; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "experience figures"; History = (); SecondValue = Erfahrungswerte; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "contingent fee"; History = (); SecondValue = Erfolgshonorar; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "profit responsibility"; History = (); SecondValue = Ergebnisverantwortung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to put s.th. down on the agenda"; History = (); SecondValue = "etw. auf die Tagesordnung setzen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to put s.th. in writing"; History = (); SecondValue = "etw. schriftlich fixieren"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "specialized dealer"; History = (); SecondValue = "Fachh\U00E4ndler"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "case study"; History = (); SecondValue = Fallstudie; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "research programme"; History = (); SecondValue = Forschungsprogramm; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "consecutively numbered"; History = (); SecondValue = "fortlaufend numeriert"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "early warning signal"; History = (); SecondValue = "Fr\U00FChwarnsignal"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "managerial level"; History = (); SecondValue = "F\U00FChrungsebene"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "directional device"; History = (); SecondValue = "F\U00FChrungsinstrument"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "management style"; History = (); SecondValue = "F\U00FChrungsstil"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "value in use"; History = (); SecondValue = Gebrauchswert; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to take appropriate action"; History = (); SecondValue = "geeignete Schritte einleiten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "classified information"; History = (); SecondValue = "geheime Informationen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "managing director"; History = (); SecondValue = "gesch\U00E4ftsf\U00FChrender Direktor"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "business trip"; History = (); SecondValue = "Gesch\U00E4ftsreise"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = shareholder; History = (); SecondValue = "Gesellschafter (einer Kapitalgesellschaft)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = partner; History = (); SecondValue = "Gesellschafter (einer Personengesellschaft) / Teilhaber / Sozius"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "profit maximization"; History = (); SecondValue = Gewinnmaximierung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "profit orientation"; History = (); SecondValue = Gewinnorientierung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "profits wedge"; History = (); SecondValue = Gewinnzone; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = wholesaler; History = (); SecondValue = "Gro\U00DFh\U00E4ndler"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "basic issue"; History = (); SecondValue = Grundsatzfrage; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "real estate agent"; History = (); SecondValue = "Grundst\U00FCcksmakler"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to enter into negotiations"; History = (); SecondValue = "in Verhandlungen treten / Verhandlungen aufnehmen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "industrial espionage"; History = (); SecondValue = Industriespionage; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "firm of consulting engineers"; History = (); SecondValue = "Ingenieurb\U00FCro"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = ratio; History = (); SecondValue = "Kennzahl (als betriebswirtschaftliche oder technische Kenngr\U00F6\U00DFe) // Verh\U00E4ltnis"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "code number"; History = (); SecondValue = "Kennzahl (zur Identifizierung)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "communication channel"; History = (); SecondValue = Kommunikationsweg; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "area of authority"; History = (); SecondValue = Kompetenzbereich; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "conflicting lines of authority"; History = (); SecondValue = Kompetenzstreitigkeiten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "compromise proposal"; History = (); SecondValue = "Kompromi\U00DFvorschlag"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = consortium; History = (); SecondValue = Konsortium; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = group; History = (); SecondValue = Konzern; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "co-operative style of leadership"; History = (); SecondValue = "kooperativer F\U00FChrungsstil"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "co-ordination"; History = (); SecondValue = Koordination; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to co-ordinate"; History = (); SecondValue = koordinieren; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to cover costs"; History = (); SecondValue = "Kosten decken"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to run up costs"; History = (); SecondValue = "Kosten verursachen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "cost consciousness"; History = (); SecondValue = "Kostenbewu\U00DFtsein"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "cost reduction"; History = (); SecondValue = Kostensenkung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "wage intensive"; History = (); SecondValue = lohnintensiv; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "man months"; History = (); SecondValue = Mannmonate; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "moribund company"; History = (); SecondValue = "marodes Unternehmen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "tailor-made"; History = (); SecondValue = "ma\U00DFgeschneidert / nicht von der Stange"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "minimum requirements"; History = (); SecondValue = Mindestanforderungen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = rework; History = (); SecondValue = "Nacharbeit / Nachbesserung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to rework"; History = (); SecondValue = "nacharbeiten / nachbessern"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "portfolio analysis"; History = (); SecondValue = "Portfolioanalyse / Portefeuille-Analyse"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to reorder priorities"; History = (); SecondValue = "Priorit\U00E4ten \U00E4ndern"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = circular; History = (); SecondValue = Rundschreiben; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "recall action"; History = (); SecondValue = "R\U00FCckrufaktion (z.B. eines Autos)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = expertise; History = (); SecondValue = "Sachverst\U00E4ndigengutachten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "final report"; History = (); SecondValue = "Schlu\U00DFbericht"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "snowball sales system"; History = (); SecondValue = Schneeballsystem; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "bulletin board"; History = (); SecondValue = "schwarzes Brett"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to take bribes"; History = (); SecondValue = "sich bestechen lassen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "margin of safety"; History = (); SecondValue = Sicherheitszuschlag; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "target-performance comparison"; History = (); SecondValue = "Soll-Ist-Vergleich"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = expenses; History = (); SecondValue = Spesen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "top-level talks"; History = (); SecondValue = "Spitzengespr\U00E4ch"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "inflexible prices"; History = (); SecondValue = "starre Preise"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "deputy chairman"; History = (); SecondValue = "stellvertretender Vorsitzender"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "strictly confidential"; History = (); SecondValue = "streng vertraulich"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "bar code"; History = (); SecondValue = "Strichcode / Balkencode"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "bar code scanner"; History = (); SecondValue = Strichcodeleser; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "asset erosion"; History = (); SecondValue = Substanzverlust; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "on schedule"; History = (); SecondValue = termingerecht; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to schedule"; History = (); SecondValue = "terminlich festlegen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "faithfulness to deadlines"; History = (); SecondValue = Termintreue; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "vicious circle"; History = (); SecondValue = Teufelskreis; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to suffer a drop in sales"; History = (); SecondValue = "Umsatzeinbu\U00DFen erleiden"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = idle; History = (); SecondValue = unproduktiv; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = unprofitable; History = (); SecondValue = unrentabel; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "management consultant"; History = (); SecondValue = Unternehmensberater; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "management consultancy"; History = (); SecondValue = Unternehmensberatung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "excess capacity"; History = (); SecondValue = "\U00DCberkapazit\U00E4t"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = takeover; History = (); SecondValue = "\U00DCbernahme"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to break off negotiations"; History = (); SecondValue = "Verhandlungen abbrechen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "trial and error"; History = (); SecondValue = "Versuch und Irrtum"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = administration; History = (); SecondValue = Verwaltung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = card; History = (); SecondValue = Visitenkarte; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to postdate"; History = (); SecondValue = vordatieren; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = target; History = (); SecondValue = "Vorgabe / Ziel"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to hold preliminary talks with"; History = (); SecondValue = "Vorgespr\U00E4che f\U00FChren mit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "previous year"; History = (); SecondValue = Vorjahr; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "goal conflict"; History = (); SecondValue = Zielkonflikt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to antedate"; History = (); SecondValue = "zur\U00FCckdatieren / nachdatieren"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to cancel"; History = (); SecondValue = abbrechen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = delimiter; History = (); SecondValue = "Abgrenzungszeichen / Trennzeichen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to call"; History = (); SecondValue = "abrufen / aufrufen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to truncate"; History = (); SecondValue = abschneiden; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = sector; History = (); SecondValue = Abschnitt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "absolute address"; History = (); SecondValue = "absolute Adresse"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "descending order"; History = (); SecondValue = "absteigende Reihenfolge"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = adapter; History = (); SecondValue = Adapter; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "addressing mode"; History = (); SecondValue = Adressierungsart; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to enable"; History = (); SecondValue = "aktivieren / auf EIN stellen / freigeben"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to update"; History = (); SecondValue = "aktualisieren / auf den neuesten Stand bringen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "acoustic coupler"; History = (); SecondValue = "Akustik-Koppler"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = algorithm; History = (); SecondValue = Algorithmus; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = global; History = (); SecondValue = "allgemeing\U00FCltig"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = analogue; History = (); SecondValue = analog; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "A/D converter"; History = (); SecondValue = "Analog-Digital-Wandler"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "initial value"; History = (); SecondValue = Anfangswert; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to request"; History = (); SecondValue = anfordern; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to append"; History = (); SecondValue = "anf\U00FCgen / anh\U00E4ngen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to specify"; History = (); SecondValue = angeben; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = command; History = (); SecondValue = "Anweisung / Befehl"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = user; History = (); SecondValue = "Anwender / Benutzer"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "user program"; History = (); SecondValue = Anwenderprogramm; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "applications program"; History = (); SecondValue = Anwendungsprogramm; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = display; History = (); SecondValue = Anzeige; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = workspace; History = (); SecondValue = Arbeitsbereich; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "arithmetic expression"; History = (); SecondValue = "arithmetischer Ausdruck"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = successive; History = (); SecondValue = aufeinanderfolgend; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = task; History = (); SecondValue = "Aufgabe (zu erledigende)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to list"; History = (); SecondValue = auflisten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "ascending order"; History = (); SecondValue = "aufsteigende Reihenfolge"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = printout; History = (); SecondValue = "Ausdruck (allg. Text)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = listing; History = (); SecondValue = "Ausdruck (insbes. Programmcode)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = expression; History = (); SecondValue = "Ausdruck (mathematischer, sprachlicher)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to execute"; History = (); SecondValue = "ausf\U00FChren"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = execution; History = (); SecondValue = "Ausf\U00FChrung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = output; History = (); SecondValue = Ausgabe; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to cut"; History = (); SecondValue = ausschneiden; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to exchange"; History = (); SecondValue = austauschen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = menu; History = (); SecondValue = "Auswahltabelle / Men\U00FC"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to select"; History = (); SecondValue = "ausw\U00E4hlen / anw\U00E4hlen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "conditional branch"; History = (); SecondValue = "bedingte Programmverzweigung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "conditional jump"; History = (); SecondValue = "bedingter Sprung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to quit"; History = (); SecondValue = "beenden / verlassen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "instruction set"; History = (); SecondValue = Befehlssatz; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to delimit"; History = (); SecondValue = begrenzen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = range; History = (); SecondValue = Bereich; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = ready; History = (); SecondValue = "bereit / fertig"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "operating system"; History = (); SecondValue = Betriebssystem; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = pixel; History = (); SecondValue = Bildpunkt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = screen; History = (); SecondValue = Bildschirm; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "binary search"; History = (); SecondValue = "bin\U00E4res Suchen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to flash"; History = (); SecondValue = blinken; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to disable"; History = (); SecondValue = "blockieren / sperren / auf AUS stellen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = justification; History = (); SecondValue = Blocksatz; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = jack; History = (); SecondValue = Buchse; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "office automation"; History = (); SecondValue = "B\U00FCroautomatisierung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to encode"; History = (); SecondValue = codieren; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = computerized; History = (); SecondValue = computerisiert; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = representation; History = (); SecondValue = Darstellung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = file; History = (); SecondValue = Datei; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "file name"; History = (); SecondValue = Dateiname; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = data; History = (); SecondValue = Daten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "data base"; History = (); SecondValue = Datenbank; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "data bus"; History = (); SecondValue = Datenbus; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "data entry"; History = (); SecondValue = Dateneingabe; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "data collection"; History = (); SecondValue = Datenerfassung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = array; History = (); SecondValue = Datenfeld; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = record; History = (); SecondValue = Datensatz; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "data privacy protection"; History = (); SecondValue = Datenschutz; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "Federal Data Protection Law"; History = (); SecondValue = "Datenschutzgesetz (BRD)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "Privacy Act"; History = (); SecondValue = "Datenschutzgesetz (USA)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "data type"; History = (); SecondValue = Datentyp; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "data communication"; History = (); SecondValue = "Daten\U00FCbertragung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "data processing"; History = (); SecondValue = Datenverarbeitung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "data encryption"; History = (); SecondValue = "Datenverschl\U00FCsselung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "data management"; History = (); SecondValue = Datenverwaltung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "permanent storage"; History = (); SecondValue = "dauerhafte Speicherung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to decode"; History = (); SecondValue = decodieren; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "decimal notation"; History = (); SecondValue = "dezimale Schreibweise"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "decimal place"; History = (); SecondValue = Dezimalstelle; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "utility program"; History = (); SecondValue = "Dienstprogramm / Hilfsprogramm"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to digitize"; History = (); SecondValue = digitalisieren; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "direct address"; History = (); SecondValue = "direkte Adresse"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "direct addressing"; History = (); SecondValue = "direkte Adressierung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = diskette; History = (); SecondValue = Diskette; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "disk drive"; History = (); SecondValue = Diskettenlaufwerk; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = documentation; History = (); SecondValue = Dokumentation; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = colon; History = (); SecondValue = Doppelpunkt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = printer; History = (); SecondValue = Drucker; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "print head"; History = (); SecondValue = Druckkopf; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = pitch; History = (); SecondValue = Druckweite; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = level; History = (); SecondValue = "Ebene / Stufe"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "real time processing"; History = (); SecondValue = Echtzeitverarbeitung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to insert"; History = (); SecondValue = "einf\U00FCgen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = input; History = (); SecondValue = Eingabe; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = indent; History = (); SecondValue = "Einr\U00FCckung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = entry; History = (); SecondValue = Eintrag; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = receiver; History = (); SecondValue = "Empf\U00E4nger"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "continuous paper"; History = (); SecondValue = Endlospapier; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "infinite loop"; History = (); SecondValue = Endlosschleife; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to open"; History = (); SecondValue = "er\U00F6ffnen / \U00F6ffnen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to replace"; History = (); SecondValue = ersetzen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = extension; History = (); SecondValue = Erweiterung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to create"; History = (); SecondValue = erzeugen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "expert system"; History = (); SecondValue = Expertensystem; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = false; History = (); SecondValue = "falsch / unrichtig"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = ribbon; History = (); SecondValue = Farbband; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = troubleshooting; History = (); SecondValue = "Fehlersuche (allg.) / Problembehebung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = debugging; History = (); SecondValue = "Fehlersuche (innerhalb eines Programms)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "hard disk drive"; History = (); SecondValue = Festplattenlaufwerk; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = boldface; History = (); SecondValue = Fettdruck; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "floating point"; History = (); SecondValue = "Flie\U00DFkomma / Gleitkomma"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "flow chart"; History = (); SecondValue = "Flu\U00DFdiagramm / Ablaufdiagramm"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to format"; History = (); SecondValue = formatieren; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = formatted; History = (); SecondValue = formatiert; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "function call"; History = (); SecondValue = Funktionsaufruf; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "function key"; History = (); SecondValue = Funktionstaste; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = footnote; History = (); SecondValue = "Fu\U00DFnote"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = footer; History = (); SecondValue = "Fu\U00DFzeile"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "leading zero"; History = (); SecondValue = "f\U00FChrende Null"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "leading digit"; History = (); SecondValue = "f\U00FChrende Stelle"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = integer; History = (); SecondValue = "Ganzzahl / ganze Zahl"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = item; History = (); SecondValue = "Gegenstand / Posten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "device driver"; History = (); SecondValue = "Ger\U00E4tetreiber"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "capital letter"; History = (); SecondValue = "Gro\U00DFbuchstabe"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "upper case"; History = (); SecondValue = "Gro\U00DFschreibung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = valid; History = (); SecondValue = "g\U00FCltig"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = nibble; History = (); SecondValue = Halbbyte; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = manual; History = (); SecondValue = "Handbuch / Beschreibung / Anleitung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "main program"; History = (); SecondValue = Hauptprogramm; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = highlight; History = (); SecondValue = Hervorhebung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "high level language"; History = (); SecondValue = "h\U00F6here Programmiersprache"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "implicit addressing"; History = (); SecondValue = "indirekte Adressierung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = indexed; History = (); SecondValue = indiziert; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "computer science"; History = (); SecondValue = Informatik; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = contents; History = (); SecondValue = Inhalt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to initialize"; History = (); SecondValue = initialisieren; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = interactive; History = (); SecondValue = interaktiv; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "reverse video"; History = (); SecondValue = "inverse Zeichendarstellung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = port; History = (); SecondValue = "Kanal (zur Ein- und Ausgabe)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = capacity; History = (); SecondValue = "Kapazit\U00E4t"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = bracket; History = (); SecondValue = Klammer; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = parenthesis; History = (); SecondValue = Klammerung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "lower case"; History = (); SecondValue = Kleinschrift; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = compatibility; History = (); SecondValue = "Kompatibilit\U00E4t"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to compress"; History = (); SecondValue = komprimieren; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = compression; History = (); SecondValue = Komprimierung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to convert"; History = (); SecondValue = "konvertieren / umwandeln"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = conversion; History = (); SecondValue = "Konvertierung / Umwandlung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "co-processor"; History = (); SecondValue = Koprozessor; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = italic; History = (); SecondValue = kursiv; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = token; History = (); SecondValue = Kurzzeichen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "artificial intelligence"; History = (); SecondValue = "k\U00FCnstliche Intelligenz / KI"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "space bar"; History = (); SecondValue = Leertaste; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = blank; History = (); SecondValue = Leerzeichen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "logical address"; History = (); SecondValue = "logische Adresse"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to delete"; History = (); SecondValue = "l\U00F6schen (insbes. einzelne Zeichen, Datens\U00E4tze und Dateien)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to erase"; History = (); SecondValue = "l\U00F6schen (insbes. Magnetspeicher)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to clear"; History = (); SecondValue = "l\U00F6schen (insbes. Speicher und Bildschirm)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "magnetic tape"; History = (); SecondValue = Magnetband; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = label; History = (); SecondValue = Marke; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "machine instruction"; History = (); SecondValue = Maschinenbefehl; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = mask; History = (); SecondValue = Maske; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = message; History = (); SecondValue = Meldung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "menu bar"; History = (); SecondValue = "Men\U00FCbalken"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = flag; History = (); SecondValue = Merker; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = Modus; History = (); SecondValue = mode; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = module; History = (); SecondValue = Modul; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = emulation; History = (); SecondValue = "Nachbildung / Imitation"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to verify"; History = (); SecondValue = "nachpr\U00FCfen / \U00FCberpr\U00FCfen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = network; History = (); SecondValue = "Netz / Netzwerk"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = location; History = (); SecondValue = "Ort / Position"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "parallel processing"; History = (); SecondValue = Parallelverarbeitung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "peripheral device"; History = (); SecondValue = "Peripherieger\U00E4t"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "arrow key"; History = (); SecondValue = Pfeiltaste; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "physical address"; History = (); SecondValue = "physikalische Adresse"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = bug; History = (); SecondValue = Programmfehler; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = interrupt; History = (); SecondValue = Programmunterbrechung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = procedure; History = (); SecondValue = Prozedur; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = checksum; History = (); SecondValue = "Pr\U00FCfsumme"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = buffer; History = (); SecondValue = Puffer; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = dot; History = (); SecondValue = Punkt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "source code"; History = (); SecondValue = Quellcode; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "source file"; History = (); SecondValue = Quelldatei; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "cross reference"; History = (); SecondValue = Querverweis; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = margin; History = (); SecondValue = Rand; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = grid; History = (); SecondValue = Raster; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "computer-aided"; History = (); SecondValue = "rechnergest\U00FCtzt"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = register; History = (); SecondValue = Register; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = recursive; History = (); SecondValue = rekursiv; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "relative address"; History = (); SecondValue = "relative Adresse"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to scroll"; History = (); SecondValue = "rollen (die Bildschirmanzeige)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to rotate"; History = (); SecondValue = rotieren; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "return address"; History = (); SecondValue = "R\U00FCcksprungadresse"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = backspace; History = (); SecondValue = "R\U00FCcktaste"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = keyword; History = (); SecondValue = "Schl\U00FCsselwort"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = interface; History = (); SecondValue = Schnittstelle; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = slash; History = (); SecondValue = "Schr\U00E4gstrich (/)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = backslash; History = (); SecondValue = "Schr\U00E4gstrich umgekehrt (\\)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = cursor; History = (); SecondValue = Schreibmarke; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "write protection"; History = (); SecondValue = Schreibschutz; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "aspect ratio"; History = (); SecondValue = "Seitenverh\U00E4ltnis"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to transmit"; History = (); SecondValue = "senden / \U00FCbertagen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "sequential file"; History = (); SecondValue = "sequentielle Datei"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = serial; History = (); SecondValue = seriell; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to save"; History = (); SecondValue = sichern; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = backup; History = (); SecondValue = Sicherungskopie; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = hyphenation; History = (); SecondValue = Silbentrennung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to sort"; History = (); SecondValue = sortieren; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = column; History = (); SecondValue = Spalte; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = memory; History = (); SecondValue = Speicher; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "storage capacity"; History = (); SecondValue = "Speicherkapazit\U00E4t"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = track; History = (); SecondValue = Spur; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "default value"; History = (); SecondValue = "Standardwert / Vorgabewert"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "batch processing"; History = (); SecondValue = Stapelverarbeitung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = plug; History = (); SecondValue = Stecker; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = asterisk; History = (); SecondValue = "Stern / Sternchen (*)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "control instruction"; History = (); SecondValue = Steueranweisung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "control bus"; History = (); SecondValue = Steuerbus; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "bar code"; History = (); SecondValue = Strichcode; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = semicolon; History = (); SecondValue = Strichpunkt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to search"; History = (); SecondValue = "suchen / durchsuchen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = bootstrap; History = (); SecondValue = Systemstart; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = spreadsheet; History = (); SecondValue = Tabellenkalkulation; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = tab; History = (); SecondValue = Tabulator; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = keyboard; History = (); SecondValue = Tastatur; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = keystroke; History = (); SecondValue = "Tastendruck / Anschlag"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "text file"; History = (); SecondValue = Textdatei; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "word processor"; History = (); SecondValue = Textverarbeitungsprogramm; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "ink jet printer"; History = (); SecondValue = Tintenstrahldrucker; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to rename"; History = (); SecondValue = umbenennen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = environment; History = (); SecondValue = Umgebung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = invisible; History = (); SecondValue = unsichtbar; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = subroutine; History = (); SecondValue = Unterprogramm; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = copyright; History = (); SecondValue = Urheberrecht; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to match"; History = (); SecondValue = "\U00FCbereinstimmen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = overflow; History = (); SecondValue = "\U00DCberlauf"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to skip"; History = (); SecondValue = "\U00FCberspringen / \U00FCbergehen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to compare"; History = (); SecondValue = vergleichen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to exit"; History = (); SecondValue = "verlassen / (ein Programm) beenden"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to relocate"; History = (); SecondValue = verschieben; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to swap"; History = (); SecondValue = "vertauschen / wechseln zwischen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = directory; History = (); SecondValue = Verzeichnis; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = delay; History = (); SecondValue = "Verz\U00F6gerung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = branch; History = (); SecondValue = Verzweigung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "form feed"; History = (); SecondValue = "Vorschub / Formularvorschub"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = optional; History = (); SecondValue = wahlfrei; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = queue; History = (); SecondValue = Warteschlange; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to omit"; History = (); SecondValue = "weglassen / auslassen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = wraparound; History = (); SecondValue = Wortumbruch; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = character; History = (); SecondValue = Zeichen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "intercharacter spacing"; History = (); SecondValue = Zeichenabstand; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = string; History = (); SecondValue = Zeichenkette; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "character set"; History = (); SecondValue = Zeichensatz; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = pointer; History = (); SecondValue = Zeiger; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = row; History = (); SecondValue = "Zeile / Reihe"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "line feed"; History = (); SecondValue = Zeilenschaltung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = destination; History = (); SecondValue = Ziel; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = digit; History = (); SecondValue = Ziffernstelle; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = access; History = (); SecondValue = Zugriff; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "access time"; History = (); SecondValue = Zugriffszeit; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to reset"; History = (); SecondValue = "zur\U00FCcksetzen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = cycle; History = (); SecondValue = Zyklus; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "adaptation to"; History = (); SecondValue = "Anpassung an"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "export authorization"; History = (); SecondValue = Ausfuhrgenehmigung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = joining; History = (); SecondValue = Beitritt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "Common Market"; History = (); SecondValue = "Binnenmarkt / gemeinsamer Markt"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = bureaucracy; History = (); SecondValue = "B\U00FCrokratie"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = bureaucratic; History = (); SecondValue = "b\U00FCrokratisch"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to join the EU"; History = (); SecondValue = "der EU beitreten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "third countries"; History = (); SecondValue = Drittstaaten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to become an associate member"; History = (); SecondValue = "ein assoziiertes Mitglied werden"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "unification movement"; History = (); SecondValue = Einigungsbewegung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "power of decision"; History = (); SecondValue = Entscheidungsbefugnis; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "European Parliament"; History = (); SecondValue = "Europa-Parlament"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "pan-European movement"; History = (); SecondValue = Europabewegung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "opponent of the European concept"; History = (); SecondValue = Europagegner; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to think in terms of Europe"; History = (); SecondValue = "europ\U00E4isch denken / im Sinne Europas denken"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "European Community"; History = (); SecondValue = "Europ\U00E4ische Gemeinschaft"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "European integration"; History = (); SecondValue = "europ\U00E4ische Integration"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "European Court of Justice"; History = (); SecondValue = "Europ\U00E4ischer Gerichtshof"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "free supply of services"; History = (); SecondValue = "freier Dienstleistungsverkehr"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "free movement of capital"; History = (); SecondValue = "freier Kapitalverkehr"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "free movement of goods"; History = (); SecondValue = "freier Warenverkehr"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "common agricultural policy"; History = (); SecondValue = "gemeinsame Agrarpolitik"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "common external tariff"; History = (); SecondValue = "gemeinsamer Au\U00DFenzoll"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "equal partner"; History = (); SecondValue = "gleichrangiger Partner / ebenb\U00FCrtiger Partner"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "founder member"; History = (); SecondValue = "Gr\U00FCndungsmitglied"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = harmonization; History = (); SecondValue = Harmonisierung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = compromise; History = (); SecondValue = "Kompromi\U00DF"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "Council of Ministers"; History = (); SecondValue = Ministerrat; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "member country"; History = (); SecondValue = Mitgliedstaat; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "right of co-determination"; History = (); SecondValue = Mitspracherecht; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "national freedom of action"; History = (); SecondValue = "nationale Handlungsfreiheit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "freedom of establishment"; History = (); SecondValue = Niederlassungsfreiheit; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "political union"; History = (); SecondValue = "politischer Zusammenschlu\U00DF"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "structural change"; History = (); SecondValue = Strukturwandel; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "transition period"; History = (); SecondValue = "\U00DCbergangszeit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "administrative machinery"; History = (); SecondValue = Verwaltungsapparat; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "full member"; History = (); SecondValue = Vollmitglied; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "monetary union"; History = (); SecondValue = "W\U00E4hrungsunion"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "Western European Union"; History = (); SecondValue = "Westeurop\U00E4ische Union"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "economic union"; History = (); SecondValue = "Wirtschaftszusammenschlu\U00DF"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "customs union"; History = (); SecondValue = Zollunion; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = concession; History = (); SecondValue = "Zugest\U00E4ndnis"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "co-operation"; History = (); SecondValue = Zusammenarbeit; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "growing together of Europe"; History = (); SecondValue = "Zusammenwachsen Europas"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "parliamentary approval"; History = (); SecondValue = "Zustimmung durch das Parlament"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "interim solution"; History = (); SecondValue = "Zwischenl\U00F6sung / \U00DCbergangsl\U00F6sung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = devaluation; History = (); SecondValue = Abwertung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = revaluation; History = (); SecondValue = Aufwertung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to withdraw from circulation"; History = (); SecondValue = "aus dem Verkehr ziehen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "elimination of the exchange risk"; History = (); SecondValue = "Ausschaltung des W\U00E4hrungsrisikos"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "bank note"; History = (); SecondValue = Banknote; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = cash; History = (); SecondValue = Bargeld; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "selling rate"; History = (); SecondValue = Briefkurs; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to make credit easier"; History = (); SecondValue = "das Geld billiger machen / Krediterleichterungen einf\U00FChren"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to express the value of the Yen in terms of the US Dollar"; History = (); SecondValue = "den Wert des Yen in US-Dollar ausdr\U00FCcken"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = discount; History = (); SecondValue = "Deport / Kursabschlag"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "foreign exchange"; History = (); SecondValue = Devisen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "exchange dealer"; History = (); SecondValue = "Devisenh\U00E4ndler"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "discount policy"; History = (); SecondValue = Diskontpolitik; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "discount rate"; History = (); SecondValue = Diskontsatz; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "dollar area"; History = (); SecondValue = Dollarraum; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "bad money"; History = (); SecondValue = Falschgeld; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to counterfeit"; History = (); SecondValue = "f\U00E4lschen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "tied-up money"; History = (); SecondValue = "fest angelegtes Geld"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "floating exchange rates"; History = (); SecondValue = "flexible Wechselkurse"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "foreign currency"; History = (); SecondValue = "Fremdw\U00E4hrung / Sorten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "galloping inflation"; History = (); SecondValue = "galloppierende Inflation"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to raise money"; History = (); SecondValue = "Geld aufnehmen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to borrow money"; History = (); SecondValue = "Geld ausleihen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to call in money"; History = (); SecondValue = "Geld k\U00FCndigen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to make money"; History = (); SecondValue = "Geld verdienen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to lend money"; History = (); SecondValue = "Geld verleihen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to advance money"; History = (); SecondValue = "Geld vorstrecken / Geld vorschie\U00DFen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "buying rate"; History = (); SecondValue = Geldkurs; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "money market"; History = (); SecondValue = Geldmarkt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "creation of money"; History = (); SecondValue = "Geldsch\U00F6pfung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "circulation of money"; History = (); SecondValue = Geldumlauf; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "value of money"; History = (); SecondValue = Geldwert; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "legal tender"; History = (); SecondValue = "gesetzliches Zahlungsmittel"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "credit money"; History = (); SecondValue = "Giralgeld / Buchgeld"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "real money"; History = (); SecondValue = "Gold- und Silberm\U00FCnzen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "gold coin"; History = (); SecondValue = "Goldm\U00FCnze"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "gold holdings"; History = (); SecondValue = Goldreserve; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "steep interest rates"; History = (); SecondValue = "hohe Zinsen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "in German currency"; History = (); SecondValue = "in deutscher W\U00E4hrung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to issue"; History = (); SecondValue = "in Umlauf setzen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = investor; History = (); SecondValue = Kapitalanleger; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "flight of capital"; History = (); SecondValue = Kapitalflucht; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "capital market"; History = (); SecondValue = Kapitalmarkt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "spot rate"; History = (); SecondValue = Kassakurs; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "purchasing power"; History = (); SecondValue = Kaufkraft; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = change; History = (); SecondValue = Kleingeld; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to be short of money"; History = (); SecondValue = "knapp bei Kasse sein"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = convertibility; History = (); SecondValue = Konvertierbarkeit; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "credit brakes"; History = (); SecondValue = Kreditbremsen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "instruments of credit policy"; History = (); SecondValue = "kreditpolitische Instrumentarien"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "foreign exchange hedging"; History = (); SecondValue = Kurssicherung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "short-term funds"; History = (); SecondValue = "kurzfristiges Geld"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "long-term funds"; History = (); SecondValue = "langfristiges Geld"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to tie up liquid moneys"; History = (); SecondValue = "liquide Mittel binden"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "strain on liquidity"; History = (); SecondValue = "Liquidit\U00E4tsbeengung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "methods affecting liquidity"; History = (); SecondValue = "liquidit\U00E4tspolitische Mittel"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "wage-price spiral"; History = (); SecondValue = "Lohn-Preis-Spirale"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "minimum reserves"; History = (); SecondValue = Mindestreserven; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "standard gold"; History = (); SecondValue = "M\U00FCnzgold"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "right of coinage"; History = (); SecondValue = "M\U00FCnzrecht"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "standard silver"; History = (); SecondValue = "M\U00FCnzsilber"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "open-market policy"; History = (); SecondValue = "Offen-Markt-Politik"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "paper money"; History = (); SecondValue = Papiergeld; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "level of prices"; History = (); SecondValue = Preisniveau; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = premium; History = (); SecondValue = "Report / Kursaufschlag"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "restrictive credit policy"; History = (); SecondValue = "restriktive Kreditpolitik"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "creeping inflation"; History = (); SecondValue = "schleichende Inflation"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "interest on debt"; History = (); SecondValue = Schuldzinsen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "black-market rate"; History = (); SecondValue = Schwarzmarktkurs; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "sight rate"; History = (); SecondValue = Sichtkurs; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "call money"; History = (); SecondValue = "Tagesgeld / t\U00E4glich f\U00E4lliges Geld"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = inconvertible; History = (); SecondValue = unkonvertierbar; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "unit of account"; History = (); SecondValue = Verrechnungseinheit; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = currency; History = (); SecondValue = "W\U00E4hrung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "monetary agreement"; History = (); SecondValue = "W\U00E4hrungsabkommen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "monetary unit"; History = (); SecondValue = "W\U00E4hrungseinheit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "monetary crisis"; History = (); SecondValue = "W\U00E4hrungskrise"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "monetary policy"; History = (); SecondValue = "W\U00E4hrungspolitik"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "monetary system"; History = (); SecondValue = "W\U00E4hrungssystem"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "monetary union"; History = (); SecondValue = "W\U00E4hrungsunion"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "exchange rate"; History = (); SecondValue = Wechselkurs; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "corrective action"; History = (); SecondValue = "Abhilfema\U00DFnahmen / Korrekturma\U00DFnahmen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "operational sequence"; History = (); SecondValue = Arbeitsablauf; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "working papers"; History = (); SecondValue = Arbeitsunterlagen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "operations scheduling"; History = (); SecondValue = Arbeitsvorbereitung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to draw on stocks"; History = (); SecondValue = "auf Lagerbest\U00E4nde zur\U00FCckgreifen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "rate of capacity utilization"; History = (); SecondValue = "Auslastungsgrad / Ausnutzungsgrad"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = spoilage; History = (); SecondValue = "Ausschu\U00DF"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to take out of service"; History = (); SecondValue = "au\U00DFer Betrieb nehmen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "automatic storage and retrieval system"; History = (); SecondValue = "automatisches (Hoch)regalbediensystem"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "automated production"; History = (); SecondValue = "automatisierte Produktion"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = automation; History = (); SecondValue = Automatisierung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "job-site production"; History = (); SecondValue = Baustellenfertigung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = component; History = (); SecondValue = "Bauteil / Bauelement"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to process"; History = (); SecondValue = "bearbeiten / verarbeiten / veredeln"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "service level"; History = (); SecondValue = "Bestandsh\U00F6he"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "fixed order-cost"; History = (); SecondValue = "bestellfixe Kosten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "ordering cost"; History = (); SecondValue = Bestellkosten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "order point"; History = (); SecondValue = "Bestellpunkt / kritischer Lagerbestand"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "ready to operate"; History = (); SecondValue = betriebsbereit; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "production data acquisition"; History = (); SecondValue = "Betriebsdatenerfassung / BDE"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "computer-aided engineering"; History = (); SecondValue = "computergest\U00FCtzte Entwicklung / CAE"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "computer-aided manufacturing"; History = (); SecondValue = "computergest\U00FCtzte Fertigung / CAM"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "computer-aided planning"; History = (); SecondValue = "computergest\U00FCtzte Planung / CAP"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "computer-aided quality assurance"; History = (); SecondValue = "computergest\U00FCtzte Qualit\U00E4tssicherung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "computer-integrated manufacturing"; History = (); SecondValue = "computerintegrierte Fertigung / CIM"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to expand plant capacity"; History = (); SecondValue = "die Kapazit\U00E4t erweitern"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "processing time"; History = (); SecondValue = Durchlaufzeit; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = throughput; History = (); SecondValue = Durchsatz; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "average useful life"; History = (); SecondValue = "durchschnittliche Nutzungsdauer"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to open up a bottleneck"; History = (); SecondValue = "einen Engpa\U00DF beseitigen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "receiving inspection"; History = (); SecondValue = "Eingangspr\U00FCfung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "single-part production"; History = (); SecondValue = Einzelfertigung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = bottleneck; History = (); SecondValue = "Engpa\U00DF"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "constraining factor"; History = (); SecondValue = "Engpa\U00DFfaktor"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = withdrawal; History = (); SecondValue = Entnahme; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to outsource"; History = (); SecondValue = "extern beschaffen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "factory  of the future"; History = (); SecondValue = "Fabrik der Zukunft"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = production; History = (); SecondValue = "Fertigung / Produktion / Herstellung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "production schedule"; History = (); SecondValue = Fertigungsplan; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "production control"; History = (); SecondValue = Fertigungssteuerung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "production line"; History = (); SecondValue = "Fertigungsstra\U00DFe"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "production technology"; History = (); SecondValue = Fertigungstechnik; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "vertical range of manufacture"; History = (); SecondValue = Fertigungstiefe; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "flexible manufacturing system"; History = (); SecondValue = "flexibles Fertigungssystem"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "assembly line"; History = (); SecondValue = "Flie\U00DFband / Montageband"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "flow production"; History = (); SecondValue = "Flie\U00DFfertigung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = outsourcing; History = (); SecondValue = Fremdbeschaffung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "bought-in parts"; History = (); SecondValue = "fremdbezogene Teile"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = forklift; History = (); SecondValue = Gabelstapler; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "manufacturer of"; History = (); SecondValue = "Hersteller von"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "high bay store"; History = (); SecondValue = Hochregallager; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "capacity utilization"; History = (); SecondValue = "Kapazit\U00E4tsauslastung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to tie up capital"; History = (); SecondValue = "Kapital binden"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "make-to-order production"; History = (); SecondValue = "kundenauftragsbezogene Fertigung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "after-sales service"; History = (); SecondValue = Kundendienst; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = warehouse; History = (); SecondValue = "Lager / Lagerhaus"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "reduction of stocks"; History = (); SecondValue = Lagerabbau; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "build-up of stocks"; History = (); SecondValue = Lageraufbau; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to run down stocks"; History = (); SecondValue = "Lagerbest\U00E4nde abbauen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "make-to-stock production"; History = (); SecondValue = "Lagerfertigung / Vorratsproduktion"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "storage cost"; History = (); SecondValue = Lagerkosten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "stockless production"; History = (); SecondValue = "lagerlose Fertigung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to store"; History = (); SecondValue = lagern; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = stockturn; History = (); SecondValue = Lagerumschlag; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "inventory-sales ratio"; History = (); SecondValue = "Lagerumschlagszahl / LUZ"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "period of delivery"; History = (); SecondValue = Lieferfrist; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "date of delivery"; History = (); SecondValue = Liefertermin; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = logistics; History = (); SecondValue = Logistik; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "batch size"; History = (); SecondValue = "Losgr\U00F6\U00DFe / Stapelgr\U00F6\U00DFe"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "batch sizing"; History = (); SecondValue = "Losgr\U00F6\U00DFenbildung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "materials requirements planning"; History = (); SecondValue = Materialbedarfsplanung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "material flow"; History = (); SecondValue = "Materialflu\U00DF"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "reserve supply"; History = (); SecondValue = "Mindestbestand / Sicherheitsbestand"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "modular construction"; History = (); SecondValue = "Modulbauweise / Konstruktion nach dem Baukastenprinzip"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = assembly; History = (); SecondValue = "Montage // Baugruppe"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "economic ordering quantity"; History = (); SecondValue = "optimale Bestellmenge (in Bezug auf die Wirtschaftlichkeit)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "economic lot size"; History = (); SecondValue = "optimale Losgr\U00F6\U00DFe (in Bezug auf die Wirtschaftlichkeit)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "pilot project"; History = (); SecondValue = Pilotprojekt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "per volume unit"; History = (); SecondValue = "pro Mengeneinheit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = output; History = (); SecondValue = Produktionsleistung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "quality control"; History = (); SecondValue = "Qualit\U00E4tskontrolle"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "quality management"; History = (); SecondValue = "Qualit\U00E4tsmanagement"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "quality inspection"; History = (); SecondValue = "Qualit\U00E4tspr\U00FCfung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "quality assurance"; History = (); SecondValue = "Qualit\U00E4tssicherung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "quality improvement"; History = (); SecondValue = "Qualit\U00E4tsverbesserung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = offsetting; History = (); SecondValue = "R\U00FCckw\U00E4rtsterminierung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to set up"; History = (); SecondValue = "r\U00FCsten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "set-up time"; History = (); SecondValue = "R\U00FCstzeit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "shift operation"; History = (); SecondValue = Schichtbetrieb; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "loose material"; History = (); SecondValue = "Sch\U00FCttgut"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "series production"; History = (); SecondValue = Serienfertigung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = downtime; History = (); SecondValue = Stillstandszeit; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "fully automatic operation"; History = (); SecondValue = "vollautomatischer Betrieb"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "standard time"; History = (); SecondValue = Vorgabezeit; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to cut inventories"; History = (); SecondValue = "Vorr\U00E4te abbauen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to have in stock"; History = (); SecondValue = "vorr\U00E4tig haben / auf Lager haben"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "accumulating stocks"; History = (); SecondValue = "wachsende Lagerbest\U00E4nde"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to maintain"; History = (); SecondValue = "warten (Maschinen)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = maintenance; History = (); SecondValue = "Wartung / Instandhaltung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = workshop; History = (); SecondValue = Werkstatt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "job shop operation"; History = (); SecondValue = Werkstattfertigung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "intermediate store"; History = (); SecondValue = Zwischenlager; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to discount"; History = (); SecondValue = abzinsen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "discount factor"; History = (); SecondValue = Abzinsungsfaktor; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "payback period"; History = (); SecondValue = Amortisationsdauer; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "payback time method"; History = (); SecondValue = Amortisationsrechnung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "annuity method"; History = (); SecondValue = "Annuit\U00E4tenmethode"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "initial costs"; History = (); SecondValue = Anschaffungskosten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "operating costs"; History = (); SecondValue = Betriebskosten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "dynamic model"; History = (); SecondValue = "dynamisches Modell"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "plant-expanding investment"; History = (); SecondValue = Erweiterungsinvestition; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = misinvestment; History = (); SecondValue = Fehlinvestition; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "profit comparison method"; History = (); SecondValue = Gewinnvergleichsrechnung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "internal rate of return method"; History = (); SecondValue = "Interne-Zinsfu\U00DFmethode"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "internal rate of return"; History = (); SecondValue = "interner Zinsfu\U00DF"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = investment; History = (); SecondValue = "Investition (allg.)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "capital expenditure"; History = (); SecondValue = "Investition (im Sine der Investitionsaufwendung)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "investment expenditure"; History = (); SecondValue = Investitionsausgaben; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "capital goods"; History = (); SecondValue = "Investitionsg\U00FCter"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "investment aid"; History = (); SecondValue = Investitionshilfe; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "capital cost"; History = (); SecondValue = Investitionskosten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "capital expenditure programme"; History = (); SecondValue = Investitionsprogramm; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "investment ratio"; History = (); SecondValue = Investitionsquote; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "preinvestment analysis"; History = (); SecondValue = Investitionsrechnung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "annual cash flow"; History = (); SecondValue = "j\U00E4hrlicher Einnahme\U00FCberschu\U00DF"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "imputed costs"; History = (); SecondValue = "kalkulatorische Kosten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to tie up capital"; History = (); SecondValue = "Kapital binden"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to free up capital"; History = (); SecondValue = "Kapital freisetzen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "net present value"; History = (); SecondValue = Kapitalwert; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "net present value method"; History = (); SecondValue = Kapitalwertmethode; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "opportunity costs"; History = (); SecondValue = "Opportunit\U00E4tskosten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = return; History = (); SecondValue = "Rentabilit\U00E4t / Rendite"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "average rate of return method"; History = (); SecondValue = "Rentabilit\U00E4tsrechnung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to pay for itself"; History = (); SecondValue = "sich amortisieren / sich bezahlt machen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "static model"; History = (); SecondValue = "statisches Modell"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "replacement value"; History = (); SecondValue = Wiederbeschaffungswert; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "interest rate"; History = (); SecondValue = "Zinsfu\U00DF / Zinssatz"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "markup pricing"; History = (); SecondValue = Aufschlagskalkulation; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to break down"; History = (); SecondValue = "aufschl\U00FCsseln (z.B. Kosten ...)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "internal accounting"; History = (); SecondValue = Betriebsabrechnung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "overhead allocation sheet"; History = (); SecondValue = "Betriebsabrechnungsbogen / BAB"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "contribution margin"; History = (); SecondValue = Deckungsbeitrag; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "direct costing"; History = (); SecondValue = Deckungsbeitragsrechnung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to hold down costs"; History = (); SecondValue = "die Kosten niedrig halten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to cut costs"; History = (); SecondValue = "die Kosten senken"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "average costs"; History = (); SecondValue = Durchschnittskosten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "direct cost"; History = (); SecondValue = Einzelkosten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "direct wages"; History = (); SecondValue = "Fertigungsl\U00F6hne"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "direct material"; History = (); SecondValue = Fertigungsmaterial; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "fixed costs"; History = (); SecondValue = Fixkosten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "total of fixed costs"; History = (); SecondValue = Fixkostenblock; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "overhead costs"; History = (); SecondValue = Gemeinkosten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to allocate overhead expense"; History = (); SecondValue = "Gemeinkosten verrechnen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "overhead charges"; History = (); SecondValue = "Gemeinkostenzuschl\U00E4ge"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "total cost"; History = (); SecondValue = Gesamtkosten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "after-tax profit"; History = (); SecondValue = "Gewinn nach Steuern"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "profit before taxes"; History = (); SecondValue = "Gewinn vor Steuern"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "breakeven point"; History = (); SecondValue = Gewinnschwelle; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "profit markup"; History = (); SecondValue = Gewinnzuschlag; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "marginal costs"; History = (); SecondValue = Grenzkosten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "production cost centre"; History = (); SecondValue = Hauptkostenstelle; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "production costs"; History = (); SecondValue = Herstellkosten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "service cost centre"; History = (); SecondValue = Hilfskostenstelle; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "actual cost"; History = (); SecondValue = Istkosten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = calculation; History = (); SecondValue = Kalkulation; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "capital turnover"; History = (); SecondValue = Kapitalumschlag; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "cost analysis"; History = (); SecondValue = Kostenanalyse; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "categories of costs"; History = (); SecondValue = Kostenarten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "cost type accounting"; History = (); SecondValue = Kostenartenrechnung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "elements of costs"; History = (); SecondValue = Kostenbestandteile; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "cost-covering"; History = (); SecondValue = kostendeckend; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "cost minimization"; History = (); SecondValue = Kostenminimierung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "cost accountant"; History = (); SecondValue = Kostenrechner; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "cost accounting"; History = (); SecondValue = Kostenrechnung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "costing system"; History = (); SecondValue = Kostenrechnungssystem; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "cost centre"; History = (); SecondValue = Kostenstelle; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "cost centre accounting"; History = (); SecondValue = Kostenstellenrechnung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "cost objective"; History = (); SecondValue = "Kostentr\U00E4ger"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "unit-of-output costing"; History = (); SecondValue = "Kostentr\U00E4gerrechnung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "cost effective"; History = (); SecondValue = kostenwirksam; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "labour costs"; History = (); SecondValue = Lohnkosten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "incidental wage costs"; History = (); SecondValue = Lohnnebenkosten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "materials overhead"; History = (); SecondValue = Materialgemeinkosten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "materials overhead rate"; History = (); SecondValue = Materialgemeinkostenzuschlag; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "least cost combination"; History = (); SecondValue = Minimalkostenkombination; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "compensatory pricing"; History = (); SecondValue = "Mischkalkulation / Ausgleichskalkulation"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = extras; History = (); SecondValue = Nebenkosten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = incidentals; History = (); SecondValue = Nebenkosten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "normal costing"; History = (); SecondValue = Normalkostenrechnung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "predicted cost"; History = (); SecondValue = Plankosten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "standard costing"; History = (); SecondValue = Plankostenrechnung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "cost of production"; History = (); SecondValue = Produktionskosten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = accounting; History = (); SecondValue = Rechnungswesen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "net profit"; History = (); SecondValue = Reingewinn; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "cost price"; History = (); SecondValue = Selbstkosten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "cost per unit"; History = (); SecondValue = "St\U00FCckkosten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "variable costing"; History = (); SecondValue = Teilkostenrechnung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "variable costs"; History = (); SecondValue = "variable Kosten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "variable unit costs"; History = (); SecondValue = "variable St\U00FCckkosten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "allocation basis"; History = (); SecondValue = "Verteilungsschl\U00FCssel"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "selling expenses"; History = (); SecondValue = Vertriebskosten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "administrative expenses"; History = (); SecondValue = Verwaltungskosten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "absorbed cost basis"; History = (); SecondValue = Vollkostenbasis; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "absorption costing"; History = (); SecondValue = Vollkostenrechnung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "job-order costing"; History = (); SecondValue = Zuschlagskalkulation; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "refusal of an order"; History = (); SecondValue = "Ablehnung einer Bestellung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to find a market"; History = (); SecondValue = "Abnehmer finden / Absatz finden"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "sales opportunities"; History = (); SecondValue = Absatzchancen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "slump in sales"; History = (); SecondValue = Absatzeinbruch; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "marketing policy"; History = (); SecondValue = Absatzpolitik; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "current price"; History = (); SecondValue = "aktueller Preis"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = offer; History = (); SecondValue = "Angebot (allg.)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = quotation; History = (); SecondValue = "Angebot (mit Preis)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "offer subject to confirmation"; History = (); SecondValue = "Angebot freibleibend"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = reasonable; History = (); SecondValue = "angemessen (Preis, Bedingungen ...)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "target price"; History = (); SecondValue = "angestrebter Preis / Zielpreis"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "follow-up order"; History = (); SecondValue = "Anschlu\U00DFauftrag / Folgeauftrag"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to come to the market"; History = (); SecondValue = "auf den Markt kommen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "receptive market"; History = (); SecondValue = "aufnahmebereiter Markt"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "order position"; History = (); SecondValue = Auftragslage; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "detailed information"; History = (); SecondValue = "ausf\U00FChrliche Informationen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = execution; History = (); SecondValue = "Ausf\U00FChrung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = sophisticated; History = (); SecondValue = "ausgereift (Produkt)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "factory rejects"; History = (); SecondValue = "Ausschu\U00DF"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "bargain price"; History = (); SecondValue = "Ausverkaufspreis / Gelegenheitspreis"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to be out of stock"; History = (); SecondValue = "ausverkauft sein"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "rockbottom price"; History = (); SecondValue = "\U00E4u\U00DFerst scharf kalkulierter Preis"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "service charge"; History = (); SecondValue = "Bearbeitungsgeb\U00FChr"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "money back guarantee"; History = (); SecondValue = "bei Nichtgefallen Geld zur\U00FCck"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to confirm"; History = (); SecondValue = "best\U00E4tigen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = confirmation; History = (); SecondValue = "Best\U00E4tigung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "order form"; History = (); SecondValue = Bestellformular; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "order number"; History = (); SecondValue = "Bestellnummer // Auftragsnummer"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = order; History = (); SecondValue = "Bestellung / Auftrag"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "domestic market"; History = (); SecondValue = "Binnenmarkt // Inlandsmarkt"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "large groups of consumers"; History = (); SecondValue = "breite Nachfrageschichten / breite K\U00E4uferschichten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "gross weight"; History = (); SecondValue = Bruttogewicht; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "standing order"; History = (); SecondValue = Dauerauftrag; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "decline stage"; History = (); SecondValue = "Degenerationsphase (eines Produkts innerhalb seines Lebenszyklus)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to match the sample"; History = (); SecondValue = "dem Muster entsprechen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to stimulate the market"; History = (); SecondValue = "den Markt beleben"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to flood the market"; History = (); SecondValue = "den Markt \U00FCberschwemmen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to supply the market"; History = (); SecondValue = "den Markt versorgen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "the highest bidder"; History = (); SecondValue = "der Meistbietende"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "the price of"; History = (); SecondValue = "der Preis f\U00FCr"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "the sale of"; History = (); SecondValue = "der Verkauf von"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "the prices rise"; History = (); SecondValue = "die Preise steigen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "twin pack"; History = (); SecondValue = Doppelpackung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "third-class quality"; History = (); SecondValue = "dritte Wahl"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "dumping price"; History = (); SecondValue = "Dumpingpreis / Preis unter Wert"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "average price"; History = (); SecondValue = "durchschnittlicher Preis"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to accept an offer"; History = (); SecondValue = "ein Angebot annehmen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to obtain an offer"; History = (); SecondValue = "ein Angebot einholen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to submit an offer"; History = (); SecondValue = "ein Angebot unterbreiten / einreichen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to launch a new product"; History = (); SecondValue = "ein neues Produkt auf den Markt bringen / starten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to address an inquiry to"; History = (); SecondValue = "eine Anfrage richten an"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to book an order"; History = (); SecondValue = "eine Bestellung vormerken"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to cancel an order"; History = (); SecondValue = "eine Bestellung widerrufen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "a large number of"; History = (); SecondValue = "eine gro\U00DFe Anzahl an"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "a large quantity of"; History = (); SecondValue = "eine gro\U00DFe Menge an"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to bridge a gap in the market"; History = (); SecondValue = "eine Marktl\U00FCcke schlie\U00DFen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to place an order"; History = (); SecondValue = "einen Auftrag erteilen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to open up a market"; History = (); SecondValue = "einen Markt erschlie\U00DFen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to conquer a share of the market"; History = (); SecondValue = "einen Marktanteil erobern"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to maintain a share of the market"; History = (); SecondValue = "einen Marktanteil halten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to quote a price"; History = (); SecondValue = "einen Preis angeben / einen Preis nennen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to raise a price"; History = (); SecondValue = "einen Preis anheben"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to fix a price"; History = (); SecondValue = "einen Preis festlegen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to beat a price"; History = (); SecondValue = "einen Preis unterbieten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "pioneering stage"; History = (); SecondValue = "Einf\U00FChrungsphase (eines Produkts innerhalb seines Lebenszyklus)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "registered trademark"; History = (); SecondValue = "eingetragenes Warenzeichen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "purchasing department"; History = (); SecondValue = "Einkauf (als Abteilung im Unternehmen)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "head of purchasing department"; History = (); SecondValue = Einkaufsleiter; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "purchase price"; History = (); SecondValue = Einkaufspreis; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "retail price"; History = (); SecondValue = "Einzelhandelspreis / Ladenpreis"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "suggested price"; History = (); SecondValue = "empfohlener Preis / Richtpreis"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "promising market"; History = (); SecondValue = "erfolgversprechender Markt"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "substantial market shares"; History = (); SecondValue = "erhebliche Marktanteile"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = substitute; History = (); SecondValue = Ersatz; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = surrogate; History = (); SecondValue = Ersatzstoff; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "prime quality"; History = (); SecondValue = "erste Wahl"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to put s.th. on the market"; History = (); SecondValue = "etw. auf den Markt bringen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = exporter; History = (); SecondValue = Exporteur; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "brand-new"; History = (); SecondValue = fabrikneu; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to bargain"; History = (); SecondValue = "feilschen / handeln"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "fixed price"; History = (); SecondValue = Festpreis; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = guaranteed; History = (); SecondValue = garantiert; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = bid; History = (); SecondValue = Gebot; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "counter-offer"; History = (); SecondValue = Gegenangebot; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = profiteering; History = (); SecondValue = "Gesch\U00E4ftemacherei"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "profit margin"; History = (); SecondValue = Gewinnspanne; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "wholesale price"; History = (); SecondValue = "Gro\U00DFhandelspreis"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to meet a ready market"; History = (); SecondValue = "guten Absatz finden"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "favourable offer"; History = (); SecondValue = "g\U00FCnstiges Angebot"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = grade; History = (); SecondValue = "G\U00FCteklasse / Handelsklasse / Sorte"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = brand; History = (); SecondValue = Handelsmarke; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "trade margin"; History = (); SecondValue = Handelsspanne; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "trade custom"; History = (); SecondValue = "Handelsusance / \U00FCblich"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = merchandise; History = (); SecondValue = Handelsware; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = trader; History = (); SecondValue = "H\U00E4ndler"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "trade discount"; History = (); SecondValue = "H\U00E4ndlerrabatt"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "highest bidder"; History = (); SecondValue = "H\U00F6chstbietender"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "highest bid"; History = (); SecondValue = "H\U00F6chstgebot"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "maximum price"; History = (); SecondValue = "H\U00F6chstpreis"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = importer; History = (); SecondValue = Importeur; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "all-in price"; History = (); SecondValue = "Inklusivpreis / alles im Preis inbegriffen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = purchase; History = (); SecondValue = Kauf; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to buy"; History = (); SecondValue = kaufen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = buyer; History = (); SecondValue = "K\U00E4ufer"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "buyer's market"; History = (); SecondValue = "K\U00E4ufermarkt"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "no extra charge"; History = (); SecondValue = "kein Aufpreis"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "competitive pressure"; History = (); SecondValue = Konkurrenzdruck; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "rival product"; History = (); SecondValue = Konkurrenzprodukt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to compete with"; History = (); SecondValue = "konkurrieren mit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "free of charge"; History = (); SecondValue = "kostenlos / gratis"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "cost estimate"; History = (); SecondValue = Kostenvoranschlag; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = salesmanship; History = (); SecondValue = "Kunst des Verkaufens"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "shelf warmer"; History = (); SecondValue = "Ladenh\U00FCter"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "tender specifications"; History = (); SecondValue = Lastenheft; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "as per your order"; History = (); SecondValue = "laut ihrer Bestellung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "bill of quantities"; History = (); SecondValue = Leistungsverzeichnis; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = supplier; History = (); SecondValue = Lieferant; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "delivery immediately after receipt of order"; History = (); SecondValue = "Lieferung sofort nach Eingang der Bestellung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = shortage; History = (); SecondValue = "Mangel / Fehlmenge"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = generics; History = (); SecondValue = "markenlose Produkte / Noname-Produkte"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "market analysis"; History = (); SecondValue = Marktanalyse; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "market research"; History = (); SecondValue = Marktforschung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "market forecast"; History = (); SecondValue = Marktprognose; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "ready for the market"; History = (); SecondValue = marktreif; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "saturation of the market"; History = (); SecondValue = "Markts\U00E4ttigung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "market fluctuations"; History = (); SecondValue = Marktschwankungen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "market strategy"; History = (); SecondValue = Marktstrategie; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "market structure"; History = (); SecondValue = Marktstruktur; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "market study"; History = (); SecondValue = Marktstudie; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "knowledge of the market"; History = (); SecondValue = Markttransparenz; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "market survey"; History = (); SecondValue = "Markt\U00FCbersicht"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "bulk goods"; History = (); SecondValue = "Masseng\U00FCter"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "quantity discount"; History = (); SecondValue = Mengenrabatt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "inferior quality"; History = (); SecondValue = "mindere Qualit\U00E4t"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "markup for small-volume purchases"; History = (); SecondValue = Mindermengenzuschlag; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "minimum purchasing quantity"; History = (); SecondValue = Mindestabnahmemenge; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "minimum price"; History = (); SecondValue = Mindestpreis; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to sell at a profit"; History = (); SecondValue = "mit Gewinn verkaufen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to sell at a loss"; History = (); SecondValue = "mit Verlust verkaufen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = sample; History = (); SecondValue = "Muster / Probe"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "collection of samples"; History = (); SecondValue = Musterkollektion; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = reorder; History = (); SecondValue = Nachbestellung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "net weight"; History = (); SecondValue = Nettogewicht; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "public invitation to tender"; History = (); SecondValue = "\U00F6ffentliche Ausschreibung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "package offer"; History = (); SecondValue = Pauschalangebot; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "lump sum"; History = (); SecondValue = Pauschale; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "fixed allowance"; History = (); SecondValue = "Pauschalverg\U00FCtung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "charm price"; History = (); SecondValue = "Preis, wie z.B. 8,88 DM, 9,99 DM ..."; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "price-fixing agreement"; History = (); SecondValue = Preisabsprache; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "inquiry for prices"; History = (); SecondValue = Preisanfrage; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = surcharge; History = (); SecondValue = Preisaufschlag; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "prices subject to change without notice"; History = (); SecondValue = "Preis\U00E4nderungen vorbehalten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "price formation"; History = (); SecondValue = Preisbildung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "price maintenance"; History = (); SecondValue = Preisbindung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "price differentiation"; History = (); SecondValue = Preisdifferenzierung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "increase in prices"; History = (); SecondValue = "Preiserh\U00F6hung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "price decontrol"; History = (); SecondValue = Preisfreigabe; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "price structure"; History = (); SecondValue = "Preisgef\U00FCge"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "price list"; History = (); SecondValue = Preisliste; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "price deduction"; History = (); SecondValue = "Preisnachla\U00DF"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "price level"; History = (); SecondValue = Preisniveau; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "pricing policy"; History = (); SecondValue = Preispolitik; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "price ticket"; History = (); SecondValue = Preisschild; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "price fluctuations"; History = (); SecondValue = Preisschwankungen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "price freeze"; History = (); SecondValue = Preisstopp; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "bottom price"; History = (); SecondValue = Preisuntergrenze; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "trial order"; History = (); SecondValue = Probeauftrag; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "product life"; History = (); SecondValue = Produktlebensdauer; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "product life cycle"; History = (); SecondValue = Produktlebenszyklus; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "business on a commission basis"; History = (); SecondValue = "Provisionsgesch\U00E4ft"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = discount; History = (); SecondValue = "Rabatt // Skonto"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = junk; History = (); SecondValue = Ramsch; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "marginal segment"; History = (); SecondValue = Randsegment; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = reduced; History = (); SecondValue = reduziert; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "maturity stage"; History = (); SecondValue = "Reifephase (eines Produkts innerhalb seines Lebenszyklus)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "travelling salesman"; History = (); SecondValue = "reisender Verk\U00E4ufer / Vertreter"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "raw materials"; History = (); SecondValue = Rohstoffe; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "saturation stage"; History = (); SecondValue = "S\U00E4ttigungsphase (eines Produkts innerhalb seines Lebenszyklus)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "poor quality"; History = (); SecondValue = "schlechte Qualit\U00E4t"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "give-away price"; History = (); SecondValue = Schleuderpreis; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "written offer"; History = (); SecondValue = "schriftliches Angebot"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "nominal fee"; History = (); SecondValue = "Schutzgeb\U00FChr"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "black market"; History = (); SecondValue = Schwarzmarkt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to sell well"; History = (); SecondValue = "sich gut verkaufen lassen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "special price"; History = (); SecondValue = "Sonderpreis / Vorzugspreis"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "graduated prices"; History = (); SecondValue = Staffelpreise; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "regular customer"; History = (); SecondValue = Stammkunde; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "unit price"; History = (); SecondValue = "St\U00FCckpreis"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = subsidized; History = (); SecondValue = subventioniert; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to order by telephone"; History = (); SecondValue = "telefonisch bestellen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "low end"; History = (); SecondValue = "untere Preisklasse"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "short weight"; History = (); SecondValue = Untergewicht; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = unsalable; History = (); SecondValue = "unverk\U00E4uflich"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "excess weight"; History = (); SecondValue = "\U00DCbergewicht"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = exorbitant; History = (); SecondValue = "\U00FCberh\U00F6ht / unerh\U00F6rt (Preise)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "superior quality"; History = (); SecondValue = "\U00FCberragende Qualit\U00E4t"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = surplus; History = (); SecondValue = "\U00DCberschu\U00DF / \U00DCbermenge"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "customary price"; History = (); SecondValue = "\U00FCblicher Preis"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "binding offer"; History = (); SecondValue = "verbindliches Angebot"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "agreed price"; History = (); SecondValue = "vereinbarter Preis"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "sales department"; History = (); SecondValue = "Verkauf (als Abteilung im Unternehmen)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to sell"; History = (); SecondValue = verkaufen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "terms of sale"; History = (); SecondValue = Verkaufsbedingungen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "sales talk"; History = (); SecondValue = "Verkaufsgespr\U00E4ch"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "sales premium"; History = (); SecondValue = "Verkaufspr\U00E4mie"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "sales price"; History = (); SecondValue = Verkaufspreis; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "sales training"; History = (); SecondValue = Verkaufsschulung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = seller; History = (); SecondValue = "Verk\U00E4ufer"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "seller's market"; History = (); SecondValue = "Verk\U00E4ufermarkt"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "losing bargain"; History = (); SecondValue = "Verlustgesch\U00E4ft"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "packing at cost price"; History = (); SecondValue = "Verpackung zum Selbstkostenpreis"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "agent's commission"; History = (); SecondValue = Vertreterprovision; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = marketing; History = (); SecondValue = Vertrieb; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "door-to-door selling"; History = (); SecondValue = "Vertrieb an der Haust\U00FCr"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "marketing organization"; History = (); SecondValue = Vertriebsorganisation; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "advance payment"; History = (); SecondValue = Vorauszahlung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "advance order"; History = (); SecondValue = Vorbestellung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to give first option"; History = (); SecondValue = "Vorkaufsrecht gew\U00E4hren"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "growth stage"; History = (); SecondValue = "Wachstumsphase (eines Produkts innerhalb seines Lebenszyklus)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "world market price"; History = (); SecondValue = Weltmarktpreis; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "highly competitive market"; History = (); SecondValue = "wettbewerbsintensiver Markt"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = resale; History = (); SecondValue = Wiederverkauf; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "at half price"; History = (); SecondValue = "zum halben Preis"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "subject to prior sale"; History = (); SecondValue = "Zwischenverkauf vorbehalten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "a is greater than b"; History = (); SecondValue = "a ist gr\U00F6\U00DFer als b"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = derivative; History = (); SecondValue = Ableitung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to round down"; History = (); SecondValue = abrunden; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = abscissa; History = (); SecondValue = "Abszisse (x-Achse)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to add up"; History = (); SecondValue = addieren; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = addition; History = (); SecondValue = Addition; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "arithmetic progression"; History = (); SecondValue = "arithmetische Reihe"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to round up"; History = (); SecondValue = aufrunden; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to calculate"; History = (); SecondValue = ausrechnen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "b is smaller than a"; History = (); SecondValue = "b ist kleiner als a"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = fraction; History = (); SecondValue = Bruch; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "c is greater than, or equal to, d"; History = (); SecondValue = "c ist gr\U00F6\U00DFer oder gleich d"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = cosine; History = (); SecondValue = Cosinus; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "the ratio is two to one"; History = (); SecondValue = "das Verh\U00E4ltnis betr\U00E4gt zwei zu eins"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "the outer semicircle"; History = (); SecondValue = "der \U00E4u\U00DFere Halbkreis"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "decimal fraction"; History = (); SecondValue = Dezimalbruch; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "the square root of 9 is 3"; History = (); SecondValue = "die (Quadrat)Wurzel von 9 ist 3"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "the four rules"; History = (); SecondValue = "die vier Grundrechenarten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to divide"; History = (); SecondValue = dividieren; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = division; History = (); SecondValue = Division; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = triangle; History = (); SecondValue = Dreieck; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "multiplication table"; History = (); SecondValue = Einmaleins; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "one plus two equals three"; History = (); SecondValue = "eins plus zwei ergibt drei"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = ellipse; History = (); SecondValue = Ellipse; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = area; History = (); SecondValue = "Fl\U00E4cheninhalt"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = formula; History = (); SecondValue = Formel; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = function; History = (); SecondValue = "Funktion (die mathematische Gleichung!)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = graph; History = (); SecondValue = "Funktion (Kurve auf dem Papier!)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "five and three eighths"; History = (); SecondValue = "f\U00FCnf drei Achtel"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "five cubed"; History = (); SecondValue = "f\U00FCnf hoch drei"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "five squared"; History = (); SecondValue = "f\U00FCnf im Quadrat"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "four times five equals twenty"; History = (); SecondValue = "f\U00FCnf mal vier ergibt zwanzig"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "five per cent"; History = (); SecondValue = "f\U00FCnf Prozent"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "straight line"; History = (); SecondValue = "gerade Linie"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "even number"; History = (); SecondValue = "gerade Zahl"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = equation; History = (); SecondValue = Gleichung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = integral; History = (); SecondValue = Integral; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = integration; History = (); SecondValue = Integration; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = cone; History = (); SecondValue = Kegel; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "least common denominator"; History = (); SecondValue = "kleinster gemeinsamer Nenner"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = constant; History = (); SecondValue = Konstante; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = coordinates; History = (); SecondValue = Koordinaten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = circle; History = (); SecondValue = Kreis; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = circular; History = (); SecondValue = "kreisf\U00F6rmig"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = logarithms; History = (); SecondValue = Logarithmen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "logistic function"; History = (); SecondValue = "logische Funktion"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "mathematically more complex"; History = (); SecondValue = "mathematisch komplizierter"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "matrix notation"; History = (); SecondValue = Matrizenschreibweise; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "constrained maximization"; History = (); SecondValue = "Maximierung mit Nebenbedingungen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "unconstrained maximization"; History = (); SecondValue = "Maximierung ohne Nebenbedingungen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "maximum and minimum"; History = (); SecondValue = "Maximum und Minimum"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = multiplication; History = (); SecondValue = Multiplikation; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to multiply"; History = (); SecondValue = multiplizieren; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "n factorial"; History = (); SecondValue = "n-Fakult\U00E4t"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = numeric; History = (); SecondValue = numerisch; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = surface; History = (); SecondValue = "Oberfl\U00E4che"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "optimum price"; History = (); SecondValue = "optimaler Preis"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "optimization criteria"; History = (); SecondValue = Optimierungskriterien; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "model of optimization"; History = (); SecondValue = Optimierungsmodell; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = ordinate; History = (); SecondValue = "Ordinate (y-Achse)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = parallel; History = (); SecondValue = parallel; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = parameter; History = (); SecondValue = Parameter; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "partial derivative"; History = (); SecondValue = "partielle Ableitung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = percentage; History = (); SecondValue = Prozentsatz; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "dotted line"; History = (); SecondValue = "punktierte Linie"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = pyramid; History = (); SecondValue = Pyramide; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = square; History = (); SecondValue = "quadratisch / Quadrat"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "cross-section"; History = (); SecondValue = Querschnitt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = volume; History = (); SecondValue = Rauminhalt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = rectangle; History = (); SecondValue = Rechteck; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = remainder; History = (); SecondValue = Rest; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "six minus two equals four"; History = (); SecondValue = "sechs minus zwei ergibt vier"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "seven to the fifth"; History = (); SecondValue = "sieben hoch f\U00FCnf"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "simplex algorithm"; History = (); SecondValue = "Simplexalgorithmus / Simplexverfahren"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = sine; History = (); SecondValue = Sinus; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "column vector"; History = (); SecondValue = Spaltenvektor; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to subtract"; History = (); SecondValue = subtrahieren; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = subtraction; History = (); SecondValue = Subtraktion; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = tangent; History = (); SecondValue = Tangens; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "odd number"; History = (); SecondValue = "ungerade Zahl"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = inequality; History = (); SecondValue = Ungleichung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = discontinuous; History = (); SecondValue = unstetig; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = origin; History = (); SecondValue = Ursprung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = variable; History = (); SecondValue = Variable; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = rectangular; History = (); SecondValue = "viereckig / rechteckig"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = sign; History = (); SecondValue = Vorzeichen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "point of inflexion"; History = (); SecondValue = Wendepunkt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = value; History = (); SecondValue = Wert; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = angle; History = (); SecondValue = Winkel; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = cube; History = (); SecondValue = "W\U00FCrfel"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "x to the power of minus one equals one over x"; History = (); SecondValue = "x hoch minus eins ergibt 1 durch x"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "x-axis"; History = (); SecondValue = "x-Achse"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = intercept; History = (); SecondValue = "y-Abschnitt"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "ten divided by five equals two"; History = (); SecondValue = "zehn geteilt durch f\U00FCnf ergibt zwei"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "row vector"; History = (); SecondValue = Zeilenvektor; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "zigzag line"; History = (); SecondValue = Zickzacklinie; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "two thirds"; History = (); SecondValue = "zwei Drittel"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "two over five"; History = (); SecondValue = "zwei F\U00FCnftel"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = cylinder; History = (); SecondValue = Zylinder; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to participate in a fair"; History = (); SecondValue = "an einer Messe teilnehmen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "deadline for applications"; History = (); SecondValue = "Anmeldeschlu\U00DF"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "information office"; History = (); SecondValue = "Auskunftsb\U00FCro"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to exhibit"; History = (); SecondValue = ausstellen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = exhibitor; History = (); SecondValue = Aussteller; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "exhibitor's pass"; History = (); SecondValue = Ausstellerausweis; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "list of exhibitors"; History = (); SecondValue = Ausstellerverzeichnis; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = exposition; History = (); SecondValue = Ausstellung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "floor space"; History = (); SecondValue = "Ausstellungsfl\U00E4che"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "exhibition hall"; History = (); SecondValue = Ausstellungshalle; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = exhibit; History = (); SecondValue = "Ausstellungsst\U00FCck"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = visitor; History = (); SecondValue = Besucher; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "guard service"; History = (); SecondValue = Bewachungsdienst; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "the latest product"; History = (); SecondValue = "das neueste Produkt"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "season ticket"; History = (); SecondValue = Dauerkarte; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to cancel an application"; History = (); SecondValue = "eine Anmeldung zur\U00FCckziehen / stornieren"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to visit a fair"; History = (); SecondValue = "eine Messe besuchen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to organize a fair"; History = (); SecondValue = "eine Messe veranstalten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to remove a stand"; History = (); SecondValue = "einen Stand abbauen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to install a stand"; History = (); SecondValue = "einen Stand aufbauen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "entrance fee"; History = (); SecondValue = "Eintrittsgeb\U00FChr"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = opening; History = (); SecondValue = "Er\U00F6ffnung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "specialized fair"; History = (); SecondValue = Fachmesse; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "prefabricated stand"; History = (); SecondValue = Fertigstand; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "open-air grounds"; History = (); SecondValue = "Freigel\U00E4nde"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "free ticket"; History = (); SecondValue = Freikarte; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "hall plan"; History = (); SecondValue = Hallenplan; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "trade fair"; History = (); SecondValue = Handelsmesse; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to list in the catalogue"; History = (); SecondValue = "in den Katalog aufnehmen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "industrial fair"; History = (); SecondValue = Industriemesse; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "fair pass"; History = (); SecondValue = Messeausweis; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "fair grounds"; History = (); SecondValue = "Messegel\U00E4nde"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "fair management"; History = (); SecondValue = Messeleitung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "exhibition regulations"; History = (); SecondValue = Messeordnung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = stand; History = (); SecondValue = Messestand; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "exhibition centre"; History = (); SecondValue = Messezentrum; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = showcase; History = (); SecondValue = Schaukasten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to apply for space"; History = (); SecondValue = "sich anmelden / sich um einen Stand bewerben"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "stand rental"; History = (); SecondValue = Standmiete; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "day ticket"; History = (); SecondValue = Tageskarte; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "technical assistance"; History = (); SecondValue = "technische Hilfe"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "conditions of participation"; History = (); SecondValue = Teilnahmebedingungen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "floor plan"; History = (); SecondValue = "\U00DCbersichtsplan"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = organizer; History = (); SecondValue = Veranstalter; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = admission; History = (); SecondValue = Zulassung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = operation; History = (); SecondValue = Ablauf; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "operations planning"; History = (); SecondValue = Ablaufplanung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "co-ordinating mechanism"; History = (); SecondValue = Abstimmungsmechanismus; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = department; History = (); SecondValue = Abteilung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "head of department"; History = (); SecondValue = Abteilungsleiter; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "cutting across departmental boundaries"; History = (); SecondValue = "abteilungs\U00FCbergreifend"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "through formal channels"; History = (); SecondValue = "auf dem Dienstweg"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "company organization structure"; History = (); SecondValue = Aufbauorganisation; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = bloated; History = (); SecondValue = "aufgebl\U00E4ht (z.B. eine Organisation)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "advisory department"; History = (); SecondValue = "beratende Abteilung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = consultancy; History = (); SecondValue = Beratungsfirma; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "plant area"; History = (); SecondValue = "Betriebsfl\U00E4che"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "plant management"; History = (); SecondValue = Betriebsleitung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "plant location"; History = (); SecondValue = Betriebsstandort; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to evaluate"; History = (); SecondValue = bewerten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = evaluation; History = (); SecondValue = Bewertung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = budgeting; History = (); SecondValue = Budgetierung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "budget overrun"; History = (); SecondValue = "Budget\U00FCberschreitung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to pass the buck to"; History = (); SecondValue = "den Schwarzen Peter zuschieben an / die Verantwortung abw\U00E4lzen auf"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "by resolution of the managing board"; History = (); SecondValue = "durch Vorstandsbeschlu\U00DF"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to prepare a budget"; History = (); SecondValue = "ein Budget aufstellen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to fund a project"; History = (); SecondValue = "ein Projekt finanzieren"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to launch a project"; History = (); SecondValue = "ein Projekt starten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to direct a company"; History = (); SecondValue = "ein Unternehmen steuern"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "purchasing department"; History = (); SecondValue = "Einkauf / Einkaufsabteilung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "single-line system"; History = (); SecondValue = Einliniensystem; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "delegation of decision-making"; History = (); SecondValue = Entscheidungsdelegation; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "level of decision-making"; History = (); SecondValue = "Entscheidungsebene / Entscheidungsstufe"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "decision-making"; History = (); SecondValue = Entscheidungsfindung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "decision-making hierarchy"; History = (); SecondValue = Entscheidungshierarchie; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "criteria of decision"; History = (); SecondValue = Entscheidungskriterien; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "decision parameter"; History = (); SecondValue = "Entscheidungsparameter / Entscheidungsfaktoren"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "lines of decision"; History = (); SecondValue = Entscheidungswege; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "research department"; History = (); SecondValue = "Entwicklungsabteilung / Entwicklung (als Abteilung innerhalb eines Unternehmens)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "detailed planning"; History = (); SecondValue = Feinplanung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "finance department"; History = (); SecondValue = "Finanzabteilung / Rechnungswesen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "follow-up costs"; History = (); SecondValue = Folgekosten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "research and development"; History = (); SecondValue = "Forschung und Entwicklung / F&E"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "functional organization"; History = (); SecondValue = "funktionale Organisation"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "functional structure"; History = (); SecondValue = "funktionale Struktur"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "functional area"; History = (); SecondValue = Funktionsbereich; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "functional principle"; History = (); SecondValue = Funktionsprinzip; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "instances of multiple functions"; History = (); SecondValue = "Funktions\U00FCberschneidungen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "top management"; History = (); SecondValue = "F\U00FChrungsspitze / oberste Unternehmensleitung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "early warning signal"; History = (); SecondValue = "F\U00FChrwarnsignal"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "continuous planning"; History = (); SecondValue = "gleitende Planung / rollende Planung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "overall planning"; History = (); SecondValue = "Grobplanung / Rahmenplanung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to have valid reasons"; History = (); SecondValue = "gute Gr\U00FCnde haben"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "key characteristics"; History = (); SecondValue = Hauptmerkmale; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = hierarchy; History = (); SecondValue = Hierarchie; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "managerial unit"; History = (); SecondValue = Instanz; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = committee; History = (); SecondValue = Kommission; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "lines of communication"; History = (); SecondValue = Kommunikationsstruktur; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "conflicting lines of authority"; History = (); SecondValue = Kompetenzstreitigkeiten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = store; History = (); SecondValue = Lager; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "long-term planning"; History = (); SecondValue = "langfristige Planung / Langfristplanung / Langzeitplanung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "long-term company strategy"; History = (); SecondValue = "langfristige Unternehmensstrategie"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "line section"; History = (); SecondValue = Linieninstanz; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "line organization"; History = (); SecondValue = Linienorganisation; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "line position"; History = (); SecondValue = Linienstelle; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "management process"; History = (); SecondValue = "Managementproze\U00DF"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "matrix organization"; History = (); SecondValue = Matrixorganisation; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "multiple-line system"; History = (); SecondValue = Mehrliniensystem; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "parent company"; History = (); SecondValue = Muttergesellschaft; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to search for alternatives"; History = (); SecondValue = "nach Alternativen suchen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "network diagram"; History = (); SecondValue = Netzplan; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "top objective"; History = (); SecondValue = "oberstes Ziel // Oberziel"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "operational planning"; History = (); SecondValue = "operative Planung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "organization chart"; History = (); SecondValue = "Organisationsplan / Organisationsschaubild"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "organizational structure"; History = (); SecondValue = Organisationsstruktur; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "organizational chart"; History = (); SecondValue = Organogramm; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "personnel department"; History = (); SecondValue = Personalabteilung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "level of detail"; History = (); SecondValue = Plantiefe; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "planning base"; History = (); SecondValue = Planungsgrundlage; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "time horizon"; History = (); SecondValue = Planungshorizont; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "planning stage"; History = (); SecondValue = Planungsphase; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "planning period"; History = (); SecondValue = Planungszeitraum; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = target; History = (); SecondValue = Planziel; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "portfolio analysis"; History = (); SecondValue = Portfolioanalyse; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "principle of the shortest channel"; History = (); SecondValue = "Prinzip des k\U00FCrzesten Weges"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "production division"; History = (); SecondValue = "Produktion (als Abteilung innerhalb eines Unternehmens)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "product-oriented structure"; History = (); SecondValue = "produktorientierte Struktur"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = forecast; History = (); SecondValue = "Prognose / Vorhersage"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = predictability; History = (); SecondValue = "Prognostizierbarkeit / Vorhersagbarkeit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "project funding"; History = (); SecondValue = Projektfinanzierung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "project manager"; History = (); SecondValue = Projektleiter; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "project management"; History = (); SecondValue = "Projektmanagement // Projektleitung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "space requirements"; History = (); SecondValue = "Raumbedarf / Platzbedarf"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "smooth co-ordination"; History = (); SecondValue = "reibungslose Koordination"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "top-down planning"; History = (); SecondValue = "retrograde Planung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "situative component"; History = (); SecondValue = "situationsabh\U00E4ngige Komponente"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = division; History = (); SecondValue = "Sparte / Unternehmensbereich"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "divisional organization"; History = (); SecondValue = Spartenorganisation; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "divisional structure"; History = (); SecondValue = "Spartenstruktur / divisionale Struktur"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "line-staff-principle"; History = (); SecondValue = Stablinienprinzip; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "staff organization"; History = (); SecondValue = Staborganisation; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "locational planning"; History = (); SecondValue = Standortplanung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "strategic planning"; History = (); SecondValue = "strategische Planung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "strategic goals"; History = (); SecondValue = "strategische Ziele"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "lines of authority"; History = (); SecondValue = "Struktur der Weisungsbeziehungen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "level-by-level planning"; History = (); SecondValue = "stufenweise Planung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "day-to-day business"; History = (); SecondValue = "Tagesgesch\U00E4ft / tagesaktuelles Gesch\U00E4ft"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "sphere of activities"; History = (); SecondValue = "T\U00E4tigkeitsbereich"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = schedule; History = (); SecondValue = "Terminplan / Arbeitsplan"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "time scheduling"; History = (); SecondValue = Terminplanung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = subsidiary; History = (); SecondValue = Tochtergesellschaft; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "managerial inability"; History = (); SecondValue = "Unf\U00E4higkeit der Unternehmensleitung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "blurred lines of responsibility"; History = (); SecondValue = "unklare Verantwortlichkeitsbeziehungen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = uncertainty; History = (); SecondValue = "Unsicherheit / Ungewi\U00DFheit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = management; History = (); SecondValue = Unternehmensleitung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "business planning"; History = (); SecondValue = Unternehmensplanung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = responsibility; History = (); SecondValue = "Verantwortlichkeit / Verantwortung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "sphere of responsibility"; History = (); SecondValue = Verantwortungsbereich; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "sales department"; History = (); SecondValue = "Verkauf / Verkaufsabteilung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "marketing department"; History = (); SecondValue = "Vertrieb / Vertriebsabteilung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "managing board"; History = (); SecondValue = "Vorstand (als Gremium)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "chief executive"; History = (); SecondValue = Vorstandsvorsitzender; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "managerial authority"; History = (); SecondValue = Weisungsbefugnis; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "authorized to give instructions"; History = (); SecondValue = weisungsbefugt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "level of time"; History = (); SecondValue = Zeithorizont; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "goal setting process"; History = (); SecondValue = "Zielbildungsproze\U00DF / Zielbildung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "branch plant"; History = (); SecondValue = Zweigwerk; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "intermediate level"; History = (); SecondValue = Zwischenstufe; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "sole selling right"; History = (); SecondValue = "alleiniges Vertriebsrecht"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "exclusive licence agreement"; History = (); SecondValue = "ausschlie\U00DFlicher Lizenzvertrag"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "German Federal Patent Office"; History = (); SecondValue = "Deutsches Bundespatentamt"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to grant a licence"; History = (); SecondValue = "eine Lizenz erteilen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to revoke a licence"; History = (); SecondValue = "eine Lizenz zur\U00FCckziehen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "registered trademark"; History = (); SecondValue = "eingetragenes Warenzeichen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "grant of a patent"; History = (); SecondValue = "Eintragung eines Patents"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "expiration of a patent"; History = (); SecondValue = "Erl\U00F6schen eines Patents"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to apply for a patent for s.th."; History = (); SecondValue = "etw. zum Patent anmelden"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "industrial property rights"; History = (); SecondValue = "gewerbliche Schutzrechte"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "protection of industrial property rights"; History = (); SecondValue = "gewerblicher Rechtsschutz"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "quality mark"; History = (); SecondValue = "G\U00FCtezeichen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "issue of a licence"; History = (); SecondValue = Lizenzerteilung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = licenser; History = (); SecondValue = Lizenzgeber; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "licence fees"; History = (); SecondValue = "Lizenzgeb\U00FChren"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "licence holder"; History = (); SecondValue = Lizenzinhaber; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = licensee; History = (); SecondValue = Lizenznehmer; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "rights of licensee under a patent"; History = (); SecondValue = Lizenzrechte; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "licence agreement"; History = (); SecondValue = "Lizenzvereinbarung / Lizenzvertrag"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "trademark law"; History = (); SecondValue = Markenrecht; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "protection of proprietary rights"; History = (); SecondValue = Markenschutz; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "proprietary right"; History = (); SecondValue = Markenschutzrecht; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "patent attorney"; History = (); SecondValue = Patentanwalt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to patent"; History = (); SecondValue = "patentieren (lassen)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = patented; History = (); SecondValue = patentiert; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "patent holder"; History = (); SecondValue = Patentinhaber; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "patent infringement"; History = (); SecondValue = Patentverletzung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "state of the art"; History = (); SecondValue = "Stand der Technik"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = sublicence; History = (); SecondValue = Unterlizenz; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "exploitation of a patent"; History = (); SecondValue = "Verwertung eines Patents"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "40-hour week"; History = (); SecondValue = "40-Stunden-Woche"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "dismissal pay"; History = (); SecondValue = Abfindung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "dependent employment"; History = (); SecondValue = "abh\U00E4ngige Besch\U00E4ftigung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "head of department"; History = (); SecondValue = Abteilungsleiter; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "old-age pension"; History = (); SecondValue = Altersversorgung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "initial salary"; History = (); SecondValue = Anfangsgehalt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "entry-level job"; History = (); SecondValue = Anfangsstellung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "semi-skilled worker"; History = (); SecondValue = "angelernter Arbeiter"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "white-collar worker"; History = (); SecondValue = "Angestellter (mit nichtproduktiver T\U00E4tigkeit in typischen B\U00FCroberufen) / w\U00F6rtlich: Arbeiter mit wei\U00DFem Kragen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = employee; History = (); SecondValue = "Angestellter / Besch\U00E4ftigter / Arbeitnehmer"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "incentive bonus"; History = (); SecondValue = "Anreizpr\U00E4mie"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to look for work"; History = (); SecondValue = "Arbeit suchen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "working class"; History = (); SecondValue = Arbeiterklasse; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = employer; History = (); SecondValue = Arbeitgeber; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "employers' association"; History = (); SecondValue = Arbeitgeberverband; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "Labour Office"; History = (); SecondValue = Arbeitsamt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "labour conditions"; History = (); SecondValue = "Arbeitsbedingungen / Arbeitsverh\U00E4ltnisse"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "labour struggle"; History = (); SecondValue = Arbeitskampf; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "manpower shortage"; History = (); SecondValue = "Arbeitskr\U00E4ftemangel"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to be jobless"; History = (); SecondValue = "arbeitslos sein"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to be on the dole"; History = (); SecondValue = "Arbeitslosengeld beziehen / stempeln gehen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "unemployment rate"; History = (); SecondValue = Arbeitslosenquote; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "unemployment benefit"; History = (); SecondValue = "Arbeitslosenunterst\U00FCtzung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "unemployment figure"; History = (); SecondValue = Arbeitslosenzahl; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = unemployment; History = (); SecondValue = Arbeitslosigkeit; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "job market"; History = (); SecondValue = Arbeitsmarkt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "job guaranty"; History = (); SecondValue = Arbeitsplatzgarantie; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "working day"; History = (); SecondValue = Arbeitstag; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "employment contract"; History = (); SecondValue = Arbeitsvertrag; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "working hours"; History = (); SecondValue = Arbeitszeit; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "employment certificate"; History = (); SecondValue = Arbeitszeugnis; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = architect; History = (); SecondValue = Architekt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "medical certificate"; History = (); SecondValue = "Attest (\U00E4rztliches)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = instructor; History = (); SecondValue = Ausbilder; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "on-the-job training"; History = (); SecondValue = "Ausbildung am Arbeitsplatz"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "temporary staff"; History = (); SecondValue = Aushilfspersonal; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "international assignment"; History = (); SecondValue = Auslandseinsatz; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = lockout; History = (); SecondValue = Aussperrung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "field service"; History = (); SecondValue = "Au\U00DFendienst"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "field worker"; History = (); SecondValue = "Au\U00DFendienstmitarbeiter"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "off-the-job training"; History = (); SecondValue = "au\U00DFerbetriebliche Weiterbildung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "self-trained person"; History = (); SecondValue = Autodidakt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "rank and file"; History = (); SecondValue = "Basis (einer Gewerkschaft)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "construction worker"; History = (); SecondValue = Bauarbeiter; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "civil engineer"; History = (); SecondValue = Bauingenieur; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "civil servant"; History = (); SecondValue = Beamter; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = promotion; History = (); SecondValue = "Bef\U00F6rderung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "cover letter"; History = (); SecondValue = "Begleitschreiben (zu einer Bewerbung)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to work with a company"; History = (); SecondValue = "bei einer Firma arbeiten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = staff; History = (); SecondValue = Belegschaft; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = consultant; History = (); SecondValue = Berater; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = vocation; History = (); SecondValue = "Beruf (allg.)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = profession; History = (); SecondValue = "Beruf (studierter)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "career history"; History = (); SecondValue = "beruflicher Werdegang"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "vocational training"; History = (); SecondValue = Berufsausbildung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "vocational adviser"; History = (); SecondValue = Berufsberater; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "professional experience"; History = (); SecondValue = Berufserfahrung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to employ"; History = (); SecondValue = "besch\U00E4ftigen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "vacation close-down"; History = (); SecondValue = Betriebsferien; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "employees' council"; History = (); SecondValue = Betriebsrat; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "business pension"; History = (); SecondValue = Betriebsrente; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "business economist"; History = (); SecondValue = Betriebswirt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "applicant for"; History = (); SecondValue = "Bewerber um / f\U00FCr"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = application; History = (); SecondValue = Bewerbung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "letter of application"; History = (); SecondValue = Bewerbungsschreiben; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "paid leave"; History = (); SecondValue = "bezahlter Urlaub"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = biologist; History = (); SecondValue = Biologe; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "gross wage"; History = (); SecondValue = Bruttolohn; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = accountant; History = (); SecondValue = Buchhalter; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "go-slow strike"; History = (); SecondValue = Bummelstreik; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = boss; History = (); SecondValue = Chef; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "personal secretary"; History = (); SecondValue = "Chefsekret\U00E4rin"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "chemical engineer"; History = (); SecondValue = Chemieingenieur; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "chemical scientist"; History = (); SecondValue = Chemiker; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to miss one's vocation"; History = (); SecondValue = "den Beruf verfehlen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to stop work"; History = (); SecondValue = "die Arbeit niederlegen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to resume work"; History = (); SecondValue = "die Arbeit wieder aufnehmen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "the unemployed"; History = (); SecondValue = "die Arbeitslosen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "the company no longer takes on unskilled workers"; History = (); SecondValue = "die Firma stellt keine ungelernten Arbeitskr\U00E4fte mehr ein"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "s.o. with a degree in business administration"; History = (); SecondValue = "Diplom-Kaufmann"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "s.o. with a degree in economics"; History = (); SecondValue = "Diplom-Volkswirt"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = interpreter; History = (); SecondValue = Dolmetscher; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "average income"; History = (); SecondValue = Durchschnittseinkommen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = efficient; History = (); SecondValue = "effizient / leistungsf\U00E4hig / t\U00FCchtig"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = qualification; History = (); SecondValue = "Eignung / Qualifikation"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to receive a pay rise"; History = (); SecondValue = "eine Gehaltserh\U00F6hung bekommen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to enter upon a career"; History = (); SecondValue = "eine Laufbahn einschlagen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to serve an apprenticeship"; History = (); SecondValue = "eine Lehre absolvieren"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to advertise a vacancy"; History = (); SecondValue = "eine Stelle ausschreiben"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to attend an evening course"; History = (); SecondValue = "einen Abendkurs besuchen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to take a day off"; History = (); SecondValue = "einen Tag frei nehmen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = buyer; History = (); SecondValue = "Eink\U00E4ufer"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = electrician; History = (); SecondValue = Elektriker; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "electrical engineer"; History = (); SecondValue = Elektrotechniker; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = dismissal; History = (); SecondValue = Entlassung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "job preservation"; History = (); SecondValue = "Erhaltung von Arbeitspl\U00E4tzen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "skilled worker"; History = (); SecondValue = Facharbeiter; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "professional qualification"; History = (); SecondValue = "fachliche Eignung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = expert; History = (); SecondValue = Fachmann; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = ability; History = (); SecondValue = "F\U00E4higkeit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "precision instruments engineer"; History = (); SecondValue = Feinwerktechniker; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to fire"; History = (); SecondValue = feuern; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = diligent; History = (); SecondValue = "flei\U00DFig"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "employee turnover"; History = (); SecondValue = Fluktuation; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to work freelance"; History = (); SecondValue = "freiberuflich t\U00E4tig sein"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "fringe benefits"; History = (); SecondValue = "freiwillige Sozialleistungen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to dismiss without notice"; History = (); SecondValue = "fristlos entlassen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "foreign worker"; History = (); SecondValue = Gastarbeiter; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "danger bonus"; History = (); SecondValue = Gefahrenzulage; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = salary; History = (); SecondValue = Gehalt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "pay grade"; History = (); SecondValue = "Gehaltsstufe / Besoldungsgruppe"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "managing director"; History = (); SecondValue = "gesch\U00E4ftsf\U00FChrendes Vorstandsmitglied"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "statutory notice"; History = (); SecondValue = "gesetzliche K\U00FCndigungsfrist"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "legal holiday"; History = (); SecondValue = "gesetzlicher Feiertag"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "trade union"; History = (); SecondValue = Gewerkschaft; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = unionist; History = (); SecondValue = Gewerkschaftler; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "federation of trade unions"; History = (); SecondValue = Gewerkschaftsbund; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "union leader"; History = (); SecondValue = "Gewerkschaftsf\U00FChrer"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "union representative"; History = (); SecondValue = Gewerkschaftsvertreter; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "profit-sharing"; History = (); SecondValue = Gewinnbeteiligung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "flexible working hours"; History = (); SecondValue = "Gleitzeit / flexible Arbeitszeit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "basic salary"; History = (); SecondValue = Grundgehalt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "group piecework rate"; History = (); SecondValue = Gruppenakkordlohn; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "group manager"; History = (); SecondValue = Gruppenleiter; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "good chances for promotion"; History = (); SecondValue = "gute Aufstiegsm\U00F6glichkeiten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = proxy; History = (); SecondValue = "Handlungsbevollm\U00E4chtigter"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "Chief ..."; History = (); SecondValue = "Haupt ... / Leitender ..."; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "unskilled worker"; History = (); SecondValue = "Hilfsarbeiter / ungelernter Arbeiter"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to upgrade"; History = (); SecondValue = "h\U00F6herstufen / h\U00F6her einstufen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "German engineering workers' union"; History = (); SecondValue = "IG Metall"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to do piecework"; History = (); SecondValue = "im Akkord arbeiten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to be on vacation"; History = (); SecondValue = "im Urlaub sein (AE)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to be on holiday"; History = (); SecondValue = "im Urlaub sein (BE)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to go on strike"; History = (); SecondValue = "in den Streik treten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to retire"; History = (); SecondValue = "in Rente gehen / in Pension gehen / in den Ruhestand treten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "computer scientist"; History = (); SecondValue = Informatiker; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = fitter; History = (); SecondValue = Installateur; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "disability pension"; History = (); SecondValue = Invalidenrente; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "annual salary"; History = (); SecondValue = Jahresgehalt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to give s.o. the sack"; History = (); SecondValue = "jmdn. rausschmei\U00DFen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to kick s.b. up the stairs"; History = (); SecondValue = "jmdn. wegloben"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "career prospects"; History = (); SecondValue = "Karrierechancen / Karriereaussichten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = clerk; History = (); SecondValue = "kaufm\U00E4nnischer Angestellter"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "core time"; History = (); SecondValue = Kernzeit; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "child labour"; History = (); SecondValue = Kinderarbeit; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = plumber; History = (); SecondValue = "Klempner / Installateur"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = colleague; History = (); SecondValue = Kollege; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "construction engineer"; History = (); SecondValue = Konstrukteur; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "manual labour"; History = (); SecondValue = "k\U00F6rperliche Arbeit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to go sick"; History = (); SecondValue = krankfeiern; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "part-time work"; History = (); SecondValue = "Kurzarbeit // Teilzeitarbeit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to give notice"; History = (); SecondValue = "k\U00FCndigen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = warehouseman; History = (); SecondValue = Lagerist; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = resume; History = (); SecondValue = "Lebenslauf (AE)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "curriculum vitae"; History = (); SecondValue = "Lebenslauf (BE)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "standard of living"; History = (); SecondValue = Lebensstandard; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = apprentice; History = (); SecondValue = "Lehrling / Auszubildender / Azubi"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "loan worker"; History = (); SecondValue = Leiharbeiter; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = executive; History = (); SecondValue = "leitender Angestellter / F\U00FChrungskraft"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "line staff"; History = (); SecondValue = "Linienkr\U00E4fte"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = payroll; History = (); SecondValue = Lohnabrechnung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "wage increase"; History = (); SecondValue = "Lohnerh\U00F6hung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "wage cut"; History = (); SecondValue = "Lohnk\U00FCrzung / Lohnabbau"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "payroll policy"; History = (); SecondValue = Lohnpolitik; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "wage freeze"; History = (); SecondValue = Lohnstopp; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = wages; History = (); SecondValue = "L\U00F6hne"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "mechanical engineer"; History = (); SecondValue = "Maschinenbau-Ingenieur"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = mathematician; History = (); SecondValue = Mathematiker; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = bricklayer; History = (); SecondValue = Maurer; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "minimum wage"; History = (); SecondValue = Mindestlohn; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to do s.th. for a living"; History = (); SecondValue = "mit etw. seinen Lebensunterhalt verdienen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "co-determination"; History = (); SecondValue = Mitbestimmung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = mobility; History = (); SecondValue = "Mobilit\U00E4t"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "trendy job"; History = (); SecondValue = Modeberuf; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "monthly salary"; History = (); SecondValue = Monatsgehalt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = assemblyman; History = (); SecondValue = Monteur; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "net wage"; History = (); SecondValue = Nettolohn; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = vacancy; History = (); SecondValue = "offene Stelle"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to be out of work"; History = (); SecondValue = "ohne Arbeit sein"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = break; History = (); SecondValue = "Pause / Brotzeit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = personnel; History = (); SecondValue = Personal; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "personnel department"; History = (); SecondValue = Personalabteilung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "personnel records"; History = (); SecondValue = Personalakten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "manpower requirements"; History = (); SecondValue = Personalbedarf; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "personnel consultant"; History = (); SecondValue = Personalberater; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = recruitment; History = (); SecondValue = Personalbeschaffung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "personnel manager"; History = (); SecondValue = Personalleiter; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "human resources management"; History = (); SecondValue = Personalwirtschaft; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "caring professions"; History = (); SecondValue = Pflegeberufe; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "physical scientist"; History = (); SecondValue = Physiker; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "reality shock"; History = (); SecondValue = Praxisschock; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "probation period"; History = (); SecondValue = Probezeit; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = qualified; History = (); SecondValue = qualifiziert; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "real wage"; History = (); SecondValue = Reallohn; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = references; History = (); SecondValue = Referenzen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "travelling expenses"; History = (); SecondValue = Reisekosten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = pension; History = (); SecondValue = "Rente / Pension / Ruhegeld"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "dependants' pension"; History = (); SecondValue = "Rente f\U00FCr Familienangeh\U00F6rige"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = pensioner; History = (); SecondValue = "Rentner / Pension\U00E4r / Ruhest\U00E4ndler"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "retroactive wage increase"; History = (); SecondValue = "r\U00FCckwirkende Lohnerh\U00F6hung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "seasonal worker"; History = (); SecondValue = Saisonarbeiter; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to work shifts"; History = (); SecondValue = "Schicht arbeiten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "shift work"; History = (); SecondValue = Schichtarbeit; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = typist; History = (); SecondValue = Schreibkraft; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "school leaving certificate"; History = (); SecondValue = Schulabgangszeugnis; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "training programme"; History = (); SecondValue = Schulungsprogramm; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "training centre"; History = (); SecondValue = Schulungszentrum; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "illicit work"; History = (); SecondValue = Schwarzarbeit; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to work off the books"; History = (); SecondValue = schwarzarbeiten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = moonlighter; History = (); SecondValue = Schwarzarbeiter; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to make one's living on"; History = (); SecondValue = "seinen Lebensunterhalt verdienen mit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "secretary to Mr. X"; History = (); SecondValue = "Sekret\U00E4rin von Herrn X"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to apply for"; History = (); SecondValue = "sich bewerben um"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to work one's way up"; History = (); SecondValue = "sich hocharbeiten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to call in sick"; History = (); SecondValue = "sich krank melden"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to get oneself certified unfit to work"; History = (); SecondValue = "sich krankschreiben lassen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to become self-employed"; History = (); SecondValue = "sich selbst\U00E4ndig machen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "Sunday work"; History = (); SecondValue = Sonntagsarbeit; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "staff position"; History = (); SecondValue = Stabstelle; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = job; History = (); SecondValue = "Stellung / Anstellung / Beruf"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "Assistant ..."; History = (); SecondValue = "Stellvertretender ... / Zweiter ..."; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to be on strike"; History = (); SecondValue = "streiken / sich im Streik befinden"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "hourly wage"; History = (); SecondValue = Stundenlohn; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "day labourer"; History = (); SecondValue = "Tagel\U00F6hner"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "daily wage"; History = (); SecondValue = Tageslohn; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "wage settlement"; History = (); SecondValue = "Tarifabschlu\U00DF"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "collective wage agreement"; History = (); SecondValue = Tarifvertrag; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = energetic; History = (); SecondValue = "tatkr\U00E4ftig / energisch"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = draughtsman; History = (); SecondValue = "technischer Zeichner"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "part-time job"; History = (); SecondValue = Teilzeitstelle; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = indispensable; History = (); SecondValue = unentbehrlich; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = management; History = (); SecondValue = Unternehmensleitung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "strike ballot"; History = (); SecondValue = Urabstimmung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "vacation replacement"; History = (); SecondValue = Urlaubsvertretung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = overstaffed; History = (); SecondValue = "\U00FCberbesetzt"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = translator; History = (); SecondValue = "\U00DCbersetzer"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to work overtime"; History = (); SecondValue = "\U00DCberstunden machen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "overtime pay"; History = (); SecondValue = "\U00DCberstundenlohn"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = earnings; History = (); SecondValue = Verdienst; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "process engineer"; History = (); SecondValue = Verfahrenstechniker; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "sales manager"; History = (); SecondValue = Verkaufsleiter; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = transfer; History = (); SecondValue = Versetzung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "supply engineer"; History = (); SecondValue = Versorgungstechniker; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "Deputy ..."; History = (); SecondValue = "Vize ..."; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = foreman; History = (); SecondValue = "Vorarbeiter / Meister"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = superior; History = (); SecondValue = Vorgesetzter; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = chairman; History = (); SecondValue = Vorsitzender; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = interview; History = (); SecondValue = "Vorstellungsgespr\U00E4ch / Einstellungsgespr\U00E4ch"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "premature disability"; History = (); SecondValue = "vorzeitige Erwerbsunf\U00E4higkeit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "token strike"; History = (); SecondValue = Warnstreik; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "Christmas bonus"; History = (); SecondValue = Weihnachtsgeld; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "plant manager"; History = (); SecondValue = "Werksleiter / Betriebsleiter"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "number of employees"; History = (); SecondValue = "Zahl der Besch\U00E4ftigten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "pay day"; History = (); SecondValue = Zahltag; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "night-work bonus"; History = (); SecondValue = "Zulage f\U00FCr Nachtarbeit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to be promoted head of department"; History = (); SecondValue = "zum Abteilungsleiter bef\U00F6rdert werden"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to be appointed civil servant for life"; History = (); SecondValue = "zum Beamten auf Lebenszeit ernannt werden"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to indemnify"; History = (); SecondValue = abfinden; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = indemnity; History = (); SecondValue = Abfindung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = expiration; History = (); SecondValue = "Ablauf / Auslaufen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to expire"; History = (); SecondValue = "ablaufen / auslaufen / erl\U00F6schen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to refuse"; History = (); SecondValue = "ablehnen / verweigern"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = refusal; History = (); SecondValue = Ablehnung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = assignment; History = (); SecondValue = "Abtretung (von Rechten, Forderungen ...)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = liquidation; History = (); SecondValue = Abwicklung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "General Standard Terms and Conditions"; History = (); SecondValue = "Allgemeine Gesch\U00E4ftsbedingungen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "reasonable care and skill"; History = (); SecondValue = "angemessene Sorgfalt"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "delayed acceptance"; History = (); SecondValue = Annahmeverzug; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = claim; History = (); SecondValue = Anspruch; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to lay claim to"; History = (); SecondValue = "Anspruch erheben auf"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "attorney's fees"; History = (); SecondValue = "Anwaltsgeb\U00FChren"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "law office"; History = (); SecondValue = Anwaltskanzlei; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "law firm"; History = (); SecondValue = "Anwaltssoziet\U00E4t"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "labour law"; History = (); SecondValue = Arbeitsrecht; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to abandon"; History = (); SecondValue = "aufgeben (ein Recht, eine Forderung ...)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = conveyance; History = (); SecondValue = "Auflassung (eines Grundst\U00FCcks)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "condition subsequent"; History = (); SecondValue = "aufl\U00F6sende Bedingung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "condition precedent"; History = (); SecondValue = "aufschiebende Bedingung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "ban on exports"; History = (); SecondValue = Ausfuhrverbot; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "preclusive period"; History = (); SecondValue = "Ausschlu\U00DFfrist"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "principle of autonomy"; History = (); SecondValue = Autonomieprinzip; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "building supervisory authority"; History = (); SecondValue = "Bauaufsicht / Bauaufsichtsbeh\U00F6rde"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "building permit"; History = (); SecondValue = Baugenehmigung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = authorized; History = (); SecondValue = befugt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "certified copy"; History = (); SecondValue = "beglaubigte Kopie"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "authenticated document"; History = (); SecondValue = "beglaubigte Urkunde"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = authentication; History = (); SecondValue = Beglaubigung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = possession; History = (); SecondValue = Besitz; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to possess"; History = (); SecondValue = besitzen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = possessor; History = (); SecondValue = Besitzer; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = regulation; History = (); SecondValue = Bestimmung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to record"; History = (); SecondValue = beurkunden; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to authorize"; History = (); SecondValue = "bevollm\U00E4chtigen / erm\U00E4chtigen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "attorney-in-fact"; History = (); SecondValue = "Bevollm\U00E4chtigter"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "authorized representative"; History = (); SecondValue = "bevollm\U00E4chtigter Vertreter"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "burden of proof"; History = (); SecondValue = Beweislast; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "binding effect"; History = (); SecondValue = "bindende Wirkung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "Federal Supreme Court"; History = (); SecondValue = Bundesgerichtshof; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "Federal Constitutional Court"; History = (); SecondValue = Bundesverfassungsgericht; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "private law"; History = (); SecondValue = "b\U00FCrgerliches Recht"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to open bankruptcy proceedings"; History = (); SecondValue = "das Konkursverfahren er\U00F6ffnen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "effective date"; History = (); SecondValue = "Datum des Inkrafttretens"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to rule out liability"; History = (); SecondValue = "die Haftung ausschlie\U00DFen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = theft; History = (); SecondValue = Diebstahl; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "contract of service"; History = (); SecondValue = Dienstvertrag; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = property; History = (); SecondValue = Eigentum; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "transfer of title"; History = (); SecondValue = "Eigentums\U00FCbergang"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "reservation of title"; History = (); SecondValue = Eigentumsvorbehalt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to impose a fine"; History = (); SecondValue = "ein Bu\U00DFgeld verh\U00E4ngen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to assign a right"; History = (); SecondValue = "ein Recht abtreten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to acknowledge a right"; History = (); SecondValue = "ein Recht anerkennen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to acquire a right"; History = (); SecondValue = "ein Recht erwerben"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to assert a right"; History = (); SecondValue = "ein Recht geltend machen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to violate a right"; History = (); SecondValue = "ein Recht verletzen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to reserve a right"; History = (); SecondValue = "ein Recht vorbehalten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to set a reasonable period of time"; History = (); SecondValue = "eine angemessene Frist setzen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to make out a certificate"; History = (); SecondValue = "eine Bescheinigung ausstellen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to enter into an obligation"; History = (); SecondValue = "eine Verpflichtung eingehen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to meet an obligation"; History = (); SecondValue = "eine Verpflichtung erf\U00FCllen / einer Verpflichtung nachkommen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to be subject to a law"; History = (); SecondValue = "einem Gesetz unterliegen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to file a petition"; History = (); SecondValue = "einen Antrag stellen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to enter into a contract"; History = (); SecondValue = "einen Vertrag abschlie\U00DFen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to draft a contract"; History = (); SecondValue = "einen Vertrag aufsetzen / einen Vertrag entwerfen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to negotiate a contract"; History = (); SecondValue = "einen Vertrag aushandeln"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to amend a contract"; History = (); SecondValue = "einen Vertrag \U00E4ndern"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to certify a contract"; History = (); SecondValue = "einen Vertrag beglaubigen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to stand by a contract"; History = (); SecondValue = "einen Vertrag einhalten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to fulfil a contract"; History = (); SecondValue = "einen Vertrag erf\U00FCllen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to renew a contract"; History = (); SecondValue = "einen Vertrag erneuern / verl\U00E4ngern"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to terminate a contract"; History = (); SecondValue = "einen Vertrag k\U00FCndigen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to sign a contract"; History = (); SecondValue = "einen Vertrag unterzeichnen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to extend a contract"; History = (); SecondValue = "einen Vertrag verl\U00E4ngern"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to violate a contract"; History = (); SecondValue = "einen Vertrag verletzen / einen Vertrag brechen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = objection; History = (); SecondValue = Einspruch; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = approval; History = (); SecondValue = "Einwilligung / Zustimmung / Billigung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to compensate"; History = (); SecondValue = "entsch\U00E4digen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = compensation; History = (); SecondValue = "Entsch\U00E4digung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "decisional base"; History = (); SecondValue = Entscheidungsgrundlage; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "strict liability"; History = (); SecondValue = Erfolgshaftung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "performance of a contract"; History = (); SecondValue = "Erf\U00FCllung eines Vertrages"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "place of performance"; History = (); SecondValue = "Erf\U00FCllungsort"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to refrain from doing s.th."; History = (); SecondValue = "etw. unterlassen (im Sinne von 'davon absehen, etwas zu tun')"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to fail to do s.th."; History = (); SecondValue = "etw. unterlassen (im Sinne von 'vers\U00E4umen')"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = counterfeit; History = (); SecondValue = "F\U00E4lschung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "consequential damage"; History = (); SecondValue = Folgeschaden; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "in due form and time"; History = (); SecondValue = "form- und fristgerecht"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "form requirement"; History = (); SecondValue = Formvorschrift; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = deadline; History = (); SecondValue = Frist; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = extension; History = (); SecondValue = Fristaufschub; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = guarantee; History = (); SecondValue = Garantie; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "passage of risk"; History = (); SecondValue = "Gefahr\U00FCbergang"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = counterstatement; History = (); SecondValue = Gegendarstellung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = counterclaim; History = (); SecondValue = Gegenforderung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "quid pro quo"; History = (); SecondValue = Gegenleistung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "established law"; History = (); SecondValue = "geltendes Recht"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = scope; History = (); SecondValue = Geltungsbereich; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "period of validity"; History = (); SecondValue = Geltungsdauer; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = permit; History = (); SecondValue = Genehmigung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "legal fees"; History = (); SecondValue = Gerichtskosten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = venue; History = (); SecondValue = Gerichtsstand; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "co-debtors"; History = (); SecondValue = Gesamtschuldner; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "jointly and severally"; History = (); SecondValue = gesamtschuldnerisch; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "injured party"; History = (); SecondValue = "gesch\U00E4digte Partei / Gesch\U00E4digter"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "legal capacity to contract"; History = (); SecondValue = "Gesch\U00E4ftsf\U00E4higkeit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "place of business"; History = (); SecondValue = "Gesch\U00E4ftssitz"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "contractual incapacity"; History = (); SecondValue = "Gesch\U00E4ftsunf\U00E4higkeit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = legal; History = (); SecondValue = "gesetzlich / gesetzm\U00E4\U00DFig"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "statutory basis"; History = (); SecondValue = "gesetzliche Grundlage"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "statutory period of notice"; History = (); SecondValue = "gesetzliche K\U00FCndigungsfrist"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "warranty period"; History = (); SecondValue = "Gew\U00E4hrleistungsfrist"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "seller's warranties"; History = (); SecondValue = "Gew\U00E4hrleistungspflichten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "commercial use"; History = (); SecondValue = "gewerbliche Nutzung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "commercial activity"; History = (); SecondValue = "gewerbliche T\U00E4tigkeit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "gross negligence"; History = (); SecondValue = "grobe Fahrl\U00E4ssigkeit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "official real estate register"; History = (); SecondValue = Grundbuch; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "principle of equity and fair dealing"; History = (); SecondValue = "Grundsatz von Treu und Glauben"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "agreement in principle"; History = (); SecondValue = Grundsatzvertrag; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "good faith"; History = (); SecondValue = "guter Glaube"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "bona fide purchase"; History = (); SecondValue = "gutgl\U00E4ubiger Erwerb"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to hold responsible for"; History = (); SecondValue = "haftbar machen f\U00FCr"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to be liable to"; History = (); SecondValue = "haftbar sein f\U00FCr"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "in terms of commercial law"; History = (); SecondValue = handelsrechtlich; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "holder of commercial authority"; History = (); SecondValue = "Handlungsbevollm\U00E4chtigter"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "main creditor"; History = (); SecondValue = "Hauptgl\U00E4ubiger"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "principal debtor"; History = (); SecondValue = Hauptschuldner; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "supreme-court decision"; History = (); SecondValue = "h\U00F6chstrichterliche Entscheidung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "act of God"; History = (); SecondValue = "h\U00F6here Gewalt"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "as contemplated by the contract"; History = (); SecondValue = "im Sinne des Vertrages"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to go bankrupt"; History = (); SecondValue = "in Konkurs geraten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to put into force"; History = (); SecondValue = "in Kraft setzen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to take effect"; History = (); SecondValue = "in Kraft treten / wirksam werden"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to default"; History = (); SecondValue = "in Verzug geraten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = proprietor; History = (); SecondValue = "Inhaber (eines Gesch\U00E4ftes ...)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to promote interests"; History = (); SecondValue = "Interessen wahrnehmen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "clash of interests"; History = (); SecondValue = Interessenkonflikt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to execute a power of attorney to s.b."; History = (); SecondValue = "jmdm. eine Vollmacht ausstellen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = lawyer; History = (); SecondValue = "Jurist / Rechtsanwalt (allg.)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "antitrust law"; History = (); SecondValue = Kartellrecht; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "sale on trial"; History = (); SecondValue = "Kauf auf Probe"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "sales contract"; History = (); SecondValue = Kaufvertrag; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to bring an action against"; History = (); SecondValue = "Klage einreichen gegen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = clause; History = (); SecondValue = Klausel; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "statutory corporation"; History = (); SecondValue = "K\U00F6rperschaft"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "by act of law"; History = (); SecondValue = "Kraft Gesetzes"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "period of notice"; History = (); SecondValue = "K\U00FCndigungsfrist"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "as per contract"; History = (); SecondValue = "laut Vertrag / wie vertraglich vereinbart"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = legitimate; History = (); SecondValue = legitim; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "ordinary negligence"; History = (); SecondValue = "leichte Fahrl\U00E4ssigkeit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "performance and counter performance"; History = (); SecondValue = "Leistung und Gegenleistung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "contemporaneous performance"; History = (); SecondValue = "Leistung Zug um Zug"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "defective performance"; History = (); SecondValue = "Leistungsst\U00F6rung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "place of delivery"; History = (); SecondValue = Lieferort; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "delayed delivery"; History = (); SecondValue = Lieferverzug; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = client; History = (); SecondValue = Mandant; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = retainer; History = (); SecondValue = Mandat; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to rent"; History = (); SecondValue = mieten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = tenant; History = (); SecondValue = Mieter; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "tenancy agreement"; History = (); SecondValue = Mietvertrag; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "verbal agreement"; History = (); SecondValue = "m\U00FCndliche Vereinbarung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "under existing law"; History = (); SecondValue = "nach geltendem Recht"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "collateral agreement"; History = (); SecondValue = Nebenabrede; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "non-performance"; History = (); SecondValue = "Nichterf\U00FCllung (allg.)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = default; History = (); SecondValue = "Nichterf\U00FCllung (insbes. Zahlungsverzug) // positive Vertragsverletzung (PVV)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to be void"; History = (); SecondValue = "nichtig sein / unwirksam sein"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = nullity; History = (); SecondValue = Nichtigkeit; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "public interest"; History = (); SecondValue = "\U00F6ffentliches Interesse"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to attach"; History = (); SecondValue = "pf\U00E4nden"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = attachment; History = (); SecondValue = "Pf\U00E4ndung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "product liability"; History = (); SecondValue = "Produkthaftung / Produzentenhaftung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "general commercial power of attorney"; History = (); SecondValue = Prokura; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "holder of general commercial power of attorney"; History = (); SecondValue = Prokurist; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = lawsuit; History = (); SecondValue = "Proze\U00DF"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "fair and reasonable"; History = (); SecondValue = "recht und billig"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "third-party rights"; History = (); SecondValue = "Rechte Dritter"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "legally justified"; History = (); SecondValue = "rechtlich begr\U00FCndet"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to take legal action"; History = (); SecondValue = "rechtliche Schritte einleiten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = solicitor; History = (); SecondValue = Rechtsanwalt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "legal consequences"; History = (); SecondValue = Rechtsfolgen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "legally effective"; History = (); SecondValue = "rechtsg\U00FCltig"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "warranty of title"; History = (); SecondValue = "Rechtsm\U00E4ngelhaftung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "legal successor"; History = (); SecondValue = Rechtsnachfolger; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = recourse; History = (); SecondValue = "Regre\U00DF"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "proper use"; History = (); SecondValue = "sachgem\U00E4\U00DFer Gebrauch"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "warranty of quality"; History = (); SecondValue = "Sachm\U00E4ngelhaftung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "damage to property"; History = (); SecondValue = "Sachschaden / Sachbesch\U00E4digung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to pay damages"; History = (); SecondValue = "Schadenersatz leisten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to be liable to pay damages"; History = (); SecondValue = "schadenersatzpflichtig sein"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "defective performance"; History = (); SecondValue = "Schlechterf\U00FCllung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "written power of attorney"; History = (); SecondValue = "schriftliche Vollmacht"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "written approval"; History = (); SecondValue = "schriftliche Zustimmung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "written consent"; History = (); SecondValue = "schriftliches Einverst\U00E4ndnis"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = debtor; History = (); SecondValue = Schuldner; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "duty of discretion"; History = (); SecondValue = Schweigepflicht; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "absolute guaranty"; History = (); SecondValue = "selbstschuldnerische B\U00FCrgschaft"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to pull out of an agreement"; History = (); SecondValue = "sich aus einem Vertrag zur\U00FCckziehen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "contra bonos mores"; History = (); SecondValue = sittenwidrig; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "unless expressly agreed otherwise"; History = (); SecondValue = "sofern nicht ausdr\U00FCcklich anders vereinbart"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "duty of care"; History = (); SecondValue = Sorgfaltspflicht; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "blocking period"; History = (); SecondValue = Sperrfrist; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = dispute; History = (); SecondValue = "Streit / Streitfall"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "contending parties"; History = (); SecondValue = "streitende Parteien"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "matter in controversy"; History = (); SecondValue = Streitsache; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "amount in controversy"; History = (); SecondValue = Streitwert; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "trust company"; History = (); SecondValue = Treuhandgesellschaft; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = trustee; History = (); SecondValue = "Treuh\U00E4nder"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "unlimited liability"; History = (); SecondValue = "unbeschr\U00E4nkte Haftung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "undue hardship"; History = (); SecondValue = "unbillige H\U00E4rte"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = unrestricted; History = (); SecondValue = "uneingeschr\U00E4nkt"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "unlawful act"; History = (); SecondValue = "unerlaubte Handlung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "unsettled case"; History = (); SecondValue = "unerledigter Fall"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "undue enrichment"; History = (); SecondValue = "ungerechtfertigte Bereicherung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "impossibility of performance"; History = (); SecondValue = "Unm\U00F6glichkeit (der Leistung)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = forbearance; History = (); SecondValue = Unterlassung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = judegment; History = (); SecondValue = Urteil; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to verify"; History = (); SecondValue = "\U00FCberpr\U00FCfen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = verification; History = (); SecondValue = "\U00DCberpr\U00FCfung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = transfer; History = (); SecondValue = "\U00DCbertragung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "sworn expert"; History = (); SecondValue = "vereidigter Sachverst\U00E4ndiger"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = agreement; History = (); SecondValue = "Vereinbarung / \U00DCbereinkunft"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "forfeiture clause"; History = (); SecondValue = Verfallklausel; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "extended reservation of ownership"; History = (); SecondValue = "verl\U00E4ngerter Eigentumsvorbehalt"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to let"; History = (); SecondValue = vermieten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = lessor; History = (); SecondValue = Vermieter; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = lease; History = (); SecondValue = Verpachtung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = fault; History = (); SecondValue = Verschulden; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = attempt; History = (); SecondValue = "Versuch (ein Gesetz zu \U00FCbergehen)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = contracted; History = (); SecondValue = "vertraglich festgelegt"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to agree by contract"; History = (); SecondValue = "vertraglich vereinbaren"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "contract period"; History = (); SecondValue = "vertragliche Laufzeit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "contractual obligations"; History = (); SecondValue = "vertragliche Pflichten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "contractual arrangement"; History = (); SecondValue = "vertragliche Vereinbarung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "terms of a contract"; History = (); SecondValue = Vertragsbedingungen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "period of contract"; History = (); SecondValue = Vertragsdauer; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "fulfilment of contract"; History = (); SecondValue = "Vertragserf\U00FCllung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "contracting parties"; History = (); SecondValue = "Vertragsparteien / vertragschlie\U00DFende Parteien"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = contractor; History = (); SecondValue = "Vertragspartner / Vertragschlie\U00DFender"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "penalties for non-performance"; History = (); SecondValue = Vertragsstrafen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to cancel a contract"; History = (); SecondValue = "von einem Vertrag zur\U00FCcktreten / einen Vertrag aufheben"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "prior approval"; History = (); SecondValue = "vorherige Zustimmung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "right of preemption"; History = (); SecondValue = Vorkaufsrecht; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "safeguarding of interests"; History = (); SecondValue = "Wahrnehmung von Interessen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "cancellation of sale"; History = (); SecondValue = Wandlung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "frustration of contract"; History = (); SecondValue = "Wegfall der Gesch\U00E4ftsgrundlage"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = intent; History = (); SecondValue = "Wille / Absicht"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to reject"; History = (); SecondValue = "zur\U00FCckweisen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = consent; History = (); SecondValue = "Zustimmung // \U00DCbereinstimmung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "compelling interest"; History = (); SecondValue = "zwingendes Interesse"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "all-time high"; History = (); SecondValue = "absoluter H\U00F6chststand / noch nie dagewesener H\U00F6chststand"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "all-time low"; History = (); SecondValue = "absoluter Tiefstand / noch nie dagewesener Tiefstand"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = approximately; History = (); SecondValue = "ann\U00E4hernd"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = increase; History = (); SecondValue = "Anstieg / Zunahme"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "arithmetic mean"; History = (); SecondValue = "arithmetisches Mittel"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "at an annual rate"; History = (); SecondValue = "auf Jahresbasis umgerechnet"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = outlier; History = (); SecondValue = "Ausrei\U00DFer"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = counting; History = (); SecondValue = "Ausz\U00E4hlung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "bar chart"; History = (); SecondValue = Balkendiagramm; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "base year"; History = (); SecondValue = Basisjahr; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "year under review"; History = (); SecondValue = "Berichtsjahr / betrachtetes Jahr"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = considerable; History = (); SecondValue = "betr\U00E4chtlich"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to deflate"; History = (); SecondValue = "deflationieren / nominelle in reale Gr\U00F6\U00DFen umrechnen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "sales are up 10%"; History = (); SecondValue = "der Verkauf hat um 10% zugelegt"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "the trend turned from growth into decline"; History = (); SecondValue = "die Entwicklung schwenkte von Wachstum um in einen R\U00FCckgang"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "prices remain firm"; History = (); SecondValue = "die Preise behaupten sich"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "prices rise sharply"; History = (); SecondValue = "die Preise ziehen kr\U00E4ftig an"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = average; History = (); SecondValue = Durchschnitt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "average quantity"; History = (); SecondValue = Durchschnittsmenge; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "an increase of 10%"; History = (); SecondValue = "ein Anstieg um 10%"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to take a sample from"; History = (); SecondValue = "eine Stichprobe ziehen aus"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "open-ended class"; History = (); SecondValue = "einseitig offene Klasse"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to cover"; History = (); SecondValue = "erfassen / abdecken"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = expectation; History = (); SecondValue = Erwartungswert; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "geometric mean"; History = (); SecondValue = "geometrisches Mittel"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to weight"; History = (); SecondValue = gewichten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "weighting coefficient"; History = (); SecondValue = Gewichtungsfaktor; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "weighted average"; History = (); SecondValue = "gewogenes Mittel"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "bell-shaped curve"; History = (); SecondValue = Glockenkurve; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to graph"; History = (); SecondValue = "grafisch darstellen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = roughly; History = (); SecondValue = "grob / \U00FCber den Daumen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "quartile deviation"; History = (); SecondValue = "halber Quartilsabstand"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "harmonic mean"; History = (); SecondValue = "harmonisches Mittel"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "frequency table"; History = (); SecondValue = "H\U00E4ufigkeitstabelle"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = histogram; History = (); SecondValue = Histogramm; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to extrapolate"; History = (); SecondValue = hochrechnen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "test of hypothesis"; History = (); SecondValue = "Hypothesenpr\U00FCfung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "during the period from ... to ..."; History = (); SecondValue = "im Zeitraum von ... bis ..."; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "in the second and third quarters of 1995"; History = (); SecondValue = "im zweiten und dritten Quartal 1995"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "annual growth ratio"; History = (); SecondValue = "j\U00E4hrliche Zuwachsrate"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "one in four"; History = (); SecondValue = "jede(r) Dritte"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "class interval"; History = (); SecondValue = Klassenbreite; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "class mark"; History = (); SecondValue = Klassenmitte; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "cyclical movement"; History = (); SecondValue = Konjunkturschwankung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "pie chart"; History = (); SecondValue = Kuchendiagramm; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "cumulative value"; History = (); SecondValue = "kumulierter Wert"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "inventory statistics"; History = (); SecondValue = Lagerstatistik; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "moderate rise"; History = (); SecondValue = "leichter Anstieg"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "linear regression"; History = (); SecondValue = "lineare Regression"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "linear trend"; History = (); SecondValue = "linearer Trend"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "Lorenz curve"; History = (); SecondValue = "Lorenz-Kurve"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = median; History = (); SecondValue = Median; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "opinion poll"; History = (); SecondValue = Meinungsumfrage; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = characteristic; History = (); SecondValue = Merkmal; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "moving-average method"; History = (); SecondValue = "Methode der gleitenden Mittelwerte"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "least-squares method"; History = (); SecondValue = "Methode der kleinsten Quadrate"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = mean; History = (); SecondValue = Mittelwert; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "mean deviation"; History = (); SecondValue = "mittlere Abweichung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "standard error"; History = (); SecondValue = "mittlerer Fehler"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "root-mean-square error"; History = (); SecondValue = "mittlerer quadratischer Fehler"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "error mean square"; History = (); SecondValue = "mittleres Fehlerquadrat"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = mode; History = (); SecondValue = Modus; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to weaken"; History = (); SecondValue = nachgeben; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "time-lag"; History = (); SecondValue = "Nachhinken (einer Wirkung hinter der Ursache)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "inverse correlation"; History = (); SecondValue = "negative Korrelation"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "Gaussian distribution"; History = (); SecondValue = Normalverteilung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "upper boundary"; History = (); SecondValue = "obere Grenze"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "without replacement"; History = (); SecondValue = "ohne Zur\U00FCcklegen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "public-opinion survey"; History = (); SecondValue = "\U00F6ffentliche Befragung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "favourable trend"; History = (); SecondValue = "positive Entwicklung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "direct correlation"; History = (); SecondValue = "positive Korrelation"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "price index"; History = (); SecondValue = Preisindex; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "regression analysis"; History = (); SecondValue = Regressionsanalyse; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "coefficient of regression"; History = (); SecondValue = Regressionskoeffizient; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "regression curve"; History = (); SecondValue = Regressionskurve; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "relative frequency"; History = (); SecondValue = "relative H\U00E4ufigkeit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "representative sample"; History = (); SecondValue = "repr\U00E4sentative Stichprobe"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "representative survey"; History = (); SecondValue = "Repr\U00E4sentativerhebung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = decrease; History = (); SecondValue = "R\U00FCckgang / Abnahme"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "declining trend"; History = (); SecondValue = "r\U00FCckl\U00E4ufige Entwicklung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "seasonally adjusted"; History = (); SecondValue = saisonbereinigt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to estimate"; History = (); SecondValue = "sch\U00E4tzen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = estimate; History = (); SecondValue = "Sch\U00E4tzwert"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to differ from"; History = (); SecondValue = "sich unterscheiden von"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "test of significance"; History = (); SecondValue = Signifikanztest; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = range; History = (); SecondValue = "Spannweite / Bereich"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "peak demand"; History = (); SecondValue = Spitzennachfrage; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to continue stable"; History = (); SecondValue = "stabil bleiben"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "standard deviation"; History = (); SecondValue = "Standardabweichung / mittlere quadratische Abweichung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "sharp fall"; History = (); SecondValue = "starker R\U00FCckgang"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "Federal Statistical Office"; History = (); SecondValue = "Statistisches Bundesamt"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = sample; History = (); SecondValue = Stichprobe; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "sample survey"; History = (); SecondValue = Stichprobenerhebung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "sample size"; History = (); SecondValue = Stichprobenumfang; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = dispersion; History = (); SecondValue = "Streuung (allg.)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "systematic error"; History = (); SecondValue = "systematischer Fehler"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "trend estimation"; History = (); SecondValue = "Trendsch\U00E4tzung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = turnaround; History = (); SecondValue = Trendwende; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to drop by 10%"; History = (); SecondValue = "um 10% zur\U00FCckgehen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to increase five fold"; History = (); SecondValue = "um das f\U00FCnffache steigen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "vice versa"; History = (); SecondValue = umgekehrt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "sales statistics"; History = (); SecondValue = Umsatzstatistik; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "environmental statistics"; History = (); SecondValue = Umweltstatistiken; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "lower boundary"; History = (); SecondValue = "untere Grenze"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = variance; History = (); SecondValue = "Varianz / quadratische Streuung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "benchmark figure"; History = (); SecondValue = "Vergleichswert / Ausgangszahl"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "ratio of one to three"; History = (); SecondValue = "Verh\U00E4ltnis von eins zu drei"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "confidence belt"; History = (); SecondValue = Vertrauensbereich; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to rise from 10% to 20%"; History = (); SecondValue = "von 10% auf 20% ansteigen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = probability; History = (); SecondValue = Wahrscheinlichkeit; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "shopping bag"; History = (); SecondValue = Warenkorb; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "random event"; History = (); SecondValue = Zufallsereignis; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "random distribution"; History = (); SecondValue = Zufallsverteilung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "random selection"; History = (); SecondValue = "zuf\U00E4llige Auswahl / Zufallsauswahl"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to show an upward tendency"; History = (); SecondValue = "zum Auftrieb neigen / einen Aufw\U00E4rtstrend zeigen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to decline"; History = (); SecondValue = "zur\U00FCckgehen / absinken"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "compound frequency distribution"; History = (); SecondValue = "zusammengesetzte H\U00E4ufigkeitsverteilung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = levy; History = (); SecondValue = Abgabe; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "intent to realise receipts"; History = (); SecondValue = "Absicht der Einnahmeerzielung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "intent to realise profits"; History = (); SecondValue = "Absicht der Gewinnerzielung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "tax base"; History = (); SecondValue = Bemessungsgrundlage; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = toll; History = (); SecondValue = "Benutzungsgeb\U00FChr"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to tax"; History = (); SecondValue = besteuern; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = taxation; History = (); SecondValue = Besteuerung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "basis of taxation"; History = (); SecondValue = Besteuerungsgrundlage; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "company tax law"; History = (); SecondValue = "betriebliches Steuerrecht"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "business expenses"; History = (); SecondValue = Betriebsausgaben; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "entertainment expenses"; History = (); SecondValue = Bewirtungskosten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "Federal Ministry of Finance"; History = (); SecondValue = Bundesfinanzministerium; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "double-taxation agreement"; History = (); SecondValue = Doppelbesteuerungsabkommen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to levy a tax"; History = (); SecondValue = "eine Steuer erheben"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to file a tax return"; History = (); SecondValue = "eine Steuererkl\U00E4rung einreichen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to file a claim"; History = (); SecondValue = "einen Antrag stellen (insbes.  auf R\U00FCckzahlung)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "single-family home"; History = (); SecondValue = Einfamilienhaus; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "assessed value of property"; History = (); SecondValue = Einheitswert; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "income tax"; History = (); SecondValue = Einkommensteuer; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "subject to income tax"; History = (); SecondValue = einkommensteuerpflichtig; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "local tax office"; History = (); SecondValue = Finanzamt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "fiscal authorities"; History = (); SecondValue = "Finanzbeh\U00F6rden"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "finance minister"; History = (); SecondValue = "Finanzminister (allg.)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "Chancellor of the Exchequer"; History = (); SecondValue = "Finanzminister (Gro\U00DFbritannien) -  (genauer: Schatzkanzler)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "Secretary of the Treasury"; History = (); SecondValue = "Finanzminister (USA)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "financial policy"; History = (); SecondValue = Finanzpolitik; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "under tax law"; History = (); SecondValue = "gem\U00E4\U00DF den Steuergesetzen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "municipal tax"; History = (); SecondValue = Gemeindesteuer; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "fair market value"; History = (); SecondValue = "gemeiner Wert"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "non-profit organization"; History = (); SecondValue = "gemeinn\U00FCtzige Organisation"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "public-benefit purpose"; History = (); SecondValue = "gemeinn\U00FCtziger Zweck"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "fiscal year"; History = (); SecondValue = "Gesch\U00E4ftsjahr"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "trade tax"; History = (); SecondValue = Gewerbesteuer; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "real estate tax"; History = (); SecondValue = Grundsteuer; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "budget committee"; History = (); SecondValue = "Haushaltsausschu\U00DF"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "budget deficit"; History = (); SecondValue = Haushaltsdefizit; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "budget funds"; History = (); SecondValue = Haushaltsmittel; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "trips home"; History = (); SecondValue = Heimfahrten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "capital gains tax"; History = (); SecondValue = Kapitalertragsteuer; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "poll tax"; History = (); SecondValue = Kopfsteuer; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "corporate income tax"; History = (); SecondValue = "K\U00F6rperschaftsteuer"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "wage tax"; History = (); SecondValue = Lohnsteuer; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "annual wage tax recomputation"; History = (); SecondValue = Lohnsteuerjahresausgleich; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "wage tax card"; History = (); SecondValue = Lohnsteuerkarte; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "employment subject to wage tax"; History = (); SecondValue = "lohnsteuerpflichtige Besch\U00E4ftigung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "value-added tax"; History = (); SecondValue = Mehrwertsteuer; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to indicate VAT on an invoice"; History = (); SecondValue = "Mehrwertsteuer auf einer Rechnung ausweisen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "charitable purposes"; History = (); SecondValue = "mildt\U00E4tige Zwecke"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "supplementary budget"; History = (); SecondValue = Nachtragshaushalt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "low-tax country"; History = (); SecondValue = Niedrigsteuerland; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "public finance"; History = (); SecondValue = "\U00F6ffentliches Finanzwesen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "zero bracket amount"; History = (); SecondValue = "Pauschbetrag (AE)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "lump sum"; History = (); SecondValue = "Pauschbetrag (BE) // Pauschale"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "progressive tax"; History = (); SecondValue = "progressive Steuer"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "delinquent taxes"; History = (); SecondValue = "r\U00FCckst\U00E4ndige Steuern"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = donations; History = (); SecondValue = Spenden; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "fiscal charges"; History = (); SecondValue = Steuerabgaben; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "tax revenue"; History = (); SecondValue = "Steueraufkommen / Steuereinnahmen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "tax consultant"; History = (); SecondValue = Steuerberater; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "tax assessment"; History = (); SecondValue = "Steuerbescheid // Steuerveranlagung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "tax increase"; History = (); SecondValue = "Steuererh\U00F6hung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "tax return"; History = (); SecondValue = "Steuererkl\U00E4rung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "tax relief"; History = (); SecondValue = "Steuererm\U00E4\U00DFigung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "tax refund"; History = (); SecondValue = Steuererstattung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "tax investigation"; History = (); SecondValue = Steuerfahndung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "tax-free"; History = (); SecondValue = steuerfrei; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "exemption from taxes"; History = (); SecondValue = Steuerfreiheit; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "tax evasion"; History = (); SecondValue = "Steuerhinterziehung // Steuerverk\U00FCrzung // Steuerflucht"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "tax category"; History = (); SecondValue = Steuerklasse; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "tax burden"; History = (); SecondValue = Steuerlast; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to raise taxes"; History = (); SecondValue = "Steuern einnehmen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to impose taxes on"; History = (); SecondValue = "Steuern erheben auf"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "tax shelter"; History = (); SecondValue = Steueroase; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "tax paradise"; History = (); SecondValue = Steuerparadies; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "tax policy"; History = (); SecondValue = Steuerpolitik; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "fiscal law"; History = (); SecondValue = Steuerrecht; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "tax rate"; History = (); SecondValue = Steuersatz; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "tax reduction"; History = (); SecondValue = Steuersenkung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "tax offence"; History = (); SecondValue = Steuervergehen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = taxpayer; History = (); SecondValue = Steuerzahler; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "taxation of property"; History = (); SecondValue = Substanzbesteuerung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "net assets valuation"; History = (); SecondValue = Substanzbewertung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = entrepreneur; History = (); SecondValue = Unternehmer; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "capital gain"; History = (); SecondValue = "Ver\U00E4u\U00DFerungsgewinn"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "capital loss"; History = (); SecondValue = "Ver\U00E4u\U00DFerungsverlust"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "certified accountant"; History = (); SecondValue = "vereidigter Buchpr\U00FCfer"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = carryback; History = (); SecondValue = "Verlustr\U00FCckgang"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = carryover; History = (); SecondValue = Verlustvortrag; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "property tax"; History = (); SecondValue = "Verm\U00F6gensteuer"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "tax paid"; History = (); SecondValue = versteuert; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "tax deductible"; History = (); SecondValue = "von der Steuer absetzbar"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = surtax; History = (); SecondValue = Zusatzsteuer; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "waste disposal"; History = (); SecondValue = Abfallentsorgung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "waste utilization"; History = (); SecondValue = Abfallverwertung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "waste management"; History = (); SecondValue = Abfallwirtschaft; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "waste gas analysis"; History = (); SecondValue = Abgasanalyse; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "exhaust fumes"; History = (); SecondValue = Abgase; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "exhaust emission standards"; History = (); SecondValue = "Abgasvorschriften / Emissionsvorschriften"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to cast"; History = (); SecondValue = "abgie\U00DFen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = casting; History = (); SecondValue = "Abgu\U00DF / Gu\U00DFst\U00FCck"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to cool down"; History = (); SecondValue = "abk\U00FChlen / erkalten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "rate of cooling"; History = (); SecondValue = "Abk\U00FChlgeschwindigkeit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to quench"; History = (); SecondValue = "abl\U00F6schen / abschrecken"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = dimension; History = (); SecondValue = Abmessung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = wear; History = (); SecondValue = "Abnutzung / Verschlei\U00DF / verschlei\U00DFen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = abrasion; History = (); SecondValue = "Abrieb (mechanischer)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = deposition; History = (); SecondValue = Abscheidung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "absolute pressure"; History = (); SecondValue = "absoluter Druck"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "shut-off valve"; History = (); SecondValue = Absperrventil; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = axis; History = (); SecondValue = "Achse (im Sinne einer theoretischen Achse, z.B. Spiegelachse, x-Achse ...)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = axle; History = (); SecondValue = "Achse (im Sinne einer Tragachse)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = agent; History = (); SecondValue = "Agens / Reaktionsmittel"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = state; History = (); SecondValue = "Aggregatzustand / Zustand"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = alkali; History = (); SecondValue = Alkali; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "general standard"; History = (); SecondValue = "allgemeine Norm"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to age"; History = (); SecondValue = altern; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = ageing; History = (); SecondValue = "Altern / Alterung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to aluminium-coat"; History = (); SecondValue = aluminieren; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "alumino-thermic welding"; History = (); SecondValue = "aluminothermisches Schwei\U00DFen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "ammonia gas"; History = (); SecondValue = Ammoniakgas; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "ammonium chloride"; History = (); SecondValue = Ammoniumchlorid; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = analysis; History = (); SecondValue = Analyse; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "applied research"; History = (); SecondValue = "angewandte Forschung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = corrosive; History = (); SecondValue = "angreifend (chemisch) / korrodierend / \U00E4tzend"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = abrasive; History = (); SecondValue = "angreifend (mechanischen Abrieb verursachend)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = attack; History = (); SecondValue = "Angriff (z.B. chemischer Natur)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to adhere"; History = (); SecondValue = anhaften; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "trailer load"; History = (); SecondValue = "Anh\U00E4ngelast"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to start"; History = (); SecondValue = "anlassen (Motor)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to temper"; History = (); SecondValue = "anlassen (Stahl)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "starting torque"; History = (); SecondValue = Anlaufdrehmoment; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = anode; History = (); SecondValue = Anode; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "velocity of the approaching flow"; History = (); SecondValue = "Anstr\U00F6mgeschwindigkeit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = proportion; History = (); SecondValue = Anteil; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = antimony; History = (); SecondValue = Antimon; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = drive; History = (); SecondValue = Antrieb; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "driving power"; History = (); SecondValue = Antriebsleistung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = apparatus; History = (); SecondValue = "Apparat / Ger\U00E4t"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "asbestos fibre"; History = (); SecondValue = "Asbestfaser / Asbestfaserstoff"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "nuclear power"; History = (); SecondValue = Atomkraft; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "bearing surface"; History = (); SecondValue = "Auflagefl\U00E4che"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = support; History = (); SecondValue = Auflager; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to dissolve"; History = (); SecondValue = "aufl\U00F6sen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to apply"; History = (); SecondValue = "auftragen / aufbringen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "coefficient of expansion"; History = (); SecondValue = Ausdehnungskoeffizient; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "exhaust pipe"; History = (); SecondValue = Auspuffrohr; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "outside diameter"; History = (); SecondValue = "Au\U00DFendurchmesser"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "outside thread"; History = (); SecondValue = "Au\U00DFengewinde"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "automatic control"; History = (); SecondValue = "automatische Steuerung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = automation; History = (); SecondValue = Automatisierung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "automobile industry"; History = (); SecondValue = "Automobilindustrie / Kraftfahrzeugindustrie"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = axial; History = (); SecondValue = axial; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "end movement"; History = (); SecondValue = Axialbewegung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = excavator; History = (); SecondValue = Bagger; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "hoop iron"; History = (); SecondValue = Bandeisen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "strip steel"; History = (); SecondValue = Bandstahl; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "building trade"; History = (); SecondValue = "Baugewerbe / Bauindustrie"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "building industry"; History = (); SecondValue = "Baugewerbe / Bauwirtschaft"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "building machine"; History = (); SecondValue = Baumaschine; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "structural steel"; History = (); SecondValue = Baustahl; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "building site"; History = (); SecondValue = Baustelle; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = bauxite; History = (); SecondValue = Bauxit; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = strain; History = (); SecondValue = "Beanspruchung (insbes. mit bleibender Verformung)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = stress; History = (); SecondValue = "Beanspruchung (insbes. ohne bleibende Verformung)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = workability; History = (); SecondValue = "Bearbeitbarkeit (allg.) / Verarbeitbarkeit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = machinability; History = (); SecondValue = "Bearbeitbarkeit (maschinelle)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to work"; History = (); SecondValue = "bearbeiten (allg.)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to machine"; History = (); SecondValue = "bearbeiten (maschinell)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "operating instructions"; History = (); SecondValue = Bedienungsanleitung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to attach"; History = (); SecondValue = befestigen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = load; History = (); SecondValue = "Belastung / belasten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "moistening power"; History = (); SecondValue = "Benetzungsf\U00E4higkeit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "fuel consumption"; History = (); SecondValue = "Benzinverbrauch / Kraftstoffverbrauch"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = benzene; History = (); SecondValue = Benzol; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "mining industry"; History = (); SecondValue = Bergbau; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "contact surface"; History = (); SecondValue = "Ber\U00FChrungsfl\U00E4che"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = acceleration; History = (); SecondValue = Beschleunigung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = ingredient; History = (); SecondValue = "Bestandteil / Zutat"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = resistance; History = (); SecondValue = "Best\U00E4ndigkeit / Widerstandsf\U00E4higkeit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = concrete; History = (); SecondValue = Beton; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "concrete mixer"; History = (); SecondValue = Betonmischer; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "bending strength"; History = (); SecondValue = Biegefestigkeit; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "bending moment"; History = (); SecondValue = Biegemoment; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = bend; History = (); SecondValue = "Biegung / biegen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = binder; History = (); SecondValue = Bindemittel; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "bare wire"; History = (); SecondValue = "blanker Draht"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = blisters; History = (); SecondValue = Blasen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "free from blisters"; History = (); SecondValue = blasenfrei; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "sheet metal"; History = (); SecondValue = Blech; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "sheet metal working machine"; History = (); SecondValue = Blechbearbeitungsmaschine; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "sheet rolling mill"; History = (); SecondValue = Blechwalzwerk; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = lead; History = (); SecondValue = Blei; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "unleaded petrol was introduced in 1986"; History = (); SecondValue = "bleifreies Benzin wurde 1986 eingef\U00FChrt"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "lead-base alloy"; History = (); SecondValue = Bleilegierung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "reactive power"; History = (); SecondValue = Blindleistung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = blank; History = (); SecondValue = Blindprobe; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = reactance; History = (); SecondValue = Blindwiderstand; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to bore"; History = (); SecondValue = "bohren (ausbohren)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to drill"; History = (); SecondValue = "bohren (ins volle)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "drill-hole"; History = (); SecondValue = Bohrloch; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "drilling machine"; History = (); SecondValue = Bohrmaschine; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = drillings; History = (); SecondValue = "Bohrsp\U00E4ne"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = derrick; History = (); SecondValue = Bohrturm; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "drill jig"; History = (); SecondValue = Bohrvorrichtung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = borate; History = (); SecondValue = Borat; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "brown coal"; History = (); SecondValue = Braunkohle; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = width; History = (); SecondValue = Breite; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "brake shoe"; History = (); SecondValue = "Bremsschuh / Bremsklotz / Bremsbacke"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = fuel; History = (); SecondValue = "Brennstoff / Treibstoff"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "focal length"; History = (); SecondValue = Brennweite; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = bromine; History = (); SecondValue = Brom; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = bronze; History = (); SecondValue = Bronze; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = rupture; History = (); SecondValue = "Bruch (durch mechan. Beanspruchung)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = fracture; History = (); SecondValue = "Bruch (in Bezug auf die Bruchfl\U00E4che) / Bruchfl\U00E4che"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "ultimate breaking strength"; History = (); SecondValue = Bruchfestigkeit; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = fragment; History = (); SecondValue = "Bruchst\U00FCck"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = brittle; History = (); SecondValue = "br\U00FCchig / spr\U00F6de"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = butane; History = (); SecondValue = Butan; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "calcium hydroxide"; History = (); SecondValue = Calciumhydroxid; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "Celsius temperature"; History = (); SecondValue = "Celsius-Temperatur"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "chemical company"; History = (); SecondValue = Chemieunternehmen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = chemical; History = (); SecondValue = "Chemikalie / chemisch"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "synthetic compounds"; History = (); SecondValue = "chemische Verbindungen (k\U00FCnstlich hergestellt)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "chemical composition"; History = (); SecondValue = "chemische Zusammensetzung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = chlorine; History = (); SecondValue = Chlor; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "hydrochloric acid"; History = (); SecondValue = "Chlorwasserstoff / Salzs\U00E4ure"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = chromium; History = (); SecondValue = Chrom; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = tile; History = (); SecondValue = Dachziegel; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "vapour pressure"; History = (); SecondValue = Dampfdruck; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "steam pipe line"; History = (); SecondValue = Dampfrohrleitung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "endurance limit"; History = (); SecondValue = Dauerfestigkeit; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "fatigue limit"; History = (); SecondValue = Dauerschwingfestigkeit; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "endurance test"; History = (); SecondValue = Dauerversuch; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = cover; History = (); SecondValue = Deckel; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "top layer"; History = (); SecondValue = Deckschicht; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = ductile; History = (); SecondValue = dehnbar; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = ductility; History = (); SecondValue = Dehnbarkeit; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "the eagle is a protected species"; History = (); SecondValue = "der Adler steht unter Naturschutz / ist eine gesch\U00FCtzte Art"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = distillation; History = (); SecondValue = Destillation; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to distil"; History = (); SecondValue = destillieren; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = density; History = (); SecondValue = Dichte; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = packing; History = (); SecondValue = "Dichtung (an einem Rohr)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = seal; History = (); SecondValue = "Dichtung (an einer Welle) / Abdichtung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "the interests of industry still seem to have priority over those of conservationism"; History = (); SecondValue = "die Interessen der Industrie scheinen immer noch Vorrang gegen\U00FCber denen des Umweltschutzes zu haben"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "the majority of trees is affected by pollution"; History = (); SecondValue = "die Mehrzahl der B\U00E4ume ist durch die Umweltverschmutzung gesch\U00E4digt"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to maintain the supply of drinking water"; History = (); SecondValue = "die Trinkwasserversorgung aufrecht erhalten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "this rare type of bird is threatened by extinction"; History = (); SecondValue = "diese seltene Vogelart ist vom Aussterben bedroht"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "top view"; History = (); SecondValue = Draufsicht; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to turn"; History = (); SecondValue = "drehen / abdrehen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "rotary speed"; History = (); SecondValue = Drehgeschwindigkeit; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = lathe; History = (); SecondValue = "Drehmaschine / Drehbank"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = torque; History = (); SecondValue = "Drehmoment / Torsionsmoment"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "direction of rotation"; History = (); SecondValue = Drehrichtung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = turntable; History = (); SecondValue = Drehscheibe; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = turnings; History = (); SecondValue = "Drehsp\U00E4ne"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "three-phase current"; History = (); SecondValue = Drehstrom; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "turned part"; History = (); SecondValue = Drehteil; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = speed; History = (); SecondValue = Drehzahl; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "compressive strength"; History = (); SecondValue = Druckfestigkeit; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "die-casting"; History = (); SecondValue = "Druckgie\U00DFen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "die-casting die"; History = (); SecondValue = "Druckgu\U00DFform"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = penetration; History = (); SecondValue = Durchdringung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = permeable; History = (); SecondValue = "durchl\U00E4ssig"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = diameter; History = (); SecondValue = Durchmesser; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = translucent; History = (); SecondValue = durchscheinend; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = transparent; History = (); SecondValue = durchsichtig; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = fertilizer; History = (); SecondValue = "D\U00FCngemittel"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = nozzle; History = (); SecondValue = "D\U00FCse"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = dynamic; History = (); SecondValue = dynamisch; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "high-quality steel"; History = (); SecondValue = Edelstahl; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "natural frequency"; History = (); SecondValue = Eigenfrequenz; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "a pair of pincers"; History = (); SecondValue = "eine Bei\U00DFzange"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "a pair of pliers"; History = (); SecondValue = "eine Drahtzange"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to set up a machine"; History = (); SecondValue = "eine Maschine einrichten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "standard bore"; History = (); SecondValue = Einheitsbohrung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = setting; History = (); SecondValue = Einrichten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = injection; History = (); SecondValue = Einspritzung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = adjustable; History = (); SecondValue = einstellbar; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to adjust"; History = (); SecondValue = "einstellen / justieren"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "entering angle"; History = (); SecondValue = "Einstellwinkel (eines Schneidkeils)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "non-returnable bottle"; History = (); SecondValue = Einwegflasche; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "disposable package"; History = (); SecondValue = Einwegverpackung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "component part"; History = (); SecondValue = Einzelteil; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "individual packing"; History = (); SecondValue = Einzelverpackung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "iron ore"; History = (); SecondValue = Eisenerz; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = ferrous; History = (); SecondValue = eisenhaltig; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = ironworks; History = (); SecondValue = "Eisenh\U00FCttenwerk"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "ferrous alloy"; History = (); SecondValue = Eisenlegierung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = elastic; History = (); SecondValue = elastisch; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = elasticity; History = (); SecondValue = "Elastizit\U00E4t"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "modulus of elasticity"; History = (); SecondValue = "Elastizit\U00E4tsmodul"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "electrical insulation value"; History = (); SecondValue = "elektrische Durchschlagfestigkeit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "electric field strength"; History = (); SecondValue = "elektrische Feldst\U00E4rke"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = inductance; History = (); SecondValue = "elektrische Induktivit\U00E4t"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = capacitance; History = (); SecondValue = "elektrische Kapazit\U00E4t"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "electric charge"; History = (); SecondValue = "elektrische Ladung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = voltage; History = (); SecondValue = "elektrische Spannung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "electric current"; History = (); SecondValue = "elektrische Stromst\U00E4rke // elektrischer Strom"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = conductance; History = (); SecondValue = "elektrischer Leitwert"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = electrode; History = (); SecondValue = Elektrode; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = electrolyte; History = (); SecondValue = Elektrolyt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "electric motor"; History = (); SecondValue = Elektromotor; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "electrical engineering industry"; History = (); SecondValue = "elektrotechnische Industrie"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = emulsibility; History = (); SecondValue = Emulgierbarkeit; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to emulsify"; History = (); SecondValue = emulgieren; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "final product"; History = (); SecondValue = Endprodukt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "power resource"; History = (); SecondValue = "Energiequelle / Energietr\U00E4ger"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "power resource"; History = (); SecondValue = "Energiequelle / Energietr\U00E4ger"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "power consumption"; History = (); SecondValue = Energieverbrauch; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "power supply"; History = (); SecondValue = "Energieversorgung // Stromversorgung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to degrease"; History = (); SecondValue = entfetten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = discharging; History = (); SecondValue = Entladung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = entropy; History = (); SecondValue = Entropie; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "desalination plant"; History = (); SecondValue = Entsalzungsanlage; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to escape"; History = (); SecondValue = entweichen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = flammable; History = (); SecondValue = "entz\U00FCndlich"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "natural gas"; History = (); SecondValue = Erdgas; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "fatigue failure"; History = (); SecondValue = "Erm\U00FCdungsbruch"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "spare part"; History = (); SecondValue = Ersatzteil; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = explosive; History = (); SecondValue = explosiv; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = eccentric; History = (); SecondValue = Exzenter; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "eccentric shaft"; History = (); SecondValue = Exzenterwelle; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "structural built-up beam"; History = (); SecondValue = "Fachwerktr\U00E4ger"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "acceleration of free fall"; History = (); SecondValue = Fallbeschleunigung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to dye"; History = (); SecondValue = "f\U00E4rben"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "CFC gas"; History = (); SecondValue = "FCKW Gas"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "spring steel"; History = (); SecondValue = Federstahl; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = defective; History = (); SecondValue = fehlerhaft; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "metal sheet"; History = (); SecondValue = Feinblech; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "fine-grained"; History = (); SecondValue = "feink\U00F6rnig"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "precision engineering industry"; History = (); SecondValue = "feinmechanische Industrie / feinwerktechnische Industrie"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "finished size"; History = (); SecondValue = "Fertigma\U00DF"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = grease; History = (); SecondValue = "Fett / Schmiermittel"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "fatty acid"; History = (); SecondValue = "Fetts\U00E4ure"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "fire-proof"; History = (); SecondValue = "Feuerbest\U00E4ndig"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "plain sheet"; History = (); SecondValue = Flachblech; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "flat rolled steel"; History = (); SecondValue = Flachstahl; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = flange; History = (); SecondValue = Flansch; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "second moment of area"; History = (); SecondValue = "Fl\U00E4chentr\U00E4gheitsmoment / Fl\U00E4chenmoment zweiten Grades"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = fluid; History = (); SecondValue = Fluid; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = flux; History = (); SecondValue = "Flu\U00DFmittel"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = volatile; History = (); SecondValue = "fl\U00FCchtig (D\U00E4mpfe)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "wing nut"; History = (); SecondValue = "Fl\U00FCgelmutter"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "wing screw"; History = (); SecondValue = "Fl\U00FCgelschraube"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = liquid; History = (); SecondValue = "fl\U00FCssig / Fl\U00FCssigkeit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = formaldehyde; History = (); SecondValue = Formaldehyd; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "means of conveyance"; History = (); SecondValue = "F\U00F6rdermittel"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to convey"; History = (); SecondValue = "f\U00F6rdern"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "fractional distillation"; History = (); SecondValue = "fraktionierte Destillation"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to mill"; History = (); SecondValue = "fr\U00E4sen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "milling cutter"; History = (); SecondValue = "Fr\U00E4ser"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "milling machine"; History = (); SecondValue = "Fr\U00E4smaschine"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = flank; History = (); SecondValue = "Freifl\U00E4che (eines Schneidkeils)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "clearance angle"; History = (); SecondValue = "Freiwinkel (eines Schneidkeils)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = foundation; History = (); SecondValue = Fundament; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = tracer; History = (); SecondValue = "F\U00FChler"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "guide bar"; History = (); SecondValue = "F\U00FChrungsschiene"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = filler; History = (); SecondValue = "F\U00FCllstoff"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = electrogalvanize; History = (); SecondValue = "galvanisch verzinken"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = blowholes; History = (); SecondValue = Gasblasen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = gaseous; History = (); SecondValue = "gasf\U00F6rmig"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "gas main"; History = (); SecondValue = Gasleitung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "printed circuit"; History = (); SecondValue = "gedruckte Schaltung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "endangered plants and animals"; History = (); SecondValue = "gef\U00E4hrdete Pflanzen und Tiere"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "freezing point"; History = (); SecondValue = Gefrierpunkt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = structure; History = (); SecondValue = "Gef\U00FCge"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = counterweight; History = (); SecondValue = Gegengewicht; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "lock nut"; History = (); SecondValue = Gegenmutter; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = case; History = (); SecondValue = "Geh\U00E4use"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = mitring; History = (); SecondValue = Gehrung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = device; History = (); SecondValue = "Ger\U00E4t / Vorrichtung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to tan"; History = (); SecondValue = gerben; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "saturated steam"; History = (); SecondValue = "ges\U00E4ttigter Dampf"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = gearing; History = (); SecondValue = Getriebe; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "weight force"; History = (); SecondValue = Gewichtskraft; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = thread; History = (); SecondValue = Gewinde; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = tap; History = (); SecondValue = Gewindebohrer; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "threading die"; History = (); SecondValue = Gewindeschneideisen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "thread cutting"; History = (); SecondValue = Gewindeschneiden; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = arched; History = (); SecondValue = "gew\U00F6lbt"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "toxic chemicals"; History = (); SecondValue = "giftige Chemikalien"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "toxic vapours"; History = (); SecondValue = "giftige D\U00E4mpfe"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "toxic waste"; History = (); SecondValue = "Giftm\U00FCll"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = smooth; History = (); SecondValue = glatt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "direct current"; History = (); SecondValue = Gleichstrom; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "anti-friction properties"; History = (); SecondValue = Gleiteigenschaften; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "sliding surface"; History = (); SecondValue = "Gleitfl\U00E4che"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "sliding bearing"; History = (); SecondValue = Gleitlager; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to anneal"; History = (); SecondValue = "gl\U00FChen (als Bearbeitungsvorgang)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = granite; History = (); SecondValue = Granit; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = graphite; History = (); SecondValue = Graphit; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "grey cast iron"; History = (); SecondValue = "Graugu\U00DF"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "coarse-grained"; History = (); SecondValue = "grobk\U00F6rnig"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "big industry"; History = (); SecondValue = "Gro\U00DFindustrie"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "basic standard"; History = (); SecondValue = Grundnorm; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "basic goods industry"; History = (); SecondValue = Grundstoffindustrie; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "rubber tube"; History = (); SecondValue = Gummischlauch; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = ingot; History = (); SecondValue = "Gu\U00DFblock"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "cast iron"; History = (); SecondValue = "Gu\U00DFeisen / gu\U00DFeisern"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = mould; History = (); SecondValue = "Gu\U00DFform"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "standard of quality"; History = (); SecondValue = "G\U00FCtenorm"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "hairline crack"; History = (); SecondValue = "Haarri\U00DF"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = semiconductor; History = (); SecondValue = Halbleiter; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "semi-finished material"; History = (); SecondValue = Halbzeug; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = life; History = (); SecondValue = "Haltbarkeit / Lebensdauer"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = handle; History = (); SecondValue = Handgriff; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = urea; History = (); SecondValue = Harnstoff; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "hard rubber"; History = (); SecondValue = Hartgummi; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = resin; History = (); SecondValue = Harz; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "cutting edge"; History = (); SecondValue = "Hauptschneide (eines Schneidkeils)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = hardness; History = (); SecondValue = "H\U00E4rte"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to harden"; History = (); SecondValue = "h\U00E4rten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = lever; History = (); SecondValue = Hebel; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = hoist; History = (); SecondValue = Hebezeug; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "rear axle"; History = (); SecondValue = Hinterachse; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "heat resistant"; History = (); SecondValue = "Hitzebest\U00E4ndig"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = plane; History = (); SecondValue = Hobel; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "construction engineering"; History = (); SecondValue = Hochbau; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "high pressure line"; History = (); SecondValue = Hochdruckleitung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "highly concentrated chemicals"; History = (); SecondValue = "hochkonzentrierte Chemikalien"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "heavy duty lathe"; History = (); SecondValue = Hochleistungsdrehmaschine; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "blast furnace"; History = (); SecondValue = Hochofen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "transmission line"; History = (); SecondValue = Hochspannungsleitung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "high-quality"; History = (); SecondValue = "hochwertig / edel ..."; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = hollow; History = (); SecondValue = hohl; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = concave; History = (); SecondValue = "hohlfl\U00E4chig"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "air space"; History = (); SecondValue = Hohlraum; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = charcoal; History = (); SecondValue = Holzkohle; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = homogenous; History = (); SecondValue = homogen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "maximum speed"; History = (); SecondValue = "H\U00F6chstgeschwindigkeit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = height; History = (); SecondValue = "H\U00F6he"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = hydraulics; History = (); SecondValue = Hydraulik; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = hydroxide; History = (); SecondValue = Hydroxyd; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = momentum; History = (); SecondValue = Impuls; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "inside diameter"; History = (); SecondValue = "Innendurchmesser / lichter Durchmesser"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "inside thread"; History = (); SecondValue = Innengewinde; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = insecticides; History = (); SecondValue = Insektizide; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "integrated circuit"; History = (); SecondValue = "integrierte Schaltung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "capital goods industry"; History = (); SecondValue = "Investitionsg\U00FCterindustrie"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = insulator; History = (); SecondValue = "Isolator / Isoliermittel"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "insulating tape"; History = (); SecondValue = Isolierband; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "insulated wire"; History = (); SecondValue = "isolierter Draht"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = cable; History = (); SecondValue = Kabel; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "potassium hydroxide"; History = (); SecondValue = Kaliumhydroxid; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = lime; History = (); SecondValue = Kalk; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = limestone; History = (); SecondValue = Kalkstein; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "cold rolling"; History = (); SecondValue = Kaltwalzen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = edge; History = (); SecondValue = Kante; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = catalyst; History = (); SecondValue = Katalysator; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = cathode; History = (); SecondValue = Kathode; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "V-belt"; History = (); SecondValue = Keilriemen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "notch effect"; History = (); SecondValue = Kerbwirkung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = core; History = (); SecondValue = Kern; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "nuclear power station"; History = (); SecondValue = Kernkraftwerk; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "nuclear reactor"; History = (); SecondValue = Kernreaktor; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "chain link"; History = (); SecondValue = Kettenglied; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = silica; History = (); SecondValue = "Kiesels\U00E4ure"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "kinetic energy"; History = (); SecondValue = "kinetische Energie / kinetische Arbeit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = adhesive; History = (); SecondValue = Klebstoff; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to knead"; History = (); SecondValue = kneten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = coagulation; History = (); SecondValue = Koagulierung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "common salt"; History = (); SecondValue = Kochsalz; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "carbon dioxide"; History = (); SecondValue = Kohlendioxid; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = carbon; History = (); SecondValue = Kohlenstoff; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = hydrocarbon; History = (); SecondValue = Kohlenwasserstoff; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = coke; History = (); SecondValue = Koks; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = piston; History = (); SecondValue = Kolben; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = condensation; History = (); SecondValue = Kondensation; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = condenser; History = (); SecondValue = Kondensator; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = tapered; History = (); SecondValue = "konisch / sich verj\U00FCngend / abgeschr\U00E4gt"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = consistency; History = (); SecondValue = Konsistenz; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "consumer goods industry"; History = (); SecondValue = "Konsumg\U00FCterindustrie"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = stainless; History = (); SecondValue = "korrosionsbest\U00E4ndig / fleckenlos"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "corrosion resistance"; History = (); SecondValue = "Korrosionsbest\U00E4ndigkeit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "anti-corrosion agent"; History = (); SecondValue = Korrosionsschutzmittel; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = force; History = (); SecondValue = Kraft; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "motor vehicle"; History = (); SecondValue = Kraftfahrzeug; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "power station"; History = (); SecondValue = Kraftwerk; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = crane; History = (); SecondValue = Kran; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = face; History = (); SecondValue = "Kranz (einer Scheibe)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = rim; History = (); SecondValue = "Kranz (eines Rades)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = scratch; History = (); SecondValue = Kratzer; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "circular arc"; History = (); SecondValue = Kreisbogen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = circular; History = (); SecondValue = "kreisf\U00F6rmig"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = creeping; History = (); SecondValue = Kriechen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = crystalline; History = (); SecondValue = kristallin; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "radius of curvature"; History = (); SecondValue = "Kr\U00FCmmungsradius"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "ball bearing"; History = (); SecondValue = Kugellager; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "synthetic resin"; History = (); SecondValue = Kunstharz; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "synthetic resin varnish"; History = (); SecondValue = Kunstharzlack; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "synthetic fibre"; History = (); SecondValue = Kunststoffaser; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "plastics industry"; History = (); SecondValue = Kunststoffindustrie; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "plastic film"; History = (); SecondValue = Kunststoffolie; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = copper; History = (); SecondValue = Kupfer; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "copper-base alloy"; History = (); SecondValue = Kupferlegierung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = clutch; History = (); SecondValue = Kupplung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = crank; History = (); SecondValue = Kurbel; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = crankshaft; History = (); SecondValue = Kurbelwelle; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "short circuit"; History = (); SecondValue = "Kurzschlu\U00DF"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "cooling medium"; History = (); SecondValue = "K\U00FChlmittel"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "cooling effect"; History = (); SecondValue = "K\U00FChlwirkung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = laboratory; History = (); SecondValue = Laboratorium; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = varnish; History = (); SecondValue = "Lack (Klarlack)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "varnish colour"; History = (); SecondValue = Lackfarbe; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "loudness level"; History = (); SecondValue = "Lautst\U00E4rkepegel"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to lap"; History = (); SecondValue = "l\U00E4ppen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "exposure to noise"; History = (); SecondValue = "L\U00E4rmbelastung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "noise protection"; History = (); SecondValue = "L\U00E4rmschutz"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = empties; History = (); SecondValue = Leergut; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = alloyed; History = (); SecondValue = legiert; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = alloy; History = (); SecondValue = "Legierung / legieren"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "light industry"; History = (); SecondValue = Leichtindustrie; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "light metal"; History = (); SecondValue = Leichtmetall; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = power; History = (); SecondValue = Leistung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = output; History = (); SecondValue = "Leistung / Aussto\U00DF"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "light emitting diode"; History = (); SecondValue = Leuchtdiode; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "arc welding"; History = (); SecondValue = "Lichtbogenschwei\U00DFen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "luminous intensity"; History = (); SecondValue = "Lichtst\U00E4rke"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = soluble; History = (); SecondValue = "l\U00F6slich"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = solubility; History = (); SecondValue = "L\U00F6slichkeit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = solution; History = (); SecondValue = "L\U00F6sung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = solvent; History = (); SecondValue = "L\U00F6sungsmittel"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to solder"; History = (); SecondValue = "l\U00F6ten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "soldering iron"; History = (); SecondValue = "L\U00F6tkolben"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = solder; History = (); SecondValue = "L\U00F6tzinn / Lot"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "air pollution"; History = (); SecondValue = Luftverschmutzung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = shrinkhole; History = (); SecondValue = Lunker; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = shrinkage; History = (); SecondValue = "Lunkerbildung // Schwindung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = ventilation; History = (); SecondValue = "L\U00FCftung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "magnetic flux density"; History = (); SecondValue = "magnetische Flu\U00DFdichte"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "magnetic induction"; History = (); SecondValue = "magnetische Induktion"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = manganese; History = (); SecondValue = Mangan; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "pressure gauge"; History = (); SecondValue = Manometer; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "mass flow"; History = (); SecondValue = Massenstrom; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "two-way package"; History = (); SecondValue = Mehrwegverpackung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "multi-purpose machine"; History = (); SecondValue = Mehrzweckmaschine; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = chisel; History = (); SecondValue = "Mei\U00DFel"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = brass; History = (); SecondValue = Messing; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = measurable; History = (); SecondValue = "me\U00DFbar"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "measuring tool"; History = (); SecondValue = "Me\U00DFwerkzeug"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = metallic; History = (); SecondValue = metallisch; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "metal-working industry"; History = (); SecondValue = "metallverarbeitende Industrie"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "metric units"; History = (); SecondValue = "metrische Einheiten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to blend"; History = (); SecondValue = "mischen (z.B. verschiedene Kunststoffen, Zement etc.)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "molar mass"; History = (); SecondValue = "molare Masse"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = molybdenum; History = (); SecondValue = "Molybd\U00E4n"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "coal and steel industries"; History = (); SecondValue = Montanindustrie; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = mortar; History = (); SecondValue = "M\U00F6rtel"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = nut; History = (); SecondValue = "Mutter (als Gegenst\U00FCck zur Schraube)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = mill; History = (); SecondValue = "M\U00FChle (allg.)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = grinder; History = (); SecondValue = "M\U00FChle (zur Feinmahlung)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = pulverizer; History = (); SecondValue = "M\U00FChle (zur Feinstmahlung, Pulverisierung)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = crusher; History = (); SecondValue = "M\U00FChle (zur Grobmahlung)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "rubbish dump"; History = (); SecondValue = "M\U00FCllkippe"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "incineration plant"; History = (); SecondValue = "M\U00FCllverbrennungsanlage"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = hub; History = (); SecondValue = Nabe; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "food industry"; History = (); SecondValue = Nahrungsmittelindustrie; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = seamless; History = (); SecondValue = nahtlos; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "seam welding"; History = (); SecondValue = "Nahtschwei\U00DFen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "sodium chloride"; History = (); SecondValue = Natriumchlorid; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "soda lye"; History = (); SecondValue = Natronlauge; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "by-product"; History = (); SecondValue = "Nebenprodukt / Abfallprodukt"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "edge of flank"; History = (); SecondValue = "Nebenschneide (eines Schneidkeils)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "nominal size"; History = (); SecondValue = "Nennma\U00DF"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "non-ferrous metal"; History = (); SecondValue = Nichteisenmetall; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "non-conductor"; History = (); SecondValue = Nichtleiter; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "non-metal"; History = (); SecondValue = Nichtmetall; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = rivet; History = (); SecondValue = "Niete / nieten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to nitride"; History = (); SecondValue = nitrieren; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = camshaft; History = (); SecondValue = Nockenwelle; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to standardize"; History = (); SecondValue = normen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "standardized part"; History = (); SecondValue = Normteil; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = standardization; History = (); SecondValue = Normung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = makeshift; History = (); SecondValue = Notbehelf; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "return wire"; History = (); SecondValue = Nulleiter; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "zero voltage"; History = (); SecondValue = Nullspannung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "numerically controlled"; History = (); SecondValue = "numerisch gesteuert"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "numerical control"; History = (); SecondValue = "numerische Steuerung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = groove; History = (); SecondValue = "Nut / Rille"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "commercial vehicle"; History = (); SecondValue = Nutzfahrzeug; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "effective capacity"; History = (); SecondValue = Nutzleistung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = surface; History = (); SecondValue = "Oberfl\U00E4che"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "ohmic resistance"; History = (); SecondValue = "Ohm'scher Widerstand"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "optical industry"; History = (); SecondValue = "optische Industrie"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = stationary; History = (); SecondValue = ortsfest; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = oxidation; History = (); SecondValue = Oxidation; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "free from oxide"; History = (); SecondValue = oxidfrei; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to oxidize"; History = (); SecondValue = oxidieren; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "oil-fired power station"; History = (); SecondValue = "\U00F6lbefeuertes Kraftwerk"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "oil-tight"; History = (); SecondValue = "\U00F6ldicht"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "oil field"; History = (); SecondValue = "\U0099lfeld"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "oil spill"; History = (); SecondValue = "\U0099lpest"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "oil slick"; History = (); SecondValue = "\U0099lteppich"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = loop; History = (); SecondValue = "\U0099se"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "paper mill"; History = (); SecondValue = Papierfabrik; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "parallel connection"; History = (); SecondValue = Parallelschaltung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "periodic time"; History = (); SecondValue = "Periodendauer / Schwingungsdauer"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = horsepower; History = (); SecondValue = "Pferdest\U00E4rke"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "pharmaceutical industry"; History = (); SecondValue = "pharmazeutische Industrie"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = phosphate; History = (); SecondValue = Phosphat; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = phosphorus; History = (); SecondValue = Phosphor; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "phosphoric acid"; History = (); SecondValue = "Phosphors\U00E4ure"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "physical efficiency"; History = (); SecondValue = "physikalischer Wirkungsgrad / technischer Wirkungsgrad"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = platinum; History = (); SecondValue = Platin; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = polymerization; History = (); SecondValue = Polymerisation; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = porous; History = (); SecondValue = "por\U00F6s"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "compressed air"; History = (); SecondValue = Pressluft; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = die; History = (); SecondValue = "Pre\U00DFform"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "air drill"; History = (); SecondValue = "Pre\U00DFluftbohrer"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "air hammer"; History = (); SecondValue = "Pre\U00DFlufthammer"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "fuller board"; History = (); SecondValue = "Pre\U00DFspan"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = specimen; History = (); SecondValue = "Probe (Probest\U00FCck zum Pr\U00FCfen)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = sampling; History = (); SecondValue = Probenahme; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "sectional steel"; History = (); SecondValue = Profilstahl; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "limit of proportionality"; History = (); SecondValue = "Proportionalit\U00E4tsgrenze"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "spot welding"; History = (); SecondValue = "Punktschwei\U00DFen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = mercury; History = (); SecondValue = Quecksilber; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "cross section"; History = (); SecondValue = Querschnitt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "cross-sectional area"; History = (); SecondValue = "Querschnittsfl\U00E4che"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = radial; History = (); SecondValue = radial; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = radius; History = (); SecondValue = Radius; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = frame; History = (); SecondValue = Rahmen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "peak-to-valley height"; History = (); SecondValue = Rauhtiefe; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = caterpillar; History = (); SecondValue = Raupenschlepper; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = control; History = (); SecondValue = "Regelung / regeln"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = reamer; History = (); SecondValue = Reibahle; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = friction; History = (); SecondValue = Reibung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "coefficient of friction"; History = (); SecondValue = Reibungskoeffizient; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "friction clutch"; History = (); SecondValue = Reibungskupplung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "series connection"; History = (); SecondValue = Reihenschaltung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = purity; History = (); SecondValue = Reinheit; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "ultimate tensile strength"; History = (); SecondValue = "Rei\U00DFfestigkeit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = relay; History = (); SecondValue = Relais; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "belt pulley"; History = (); SecondValue = Riemenscheibe; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "belt drive"; History = (); SecondValue = Riementrieb; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = cracky; History = (); SecondValue = rissig; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = crack; History = (); SecondValue = "Ri\U00DF"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = cracking; History = (); SecondValue = "Ri\U00DFbildung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = pinion; History = (); SecondValue = Ritzel; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = robot; History = (); SecondValue = Roboter; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "pig iron"; History = (); SecondValue = Roheisen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "crude oil"; History = (); SecondValue = "Roh\U00F6l"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = pipe; History = (); SecondValue = "Rohr (insbes. aus Gu\U00DFeisen)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = tube; History = (); SecondValue = "Rohr (insbes. aus Stahl oder Metall, f\U00FCr Hochdruckleitungen und biegsame Rohre)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "raw material"; History = (); SecondValue = Rohstoff; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "roller bearing"; History = (); SecondValue = Rollenlager; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = corrosion; History = (); SecondValue = "Rostbildung / Korrosion"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "stainless steel"; History = (); SecondValue = "rostfreier Stahl"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "rust protection"; History = (); SecondValue = Rostschutz; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "rust-preventative"; History = (); SecondValue = Rostschutzmittel; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "red heat"; History = (); SecondValue = Rotglut; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = fuselage; History = (); SecondValue = Rumpf; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "round steel"; History = (); SecondValue = Rundstahl; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = soot; History = (); SecondValue = "Ru\U00DF"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = recovery; History = (); SecondValue = "R\U00FCckgewinnung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = residue; History = (); SecondValue = "R\U00FCckstand"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "sandblast unit"; History = (); SecondValue = "Sandstrahlgebl\U00E4se"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = oxygen; History = (); SecondValue = Sauerstoff; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = saw; History = (); SecondValue = "S\U00E4ge / s\U00E4gen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = acid; History = (); SecondValue = "S\U00E4ure"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "acid-resistant"; History = (); SecondValue = "s\U00E4urebest\U00E4ndig / s\U00E4urefest"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = acidless; History = (); SecondValue = "s\U00E4urefrei"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = template; History = (); SecondValue = Schablone; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = pollutant; History = (); SecondValue = Schadstoff; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = shank; History = (); SecondValue = Schaft; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "sound pressure level"; History = (); SecondValue = Schalldruckpegel; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "velocity of sound"; History = (); SecondValue = Schallgeschwindigkeit; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = switch; History = (); SecondValue = Schalter; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "wiring diagram"; History = (); SecondValue = Schaltplan; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "apparent power"; History = (); SecondValue = Scheinleistung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = impedance; History = (); SecondValue = Scheinwiderstand; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "shear strength"; History = (); SecondValue = Scherfestigkeit; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "sliding calliper"; History = (); SecondValue = Schieblehre; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = slag; History = (); SecondValue = Schlacke; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "slag inclusions"; History = (); SecondValue = "Schlackeneinschl\U00FCsse"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "impact stress"; History = (); SecondValue = Schlagbeanspruchung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "impact strength"; History = (); SecondValue = Schlagfestigkeit; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to grind"; History = (); SecondValue = schleifen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "abrasive paper"; History = (); SecondValue = Schleifpapier; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "key industry"; History = (); SecondValue = "Schl\U00FCsselindustrie"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = fusible; History = (); SecondValue = schmelzbar; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to melt"; History = (); SecondValue = "schmelzen / einschmelzen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "melting point"; History = (); SecondValue = Schmelzpunkt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = forgeable; History = (); SecondValue = schmiedbar; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to forge"; History = (); SecondValue = schmieden; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to lubricate"; History = (); SecondValue = schmieren; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "lubricating grease"; History = (); SecondValue = Schmierfett; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = lubricant; History = (); SecondValue = Schmiermittel; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "lubricating oil"; History = (); SecondValue = "Schmier\U00F6l"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = lubrication; History = (); SecondValue = Schmierung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "cutting tool"; History = (); SecondValue = "Schneidmei\U00DFel"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "high speed steel"; History = (); SecondValue = Schnellstahl; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "cutting power"; History = (); SecondValue = Schnittkraft; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "line of cut"; History = (); SecondValue = Schnittlinie; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "cutting angle"; History = (); SecondValue = Schnittwinkel; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = screw; History = (); SecondValue = Schraube; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = wrench; History = (); SecondValue = "Schraubenschl\U00FCssel"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "screw-driver"; History = (); SecondValue = Schraubenzieher; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = vice; History = (); SecondValue = Schraubstock; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = scrap; History = (); SecondValue = Schrott; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "scrap trade"; History = (); SecondValue = Schrotthandel; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = junkyard; History = (); SecondValue = Schrottplatz; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "scrap value"; History = (); SecondValue = Schrottwert; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = contraction; History = (); SecondValue = Schrumpfung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to rough"; History = (); SecondValue = schruppen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "shear modulus"; History = (); SecondValue = Schubmodul; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = sulphur; History = (); SecondValue = Schwefel; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "sulphuric acid"; History = (); SecondValue = "Schwefels\U00E4ure"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = weldable; History = (); SecondValue = "schwei\U00DFbar"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to weld"; History = (); SecondValue = "schwei\U00DFen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = welding; History = (); SecondValue = "Schwei\U00DFen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "heavy industry"; History = (); SecondValue = Schwerindustrie; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = gravity; History = (); SecondValue = Schwerkraft; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = hexagonal; History = (); SecondValue = sechskant; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "side view"; History = (); SecondValue = Seitenansicht; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = vertical; History = (); SecondValue = senkrecht; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "boiling point"; History = (); SecondValue = Siedepunkt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = silicate; History = (); SecondValue = Silikat; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = silicon; History = (); SecondValue = Silizium; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = sketch; History = (); SecondValue = Skizze; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "solar power"; History = (); SecondValue = Solarenergie; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "solar cell"; History = (); SecondValue = Solarzelle; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "nominal diameter"; History = (); SecondValue = Solldurchmesser; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = chip; History = (); SecondValue = Span; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "metal cutting tool"; History = (); SecondValue = "spanabhebendes Werkzeug"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "cutting power"; History = (); SecondValue = Spanleistung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "non-cutting shaping"; History = (); SecondValue = "spanlose Formgebung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "pre-stressed concrete"; History = (); SecondValue = Spannbeton; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "stress-strain diagram"; History = (); SecondValue = "Spannungs-Dehnungs-Diagramm"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "check-crack"; History = (); SecondValue = "Spannungsri\U00DF"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = plywood; History = (); SecondValue = Sperrholz; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "specific gravity"; History = (); SecondValue = "spezifisches Gewicht"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = clearance; History = (); SecondValue = "Spiel (zwischen zwei Teilen)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "twist drill"; History = (); SecondValue = Spiralbohrer; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "nose angle"; History = (); SecondValue = Spitzenwinkel; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "aerosol can"; History = (); SecondValue = Spraydose; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = brittleness; History = (); SecondValue = "Spr\U00F6digkeit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "service life"; History = (); SecondValue = "Standzeit (eines Werkzeugs)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = rod; History = (); SecondValue = Stange; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = punch; History = (); SecondValue = "Stanze / stanzen / lochen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = pile; History = (); SecondValue = Stapel; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = static; History = (); SecondValue = statisch; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = socket; History = (); SecondValue = Steckdose; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = plug; History = (); SecondValue = Stecker; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = rigidity; History = (); SecondValue = Steifigkeit; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "pit coal"; History = (); SecondValue = Steinkohle; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "set screw"; History = (); SecondValue = Stellschraube; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = nitrogen; History = (); SecondValue = Stickstoff; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "amount of substance"; History = (); SecondValue = Stoffmenge; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = impact; History = (); SecondValue = "Sto\U00DF"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "shock-absorbing"; History = (); SecondValue = "sto\U00DFd\U00E4mpfend"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "resistance to shock"; History = (); SecondValue = "Sto\U00DFfestigkeit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "susceptibility to failure"; History = (); SecondValue = "St\U00F6ranf\U00E4lligkeit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = ram; History = (); SecondValue = "St\U00F6\U00DFel"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "yield point"; History = (); SecondValue = Streckgrenze; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = current; History = (); SecondValue = "Strom (elektrischer)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = flow; History = (); SecondValue = "Str\U00F6mung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "velocity of flow"; History = (); SecondValue = "Str\U00F6mungsgeschwindigkeit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = suspension; History = (); SecondValue = Suspension; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = synthesis; History = (); SecondValue = Synthese; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = synthetic; History = (); SecondValue = synthetisch; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "T-section"; History = (); SecondValue = "T-Tr\U00E4ger"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = tallow; History = (); SecondValue = Talg; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = technological; History = (); SecondValue = technologisch; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = tar; History = (); SecondValue = Teer; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = turpentine; History = (); SecondValue = Terpentin; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to impose expensive emission control measures"; History = (); SecondValue = "teure Emissionsschutzma\U00DFnahmen auferlegen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "textile industry"; History = (); SecondValue = Textilindustrie; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = thermal; History = (); SecondValue = thermisch; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "civil engineering"; History = (); SecondValue = Tiefbau; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = depth; History = (); SecondValue = Tiefe; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "deep drawing quality"; History = (); SecondValue = "Tiefziehf\U00E4higkeit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = titanium; History = (); SecondValue = Titan; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "dead centre"; History = (); SecondValue = Totpunkt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "idle time"; History = (); SecondValue = Totzeit; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = transformer; History = (); SecondValue = Transformator; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "moment of inertia"; History = (); SecondValue = "Tr\U00E4gheitsmoment"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = propellant; History = (); SecondValue = "Treibgas (in Spraydosen)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "greenhouse effect"; History = (); SecondValue = Treibhauseffekt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "drinking water"; History = (); SecondValue = Trinkwasser; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = turbine; History = (); SecondValue = Turbine; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "channel steel"; History = (); SecondValue = "U-Stahl"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "number of revolutions per minute"; History = (); SecondValue = Umdrehungszahl; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "peripheral speed"; History = (); SecondValue = Umfangsgeschwindigkeit; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = environment; History = (); SecondValue = Umwelt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "environmental levy"; History = (); SecondValue = Umweltabgabe; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "environmental requirement"; History = (); SecondValue = Umweltauflage; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "eco-sensitive"; History = (); SecondValue = "umweltbewu\U00DFt"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "environmental awareness"; History = (); SecondValue = "Umweltbewu\U00DFtsein"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "Federal Environment Agency"; History = (); SecondValue = "Umweltbundesamt (BRD)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "non-polluting"; History = (); SecondValue = umweltfeundlich; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "environmental research"; History = (); SecondValue = Umweltforschung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "more environmentally friendly"; History = (); SecondValue = umweltfreundlicher; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "environmental image"; History = (); SecondValue = Umweltimage; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "environmental policy"; History = (); SecondValue = Umweltpolitik; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "environmental issues"; History = (); SecondValue = Umweltprobleme; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "ecologically harmful"; History = (); SecondValue = "umweltsch\U00E4dlich / umweltfeindlich"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = environmentalist; History = (); SecondValue = "Umweltsch\U00FCtzer"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = pollutionist; History = (); SecondValue = "Umwelts\U00FCnder"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "environmental pollution"; History = (); SecondValue = Umweltverschmutzung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "ecologically acceptable"; History = (); SecondValue = "umweltvertr\U00E4glich"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "assessment of environmental impact"; History = (); SecondValue = "Umweltvertr\U00E4glichkeitspr\U00FCfung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "environmental regulations"; History = (); SecondValue = Umweltvorschriften; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "environmental label"; History = (); SecondValue = "Umweltzeichen (z.B. der blaue Umweltengel)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = ecocide; History = (); SecondValue = "Umweltzerst\U00F6rung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = opaque; History = (); SecondValue = "undurchsichtig (optisch)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = opacity; History = (); SecondValue = "Undurchsichtigkeit (optisch)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "non-flammable"; History = (); SecondValue = unentflammbar; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = insoluble; History = (); SecondValue = "unl\U00F6slich"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = impure; History = (); SecondValue = "unrein (chemisch)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "consumer electronics"; History = (); SecondValue = Unterhaltungselektronik; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "speed reduction"; History = (); SecondValue = Untersetzung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "excess pressure"; History = (); SecondValue = "\U00DCberdruck"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "superheated steam"; History = (); SecondValue = "\U00FCberhitzter Dampf"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = coating; History = (); SecondValue = "\U00DCberzug"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = vacuum; History = (); SecondValue = Vakuum; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = valve; History = (); SecondValue = Ventil; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = compound; History = (); SecondValue = "Verbindung (chemische) // Mischung (aus verschiedenen Stoffen)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = joint; History = (); SecondValue = "Verbindung (mechanische)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "combustion engine"; History = (); SecondValue = Verbrennungsmotor; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to chromium-plate"; History = (); SecondValue = verchromen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = vaporization; History = (); SecondValue = Verdampfung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to dilute"; History = (); SecondValue = "verd\U00FCnnen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to gild"; History = (); SecondValue = vergolden; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "packaging material"; History = (); SecondValue = Verpackungsmaterial; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = failure; History = (); SecondValue = Versagen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to fail"; History = (); SecondValue = versagen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "polluted river"; History = (); SecondValue = "verschmutzter Flu\U00DF"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to scrap"; History = (); SecondValue = verschrotten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to be contaminated"; History = (); SecondValue = "verseucht sein"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to silver-plate"; History = (); SecondValue = versilbern; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to reinforce"; History = (); SecondValue = "verst\U00E4rken"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "pilot plant"; History = (); SecondValue = Versuchsanlage; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "trial operation"; History = (); SecondValue = Versuchsbetrieb; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "test results"; History = (); SecondValue = Versuchsergebnisse; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = square; History = (); SecondValue = "vierkant / quadratisch"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "volumetric flow"; History = (); SecondValue = Volumenstrom; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "front view"; History = (); SecondValue = Vorderansicht; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = feed; History = (); SecondValue = Vorschub; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "feed motion"; History = (); SecondValue = Vorschubbewegung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to roll"; History = (); SecondValue = walzen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "rolling mill"; History = (); SecondValue = Walzwerk; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "hot-rolling"; History = (); SecondValue = Warmwalzen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "water power"; History = (); SecondValue = Wasserkraft; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "hydro-electric power production"; History = (); SecondValue = Wasserkrafterzeugung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "hydro-electric power plant"; History = (); SecondValue = Wasserkraftwerk; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "water main"; History = (); SecondValue = Wasserleitung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = hydrogen; History = (); SecondValue = Wasserstoff; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "water supply"; History = (); SecondValue = "Wasserzufuhr / Wasserversorgung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "ball and roller bearing"; History = (); SecondValue = "W\U00E4lzlager"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "heat treatment"; History = (); SecondValue = "W\U00E4rmebehandlung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "resistance to heat"; History = (); SecondValue = "W\U00E4rmebest\U00E4ndigkeit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "heat expansion"; History = (); SecondValue = "W\U00E4rmedehnung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "heat flow"; History = (); SecondValue = "W\U00E4rmeflu\U00DF"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "thermal power plant"; History = (); SecondValue = "W\U00E4rmekraftwerk"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "thermal conductivity"; History = (); SecondValue = "W\U00E4rmeleitf\U00E4higkeit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "quantity of heat"; History = (); SecondValue = "W\U00E4rmemenge"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "heat transfer"; History = (); SecondValue = "W\U00E4rme\U00FCbertragung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = aqueous; History = (); SecondValue = "w\U00E4sserig"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "a.c. motor"; History = (); SecondValue = Wechselstrommotor; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = tinplate; History = (); SecondValue = "Wei\U00DFblech"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "processing industry"; History = (); SecondValue = "weiterverarbeitende Industrie"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "corrugated sheet"; History = (); SecondValue = Wellblech; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = shaft; History = (); SecondValue = Welle; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = wavelength; History = (); SecondValue = "Wellenl\U00E4nge"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = material; History = (); SecondValue = Werkstoff; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "machine tool"; History = (); SecondValue = Werkzeugmaschine; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "tool steel"; History = (); SecondValue = Werkzeugstahl; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = resistive; History = (); SecondValue = "widerstandsf\U00E4hig"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "angle steel"; History = (); SecondValue = Winkelstahl; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = weatherproof; History = (); SecondValue = "witterungsbest\U00E4ndig / wetterfest"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = tungsten; History = (); SecondValue = Wolfram; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "gear wheel"; History = (); SecondValue = Zahnrad; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "gear drive"; History = (); SecondValue = Zahnradantrieb; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = toughness; History = (); SecondValue = "Z\U00E4higkeit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = cement; History = (); SecondValue = Zement; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to crush"; History = (); SecondValue = "zerkleinern / zerquetschen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to disassemble"; History = (); SecondValue = "zerlegen / auseinanderbauen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "destruction of the rain forests"; History = (); SecondValue = "Zerst\U00F6rung der Regenw\U00E4lder"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = brick; History = (); SecondValue = Ziegelstein; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "tensile strength"; History = (); SecondValue = Zugfestigkeit; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "tensile force"; History = (); SecondValue = Zugkraft; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = supplier; History = (); SecondValue = "Zulieferer / Zulieferbetrieb"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "components supplying industry"; History = (); SecondValue = Zulieferindustrie; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = reliable; History = (); SecondValue = "zuverl\U00E4ssig"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = reliability; History = (); SecondValue = "Zuverl\U00E4ssigkeit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "intermediate product"; History = (); SecondValue = Zwischenprodukt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = cylindrical; History = (); SecondValue = zylindrisch; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "ex warehouse"; History = (); SecondValue = "ab Lager"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "ex works"; History = (); SecondValue = "ab Werk"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to dispatch"; History = (); SecondValue = "absenden / abschicken"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = consignor; History = (); SecondValue = "Absender einer Warensendung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "change of address"; History = (); SecondValue = "Adress\U00E4nderung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to transport by land"; History = (); SecondValue = "auf dem Landweg bef\U00F6rdern"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to transport by air"; History = (); SecondValue = "auf dem Luftweg bef\U00F6rdern"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to transport by sea"; History = (); SecondValue = "auf dem Seeweg bef\U00F6rdern"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "order number"; History = (); SecondValue = Auftragsnummer; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to fill in"; History = (); SecondValue = "ausf\U00FCllen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to unload"; History = (); SecondValue = "ausladen / entladen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to unpack"; History = (); SecondValue = auspacken; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "outer packing"; History = (); SecondValue = "\U00E4u\U00DFere Verpackung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "rail connection"; History = (); SecondValue = "Bahnanschlu\U00DF"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "rail freight"; History = (); SecondValue = Bahnfracht; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = bale; History = (); SecondValue = Ballen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "steel strapping"; History = (); SecondValue = "Bandverschlu\U00DF"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "accompanying documents"; History = (); SecondValue = Begleitdokumente; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "place of destination"; History = (); SecondValue = Bestimmungsort; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "inland traffic"; History = (); SecondValue = Binnenverkehr; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "please forward"; History = (); SecondValue = "BITTE NACHSENDEN"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = tin; History = (); SecondValue = Blechdose; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "letter-box"; History = (); SecondValue = Briefkasten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = correspondence; History = (); SecondValue = Briefsendungen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "gross weight"; History = (); SecondValue = Bruttogewicht; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "sliding scale of charges"; History = (); SecondValue = "degressiver Tarif"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to refuse to take delivery of the goods"; History = (); SecondValue = "die Annahme der Waren verweigern"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to take delivery of the goods"; History = (); SecondValue = "die Lieferung der Waren annehmen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "printed matter"; History = (); SecondValue = Drucksache; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "by express"; History = (); SecondValue = "durch Eilboten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "express item"; History = (); SecondValue = Eilsendung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to contract for the carriage of goods"; History = (); SecondValue = "einen Frachtvertrag abschlie\U00DFen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to load"; History = (); SecondValue = "einladen / beladen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "registered item"; History = (); SecondValue = Einschreibesendung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to wrap"; History = (); SecondValue = einwickeln; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = receipt; History = (); SecondValue = "Empfangsbescheinigung / Quittung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = counterfoil; History = (); SecondValue = Empfangsschein; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = addressee; History = (); SecondValue = "Empf\U00E4nger"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = consignee; History = (); SecondValue = "Empf\U00E4nger einer Warensendung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = deceased; History = (); SecondValue = "ERLOSCHEN / GESTORBEN"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "in case of change of address"; History = (); SecondValue = "FALLS VERZOGEN"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "folding box"; History = (); SecondValue = Faltschachtel; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = barrel; History = (); SecondValue = "Fa\U00DF / Gebinde"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "incorrect address"; History = (); SecondValue = "fehlerhafte Anschrift"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "freight collect"; History = (); SecondValue = "Fracht gegen Nachnahme"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "freight included"; History = (); SecondValue = "Fracht inbegriffen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "consignment note"; History = (); SecondValue = Frachtbrief; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "freight paid"; History = (); SecondValue = frachtfrei; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "freight charges"; History = (); SecondValue = Frachtkosten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "freight traffic"; History = (); SecondValue = Frachtverkehr; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "contract of carriage"; History = (); SecondValue = Frachtvertrag; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "franco domicile"; History = (); SecondValue = "frei Haus"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "car pool"; History = (); SecondValue = Fuhrpark; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = fillers; History = (); SecondValue = "F\U00FCllmaterial"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "postage paid"; History = (); SecondValue = "Geb\U00FChr bezahlt / Porto entrichtet"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "tariff structure"; History = (); SecondValue = "Geb\U00FChrensystem"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "business address"; History = (); SecondValue = "Gesch\U00E4ftsadresse"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "ordinary parcel"; History = (); SecondValue = "gew\U00F6hnliches Paket"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "basic charge"; History = (); SecondValue = "Grundgeb\U00FChr"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to be well covered with grease"; History = (); SecondValue = "gut eingefettet sein"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "conveyance of goods"; History = (); SecondValue = "G\U00FCtertransport / G\U00FCterbef\U00F6rderung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "goods traffic"; History = (); SecondValue = "G\U00FCterverkehr"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "customary packing"; History = (); SecondValue = "handels\U00FCbliche Verpackung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "lift here"; History = (); SecondValue = "HIER ANHEBEN"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "open here"; History = (); SecondValue = "HIER \U0099FFNEN"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "wood shavings"; History = (); SecondValue = "Hobelsp\U00E4ne"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "wooden box"; History = (); SecondValue = Holzkiste; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "wood wool"; History = (); SecondValue = Holzwolle; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "inner packing"; History = (); SecondValue = Innenverpackung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "international forwarding agent"; History = (); SecondValue = "internationale Spedition"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "international postal service"; History = (); SecondValue = "internationaler Postdienst"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = can; History = (); SecondValue = "Kanister / (AE) auch: Konservendose"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "cardboard box"; History = (); SecondValue = "Karton / Pappschachtel"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "use no hooks"; History = (); SecondValue = "KEINE HAKEN VERWENDEN"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = keg; History = (); SecondValue = "kleines Fa\U00DF / F\U00E4\U00DFchen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "bill of landing"; History = (); SecondValue = Konnossement; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "keep in cool place"; History = (); SecondValue = "K\U00DCHL LAGERN"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = crate; History = (); SecondValue = "Lattenkiste / Holzverschlag"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "returnable container"; History = (); SecondValue = "Leihbeh\U00E4lter"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "terms of delivery"; History = (); SecondValue = Lieferbedingungen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "time of delivery"; History = (); SecondValue = Lieferfrist; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "delivery note"; History = (); SecondValue = Lieferschein; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "date of delivery"; History = (); SecondValue = Liefertermin; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "delivery on call"; History = (); SecondValue = "Lieferung auf Abruf"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "delay in delivery"; History = (); SecondValue = Lieferverzug; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "truck trailer"; History = (); SecondValue = "Lkw-Anh\U00E4nger"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "truck driver"; History = (); SecondValue = "Lkw-Fahrer"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "truck load"; History = (); SecondValue = "Lkw-Ladung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = aircargo; History = (); SecondValue = Luftfracht; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "air waybill"; History = (); SecondValue = Luftfrachtbrief; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "airmail item"; History = (); SecondValue = Luftpostsendung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "air surcharge"; History = (); SecondValue = Luftpostzuschlag; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "marking requirements"; History = (); SecondValue = Markierungsvorschriften; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to mark with a stencil"; History = (); SecondValue = "mit Hilfe einer Schablone beschriften"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "deceptive package"; History = (); SecondValue = Mogelpackung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "COD item"; History = (); SecondValue = Nachnahmesendung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "net weight"; History = (); SecondValue = Nettogewicht; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = unclaimed; History = (); SecondValue = "NICHT ABGEHOLT"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = top; History = (); SecondValue = OBEN; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "original packing"; History = (); SecondValue = Originalverpackung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "place and date of issuance"; History = (); SecondValue = "Ort und Tag der Ausstellung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = oilcloth; History = (); SecondValue = "\U0099ltuch"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "packing list"; History = (); SecondValue = Packliste; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "wrapping paper"; History = (); SecondValue = Packpapier; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = pallet; History = (); SecondValue = Palette; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to palettize"; History = (); SecondValue = palettieren; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "paper bag"; History = (); SecondValue = Papiersack; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "shredded paper"; History = (); SecondValue = Papierschnitzel; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "by airmail"; History = (); SecondValue = "per Luftpost"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "postage free"; History = (); SecondValue = portofrei; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "postal transport"; History = (); SecondValue = "Postbef\U00F6rderung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = P.O.B.; History = (); SecondValue = Postfach; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "withdrawal from a P.O.B."; History = (); SecondValue = Postfachabholung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "postal secrecy"; History = (); SecondValue = Postgeheimnis; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "postal item"; History = (); SecondValue = Postsendung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "home address"; History = (); SecondValue = Privatanschrift; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to deliver on time"; History = (); SecondValue = "p\U00FCnktlich liefern // rechtzeitig liefern"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = shipowner; History = (); SecondValue = Reeder; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "shipping company"; History = (); SecondValue = Reederei; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to be rolled, not tipped"; History = (); SecondValue = "ROLLEN, NICHT KANTEN"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "advice of delivery"; History = (); SecondValue = "R\U00FCckschein"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "grouped consignment"; History = (); SecondValue = Sammelladung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "collective envelope"; History = (); SecondValue = Sammelumschlag; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = sawdust; History = (); SecondValue = "S\U00E4gemehl"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "arrival note"; History = (); SecondValue = Schiffankunftsavis; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "seaworthy packing"; History = (); SecondValue = "seegerechte Verpackung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = canvas; History = (); SecondValue = Segeltuch; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to forward"; History = (); SecondValue = "senden / \U00DCbersenden"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "immediate delivery"; History = (); SecondValue = "sofortige Lieferung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "forwarding agent's certificate of receipt"; History = (); SecondValue = "Spediteur\U00FCbernahmebescheinigung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "plywood box"; History = (); SecondValue = Sperrholzkiste; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "road versus rail"; History = (); SecondValue = "Stra\U00DFe contra Schiene / der Wettbewerb zwischen Stra\U00DFe und Schiene"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = transhipment; History = (); SecondValue = Umladung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = unknown; History = (); SecondValue = UNBEKANNT; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = unpaid; History = (); SecondValue = unfrankiert; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "freight forward"; History = (); SecondValue = "unfrei / Fracht zu Lasten des Empf\U00E4ngers"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "insufficient packing"; History = (); SecondValue = "ungen\U00FCgende Verpackung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "improper packing"; History = (); SecondValue = "unsachgem\U00E4\U00DFe Verpackung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = bottom; History = (); SecondValue = UNTEN; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to sign"; History = (); SecondValue = unterschreiben; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = unpacked; History = (); SecondValue = unverpackt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "incomplete address"; History = (); SecondValue = "unvollst\U00E4ndige Anschrift"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = undeliverable; History = (); SecondValue = unzustellbar; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "country of origin"; History = (); SecondValue = Ursprungsland; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "via Hamburg"; History = (); SecondValue = "\U00FCber Hamburg"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "loss or damage in transit"; History = (); SecondValue = "Verlust oder Besch\U00E4digung w\U00E4hrend des Transports"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = dispatch; History = (); SecondValue = "Versand (allg.) / Absendung / Abfertigung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "shipping department"; History = (); SecondValue = "Versand (als Abteilung innerhalb eines Unternehmens)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "advice of dispatch"; History = (); SecondValue = Versandanzeige; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "dispatch order"; History = (); SecondValue = "Versandauftrag / Speditionsauftrag"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "date of dispatch"; History = (); SecondValue = Versanddatum; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "shipping documents"; History = (); SecondValue = Versandpapiere; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to ship"; History = (); SecondValue = "verschiffen / (AE) versenden, bef\U00F6rdern"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "insurance fee"; History = (); SecondValue = "Versicherungsgeb\U00FChr / Wertgeb\U00FChr"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = refused; History = (); SecondValue = VERWEIGERT; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = moved; History = (); SecondValue = VERZOGEN; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "store away from heat"; History = (); SecondValue = "VOR HITZE SCH\U00DCTZEN"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "keep dry"; History = (); SecondValue = "VOR N\U008ESSE SCH\U00DCTZEN"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "temporary receipt"; History = (); SecondValue = "vorl\U00E4ufige Bescheinigung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "handle with care"; History = (); SecondValue = "VORSICHT / VORSICHTIG HANDHABEN"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "wax paper"; History = (); SecondValue = Wachspapier; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to pack goods in the proper manner"; History = (); SecondValue = "Waren sachgem\U00E4\U00DF verpacken"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = consignment; History = (); SecondValue = "Warensendung / Lieferung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "waterproof packing"; History = (); SecondValue = "wasserdichte Verpackung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "corrugated cardboard"; History = (); SecondValue = Wellpappe; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "declaration of value"; History = (); SecondValue = Wertangabe; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "insured letter"; History = (); SecondValue = Wertbrief; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "insured parcel"; History = (); SecondValue = Wertpaket; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = fragile; History = (); SecondValue = ZERBRECHLICH; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "care of"; History = (); SecondValue = "zu H\U00E4nden von"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to present for signature"; History = (); SecondValue = "zur Unterschrift vorlegen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "old-age pension"; History = (); SecondValue = Altersrente; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = voidable; History = (); SecondValue = anfechtbar; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = applicant; History = (); SecondValue = "Antragsteller / Bewerber"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "unemployment benefits"; History = (); SecondValue = "Arbeitslosenunterst\U00FCtzung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = beneficiary; History = (); SecondValue = "Beg\U00FCnstigter"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to be insured with a company"; History = (); SecondValue = "bei einer Gesellschaft versichert sein"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "up to a certain limit"; History = (); SecondValue = "bis zu einer gewissen Grenze"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = coverage; History = (); SecondValue = Deckung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to offer cover"; History = (); SecondValue = "Deckung bieten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "the aggrieved party"; History = (); SecondValue = "der Gesch\U00E4digte / die gesch\U00E4digte Seite"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "the insured"; History = (); SecondValue = "der Versicherte"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to raise the premium"; History = (); SecondValue = "die Pr\U00E4mie erh\U00F6hen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to refund the premium"; History = (); SecondValue = "die Pr\U00E4mie zur\U00FCckerstatten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to cover a risk"; History = (); SecondValue = "ein Risiko abdecken"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to underwrite a risk"; History = (); SecondValue = "ein Risiko versichern"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "burglary insurance"; History = (); SecondValue = Einbruchdiebstahlversicherung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to put in a claim against"; History = (); SecondValue = "eine Schadenersatzforderung einbringen gegen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to take out an insurance"; History = (); SecondValue = "eine Versicherung abschlie\U00DFen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to settle a claim"; History = (); SecondValue = "einen Schadensfall regulieren / einen Anspruch befriedigen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to substantiate a claim"; History = (); SecondValue = "einen Schadensnachweis erbringen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = indemnity; History = (); SecondValue = "Entsch\U00E4digung / Schadenersatz"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "endowment insurance"; History = (); SecondValue = Erlebensfallversicherung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "fire insurance on domestic and business premises"; History = (); SecondValue = "Feuerversicherung auf Haus- und Gesch\U00E4ftsr\U00E4ume"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "freight insurance"; History = (); SecondValue = Frachtversicherung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "contract of indemnity"; History = (); SecondValue = Garantievertrag; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "liability insurance"; History = (); SecondValue = Haftpflichtversicherung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "household and personal effects insurance"; History = (); SecondValue = Hausratversicherung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "in the event of damage or loss"; History = (); SecondValue = "im Schadensfall"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "disability benefits"; History = (); SecondValue = Invalidenrente; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "motor vehicle insurance"; History = (); SecondValue = "Kraftfahrzeugversicherung  / KFZ-Versicherung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "sickness benefits"; History = (); SecondValue = Krankengeld; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "life assurance"; History = (); SecondValue = Lebensversicherung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "$1000 deductible"; History = (); SecondValue = "mit 1000$ Selbstbeteiligung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "non-insurable"; History = (); SecondValue = "nicht versicherbar"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "total loss only"; History = (); SecondValue = "nur gegen Totalverlust"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "personal insurance"; History = (); SecondValue = Personenversicherung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "compulsory insurance"; History = (); SecondValue = "Pflichtversicherung / Zwangsversicherung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "premium rate"; History = (); SecondValue = "Pr\U00E4miensatz"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = reinsurance; History = (); SecondValue = "R\U00FCckversicherung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "damage to property"; History = (); SecondValue = Sachschaden; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "property insurance"; History = (); SecondValue = Sachversicherung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to provide compensation"; History = (); SecondValue = "Schadenersatz gew\U00E4hren"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "liable to pay damages"; History = (); SecondValue = schadenersatzpflichtig; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "assessment of damage"; History = (); SecondValue = Schadensfeststellung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "settlement of a claim"; History = (); SecondValue = "Schadensregulierung / Befriedigung eines Anspruches"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "marine insurance"; History = (); SecondValue = Seeversicherung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "National Insurance"; History = (); SecondValue = "Sozialversicherung (in GB)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "whole life insurance"; History = (); SecondValue = Todesfallversicherung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "transportation insurance"; History = (); SecondValue = Transportversicherung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "comprehensive policy"; History = (); SecondValue = "umfassende Police / Vollkaskoversicherung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "accident insurance"; History = (); SecondValue = Unfallversicherung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "insufficiently covered by"; History = (); SecondValue = "ungen\U00FCgend abgedeckt durch"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = underwriter; History = (); SecondValue = "Versicherer / Versicherungstr\U00E4ger"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to insure"; History = (); SecondValue = "versichern / versichern lassen  / Versicherung gew\U00E4hren"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "insurance company"; History = (); SecondValue = Versicherungsgesellschaft; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "insurance broker"; History = (); SecondValue = Versicherungsmakler; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "policy holder"; History = (); SecondValue = Versicherungsnehmer; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "insurance commission"; History = (); SecondValue = Versicherungsprovision; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "insurance contract"; History = (); SecondValue = Versicherungsvertrag; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "depreciation in value"; History = (); SecondValue = Wertminderung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "payable at death"; History = (); SecondValue = "zahlbar im Todesfalle"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "concerted action"; History = (); SecondValue = "abgestimmtes Verhalten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "sales cartel"; History = (); SecondValue = Absatzkartell; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "current market situation"; History = (); SecondValue = "aktuelle Marktlage / gegenw\U00E4rtige Marktlage"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "persistent demand"; History = (); SecondValue = "anhaltende Nachfrage"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "pump-priming programme"; History = (); SecondValue = Ankurbelungsprogramm; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "anti-cyclical policy"; History = (); SecondValue = "antizyklische Konjunkturpolitik"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "unemployment insurance fund"; History = (); SecondValue = "Arbeitslosenversicherungstr\U00E4ger"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "division of labour"; History = (); SecondValue = Arbeitsteilung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "upward tendency"; History = (); SecondValue = "Aufw\U00E4rtstendenz / Auftriebstendenz"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = exploitation; History = (); SecondValue = Ausbeutung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "foreign debts"; History = (); SecondValue = "Auslandsforderungen (d.h. Forderungen an das Ausland)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "foreign demand"; History = (); SecondValue = Auslandsnachfrage; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "foreign indebtedness"; History = (); SecondValue = "Auslandsverbindlichkeiten (d.h. Verbindlichkeiten gegen\U00FCber dem Ausland)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = orientation; History = (); SecondValue = Ausrichtung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "foreign trade"; History = (); SecondValue = "Au\U00DFenhandel"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "foreign trade policy"; History = (); SecondValue = "Au\U00DFenhandelspolitik"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = need; History = (); SecondValue = "Bed\U00FCrfnis"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "job creation programme"; History = (); SecondValue = "Besch\U00E4ftigungsprogramm"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "consumer boom"; History = (); SecondValue = "Boom im Konsumg\U00FCterbereich"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "gross domestic product"; History = (); SecondValue = "Bruttoinlandsprodukt / BIP"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "gross national product"; History = (); SecondValue = "Bruttosozialprodukt / BSP"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "gross national product at current prices"; History = (); SecondValue = "Bruttosozialprodukt zu Marktpreisen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "Federal Railways"; History = (); SecondValue = Bundesbahn; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "Federation of German Industries"; History = (); SecondValue = "Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie / BDI"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "public interest group"; History = (); SecondValue = "B\U00FCrgerinitiative"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "the law of supply and demand"; History = (); SecondValue = "das Gesetz von Angebot und Nachfrage"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to enlarge the national product"; History = (); SecondValue = "das Sozialprodukt steigern"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "deficit-ridden"; History = (); SecondValue = "defizit\U00E4r"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = depression; History = (); SecondValue = Depression; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "German Federal Post Office"; History = (); SecondValue = "Deutsche Bundespost"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce"; History = (); SecondValue = "Deutscher Industrie- und Handelstag"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to fight inflation"; History = (); SecondValue = "die Inflation bek\U00E4mpfen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to meet the demand"; History = (); SecondValue = "die Nachfrage decken"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "the demand falls off"; History = (); SecondValue = "die Nachfrage l\U00E4\U00DFt nach"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to dictate prices"; History = (); SecondValue = "die Preise diktieren"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "the factors of production are land, capital and labour"; History = (); SecondValue = "die Produktionsfaktoren sind Boden, Kapital und Arbeit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to provide services"; History = (); SecondValue = "Dienstleistungen erbringen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "service industry"; History = (); SecondValue = Dienstleistungsgewerbe; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "service company"; History = (); SecondValue = Dienstleistungsunternehmen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "dictatorship of the proletariat"; History = (); SecondValue = "Diktatur des Proletariats"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to satisfy a need"; History = (); SecondValue = "ein Bed\U00FCrfnis befriedigen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to pursue a policy"; History = (); SecondValue = "eine Politik verfolgen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "income elasticity of demand"; History = (); SecondValue = "Einkommenselastizit\U00E4t der Nachfrage"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "income level"; History = (); SecondValue = "Einkommensh\U00F6he"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "distribution of income"; History = (); SecondValue = "Einkommensverteilung / Einkommensverwendung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "growth of income"; History = (); SecondValue = Einkommenszuwachs; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "ultimate consumer"; History = (); SecondValue = Endverbraucher; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = expropriation; History = (); SecondValue = Enteignung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to divest"; History = (); SecondValue = entflechten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "corporate divestment"; History = (); SecondValue = Entflechtung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "development aid"; History = (); SecondValue = Entwicklungshilfe; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "developing country"; History = (); SecondValue = Entwicklungsland; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = recovery; History = (); SecondValue = Erholung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = savings; History = (); SecondValue = Ersparnisse; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = product; History = (); SecondValue = "Erzeugnis / Produkt"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "export orders"; History = (); SecondValue = "Exportauftr\U00E4ge"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "export trade"; History = (); SecondValue = Exportwirtschaft; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "financial policy"; History = (); SecondValue = Finanzpolitik; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = fisheries; History = (); SecondValue = Fischereiwirtschaft; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "fiscal policy"; History = (); SecondValue = Fiskalpolitik; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = forestry; History = (); SecondValue = Forstwirtschaft; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "free market economy"; History = (); SecondValue = "freie Marktwirtschaft"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "free trade"; History = (); SecondValue = Freihandel; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "merger control"; History = (); SecondValue = Fusionskontrolle; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "prohibition of merger"; History = (); SecondValue = Fusionsverbot; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "market sharing cartel"; History = (); SecondValue = Gebietskartell; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "local authorities"; History = (); SecondValue = Gemeinden; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "overall picture"; History = (); SecondValue = Gesamtbild; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "overall economy"; History = (); SecondValue = Gesamtwirtschaft; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "overall demand"; History = (); SecondValue = "gesamtwirtschaftliche Nachfrage"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "Law Against Unfair Competition"; History = (); SecondValue = "Gesetz gegen den unlauteren Wettbewerb"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "equilibrium price"; History = (); SecondValue = Gleichgewichtspreis; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "marginal utility"; History = (); SecondValue = Grenznutzen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "marginal productivity"; History = (); SecondValue = "Grenzproduktivit\U00E4t"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "economies of scale"; History = (); SecondValue = "Gr\U00F6\U00DFenvorteile"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "basic needs"; History = (); SecondValue = "Grundbed\U00FCrfnisse"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "basic materials"; History = (); SecondValue = Grundstoffe; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "essential goods"; History = (); SecondValue = "G\U00FCter des t\U00E4glichen Bedarfs"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "types of goods"; History = (); SecondValue = "G\U00FCterarten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "circulation of goods"; History = (); SecondValue = "G\U00FCterumlauf"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = household; History = (); SecondValue = Haushalt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "budget deficit"; History = (); SecondValue = Haushaltsdefizit; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "budget policy"; History = (); SecondValue = Haushaltspolitik; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = remedy; History = (); SecondValue = Heilmittel; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to produce"; History = (); SecondValue = "herstellen / produzieren"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "business prosperity"; History = (); SecondValue = Hochkonjunktur; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "collective resale price maintenance"; History = (); SecondValue = "horizontale Preisbindung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "horizontal restraints of competition"; History = (); SecondValue = "horizontale Wettbewerbsbeschr\U00E4nkung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = peak; History = (); SecondValue = "H\U00F6hepunkt / Maximum / Gipfel"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "indirect taxes"; History = (); SecondValue = "indirekte Steuern"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "private transportation"; History = (); SecondValue = Individualverkehr; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "industrial production"; History = (); SecondValue = "Industrieproduktion (allg.)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "industrial output"; History = (); SecondValue = "Industrieproduktion (leistungs- und mengenm\U00E4\U00DFig)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "containment of inflation"; History = (); SecondValue = "Inflationsbek\U00E4mpfung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "inflation-adjusted"; History = (); SecondValue = inflationsbereinigt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "price-reporting cartel"; History = (); SecondValue = Informationskartell; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = infrastructure; History = (); SecondValue = Infrastruktur; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "domestic market"; History = (); SecondValue = Inlandsmarkt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "barriers to innovation"; History = (); SecondValue = Innovationsschranken; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "pressure group"; History = (); SecondValue = Interessengruppe; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "investment incentive"; History = (); SecondValue = Investitionsanreiz; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "capital goods"; History = (); SecondValue = "Investitionsg\U00FCter"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = capitalism; History = (); SecondValue = Kapitalismus; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = capitalist; History = (); SecondValue = "kapitalistisch / Kapitalist"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "Antitrust Office"; History = (); SecondValue = Kartellamt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "antitrust law"; History = (); SecondValue = Kartellrecht; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "ban on cartels"; History = (); SecondValue = Kartellverbot; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "class warfare"; History = (); SecondValue = Klassenkampf; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "classless society"; History = (); SecondValue = "klassenlose Gesellschaft"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "scarce resources"; History = (); SecondValue = "knappe G\U00FCter / beschr\U00E4nkte Ressourcen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = scarcity; History = (); SecondValue = Knappheit; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = collectivization; History = (); SecondValue = Kollektivierung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = communism; History = (); SecondValue = Kommunismus; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = communist; History = (); SecondValue = kommunistisch; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "business cycle"; History = (); SecondValue = Konjunktur; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "slowing down of economic activity"; History = (); SecondValue = "Konjunkturabschw\U00E4chung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "economic outlook"; History = (); SecondValue = Konjunkturaussichten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "affected by the trend of economic activity"; History = (); SecondValue = konjunkturbedingt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "cyclical maladjustment"; History = (); SecondValue = "konjunkturelle Fehlanpassung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "economic trend"; History = (); SecondValue = "Konjunkturentwicklung / Wirtschaftsentwicklung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "phases of the business cycle"; History = (); SecondValue = Konjunkturphasen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "trend check"; History = (); SecondValue = Konjunkturtest; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "low point in the cycle"; History = (); SecondValue = Konjunkturtief; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "course of the business cycle"; History = (); SecondValue = Konjunkturverlauf; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "theory of concentration"; History = (); SecondValue = Konzentrationstheorie; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "cross price elasticity"; History = (); SecondValue = "Kreuzpreiselastizit\U00E4t"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "short-term policy"; History = (); SecondValue = "kurzfristige Politik / Politik auf kurze Sicht"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "shop closing hours"; History = (); SecondValue = "Ladenschlu\U00DFzeiten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = agriculture; History = (); SecondValue = Landwirtschaft; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = produce; History = (); SecondValue = "landwirtschaftliche Erzeugnisse"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "long-term policy"; History = (); SecondValue = "langfristige Politik / Politik auf lange Sicht"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "balance on current account"; History = (); SecondValue = Leistungsbilanz; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "current account deficit"; History = (); SecondValue = Leistungsbilanzdefizit; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "current account surplus"; History = (); SecondValue = "Leistungsbilanz\U00FCberschu\U00DF"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "production of goods and services"; History = (); SecondValue = Leistungserstellung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = liberalism; History = (); SecondValue = Liberalismus; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "wage policy"; History = (); SecondValue = Lohnpolitik; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "luxury goods"; History = (); SecondValue = "Luxusg\U00FCter"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "uneasy triangle"; History = (); SecondValue = "magisches Dreieck"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "uneasy hexagon"; History = (); SecondValue = "magisches Sechseck"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "uneasy polygon"; History = (); SecondValue = "magisches Vieleck"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "goods in short supply"; History = (); SecondValue = Mangelwaren; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "market sharing agreement"; History = (); SecondValue = Marktaufteilungsabkommen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "presumption of market domination"; History = (); SecondValue = "Marktbeherrschungs-Vermutung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "concentration of the market"; History = (); SecondValue = Marktkonzentration; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "market forces"; History = (); SecondValue = "Marktkr\U00E4fte"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "market value"; History = (); SecondValue = "Marktwert / Verkehrswert"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "ailing economy"; History = (); SecondValue = "marode Wirtschaft"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = Marxism; History = (); SecondValue = Marxismus; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = Marxist; History = (); SecondValue = marxistisch; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "materialistic ideology"; History = (); SecondValue = "materialistische Weltanschauung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "surplus value theory"; History = (); SecondValue = "Mehrwertstheorie (nach Karl Marx)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "in terms of volume"; History = (); SecondValue = "mengenm\U00E4\U00DFig"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = mercantilistic; History = (); SecondValue = merkantilistisch; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "abuse of market power"; History = (); SecondValue = "Mi\U00DFbrauch von Marktmacht"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "control of abusive practices"; History = (); SecondValue = "Mi\U00DFbrauchsaufsicht / Mi\U00DFbrauchskontrolle"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "small and medium-sized businesses"; History = (); SecondValue = "Mittelstand / mittelst\U00E4ndische Unternehmen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = monopoly; History = (); SecondValue = Monopol; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = monopolist; History = (); SecondValue = Monopolist; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "Monopolies Commission"; History = (); SecondValue = Monopolkommission; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "pressure of demand"; History = (); SecondValue = Nachfragedruck; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "demand curve"; History = (); SecondValue = "Nachfragefunktion / Nachfragekurve"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "excess demand"; History = (); SecondValue = "Nachfrage\U00FCberhang"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "catch-up demand"; History = (); SecondValue = Nachholbedarf; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "net national product at factor costs"; History = (); SecondValue = "Nettosozialprodukt zu Faktorkosten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "net national product at current prices"; History = (); SecondValue = "Nettosozialprodukt zu Marktpreisen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "non-tariff barriers"; History = (); SecondValue = "nichttarif\U00E4re Handelshemmnisse"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "North-South divide"; History = (); SecondValue = "Nord-S\U00FCd-Gef\U00E4lle"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "standardization cartel"; History = (); SecondValue = "Normenkartell / Typenkartell"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "central bank policy"; History = (); SecondValue = Notenbankpolitik; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "public spending"; History = (); SecondValue = "\U00F6ffentliche Ausgaben / Staatsausgaben"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "public authorities"; History = (); SecondValue = "\U00F6ffentliche Hand / \U00F6ffentliche Haushalte"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = commuter; History = (); SecondValue = Pendler; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "planned economy"; History = (); SecondValue = Planwirtschaft; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "price fixing agreement"; History = (); SecondValue = "Preisabsprache / Preisvereinbarung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "rising price tendencies"; History = (); SecondValue = "Preisauftrieb / steigende Preistendenzen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "price elasticity of demand"; History = (); SecondValue = "Preiselastizit\U00E4t der Nachfrage"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "trend in prices"; History = (); SecondValue = Preisentwicklung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "straightening out of prices"; History = (); SecondValue = Preisentzerrung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "price-maintained goods"; History = (); SecondValue = "preisgebundene Waren"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "price fixing cartel"; History = (); SecondValue = Preiskartell; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "price level"; History = (); SecondValue = Preisniveau; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "price policy"; History = (); SecondValue = Preispolitik; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "price fluctuations"; History = (); SecondValue = Preisschwankungen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "price cut"; History = (); SecondValue = Preissenkung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "price increase"; History = (); SecondValue = Preissteigerung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "collapse of prices"; History = (); SecondValue = Preisverfall; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "price distortion"; History = (); SecondValue = Preisverzerrung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "private property"; History = (); SecondValue = Privateigentum; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "private consumption"; History = (); SecondValue = "privater Verbrauch"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to privatize"; History = (); SecondValue = privatisieren; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = privatization; History = (); SecondValue = Privatisierung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "per-capita income"; History = (); SecondValue = "Pro-Kopf-Einkommen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "per-capita consumption"; History = (); SecondValue = "Pro-Kopf-Verbrauch"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "production facilities"; History = (); SecondValue = Produktionseinrichtungen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "producer goods"; History = (); SecondValue = "Produktionsg\U00FCter"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "productive equipment"; History = (); SecondValue = Produktionsmittel; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "relocation of production facilities"; History = (); SecondValue = Produktionsverlagerung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = productivity; History = (); SecondValue = "Produktivit\U00E4t"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "increase in productivity"; History = (); SecondValue = "Produktivit\U00E4tssteigerung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "edge in productivity"; History = (); SecondValue = "Produktivit\U00E4tsvorsprung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = producer; History = (); SecondValue = Produzent; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = proletarian; History = (); SecondValue = Proletarier; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = protectionism; History = (); SecondValue = Protektionismus; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to rationalize"; History = (); SecondValue = rationalisieren; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = rationalization; History = (); SecondValue = Rationalisierung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "efficient employment"; History = (); SecondValue = "rationelle Ausn\U00FCtzung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = profitability; History = (); SecondValue = "Rentabilit\U00E4t"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = recession; History = (); SecondValue = "Rezession / Konjunkturflaute"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "recession-induced"; History = (); SecondValue = rezessionsbedingt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "financial rescue plan"; History = (); SecondValue = Sanierungsplan; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "rescue package"; History = (); SecondValue = "Sanierungsprogramm / Sanierungskonzept"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "returns to scale"; History = (); SecondValue = "Skalenertr\U00E4ge"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "socially oriented free market economy"; History = (); SecondValue = "soziale Marktwirtschaft"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "social housing construction"; History = (); SecondValue = "sozialer Wohnungsbau"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = socialism; History = (); SecondValue = Sozialismus; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = socialist; History = (); SecondValue = sozialistisch; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "social insurance institutions"; History = (); SecondValue = "Sozialversicherungstr\U00E4ger"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "propensity to save"; History = (); SecondValue = Sparneigung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "saving ratio"; History = (); SecondValue = Sparquote; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = specialization; History = (); SecondValue = Spezialisierung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "government intervention"; History = (); SecondValue = "staatliches Eingreifen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = stability; History = (); SecondValue = "Stabilit\U00E4t"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "location factors"; History = (); SecondValue = Standortfaktoren; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "change of location"; History = (); SecondValue = Standortverlagerung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "locational advantage"; History = (); SecondValue = Standortvorteil; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "choice of location"; History = (); SecondValue = Standortwahl; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = slump; History = (); SecondValue = "starker Konjunkturr\U00FCckgang (das Gegenteil zum Boom)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "steady growth"; History = (); SecondValue = "stetiges Wachstum"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "taxation policy"; History = (); SecondValue = Steuerpolitik; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "road construction"; History = (); SecondValue = "Stra\U00DFenbau"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "structural adjustment"; History = (); SecondValue = Strukturanpassung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "structural unemployment"; History = (); SecondValue = "strukturelle Arbeitslosigkeit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "structural policy"; History = (); SecondValue = Strukturpolitik; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "structural change"; History = (); SecondValue = Strukturwandel; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = subsidy; History = (); SecondValue = Subvention; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to subsidize"; History = (); SecondValue = subventionieren; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "centrally managed market sharing cartel"; History = (); SecondValue = Syndikat; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "barter deal"; History = (); SecondValue = "Tauschgesch\U00E4ft"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "barter economy"; History = (); SecondValue = Tauschwirtschaft; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "technological progress"; History = (); SecondValue = "technischer Fortschritt"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "technological know-how"; History = (); SecondValue = "technisches Wissen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "transfer payments"; History = (); SecondValue = Transferzahlungen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = redistribution; History = (); SecondValue = Umverteilung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "free competition"; History = (); SecondValue = "ungehinderter Wettbewerb"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "unfair competition"; History = (); SecondValue = "unlauterer Wettbewerb"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = antibusiness; History = (); SecondValue = unternehmerfeindlich; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = probusiness; History = (); SecondValue = unternehmerfreundlich; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "entrepreneurial profit"; History = (); SecondValue = Unternehmerlohn; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "non-binding price recommendation"; History = (); SecondValue = "unverbindliche Preisempfehlung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "imperfect market"; History = (); SecondValue = "unvollkommener Markt"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = overproduction; History = (); SecondValue = "\U00DCberproduktion"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "superior market position"; History = (); SecondValue = "\U00FCberragende Marktstellung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = consumption; History = (); SecondValue = "Verbrauch / Konsum"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = consumer; History = (); SecondValue = Verbraucher; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "consumer spending"; History = (); SecondValue = Verbraucherausgaben; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "consumer goods"; History = (); SecondValue = "Verbrauchsg\U00FCter"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "pauperization theory"; History = (); SecondValue = "Verelendungstheorie (nach Karl Marx)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "disposable income"; History = (); SecondValue = "verf\U00FCgbares Einkommen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "transport policy"; History = (); SecondValue = Verkehrspolitik; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = nationalization; History = (); SecondValue = Verstaatlichung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "collective property"; History = (); SecondValue = "Volkseigentum / Kollektiveigentum"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "national income"; History = (); SecondValue = Volkseinkommen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "national economy of a country"; History = (); SecondValue = "Volkswirtschaft eines Landes"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "national accounting"; History = (); SecondValue = "volkswirtschaftliche Gesamtrechnung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "overall growth"; History = (); SecondValue = "volkswirtschaftliches Wachstum / gesamtwirtschaftliches Wachstum"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "ideal market"; History = (); SecondValue = "vollkommener Markt"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "growing market"; History = (); SecondValue = Wachstumsmarkt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "growth rate"; History = (); SecondValue = "Wachstumsrate / Zuwachsrate"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = commodity; History = (); SecondValue = "Ware // Rohstoff // Gebrauchsgegenstand"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "monetary policy"; History = (); SecondValue = "W\U00E4hrungspolitik"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "world trade"; History = (); SecondValue = Welthandel; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "world economy"; History = (); SecondValue = Weltwirtschaft; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "in terms of value"; History = (); SecondValue = "wertm\U00E4\U00DFig"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "added net value"; History = (); SecondValue = "Wertsch\U00F6pfung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "restraint of competition"; History = (); SecondValue = "Wettbewerbsbeschr\U00E4nkung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "competitive pressure"; History = (); SecondValue = Wettbewerbsdruck; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "competitive against"; History = (); SecondValue = "wettbewerbsf\U00E4hig gegen\U00FCber"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "competitiveness against"; History = (); SecondValue = "Wettbewerbsf\U00E4higkeit gegen\U00FCber"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "anti-competitive practices"; History = (); SecondValue = "wettbewerbsfeindliche Verhaltensweisen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "competition policy"; History = (); SecondValue = Wettbewerbspolitik; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "competitive system"; History = (); SecondValue = Wettbewerbssystem; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "economic equilibrium"; History = (); SecondValue = "wirtschaftliches Gleichgewicht"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "economic efficiency"; History = (); SecondValue = Wirtschaftlichkeit; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "economic process"; History = (); SecondValue = Wirtschaftsablauf; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "economic relations"; History = (); SecondValue = Wirtschaftsbeziehungen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "economic development"; History = (); SecondValue = "Wirtschaftsentlicklung / wirtschaftliche Entwicklung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "economic research"; History = (); SecondValue = Wirtschaftsforschung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "promotion of economic development"; History = (); SecondValue = "Wirtschaftsf\U00F6rderung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "economic situation"; History = (); SecondValue = "Wirtschaftslage / wirtschaftliche Lage"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "economic system"; History = (); SecondValue = "Wirtschaftsordnung / Wirtschaftssystem"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "economic planning"; History = (); SecondValue = Wirtschaftsplanung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "economic policy"; History = (); SecondValue = "Wirtschaftspolitik // Konjunkturpolitik"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "market area"; History = (); SecondValue = Wirtschaftsraum; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "economic law"; History = (); SecondValue = Wirtschaftsrecht; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "economic activity"; History = (); SecondValue = "Wirtschaftst\U00E4tigkeit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "economic theory"; History = (); SecondValue = Wirtschaftstheorie; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "total economic activity"; History = (); SecondValue = Wirtschaftsvolumen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "welfare state"; History = (); SecondValue = Wohlfahrtsstaat; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = prosperity; History = (); SecondValue = Wohlstand; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "housing policy"; History = (); SecondValue = Wohnungsbaupolitik; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "balance of payments"; History = (); SecondValue = Zahlungsbilanz; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "centrally planned economy"; History = (); SecondValue = Zentralverwaltungswirtschaft; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "mailing list"; History = (); SecondValue = Adressenliste; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = announcement; History = (); SecondValue = "Ank\U00FCndigung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "reply card"; History = (); SecondValue = Antwortkarte; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "closing date"; History = (); SecondValue = "Anzeigenschlu\U00DF"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = dummy; History = (); SecondValue = "Attrappe / Schaupackung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = sticker; History = (); SecondValue = Aufkleber; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = presentation; History = (); SecondValue = Aufmachung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "display material"; History = (); SecondValue = Ausstellungsmaterial; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = insert; History = (); SecondValue = Beilage; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = message; History = (); SecondValue = "Botschaft / Aussage"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = brochure; History = (); SecondValue = "Brosch\U00FCre"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = booklet; History = (); SecondValue = "B\U00FCchlein / Brosch\U00FCre"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = denigration; History = (); SecondValue = "diskreditierende Werbung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "double page"; History = (); SecondValue = doppelseitig; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "average circulation"; History = (); SecondValue = "durchschnittliche Auflage"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to run an ad in a daily newspaper"; History = (); SecondValue = "eine Anzeige in einer Tageszeitung aufgeben"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "announcement campaign"; History = (); SecondValue = "Einf\U00FChrungskampagne"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "introductory price"; History = (); SecondValue = "Einf\U00FChrungspreis"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "share of audience"; History = (); SecondValue = Einschaltquote; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "retail survey"; History = (); SecondValue = "Einzelh\U00E4ndlerbefragung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = coverage; History = (); SecondValue = "erfa\U00DFter Personenkreis"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "release date"; History = (); SecondValue = Erscheinungstermin; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "trade press"; History = (); SecondValue = Fachpresse; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "professional journal"; History = (); SecondValue = Fachzeitschrift; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = folder; History = (); SecondValue = Faltprospekt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "television advertising"; History = (); SecondValue = Fernsehwerbung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = leaflet; History = (); SecondValue = Flugblatt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "for promotion purposes"; History = (); SecondValue = "f\U00FCr Werbezwecke"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "full page"; History = (); SecondValue = ganzseitig; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "co-operative advertising"; History = (); SecondValue = Gemeinschaftswerbung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "free gift"; History = (); SecondValue = Gratiszugabe; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = broadside; History = (); SecondValue = "gro\U00DFer Faltprospekt"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = coupon; History = (); SecondValue = Gutschein; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "prime time"; History = (); SecondValue = Hauptsendezeit; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = magazine; History = (); SecondValue = Illustrierte; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to be in advertising"; History = (); SecondValue = "in der Werbung arbeiten / in der Werbebranche sein"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = advertisement; History = (); SecondValue = Inserat; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "deceptive statements"; History = (); SecondValue = "irref\U00FChrende Behauptungen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "buying incentive"; History = (); SecondValue = Kaufanreiz; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "purchase decision"; History = (); SecondValue = Kaufentscheidung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "buying motivation"; History = (); SecondValue = Kaufmotiv; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "shopping behaviour"; History = (); SecondValue = Kaufverhalten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "buying habits"; History = (); SecondValue = "K\U00E4ufergewohnheiten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "classified ad"; History = (); SecondValue = "kleine Werbeanzeige"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = competitor; History = (); SecondValue = "Konkurrent / Wettbewerber"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "consumer survey"; History = (); SecondValue = Konsumentenbefragung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "free sample"; History = (); SecondValue = "kostenloses Muster"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to attract customers"; History = (); SecondValue = "Kunden anlocken / Kunden gewinnen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "company newspaper"; History = (); SecondValue = "Kundenzeitschrift / Hauszeitschrift"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "audience analysis"; History = (); SecondValue = Leseranalyse; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "neon sign"; History = (); SecondValue = Leuchtreklame; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "poster pillar"; History = (); SecondValue = "Litfa\U00DFs\U00E4ule"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "brand image"; History = (); SecondValue = "Markenimage / Markenprofil"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "brand loyalty"; History = (); SecondValue = Markentreue; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "public relations"; History = (); SecondValue = "\U0099ffentlichkeitsarbeit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "package insert"; History = (); SecondValue = Packungsbeilage; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = bill; History = (); SecondValue = Plakat; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "billboard advertising"; History = (); SecondValue = Plakatwerbung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = poster; History = (); SecondValue = Poster; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "mail circular"; History = (); SecondValue = Postwurfsendung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "print media"; History = (); SecondValue = Printmedien; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "trial subscription"; History = (); SecondValue = Probeabonnement; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "product image"; History = (); SecondValue = Produktimage; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "descriptive material"; History = (); SecondValue = Prospektmaterial; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "radio advertising"; History = (); SecondValue = Rundfunkwerbung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = shopwindow; History = (); SecondValue = Schaufenster; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "window display"; History = (); SecondValue = Schaufensterauslage; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = dispersion; History = (); SecondValue = "Streuung (eines Werbetr\U00E4gers)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "non-selective advertising"; History = (); SecondValue = "Streuwerbung / ungezielte Werbung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "leading question"; History = (); SecondValue = Suggestivfrage; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = misleading; History = (); SecondValue = "t\U00E4uschend / irref\U00FChrend"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "front page"; History = (); SecondValue = Titelseite; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "unfair competition"; History = (); SecondValue = "unlauterer Wettbewerb"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = headline; History = (); SecondValue = "\U00DCberschrift"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "consumer behaviour"; History = (); SecondValue = Verbraucherverhalten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "comparative advertising"; History = (); SecondValue = "vergleichende Werbung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "sales promotion"; History = (); SecondValue = "Verkaufsf\U00F6rderung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "mail-order catalogue"; History = (); SecondValue = Versandkatalog; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "different advertising media"; History = (); SecondValue = "verschiedene Werbetr\U00E4ger"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = demonstration; History = (); SecondValue = "Vorf\U00FChrung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "advertising department"; History = (); SecondValue = Werbeabteilung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "advertising agency"; History = (); SecondValue = Werbeagentur; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "advertising expenditures"; History = (); SecondValue = Werbeausgaben; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "advertising message"; History = (); SecondValue = Werbebotschaft; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "sales letter"; History = (); SecondValue = Werbebrief; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "advertising budget"; History = (); SecondValue = Werbeetat; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "advertising gift"; History = (); SecondValue = Werbegeschenk; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "commercial artist"; History = (); SecondValue = Werbegrafiker; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "advertising campaign"; History = (); SecondValue = Werbekampagne; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "advertising appeal"; History = (); SecondValue = "Werbekraft / Werbewirksamkeit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "advertising manager"; History = (); SecondValue = Werbeleiter; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = commercial; History = (); SecondValue = Werbespot; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "advertising slogan"; History = (); SecondValue = Werbespruch; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = billboard; History = (); SecondValue = "Werbetafel / Plakatwand"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "advertising copy"; History = (); SecondValue = Werbetext; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "copy writer"; History = (); SecondValue = Werbetexter; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = advertising; History = (); SecondValue = "Werbewesen / Werbung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = contest; History = (); SecondValue = "Wettbewerb / Preisausschreiben"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = weekly; History = (); SecondValue = Wochenzeitung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = periodical; History = (); SecondValue = "Zeitschrift (regelm\U00E4\U00DFig erscheinend)"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "audience analysis"; History = (); SecondValue = Zielgruppenanalyse; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "$100 down"; History = (); SecondValue = "100$ Anzahlung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "30 days' credit"; History = (); SecondValue = "30 Tage Ziel"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "accounting period"; History = (); SecondValue = Abrechnungszeitraum; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "hire-purchase"; History = (); SecondValue = Abzahlungskauf; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to enter on the invoice"; History = (); SecondValue = "auf die Rechnung setzen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to buy on credit"; History = (); SecondValue = "auf Kredit kaufen / auf Ziel kaufen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to sell on credit"; History = (); SecondValue = "auf Kredit verkaufen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "outstanding accounts"; History = (); SecondValue = "Au\U00DFenst\U00E4nde"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = settlement; History = (); SecondValue = Begleichung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to follow up invoices"; History = (); SecondValue = "den Zahlungseingang \U00FCberwachen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to postpone payment"; History = (); SecondValue = "die Zahlung aufschieben"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "payment is due"; History = (); SecondValue = "die Zahlung ist f\U00E4llig"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "payment is overdue"; History = (); SecondValue = "die Zahlung ist \U00FCberf\U00E4llig"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to refuse payment"; History = (); SecondValue = "die Zahlung verweigern"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to suspend payments"; History = (); SecondValue = "die Zahlungen einstellen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to make a down payment"; History = (); SecondValue = "eine Anzahlung leisten / etwas anzahlen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to turn an account over to a collection agency"; History = (); SecondValue = "eine Forderung an ein Inkassob\U00FCro \U00FCbergeben"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to credit"; History = (); SecondValue = "eine Gutschrift erstellen / anrechnen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to make out a receipt"; History = (); SecondValue = "eine Quittung ausstellen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to make out an invoice"; History = (); SecondValue = "eine Rechnung ausstellen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to draw a cheque"; History = (); SecondValue = "einen Scheck ausstellen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to make out a bill"; History = (); SecondValue = "einen Wechsel ausstellen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to grant an extension"; History = (); SecondValue = "einen Zahlungsaufschub gew\U00E4hren"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to acknowledge payments received"; History = (); SecondValue = "eingegangene Zahlungen best\U00E4tigen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = collection; History = (); SecondValue = "Einzug / Eintreiben von Schulden"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = reminder; History = (); SecondValue = Erinnerungsschreiben; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to charge s.th."; History = (); SecondValue = "etw. anschreiben"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to fall due"; History = (); SecondValue = "f\U00E4llig werden"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = extension; History = (); SecondValue = Gesamtpreis; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to pay by instalments"; History = (); SecondValue = "in Raten zahlen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to invoice"; History = (); SecondValue = "in Rechnung stellen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "delinquent debtor"; History = (); SecondValue = "in Verzug geratener Schuldner"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "errors and omissions excepted"; History = (); SecondValue = "Irrt\U00FCmer und Auslassungen vorbehalten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to grant credit"; History = (); SecondValue = "Kredit gew\U00E4hren"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to refuse credit"; History = (); SecondValue = "Kredit verweigern"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "credit standing"; History = (); SecondValue = "Kreditw\U00FCrdigkeit"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "poor risk"; History = (); SecondValue = "Kunde, dem aufgrund seiner fragw\U00FCrdigen Zahlungsf\U00E4higkeit kein Kredit gew\U00E4hrt werden sollte"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "good risk"; History = (); SecondValue = "Kunde, dem bedenkenlos Kredit gew\U00E4hrt werden kann"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "mercantile credit"; History = (); SecondValue = Lieferantenkredit; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "collection letter"; History = (); SecondValue = Mahnschreiben; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "collection procedure"; History = (); SecondValue = Mahnverfahren; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to be in arrears with one's payments"; History = (); SecondValue = "mit seinen Zahlungen im R\U00FCckstand sein"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "net price"; History = (); SecondValue = Nettopreis; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to pay by cheque"; History = (); SecondValue = "per Scheck zahlen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "money order"; History = (); SecondValue = Postanweisung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = item; History = (); SecondValue = Posten; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "date of invoice"; History = (); SecondValue = Rechnungsdatum; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "invoice number"; History = (); SecondValue = Rechnungsnummer; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to commence legal action against a debtor"; History = (); SecondValue = "rechtliche Schritte gegen einen Schuldner einleiten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = remainder; History = (); SecondValue = "Rest / Restbetrag"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "unpaid balance"; History = (); SecondValue = Restschuld; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to grant a cash discount"; History = (); SecondValue = "Skonto gew\U00E4hren"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = prolongation; History = (); SecondValue = Stundung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "part payment"; History = (); SecondValue = Teilzahlung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = transfer; History = (); SecondValue = "\U00DCberweisung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "default interest"; History = (); SecondValue = Verzugszinsen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = invoice; History = (); SecondValue = Warenrechnung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "payable in twelve monthly instalments"; History = (); SecondValue = "zahlbar in zw\U00F6lf Monatsraten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "3/10-R.O.G."; History = (); SecondValue = "Zahlung abz\U00FCglich 3% Skonto innerhalb von 10 Tagen, ab Eingang der Ware"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "3/10 net 30"; History = (); SecondValue = "Zahlung abz\U00FCglich 3% Skonto innerhalb von 10 Tagen, oder Zahlung innerhalb 30 Tagen ohne Abzug"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "payment on receipt"; History = (); SecondValue = "Zahlung bei Erhalt der Ware"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "payment by acceptance"; History = (); SecondValue = "Zahlung durch Akzept"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "payment in advance"; History = (); SecondValue = "Zahlung im voraus"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "cash on delivery"; History = (); SecondValue = "Zahlung per Nachnahme"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "terms of payment"; History = (); SecondValue = Zahlungsbedingungen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "credit period"; History = (); SecondValue = "Zahlungsfrist / Zahlungsziel"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "mode of payment"; History = (); SecondValue = Zahlungsmodus; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "place of payment"; History = (); SecondValue = Zahlungsort; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = overcharge; History = (); SecondValue = "zuviel berechneter Betrag"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = undercharge; History = (); SecondValue = "zuwenig berechneter Betrag"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "adjustment of tariff rates"; History = (); SecondValue = "Angleichung der Zolls\U00E4tze"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "export regulations"; History = (); SecondValue = Ausfuhrbestimmungen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "export declaration"; History = (); SecondValue = "Ausfuhrerkl\U00E4rung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = confiscation; History = (); SecondValue = Beschlagnahme; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to pass through customs"; History = (); SecondValue = "durch den Zoll gehen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "import duty"; History = (); SecondValue = Einfuhrzoll; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to impose duty on s.th."; History = (); SecondValue = "etw. mit Zoll belegen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to pay duty on s.th."; History = (); SecondValue = "etw. verzollen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "free port"; History = (); SecondValue = Freihafen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "sanitary regulations"; History = (); SecondValue = Gesundheitsvorschriften; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to enter goods at the customs office"; History = (); SecondValue = "G\U00FCter zum verzollen beim Zollamt anmelden"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "marking requirements"; History = (); SecondValue = Kennzeichnungsvorschriften; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "failure to comply with customs regulations"; History = (); SecondValue = "Nichtbeachtung der Zollvorschriften"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to seal"; History = (); SecondValue = plombieren; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "smuggled goods"; History = (); SecondValue = Schmuggelware; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "protective tariff"; History = (); SecondValue = Schutzzoll; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "transit traffic"; History = (); SecondValue = Transitverkehr; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "violation of the customs laws"; History = (); SecondValue = "\U00DCbertretung der Zollgesetze"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "duty-paid"; History = (); SecondValue = verzollt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to clear goods through customs"; History = (); SecondValue = "Waren zollamtlich abfertigen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to collect customs duty"; History = (); SecondValue = "Zoll einziehen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to levy customs duty"; History = (); SecondValue = "Zoll erheben"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "duty is payable in advance"; History = (); SecondValue = "Zoll mu\U00DF im voraus bezahlt werden"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "customs bill of clearance"; History = (); SecondValue = Zollabfertigungsschein; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "tariff agreement"; History = (); SecondValue = Zollabkommen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "customs office"; History = (); SecondValue = Zollamt; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "customs cleared"; History = (); SecondValue = "zollamtlich abgefertigt"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "forfeiture of undeclared goods"; History = (); SecondValue = "zollamtliche Einziehung nicht deklarierter Waren"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "customs warrant"; History = (); SecondValue = Zollauslieferungsschein; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "customs officer"; History = (); SecondValue = Zollbeamter; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "exemption from duty"; History = (); SecondValue = Zollbefreiung; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "customs bond note"; History = (); SecondValue = Zollbegleitschein; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "customs authorities"; History = (); SecondValue = "Zollbeh\U00F6rde"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "customs regulations"; History = (); SecondValue = Zollbestimmungen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to furnish customs documents"; History = (); SecondValue = "Zolldokumente vorlegen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "bill of entry"; History = (); SecondValue = Zolleinfuhrschein; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "customs formalities"; History = (); SecondValue = "Zollformalit\U00E4ten"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to attend to the customs formalities"; History = (); SecondValue = "Zollformalit\U00E4ten erledigen"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "duty-free"; History = (); SecondValue = zollfrei; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = permit; History = (); SecondValue = Zollfreischein; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "customs duty"; History = (); SecondValue = "Zollgeb\U00FChr"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "customs declaration"; History = (); SecondValue = "Zollinhaltserkl\U00E4rung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "customs documents"; History = (); SecondValue = Zollpapiere; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "to be subject to duty"; History = (); SecondValue = "zollpflichtig sein"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "tariff policy"; History = (); SecondValue = Zollpolitik; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "customs drawback"; History = (); SecondValue = "Zollr\U00FCckverg\U00FCtung"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "customs tariff"; History = (); SecondValue = Zolltarif; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "tariff union"; History = (); SecondValue = Zollunion; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "customs offence"; History = (); SecondValue = Zollvergehen; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "customs seal"; History = (); SecondValue = "Zollverschlu\U00DF / Zollplombe"; Slot = "-1"; }, {FirstValue = "customs administration"; History = (); SecondValue = Zollverwaltung; Slot = "-1"; }); }