1import os.path
2import logging
4from .pdfdevice import PDFTextDevice
5from .pdffont import PDFUnicodeNotDefined
6from .pdftypes import LITERALS_DCT_DECODE
8from .layout import LTContainer, LTPage, LTText, LTLine, LTRect, LTCurve
9from .layout import LTFigure, LTImage, LTChar, LTTextLine
10from .layout import LTTextBox, LTTextBoxVertical, LTTextGroup
11from .utils import apply_matrix_pt, mult_matrix
12from .utils import htmlescape, bbox2str, create_bmp
15logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
18class PDFLayoutAnalyzer(PDFTextDevice):
20    def __init__(self, rsrcmgr, pageno=1, laparams=None):
21        PDFTextDevice.__init__(self, rsrcmgr)
22        self.pageno = pageno
23        self.laparams = laparams
24        self._stack = []
26    def begin_page(self, page, ctm):
27        (x0,y0,x1,y1) = page.mediabox
28        (x0,y0) = apply_matrix_pt(ctm, (x0,y0))
29        (x1,y1) = apply_matrix_pt(ctm, (x1,y1))
30        mediabox = (0, 0, abs(x0-x1), abs(y0-y1))
31        self.cur_item = LTPage(self.pageno, mediabox)
33    def end_page(self, page):
34        assert not self._stack
35        assert isinstance(self.cur_item, LTPage)
36        if self.laparams is not None:
37            self.cur_item.analyze(self.laparams)
38        self.pageno += 1
39        self.receive_layout(self.cur_item)
41    def begin_figure(self, name, bbox, matrix):
42        self._stack.append(self.cur_item)
43        self.cur_item = LTFigure(name, bbox, mult_matrix(matrix, self.ctm))
45    def end_figure(self, _):
46        fig = self.cur_item
47        assert isinstance(self.cur_item, LTFigure)
48        self.cur_item = self._stack.pop()
49        self.cur_item.add(fig)
51    def render_image(self, name, stream):
52        assert isinstance(self.cur_item, LTFigure)
53        item = LTImage(name, stream,
54                       (self.cur_item.x0, self.cur_item.y0,
55                        self.cur_item.x1, self.cur_item.y1))
56        self.cur_item.add(item)
58    def paint_path(self, gstate, stroke, fill, evenodd, path):
59        shape = ''.join(x[0] for x in path)
60        if shape == 'ml':
61            # horizontal/vertical line
62            (_,x0,y0) = path[0]
63            (_,x1,y1) = path[1]
64            (x0,y0) = apply_matrix_pt(self.ctm, (x0,y0))
65            (x1,y1) = apply_matrix_pt(self.ctm, (x1,y1))
66            if x0 == x1 or y0 == y1:
67                self.cur_item.add(LTLine(gstate.linewidth, (x0,y0), (x1,y1)))
68                return
69        if shape == 'mlllh':
70            # rectangle
71            (_,x0,y0) = path[0]
72            (_,x1,y1) = path[1]
73            (_,x2,y2) = path[2]
74            (_,x3,y3) = path[3]
75            (x0,y0) = apply_matrix_pt(self.ctm, (x0,y0))
76            (x1,y1) = apply_matrix_pt(self.ctm, (x1,y1))
77            (x2,y2) = apply_matrix_pt(self.ctm, (x2,y2))
78            (x3,y3) = apply_matrix_pt(self.ctm, (x3,y3))
79            if ((x0 == x1 and y1 == y2 and x2 == x3 and y3 == y0) or
80                (y0 == y1 and x1 == x2 and y2 == y3 and x3 == x0)):
81                self.cur_item.add(LTRect(gstate.linewidth, (x0,y0,x2,y2)))
82                return
83        # other shapes
84        pts = []
85        for p in path:
86            for i in range(1, len(p), 2):
87                pts.append(apply_matrix_pt(self.ctm, (p[i], p[i+1])))
88        self.cur_item.add(LTCurve(gstate.linewidth, pts))
90    def render_char(self, matrix, font, fontsize, scaling, rise, cid):
91        try:
92            text = font.to_unichr(cid)
93            assert isinstance(text, str), text
94        except PDFUnicodeNotDefined:
95            text = self.handle_undefined_char(font, cid)
96        textwidth = font.char_width(cid)
97        textdisp = font.char_disp(cid)
98        item = LTChar(matrix, font, fontsize, scaling, rise, text, textwidth, textdisp)
99        self.cur_item.add(item)
100        return item.adv
102    def handle_undefined_char(self, font, cid):
103        logger.warning('undefined: %r, %r', font, cid)
104        return '(cid:%d)' % cid
106    def receive_layout(self, ltpage):
107        pass
110class PDFPageAggregator(PDFLayoutAnalyzer):
112    def __init__(self, rsrcmgr, pageno=1, laparams=None):
113        PDFLayoutAnalyzer.__init__(self, rsrcmgr, pageno=pageno, laparams=laparams)
114        self.result = None
116    def receive_layout(self, ltpage):
117        self.result = ltpage
119    def get_result(self):
120        return self.result
123##  PDFConverter
125class PDFConverter(PDFLayoutAnalyzer):
126    # outfp is an fp opened in *text* mode
127    def __init__(self, rsrcmgr, outfp, pageno=1, laparams=None):
128        PDFLayoutAnalyzer.__init__(self, rsrcmgr, pageno=pageno, laparams=laparams)
129        self.outfp = outfp
131    def write_image(self, image):
132        stream = image.stream
133        filters = stream.get_filters()
134        if len(filters) == 1 and filters[0] in LITERALS_DCT_DECODE:
135            ext = '.jpg'
136            data = stream.get_rawdata()
137        elif image.colorspace is LITERAL_DEVICE_RGB:
138            ext = '.bmp'
139            data = create_bmp(stream.get_data(), stream.bits*3, image.width, image.height)
140        elif image.colorspace is LITERAL_DEVICE_GRAY:
141            ext = '.bmp'
142            data = create_bmp(stream.get_data(), stream.bits, image.width, image.height)
143        else:
144            ext = '.img'
145            data = stream.get_data()
146        name = image.name+ext
147        path = os.path.join(self.outdir, name)
148        fp = file(path, 'wb')
149        fp.write(data)
150        fp.close()
151        return name
154##  TextConverter
156class TextConverter(PDFConverter):
158    def __init__(self, rsrcmgr, outfp, pageno=1, laparams=None,
159                 showpageno=False):
160        PDFConverter.__init__(self, rsrcmgr, outfp, pageno=pageno, laparams=laparams)
161        self.showpageno = showpageno
163    def write_text(self, text):
164        self.outfp.write(text)
166    def receive_layout(self, ltpage):
167        def render(item):
168            if isinstance(item, LTContainer):
169                for child in item:
170                    render(child)
171            elif isinstance(item, LTText):
172                self.write_text(item.get_text())
173            if isinstance(item, LTTextBox):
174                self.write_text('\n')
175        if self.showpageno:
176            self.write_text('Page %s\n' % ltpage.pageid)
177        render(ltpage)
178        self.write_text('\f')
180    # Some dummy functions to save memory/CPU when all that is wanted is text.
181    # This stops all the image and drawing ouput from being recorded and taking
182    # up RAM.
183    def render_image(self, name, stream):
184        pass
185    def paint_path(self, gstate, stroke, fill, evenodd, path):
186        pass
189##  HTMLConverter
191class HTMLConverter(PDFConverter):
193    RECT_COLORS = {
194        #'char': 'green',
195        'figure': 'yellow',
196        'textline': 'magenta',
197        'textbox': 'cyan',
198        'textgroup': 'red',
199        'curve': 'black',
200        'page': 'gray',
201        }
203    TEXT_COLORS = {
204        'textbox': 'blue',
205        'char': 'black',
206        }
208    def __init__(self, rsrcmgr, outfp, pageno=1, laparams=None,
209                 scale=1, fontscale=0.7, layoutmode='normal', showpageno=True,
210                 pagemargin=50, outdir=None,
211                 rect_colors={'curve':'black', 'page':'gray'},
212                 text_colors={'char':'black'},
213                 debug=False):
214        PDFConverter.__init__(self, rsrcmgr, outfp, pageno=pageno, laparams=laparams)
215        self.scale = scale
216        self.fontscale = fontscale
217        self.layoutmode = layoutmode
218        self.showpageno = showpageno
219        self.pagemargin = pagemargin
220        self.outdir = outdir
221        self.rect_colors = rect_colors
222        self.text_colors = text_colors
223        if debug:
224            self.rect_colors.update(self.RECT_COLORS)
225            self.text_colors.update(self.TEXT_COLORS)
226        self._yoffset = self.pagemargin
227        self._font = None
228        self._fontstack = []
229        self.write_header()
231    def write(self, text):
232        self.outfp.write(text)
234    def write_header(self):
235        self.write('<html><head>\n')
236        self.write('<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=%s">\n' % self.outfp.encoding)
237        self.write('</head><body>\n')
239    def write_footer(self):
240        self.write('<div style="position:absolute; top:0px;">Page: %s</div>\n' %
241                   ', '.join('<a href="#%s">%s</a>' % (i,i) for i in range(1,self.pageno)))
242        self.write('</body></html>\n')
244    def write_text(self, text):
245        self.write(htmlescape(text, self.outfp.encoding))
247    def place_rect(self, color, borderwidth, x, y, w, h):
248        color = self.rect_colors.get(color)
249        if color is not None:
250            self.write('<span style="position:absolute; border: %s %dpx solid; '
251                       'left:%dpx; top:%dpx; width:%dpx; height:%dpx;"></span>\n' %
252                       (color, borderwidth,
253                        x*self.scale, (self._yoffset-y)*self.scale,
254                        w*self.scale, h*self.scale))
256    def place_border(self, color, borderwidth, item):
257        self.place_rect(color, borderwidth, item.x0, item.y1, item.width, item.height)
259    def place_image(self, item, borderwidth, x, y, w, h):
260        if self.outdir is not None:
261            name = self.write_image(item)
262            self.write('<img src="%s" border="%d" style="position:absolute; left:%dpx; top:%dpx;" '
263                       'width="%d" height="%d" />\n' %
264                       (enc(name), borderwidth,
265                        x*self.scale, (self._yoffset-y)*self.scale,
266                        w*self.scale, h*self.scale))
268    def place_text(self, color, text, x, y, size):
269        color = self.text_colors.get(color)
270        if color is not None:
271            self.write('<span style="position:absolute; color:%s; left:%dpx; top:%dpx; font-size:%dpx;">' %
272                       (color, x*self.scale, (self._yoffset-y)*self.scale, size*self.scale*self.fontscale))
273            self.write_text(text)
274            self.write('</span>\n')
276    def begin_textbox(self, color, borderwidth, x, y, w, h, writing_mode):
277        self._fontstack.append(self._font)
278        self._font = None
279        self.write('<div style="position:absolute; border: %s %dpx solid; writing-mode:%s; '
280                   'left:%dpx; top:%dpx; width:%dpx; height:%dpx;">' %
281                   (color, borderwidth, writing_mode,
282                    x*self.scale, (self._yoffset-y)*self.scale,
283                    w*self.scale, h*self.scale))
285    def put_text(self, text, fontname, fontsize):
286        font = (fontname, fontsize)
287        if font != self._font:
288            if self._font is not None:
289                self.write('</span>')
290            self.write('<span style="font-family: %s; font-size:%dpx">' %
291                       (fontname, fontsize * self.scale * self.fontscale))
292            self._font = font
293        self.write_text(text)
295    def put_newline(self):
296        self.write('<br>')
298    def end_textbox(self, color):
299        if self._font is not None:
300            self.write('</span>')
301        self._font = self._fontstack.pop()
302        self.write('</div>')
304    def receive_layout(self, ltpage):
305        def show_group(item):
306            if isinstance(item, LTTextGroup):
307                self.place_border('textgroup', 1, item)
308                for child in item:
309                    show_group(child)
311        def render(item):
312            if isinstance(item, LTPage):
313                self._yoffset += item.y1
314                self.place_border('page', 1, item)
315                if self.showpageno:
316                    self.write('<div style="position:absolute; top:%dpx;">' %
317                               ((self._yoffset-item.y1)*self.scale))
318                    self.write('<a name="%s">Page %s</a></div>\n' % (item.pageid, item.pageid))
319                for child in item:
320                    render(child)
321                if item.groups is not None:
322                    for group in item.groups:
323                        show_group(group)
324            elif isinstance(item, LTCurve):
325                self.place_border('curve', 1, item)
326            elif isinstance(item, LTFigure):
327                self.place_border('figure', 1, item)
328                for child in item:
329                    render(child)
330            elif isinstance(item, LTImage):
331                self.place_image(item, 1, item.x0, item.y1, item.width, item.height)
332            else:
333                if self.layoutmode == 'exact':
334                    if isinstance(item, LTTextLine):
335                        self.place_border('textline', 1, item)
336                        for child in item:
337                            render(child)
338                    elif isinstance(item, LTTextBox):
339                        self.place_border('textbox', 1, item)
340                        self.place_text('textbox', str(item.index+1), item.x0, item.y1, 20)
341                        for child in item:
342                            render(child)
343                    elif isinstance(item, LTChar):
344                        self.place_border('char', 1, item)
345                        self.place_text('char', item.get_text(), item.x0, item.y1, item.size)
346                else:
347                    if isinstance(item, LTTextLine):
348                        for child in item:
349                            render(child)
350                        if self.layoutmode != 'loose':
351                            self.put_newline()
352                    elif isinstance(item, LTTextBox):
353                        self.begin_textbox('textbox', 1, item.x0, item.y1, item.width, item.height,
354                                           item.get_writing_mode())
355                        for child in item:
356                            render(child)
357                        self.end_textbox('textbox')
358                    elif isinstance(item, LTChar):
359                        self.put_text(item.get_text(), item.fontname, item.size)
360                    elif isinstance(item, LTText):
361                        self.write_text(item.get_text())
363        render(ltpage)
364        self._yoffset += self.pagemargin
366    def close(self):
367        self.write_footer()
370class XMLConverter(PDFConverter):
372    def __init__(self, rsrcmgr, outfp, pageno=1, laparams=None, outdir=None):
373        PDFConverter.__init__(self, rsrcmgr, outfp, pageno=pageno, laparams=laparams)
374        self.outdir = outdir
375        self.write_header()
377    def write_header(self):
378        self.outfp.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="%s" ?>\n' % self.outfp.encoding)
379        self.outfp.write('<pages>\n')
381    def write_footer(self):
382        self.outfp.write('</pages>\n')
384    def write_text(self, text):
385        self.outfp.write(htmlescape(text, self.outfp.encoding))
387    def receive_layout(self, ltpage):
388        def show_group(item):
389            if isinstance(item, LTTextBox):
390                self.outfp.write('<textbox id="%d" bbox="%s" />\n' %
391                                 (item.index, bbox2str(item.bbox)))
392            elif isinstance(item, LTTextGroup):
393                self.outfp.write('<textgroup bbox="%s">\n' % bbox2str(item.bbox))
394                for child in item:
395                    show_group(child)
396                self.outfp.write('</textgroup>\n')
398        def render(item):
399            if isinstance(item, LTPage):
400                self.outfp.write('<page id="%s" bbox="%s" rotate="%d">\n' %
401                                 (item.pageid, bbox2str(item.bbox), item.rotate))
402                for child in item:
403                    render(child)
404                if item.groups is not None:
405                    self.outfp.write('<layout>\n')
406                    for group in item.groups:
407                        show_group(group)
408                    self.outfp.write('</layout>\n')
409                self.outfp.write('</page>\n')
410            elif isinstance(item, LTLine):
411                self.outfp.write('<line linewidth="%d" bbox="%s" />\n' %
412                                 (item.linewidth, bbox2str(item.bbox)))
413            elif isinstance(item, LTRect):
414                self.outfp.write('<rect linewidth="%d" bbox="%s" />\n' %
415                                 (item.linewidth, bbox2str(item.bbox)))
416            elif isinstance(item, LTCurve):
417                self.outfp.write('<curve linewidth="%d" bbox="%s" pts="%s"/>\n' %
418                                 (item.linewidth, bbox2str(item.bbox), item.get_pts()))
419            elif isinstance(item, LTFigure):
420                self.outfp.write('<figure name="%s" bbox="%s">\n' %
421                                 (item.name, bbox2str(item.bbox)))
422                for child in item:
423                    render(child)
424                self.outfp.write('</figure>\n')
425            elif isinstance(item, LTTextLine):
426                self.outfp.write('<textline bbox="%s">\n' % bbox2str(item.bbox))
427                for child in item:
428                    render(child)
429                self.outfp.write('</textline>\n')
430            elif isinstance(item, LTTextBox):
431                wmode = ''
432                if isinstance(item, LTTextBoxVertical):
433                    wmode = ' wmode="vertical"'
434                self.outfp.write('<textbox id="%d" bbox="%s"%s>\n' %
435                                 (item.index, bbox2str(item.bbox), wmode))
436                for child in item:
437                    render(child)
438                self.outfp.write('</textbox>\n')
439            elif isinstance(item, LTChar):
440                self.outfp.write('<text font="%s" bbox="%s" size="%.3f">' %
441                                 (htmlescape(item.fontname), bbox2str(item.bbox), item.size))
442                self.write_text(item.get_text())
443                self.outfp.write('</text>\n')
444            elif isinstance(item, LTText):
445                self.outfp.write('<text>%s</text>\n' % item.get_text())
446            elif isinstance(item, LTImage):
447                if self.outdir:
448                    name = self.write_image(item)
449                    self.outfp.write('<image src="%s" width="%d" height="%d" />\n' %
450                                     (enc(name), item.width, item.height))
451                else:
452                    self.outfp.write('<image width="%d" height="%d" />\n' %
453                                     (item.width, item.height))
454            else:
455                assert 0, item
457        render(ltpage)
459    def close(self):
460        self.write_footer()