1 // Copyright 2016 Amanieu d'Antras
2 //
3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, <LICENSE-APACHE or
4 // http://apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license <LICENSE-MIT or
5 // http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your option. This file may not be
6 // copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
8 use crate::raw_rwlock::RawRwLock;
9 use lock_api;
11 /// A reader-writer lock
12 ///
13 /// This type of lock allows a number of readers or at most one writer at any
14 /// point in time. The write portion of this lock typically allows modification
15 /// of the underlying data (exclusive access) and the read portion of this lock
16 /// typically allows for read-only access (shared access).
17 ///
18 /// This lock uses a task-fair locking policy which avoids both reader and
19 /// writer starvation. This means that readers trying to acquire the lock will
20 /// block even if the lock is unlocked when there are writers waiting to acquire
21 /// the lock. Because of this, attempts to recursively acquire a read lock
22 /// within a single thread may result in a deadlock.
23 ///
24 /// The type parameter `T` represents the data that this lock protects. It is
25 /// required that `T` satisfies `Send` to be shared across threads and `Sync` to
26 /// allow concurrent access through readers. The RAII guards returned from the
27 /// locking methods implement `Deref` (and `DerefMut` for the `write` methods)
28 /// to allow access to the contained of the lock.
29 ///
30 /// # Fairness
31 ///
32 /// A typical unfair lock can often end up in a situation where a single thread
33 /// quickly acquires and releases the same lock in succession, which can starve
34 /// other threads waiting to acquire the rwlock. While this improves performance
35 /// because it doesn't force a context switch when a thread tries to re-acquire
36 /// a rwlock it has just released, this can starve other threads.
37 ///
38 /// This rwlock uses [eventual fairness](https://trac.webkit.org/changeset/203350)
39 /// to ensure that the lock will be fair on average without sacrificing
40 /// performance. This is done by forcing a fair unlock on average every 0.5ms,
41 /// which will force the lock to go to the next thread waiting for the rwlock.
42 ///
43 /// Additionally, any critical section longer than 1ms will always use a fair
44 /// unlock, which has a negligible performance impact compared to the length of
45 /// the critical section.
46 ///
47 /// You can also force a fair unlock by calling `RwLockReadGuard::unlock_fair`
48 /// or `RwLockWriteGuard::unlock_fair` when unlocking a mutex instead of simply
49 /// dropping the guard.
50 ///
51 /// # Differences from the standard library `RwLock`
52 ///
53 /// - Supports atomically downgrading a write lock into a read lock.
54 /// - Task-fair locking policy instead of an unspecified platform default.
55 /// - No poisoning, the lock is released normally on panic.
56 /// - Only requires 1 word of space, whereas the standard library boxes the
57 ///   `RwLock` due to platform limitations.
58 /// - Can be statically constructed (requires the `const_fn` nightly feature).
59 /// - Does not require any drop glue when dropped.
60 /// - Inline fast path for the uncontended case.
61 /// - Efficient handling of micro-contention using adaptive spinning.
62 /// - Allows raw locking & unlocking without a guard.
63 /// - Supports eventual fairness so that the rwlock is fair on average.
64 /// - Optionally allows making the rwlock fair by calling
65 ///   `RwLockReadGuard::unlock_fair` and `RwLockWriteGuard::unlock_fair`.
66 ///
67 /// # Examples
68 ///
69 /// ```
70 /// use parking_lot::RwLock;
71 ///
72 /// let lock = RwLock::new(5);
73 ///
74 /// // many reader locks can be held at once
75 /// {
76 ///     let r1 = lock.read();
77 ///     let r2 = lock.read();
78 ///     assert_eq!(*r1, 5);
79 ///     assert_eq!(*r2, 5);
80 /// } // read locks are dropped at this point
81 ///
82 /// // only one write lock may be held, however
83 /// {
84 ///     let mut w = lock.write();
85 ///     *w += 1;
86 ///     assert_eq!(*w, 6);
87 /// } // write lock is dropped here
88 /// ```
89 pub type RwLock<T> = lock_api::RwLock<RawRwLock, T>;
91 /// RAII structure used to release the shared read access of a lock when
92 /// dropped.
93 pub type RwLockReadGuard<'a, T> = lock_api::RwLockReadGuard<'a, RawRwLock, T>;
95 /// RAII structure used to release the exclusive write access of a lock when
96 /// dropped.
97 pub type RwLockWriteGuard<'a, T> = lock_api::RwLockWriteGuard<'a, RawRwLock, T>;
99 /// An RAII read lock guard returned by `RwLockReadGuard::map`, which can point to a
100 /// subfield of the protected data.
101 ///
102 /// The main difference between `MappedRwLockReadGuard` and `RwLockReadGuard` is that the
103 /// former doesn't support temporarily unlocking and re-locking, since that
104 /// could introduce soundness issues if the locked object is modified by another
105 /// thread.
106 pub type MappedRwLockReadGuard<'a, T> = lock_api::MappedRwLockReadGuard<'a, RawRwLock, T>;
108 /// An RAII write lock guard returned by `RwLockWriteGuard::map`, which can point to a
109 /// subfield of the protected data.
110 ///
111 /// The main difference between `MappedRwLockWriteGuard` and `RwLockWriteGuard` is that the
112 /// former doesn't support temporarily unlocking and re-locking, since that
113 /// could introduce soundness issues if the locked object is modified by another
114 /// thread.
115 pub type MappedRwLockWriteGuard<'a, T> = lock_api::MappedRwLockWriteGuard<'a, RawRwLock, T>;
117 /// RAII structure used to release the upgradable read access of a lock when
118 /// dropped.
119 pub type RwLockUpgradableReadGuard<'a, T> = lock_api::RwLockUpgradableReadGuard<'a, RawRwLock, T>;
121 #[cfg(test)]
122 mod tests {
123     use crate::{RwLock, RwLockUpgradableReadGuard, RwLockWriteGuard};
124     use rand::Rng;
125     use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
126     use std::sync::mpsc::channel;
127     use std::sync::Arc;
128     use std::thread;
129     use std::time::Duration;
131     #[cfg(feature = "serde")]
132     use bincode::{deserialize, serialize};
134     #[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
135     struct NonCopy(i32);
137     #[test]
smoke()138     fn smoke() {
139         let l = RwLock::new(());
140         drop(l.read());
141         drop(l.write());
142         drop(l.upgradable_read());
143         drop((l.read(), l.read()));
144         drop((l.read(), l.upgradable_read()));
145         drop(l.write());
146     }
148     #[test]
frob()149     fn frob() {
150         const N: u32 = 10;
151         const M: u32 = 1000;
153         let r = Arc::new(RwLock::new(()));
155         let (tx, rx) = channel::<()>();
156         for _ in 0..N {
157             let tx = tx.clone();
158             let r = r.clone();
159             thread::spawn(move || {
160                 let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
161                 for _ in 0..M {
162                     if rng.gen_bool(1.0 / N as f64) {
163                         drop(r.write());
164                     } else {
165                         drop(r.read());
166                     }
167                 }
168                 drop(tx);
169             });
170         }
171         drop(tx);
172         let _ = rx.recv();
173     }
175     #[test]
test_rw_arc_no_poison_wr()176     fn test_rw_arc_no_poison_wr() {
177         let arc = Arc::new(RwLock::new(1));
178         let arc2 = arc.clone();
179         let _: Result<(), _> = thread::spawn(move || {
180             let _lock = arc2.write();
181             panic!();
182         })
183         .join();
184         let lock = arc.read();
185         assert_eq!(*lock, 1);
186     }
188     #[test]
test_rw_arc_no_poison_ww()189     fn test_rw_arc_no_poison_ww() {
190         let arc = Arc::new(RwLock::new(1));
191         let arc2 = arc.clone();
192         let _: Result<(), _> = thread::spawn(move || {
193             let _lock = arc2.write();
194             panic!();
195         })
196         .join();
197         let lock = arc.write();
198         assert_eq!(*lock, 1);
199     }
201     #[test]
test_rw_arc_no_poison_rr()202     fn test_rw_arc_no_poison_rr() {
203         let arc = Arc::new(RwLock::new(1));
204         let arc2 = arc.clone();
205         let _: Result<(), _> = thread::spawn(move || {
206             let _lock = arc2.read();
207             panic!();
208         })
209         .join();
210         let lock = arc.read();
211         assert_eq!(*lock, 1);
212     }
214     #[test]
test_rw_arc_no_poison_rw()215     fn test_rw_arc_no_poison_rw() {
216         let arc = Arc::new(RwLock::new(1));
217         let arc2 = arc.clone();
218         let _: Result<(), _> = thread::spawn(move || {
219             let _lock = arc2.read();
220             panic!()
221         })
222         .join();
223         let lock = arc.write();
224         assert_eq!(*lock, 1);
225     }
227     #[test]
test_ruw_arc()228     fn test_ruw_arc() {
229         let arc = Arc::new(RwLock::new(0));
230         let arc2 = arc.clone();
231         let (tx, rx) = channel();
233         thread::spawn(move || {
234             for _ in 0..10 {
235                 let mut lock = arc2.write();
236                 let tmp = *lock;
237                 *lock = -1;
238                 thread::yield_now();
239                 *lock = tmp + 1;
240             }
241             tx.send(()).unwrap();
242         });
244         let mut children = Vec::new();
246         // Upgradable readers try to catch the writer in the act and also
247         // try to touch the value
248         for _ in 0..5 {
249             let arc3 = arc.clone();
250             children.push(thread::spawn(move || {
251                 let lock = arc3.upgradable_read();
252                 let tmp = *lock;
253                 assert!(tmp >= 0);
254                 thread::yield_now();
255                 let mut lock = RwLockUpgradableReadGuard::upgrade(lock);
256                 assert_eq!(tmp, *lock);
257                 *lock = -1;
258                 thread::yield_now();
259                 *lock = tmp + 1;
260             }));
261         }
263         // Readers try to catch the writers in the act
264         for _ in 0..5 {
265             let arc4 = arc.clone();
266             children.push(thread::spawn(move || {
267                 let lock = arc4.read();
268                 assert!(*lock >= 0);
269             }));
270         }
272         // Wait for children to pass their asserts
273         for r in children {
274             assert!(r.join().is_ok());
275         }
277         // Wait for writer to finish
278         rx.recv().unwrap();
279         let lock = arc.read();
280         assert_eq!(*lock, 15);
281     }
283     #[test]
test_rw_arc()284     fn test_rw_arc() {
285         let arc = Arc::new(RwLock::new(0));
286         let arc2 = arc.clone();
287         let (tx, rx) = channel();
289         thread::spawn(move || {
290             let mut lock = arc2.write();
291             for _ in 0..10 {
292                 let tmp = *lock;
293                 *lock = -1;
294                 thread::yield_now();
295                 *lock = tmp + 1;
296             }
297             tx.send(()).unwrap();
298         });
300         // Readers try to catch the writer in the act
301         let mut children = Vec::new();
302         for _ in 0..5 {
303             let arc3 = arc.clone();
304             children.push(thread::spawn(move || {
305                 let lock = arc3.read();
306                 assert!(*lock >= 0);
307             }));
308         }
310         // Wait for children to pass their asserts
311         for r in children {
312             assert!(r.join().is_ok());
313         }
315         // Wait for writer to finish
316         rx.recv().unwrap();
317         let lock = arc.read();
318         assert_eq!(*lock, 10);
319     }
321     #[test]
test_rw_arc_access_in_unwind()322     fn test_rw_arc_access_in_unwind() {
323         let arc = Arc::new(RwLock::new(1));
324         let arc2 = arc.clone();
325         let _ = thread::spawn(move || -> () {
326             struct Unwinder {
327                 i: Arc<RwLock<isize>>,
328             }
329             impl Drop for Unwinder {
330                 fn drop(&mut self) {
331                     let mut lock = self.i.write();
332                     *lock += 1;
333                 }
334             }
335             let _u = Unwinder { i: arc2 };
336             panic!();
337         })
338         .join();
339         let lock = arc.read();
340         assert_eq!(*lock, 2);
341     }
343     #[test]
test_rwlock_unsized()344     fn test_rwlock_unsized() {
345         let rw: &RwLock<[i32]> = &RwLock::new([1, 2, 3]);
346         {
347             let b = &mut *rw.write();
348             b[0] = 4;
349             b[2] = 5;
350         }
351         let comp: &[i32] = &[4, 2, 5];
352         assert_eq!(&*rw.read(), comp);
353     }
355     #[test]
test_rwlock_try_read()356     fn test_rwlock_try_read() {
357         let lock = RwLock::new(0isize);
358         {
359             let read_guard = lock.read();
361             let read_result = lock.try_read();
362             assert!(
363                 read_result.is_some(),
364                 "try_read should succeed while read_guard is in scope"
365             );
367             drop(read_guard);
368         }
369         {
370             let upgrade_guard = lock.upgradable_read();
372             let read_result = lock.try_read();
373             assert!(
374                 read_result.is_some(),
375                 "try_read should succeed while upgrade_guard is in scope"
376             );
378             drop(upgrade_guard);
379         }
380         {
381             let write_guard = lock.write();
383             let read_result = lock.try_read();
384             assert!(
385                 read_result.is_none(),
386                 "try_read should fail while write_guard is in scope"
387             );
389             drop(write_guard);
390         }
391     }
393     #[test]
test_rwlock_try_write()394     fn test_rwlock_try_write() {
395         let lock = RwLock::new(0isize);
396         {
397             let read_guard = lock.read();
399             let write_result = lock.try_write();
400             assert!(
401                 write_result.is_none(),
402                 "try_write should fail while read_guard is in scope"
403             );
405             drop(read_guard);
406         }
407         {
408             let upgrade_guard = lock.upgradable_read();
410             let write_result = lock.try_write();
411             assert!(
412                 write_result.is_none(),
413                 "try_write should fail while upgrade_guard is in scope"
414             );
416             drop(upgrade_guard);
417         }
418         {
419             let write_guard = lock.write();
421             let write_result = lock.try_write();
422             assert!(
423                 write_result.is_none(),
424                 "try_write should fail while write_guard is in scope"
425             );
427             drop(write_guard);
428         }
429     }
431     #[test]
test_rwlock_try_upgrade()432     fn test_rwlock_try_upgrade() {
433         let lock = RwLock::new(0isize);
434         {
435             let read_guard = lock.read();
437             let upgrade_result = lock.try_upgradable_read();
438             assert!(
439                 upgrade_result.is_some(),
440                 "try_upgradable_read should succeed while read_guard is in scope"
441             );
443             drop(read_guard);
444         }
445         {
446             let upgrade_guard = lock.upgradable_read();
448             let upgrade_result = lock.try_upgradable_read();
449             assert!(
450                 upgrade_result.is_none(),
451                 "try_upgradable_read should fail while upgrade_guard is in scope"
452             );
454             drop(upgrade_guard);
455         }
456         {
457             let write_guard = lock.write();
459             let upgrade_result = lock.try_upgradable_read();
460             assert!(
461                 upgrade_result.is_none(),
462                 "try_upgradable should fail while write_guard is in scope"
463             );
465             drop(write_guard);
466         }
467     }
469     #[test]
test_into_inner()470     fn test_into_inner() {
471         let m = RwLock::new(NonCopy(10));
472         assert_eq!(m.into_inner(), NonCopy(10));
473     }
475     #[test]
test_into_inner_drop()476     fn test_into_inner_drop() {
477         struct Foo(Arc<AtomicUsize>);
478         impl Drop for Foo {
479             fn drop(&mut self) {
480                 self.0.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
481             }
482         }
483         let num_drops = Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0));
484         let m = RwLock::new(Foo(num_drops.clone()));
485         assert_eq!(num_drops.load(Ordering::SeqCst), 0);
486         {
487             let _inner = m.into_inner();
488             assert_eq!(num_drops.load(Ordering::SeqCst), 0);
489         }
490         assert_eq!(num_drops.load(Ordering::SeqCst), 1);
491     }
493     #[test]
test_get_mut()494     fn test_get_mut() {
495         let mut m = RwLock::new(NonCopy(10));
496         *m.get_mut() = NonCopy(20);
497         assert_eq!(m.into_inner(), NonCopy(20));
498     }
500     #[test]
test_rwlockguard_sync()501     fn test_rwlockguard_sync() {
502         fn sync<T: Sync>(_: T) {}
504         let rwlock = RwLock::new(());
505         sync(rwlock.read());
506         sync(rwlock.write());
507     }
509     #[test]
test_rwlock_downgrade()510     fn test_rwlock_downgrade() {
511         let x = Arc::new(RwLock::new(0));
512         let mut handles = Vec::new();
513         for _ in 0..8 {
514             let x = x.clone();
515             handles.push(thread::spawn(move || {
516                 for _ in 0..100 {
517                     let mut writer = x.write();
518                     *writer += 1;
519                     let cur_val = *writer;
520                     let reader = RwLockWriteGuard::downgrade(writer);
521                     assert_eq!(cur_val, *reader);
522                 }
523             }));
524         }
525         for handle in handles {
526             handle.join().unwrap()
527         }
528         assert_eq!(*x.read(), 800);
529     }
531     #[test]
test_rwlock_recursive()532     fn test_rwlock_recursive() {
533         let arc = Arc::new(RwLock::new(1));
534         let arc2 = arc.clone();
535         let _lock1 = arc.read();
536         thread::spawn(move || {
537             let _lock = arc2.write();
538         });
540         if cfg!(not(all(target_env = "sgx", target_vendor = "fortanix"))) {
541             thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100));
542         } else {
543             // FIXME: https://github.com/fortanix/rust-sgx/issues/31
544             for _ in 0..100 {
545                 thread::yield_now();
546             }
547         }
549         // A normal read would block here since there is a pending writer
550         let _lock2 = arc.read_recursive();
551     }
553     #[test]
test_rwlock_debug()554     fn test_rwlock_debug() {
555         let x = RwLock::new(vec![0u8, 10]);
557         assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", x), "RwLock { data: [0, 10] }");
558         let _lock = x.write();
559         assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", x), "RwLock { data: <locked> }");
560     }
562     #[test]
test_clone()563     fn test_clone() {
564         let rwlock = RwLock::new(Arc::new(1));
565         let a = rwlock.read_recursive();
566         let b = a.clone();
567         assert_eq!(Arc::strong_count(&b), 2);
568     }
570     #[cfg(feature = "serde")]
571     #[test]
test_serde()572     fn test_serde() {
573         let contents: Vec<u8> = vec![0, 1, 2];
574         let mutex = RwLock::new(contents.clone());
576         let serialized = serialize(&mutex).unwrap();
577         let deserialized: RwLock<Vec<u8>> = deserialize(&serialized).unwrap();
579         assert_eq!(*(mutex.read()), *(deserialized.read()));
580         assert_eq!(contents, *(deserialized.read()));
581     }
582 }