1 use std::collections::{
2     HashMap,
3     BinaryHeap,
4 };
5 use std::collections::hash_map::Entry::{
6     Occupied,
7     Vacant,
8 };
10 use std::hash::Hash;
12 use scored::MinScored;
13 use super::visit::{
14     EdgeRef,
15     GraphBase,
16     IntoEdges,
17     VisitMap,
18     Visitable,
19 };
21 use algo::Measure;
23 /// [Generic] A* shortest path algorithm.
24 ///
25 /// Computes the shortest path from `start` to `finish`, including the total path cost.
26 ///
27 /// `finish` is implicitly given via the `is_goal` callback, which should return `true` if the
28 /// given node is the finish node.
29 ///
30 /// The function `edge_cost` should return the cost for a particular edge. Edge costs must be
31 /// non-negative.
32 ///
33 /// The function `estimate_cost` should return the estimated cost to the finish for a particular
34 /// node. For the algorithm to find the actual shortest path, it should be admissible, meaning that
35 /// it should never overestimate the actual cost to get to the nearest goal node. Estimate costs
36 /// must also be non-negative.
37 ///
38 /// The graph should be `Visitable` and implement `IntoEdges`.
39 ///
40 /// ```
41 /// use petgraph::Graph;
42 /// use petgraph::algo::astar;
43 ///
44 /// let mut g = Graph::new();
45 /// let a = g.add_node((0., 0.));
46 /// let b = g.add_node((2., 0.));
47 /// let c = g.add_node((1., 1.));
48 /// let d = g.add_node((0., 2.));
49 /// let e = g.add_node((3., 3.));
50 /// let f = g.add_node((4., 2.));
51 /// g.extend_with_edges(&[
52 ///     (a, b, 2),
53 ///     (a, d, 4),
54 ///     (b, c, 1),
55 ///     (b, f, 7),
56 ///     (c, e, 5),
57 ///     (e, f, 1),
58 ///     (d, e, 1),
59 /// ]);
60 ///
61 /// let path = astar(&g, a, |finish| finish == f, |e| *e.weight(), |_| 0);
62 /// assert_eq!(path, Some((6, vec![a, d, e, f])));
63 /// ```
64 ///
65 /// Returns the total cost + the path of subsequent `NodeId` from start to finish, if one was
66 /// found.
astar<G, F, H, K, IsGoal>(graph: G, start: G::NodeId, mut is_goal: IsGoal, mut edge_cost: F, mut estimate_cost: H) -> Option<(K, Vec<G::NodeId>)> where G: IntoEdges + Visitable, IsGoal: FnMut(G::NodeId) -> bool, G::NodeId: Eq + Hash, F: FnMut(G::EdgeRef) -> K, H: FnMut(G::NodeId) -> K, K: Measure + Copy,67 pub fn astar<G, F, H, K, IsGoal>(graph: G, start: G::NodeId, mut is_goal: IsGoal,
68                                      mut edge_cost: F, mut estimate_cost: H)
69     -> Option<(K, Vec<G::NodeId>)>
70     where G: IntoEdges + Visitable,
71           IsGoal: FnMut(G::NodeId) -> bool,
72           G::NodeId: Eq + Hash,
73           F: FnMut(G::EdgeRef) -> K,
74           H: FnMut(G::NodeId) -> K,
75           K: Measure + Copy,
76 {
77     let mut visited = graph.visit_map();
78     let mut visit_next = BinaryHeap::new();
79     let mut scores = HashMap::new();
80     let mut path_tracker = PathTracker::<G>::new();
82     let zero_score = K::default();
83     scores.insert(start, zero_score);
84     visit_next.push(MinScored(estimate_cost(start), start));
86     while let Some(MinScored(_, node)) = visit_next.pop() {
87         if is_goal(node) {
88             let path = path_tracker.reconstruct_path_to(node);
89             let cost = scores[&node];
90             return Some((cost, path));
91         }
93         // Don't visit the same node several times, as the first time it was visited it was using
94         // the shortest available path.
95         if !visited.visit(node) {
96             continue
97         }
99         // This lookup can be unwrapped without fear of panic since the node was necessarily scored
100         // before adding him to `visit_next`.
101         let node_score = scores[&node];
103         for edge in graph.edges(node) {
104             let next = edge.target();
105             if visited.is_visited(&next) {
106                 continue
107             }
109             let mut next_score = node_score + edge_cost(edge);
111             match scores.entry(next) {
112                 Occupied(ent) => {
113                     let old_score = *ent.get();
114                     if next_score < old_score {
115                         *ent.into_mut() = next_score;
116                         path_tracker.set_predecessor(next, node);
117                     } else {
118                         next_score = old_score;
119                     }
120                 },
121                 Vacant(ent) => {
122                     ent.insert(next_score);
123                     path_tracker.set_predecessor(next, node);
124                 }
125             }
127             let next_estimate_score = next_score + estimate_cost(next);
128             visit_next.push(MinScored(next_estimate_score, next));
129         }
130     }
132     None
133 }
135 struct PathTracker<G>
136     where G: GraphBase,
137           G::NodeId: Eq + Hash,
138 {
139     came_from: HashMap<G::NodeId, G::NodeId>,
140 }
142 impl<G> PathTracker<G>
143     where G: GraphBase,
144           G::NodeId: Eq + Hash,
145 {
new() -> PathTracker<G>146     fn new() -> PathTracker<G> {
147         PathTracker {
148             came_from: HashMap::new(),
149         }
150     }
set_predecessor(&mut self, node: G::NodeId, previous: G::NodeId)152     fn set_predecessor(&mut self, node: G::NodeId, previous: G::NodeId) {
153         self.came_from.insert(node, previous);
154     }
reconstruct_path_to(&self, last: G::NodeId) -> Vec<G::NodeId>156     fn reconstruct_path_to(&self, last: G::NodeId) -> Vec<G::NodeId> {
157         let mut path = vec![last];
159         let mut current = last;
160         while let Some(&previous) = self.came_from.get(&current) {
161             path.push(previous);
162             current = previous;
163         }
165         path.reverse();
167         path
168     }
169 }