1MS-Schema2006-07-15 / schZ012_a
2MS-Schema2006-07-15 / schZ012_b
3MS-Schema2006-07-15 / schZ012_c
4  --  test: msData/schema/schZ012_a.xsd
5  --  Disable because it relies on case-sensitive file systems to work
6  --  properly. It fails on Darwin (lena) with HFS and on Windows, since
7  --  the included file schZ012_A.xsd is found on those systems.
8  --  See discussion at http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4137
10MS-SimpleType2006-07-15 / stE054 / stE054.i
11  --  Disabled because "1.0" and "1" are both the same xsd:double value.
12  --  Seems the test should validate. According to 4.2.1 in the datatypes
13  --  standard, equality is checked in terms of value space, not strings.
14  --  Xerces also accepts this test
16MS-Particles2006-07-15 / particlesZ001
17  --  xmllint also says this test is OK. Qt complains that the type derivation
18  --  is incorrect (so an error on the schema), but the test is supposed to
19  --  have a correct schema, but an incorrect XML file, so that seems like a
20  --  bug in Qt. Xerces also reports an incorrect schema.
22MS-Additional2006-07-15 / addB064
23  --  This test parses the metaschema definition. Since this is already
24  --  known to XML/Ada, the latter complains that we are redefining the
25  --  location for a namespace that we have already used. Since we know we
26  --  can parse the metaschema anyway, the test has been disabled
28MS-Particles2006-07-15 / particlesZ031
29  --  XSD is marked as invalid in recent CVS versions of the testsuite