1Before a counter can be used, it must be created with the function
2tt(DEFINECOUNTER) or tt(PUSHCOUNTER). These functions expects two parameter
3lists: the name of the counter and an optional value.
5The counter's value, named tt(number) below,  may be set as follows:
6    itemization(
7    it() If left unspecified, the counter is set to 0;
8    it() tt(number) may be a postive or negative integral value;
9    it() tt(number) may be the name of an existing counter, in which case that
10counter's value is used.
11    )
13    For example, let's say that our macro package should provide two
14sectioning commands: tt(section) and tt(subsection). The sections should be
15numbered 0, 1, 2, etc., and the subsections 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 etc.. Hence we'd
16need two counters:
17        verb(
18    DEFINECOUNTER(sectcounter)()
19    DEFINECOUNTER(subsectcounter)(1)
20    )
22    The function tt(NEWCOUNTER), as defined in earlier releases of YODL, is
23still available, but is deprecated.