1 /*
2  * Copyright 2006-2008 The FLWOR Foundation.
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
16 /* vim:set et sw=2 ts=2: */
18 #include <string>
19 #include <sstream>
20 #include <zorba/config.h>
21 #include <zorba/properties_base.h>
22 #include <cstring>
26 namespace zorba
27 {
29 class ZORBA_DLL_PUBLIC ZorbaProperties : public ::zorba::PropertiesGlobal
30 {
31 protected:
get_all_options()32   const char** get_all_options() const
33   {
34     static const char* result [] = {
35       "--trace-parsing", "--trace-scanning", "--use-serializer", "--optimizer",
36       "--result-file", "--debug-file", "--abort", "--query", "--print-query",
37       "--print-time", "--print-ast", "--print-xqdoc", "--print-translated",
38       "--print-normalized", "--print-optimized", "--print-iterator-tree",
39       "--print-item-flow", "--print-static-types", "--dump-lib",
40       "--stable-iterator-ids", "--no-tree-ids", "--print-intermediate-opt",
41       "--print-locations", "--force-gflwor", "--reorder-globals",
42       "--specialize-num", "--specialize-cmp", "--inline-udf", "--loop-hoisting",
43       "--infer-joins", "--no-copy-optim", "--serialize-only-query",
44       "--trace-translator", "--trace-codegen", "--trace-fulltext", "--debug",
45       "--compile-only", "--tz", "--external-var", "--serializer-param",
46       "--iter-plan-test", "--dot-plan-file", "--max-udf-call-depth",
47       "--CLASSPATH", NULL };
49     return result;
50   }
52   bool theTraceParsing;
53   bool theTraceScanning;
54   bool theUseSerializer;
55   int theOptimizer;
56   std::string theResultFile;
57   std::string theDebugFile;
58   bool theAbort;
59   std::string theQuery;
60   bool thePrintQuery;
61   bool thePrintTime;
62   bool thePrintAst;
63   bool thePrintXqdoc;
64   bool thePrintTranslated;
65   bool thePrintNormalized;
66   bool thePrintOptimized;
67   bool thePrintIteratorTree;
68   bool thePrintItemFlow;
69   bool thePrintStaticTypes;
70   bool theDumpLib;
71   bool theStableIteratorIds;
72   bool theNoTreeIds;
73   bool thePrintIntermediateOpt;
74   bool thePrintLocations;
75   bool theForceGflwor;
76   bool theReorderGlobals;
77   bool theSpecializeNum;
78   bool theSpecializeCmp;
79   bool theInlineUdf;
80   bool theLoopHoisting;
81   bool theInferJoins;
82   bool theNoCopyOptim;
83   int theSerializeOnlyQuery;
84   bool theTraceTranslator;
85   bool theTraceCodegen;
86   bool theTraceFulltext;
87   bool theDebug;
88   bool theCompileOnly;
89   int theTz;
90   std::vector<std::string> theExternalVar;
91   std::vector<std::string> theSerializerParam;
92   bool theIterPlanTest;
93   std::string theDotPlanFile;
94   uint32_t theMaxUdfCallDepth;
95   std::string theCLASSPATH;
initialize()97   void initialize()
98   {
99     theTraceParsing = false;
100     theTraceScanning = false;
101     theUseSerializer = false;
102     theOptimizer = 1;
103     theAbort = false;
104     thePrintQuery = false;
105     thePrintTime = false;
106     thePrintAst = false;
107     thePrintXqdoc = false;
108     thePrintTranslated = false;
109     thePrintNormalized = false;
110     thePrintOptimized = false;
111     thePrintIteratorTree = false;
112     thePrintItemFlow = false;
113     thePrintStaticTypes = true;
114     theDumpLib = false;
115     theStableIteratorIds = false;
116     theNoTreeIds = false;
117     thePrintIntermediateOpt = false;
118     thePrintLocations = false;
119     theForceGflwor = false;
120     theReorderGlobals = true;
121     theSpecializeNum = true;
122     theSpecializeCmp = true;
123     theInlineUdf = true;
124     theLoopHoisting = true;
125     theInferJoins = true;
126     theNoCopyOptim = true;
127     theSerializeOnlyQuery = -1;
128     theTraceTranslator = false;
129     theTraceCodegen = false;
130     theTraceFulltext = false;
131     theDebug = false;
132     theCompileOnly = false;
133     theIterPlanTest = false;
134     theMaxUdfCallDepth = 1024;
135   }
137 public:
traceParsing()138   const bool &traceParsing () const { return theTraceParsing; }
traceScanning()139   const bool &traceScanning () const { return theTraceScanning; }
useSerializer()140   const bool &useSerializer () const { return theUseSerializer; }
optimizer()141   const int &optimizer () const { return theOptimizer; }
resultFile()142   const std::string &resultFile () const { return theResultFile; }
debugFile()143   const std::string &debugFile () const { return theDebugFile; }
abort()144   const bool &abort () const { return theAbort; }
query()145   const std::string &query () const { return theQuery; }
printQuery()146   const bool &printQuery () const { return thePrintQuery; }
printTime()147   const bool &printTime () const { return thePrintTime; }
printAst()148   const bool &printAst () const { return thePrintAst; }
printXqdoc()149   const bool &printXqdoc () const { return thePrintXqdoc; }
printTranslated()150   const bool &printTranslated () const { return thePrintTranslated; }
printNormalized()151   const bool &printNormalized () const { return thePrintNormalized; }
printOptimized()152   const bool &printOptimized () const { return thePrintOptimized; }
printIteratorTree()153   const bool &printIteratorTree () const { return thePrintIteratorTree; }
printItemFlow()154   const bool &printItemFlow () const { return thePrintItemFlow; }
printStaticTypes()155   const bool &printStaticTypes () const { return thePrintStaticTypes; }
dumpLib()156   const bool &dumpLib () const { return theDumpLib; }
stableIteratorIds()157   const bool &stableIteratorIds () const { return theStableIteratorIds; }
noTreeIds()158   const bool &noTreeIds () const { return theNoTreeIds; }
printIntermediateOpt()159   const bool &printIntermediateOpt () const { return thePrintIntermediateOpt; }
printLocations()160   const bool &printLocations () const { return thePrintLocations; }
forceGflwor()161   const bool &forceGflwor () const { return theForceGflwor; }
reorderGlobals()162   const bool &reorderGlobals () const { return theReorderGlobals; }
specializeNum()163   const bool &specializeNum () const { return theSpecializeNum; }
specializeCmp()164   const bool &specializeCmp () const { return theSpecializeCmp; }
inlineUdf()165   const bool &inlineUdf () const { return theInlineUdf; }
loopHoisting()166   const bool &loopHoisting () const { return theLoopHoisting; }
inferJoins()167   const bool &inferJoins () const { return theInferJoins; }
noCopyOptim()168   const bool &noCopyOptim() const { return theNoCopyOptim; }
serializeOnlyQuery()169   const int& serializeOnlyQuery() const { return theSerializeOnlyQuery; }
traceTranslator()170   const bool &traceTranslator () const { return theTraceTranslator; }
traceCodegen()171   const bool &traceCodegen () const { return theTraceCodegen; }
traceFulltext()172   const bool &traceFulltext () const { return theTraceFulltext; }
debug()173   const bool &debug () const { return theDebug; }
compileOnly()174   const bool &compileOnly () const { return theCompileOnly; }
tz()175   const int &tz () const { return theTz; }
externalVar()176   const std::vector<std::string> &externalVar () const { return theExternalVar; }
serializerParam()177   const std::vector<std::string> &serializerParam () const { return theSerializerParam; }
iterPlanTest()178   const bool &iterPlanTest () const { return theIterPlanTest; }
dotPlanFile()179   const std::string &dotPlanFile () const { return theDotPlanFile; }
maxUdfCallDepth()180   const uint32_t &maxUdfCallDepth () const { return theMaxUdfCallDepth; }
CLASSPATH()181   const std::string &CLASSPATH () const { return theCLASSPATH; }
load_argv(int argc,const char ** argv)183   std::string load_argv (int argc, const char **argv)
184   {
185     if (argv == NULL) return "";
187     std::string result;
188     for (++argv; *argv != NULL; ++argv) {
189       if (strcmp (*argv, "--help") == 0 || strcmp (*argv, "-h") == 0)
190         return "!HELP";
191       else if (strcmp (*argv, "--version") == 0)
192         return "!VER";
193       else if (strcmp (*argv, "--trace-parsing") == 0 || strncmp (*argv, "-p", 2) == 0) {
194         theTraceParsing = true;
195       }
196       else if (strcmp (*argv, "--trace-scanning") == 0 || strncmp (*argv, "-s", 2) == 0) {
197         theTraceScanning = true;
198       }
199       else if (strcmp (*argv, "--use-serializer") == 0 || strncmp (*argv, "-r", 2) == 0) {
200         theUseSerializer = true;
201       }
202       else if (strcmp (*argv, "--optimizer") == 0 || strncmp (*argv, "-O", 2) == 0) {
203         int d = 2;
204         if ((*argv) [1] == '-' || (*argv) [2] == '\0') { d = 0; ++argv; }
205         if (*argv == NULL) { result = "No value given for --optimizer option"; break; }
206         init_val (*argv, theOptimizer, d);
207       }
208       else if (strcmp (*argv, "--result-file") == 0 || strncmp (*argv, "-o", 2) == 0) {
209         int d = 2;
210         if ((*argv) [1] == '-' || (*argv) [2] == '\0') { d = 0; ++argv; }
211         if (*argv == NULL) { result = "No value given for --result-file option"; break; }
212         init_val (*argv, theResultFile, d);
213       }
214       else if (strcmp (*argv, "--debug-file") == 0) {
215         int d = 2;
216         if ((*argv) [1] == '-' || (*argv) [2] == '\0') { d = 0; ++argv; }
217         if (*argv == NULL) { result = "No value given for --debug-file option"; break; }
219         init_val (*argv, theDebugFile, d);
220       }
221       else if (strcmp (*argv, "--abort") == 0) {
222         theAbort = true;
223       }
224       else if (strcmp (*argv, "--query") == 0 || strncmp (*argv, "-e", 2) == 0) {
225         int d = 2;
226         if ((*argv) [1] == '-' || (*argv) [2] == '\0') { d = 0; ++argv; }
227         if (*argv == NULL) { result = "No value given for --query option"; break; }
229         init_val (*argv, theQuery, d);
230       }
231       else if (strcmp (*argv, "--print-query") == 0 || strncmp (*argv, "-q", 2) == 0) {
232         thePrintQuery = true;
233       }
234       else if (strcmp (*argv, "--print-time") == 0 || strncmp (*argv, "-t", 2) == 0) {
235         thePrintTime = true;
236       }
237       else if (strcmp (*argv, "--print-ast") == 0 || strncmp (*argv, "-a", 2) == 0) {
238         thePrintAst = true;
239       }
240       else if (strcmp (*argv, "--print-xqdoc") == 0) {
241         thePrintXqdoc = true;
242       }
243       else if (strcmp (*argv, "--print-translated") == 0) {
244         thePrintTranslated = true;
245       }
246       else if (strcmp (*argv, "--print-normalized") == 0 || strncmp (*argv, "-n", 2) == 0) {
247         thePrintNormalized = true;
248       }
249       else if (strcmp (*argv, "--print-optimized") == 0 || strncmp (*argv, "-P", 2) == 0) {
250         thePrintOptimized = true;
251       }
252       else if (strcmp (*argv, "--print-iterator-tree") == 0 || strncmp (*argv, "-i", 2) == 0) {
253         thePrintIteratorTree = true;
254       }
255       else if (strcmp (*argv, "--print-item-flow") == 0 || strncmp (*argv, "-f", 2) == 0) {
256         thePrintItemFlow = true;
257       }
258       else if (strcmp (*argv, "--print-static-types") == 0) {
259         int d = 2;
260         if ((*argv) [1] == '-' || (*argv) [2] == '\0') { d = 0; ++argv; }
261         if (*argv == NULL) { result = "No value given for --print-static-types option"; break; }
263         init_val (*argv, thePrintStaticTypes, d);
264       }
265       else if (strcmp (*argv, "--dump-lib") == 0) {
266         theDumpLib = true;
267       }
268       else if (strcmp (*argv, "--stable-iterator-ids") == 0) {
269         theStableIteratorIds = true;
270       }
271       else if (strcmp (*argv, "--no-tree-ids") == 0) {
272         theNoTreeIds = true;
273       }
274       else if (strcmp (*argv, "--print-intermediate-opt") == 0) {
275         thePrintIntermediateOpt = true;
276       }
277       else if (strcmp (*argv, "--print-locations") == 0) {
278         thePrintLocations = true;
279       }
280       else if (strcmp (*argv, "--force-gflwor") == 0) {
281         theForceGflwor = true;
282       }
283       else if (strcmp (*argv, "--reorder-globals") == 0) {
284         int d = 2;
285         if ((*argv) [1] == '-' || (*argv) [2] == '\0') { d = 0; ++argv; }
286         if (*argv == NULL) { result = "No value given for --reorder-globals option"; break; }
288         init_val (*argv, theReorderGlobals, d);
289       }
290       else if (strcmp (*argv, "--specialize-num") == 0) {
291         int d = 2;
292         if ((*argv) [1] == '-' || (*argv) [2] == '\0') { d = 0; ++argv; }
293         if (*argv == NULL) { result = "No value given for --specialize-num option"; break; }
295         init_val (*argv, theSpecializeNum, d);
296       }
297       else if (strcmp (*argv, "--specialize-cmp") == 0) {
298         int d = 2;
299         if ((*argv) [1] == '-' || (*argv) [2] == '\0') { d = 0; ++argv; }
300         if (*argv == NULL) { result = "No value given for --specialize-cmp option"; break; }
302         init_val (*argv, theSpecializeCmp, d);
303       }
304       else if (strcmp (*argv, "--inline-udf") == 0) {
305         int d = 2;
306         if ((*argv) [1] == '-' || (*argv) [2] == '\0') { d = 0; ++argv; }
307         if (*argv == NULL) { result = "No value given for --inline-udf option"; break; }
309         init_val (*argv, theInlineUdf, d);
310       }
311       else if (strcmp (*argv, "--loop-hoisting") == 0) {
312         int d = 2;
313         if ((*argv) [1] == '-' || (*argv) [2] == '\0') { d = 0; ++argv; }
314         if (*argv == NULL) { result = "No value given for --loop-hoisting option"; break; }
316         init_val (*argv, theLoopHoisting, d);
317       }
318       else if (strcmp (*argv, "--infer-joins") == 0) {
319         int d = 2;
320         if ((*argv) [1] == '-' || (*argv) [2] == '\0') { d = 0; ++argv; }
321         if (*argv == NULL) { result = "No value given for --infer-joins option"; break; }
323         init_val (*argv, theInferJoins, d);
324       }
325       else if (strcmp (*argv, "--no-copy-optim") == 0)
326       {
327         int d = 2;
328         if ((*argv) [1] == '-' || (*argv) [2] == '\0') { d = 0; ++argv; }
329         if (*argv == NULL) { result = "No value given for --no-copy-optim option"; break; }
330         init_val (*argv, theNoCopyOptim, d);
331       }
332       else if (strcmp (*argv, "--serialize-only-query") == 0)
333       {
334         int d = 2;
335         if ((*argv) [1] == '-' || (*argv) [2] == '\0') { d = 0; ++argv; }
336         if (*argv == NULL)
337         { result = "No value given for --serialize-only-query option"; break; }
338         init_val(*argv, theSerializeOnlyQuery, d);
339       }
340 #ifndef NDEBUG
341       else if (strcmp (*argv, "--trace-translator") == 0 || strncmp (*argv, "-l", 2) == 0) {
342         theTraceTranslator = true;
343       }
344       else if (strcmp (*argv, "--trace-codegen") == 0 || strncmp (*argv, "-c", 2) == 0) {
345         theTraceCodegen = true;
346       }
347       else if (strcmp (*argv, "--trace-fulltext") == 0) {
348         theTraceFulltext = true;
349       }
350 #endif
351       else if (strcmp (*argv, "--debug") == 0) {
352         theDebug = true;
353       }
354       else if (strcmp (*argv, "--compile-only") == 0) {
355         theCompileOnly = true;
356       }
357       else if (strcmp (*argv, "--tz") == 0) {
358         int d = 2;
359         if ((*argv) [1] == '-' || (*argv) [2] == '\0') { d = 0; ++argv; }
360         if (*argv == NULL) { result = "No value given for --tz option"; break; }
362         init_val (*argv, theTz, d);
363       }
364       else if (strcmp (*argv, "--external-var") == 0 || strncmp (*argv, "-x", 2) == 0) {
365         int d = 2;
366         if ((*argv) [1] == '-' || (*argv) [2] == '\0') { d = 0; ++argv; }
367         if (*argv == NULL) { result = "No value given for --external-var option"; break; }
369         init_val (*argv, theExternalVar, d);
370       }
371       else if (strcmp (*argv, "--serializer-param") == 0 || strncmp (*argv, "-z", 2) == 0) {
372         int d = 2;
373         if ((*argv) [1] == '-' || (*argv) [2] == '\0') { d = 0; ++argv; }
374         if (*argv == NULL) { result = "No value given for --serializer-param option"; break; }
376         init_val (*argv, theSerializerParam, d);
377       }
378       else if (strcmp (*argv, "--iter-plan-test") == 0) {
379         theIterPlanTest = true;
380       }
381       else if (strcmp (*argv, "--dot-plan-file") == 0) {
382         int d = 2;
383         if ((*argv) [1] == '-' || (*argv) [2] == '\0') { d = 0; ++argv; }
384         if (*argv == NULL) { result = "No value given for --dot-plan-file option"; break; }
386         init_val (*argv, theDotPlanFile, d);
387       }
388       else if (strcmp (*argv, "--max-udf-call-depth") == 0) {
389         int d = 2;
390         if ((*argv) [1] == '-' || (*argv) [2] == '\0') { d = 0; ++argv; }
391         if (*argv == NULL) { result = "No value given for --max-udf-call-depth option"; break; }
393         init_val (*argv, theMaxUdfCallDepth, d);
394       }
395       else if (strcmp (*argv, "--CLASSPATH") == 0) {
396         int d = 2;
397         if ((*argv) [1] == '-' || (*argv) [2] == '\0') { d = 0; ++argv; }
398         if (*argv == NULL) { result = "No value given for --CLASSPATH option"; break; }
400         init_val (*argv, theCLASSPATH, d);
401       }
402       else if (strcmp (*argv, "--") == 0) {
403         copy_args (++argv);
404         break;
405       } else if ((*argv) [0] == '-') {
406         result = "unknown command line option "; result += *argv; break;
407       } else {
408         copy_args (argv);
409         break;
410       }
411     }
413     return result;
414   }
get_help_msg()417   const char* get_help_msg() const
418   {
419     return
420 "--trace-parsing, -p\ntrace parsing\n\n"
421 "--trace-scanning, -s\ntrace scanning\n\n"
422 "--use-serializer, -r\nuse serializer\n\n"
423 "--optimizer, -O\noptimization level (0, 1 or 2 - 1 is default)\n\n"
424 "--result-file, -o\nresult file\n\n"
425 "--debug-file\nlog file for debugging information\n\n"
426 "--abort\nabort when fatal error happens\n\n"
427 "--query, -e\nexecute inline query\n\n"
428 "--print-query, -q\nprint the query\n\n"
429 "--print-time, -t\nprint the execution time\n\n"
430 "--print-ast, -a\nprint the parse tree\n\n"
431 "--print-xqdoc\ncreate output for XQDoc\n\n"
432 "--print-translated\nprint the normalized expression tree\n\n"
433 "--print-normalized, -n\nprint the translated expression tree\n\n"
434 "--print-optimized, -P\nprint the optimized expression tree\n\n"
435 "--print-iterator-tree, -i\nprint the iterator tree\n\n"
436 "--print-item-flow, -f\nshow items produced by all iterators\n\n"
437 "--print-static-types\nprint static type inference\n\n"
438 "--dump-lib\ndump function library\n\n"
439 "--stable-iterator-ids\nprint the iterator plan with stable ids\n\n"
440 "--no-tree-ids\nsuppress ids and locations from compiler tree dumps\n\n"
441 "--print-intermediate-opt\nprint intermediate optimizations\n\n"
442 "--print-locations\nprint parser locations for compiler expressions\n\n"
443 "--force-gflwor\nforce compiler to generate GFLWOR iterators\n\n"
444 "--reorder-globals\nreorder global variables (1=enabled (default), 0=off)\n\n"
445 "--specialize-num\nspecialize numerics (1=enabled (default), 0=off)\n\n"
446 "--specialize-cmp\nspecialize generic comparisons (1=enabled (default), 0=off)\n\n"
447 "--inline-udf\ninline functions (1=enabled (default), 0=off)\n\n"
448 "--loop-hoisting\nhoist expressions out of loops (1=enabled (default), 0=off)\n\n"
449 "--infer-joins\ninfer joins (1=enabled (default), 0=off)\n\n"
450 "--no-copy-optim\napply the no-copy optimization (1=enabled (default), 0=off)\n\n"
451 "--serialize-only-query\nserialize-only-query (<0=unknown (default), 1=enabled, 0=off)\n\n"
452 #ifndef NDEBUG
453 "--trace-translator, -l\ntrace the translator\n\n"
454 "--trace-codegen, -c\ntrace the codegenerator\n\n"
455 "--trace-fulltext\ntrace full-text evaluation\n\n"
456 #endif
457 "--debug\ncompile the query in debug mode\n\n"
458 "--compile-only\nonly compile (don't execute)\n\n"
459 "--tz\nimplicit time zone (in minutes)\n\n"
460 "--external-var, -x\nexternal variables (e.g. -x x=file1.xml -x y:=strValue)\n\n"
461 "--serializer-param, -z\nserializer parameters (see http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt-xquery-serialization/#serparam, e.g. -z method=xhtml, -z doctype-system='DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd', -z indent=yes)\n\n"
462 "--iter-plan-test\nrun as iterator plan test\n\n"
463 "--dot-plan-file\ngenerate the dot iterator plan\n\n"
464 "--max-udf-call-depth\nmaximum stack depth of udf function calls\n\n"
465 "--CLASSPATH\nJVM classpath to be used by modules using Java implementations\n\n"
466 ;
467   }
instance()469   static const ZorbaProperties* instance()
470   {
471     static ZorbaProperties result;
472     return &result;
473   }
ZorbaProperties()475   ZorbaProperties() { initialize (); }
476 };
479 }   // namespaces