1#' Slider Input Widget
3#' Constructs a slider widget to select a number, date, or date-time from a
4#' range.
6#' @inheritParams textInput
7#' @param min,max The minimum and maximum values (inclusive) that can be
8#'   selected.
9#' @param value The initial value of the slider, either a number, a date
10#'   (class Date), or a date-time (class POSIXt). A length one vector will
11#'   create a regular slider; a length two vector will create a double-ended
12#'   range slider. Must lie between `min` and `max`.
13#' @param step Specifies the interval between each selectable value on the
14#'   slider. Either `NULL`, the default, which uses a heuristic to determine the
15#'   step size or a single number. If the values are dates, `step` is in days;
16#'   if the values are date-times, `step` is in seconds.
17#' @param round `TRUE` to round all values to the nearest integer;
18#'   `FALSE` if no rounding is desired; or an integer to round to that
19#'   number of digits (for example, 1 will round to the nearest 10, and -2 will
20#'   round to the nearest .01). Any rounding will be applied after snapping to
21#'   the nearest step.
22#' @param ticks `FALSE` to hide tick marks, `TRUE` to show them
23#'   according to some simple heuristics.
24#' @param animate `TRUE` to show simple animation controls with default
25#'   settings; `FALSE` not to; or a custom settings list, such as those
26#'   created using [animationOptions()].
27#' @param sep Separator between thousands places in numbers.
28#' @param pre A prefix string to put in front of the value.
29#' @param post A suffix string to put after the value.
30#' @param dragRange This option is used only if it is a range slider (with two
31#'   values). If `TRUE` (the default), the range can be dragged. In other
32#'   words, the min and max can be dragged together. If `FALSE`, the range
33#'   cannot be dragged.
34#' @param timeFormat Only used if the values are Date or POSIXt objects. A time
35#'   format string, to be passed to the Javascript strftime library. See
36#'   <https://github.com/samsonjs/strftime> for more details. The allowed
37#'   format specifications are very similar, but not identical, to those for R's
38#'   [base::strftime()] function. For Dates, the default is `"%F"`
39#'   (like `"2015-07-01"`), and for POSIXt, the default is `"%F %T"`
40#'   (like `"2015-07-01 15:32:10"`).
41#' @param timezone Only used if the values are POSIXt objects. A string
42#'   specifying the time zone offset for the displayed times, in the format
43#'   `"+HHMM"` or `"-HHMM"`. If `NULL` (the default), times will
44#'   be displayed in the browser's time zone. The value `"+0000"` will
45#'   result in UTC time.
46#' @inheritParams selectizeInput
47#' @family input elements
48#' @seealso [updateSliderInput()]
50#' @examples
51#' ## Only run examples in interactive R sessions
52#' if (interactive()) {
53#' options(device.ask.default = FALSE)
55#' ui <- fluidPage(
56#'   sliderInput("obs", "Number of observations:",
57#'     min = 0, max = 1000, value = 500
58#'   ),
59#'   plotOutput("distPlot")
60#' )
62#' # Server logic
63#' server <- function(input, output) {
64#'   output$distPlot <- renderPlot({
65#'     hist(rnorm(input$obs))
66#'   })
67#' }
69#' # Complete app with UI and server components
70#' shinyApp(ui, server)
71#' }
73#' @section Server value:
74#' A number, date, or date-time (depending on the class of `value`), or
75#' in the case of slider range, a vector of two numbers/dates/date-times.
77#' @export
78sliderInput <- function(inputId, label, min, max, value, step = NULL,
79                        round = FALSE, ticks = TRUE, animate = FALSE,
80                        width = NULL, sep = ",", pre = NULL, post = NULL,
81                        timeFormat = NULL, timezone = NULL, dragRange = TRUE) {
82  validate_slider_value(min, max, value, "sliderInput")
84  dataType <- getSliderType(min, max, value)
86  if (is.null(timeFormat)) {
87    timeFormat <- switch(dataType, date = "%F", datetime = "%F %T", number = NULL)
88  }
90  # Restore bookmarked values here, after doing the type checking, because the
91  # restored value will be a character vector instead of Date or POSIXct, and we can do
92  # the conversion to correct type next.
93  value <- restoreInput(id = inputId, default = value)
95  if (is.character(value)) {
96    # If we got here, the value was restored from a URL-encoded bookmark.
97    if (dataType == "date") {
98      value <- as.Date(value, format = "%Y-%m-%d")
99    } else if (dataType == "datetime") {
100      # Date-times will have a format like "2018-02-28T03:46:26Z"
101      value <- as.POSIXct(value, format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", tz = "UTC")
102    }
103  }
105  step <- findStepSize(min, max, step)
107  if (dataType %in% c("date", "datetime")) {
108    # For Dates, this conversion uses midnight on that date in UTC
109    to_ms <- function(x) 1000 * as.numeric(as.POSIXct(x))
111    # Convert values to milliseconds since epoch (this is the value JS uses)
112    # Find step size in ms
113    step  <- to_ms(max) - to_ms(max - step)
114    min   <- to_ms(min)
115    max   <- to_ms(max)
116    value <- to_ms(value)
117  }
119  range <- max - min
121  # Try to get a sane number of tick marks
122  if (ticks) {
123    n_steps <- range / step
125    # Make sure there are <= 10 steps.
126    # n_ticks can be a noninteger, which is good when the range is not an
127    # integer multiple of the step size, e.g., min=1, max=10, step=4
128    scale_factor <- ceiling(n_steps / 10)
129    n_ticks <- n_steps / scale_factor
131  } else {
132    n_ticks <- NULL
133  }
135  sliderProps <- dropNulls(list(
136    class = "js-range-slider",
137    id = inputId,
138    `data-skin` = "shiny",
139    `data-type` = if (length(value) > 1) "double",
140    `data-min` = formatNoSci(min),
141    `data-max` = formatNoSci(max),
142    `data-from` = formatNoSci(value[1]),
143    `data-to` = if (length(value) > 1) formatNoSci(value[2]),
144    `data-step` = formatNoSci(step),
145    `data-grid` = ticks,
146    `data-grid-num` = n_ticks,
147    `data-grid-snap` = FALSE,
148    `data-prettify-separator` = sep,
149    `data-prettify-enabled` = (sep != ""),
150    `data-prefix` = pre,
151    `data-postfix` = post,
152    `data-keyboard` = TRUE,
153    # This value is only relevant for range sliders; for non-range sliders it
154    # causes problems since ion.RangeSlider 2.1.2 (issue #1605).
155    `data-drag-interval` = if (length(value) > 1) dragRange,
156    # The following are ignored by the ion.rangeSlider, but are used by Shiny.
157    `data-data-type` = dataType,
158    `data-time-format` = timeFormat,
159    `data-timezone` = timezone
160  ))
162  # Replace any TRUE and FALSE with "true" and "false"
163  sliderProps <- lapply(sliderProps, function(x) {
164    if (identical(x, TRUE)) "true"
165    else if (identical(x, FALSE)) "false"
166    else x
167  })
169  sliderTag <- div(class = "form-group shiny-input-container",
170    style = css(width = validateCssUnit(width)),
171    shinyInputLabel(inputId, label),
172    do.call(tags$input, sliderProps)
173  )
175  # Add animation buttons
176  if (identical(animate, TRUE))
177    animate <- animationOptions()
179  if (!is.null(animate) && !identical(animate, FALSE)) {
180    if (is.null(animate$playButton))
181      animate$playButton <- icon('play', lib = 'glyphicon')
182    if (is.null(animate$pauseButton))
183      animate$pauseButton <- icon('pause', lib = 'glyphicon')
185    sliderTag <- tagAppendChild(
186      sliderTag,
187      tags$div(class='slider-animate-container',
188        tags$a(href='#',
189          class='slider-animate-button',
190          'data-target-id'=inputId,
191          'data-interval'=animate$interval,
192          'data-loop'=animate$loop,
193          span(class = 'play', animate$playButton),
194          span(class = 'pause', animate$pauseButton)
195        )
196      )
197    )
198  }
200  attachDependencies(sliderTag, ionRangeSliderDependency())
204ionRangeSliderDependency <- function() {
205  list(
206    # ion.rangeSlider also needs normalize.css, which is already included in Bootstrap.
207    htmlDependency(
208      "ionrangeslider-javascript", version_ion_range_slider,
209      src = c(href = "shared/ionrangeslider"),
210      script = "js/ion.rangeSlider.min.js"
211    ),
212    htmlDependency(
213      "strftime", version_strftime,
214      src = c(href = "shared/strftime"),
215      script = "strftime-min.js"
216    ),
217    bslib::bs_dependency_defer(ionRangeSliderDependencyCSS)
218  )
221ionRangeSliderDependencyCSS <- function(theme) {
222  if (!is_bs_theme(theme)) {
223    return(htmlDependency(
224      "ionrangeslider-css",
225      version_ion_range_slider,
226      src = c(href = "shared/ionrangeslider"),
227      stylesheet = "css/ion.rangeSlider.css"
228    ))
229  }
231  bslib::bs_dependency(
232    input = list(
233      list(accent = "$component-active-bg"),
234      sass::sass_file(
235        system.file(package = "shiny", "www/shared/ionrangeslider/scss/shiny.scss")
236      )
237    ),
238    theme = theme,
239    name = "ionRangeSlider",
240    version = version_ion_range_slider,
241    cache_key_extra = shinyPackageVersion()
242  )
245hasDecimals <- function(value) {
246  truncatedValue <- round(value)
247  return (!identical(value, truncatedValue))
250# If step is NULL, use heuristic to set the step size.
251findStepSize <- function(min, max, step) {
252  if (!is.null(step)) return(step)
254  range <- max - min
255  # If short range or decimals, use continuous decimal with ~100 points
256  if (range < 2 || hasDecimals(min) || hasDecimals(max)) {
257    # Workaround for rounding errors (#1006): the intervals between the items
258    # returned by pretty() can have rounding errors. To avoid this, we'll use
259    # pretty() to find the min, max, and number of steps, and then use those
260    # values to calculate the step size.
261    pretty_steps <- pretty(c(min, max), n = 100)
262    n_steps <- length(pretty_steps) - 1
264    # Fix for #2061: Windows has low-significance digits (like 17 digits out)
265    # even at the boundaries of pretty()'s output. Use signif(digits = 10),
266    # which should be way way less significant than any data we'd want to keep.
267    # It might make sense to use signif(steps[2] - steps[1], 10) instead, but
268    # for now trying to make the minimal change.
269    signif(digits = 10, (max(pretty_steps) - min(pretty_steps)) / n_steps)
271  } else {
272    1
273  }
276# Throw a warning if ever `value` is not in the [`min`, `max`] range
277validate_slider_value <- function(min, max, value, fun) {
278  if (length(min)   != 1 || is_na(min) ||
279      length(max)   != 1 || is_na(max) ||
280      length(value) <  1 || length(value) > 2 || any(is.na(value)))
281  {
282    stop(call. = FALSE,
283      sprintf("In %s(): `min`, `max`, and `value` cannot be NULL, NA, or empty.", fun)
284    )
285  }
287  if (min(value) < min) {
288    warning(call. = FALSE,
289      sprintf(
290        "In %s(): `value` should be greater than or equal to `min` (value = %s, min = %s).",
291        fun, paste(value, collapse = ", "), min
292      )
293    )
294  }
296  if (max(value) > max) {
297    warning(
298      noBreaks. = TRUE, call. = FALSE,
299      sprintf(
300        "In %s(): `value` should be less than or equal to `max` (value = %s, max = %s).",
301        fun, paste(value, collapse = ", "), max
302      )
303    )
304  }
308#' @rdname sliderInput
310#' @param interval The interval, in milliseconds, between each animation step.
311#' @param loop `TRUE` to automatically restart the animation when it
312#'   reaches the end.
313#' @param playButton Specifies the appearance of the play button. Valid values
314#'   are a one-element character vector (for a simple text label), an HTML tag
315#'   or list of tags (using [tag()] and friends), or raw HTML (using
316#'   [HTML()]).
317#' @param pauseButton Similar to `playButton`, but for the pause button.
318#' @export
319animationOptions <- function(interval=1000,
320                             loop=FALSE,
321                             playButton=NULL,
322                             pauseButton=NULL) {
323  list(interval=interval,
324       loop=loop,
325       playButton=playButton,
326       pauseButton=pauseButton)