1 /* <!-- copyright */
2 /*
3  * aria2 - The high speed download utility
4  *
5  * Copyright (C) 2006 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa
6  *
7  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
10  * (at your option) any later version.
11  *
12  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15  * GNU General Public License for more details.
16  *
17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
19  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
20  *
21  * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
22  * permission to link the code of portions of this program with the
23  * OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each
24  * individual source file, and distribute linked combinations
25  * including the two.
26  * You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects
27  * for all of the code used other than OpenSSL.  If you modify
28  * file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to your
29  * version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so.  If you
30  * do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your
31  * version.  If you delete this exception statement from all source
32  * files in the program, then also delete it here.
33  */
34 /* copyright --> */
35 #include "AbstractDiskWriter.h"
37 #include <unistd.h>
38 #ifdef HAVE_MMAP
39 #  include <sys/mman.h>
40 #endif // HAVE_MMAP
41 #include <fcntl.h>
43 #include <cerrno>
44 #include <cstring>
45 #include <cassert>
47 #include "File.h"
48 #include "util.h"
49 #include "message.h"
50 #include "DlAbortEx.h"
51 #include "a2io.h"
52 #include "fmt.h"
53 #include "DownloadFailureException.h"
54 #include "error_code.h"
55 #include "LogFactory.h"
57 namespace aria2 {
AbstractDiskWriter(const std::string & filename)59 AbstractDiskWriter::AbstractDiskWriter(const std::string& filename)
60     : filename_(filename),
61       fd_(A2_BAD_FD),
62 #ifdef __MINGW32__
63       mapView_(0),
64 #else  // !__MINGW32__
65 #endif // !__MINGW32__
66       readOnly_(false),
67       enableMmap_(false),
68       mapaddr_(nullptr),
69       maplen_(0)
71 {
72 }
~AbstractDiskWriter()74 AbstractDiskWriter::~AbstractDiskWriter() { closeFile(); }
76 namespace {
77 // Returns error code depending on the platform. For MinGW32, return
78 // the value of GetLastError(). Otherwise, return errno.
fileError()79 int fileError()
80 {
81 #ifdef __MINGW32__
82   return GetLastError();
83 #else  // !__MINGW32__
84   return errno;
85 #endif // !__MINGW32__
86 }
87 } // namespace
89 namespace {
90 // Formats error message for error code errNum. For MinGW32, errNum is
91 // assumed to be the return value of GetLastError(). Otherwise, it is
92 // errno.
fileStrerror(int errNum)93 std::string fileStrerror(int errNum)
94 {
95 #ifdef __MINGW32__
96   auto msg = util::formatLastError(errNum);
97   if (msg.empty()) {
98     char buf[256];
99     snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "File I/O error %x", errNum);
100     return buf;
101   }
102   return msg;
103 #else  // !__MINGW32__
104   return util::safeStrerror(errNum);
105 #endif // !__MINGW32__
106 }
107 } // namespace
openFile(int64_t totalLength)109 void AbstractDiskWriter::openFile(int64_t totalLength)
110 {
111   try {
112     openExistingFile(totalLength);
113   }
114   catch (RecoverableException& e) {
115     if (
116 #ifdef __MINGW32__
117         e.getErrNum() == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ||
118         e.getErrNum() == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND
119 #else  // !__MINGW32__
120         e.getErrNum() == ENOENT
121 #endif // !__MINGW32__
122     ) {
123       initAndOpenFile(totalLength);
124     }
125     else {
126       throw;
127     }
128   }
129 }
closeFile()131 void AbstractDiskWriter::closeFile()
132 {
133 #if defined(HAVE_MMAP) || defined(__MINGW32__)
134   if (mapaddr_) {
135     int errNum = 0;
136 #  ifdef __MINGW32__
137     if (!UnmapViewOfFile(mapaddr_)) {
138       errNum = GetLastError();
139     }
140     CloseHandle(mapView_);
141     mapView_ = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
142 #  else  // !__MINGW32__
143     if (munmap(mapaddr_, maplen_) == -1) {
144       errNum = errno;
145     }
146 #  endif // !__MINGW32__
147     if (errNum != 0) {
148       int errNum = fileError();
149       A2_LOG_ERROR(fmt("Unmapping file %s failed: %s", filename_.c_str(),
150                        fileStrerror(errNum).c_str()));
151     }
152     else {
153       A2_LOG_INFO(fmt("Unmapping file %s succeeded", filename_.c_str()));
154     }
155     mapaddr_ = nullptr;
156     maplen_ = 0;
157   }
158 #endif // HAVE_MMAP || defined __MINGW32__
159   if (fd_ != A2_BAD_FD) {
160 #ifdef __MINGW32__
161     CloseHandle(fd_);
162 #else  // !__MINGW32__
163     close(fd_);
164 #endif // !__MINGW32__
165     fd_ = A2_BAD_FD;
166   }
167 }
169 namespace {
170 #ifdef __MINGW32__
openFileWithFlags(const std::string & filename,int flags,error_code::Value errCode)171 HANDLE openFileWithFlags(const std::string& filename, int flags,
172                          error_code::Value errCode)
173 {
174   HANDLE hn;
175   DWORD desiredAccess = 0;
177   DWORD creationDisp = 0;
179   if (flags & O_RDWR) {
180     desiredAccess = GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE;
181   }
182   else if (flags & O_WRONLY) {
183     desiredAccess = GENERIC_WRITE;
184   }
185   else {
186     desiredAccess = GENERIC_READ;
187   }
188   if (flags & O_CREAT) {
189     if (flags & O_TRUNC) {
190       creationDisp |= CREATE_ALWAYS;
191     }
192     else {
193       creationDisp |= CREATE_NEW;
194     }
195   }
196   else {
197     creationDisp |= OPEN_EXISTING;
198   }
199   hn = CreateFileW(utf8ToWChar(filename).c_str(), desiredAccess, sharedMode,
200                    /* lpSecurityAttributes */ 0, creationDisp,
201                    FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, /* hTemplateFile */ 0);
202   if (hn == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
203     int errNum = GetLastError();
204     throw DL_ABORT_EX3(
205         errNum,
206         fmt(EX_FILE_OPEN, filename.c_str(), fileStrerror(errNum).c_str()),
207         errCode);
208   }
209   return hn;
210 }
211 #else // !__MINGW32__
212 int openFileWithFlags(const std::string& filename, int flags,
213                       error_code::Value errCode)
214 {
215   int fd;
216   while ((fd = a2open(utf8ToWChar(filename).c_str(), flags, OPEN_MODE)) == -1 &&
217          errno == EINTR)
218     ;
219   if (fd < 0) {
220     int errNum = errno;
221     throw DL_ABORT_EX3(
222         errNum,
223         fmt(EX_FILE_OPEN, filename.c_str(), util::safeStrerror(errNum).c_str()),
224         errCode);
225   }
226   util::make_fd_cloexec(fd);
227 #  if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)
228   // This may reduce memory consumption on Mac OS X.
229   fcntl(fd, F_NOCACHE, 1);
230 #  endif // __APPLE__ && __MACH__
231   return fd;
232 }
233 #endif   // !__MINGW32__
234 } // namespace
openExistingFile(int64_t totalLength)236 void AbstractDiskWriter::openExistingFile(int64_t totalLength)
237 {
238   int flags = O_BINARY;
239   if (readOnly_) {
240     flags |= O_RDONLY;
241   }
242   else {
243     flags |= O_RDWR;
244   }
245   fd_ = openFileWithFlags(filename_, flags, error_code::FILE_OPEN_ERROR);
246 }
createFile(int addFlags)248 void AbstractDiskWriter::createFile(int addFlags)
249 {
250   assert(!filename_.empty());
251   util::mkdirs(File(filename_).getDirname());
252   fd_ = openFileWithFlags(filename_,
253                           O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_TRUNC | O_BINARY | addFlags,
254                           error_code::FILE_CREATE_ERROR);
255 }
writeDataInternal(const unsigned char * data,size_t len,int64_t offset)257 ssize_t AbstractDiskWriter::writeDataInternal(const unsigned char* data,
258                                               size_t len, int64_t offset)
259 {
260   if (mapaddr_) {
261     memcpy(mapaddr_ + offset, data, len);
262     return len;
263   }
264   else {
265     ssize_t writtenLength = 0;
266     seek(offset);
267     while ((size_t)writtenLength < len) {
268 #ifdef __MINGW32__
269       DWORD nwrite;
270       if (WriteFile(fd_, data + writtenLength, len - writtenLength, &nwrite,
271                     0)) {
272         writtenLength += nwrite;
273       }
274       else {
275         return -1;
276       }
277 #else  // !__MINGW32__
278       ssize_t ret = 0;
279       while ((ret = write(fd_, data + writtenLength, len - writtenLength)) ==
280                  -1 &&
281              errno == EINTR)
282         ;
283       if (ret == -1) {
284         return -1;
285       }
286       writtenLength += ret;
287 #endif // !__MINGW32__
288     }
289     return writtenLength;
290   }
291 }
readDataInternal(unsigned char * data,size_t len,int64_t offset)293 ssize_t AbstractDiskWriter::readDataInternal(unsigned char* data, size_t len,
294                                              int64_t offset)
295 {
296   if (mapaddr_) {
297     if (offset >= maplen_) {
298       return 0;
299     }
300     auto readlen = std::min(maplen_ - offset, static_cast<int64_t>(len));
301     memcpy(data, mapaddr_ + offset, readlen);
302     return readlen;
303   }
304   else {
305     seek(offset);
306 #ifdef __MINGW32__
307     DWORD nread;
308     if (ReadFile(fd_, data, len, &nread, 0)) {
309       return nread;
310     }
311     else {
312       return -1;
313     }
314 #else  // !__MINGW32__
315     ssize_t ret = 0;
316     while ((ret = read(fd_, data, len)) == -1 && errno == EINTR)
317       ;
318     return ret;
319 #endif // !__MINGW32__
320   }
321 }
seek(int64_t offset)323 void AbstractDiskWriter::seek(int64_t offset)
324 {
325   assert(offset >= 0);
326 #ifdef __MINGW32__
327   LARGE_INTEGER fileLength;
328   fileLength.QuadPart = offset;
329   if (SetFilePointerEx(fd_, fileLength, 0, FILE_BEGIN) == 0)
330 #else  // !__MINGW32__
331   if (a2lseek(fd_, offset, SEEK_SET) == (a2_off_t)-1)
332 #endif // !__MINGW32__
333   {
334     int errNum = fileError();
335     throw DL_ABORT_EX2(
336         fmt(EX_FILE_SEEK, filename_.c_str(), fileStrerror(errNum).c_str()),
337         error_code::FILE_IO_ERROR);
338   }
339 }
ensureMmapWrite(size_t len,int64_t offset)341 void AbstractDiskWriter::ensureMmapWrite(size_t len, int64_t offset)
342 {
343 #if defined(HAVE_MMAP) || defined(__MINGW32__)
344   if (enableMmap_) {
345     if (mapaddr_) {
346       if (static_cast<int64_t>(len + offset) > maplen_) {
347         int errNum = 0;
348 #  ifdef __MINGW32__
349         if (!UnmapViewOfFile(mapaddr_)) {
350           errNum = GetLastError();
351         }
352         CloseHandle(mapView_);
353         mapView_ = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
354 #  else  // !__MINGW32__
355         if (munmap(mapaddr_, maplen_) == -1) {
356           errNum = errno;
357         }
358 #  endif // !__MINGW32__
359         if (errNum != 0) {
360           A2_LOG_ERROR(fmt("Unmapping file %s failed: %s", filename_.c_str(),
361                            fileStrerror(errNum).c_str()));
362         }
363         mapaddr_ = nullptr;
364         maplen_ = 0;
365         enableMmap_ = false;
366       }
367     }
368     else {
369       int64_t filesize = size();
371       if (filesize == 0) {
372         // mapping 0 length file is useless.  Also munmap with size ==
373         // 0 will fail with EINVAL.
374         enableMmap_ = false;
375         return;
376       }
378       if (static_cast<uint64_t>(std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()) <
379           static_cast<uint64_t>(filesize)) {
380         // filesize could overflow in 32bit OS with 64bit off_t type
381         // the filesize will be truncated if provided as a 32bit size_t
382         enableMmap_ = false;
383         return;
384       }
386       int errNum = 0;
387       if (static_cast<int64_t>(len + offset) <= filesize) {
388 #  ifdef __MINGW32__
389         mapView_ = CreateFileMapping(fd_, 0, PAGE_READWRITE, filesize >> 32,
390                                      filesize & 0xffffffffu, 0);
391         if (mapView_) {
392           mapaddr_ = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(
393               MapViewOfFile(mapView_, FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, 0));
394           if (!mapaddr_) {
395             errNum = GetLastError();
396             CloseHandle(mapView_);
397             mapView_ = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
398           }
399         }
400         else {
401           errNum = GetLastError();
402         }
403 #  else  // !__MINGW32__
404         auto pa =
405             mmap(nullptr, filesize, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd_, 0);
407         if (pa == MAP_FAILED) {
408           errNum = errno;
409         }
410         else {
411           mapaddr_ = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(pa);
412         }
413 #  endif // !__MINGW32__
414         if (mapaddr_) {
415           A2_LOG_DEBUG(fmt("Mapping file %s succeeded, length=%" PRId64 "",
416                            filename_.c_str(), static_cast<uint64_t>(filesize)));
417           maplen_ = filesize;
418         }
419         else {
420           A2_LOG_WARN(fmt("Mapping file %s failed: %s", filename_.c_str(),
421                           fileStrerror(errNum).c_str()));
422           enableMmap_ = false;
423         }
424       }
425     }
426   }
427 #endif // HAVE_MMAP || __MINGW32__
428 }
430 namespace {
431 // Returns true if |errNum| indicates that disk is full.
isDiskFullError(int errNum)432 bool isDiskFullError(int errNum)
433 {
434   return
435 #ifdef __MINGW32__
436       errNum == ERROR_DISK_FULL || errNum == ERROR_HANDLE_DISK_FULL
437 #else  // !__MINGW32__
438       errNum == ENOSPC
439 #endif // !__MINGW32__
440       ;
441 }
442 } // namespace
writeData(const unsigned char * data,size_t len,int64_t offset)444 void AbstractDiskWriter::writeData(const unsigned char* data, size_t len,
445                                    int64_t offset)
446 {
447   ensureMmapWrite(len, offset);
448   if (writeDataInternal(data, len, offset) < 0) {
449     int errNum = fileError();
450     // If the error indicates disk full situation, throw
451     // DownloadFailureException and abort download instantly.
452     if (isDiskFullError(errNum)) {
454           errNum,
455           fmt(EX_FILE_WRITE, filename_.c_str(), fileStrerror(errNum).c_str()),
456           error_code::NOT_ENOUGH_DISK_SPACE);
457     }
458     else {
459       throw DL_ABORT_EX3(
460           errNum,
461           fmt(EX_FILE_WRITE, filename_.c_str(), fileStrerror(errNum).c_str()),
462           error_code::FILE_IO_ERROR);
463     }
464   }
465 }
readData(unsigned char * data,size_t len,int64_t offset)467 ssize_t AbstractDiskWriter::readData(unsigned char* data, size_t len,
468                                      int64_t offset)
469 {
470   ssize_t ret;
471   if ((ret = readDataInternal(data, len, offset)) < 0) {
472     int errNum = fileError();
473     throw DL_ABORT_EX3(
474         errNum,
475         fmt(EX_FILE_READ, filename_.c_str(), fileStrerror(errNum).c_str()),
476         error_code::FILE_IO_ERROR);
477   }
478   return ret;
479 }
truncate(int64_t length)481 void AbstractDiskWriter::truncate(int64_t length)
482 {
483   if (fd_ == A2_BAD_FD) {
484     throw DL_ABORT_EX("File not yet opened.");
485   }
486 #ifdef __MINGW32__
487   // Since mingw32's ftruncate cannot handle over 2GB files, we use
488   // SetEndOfFile instead.
489   seek(length);
490   if (SetEndOfFile(fd_) == 0)
491 #else  // !__MINGW32__
492   if (a2ftruncate(fd_, length) == -1)
493 #endif // !__MINGW32__
494   {
495     int errNum = fileError();
496     throw DL_ABORT_EX2(
497         fmt("File truncation failed. cause: %s", fileStrerror(errNum).c_str()),
498         error_code::FILE_IO_ERROR);
499   }
500 }
allocate(int64_t offset,int64_t length,bool sparse)502 void AbstractDiskWriter::allocate(int64_t offset, int64_t length, bool sparse)
503 {
504   if (fd_ == A2_BAD_FD) {
505     throw DL_ABORT_EX("File not yet opened.");
506   }
507   if (sparse) {
508 #ifdef __MINGW32__
509     DWORD bytesReturned;
510     if (!DeviceIoControl(fd_, FSCTL_SET_SPARSE, 0, 0, 0, 0, &bytesReturned,
511                          0)) {
512       A2_LOG_WARN(fmt("Making file sparse failed or pending: %s",
513                       fileStrerror(GetLastError()).c_str()));
514     }
515 #endif // __MINGW32__
516     truncate(offset + length);
517     return;
518   }
520 #  ifdef __MINGW32__
521   truncate(offset + length);
522   if (!SetFileValidData(fd_, offset + length)) {
523     auto errNum = fileError();
524     A2_LOG_WARN(fmt(
525         "File allocation (SetFileValidData) failed (cause: %s). File will be "
526         "allocated by filling zero, which blocks whole aria2 execution. Run "
527         "aria2 as an administrator or use a different file allocation method "
528         "(see --file-allocation).",
529         fileStrerror(errNum).c_str()));
530   }
531 #  elif defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)
532   const auto toalloc = offset + length - size();
534                      toalloc, 0};
535   if (fcntl(fd_, F_PREALLOCATE, &fstore) == -1) {
536     // Retry non-contig.
537     fstore.fst_flags = F_ALLOCATEALL;
538     if (fcntl(fd_, F_PREALLOCATE, &fstore) == -1) {
539       int err = errno;
540       throw DL_ABORT_EX3(
541           err,
542           fmt("fcntl(F_PREALLOCATE) of %" PRId64 " failed. cause: %s",
543               fstore.fst_length, util::safeStrerror(err).c_str()),
544           error_code::FILE_IO_ERROR);
545     }
546   }
547   // This forces the allocation on disk.
548   ftruncate(fd_, offset + length);
549 #  elif HAVE_FALLOCATE
550   // For linux, we use fallocate to detect file system supports
551   // fallocate or not.
552   int r;
553   while ((r = fallocate(fd_, 0, offset, length)) == -1 && errno == EINTR)
554     ;
555   int errNum = errno;
556   if (r == -1) {
557     throw DL_ABORT_EX3(
558         errNum,
559         fmt("fallocate failed. cause: %s", util::safeStrerror(errNum).c_str()),
560         isDiskFullError(errNum) ? error_code::NOT_ENOUGH_DISK_SPACE
561                                 : error_code::FILE_IO_ERROR);
562   }
564   int r = posix_fallocate(fd_, offset, length);
565   if (r != 0) {
566     throw DL_ABORT_EX3(
567         r,
568         fmt("posix_fallocate failed. cause: %s", util::safeStrerror(r).c_str()),
569         isDiskFullError(r) ? error_code::NOT_ENOUGH_DISK_SPACE
570                            : error_code::FILE_IO_ERROR);
571   }
572 #  else
573 #    error "no *_fallocate function available."
574 #  endif
576 }
size()578 int64_t AbstractDiskWriter::size() { return File(filename_).size(); }
enableReadOnly()580 void AbstractDiskWriter::enableReadOnly() { readOnly_ = true; }
disableReadOnly()582 void AbstractDiskWriter::disableReadOnly() { readOnly_ = false; }
enableMmap()584 void AbstractDiskWriter::enableMmap() { enableMmap_ = true; }
dropCache(int64_t len,int64_t offset)586 void AbstractDiskWriter::dropCache(int64_t len, int64_t offset)
587 {
589   posix_fadvise(fd_, offset, len, POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED);
590 #endif // HAVE_POSIX_FADVISE
591 }
flushOSBuffers()593 void AbstractDiskWriter::flushOSBuffers()
594 {
595   if (fd_ == A2_BAD_FD) {
596     return;
597   }
598 #ifdef __MINGW32__
599   FlushFileBuffers(fd_);
600 #else // !__MINGW32__
601   fsync(fd_);
602 #endif // __MINGW32__
603 }
605 } // namespace aria2